‘Genuinely disgusted’: Has Prince Harry damaged his closest friendships? | Palace Confidential

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why did Harry miss his best Pal's wedding are the royal family skipping class and is Catherine more powerful than we thought we'll answer all that and a lot more on Palace confidential [Music] hello and welcome to Palace confidential I'm Joe Elvin and as long as those Royals keep generating the headlines we'll keep discussing them and here to do just that is the daily mail's Royal editor Rebecca English and the paper's diary editor Richard Eden welcome to you both and this week we received something very special it's our plaque for getting more than 100 000 subscribers to Our Daily Mail Royals Channel thank you so much if you have subscribed and if you haven't already joined them do it now and never miss another episode of Palace confidential and a reminder that if you like what we're wearing you can find out where we got it in the box below we've also got a great Montage this week so make sure you stick around for that Rebecca hello we got the green memo let's just say we are definitely coordinating we are right today Richard I should have worn a green shirt because you know you've got to join the hive mind man but Rebecca let's kick off because we've had another coronation this week they're like buses we've only just had one but the King was getting crowned again let me just stop you there it was not a coronation I repeat it was not a coronation um in fact it really wasn't a coronation and Buckingham Palace were very clear to make it wasn't clear they were still wearing all the same funny outfits exactly and so it was a service of Thanksgiving and dedication in Scotland so every week at the Monarch sorry every year I should say in the summer the Monarch goes up to Edinburgh for Scottish week and they do a number of engagements in the region they stay at holyrood which is their official residence there and so to Mark uh the first Scottish week of the king's Reign the Scottish government decided to hold this big service I mean it was since the Jazz Cathedral there was still a crown you're right there was still a scepter there was still a sword yeah I think you're the one who's being pedantic it's a coronation he touched the crowd rather than put it on um not least because it's a very very old Crown one of the oldest surviving crown jewels I think in existence so it's actually too small to put on a modern day Monica 21st century head exactly yeah um so but but there were also the elements you know hundreds and you know thousands of well-washers out there so it was a coronation and orbit name let's say how much is the crown worth is it one of those things that we call Priceless prices one application well because sorry to be a bit of a kind of bore here but obviously all the British crown jewels are slightly I say more modern we're talking about the kind of 17th century because they were melted down by Oliver Cromwell but this actually survives from from earlier in that period between the kind of 15th and 16th centuries so it genuinely is incredibly historically fascinating and Richard it was also a chance for the so-called new Fab Four to be out as a team yeah this is The Fab Four of the king Camilla um Prince and Princess of Wales they were all there of course and looking fantastic we had um King Charles Camilla and Prince William were wearing the green Robes of the order of the thistle but then Catherine wasn't she was in regular kind of outfit because she still hasn't been made a member of this order which why haven't they sorted that out I don't know come on you know it's about time she was made a lady of the order of the thistle so she could have also worn the road do you think Scotland is still making up their mind about Princess Catherine I I think it's I think it is up to um King Charles but anyway it all needs to be done um it was good to sing together I think um when Queen Elizabeth was still alive there was an expectation that there'd be quite a lot of events where we would see William and Catherine with Charles and Camilla um you know sort of an impression there the future you know they were the The Fab Four still to come type of thing I think now um that Charles is on the throne and maybe we won't see it so often actually well um you know that there aren't that many engagements that all four of them go together so it's great to see them there at St Charles Cathedral well the first Royal Fab Four that didn't turn out so well so let's not hope it's let's hope it's not a jinxed turn yeah I mean I feel sorry for them because obviously it's it's a kind of you know a media idea exactly um and uh you know I think the only thing they've ever intentionally set out but Richard's right I mean there was a great picture I saw of kind of almost there's one from the front all four of them looking at the camera and then one for the back as they were looking at the Red Arrows going ahead and it you know the palace never do anything by chance it's clearly very symbolic that you know this is the future of the royal family moving forward and as you know they read the papers as well then I think they probably quite like the idea of a fan before right yeah yeah now Rebecca there was also a