The (Overdue) Collapse Of Big Tech Salaries

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BIG TECH SALARIES: Over the past decade,   tech salaries have gone to the moon. Thanks  to high profit margins, ubiquitous scale and   seemingly infinite growth potential, there was  basically no limit when it came to compensation.   It was almost like NFL recruiting or something.  Engineers would get offers from multiple top tier   companies and have them enter a bidding war  against each other. And over time, this has   resulted in entry level engineers earning nearly  $200,000, senior managers crossing $400,000,   and directors earning more than a million dollars  per year. And given that these compensation   packages often came with a bunch of stock that  was growing 5-10x if not more, we saw the rise   of a whole new demographic of multi millionaires  and deca millionaires. All of this peaked in 2021   when demand for top tier engineers went through  the roof thanks to the pandemic. Tech compensation   was growing faster than real estate prices,  and one point, Zuckerberg was even throwing   a tantrum about how only half of his top tier  job offers were being accepted. But a lot has   changed since then and it seems that this decade  of seemingly infinite compensation growth is   finally coming to an end. With high interest rates  and stagnating revenue growth, tech companies are   finally having to shift their focus to maximizing  profits. This included new monetization efforts,   layoffs, eliminating unprofitable programs,  and of course cutting salaries. But this wasn’t   as straightforward as you might think. It’s not  like Google is suddenly handing out compensation   packages that are a good amount lower than usual.  This would not only make it hard to recruit new   engineers but it would also earn them a bunch  of bad press in the one area that they’re still   highly respected: strong compensation and great  corporate culture. As such, these companies have   decided to go about salary cuts in a much more  nefarious manner, hiding them in fine print and   seemingly pro employee policies. So, here’s  the overdue collapse of big tech salaries. PREDATORY VESTING: To really understand how exactly these   companies are cutting compensation, we have to  first understand how big tech compensation works.   For example, if you’re a director at Facebook,  it’s not like you’re earning $1.3 million per   year cash. Rather, only about $320,000 is paid out  in the form of base salary. The vast majority or   nearly $900,000 is paid out in the form of stock  compensation. There are some exceptions to this   rule like Netflix who truly do pay out million  dollar cash salaries. But for the most part,   a more modest cash salary plus an insane stock  package is how big tech compensation breaks down.   And the recent pay cuts primarily have to do with  the stock portion of the compensation. You see,   the stock portion isn’t exactly what it seems  either. It’s not like you’re consistently paid the   stock grant every month just like a cash salary.  Rather, the stock grant usually comes in blocks   of 4 years and unlocks in regular intervals  throughout that time period. For example, if   an engineer was earning an average of a $100,000  per year in stock, then their actual compensation   package was probably $400,000 worth of stock  over 4 years. And after the 4 years is up,   they might get refreshers or they might need  to get promoted in order to get another 4 year   grant. Now, all of that might seem like too many  details but it’s important because like I said,   the catch is in the fine print. The industry  standard is for stock grants to unlock in a   consistent manner throughout the vesting period  at 25% per year. Anything else is sus and there’s   usually more going on than what meets the eye.  Amazon for example is notorious for sporting an   extremely skewed vesting schedule. In year 1,  only 5% of the stock grant unlocks and in year   2 only 15% unlocks. It’s not till year 3 and 4  that you receive 80% of your stock grant. Why   do they do this you ask? Well, Amazon knows  that the average employee doesn’t even last   2 years meaning that they likely wont even  unlock their 15% for year 2. So, when hiring,   Amazon is able to pitch a $400,000 stock grant as  an average of $100,000 per year in compensation,   but the average employee only ends up unlocking 5%  of this or $20,000, saving Amazon a bunch of money   in terms of stock comp. Coming from Amazon,  that’s probably not all that surprising but   backloaded stock vesting is just one trick in the  book. Another trick that companies use is annual   vesting like is the case with Stripe. Instead of  receiving a 4 year grant that unlocks over time,   Stripe likes to hand out a new 1 year grant every  year which makes it much harder for employee stock   comp to compound with the company. For example,  if you were earning $100,000 per year in stock   and your company triples over the next 4 years,  then you’d be earning $300,000 in the 4th year.   At Stripe, however, you’d still be earning  $100,000 despite potentially playing a crucial   role in helping the company triple. These sort  of vesting shenanigans have always been common   throughout tech but recently, we saw Google  stoop to this tier as well with their own trick. FRONT LOADED VESTING: In 2021, Google adopted a new front loaded   vesting schedule which consisted of 33% in the  first 2 years, 22% in the 3rd year, and 12% in the   4th. At first glance, it seems like this vesting  schedule is actually more generous. They’re giving   employees more of the stock grant up front but  don’t be fooled, that’s by design. You see, if the   overall stock grant stayed consistent, this would  indeed be a superior vesting plan. But that’s not   quite what Google is doing. Rather, they’re using  front loaded vesting to inflate their 1st year   compensation numbers. For example, if you were  a potential L6 hire at Google, they might tell   you this. We’ll pay you industry standard 1st year  comp of $250 cash, $250 stock, and $50 bonus. That   sounds about right but the catch is in the stock.  Before, the $250 stock that you would earn in your   first year was only a quarter of the total stock  you would receive. Aka, you would earn a total of   a million dollars in stock over the next 4 years.  But now, the $250 stock that you earn in the first   year is a third of your total stock comp. Aka, you  now only earn $750 in stock over the next 4 years   and Google saves a full quarter million. And,  that was just with their original front loaded   vesting plan. Since then, Google has become even  more aggressive with their front loaded vesting.   