IS MY OC A MARY SUE???| Online Quiz

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hello again to another video of mine and it has been forever since I've posted anything related to the tricksters that reached tails and to make up for that I'm going to take a few questions to find out the dark truth that's so few dare to seek is my OC Nathan I'm Mary Sue I'm gonna take three quizzes a sort of best two out of three sort of thing anyways let's get started okay what's your Elsie's gender uh nathan is a male is your OC in a fandom or in their own world in their own world was your OC created by coloring over a very existing character a funny thing about that long story but for now because this is probably referring to bases I must say no is your OC dating a Canon character he's not a fan character does your character have more than one boyfriend or girlfriend no he's a novice bean is your character really powerful no is your character related to any Canon characters does your OC have multiple colors slash rainbow colors well his hair does change colors from time to time there is your character a hybrid of it yes he's a half trickster hence the title is your character immortal or hard to kill no does your OC have a very long name that you never actually give anyone that name in real life I don't think so at this moment his full name is Nathan Jones Marion yeah that sounds awkward enough to be a real name so I'm going with it have people call your OC Ameri or Gary Stu before not that I can recall now has a character ever been royalty maybe once but no does your OC have an undetailed backstory not anymore that was a big problem for a while does your character have a sad backstory I [Music] must say yes Yee one down two to go let's keep going with this does your character have any fuzz no she's perfect why should she have any fuss yes does everyone want to go out with your character - and this - I also answered this one does your character possess powers right now just a few is your character likeable it depends wait by audience or by other characters of the story either way people got their preferences is your character intelligence he's at least average intelligence do other characters that dislike your character end up hurt or dead yes karma or oh my gosh heck everyone ends up hurt or dead I like these options I'm gonna say no for now do you ever pretend to be your character only one oh there was did I do a good job on this quiz yeah I had fun okay let's see what it says huzzah another promising character that's a two out of three I'm I'm basically in the clear but they don't explain the reasoning to the adults so I'm gonna do one more what is your age he's 14 I already answered this question and this one this was literally the first question okay here we go has your character ever been or that he and she has been responsible for the death of a parent friend or lover no he's found my comic yeah I don't really need to describe him do your characters dress alike I already answered this do your characters eyes have any strange not naturally occurring qualities change colors flashing excetera yes if you didn't know I use eyes to help the readers identify the human looking paranormals from actual humans those with know pupils are paranormal while those with pupils are humans and the weird looking pupils are usually a mix of both moving on does your character have strangely colored eyes that do not come from colored contacts yes at least I think they are does your character have purple eyes that's strangely specific if the previous question implies to you know does your character have a remarkable singing voice no actually I never really imagined Nathan singing so maybe I don't know if you previously answered yet unknown is your character the sole surviving member of some great tragedy genocide or the last of a house or species I'm gonna say no for now anyway it's a fan character not a fan character not a fan character not a fan character not a fan character you're not a fan Kerr up was your character adopted orphan of runaway stolen tempers and any other way based by someone who isn't the characters own parent you're a wizard Harry does her character ever die while saving another character but is restored to life no is your character or remarkably what I II know but who's to say he can't develop says I can serve dis ages ago if your character falls in love does he/she give up said love for a greater purpose if he/she doesn't fall in love simply answered no no he's not an idiot is your character a familiar mythical creature such as a vampire werewolf an imp or an easily recognizable variant I don't think the tricksters are that not aside from Loki does he or she come from another country world universe than the other characters in the story no if a newcomer are a fan character does your character beat up humiliate tell off or in any other way beat a character you would personally like to do the same to know is your character any sort of nobility or without know when your character makes his or her first appearance do most or all of the characters in the area notice him or her immediately I'll answer this question with another question does your character have some tragic and curable disease no are there prophecies about your character mmm wow that's a mouthful does your character have some kind of mental disorder such as multiple personality or antisocial to make up for a murder who crime he or she has committed or to explain why he or she is always lurking I haven't really properly diagnosed him yet oh no do you imagine you I already answered this if someone does not like your character do you take it as a personal attack never feed me your criticism as her character befriended a villain and convinced said villain to reform or change his or her ways haven't gotten to that point yet it's your character generally disliked by many other characters in the story for their powers d sue a fire do you ever make fun of your characters flaws or use them as a plot device yes I do that a bit in chapter 6 and the second volume which you can order the book online now on link is in the description anyways DCO a fire is your character overweight and stays that way throughout the entire story a little bit of Pudge eNOS does not count why not uh he's not d sue a fire is your character out of shape I just answered this oh I just read this never mind d sue a fire is your character human 40-plus and looks his or her age well he's not forty these sewer fire does your character have a debilitating phobia that does not disappear at a crucial moment I mean like he's a nervous little bean bomb that's her about phobias d sue a fire is your character mentally or physically disabled paraplegic tarted etc has no special powers to make up for this to quote dr. Merlin anyone who says she's so pretty that it's like a disability because everyone hates her or wants to have sex with her will be similarly kindled and I thought that first one was a mouthful uh no the sewer fire has your character ever been petty selfish lazy or pointlessly cool for no other purpose then it was convenient for him or her yeah the sewer fire as your character ever been forced with a situation that he or she had no hope of overcoming on his or her own as a superhero I think it kind of goes without saying yes de siouah fire if your character had a bad past with his or her parents does he or see you reconcile with them in the end yes do you view your characters more as tools instead of as friends or children like continuity characters no here we go huzzah look at that he's only 27% Mary Sue so overall a decent character as toad via Internet therefore it is law this was a really fun I really enjoyed doing these quizzes and in all honesty even if he was deemed that Mary Sue I probably wouldn't like change much of anything maybe step back I wonder why they say that anyways I'll put a link to these quizzes in the description below so that you can find a dark truth to yourself and hopefully have fun while doing it so please share this video maybe subscribe if I don't know it's your life and like I can't control what you do and until next time I guess you'll hear me later BAE
Channel: Miss Cbenav
Views: 269,358
Rating: 4.9575381 out of 5
Keywords: Mary sue, quiz, nathin, online quiz, test, gary stue, oc, original characters, challenge
Id: lk-C9p--re0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 40sec (580 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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