development uh in Harry's series of court cases I've lost count of how many court cases there are but in particular claims concerning his brother so there are three cases that Harry is pursuing with the high court against British media organizations this is the second of those cases involving the Sun newspaper which is accusing of illegal intelligence gathering he's claimed as part of this case that there was a supposed secret agreement between Buckingham Palace that the queen was aware of and the Publishers of the Sun not to have this case go to court the newspaper argues that this is a complete flight of fantasy they described it as an Alice in Wonderland scenario and it's now up to judge to decide whether this specific claim that Harry's making can be included in a court case next year and do we think any does anyone have any educated guess on how that's going to go I mean I have no idea it's up to us in a British court it's up to a single judge to make that decision so okay it's up to him well Richard and now to a story that Euro code in your column this week about Harry's perhaps surprising absence from a big event yeah this was interesting it was the wedding of one of Harry's best friends it's um Jackman he's someone he graduated at Sandhurst Military Academy at the same time they were commissioned into the blues and Royals together and Jackman's played a sort of key role in Harry's life he was at the wedding during the Netflix series we saw some photos private photos from the wedding and one of them was this sort of Banda Brothers type picture where you know Jack was with Harry and his other close friends so there really was some surprise that Harry and Megan weren't at this wedding when Jackman got married to Isabella Clark in Suffolk last weekend suppose we'll speculate we were always we know that there's an estrangement from his family but that seems to have trickled down into The Wider Circle of Friends as well a hundred percent and from why here there are a lot of people who are genuinely disgusted by what he's done since leaving the royal family um they feel very hurt by some of the revelations that he's made I mean William and Harry is they're growing up they created a very close-knit circle of friends around each other there was almost kind of a martyr between them that you know we we just don't talk about them and I think contrary to a lot of Harry's claims in recent years actually that Marta pretty much stuck it was only when Harry started kind of breaking out of that group and going you know to nightclubs in London and you know other stories about his Antics would start leaking out um so there are people who said we've been very loyal to him over the years and and we don't feel that loyalty has been repaid I should say yeah I mean I should say that we don't know if Jack man's you know become estranged from from Harry or not but in Harry's Memoirs you know at the end he talks about how he was chastised in his words after the Oprah interview by some of his closest friends including one of the van cutsen brothers who he really grew up with and Tiggy his old Nanny um you know he talks about how he'd fallen out with with close friends so you know he has he's done a lot of damage to those old relationships but and at this wedding there were other mutual friends of of William and Harry like Thomas vanstrubenzi um so it it does seem to be quite a sad situation really I mean it is possible isn't it that he was invited although I can't help thinking of the bride and thinking if Harry comes to my wedding then the wedding's all about Harry um I mean that's sort of true to an extent but um we you know we know a bit about what Harry and Megan have been up to because there were images of them sort of Paparazzi pictures of them going out at the weekend I think it was last Friday and then we've seen them again um as a Fourth of July parade in Montecito as well so they didn't seem to have any kind of big commitments that we know about yeah it could hurt something on we don't know about but I think as the royal family have found out that anything they're invited to become so much about them and the Dynamics between them and other members of the royal family then it's quite frankly not worth the hassle yeah now Rebecca let's move on to a report from your colleague on the mail on Sunday uh Kate manzi this week revealed that despite the palace offering diversity training it wasn't clear how many of the actual royal family if any had done the course yeah so if you remember usually watch the program last week we were discussing the annual review which is how much the Royal Family get and how they spend it but there's all sorts of other stuff in there hirings firings you know electricity bills and one of the things that emerged was that the royal family hadn't hit the diversity Target for their own household that they wanted to meet which was 10 they've they've remained static for two years at 9.7 and we asked in that uh you know what they were doing to make the household a more attractive place to work from people from ethnic minorities and we were told there's been a lot of training put up online and in person and it was asked are any of have any members of the royal family taken uh part in this diversity and it was a bit of a