Is Law School Hard? | The Honest Truth

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so i'm here to answer that one big question is law school really hard what you're settling for yeah we ballin we settle in school you know i need that scene for today's law fact by law it is illegal for a woman to remarry the same man four times i'm a little confused why is this even a law i'm sorry like divorcing your husband one time wasn't enough for you you had to deal with an additional three i'm sorry but kentucky y'all are different different hi everyone it's k yvonne here welcome back to my channel if you're new here thanks for tuning in and please do me a favor and subscribe to my channel i am a recent law school graduate um i attended northwestern pritzker school of law obviously you clicked on this video link because either you are interested in going to law school or maybe you are a law student and you're just like oh my gosh does it get easier does it get better so i'm here to answer that one big question is law school really hard and i'm going to save you some time okay i'm not gonna wait till the end to reveal the answer i'm gonna straight up tell you now yes law school is that hard but i'm not gonna leave you hanging i'm gonna tell you why law school is that hard and essentially by me doing so i hope to either prepare you mentally as you are starting your law school journey or if you're in it you know these advice will help you from aborting ship you know or wanting to drop out because it does get easier so let's get straight into the reasons why law school is hard so me personally i've always heard that law school is hard but i kind of brushed off that comment because i always heard like the higher you are in education the harder it becomes when i was in kindergarten they're like oh elementary school is going to be harder i was in middle school they were like oh i don't know if you can do high school it's going to be harder but in high school as soon as you graduate and you walk across that stage they're like oh college is going to be so intense you're going to have to buckle down i don't know if you can handle it and i not not to brag about myself but i passed all those things with prying colors so i was just like okay obviously law school's just the next step and it is what it is let me tell you let me tell you yeah these people were not lying okay law school is extremely harder and why is that well point number one law school is new okay it's new and you're just and i and you're probably like what what do you mean it's new you're still going to school you're still learning you're still reading textbooks but let me tell you it is new more likely than not you are probably going to be in law school in a new environment you're going to be in a new state or maybe even a new city and if you're the one of the lucky ones that go to the same law school that's connected to their undergrad it's still new because there's still new professors there's still new students and it's just you have to learn to adjust to that environment and that doesn't come easy you have to adjust to the new style of learning learning the law is way different than how you learned in undergrad it doesn't even matter if you took pre-law because i did that it doesn't help as much as you think it does but that's where the frustration and the tension comes is because you're constantly learning something new and in reference to learning the law you are constantly reading information out of a huge textbook filled with words you do not comprehend cause let's be real these judges back in the day had some snooty high class language which was aka legal jargon so like your basic lower class could not understand what was going on so they thought talking like four score years ago was the best way to get the law out there but guess what to us 20 20 people we have no clue what you're saying man oh that legal high-class jargon has you reading for hours trying to interpret what is even being said that is one way law school is hard it's just adjusting to your environment and figuring out what exactly is going on actually you'll understand legal jargon it's like learning a new language at first you might get a headache or two or three but in time it just clicks and you know what's going on so the second reason i think law school is hard for anyone is the cold call everyone talks about it because everyone is traumatized by it oh seriously okay and if you're not familiar with cold call just briefly tell you what it is it's basically you're in class minding your own business and then a professor says hey girl yeah you you know that hundred pages i assigned last night i want you to tell the class about it what exactly did you read you can see that's kind of random and that's nerve-wracking when you're in a class of 60 students or 80 students and your professor is bombarding you with questions where you don't even know what is exactly being said what is truly hard about the cold call is the fact that no one wants to be embarrassed especially during your first semester of law school no one wants to be humiliated nobody wants to feel dumb so what happens is in turn when you're studying at night you're studying until like 12 in the morning because you're just like i don't want to be cold on cold called on and people realize i have no idea what's going on i want to look my best and i don't know if that's the type a and us but that is a crucial reason why law school is hard because you don't want to fail it's the fear of failure in front of your peers and just my little advice on that obviously i probably learned this the second or third year the cold call is just really for show cause at the end of the day the only one who remembers their cold call is usually ourselves i can honestly tell you when i'm sitting in class and let's say sarah got cold called on i couldn't tell you what sarah talked about because i'm over here in my seat i'm over here in my z stress if the teacher is going to call on me next so trust me the only one that's paying attention to your cold call is you everyone is thinking about what is what question is going to be asked now and if they will have the answer so that is just a mental battle that