Is it the same God for Muslims, Christians and Jews?

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Ahmad (Muslim) Ramallah For sure It is the only one When you say Elohim (God) or the Arabs say Allah or the Christians say God Is it the same God? Eliezer (Jewish) Beitar (West Bank settlement) Muslims for sure Christians I have no idea You don't know Because of the issue with Jesus? Or you just don't know? I don't know I think the issue of idol worship Christians believe in idol worship I will explain to the viewers Because Jesus is considered also to be God Right? No, also Mohammad... Ah, Mohammad is considered a prophet He is a prophet, not a God I have no idea about Jesus Aziza (Christian) Bethlehem Yes I pray for everybody Yes, definitely It's the same God for all Bakr (Muslim) Taybe God Is it the same God for Jews, Muslims and Christians? God is one But is it the same Because a Jew says Elohim (God) and you say Allah is it the same thing? The same one You don't need to think about something else because there is only one God Daniel (Jewish) Ramat Beit Shemesh Technically you can say it is The same thing we all believe in inside all of us so I guess you can say we believe in the same God but we have different different beliefs in what God actually is Meir (Christian) Ramallah Yes Yes, it's the same When Christians and Muslims pray to God is it the same God? Roni (Jewish) Beit Shemesh Yes Yes, of course It's the same God? God is God God is the same Miral (Christian) Ramallah Yes Nabil (Muslim) Jerusalem Of course There is only one God for everybody since Adam to Abraham to Moses to Jesus to Mohammad everybody has the same God Fawzi (Muslim) Qalanswa Is God the same God for Muslims, Christians and Jews? God is God God is one It doesn't matter Muslims, Christians and Jews You on the side who is not allowed to be filmed? God is one I won't film you Our God is one for Jews, Christians and Muslims Don't think twice It is only one God. Period. Yossi (Jewish) Jerusalem I have to think about the answer I need to think about the answer I don't have a straight answer Seif (Muslim) Jericho Is God, Allah the same for the Jews, Christians, Muslims For everyone For everyone? - God is for everyone It's the same? - It's the same Elohim is Allah It's the same Itzhak (Jewish) Jerusalem When they say Allah or God is it the same God? I don't know I think it isn't It's not the same belief it may be the same God but not the same belief If they (Muslims) say Allah Akbar and kill people with their faith then it's impossible The Muslims? - Yes The Christians have no faith at all Why is it that if they don't have the same faith as us it's a reason not to enter... Also when I go into my neighbour's who are atheists... That's true, you are correct Because a church is called a place of idolatry Also the mosque? Also the mosque If they don't have the same believes we have it is called idolatry and it is forbidden Every person who has beliefs that are different than ours? If it's a house of prayer If it's just someone's home then I am allowed to enter but a mosque, no So why isn't it the same God? for Muslims and Christians It is but they don't have the beliefs that we have We have... The Jewish beliefs are that all that happens now at this moment that you are interviewing me has a leader that made it happen There is a God that created the world and he runs the world and everything that is happening now he is also runs the world His ownership did not end after he created the world that only exists in the Jewish belief and in other beliefs, it doesn't so we are not allowed to enter a mosque or a church Muslims Bethlehem The question comes from outside Do the Jews, Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Yes Rivka (Jewish) Beit Shemesh When Muslims say Allah and Christians say God is it the same God as the Jews? Muslims mean the same God The Christians don't What do the Christians mean? They mean Jesus who is not God according to Judaism According to Judaism, no But if they are speaking about God it's the same God From their view, it's the higher power Of course, there are different beliefs between Islam and Judaism but the source is a belief in one God and the source is similar but the faith is different Mahmoud (Muslim) Bethlehem Exactly, yes So the Jews worship the same God the Muslims worship? the same God the Christians worship? Yes He says no? But there is some religious difference God created the book for each one for each group Morshad (Muslim) Bethlehem God sent a book for each group and we believe in the Quran that was sent to us We believe in all the prophets for example we believe in Jesus too They worship Jesus The Christians But in Islam, God is the God of all He does not have children We believe in the prophet Jesus as a prophet We have to believe in him (Jesus) so our religion will be complete That he is the son of God Danny and Oshri (Jewish) Bet Shemesh Is God the same God for the Muslims, Christians and Jews? Everyone believes in the same God Absolutely, for sure, for sure Everyone believes in the same God, yes When Muslims say Allah... It's the same one Same one Have a nice day Elad (Jewish) Jerusalem When the Muslims say Allah and Christians say God is it the same creator? God is the same God God is the same God Just every person a he wants to receive the reality but God is one I don't... When you hear a Muslim say Allah it is the same God? Yes, of course Even though they have a different religion Of course, they do different things but yes When a Christian says God he means the same God? Does that mean he means the same One but his actions are different and it is said that God is the same God and other deeds then we can not discuss it from they way of other deeds but as I said with (your previous question) about the borders of the Land of Israel that we don't want the borders as they are and then so they don't do things according to how ours looks meaning if he says God or Allah etc. in the end he says Mohammad or Jesus in the end, they end up changing I can't say yes and then they say "look, he said yes" and then.... No, I am not talking about their actual deeds No, just about... Is it the same God? God is God there is no one else
Channel: Corey Gil-Shuster
Views: 1,119,495
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: israel, palestine, zionism, palestinian, israeli, jew, arab, فلسطين, islam, muslim, فلسطيني, ישראל, God, Allah
Id: 9nZHT0yStEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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