kind of deathling Silence a bit of well we don't know and I suspect if they did know and they had they would be very keen to uh to tell us possibly I mean Richard this will give ammunition to Sussex supporters won't it oh come on you don't need much to give ammunition so you know cheerleaders for Harry and Megan I mean personally it seems um it shows the royal family in a good light if they refuse to go to this sort of politically correct stuff in my opinion I mean diversity training is often um I think it's something which is unhelpful and it just pits people against each other I don't think it's it's a positive move at all so frankly if they've shunned it it shows how sensible they are well let's see what common to say later on about that but more on Catherine and more on the sussexes coming up before that a quick look at some of your comments Wendy King wrote in about Prince William's homelessness initiative and she said that it Blends both his parents personal life's work the ecology and homelessness are what drives him L Alexander agrees with Richard about the Royal Train which she loves as well she says it doesn't have to be all that fancy and apparently it isn't and highlights the ease of travel and Susan van skiver who I have been pronouncing your name probably Susan praised Sarah Ferguson who we discussed in last week's program check back if you missed that she says Fergie is a unique and very strong woman and I admire the way she's been able to reinvent herself so many times I wish her well yep indeed we all wish her well please keep those comments coming we love them we need them don't we we want the validation now Richard I want to turn now to a fascinating update update sorry to Valentine Low's book courtiers in it he quotes a royal Souls who revealed that it was Catherine who pushed for a firm statement after Harry and Megan's Oprah interview yes this is a really interesting new insight into that so you remember what happened in that interview with Oprah Winfrey were these you know out outrageous allegations really very controversial about racism in the royal family with Harry and Megan not naming they were just sort of throwing mud out there and seeing where it landed and you know there were great calls for you know response from the palace and what Valentine Lowe reports in the paperback edition of his book is that Catherine played a key role in wanting it to be sort of toughened up really um you know how that statement it took a few days to come out and her role in that it's a new insight and and I think shows shows quite you know fascinating um side of her character indeed Rebecca there was an interesting line which said about Catherine that quote she does not get as much credit as she should because she's so subtle about it is that your understanding that actually sounds quite Macky a valiant to me that's I wouldn't say it's Machiavellian but like about 18 months ago when uh princess was turning 40 I spent several months researching a big series on her for the Daily Mail and one of the lines I had in it was that she's very much seen by those in and around the household it's been very much like the Queen Mother the late Queen Mother who was described as a steel marshmallow I.E and iron fist in a in a velvet glove um and I think she comes from that school if there's more than one way to skin a cat you don't have to shout you don't have to scream you don't have to flounce off but if you've got something you believe that you should stand your ground on you should stand your ground on it and Val makes the point in his book and from what I hear I do think this is accurate is that she felt history will judge them as a family on what their response would be to this really shocking interview and the allegations that were in it so she didn't want to get bogged down in things like bridesmaids dresses and and those sorts of things but this was a really serious issue that they were going to be judged on as a family so I you know I think there's a lot of people who would probably look at her with a new sense of respect I think as a result of it I have never heard the phrase steal marshmallow before that I love that I I have I've heard velvet glove but not steel marshmallowed it with a steel marshmallow Joe just a pure marshmallow terrible for your teeth there was another nice detail wasn't there Richard about why that particular statement was delayed yeah I think this was um a great reflection on the character of Queen Elizabeth who you know look in this day and age everything has to be quick doesn't it people want a response now they want yes you know and we've seen the negative side of that I think in the reaction to those comments about Lady Susan Hussey remember that row and that was something I think the palace reacted far too quickly but in the case of the Oprah interview then Queen Elizabeth said look you know I want to watch this interview first she waited because it was broadcast in America earlier in Britain we waited until the next day she wants to sit down watch it calmly and then think what to do so yes it was a few days but you know no one's going to hurry the the queen yeah and and I think that that's was frustrating thankful us journalists who always want that immediate reaction but actually it was the sensible