you have to prepare for it's okay to say that you don't have the answer the number three reason why i think law school is hard is because it's graded on a curve what that means is your law school professor let's say in a class of 30 can only hand out five a's five a minuses and obviously everyone wants an a but guess what not everyone can get an a because it's greater than a curve so that's where the competition lies you're trying to get that a because you want to be on top of your class and to top it off the only way to get that a is through one final that's at the end of the year one final exam so just to clarify what i'm trying to say you have homework assignments number one that is clear but they're not really graded they're just reading and that prepares you for the cold calls you might have a midterm but that's usually not graded the only thing that's graded is the final at the end so if you're not a great test tanker bam there's some stress right there if you didn't prepare the whole year like you were supposed to bam that's some stress right there and if you don't know how to write an exam or understand how your professors wants the exam written then bam that's the stress right there so that's what makes law school hard number four this is why i thought law school was extremely hard and that's because you're constantly comparing yourself to your peers and i think that has to do with the fact that you're not graded on your work what else can you base your grade on or base your progress and me in particular that was me to look at my peers to figure out how much are they studying at night or how much i don't know how many times are they going to office hours and honestly that was the biggest mistake i could have ever made that's the biggest mistake you can ever make because comparison is a thief of joy comparison we'll have you taking eight tequila shots at bar review so no cut that out in advance and realize that you are okay the only comparison you need to do is your work let's look at your progress from the entire year hey did you start off not knowing what a blue book was and now you know what a blue book is progress hey was your first legal memo assignment god awful and now it's decent progress that is what's important and if you realize how far you've come then you will experience so much peace and less stress and free from anxiety so the last reason the reason why i really truly think law school is hard is because you are reinventing yourself no one likes change let's be real we want to be at a certain level we want to be a lawyer we want to be a partner we want we want to get the wrong fully convicted out of prison but in order to do that you have to prepare yourself in a way where you have the tools needed to get to whatever goal you have you're reinventing yourself you're adjusting from your old ways of thinking and developing new ways of thinking and honestly that's stressful because you are breaking down habits that you made before law school and let me tell you i'll give you some examples exactly what i mean so for me we all are assigned career advisors and i showed my career advisor my resume and let me tell you guys my resume was on point it was seen by i don't know a good five to six people my resume is what got me into law school but when i took it to my law school career advisor she handed it back to me and it was entirely red red everything marked up everything was a problem for her and i just was so mad so frustrated because i'm like what does she know i said this has been looked by six people all in very good role professional roles so what do you really know but you know when i came back the next day because your girl had to calm down she was saying it's not you law school literally tears you down to build you up into the person that you're supposed to become you don't get anywhere by not experiencing trials you don't get anywhere by not facing your struggles or your fears you don't get anywhere by saying stagnant and my resume needed to be a legal resume it didn't need to be a professional resume it needed to be a legally professional resume so that's one example and then the next example is let's really think about it you don't know how to think like a lawyer so these exams are literally training to use your analytical mind so you could think about i think about how to be a lawyer how can you spot issues and fact patterns because when a client comes to your room or your office you're gonna have to spot those issues and be able to tell them like hey this might be murder larceny arson you know so just know that you're reinventing yourself and if you're going to reinvent yourself it takes work not many people have tread the path to law school let's let's point that out number one so just think for you to even desire this position or for you to even be in this role you are already taking a huge step that many people cannot take not everyone has the courage to reinvent themselves or go to higher education so congrats to you i think i talked a lot i really do um but that's that's really all i have to say i think those are the reasons that make law school hard but i hope that you can take away the fact that law school may be hard but it's not impossible you can combat each and every one of the barriers that i said today guess what i did it matter of fact i'm a minority there's five percent of blacks that are attorneys that number strict that number drastically shrinks when you're talking about female attorneys that are black so guess what i did it you can do it too whatever your story is whether you're a minority whether you're first generation law student and your family you can do this law school is hard but guess what you can accomplish it stay persistent and realize that it does get easier so thanks for tuning in subscribe to my channel
Channel: ItsKayYvonne
Views: 10,744
Rating: 4.9479394 out of 5
Keywords: law school, law, lawyer, is law school hard, is law school hard | the honest truth, law school hard, itskayyvonne, kayyvonnelaw, itskayyvonnelaw, should i go to law school, law school tips, law school vlog
Id: -FaAnvNC0V8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 25 2020
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