IS IT POSSIBLE To Beat Five Nights at Freddy's 3 Without Getting Any Errors?

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is it possible to beat Five Nights at Freddy's 3 without getting any errors that's right guys I didn't suffer enough last time so I'm back for more FNAF 3 has been known to be one of the easier games in the series since only one animatronic can kill you but today uh yeah no if I get jump scared by any of the Phantom animatronics I'll get an error meaning that I'll have to restart the night I also can't get any errors normally so this is going to be really really fun anyways let's just get right into night one on night one nothing happens again no I'm not just picking the games without real night ones that's totally not what I'm doing at all trust me there are no animatronics and you can't get any errors so it's a completely free night so once again I'll take this time to explain some key game mechanics with this one being the error system this is not as complicated as you might think it is in FNAF 3 there are three types of errors that you can get audio errors camera errors and ventilation errors getting an audio error prevents you from being able to use your audio lur to move springtrap around the map and this can be caused by either using all of your audio lurs or getting jump scared by Phantom mangle the amount of audio LS you get changes every single night so as long as we don't use all of these we won't get any audio errors on night two you get 10 whole uses for whatever reason on night three you get four on night four you get three on night five you get two and on night six you also get two but that's how many you get before getting an err so in order to not get an air we can't use the last audio l meaning this number goes down by one for every single night getting a camera error means that we can't see anything on the cameras but we can still interact with it this is only caused by looking at the cameras for too long so we'll need to limit the amount of time we're on them the most important error is the ventilation error this is caused by pretty much everything else in the game every Phantom animatronic besides manga will give us a ventilation error closing the vents can also give us one on rare occasions and we'll get one after a certain point in the night anyways so how how do we avoid all of these well like I said before this isn't as complicated as you might think the camera errors and ventilation errors both work off of timers for each night you're given a certain amount of time before getting one of these errors for camera errors on night two you get 60 seconds on night three you get 48 seconds on night four you get 36 seconds on night 5 you get 24 seconds and on night 6 you also get 24 seconds so reducing the amount of time that we're on cams will be really really important moving on to ventilation errors this has two parts to it that I'll explain the ventilation error system has a counter that starts at zero and after a certain amount of time that is set for each night this will go down by one once this number reaches -10 you're given a ventilation air for night two this goes down by one every 12 seconds meaning that we'll get a ventilation error after 120 seconds now you're probably wondering why I didn't just tell you that it takes 120 seconds to get a ventilation air and that's because there's a second part to this that you may have noticed if you played the game before everybody who's played FNAF 3 has probably been in this situation before and you've also probably noticed that you get a ventilation error here much faster than normal that's because there's a mechanic in the game that was made for this situation if you're sitting in the office without being on cams or having the maintenance panel open for 10 seconds the ventilation error counter will now go down by one every second meaning you're guaranteed to have a ventilation error after 20 seconds regardless of the night yes this game has its own monotony timer thankfully I'm completely allowed to get rid of it without bending the rules here are the rest of the for each night and you may notice that Knight 6 is blank well we'll discuss that later so how do you avoid getting any of these erors well like I said these all run off of timers the game's code isn't incredibly complex so all that fixing these in the maintenance panel does is reset these timers and give us all of our audio LS back meaning that we don't even need to have an error to reset these so all we have to do is make sure that we reset these as often as possible while also avoiding every jump scare and not getting killed by springtrap yeah this this is still going to suck anyways let's go on to night two on night two we're given plenty of time and audio lur and on top of that there's hardly anyone here on this night so I'll just Breeze through this and are you kidding me yeah that happened so I guess I got to come up with some sort of strategy ideally you want to keep springtrap as far away from you as possible since that means he won't be able to kill you that means keeping him around this area of the map so I tried my best to keep him on cam 10 with the cam 14 vent closed this allowed me to continually pull springtrap back to cam 10 if he