Is it Safe to Walk to the Stratosphere in Las Vegas?

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well hello everybody Marc Anthony here is the Vegas chore stand it is a hundred and God knows how many degrees here in Las Vegas but I love it because I'm not shoveling snow I'm here to answer a very popular question I don't know why it is so Piper because it is easily answer but everybody keeps asking it anyway is it safe to walk from the Las Vegas Strip up to the stratosphere tower yes it is but I'm gonna put a little bit of an asterisk on that and I'll explain it right you're watching Marc Anthony the Vegas tourist so here we are on the corner of Sahara Avenue and Las Vegas Boulevard not to most people this is the northern end of the strip and just a little further north of here is the stratosphere tower Sahara is also the dividing line between the city of Las Vegas and the unincorporated part of Clark County the town's the Paradise and Enterprise true this is not exactly the Emerald walkway but it's not the Las Vegas hood or gangster alley as some trolls online seem to want you to think this part of Las Vegas Boulevard is lined with older smaller businesses that are being bought up redesigned or just bulldoze to build newer larger shops and businesses just like walking any other part of the Las Vegas Strip don't get flashy and keep an eye on your surroundings at all times this is nothing different about this little half-mile walk than walking any other part of the Las Vegas Strip you have the same security features here cameras undercover patrol and all that that you have on the more famous part of Las Vegas Boulevard now the asterisks that I talked about and where all the best stuff happens is behind the stratosphere so once you hit the front entrance of the stratosphere no problem go enjoy the rides the tower and the games just don't go wandering off behind the resort this is an area called naked City in the earlier days of Las Vegas and the Vegas Strip those apartments were owned or managed by the casinos and the main residence there were the showgirls from places like the dunes in the Stardust out of sight of the average tourist these classy ladies needed a place to rest relax while working on their all over and by the pool such the local started to call it naked city well those days are gone today it's mostly low-income government housing welfare like chauffeurs always used to say that if you cannot find it on the strip you can certainly find it back in Naked City and some of what you would find back here you would need shots for afterwards so consider the stretch for your parking garage the DMZ zone it's where the boundary line is between good and the bad so just remember stratosphere front good naked city back bad okay well I hope this helped and as always leave me your tour and travel questions about Las Vegas and beyond down below like this video subscribe to my youtube channel leave your comments and questions down below for more information you can always go to the website the Vegas tourists calm I'm Marc Anthony the Vegas tourists see you all next time
Channel: The Vegas Tourist
Views: 72,131
Rating: 4.7775402 out of 5
Keywords: the Vegas tourist, Las Vegas, Mark Anthony, Vegas, las vegas strip, stratosphere las vegas, las vegas vlog, naked city, Stratosphere, vegas hotel
Id: q1eNHhcuNM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 17sec (197 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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