▶️ Loneliness 1 - 2 episodes - Romance | Movies, Films & Series

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[Music] oh i'm so sorry sir is this the end of the line [Music] but how will i find you don't i have to give you the rest of the money is everything okay can i help you wait oh my grandson is in trouble his friend promised to help me with wait a second wait come here wait hold on please hey wait are you okay are you okay oh my god what's wrong she intrigued me right right ah what did she say she said she's a friend of his that he is in the hospital that he needs money for the surgery she probably followed you let's go to the police station and file a claim and what am i going to write i did give her the money myself oy the whole pension how am i going to live in this oh my god here's a tissue thank you your money thank you i completely forgot you take it no no no i cannot no no i no no no i insist i insist i'll be okay without it it's okay but but how can i i need it please take it thank you sweetheart what's your name dear irina irina [Music] here take some apples take them it's the least that i can do for you thank you thank you thank you yes [Music] and ma'am please be careful yes yes thank you [Music] loneliness part one [Music] oh arena dear hello violetta so how are you feeling oh much much better i'm i'm fine now here you go some apples thanks i'll eat them with my throat is better so how are the little ones at the orphanage oh they really miss you but i promise them that next summer you'll you'll intern with us again i miss them a lot too you know how about you join me for some tea in the garden today um will you be okay come on fresh air is very good for us and who's the third person ah it's a secret it's a secret biola there you go acting like a matchmaker again well you don't want to spend your whole life alone do you no i don't want that i just uh hope and know that one day he'll come maybe and how do you know i don't but i think i'll just know it my dreamer oh it's our handsome costume nice to see you violetta how are you hello hello hello arena hello costia you look amazing thank you it's good to see you how's your college it's fine and why are you here well kostya called me this morning when he found out that you'd be here so he decided to come too well let's go to the garden um my dear can you help yes yes of course let's go after you they look adorable they're so grown up but someone's missing right yes the twins the smyrnoffs they were adopted i'm happy for them though it's sad to say goodbye i'm happy too but as director of the orphanage i'm beyond myself my dear why so quiet some tea thank you but i really can't stay for long i just wanted to see you and we'll invite arena to my birthday party that's happening tonight you remember don't you oh it's your birthday forgive me i forgot happy birthday darling thank you so much happy birthday but there's more i just bought a car we're celebrating in a small but close group so hmm costia i'm sorry i don't think so i have a seminar that's steady enough we haven't seen each other and what feels like a million years come on yes of course school is school but you need a celebration too that's right i don't even have a gift for you you are a gift and a very beautiful one it'll be fine okay fine violetta i'm sorry but i should go study before i go out of course go go go let me give you a lift it'll be faster okay see you i'll see you later bye let's go thank you be careful driving you got it of course goodbye goodbye walk arena home after the party most definitely arena call me in the evening okay goodbye [Music] arena [Music] gorgeous arena enough studying let's get ready we'll be late come on come on come on come on quick what are you going to wear i have this dress that that's horrible wear this let me see are you sure well you might be right why give cost you another reason costia is like my brother galia to be honest i don't really want to go tonight well then don't you're right but i promise though you know i have this strange feeling that i should be there tonight like it's meant to be maybe i'll go [Music] he's not letting anyone in again why are you so sad come on smile we're going to a party after all there's going to be so many people tonight should be fun i'm glad we decided to come i'm sorry it's okay do you know him he's handsome i'd introduce myself for costco's party [Music] yeah i think we're about to go in i know it's about time oh ladies and gentlemen and here we have the most anticipated guests of the party friends give them a good welcome galia and arena won't you have a seat ladies the very best food and drinks that the city has to offer arena would you like some no thanks i'll have some juice okay as you wish gallia here you go vodka i see so i'd like to raise a toast to us huh great all right cheers marina what's wrong um irina dear thank you so much for coming hold it no room i'll go sit at the bar hey what's a hold up nothing all good people in but not others he got drunk and he couldn't remember anything from the entire night that's the whole story yeah no it was unbelievable no this guy's gonna have some water please yeah sure time can't handle his vodka i don't know what to say all right ladies and gentlemen let's raise the glasses let's have a toast to me costca what's with the weirdo where that guy what's he staring at [Music] uh arena do you know him no all right guys get him out of here ah no stop it he's just here to relax he's not bothering anyone is he uh costia i would like to raise a glass to your recent success and to all your future endeavors oh arena thank you very much i second that gal yeah dear all right then to the best company a guy could ask arena how about a dance no costume i don't want to come on please let's go it's my birthday i should be able to have whatever i want no i said i don't want to the birthday boy is drunk no arena i just even from far away it's clear the lady doesn't want to dance with you far away you say well then go far away or are you looking for problems so what if i am oh you all heard that right he asked for this oh so that's how you want to play it oh my god yeah get him over here come here stop it get out of here [Music] i'm gonna kill that bastard where is he huh cos you calm down i am calm everything's fine perfectly fine there he is well get over here what are you waiting for let's go watch what i do to this guy i'm really sorry i ruined your night oh come on are you kidding me stop it how about that now get the hell out of here i never want to see your face around here again and we're going somewhere else come on arena wait arena are you coming [Music] i'll go with you [Music] it's so beautiful let's choose a boat how about that one why that one because it is my lucky number mine too let's go [Music] yep [Music] so [Music] [Laughter] this is my favorite spot it's so quiet i like it [Music] [Music] infinity it's just us here you know i had a feeling today that something would happen