moved to cam 9 and if he moves into the vent he's blocked off so that'll give me some time to reset everything but I knew that I could probably pull this off for this night so I wanted to limit the amount of Cam usage and the time between ventilation resets because I knew it would be more difficult in the future in order to limit the amount of time on cams I would stay off of them until I completely heard one of these sounds this is a sound that springtrap makes when he enters a vent and this meant that he was entering the cam 14 vent so I could quickly reset everything to prepare for his next move this next sound means that spring trap moved somewhere on the main cams and since he was stuck on cam 10 he would have moved to cam 9 so I'd use an auder to bring him back to cam 10 and then I'd close the cams one thing I knew I had to pay attention to was the monotony time timer since spring trp would start to move faster and I'd get ventilation errors much more quickly if I let this timer run out I made sure to flip up the cams every few seconds to reset the timer but I quickly flip it back down to avoid any Phantom jump scares and to limit the amount of Cam usage that I was wasting since Phantom mangle and balloon boy were the only Phantom animatronics and they almost never showed up anyways they weren't an issue at all so I was able to beat this KN pretty quickly where's he at bro where is he hello dude where is he spawning where is he spawning is he just like not showing up on cans what is up he's moving again where is [Music] he dude I have not been able to see him he's not here oh where hold up there he is okay I to see him now it failed bro hi okay we got him on cam 9 we know that now cam on see him there oh oh just to make sure don't even need it let's go that was night two and that was already kind of stressful ah night three introduces the whole gang of phantom animatronics and this is where things start to get a little bit harder each Phantom animatronic is either really annoying or completely irrelevant Phantom Chica and Phantom mangle never showed up once during my entire playthrough just because I almost never went on cam 4 or Cam 7 and if I did I'd quickly get off of their cam to avoid a jump scare the next one is Phantom balloon boy he's not really too much of a threat normally since you can just close the cams or switch to another cam to get rid of him but when you need to move quickly there's one thing that happens that ended a lot of my runs if spring trap moves to or away from the cam that you're on when you first open the cams all you're going to see is static and you actually can't see if balloon boy is on the cams meaning you lose since there's so much you have to pay attention to this slipped my mind several times and got me killed a lot so I just had to focus on being being patient and allowing springtrap to fully move before checking the cams to avoid dying this way the next one is Phantom foxy and some of you may be surprised that he isn't number one dealing with foxy is actually very easy when you move towards the maintenance panel slightly you'll actually see him appear off to the side of your screen so all you need to do is flip the cams up for a second and he'll be gone the problem is that you have to be very precise while doing this and it also takes a few seconds to take care of meaning springtrap can move further away from the cams that I need him to be at Foxy hardly ever jump scared me and when he did it was usually when I had to move towards the maintenance panel in desperation since I was basically already going to lose the absolute worst animatronic in the game yes even worse than springtrap is Phantom Freddy he absolutely sucks to deal with when he shows up you either have to be on the cams or have the maintenance panel open until he moves all the way across the window if you can quickly move from one side to the other it's possible to avoid his jump scare the problem is that I can't be on cams for too long since I'll get a camera air so I'm forced to move over to the maintenance panel but I also have to check for Phantom foxy meaning that I'll have to be extremely precise as to not die from foxy but not take too long so I'll die from Phantom Freddy oh and on top of that I'll also have no control over where springtrap moves during this as well so yeah Phantom Freddy is the worst a ton of my runs that start off really well anded simply because Phantom Freddy just showed up my strategy for this was that I didn't have a strategy for this I just hope that Phantom Freddy would spare me and that springtrap wouldn't move too far away from the top of the map well we're good we just reset everything [Music] um okay he's on cam 10 right now I don't even have to look at it oh that's not good oh close it close it don't combo me okay got reset everything he's on cam 10 right now I need foxy not to combo [Music] me about to reset something I don't want to burn [Music] cams are you going to vent oo I keep I keep forgetting about Foxy I could totally have just the game end 500 a.m. already look at [Music] that I'll just reboot this we're probably good I don't think he's getting here at all I could probably just chill in the office the whole time that's free ah let's go kept him on cam 