thing to do yeah yeah and I'd been up all night watching it in the US and you know me like other journalists were straight on the phone to the Palace the next day you know you've got to say something about this because it was allegation after allegation after allegation and and it was very frustrating to get no no comments we're gonna you know if we say anything and they weren't even convinced at that point they would even react to it we will do it in our own good time clearly it's because the queen wanted to watch it herself and not get a special treatment um not say can I see the rushes from America you know she wanted to watch it sit down and watch it like every other British system did on that Monday night when it was you know screened in the UK controversially on ITV um so you know I think fair play on her she said let's see it and let's think about it and think long and hard about if we want to say anything and if we do what we say and when that um I remember the atmosphere in The Newsroom when that statement dropped because I kind of got wind that something might become the Recollections may vary seeing that drop on my phone and you know it was it was short but it was it was pithy and it made the point very very clearly I remember running over the news desk going my God this is masterful absolutely masterful it was one of those real key journalistic moments you remember and we have we have remembered there's no Recollections have varied on this well well something like that stands the test of time it shows you how how indeed masterful it was well let's go back to Catherine for a minute now and Rebecca she's been at Wimbledon this week she has looking lovely in Belmont I think have I pronounced that I think so I loved that jacket pistachio I think we'd call that green yeah well she obviously likes to wear something that ties in with the kind of Wimbledon colors of green and maybe that's what your Inspirations yeah we thought we were making an independent decision what can I say for the record Richard that we don't actually talk about we never know what we're going to wear until we turn up so we're obviously just in in cycle here yeah it's sink um but she did and she um but interestingly she wasn't the biggest drawer in the role box because of course it was you know tennis royalty Roger Federer and she was very happy to stand back and take a back seat to him and and you know and clap and applaud um and it's it's just that Hardy handle in the in the character in The Royal calendar I haven't heard if she's going again but I suspect we will see her again over the next two weeks the club must be absolutely loving the association with her Richard um I'm sure they are you know they always enjoyed having that Royal connection you know Duke of Kent and The Duchess of Kent would come and they were very memorable occasions with the Duchess of Kent but I think to have Princess of Wales I mean look Wimbledon doesn't particularly need extra attention you know it's a big sporting event for us being part of the season um but yeah she gives it that out of touch and it makes all those famous names are desperate to be in the Royal box aren't they they really are have you ever been in the Royal box either of you no I think we need to be you know editor of a newspaper or something before we get invited you've still got I think we're thinking what swim will do is we know we know cell from those great pictures where the other day with Federer wasn't it with them they were with the ball boys and ball girls and that incredibly muscular physique she had and you know whacking the tennis balls across the net so it's really nice to see someone who's got such a passion for the sport as well at least it doesn't seem to cause any controversy you might remember when Megan went to the to Wimbledon and then it's not clear exactly what happened but she was surrounded by all these empty seats and someone got told off for taking photographs when in fact he was just trying to take a selfie of him with a tennis court behind him oh wow yeah it was awkward wasn't it I love Wimbledon absolutely loving and on the subject of Wimbledon and the Princess of Wales it is Montage time and here are some of our favorite images of Catherine at the all England Club foreign [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] if she does turn up to Wimbledon we will of course be sure to show you and talk about it a lot more but for now my thanks to Rebecca and Richard and to you for watching we'll see you next week bye
Channel: Daily Mail Royals
Views: 336,904
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Keywords: Prince Harry, daily mail royals, daily mail royal family, royal family, meghan markle prince harry, meghan markle daily mail, royals news, royal family news, prince harry news, harry and meghan, royal expert reaction, king charles coronation, king charles, prince harry, frogmore cottage, king charles iii, palace confidential, meghan markle, meghan, kate middleton, prince harry court, prince harry trial, trooping the colour, trooping, trooping the color
Id: Qf461Il3_Uo
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Length: 21min 21sec (1281 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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