My OC was a Mary Sue (How I Fixed Her) [SPEEDPAINT]

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Things I'd have done to fix Rey as a character:

  1. Make her growth believable. It's too fast. There are other ways to deal with this problem than just slowing her growth down. The "memory loss" trope could work, as would just making her the last survivor of Luke's New Jedi Order. Both of these could be expanded upon - why did she lose her memory? Why is she on Jakku as a scrapper if she's basically a fully trained Jedi?
  2. Make her actually be bad at something. This is my biggest gripe. Doesn't even have to be anything she does, it could be how she reacts. This was what made Anakin work as a character - being ruled by his emotions brought him to ruin, despite being incredibly skilled at a bunch of different things. She could be, say... terrified of spaceflight, or something. I don't know, make it something she has to overcome.
  3. Make her motivations believable - this could go for basically any of the DT characters, all of whom don't have the "why" answered in their basic character summaries. Luke's "why" in ANH was basically "the Empire murdered my adoptive family, and I want revenge". Leia's was "I'm part of a rebellion against a brutal repressive regime and the empire destroyed my home". Han's is "I need money to pay off the crime lord I work for". Rey's is... kind of nonexistent, really. I guess you could say it's a "I want to know where I came from" kind of thing. Same with Kylo Ren, his seems to be "I hate my parents therefore I am evil".
👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/oneblackened 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies

I did a long video covering her backstory, it's one of the most tragic I've seen.

Tldr: broken, abused, abandoned child doesn't trust anyone and is only out for herself. Over the course of 3 films she slowly learns what friendship is, what love is, and that she can overcome her trauma to have a happy life.

