Is Rubber The New Concrete?? (Fence Line Feed Bunks)

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welcome back guys uh the days of sunshine and Rainbows are pretty much over for us here in South Dakota it's 32° right now and it's the warmest of the last probably 5 six days we've had had a little shot of snow on the ground but we had some sun and wind and it kind of melted most of it up as you can see we're still pretty green there was really no fall it kind of just shot right into winter we're working today we are working on our fence line feed bunks out there in our calf lot so we're going to wean our calves off the cows in about a month and we're going to put all the calves out there in that feed lot we got fence sline feed bunks and we got some of these mats my cattle mats that I build they're 6x6 pad and we're going to set them all along those feed bunks and the Cals are going to be able to stand on those while they eat and stay up out of the mud and hopefully it prevents eroding and the dirt deteriorating away but we have a ranch gate that we're working on right now there's two uprights out there and we have this big pipe it's all made out of the same uh boiler pipe stuff and right now we're building these to go inside of the tops of those pipes so this long one is going to go right across the top and then someday we might uh hang a sign or something cool out there cuz it's right by the highway so if we ever become somebody cool let us know in the comments if you think we're cool then we'll put a sign up that says we're cool okay we need that looks pretty good flip this go to school the wild like that gosh maybe I should lay the next one on there sure oh nice it gets better oh yeah Frick Bud a box with that's after yep that's why wild so fast [Music] do B that's one of the coolest Parts about being a Rancher or a farmer you always you got a new job pretty much every day you pretty much suck at it you're really mediocre at a lot of things pretty much do I get to Wild this one probably not why well maybe one of those guys doesn't let his kid do anything freaking out weld you bud square that up it's pretty Square not bad little East just a smidge oh stop money little more little less wire oh back to the West a little bit oh oh oh it's pretty close there you go check the other one yeah that's pretty good well I took welding back in high school so I know what I'm doing here freaking 4 County Champion Wilder here I don't even know what that was I got some purple ribbons [Music] though [Music] is that for a bead bed good yeah it's definitely thicker on this in plate [Music] yeah [Music] all right guys we got we got that all done laid a pretty fat bead on there so these are good to go we'll take this out with the tell Handler and lift it up and try to drop it in there we we use this stuff some old rollers I assume so we can set one end just in the pipe cuz the tops might need to be moved over a little bit cuz obviously they're not going to be perfectly straight up and down but they might who knows so dad's working on Windbreak over here so we going to pound the pipe in the ground yeah pearlins are going to be F length ones of these on the other side that are going to be all bolted together like a long 2x4 mhm and then we'll blow a hole after we pound all these we'll have these to match and then when we set it up against there then we'll take the torch and we'll blow hole in the rail that's going this way Y and then put the carriage bolt in here and then you clamp her down so there'll be one at the bottom one at the middle and one at the top one rung so then it'll all be like this on the other side solid pling and then we'll put our tin on normal put tin up and down and then so those are just to hold the this is the back of the wind brake holding the carriage bolts through holding the cins on that's that all right we're going to get this thing out there honey so here's the ranch gate where we're going to be putting those things into I think I'm going to go up there with it I'm not sure yet we're going up yeah here's the bunks that we're going to be working [Music] on come forward forward you got her she was heavy and I was stuck over her there but we got her in place now she looks pretty good actually we're not not adjusting anything besides these feeding bars right here so they go they stop here in the middle but they don't actually stop they splice so this adjustment goes up there and there and there so there's two separate bars and we raising them all up we installed these last year but we haven't we didn't use them last year so it's the first year using them so we're going to build ourselves a measuring SL shim stick right now to shim those up that way we can adjust [Applause] [Music] them set and forget oh oh well how that work you need to go up yet okay cool so we're just going to use this guy to as our measuring stick but no be a little bit heavy it's more two hand oh that's good right there bud okay tighten that one up then to do epic feed bunk adjustment time lapse going down [Music] all right we made her down in the other end got them all lifted up so I think we're going to go in the yard grab grab some dinner I guess and then we're going to get in the pickup and then we're going to grab some mats and we're going to do a test sample I pretty much have like 30 35 mats left from this summer so we're going to set I probably about 25 of them out there right now and just see how it looks and see how it all lines up up we're going to take the skid steer here pallet Forks are on so we're going to take it and grab about 25 mats the most we can carry on here is probably probably seven or eight going that far so we'll have to take about four trips but we'll get all the mats hauled out there and then um we'll start lining them up along the feed bunk [Music] for [Music] these things are kind of awkward to grab the skider so hopefully we don't drop one off on the highway and have a traffic jam on our hands well luckily we made her off the highway before the blowout happened got on the loose gravel and wases downhill from [Music] there couple different [Music] Stacks we're going to grab another [Music] load [Music] we're only doing 30 mats so it's just about 200 ft or so yeah we're going to pop the Drone up and do a sick time lapse of what's going on so here we [Music] go [Music] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] I didn't count them before but we got exactly 25 got them all installed uh it'll be interesting to see how they hold up um with the ground and everything if they ever need to be chained together we talked about chaining like two of them together at a time just for extra weight so they don't shift as easy but it'll be interesting to see with that much foot traffic on them every day when they're eating and pushing back and snow and mud and ice and how everything how everything different reacts on that how all the different variables can affect how those mats work and I mean if they work good it could be a new deal where I consider selling them for guys that want to use them as kind of like a port a cement almost you know a lot of guys will have cement on their fence line bunks but some people can't afford that or maybe they don't know if that's exactly where they want to set their spot up at to feed you know so this would be a cheaper alternative to and you could also move them and I mean they hold their value too so you could always resell them whereas concrete it's in one spot forever pretty much I think I spotted a hitchhiker here coming down the road almost made her hello hit all right guys we're heading out into our main home quarter here um we're going to be working these cows well we're going to be working the Cales tomorrow uh they're all cow calf pairs out here and Dad's heading on here right now the tractor and two Bales he's going to feed he might even feed four bales so he might be going out to get some more but if you remember from one of the last videos this pasture is divided in two sections so we're going to go to the back section push all those cows out they should be wanting to come out to come feed over here cuz we're only going to feed them on this side and try to lock them out of that back piece that way in the morning when we go to gather them it's just easier cuz they'll all be in this front piece where it's closer to home that's the last of them we got them all across into the section close to the house so we're going to close everything up here for the night and we'll see you guys in the next video that'll be working Cavs tomorrow this group right here so thank you guys for watching this video hopefully you did enjoy and we'll catch you on the next one peace
Channel: Ranching Sodak
Views: 50,552
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rwF3QLhaKTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 07 2023
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