10 the whole [Applause] time on night four the only anything that really changes is the introduction of phantom puppet he's similar to Phantom mangle and Chica except for being on a much more important camera in CAM 8 meaning that I had to be a lot more careful when tracking springtrap but I tried to stay off CAM 8 if possible apart from that it's pretty straightforward so I'll talk about some very important things that can happen so I can avoid another situation like this I hit a camera yeah and this time I've got him a see you see well you don't see it he moves right there wait wait right there yeah so make sure you watch this part right here so when you're fixing any error it removes the word error from the maintenance panel so if you start fixing the ventilation and you get a ventilation error before it's finished then you'd never see the word show up so you wouldn't know that you got an error so how do I know if I actually got a ventil error this way well I guess I wouldn't know but in order to make sure I had zero doubt that I beat this fairly I made sure that I always reset the ventilation around the start of every hour since each night lasts 5 minutes and 48 seconds or 348 seconds each hour lasts 58 seconds the quickest way you can get a ventilation error is on night five and you'll get one after 80 Seconds meaning that unless I decide to just stop playing the game I can't get a ventilation air based on time so you can be sure that I beat every single night without any cheating anyways kn4 still gives me two usable audio alerts so I was able to manage my resources very easily and I had some help from springtrap by him constantly going into the cam 14 vent pull that up let's go okay he's on cam 9 just don't hop in that vent just want to get rid of Freddy okay oh okay hello oh hold up is he here yeah okay I think he actually moved back here okay we are cooking right now okay back on nine bro okay good to know 5:00 a.m. and we're still on cam 10 cam 9 now yeah this is come on bro's making it too easy for [Applause] me night five is the first night where we're only given one usable audio lar meaning that after every single use we have to reset the audio this meant that my old strategy wouldn't work anymore since springtrap would be able to move much more easily so keeping him on cam 10 just wasn't realistic my new strategy was to still try to keep springtrap as far away from me as possible but instead of keeping him on cam 10 I kept him on cam9 I also blocked off the cam 11 vent what this allowed me to do was to listen for springtrap's movement if I heard him enter a vent I knew I was safe to fix the cams and the ventilation if I heard to move to another main cam he would either move to CAM 8 or Cam 10 so to reduce the amount of time I spent on cams I would actually always stay on cam 10 the reason for this was that if I heard movement I would open the cams to see if he moved to cam 10 if he was there I'd close the cams and listen for him to move again and be prepared to close the cam 14 vent if he wasn't on cam 10 that meant that he moved to CAM 8 so I'd play the audio alert on cam 99 and quickly try to reset the audio before he moved again this also kept me off CAM 8 entirely so I'd never have to worry about losing to Phantom puppet I know that springtrap and Phantom puppet can't be on the same cam at the same time but in a challenge where a single mistake can end your entire run it's never safe to make assumptions the good news was that since springtrap had two places to move to he would sometimes move back to cam 10 again after this so I wouldn't have to track him down on the cams and waste my cam time doing all of this allowed me to check the cams immediately when I heard movement if I saw Static on cam 10 that meant that spring trap moved to cam 10 meaning that I could close the cams right away to avoid Phantom balloon boy jump scare and I'd still know where springtrap was at if there wasn't any static then spring trap moved to CAM 8 and Phantom balloon boy would be visible so I'd easily be able to avoid his jump scare if he showed up all of this works pretty well until we add in the other Phantom animatronics Phantom Freddy would still pull me off the cams which would allow springtrap to move wherever he wanted to and break away from the loop that I was keeping him in anyways here's night five okay oh oh I'm cooked oh I should have reset everything I forgot I use my audio oh no oh oh oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm [Music] dead I'm dead wait [Music] what yeah just kill me dude we're just been away ah hello oh wait wait wait wait hold up wait what where he move oh he's right hi wait did I just that steals it there we go looking at the intro card you've probably noticed that there isn't a ventilation interval and that's because you can't get a ventilation error on night 6 based on time you can still get one based on jump scares closing Vents and sitting there doing absolutely nothing but this means that as long as we avoid doing these things we won't get a ventilation air now you'd think this makes this night any easier but no having no ventilation airs is traded for way more difficult animatronics the worst thing about this KN is that springtrap is now able to move faster