Their current main vesting plan is 38% in the 1st  year, 32% in the 2nd year, 20% in the 3rd year,   and 10% in the 4th year. Again, if you were an  L6 engineer, this means that instead of earning   $1 million over 4 years, you would now “only”  earn $657,000. And it doesn’t stop right there   either. Google has an even more aggressive front  loaded plan as well. In this vesting schedule,   you get 50% in the 1st year, 28% in the 2nd year,  12% in the 3rd year, and 10% in the 4th year. Aka,   instead of earning a million in stock,  you’re now down to half a million,   and Google has effectively saved on nearly a full  year of compensation that they would’ve previously   paid out. Obviously quite a bit of savings but  all of that only tells half the story. One of   the main benefits of stock compensation is that it  can enjoy outsized returns as the company grows.   But as big tech approaches maturity, the expected  returns on stock comp also becomes a lot lower   due to diminishing returns. For obvious reasons,  it’s much easier to go from being a $250 billion   company to a $1 trillion company than it is to go  from $1 trillion to $4 trillion, and this plays a   huge role in total comp. If you joined Google  in 2017 for example, you saw Google stock over   triple. This meant that the $1 million stock grant  that you got when you joined was actually worth   $3 million by the time it fully unlocked. If you  joined Google in 2021, however, you were actually   down as much as 45% on your stock. But let’s even  assume that Google ends up fully recovering and   growing by 50% over the next 2 years. This would  be phenomenal for a mature company like Google   but the same cannot be said about comp. You’re now  half as large stock grant of $500,000 will “only”   end up being $750 at the end of 4 years. In other  words, it’s now 3-4 times less lucrative to join   Google today than it was just a couple of years  ago. And all of that is assuming that you’re able   to get the same 1st year comp. It turns out that  that itself would probably be quite challenging. A SALARY COLLAPSE: Everything that we’ve talked about so far are   shadow cuts: things that aren’t really apparent  unless you look at the fine print. But, the truth   is that big tech has had upfront salary cuts as  well. Thanks to remote work, big tech has not only   had an opportunity to pay less for office space  but pay employees less as well. In fact, Google   directly cut salaries of remote workers by as  much as 25%. Now, this isn’t as bad as it sounds   because these cuts were in line with employees  moving to lower cost of living cities. But,   this is nonetheless massive salary savings for  Google. Big tech has in general started focusing   their hiring efforts on lower cost of living  areas within the US and offshoring many jobs and   sectors. Google has also cut a bunch of employee  benefits and even gone as far as tracking employee   badges to maximize productivity. I’ve been picking  on Google for most of this video but that’s just   because they’re the most notable example. These  same practices have been commonplace across all   of the tech. And if you were to confront these  companies about any of this, they’d probably have   a couple of key counterpoints. They might say  that the overall stock grant doesn’t decrease   by as much as the vesting schedule might suggest.  For example, 50% vesting in year 1 would suggest   a stock comp cut of as much as 50% but the real  number might actually only be 20 or 30%. They   would probably also bring up a point about how  they hand out stock refreshers in year 3 and 4   that could help make up for any decreases in total  comp. But regardless of how exactly they justify   it, it doesn’t really change that fact that  working in big tech isn’t nearly as lucrative   as it once used to be. Back then, your total  stock comp wouldn’t have been 20 to 30% less,   you would’ve still gotten the same refreshers in  year 3 and 4, you wouldn’t be facing salary cuts   due to remote work, and the stock would’ve had  substantially more upside potential. And when   you put all these factors together, you’ll  see that joining FAANG today could easily   be 50 to 70% less lucrative than it was in the  2010s. With that being said, it’s not like tech   workers are doing bad by any means. Instead of a  staff engineer earning $4 million over 4 years,   now they’re $1.5 to 2 million which is indeed  substantially less but also still an insane amount   of compensation that’s a lot higher than you could  earn anywhere else. So, I’m not exactly suggesting   that you feel bad for FAANG engineers but it  does bring up the question of: where exactly   does this leave big tech? Well, all of these cost  saving measures are only now going into place,   so expect it to take 4-5 years for all of the  results to come it, but it’s likely that the   operating profit per employee at these companies  will go up substantially. This will be inline with   these companies honing in on their final push for  monetization as well, so bottom lines should go   up quite nicely across the board. But that should  pretty much be it as that would result in these   companies fully maturing. They’ve spent the last  20 years on pure growth which is now very much   starting to slow down. So, the logical move is  to focus on maximum profitability and reach their   final form and become the next Cisco or IBM. In  the meantime, we’ll likely see the best employees   at all of these companies leave in droves not  even because of the lower comp but because of   the work itself. Moving forward, their jobs will  be more about increasing efficiencies and reducing   overhead as opposed to building the next big  thing. So, it’s only natural that the aspirational   types move onto smaller companies where they  can not only earn a lot more but do a lot more.   And that is the state of big tech compensation  today. All of this is rather new for FAANG but   it’s already been playing out in Europe for quite  some time. Check out this video to learn more.
Channel: Logically Answered
Views: 252,820
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Keywords: faang salary cuts, tech salary cuts, are faang salaries going down, are tech salaries going down, how tech salaries are going down, the truth about tech salaries, the truth about faang salaries, the truth about software engineer salaries, falling software engineer salaries, how big tech is paying less, how big tech is cutting salaries, big tech salary cuts, how tech companies are secretly cutting salaries, salary cuts, tech layoffs, faang layoffs, tech recession, tech salaries
Id: CxZLwA5aG7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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