Is It Still Worth Becoming a Web Developer 2024?

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is it still worth becoming a web developer in 2024 this is the burning question on everyone's mind especially after the recent tech industry shakeups I'm going to tell you why the answer is still affirm yes despite the layoffs and the rise of AI and even providing insights that might just blow your mind it just goes boom up like that you see discussions are everywhere on Kora Reddit Twitter you name it is coding still relevant is the market too saturated despite all the fears and layoffs including my own recent Tech layoff the tech community's response is overwhelmingly positive everything will be okay number one believe it or not there's fewer competition than you might think what do I mean by this if you are thinking it might not be worth learning how to code anymore how many more people do you think in this world are starting to think and believe the exact same thing and now the question is how many of them will actually stop as a matter of fact fact when I started learning how to code 7 years ago and this is when jQuery was still kind of a thing kind of we're just starting to move into reactor yes people then will telling me coding is not worth it Shopify is here Squarespace is here don't even try to become a frontend developer but even now today frontend developers are flourishing more than ever before in the tech industry people are still going to say it now today in 2023 and even more because of the booming I space and because so many Tech layoffs now as you know I was recently laid off but despite that the amount of companies I've interviewed with added me a LinkedIn two weeks after not responding to them asking if I was still interested what does that mean there's still a demand out there as a matter of fact I'm doing another interview and I'm hopefully this is a job that I really really want we receive that job offer next week as I was told in an email there are jobs out there there now I do have 7 years of experience and that does help then what about Junior developers I have to be honest it's harder it really is it is much harder out there for junior developers just going to LinkedIn just going to indeed just going to Google and see how many Junior developer roles are out there it's a much more difficult fight that's why I made this video about how you can stand out and get ahead of 99% of web developers out there in this year alone and next year as well right so check it out I'll put a link description below it's not easy because it's not easy how many more people will give up and the question is will you be the one person that doesn't give up and gets in when everyone else runs away now while considering the future of web development in 2024 there's one aspect we shouldn't Overlook which is reliable hosting enter High Velocity their experience spans 21 plus years offering Global VPS and dedicated server hosting that's both robust and reliable with a fast Network flexible scalability and a variety of operating systems they're a Top Choice for developers today plus there's a bonus no sneaky fees or binding contracts now here's something special for you use Chris shan1 at the link in description below and grab one month free of VPS hosting and gear up with high velocity for your next project AI it's huge everyone's heard of it from your mom to your dad to your child to your kid to your uncle to your grandma to your grandfather everyone has heard of AI today but I want to tell you this AI is an ally not our enemy at least for developers what do I mean by this let me explain I am not worried about AI now will AI replace jobs yes I genuinely believe that AI will replace people like call centers I genuinely believe that AI will allow people to replace not people but Bots to replace truck drivers right you name it here and there but will it fully replace software Engineers I don't see that happening anytime soon as a matter of fact I think AI is making our jobs easier than ever this job that I mentioned to y'all I was interviewing for AI company I had to learn about these AI techniques languages Frameworks that I knew nothing about and what helped me understand something at in a matter of one night compared to when it should have taken me one week to understand maybe two weeks chat GP PT it got to the point where one of the managers that was interviewing me asked Chris how much experience do you have in AI I said none and he said Chris that's one of the best explanations I've ever received from someone who doesn't have any experience in Ai and why is this why was I able to do that not because I'm amazing I'm not at all whatsoever but AI helped me learn something much faster than I probably would have done on my own by using Google stack Overflow reading books Tak so much longer right so AI is here to to actually help us I genuine believe that when it comes to artificial intelligence and when it comes to coding AI will help us be much more efficient at our jobs will allow us to learn new technologies much more quickly will allow us to problem solve much more quickly I mean for instance the fact that developers are able to use AI to expedite how we write software testing debugging you name it is unheard of who wouldn't have wished that this existed 10 years ago to make our jobs easier now last but not least I want to talk about something a little bit more personal okay my last point is that coding is more than just a job and to be quite Frank it's more than just coding through coding you unlock a realm of critical thinking and creativity enhancing your ability to problem solve and opening a new world of opportunities for you down the line as you elevate in your career in Tech this will be difficult this will be hard especially in this economy so that is why I I I want to tell you and highly suggest to you that you tried to turn coding into a hobby yes you might have to work three jobs a week to survive you might have to work a 100 hours a week to survive and yes you're coding so that you can have an easier time surviving in this difficult world but if you're able to change that mindset where you are coding for fun but don't rush it take your time make sure you learn code the right way build things don't just use tutorials non-stop but build things it will be much easier for you now if y'all made this to the very end I got something special for y'all all right in the link in description below I'll provide y'all with a cheat sheet to JavaScript and what kind of cheat sheet it's a cheat sheet of of common questions that you will receive during your job interview for your first Junior developer job or maybe a second one but make sure y'all check it out link description below and I hope yall enjoyed this anyway thank you all for watching and I'll see you on the next video peace
Channel: Chris Sean
Views: 95,497
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn, code, life, of, web, developer, html, css, javascript, query, js, php, angular, programmer, software, frontend, backend, front, back, programming, job, hired, junior, jr
Id: e1dA5MLuS44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 5sec (425 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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