5 Study Aids You Need to Survive Law School

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hi everyone it's k yvonne here welcome back to my channel today's video is going to be simple it's going to be straight to the point i'm just going to provide you with five resources or study aids to help you while you're studying in law school what you're settling for yeah you know i need that scene [Music] i don't know if you know this but law school is pretty difficult i mean like go figure right so if i can demystify the law school process and help anyone by making their transition smoother then i'm gonna do that so that's what today's video is about giving you the resources to thrive in law school um i was a first generation law student which means i had no clue what i was doing no one in my family was in law my mom was not a judge my dad wasn't a successful trial attorney anywhere so i pretty much had nowhere to go but into a brick wall which i hit many times in law school because i was stubborn and i did not listen to people when they said use certain resources i try to figure it out on my own i try to read every word get the dictionary out figure out what the heck the judges are saying i'm writing ample time trying to do it on my own and so i'm telling you that's nice and dandy i know you're trying to figure it out but listen law school is about studying smarter not harder you don't need to be in the library for 20 hours a day so what you need to do is get these five resources that i recommend so it can cut your study time in half so as you may or may not know i'm a recent law school graduate which means i have none of those study aids or resources with me but thank god for technology because i can just display it on the screen and that's what i'm gonna do so let's get into these five resources but before we start remember subscribe to my channel and this is the fun part comment below if you're looking for supplements for a particular subject i will definitely comment back with the supplements that i use that i think are amazing and of course comment with any other questions that you may have all right the best thing that you could do for yourself is to get an e e and you're probably like what the heck kamisha what is an e any and it stands for examples and explanations and these books are like gold diamonds for a law student and basically what it is is just a prep book it's kind of similar to like those books for dummies like if we were supposed to say torts for dummies that's what ene is it just really breaks down the law in a concise way that is conversational and funny and who doesn't like to laugh while they're studying uh and they come in all subjects so they will have one for torts i have one for cipro they have one for property so just buy it and use it while you're studying from your book okay so the next resource is my absolute favorite like i'm getting excited even talking about it that's how hype i am about this next resource and that is quimby a lifesaver my life line okay i'm just saying like let me tell you about quimby quinby is a company whose motto is to help their students get a in law school and get high paying jobs and that's like no exaggeration i am not just saying it because i love it like that's literally their motto that's literally their mission on their website it says our goal is to help students get an a so to me why wouldn't you use their website if that is their mission come on at this point quimby should sponsor me i'm gonna provide my testimonial right here i used quimby and it saved my life [Music] all right so let me tell you why quinby is so great so it is the perfect one stop shop because it has it all it has your outlines it has your case briefs it has practice tests practice quizzes it has flash cards i mean it literally briefs all the cases that you go through in law school all of them all of the major cases and you can literally pick the topic that you want so hey i want to do torts and show you all the cases or you can just type in the case in the search engine and it pops up and my absolute favorite it gives videos of the case briefs like cute little cartoon that breaks down the law into points that it literally makes you feel like you're watching a disney channel episode because they make it so easy i mean easy as in i remember i had not read a case one night because i was super tired and i was like you know what let me go on quimby let me look at this case brief and for that case brief it had a video and i only watched the video for the case and i got cold call the next day and guess what guess what guess what happened to me yeah girl killed the cold call you would have thought i was the professor the professor thought i was a professor because that's how good i was but that brings me to this important point even though i'm a huge fan of quimby even though i think it breaks down the law and concise points and yada yada whatever else i was saying like quimby is not supposed to substitute your actual textbook or your actual lecture discussions your textbook is gonna provide you with the chunk of the law you know that me so the next resource in my tool of study aids is this computer assisted legal instruction aka cali so kelly very very very similar to quimby however i think it is more detailed in its instruction they will literally re-teach you the content and each lesson has a specific time allotted to it so it'll say like torts lesson is two hours and then they'll quiz you and test you on it and the quizzes are pretty in-depth um like the quizzes will be like 30 minutes and for me in particular i didn't really use cali that much because i just felt like it was such a deep dive that i wasted so much time when i just wanted to learn about a specific nuance in the law but if you really just did not understand at all what your professor was saying or the whole subject matter i do recommend cali like i have friends who really swore by cali um for me it was just too much i preferred quimby as you know huge fan sponsor me quimby i'm huge fan because i just felt like they broke down the law and it was in little increments that i could digest like a five minute video no more than a ten minute video the next resource that i recommend is using outlines from your club organizations database which means you have to get involved with the club so if you were thinking you can escape through law school not being involved ha ha come again because your key to success might be in the black law student association or might be in the women's coalition because all clubs have outlines of past um years to help you with your exam studying me in particular just to put it out there i have to make my outlines for scratch but i do rely on outlines to like fill in the parts that i am missing but if you're bent on being alone and not seeing anyone's face and you're just like independent i-n-d-e-p-e-n-d-e-n-t then you know what i think you can still be successful in law school you have barbary outlines you have kaplan outlines and those are just companies that are devoted to helping law students be successful and low-key they want your money when you study for the bar exam because they're going to offer courses for you to take to prepare for the bar exam so the last resource that i think many people forget is a valuable resource is talk to your professor the person who is teaching the law talk to your professor ask them for help don't be afraid because fair is the root of all evil you gonna lose out on an a because you couldn't ask your ques your professor a question come on let's not let that be the regret of law school what's your regret be that you didn't go to the last bar review or the boat cruise or something ask the professor directly he or she loves that type of stuff like loves it and they have office hours dedicated to helping you become successful like even some professors will grade practice exams with you so they can tell you hey you're doing this wrong which i did not take advantage of until it was final season and it was too late for me but if you start doing practice exams earlier in the year with your professor then you know exactly exactly like this is the key to knowing how your professor grades their tests it's literally a short shot to an a and if you are still timid you're just like what was me i can't talk to a professor that has such high credentials and such a big reputation in the legal community and it's published in yada yada listen please just talk to the tas which is the next book's best thing the professor's assistants they're a student they know what's going on in the professor's head as well so fear is really holding you back then go ahead talk to the ta because they know what they're doing too and honestly you feel more comfortable to ask stupid questions around tas than professors anyways all right so those are my five resources and i'm just going to end the video by telling you guys where to get these resources it's actually very simple you can get it from your school bookstore which i don't recommend because it's expensive you can get it from students who are selling their enes at the law school with quimby and cali they're both not free sorry it is very likely that your school has already paid for a membership into quimby especially if you're coming from a t14 again i found this out late but for instance northwestern already had paid for a subscription for quimby and cali for their law students all right that's it that's all the resources that i have those are the major five resources that i think will help you obviously there's many more resources to use but those are are the ones that primarily benefited me so i wanted to suggest that all right y'all i'm done comment below if you want me to recommend specific books for certain topics and i'll give you what i used and any other tips that you have and don't forget to like this video if it was helpful to you i wish you all the best of luck and i'll see you later in my next video bye guys
Channel: ItsKayYvonne
Views: 509
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: 5 Study Aids You Need to Survive Law School, study aids, 5 study aids, law school, study tips, study, laws school study tips, how to survive law school, law study resources, law resources, law supplements, law school supplements, outlines, law outlines, hornbooks, law school outlines, law school resources
Id: DJRlWNbmX-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 23sec (743 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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