than I can reset the audio alert yeah that means that even if Phantom Freddy and Phantom foxy aren't active and I'm only resetting the audio alert springtrap can move before I can get back to the cams this meant that I had to be perfect to even get a chance at beating this I kept my same strategy as Knight 5 since springtrap had a chance to move back to cam 10 once I used my audio L to get him to cam 9 but as you can see here he moves so fast that sometimes it's impossible to keep up with [Music] him so how was this supposed to get done well we're going to need some good luck on where springtrap moves if he can stay in a loop on moving between cams 9 10 and 11 then we won't have to use our audio alert and we can save it just in case Fe moves to CAM 8 now after all of that we also only have 24 seconds on cams and we'll need to reset that as well trust me those 24 seconds feel like 10 seconds when you're playing so I'll have to make sure that I'm resetting that as well but the time it takes to reset these also allows springtrap to move away from the whole cycle so here's an entire strategy for this night laid out completely at the start of the night find springtrap as quickly as you can and close the cam 11 vent if springtrap has moved to CAM 8 by now then just use the audio lert to bring him back to cam 9 then head to reset the cams or reboot all if you just use the audio alert after that open the cams and set it to cam 10 and close the cams now it's just a listening game springtrap should be on cam 9 at this point so if you hear a move to event that means he moved into the cam 11 vent and you can use this time to reset the cams again if you feel like you need to if he moves moves to another cam quickly check for static on the cams if you see the static that means that he moved to cam 10 and you'll need to close the cams and listen for his movement if you hear him walk to another cam then you move to cam 9 and you're safe if you hear him enter a vent that means he moved into the cam 14 vent and you'll need to close it as quickly as possible until he leaves then switch back to cam 11 and close that vent again if you don't see the static that means that he moved to CAM 8 and you'll need to use the audio alert on cam 9 and quickly reset everything anytime you move over to the the maintenance panel make sure you check to see if foxy is there if he is then move back to the cams and quickly flip them on and off and he'll be gone reset will you need to and move back towards the cams as long as you're listening to springtrap's movement during all of this you should always have an idea of where he is on the map if Phantom Freddy shows up you're forced to move over to the maintenance panel to avoid getting a camera error so what I always did here was to use the audio to bring springtrap to cam 10 and I just hope that he wouldn't go into the cam 14 vent since I would die if he did that if he didn't do that then he wouldn't be able to move fast enough to break out of the loop by the time that Phantom Freddy went across the screen so it was a risk I was willing to take the one problem that can happen is if Phantom foxy is there when Phantom Freddy shows up since it's very hard to avoid both of their jump scares but it still is possible with precise movements if you do all these things and get some decent luck it's definitely possible oh I'm dead wait what where's he at where' he move to hello oh yeah [Music] okay check oh he's moving he's moving okay no way a [Music] that's not it that's not [Music] it oh he's moving up he's moving up no hello oh my goodness's going to kill me he's going to kill me hi let's go baby there it is let's [Music] go let's go 6: a.m. baby let's go overall I had a lot more fun doing this challenge than the last one since it relies mostly on skill rather than luck and trust me my luck is terrible this one only took Me 2 and 1/ half hours to get done compared to the last one which took me 15 hours I can easily say that as long as you follow the same strategy that I used in this video it's definitely possible for anyone to beat this with enough practice and attempts if you made it this far into the video then you'd probably like my last video it's pretty similar to this one but with more raging one big happy family so I definitely recommend that one next if you enjoyed this video don't forget to leave a like on the video and consider subscribing to see more like these feel free to comment down below some challenges you'd like to see me try whether it's in a FNAF game or any other game and I'll see you in the next one [Music] bye
Channel: Cameron
Views: 83,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fnaf, markiplier, fnaf song, markiplier fnaf, fnaf in real time, fnaf into the pit, fnaf movie, fnaf vhs, fnaf plus, fnaf help wanted 2, fnaf security breach, fnaf 2, fnaf 1, fnaf challenge, how to make a fnaf game in scratch, suck it up meme fnaf, fnaf coop, fnaf help wanted 2 all endings, fnaf doom, H2OCameron, horror game, fnaf 3, fnaf 3 no errors, Five Nights at Freddy's 3, no errors, chickeninja, chickeninja42, chickenninja, chickenninja42, is it possible, challenge
Id: o1I8Zug5BMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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