Is Judas in Hell?

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the theme song of hell basically as i said the motto c.s lewis said is my will be done the same theme song would be the one popularized by frank sinatra i did it my way oh gosh lord help us all i was going to pray in the name of the father and holy spirit i mean it because this is serious here we go hi my name is father mike smith and this is ascension presents so i got an email recently from someone who said that they thought they heard me give a talk back in my hometown a bunch of years ago or they thought it must have been me but something along the lines that uh judas is in heaven and that judas was doing god's will he's a collaborator with jesus in an offer in jesus's offering of himself on the cross okay wow no i would never say that let's back up a little bit first um would i ever say judas is uh in heaven and the answer nope nope would never say that there are a number of scriptures that indicate that that is not the case jesus even says about judas it would be better for him if he had never been born i'll tell you what uh saint teresa of avila said that even after the worst life on earth if you get to heaven your whole life will will have been like one bad night in a cheap motel something like that along those lines right so no matter how ha ha how bad things were get if judas ended up in heaven then yes it was definitely worth it for him to be alive so if jesus is saying it were better for him if he'd never been born then that doesn't give me any indication that jesus is saying that he's going to be in heaven or is in heaven secondly jesus even says he calls him the son of perdition he says haven't lost any of what you gave me except the son of perdition again that's kind of an indication that judas was lost now i'm saying this quickly i'm not saying this dismissively hopefully that comes across right i'm kind of ramped up as i make these videos hopefully i'm not coming across flippant like or glib because when we're talking about heaven and hell eternal destiny of anyone including judas that's never a light thing it's never something to get something again to be flippant or glib about but at the same time the person said maybe it was you who said that judas was the hero and the judas is in heaven i would never say that at the same time if you would say well father is judas in hell i wouldn't say that either why because the church it's interesting to note this the church has never ever made a definitive statement on anyone ever being in hell including judas in this be and why why would the church do this especially since there kind of seems like there might be some evidence there well the reason is because jesus had prohibited us from judging one another right condemning one another and now keep this in mind when jesus says do not condemn one another lest you be condemned or judge one another lest you be lest you be judged he's not saying that we can't assess right he's not saying that we can't evaluate because in that same section in that same scripture jesus also goes on to say you'll know the tree by its fruits like by the fruits of their actions whether good or bad you'll know whether this person at the core is good or bad right that sense so here's jesus who's not saying we can't assess can't evaluate can't say oh actually that action is bad or that action is good that that belief is true that belief is false what he's saying is we can't judge a person's heart like we can't actually say their ultimate destination is these to be separated from god so basically the church takes that really seriously even in the case of judas and says no we can't say we can't say that because while there might be some indication that judas has been lost we don't know his heart we don't know the mystery of god's grace and mystery of god's mercy in the heart of anyone even someone that is like a notorious sinner like judas one thing that we believe as catholics is that uh every person that god wills all men to be saved that god wills all people to be saved is letter to timothy uh the word of the lord says this that god wills that all people come to the knowledge of him that come to to know him love him and live with him forever that god wants that because of that it's one of the points of catholic doctrine is that god gives every person the grace and the opportunity to say yes to him we know right we know that all these people people around us as you've heard many said many times that you know be patient with each other because everyone around you is fighting a battle that you know nothing about absolutely i look at my own life i have inside information on my own heart and my own experience and i realize how many opportunities god has given me i realize how much grace god has given me i see in so many ways not all of them but so many of the ways god has just spared my life from some of the bigger wounds that other people around me have experienced and so i know myself a little bit but i don't know you and i don't know your struggle i don't know your battles i don't know what has made it difficult for you to trust the lord but here's the thing god does know that therefore god is the one who knows that okay in even the midst of someone who's wounded in ways that are unknown to everyone around them struggles in ways that aren't unknown to everyone around them god still will give every person including you and all of your neighbors and all