The filmmakers (or probably the Disney execs) were to afraid to take risks everywhere their chosen storyline could have most benefited from them. She could have been an amazing character; really one of the most wasted I've ever seen.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/xXDarthdXx 📅︎︎ Aug 22 2020 🗫︎ replies
I'm gonna go on another rant about how the concepts of a Mary Sue is a really toxic concept that should it be perpetuated and only stifles creativity and does overall nothing productive because it worked out so the last time good ratings here it is i hilariously scary and today i'm going to be talking about my personal beliefs on the concept of a Mary Sue for those of you that don't know a Mary Sue is generally defined as a character whose world revolves around them and they are absolutely perfect and is overall just a really bad care to the right and the reason that this is such a prevalent concept or at least it used to be I don't see it so much anymore but I'm not really in the same Ossie rings that I used to be on in the internet now I just kind of like read books about screenwriting and cry as opposed to watching videos about writing characters from people who were like two years older than me so like college is fun let's use my OC dysphonia for instance who used to be a capital m capital s Mary Sue she was super-powered she had all the powers of the galaxy she could do whatever she wanted she had two different color eyes she had a cape and an eyepatch and she was awesome I had so much fun writing her I'm drawing Mary I'm growing Mary soon I'm drawing this phony of right now this is a redraw of an older piece that I have a speedpaint of up on my channel if you want to check that out so I'm redrawing it and at this point des Pony was no longer so much of a Mary Sue but I thought that it would be fun to read girl an old piece of this phony ax while I'm talking about how this phony ax used to be a Mary Sue so when I was a kid I first made this phony as she was just me and she was me that could go around and do whatever the heck that she wanted to she wasn't supposed to be a character she wasn't supposed to be a main character of a TV show she wasn't supposed to be anything she was just me and I was just having fun so I started drawing her and let's say that I started posting about her on the Internet if somebody had come to me and said this is a bad character this is a Mary Sue you need to stop then I would have felt like terrible about my character and I was so scared when to discover what Mary Sue was years later I was like oh my gosh a what-if testimony is a Mary Sue and I'm scared to show her to anybody because if somebody had told me back then this is a Mary Sue my immediate thought would it be whoa boy I gotta fix that I've should do research and figure it out I'd be like oh my gosh my OC is a Mary Sue I'm never talking about her again I'm a terrible person maybe I just okay maybe using me isn't a good example because I'm paranoid because most Mary Sue's are made by like 10 year olds and I was like a 14 year old okay most Bo Sosa's are made by very young people that don't know what they're doing so of course they're gonna make a character that the world just revolves around them and they have all these sort of awesome characters but like it's telling them that is not gonna fix the problem in what happened with me is as I grew up I realized that having DES Bonilla be all-powerful wasn't that interesting I couldn't really do a lot of really interesting stories with a character that I can just snap her fingers and fix all our problems so I changed her from being an all immortal all liptint being of chaos to somebody who just had space powers and then I could play around with her just being able to pour it all around to other dimensions and I had to come up with a different way for her to attack people so I made up the system where she opens portals that use discarded attacks so like if somebody fires in one dimension after the bullet leaves she makes a portal and then the bullet comes out on her in and shoots whoever she's fighting which is a lot more interesting than a character that could just like snap her fingers and turn you into a dolphin I mean which is a pretty fun power but like it was more interesting so I in the interest of making things interesting I just fixed the character and I did that with other things I was like it's kind of boring to have these characters that are immortal and literally nothing can hurt them so I made a special system so that they could there's ways that they could die and then that open an avenue for all these new story ideas I was like it doesn't really fit this monie is designed to have two different color eyes so I made her have blue eyes instead of turquoise and pink eyes and then with that I got rid of the eye patch and I just slowly started fixing little things about my character and now she's definitely not a Mary Sue she used to be so edgy she used to be like I'm gonna murder everybody this is a good character she murdered thousands of people but she will not flip off the camera and now she's like I don't want to murder a everybody if I wrote out a script and figured it out maybe I could explain this better but my point is like when you say something as a Mary City it's like if you saw a drawing that sucked and you said this drawing sucked that's not productive if you could say your Anatomy you should probably work on your Anatomy that arm is a little bit too big or the nose is a little bit too high or you should probably pick different colors because it's making you look a little bit muddy then that's constructive but just saying that it sucks isn't constructive it's not productive it just makes the artist feel like crap and the same thing happens whenever you call something of Mary Sue it just it boggles my mind that anybody would think that they're helping these children because like 90% of the time it's children that you're telling this and they will figure it out even then they don't really have to figure it out like if I was just gonna keep desk Bonilla as myself insert where I could go to my different dimensions and mess around then I don't really need her to be anything other than what I think is fun if it's just my little thought experiment but if I'm gonna write a show with her and make her character then naturally there's gonna be some problems with having her being this Opie so I changed her and it got better and she's no longer a Mary Sue like I it's it's a problem that solves itself and if it doesn't solve itself then it doesn't need to be solved even if somebody makes a Mary Sue and then they never fix it and they like try to write stories with this Mary Sue then they're gonna get people that are like hey this character doesn't seem to have any flaws this character's world entirely revolves around them and they're gonna get those critiques but you can't just be like oh it's a Mary Sue that's not gonna tell you artists how to fix it so even if they do end up with a Mary Sue and they don't fix it like telling them it's a Mary Sue isn't productive like it's not productive it's diverse creativity and it's it's mostly just aimed at the wrong people cause like you don't need to tell kids that what they're doing is crap okay every okay with some exceptions pretty much everything your kid makes it's crap when I was 14 I was a little bit behind creatively so like everything I made was like at the level of a ten-year-old whom because I wasn't like trying to make some masterpiece I was just trying to have fun and that's what kids are doing they're trying to have fun it's later on they want to like improve then you can be like hey this character needs fixing but in the meantime don't be like Oh a little MarySue like it's okay I'm aiming this video at people who make fun of people who have Maris's but I've one of my real audience to be people who are scared that they make Mary Sue's because that was a lot of comments on the original video that I made about this topic people are like I'm scared that my NGO sees a Mary Sue freaking don't be like okay if you make a Mary Sue and they're super powerful and the world revolves around them one of two things are gonna happen either the world stops revolving around them or they stop being super powerful because that's kind of the way that you fix Mary Sue's like one punch man would be a Mary Sue because he's Opie but the world doesn't revolve around him I can't speak for the second season because I'm treading watching it but for the most part other people get credit for what he does nobody recognizes how powerful he is and that's what drives the conflict because that's a problem if you are super powerful in the world revolves around you there's no conflict so once you try to start building conflict you're gonna fix the problem oh my gosh I'm repeating myself my point is if you think that you have a Mary Sue don't worry about it just like work on character creation and don't really worry about people of haters hashtag live your truth thank you so much for watching and I'll see you guys in the next video bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: HilariouslyScary
Views: 507,356
Rating: 4.9524856 out of 5
Keywords: speedpaint, mary sue, draw this again, redraw, character creation, oc, original character
Id: 08YRWuK4bso
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 27 2019
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