Is LeetCode Premium Worth It?

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sam here from coupon coding have you thought about purchasing lead code premium well in this video i'm going to be talking about the features that you get with lead code premium as well as whether or not it's worth it to purchase it now i do want to say that i'm not sponsored by leap code everything in this video is my own personal opinion so here's an overview of the video first we're going to be going over what lead code actually is i'm sure a lot of you already know what it is but i'll do an overview just you know for those of you who don't and who knows maybe you guys will learn some features that you didn't know about before then we're going to be talking about what you actually get when you purchase premium all the different features as well as the different payment options you can make finally i'm going to give you guys my opinion on whether or not i think it's worth it to purchase premium is the cost worth what you're actually getting so make sure you guys stick around to the end to hear my thoughts on that as always make sure you guys hit that like button i actually purchased lead code premium solely for making this video so i'd appreciate if you guys you know just take a moment and and like the video it definitely helps more people see the video and helps to grow the channel all right let's get into it all right so what is lee code well lee code is a website that has several features but what it's known for is practicing and solving data structures and algorithm coding problems it's generally used in preparation for coding interviews they have a pool of over 1500 problems with new problems continuously being added and a lot of companies take their interview questions directly from here i've personally had interviews where it was basically a copy paste from lead code they do have problem sets on other subjects as well such as databases the shell as well as concurrency so in the problems tab here we can see a list of all the questions here on the left and if we want to go into a specific problem we see the name of the problem on the left here we see the difficulty lead code has either easy medium or hard and then we have a prompt of what the question is asking and then down here it gives you several examples of the input as well as the expected output on the right here we see that you can choose from several different languages it has pretty much all the main major programming languages that you would want to use and then here we have the text editor so i went ahead and just copied one of the solutions so if you want to go and paste that in here then you can hit submit what it does is it runs it against several different test cases checks for different edge cases and here we can see that it was a success it does show you the run time as well as the memory usage and you know how well you did compared to all the different solutions that have also been submitted down here you can also see uh similar problems here and the color is based on the difficulty level if you go back to the description you can see things like you know the related topics again the similar questions as well as some hints so if we go back into the problem set you see that without premium you still get the acceptance rate percentage you see the difficulty so if we want to scroll down here you can see that you could actually filter by topic say you want to work on your dynamic programming well then you would just click on this and it just shows dp related problems there are other features so if we want to go into the mock tab we see that if we minimize this a little bit we see that we can actually do like a mock interview which is basically a few questions with a timer to go along with it there's also a discussions tab where people talk about different experiences that they've had with interviews all right so there we have a preview of lead code with the non-premium features so now let's talk about what you guys probably clicked on the video for and what do you get when you purchase premium so if we go into the explore tab here we see that there are several cards here and i believe a lot of these ones are available without premium but stuff here like google interview or facebook interview you will need premium to access these and basically what this does is it gives you a you know quick introduction it talks about different topics it doesn't really go into much detail with it it just kind of like points you to questions that are related to it i honestly hardly ever use this section here um if we want to go to specific problems we see here uh we see that this is unlocked now so it actually gives you an in-depth solution of how to solve this and different ways to solve it you can sort by company so say you have an interview coming up with amazon well then you can filter it by questions that are asked by amazon and you could actually even go here and sort it by the frequency asked and you can you know do it over a certain time period uh you unlock certain questions so if you go to the problem set here uh you see that if you scroll down uh we see these problems here so if you don't have premium you actually are not able to click and view any of these problems if we go back to the mock interview tab here we see that we can actually now do mock interviews based on questions that are most likely to be asked by certain companies we have certain features that we unlock for the editor so if we go back to a certain problem if we go to this editor here and say we want to just print something out we see here that it is there is code completion similar to what you would get with an ide there's a debugger as well so you could actually set a breakpoint here and you know debug your code if you need to and the last thing is unlimited playgrounds so up here you can actually click on here and you can create a playground and what this does is if we want to go to linked list is it gives you boilerplate code for a linked list say you want to work with linked lists you wouldn't actually have to write that from scratch this gives you the code to do that which is pretty convenient all right so how much is lead code premium well if you want to do it monthly it's 35 a month or yearly it's 159 if you paid the monthly price for a year it would come out to 420 so 261 dollars more so they definitely incentivize you to go with the yearly subscription so finally i'm going to give you guys my opinion do i think it's worth it and honestly i have to say no i i don't think the price that you're paying is worth the features that you're getting say for the mock interviews i feel like the random question set is sufficient enough or filtering questions by companies i remember i had an interview with amazon and i had one with google and i did specifically questions from those companies and then when i actually did the interview the questions were nothing like what lead code was showing it was kind of like when you take a test and you get the test and you're like when did we learn this stuff in class so i didn't really find that part very useful you do get to unlock some questions but like 95 of the questions are already unlocked anyways and you know the stuff for the editor like a lot of interviews you're not allowed to use code complete like an editor that does code completion anyways or you know you won't have a debugger and you could always use an ide if you really wanted to do that so at the end of the day i don't really think it's worth it to pay that money i feel like that money could be used elsewhere maybe to take you know some other course for me personally i was searching for jobs for about eight months at the beginning of 2019 and i would say after probably like five months i decided to try lead code premium just to kind of switch things up and i remember i paid for one month and then i was i didn't find a job yet and i paid for another month then i paid for another month and then finally i was like i paid enough to get a yearly subscription so i finally bought the yearly subscription and then i found a job right after and then i never used it so that was kind of a waste so yeah i mean it's really up to you guys if you feel like the the premium stuff is worth it by all means go ahead and purchase it but only if you're actually going to use it i mean you know how long does the average job search take i would say maybe like a few months like three months three months of paying for lead code is like a hundred dollars versus if that helps you land like a six-figure job then obviously it's a good deal so yeah that's my opinion on it uh for those of you who have tried leeco premium let me know in the comments if you guys do think it's worth it that'll be the the question of the day for you guys so yeah that's all i wanted to go over in this video thank you guys so much for watching again make sure you guys hit that like button and uh i will see you guys in the next video and oh yeah keep on coding [Music] you
Channel: Keep On Coding
Views: 22,862
Rating: 4.9716678 out of 5
Keywords: leetcode, leetcode premium, leetcode subscription, is leetcode premium worth it, hacker rank, coding, programming, computer science, technology, tutorial, java, web development, software engineering, algorithms, data structures, technical interview, coding questions
Id: 3bWHVHub5w0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 11sec (491 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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