Judaism vs Christianity vs Islam

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Judaism Christianity and Islam are three abrahamic religions that share certain similarities and differences Judaism which originated around 2000 BC is the oldest followed by Christianity in 26 A.D and Islam in 610 A.D these three abrahamic religions share a common historical and spiritual foundation with each branching out into distinct beliefs practices and traditions over time the god worshiped in Judaism is Elohim a single all-powerful and Transcendent being in Christianity Jesus is the central figure of worship believed to be the Son of God and the savior of humanity in Islam Allah is the one and only God whose message was revealed to the prophet Muhammad important figures in each religion who are not worshiped include Moses and Judaism who led the Israelites out of Egypt and received the Ten Commandments from God Saint Paul in Christianity who was a major contributor to the New Testament and spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire and Muhammad in Islam the last prophet who conveyed Allah's message to humanity through the Quran the holy books of these religions are the Tanakh for Judaism a collection of sacred Hebrew texts the Bible for Christianity comprised of the Old and New Testaments and the Quran for Islam believed to be the direct revelation of Allah's word to Muhammad each religion has a designated place of worship the synagogue for Jews the church for Christians and the mosque for Muslims the architecture rituals and services in each place of worship vary according to the religious tradition and the cultural context the prayer leaders in these religions also have distinct titles and roles a rabbi in Judaism who serves as a spiritual guide and teacher a pastor in Christianity who leads the congregation in worship and provides spiritual counseling and an Imam in Islam who leads the Muslim Community in prayer and offers religious guidance prayer rituals differ among the three religions in Judaism amida is the central prayer performed while standing and consisting of blessings and supplications Christianity's liturgy is a structured public worship service with prayers readings and rituals That Vary according to denomination Salah the obligatory Islamic prayer is performed five times a day and includes physical actions and recitations from the Quran greetings among Believers convey peace and goodwill in Judaism Shalom expresses The Wish For Peace in Christianity peace be with you conveys a blessing and in Islam assalamu alaikum means peace be upon you with 14.8 million followers of Judaism 2.4 billion followers of Christianity and 1.9 billion followers of Islam worldwide these religions have a significant impact on the global population Israel has the highest Jewish population the United States has the highest Christian population and Indonesia has the highest Muslim population each religion has its own sacred pilgrimage sites the Western Wall in Jerusalem for Jews the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem for Christians and in Mecca for Muslims these sites hold deep spiritual significance for the faithful and attract millions of pilgrims annually major holidays in each religion include Yom Kippur and Judaism a solemn day of fasting and repentance Christmas in Christianity celebrating the birth of Jesus and edul adha in Islam commemorating the sacrifice of Ibrahim second-tier holidays are Hanukkah and Judaism an eight-day Festival of Lights Easter in Christianity celebrating the resurrection of Jesus an idle fitter in Islam marking the end of Ramadan the concept of the afterlife varies between the three religions in Judaism the promised land is Olam often described as a peaceful place amongst the clouds in Christianity the promised land is heaven often portrayed as a kingdom above the sky in Islam the promised land is Jannah a beautiful garden filled with Delights similarly places of punishment also differ in Judaism gehenna is often described as a gloomy and scary place Christianity refers to hell as a Place full of fire and eternal suffering in Islam jahanam is a dark place with no light and black-colored fire every religion has a unique embodiment of evil in Judaism Satan serves as an agent of God responsible for testing humans in Christianity the devil is commonly portrayed as a fallen angel in Islam shaitan represents a rebellious figure acting against God's will the concept of a false prophet or deceiver exists in all three religions and Judaism the false prophet is mashyak Shikhar who falsely claims to be the Messiah in Christianity the Antichrist is a figure of evil opposing Christ at the end times in Islam the dejaal is an evil being causing chaos and deceiving many before being defeated by the true Messiah Jesus each religion emphasizes specific deeds and virtues in Judaism the greatest deed is tikkun Olam the duty to build or repair the world so it can be a better place in Christianity love and compassion are Paramount including loving one's enemies in Islam the greatest deed is Jihad the struggle in the name of God and sacrificing personal enjoyment to help others violations and sins are also viewed differently in Judaism the worst violation is idolatry which involves betraying God to worship other deities Christianity identifies seven deadly sins gluttony lust greed wrath sloth pride and Envy in Islam the worst violation is shirk worshiping more than one God throughout history great kingdoms have been established under these religions the greatest Jewish kingdom was the Kingdom of Israel which existed from 1047 BC to 930 BC the greatest Christian kingdom was the Byzantine Empire lasting from 330 A.D to 1453 A.D the greatest Islamic kingdom was the Abbasid caliphate existing from 750 A.D to 1517 A.D influential rulers have also emerged from these Traditions King David was the greatest Jewish King Constantine the Great was the greatest Christian came and mehmed II was the greatest Muslim King notable women also hold important roles in each religion in Judaism Sarah the wife of Abraham is highly regarded in Christianity Mary the mother of Jesus is venerated in Islam Khadijah the wife and mentor of Muhammad is highly respected special foods are associated with religious observances and rituals and Judaism marar and corroset are consumed during Passover in Christianity Bread and Wine symbolize the body and blood of Jesus during the Eucharist in Islam dates and honey are commonly consumed to break the fast during Ramadan Judaism Christianity and Islam are three abrahamic religions that share a common historical and spiritual Foundation despite their similarities each religion has distinct beliefs practices and Customs understanding the nuances of these religions helps shed light on their role in shaping human history and culture
Channel: Nerd Robot
Views: 3,393,620
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Judaism vs Christianity vs Islam, Religion Comparison, Christianity vs Islam, Infographics
Id: E90V7L2kvOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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