of your strangers around you it will give everyone on this planet enough grace and enough opportunities to choose him that being said not everyone chooses him like that being said even though we can't say yeah judas is in hell we do know that hell is real we do know that it's not just something that that really really really bad people choose yeah i know sometimes people will say things like yeah but listen i but i believe in jesus and jesus is love and he's mercy and he is he's goodness absolutely but do you know that jesus talks more about hell than any other person in the entire bible did you know that jesus said narrow is the road that leads to life and wide is the road that leads to destruction and many are on that road that it might be easier to choose hell than we think i mean think about you know there's some conditions in the in the in the scriptures for uh being saved jesus says in john chapter three uh unless you're born again of water and the spirit can't be saved so baptism john chapter six he says unless you eat of the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood you can't be saved so the eucharist the scripture says if you profess with your lips and believe in your heart that jesus christ is lord you'll be saved so faith but also jesus says not everyone who says to me lord lord will enter the kingdom of my father but only those who do the will of my father in heaven it's actually doing the father's will that's a big question for those of us who have been baptized who receive holy communion who have a degree of faith the question is do i do god's will and when i don't when i fail do i go to confession am i reconcile with him or am i kind of indifferent because here's the crazy thing i can get hell by choosing hell i can also get hell by simply not choosing god our natural kind of disposition is selfishness and i can have an eternity of just myself because in some ways that's what hell is you know c.s lewis said it like this he said that the theme song of heaven is father thy will be done and the theme song of hell is my will be done so we think about this right now and realize wait a second it's not just really really bad people who go to hell it's anyone who would sing that frank sinatra song i did it my way sorry let me clarify not everyone who sings the song goes to hell i'm not saying that okay not being glib again not being flippant about this but i just want to clarify that's not the case i've been at funerals where they've asked to play that song as the funeral song i'm like are you kidding me there's nothing more antithetical to the gospel than that song being played at someone's funeral not only because it's not sacred don't play it at a funeral but also because it's basically a big thumbing the nose to the lord himself we only get to heaven if we don't do it our way but if we actually say father thy will be done not everyone who says to me lord belong to the kingdom of heaven but only those who do the will of my father in heaven we don't know who goes and chooses hell we do know that no one ends up there by accident we're either there because we chose it or we're there because we didn't choose the father's will we're there because we didn't choose god himself last thing judas is not the hero of the story so yeah but but what he did in betraying jesus is he made the whole thing possible no no yes god used the horrible evil decision of judas to betray his rabbi his friend yes jesus god was able to use this terrible decision made by judas but that doesn't make judas a hero that means that god can even take our brokenness and do something incredible with it but it does not make judas's choice the right one and doesn't make judas a hero i hope i hope that god willing hey i get to heaven i hope and pray you all get to heaven and i hope that would be amazing if at the end of judas's life even as he was hanging himself that he repented and turned back to the lord jesus i hope that's the case but that story's been written he is either in heaven or he's in hell your story is not over yet your story is not written yet your story is not completed yet you and i we still have the chance to choose hell i don't want that for you we also still have the chance to choose heaven we also still have the chance to choose god and not only gosh not only do i want that for you god himself wants that for you in his son jesus christ he made it possible for every one of us to choose heaven do that choose heaven because if we don't choose heaven by default we are choosing the other thing again this is a heavy topic today but that's why i'm praying for you because we're in the game we're in the game and these are the stakes from all of us here at ascension presents my name is father mike god bless [Music] you
Channel: Ascension Presents
Views: 448,510
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Keywords: judas iscariot, did judas lose his salvation, ascension, ascension press, ascension presents, catholic questions, catholic videos, judas iscariot death, catholic teaching on salvation, father mike, catholic advice, catholic inspiration, fr. mike schmitz, fr. Mike schmidt, father mike schmitz, fr. Mike advice, fr. Mike videos, fr mike schmitz, catholic teaching on hell, apostle judas iscariot, is judas in hell catholic, is judas in hell or heaven, heaven and hell
Id: nVWRva38J-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2022
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