yeah yeah i saw you looking at me earlier and you too i've always dreamed of someone like you i thought you didn't exist and yet here you are destiny i was about to say what destiny i was just thinking that we even think the same things i bet we even know each other's names sergey i'm marina where is she where is she how did you get into the dorm i found a way where is arita i don't know she hasn't returned yet what does that mean hey where is she hey [Music] the sun's almost out we've lost all track of time marina and what day is it today the eighth [Music] the beginning of our infinity arena tell me everything about yourself i wanna know as long as i can remember i've always been alone i grew up an orphan and i don't have many friends you're an orphan [Music] it's strange i have never told anyone about how lonely i've been feeling except you they say that my mother is somewhere in another city but i've never seen her in my entire life yesterday i wanted to send her a letter but i didn't send it and then i lost it i thought that it must have been fate i will help you find her i want you to know now you have me i should head back galia must be worried about me gailia can wait we'll come later to get your stuff right now i want to introduce you to my mom foreign sergey sergey why haven't you been answering the phone i've been calling you mom the phone was off i didn't hear it this is very unlike you what happened something happened mom i met a girl and i love her interesting hold on a second i'll introduce you this is irina hello there miss it's so nice to meet you finally ludmila nice to meet you wow you have so many books i got them all from my dad this is my this is our room this is where we'll live hey i just realized how much i want to sleep sleep well then [Music] sleep and you i've got something to do i'll be back before you even realize i'm gone [Music] sleep well darling [Music] [Music] hey don ya buddy i've been looking everywhere for you i've been to the studio librarian what's going on it's urgent i've met someone dania i need the rings got it let's sit down then here are the sizes but the rings have to be special you know my favorite color green malachi no no malachite is fragile i think a gat is stronger that's good what's your name arena arena but let me tell you this won't be finished in a day do your best please i'll try thank you ah and most importantly forgot engrave on the rings sergey arena sergey arena i got it and how much is it oh come on it's a wedding present for me thank you my brother congratulations gentlemen keep it down please oh i'm sorry i was so fast asleep that i didn't even hear you come in don't worry you don't need to apologize i just couldn't wait for the opportunity to get to know you a little better you see it's not every day that my son brings a girl to her home to be honest this is the first time he's brought anyone it's a surprise for me as well how long have you known each other uh from seven to six i mean from seven pm to six am of course love at first sight wasn't it i guess so uh-huh well i didn't experience it but i heard it happens all the time i'm very happy for you thank you very much enough about feelings this is your business so tell me what do you do who are your parents well i don't have parents i was raised in an orphanage what [Music] i i'm gonna go i'm gonna go for a walk um maybe i'll run into sergey he said that he wasn't going to take long [Music] sergey my darling's back what's happened what's going on what do you mean irina told me everything about her life mom what did you say to upset my future wife your future wife your future wife if you don't mind i don't but sergey you heard it right we have to go i'm sorry mom sergey come back what is it mom what wife do you hear me i'm asking you don't go what future wife are you crazy i'm sorry mom you lost your mind [Music] wait for me i'll be back well i will i will hey you and i have some unfinished business then why don't we finish it let's go are you serious you're actually going to live with a guy you've known for less than a day arena have you lost your mind perhaps but that doesn't change anything but you barely know anything about him my friend i know one thing that we are truly made for each other what are the odds well good luck to i'm you happiest person in the entire world maybe i'll get this lucky someday of course you will i sincerely wish that for you yeah you broke i'm gonna teach you [Music] this is sergey sergey this is kostya my classmate who does this guy think he is sergey is my future husband is that so costia if you really like me you're going to have to accept this and on top of that wishes happiness then i do wish you happiness let's go but you're still a prick what's that oh yeah it's still right here calm down let's go come on [Music] we'll see about this why do i need a tracksuit where are we going that is a surprise put on something warm and comfortable son can i talk to you for a minute just a few words honey i don't recognize you bringing over a random girl honey you've always been so sensible bringing over an orphan a homeless girl she might even be a thief mom she's not i'm not a thief or homeless it's not my fault if i was abandoned when i was little sergey i'm sorry i can't stay in this house if your mother's gonna treat me this way mom the both of us are going sergey don't go i'm begging you well forgive me so i lost my temper i overreacted this is also unexpected mom we'll be out for a few days you'll have time to cope with your emotions honey please don't go i'm sorry mom sergey my sweetheart [Music] almost there come on in this is my work what do you do here i received my degree in geology and then when i got my diploma i immediately got to work studying rare minerals at the laboratory what does that mean well broadly speaking i study the earth in reality i love exploring caves i'm a speleologist i'd love to go to a cave one day but only if you take me with you well you'll always be with me now but before going to the caves you'll have to pass a special training course i'm an orphan i can do just about everything oh you're my friends [Music] oh wow guys this is arena irina what a beautiful name sounds like pushkin a little bit doesn't it this is velodia he's my friend he's a funny guy we met in college and we've been friends since hello hello marek antosha gosha and of course our polina nice to meet you arena you too so you're with us now arena is with us forever she's my fiance congratulations what a surprise well let's go chat out in the wild the bus isn't gonna wait let's go let's go he says [Music] hang tight you're so strong [Music] that's without any sleep last night with you i'm twice as strong okay sweetheart take a break right here guys i'll go on ahead see where we can set up camp molina huh come here molina huh you have experience take arena under your wing woman to woman show her around tell her how we do things here okay she's a newbie all right oh yeah i noticed if you're tired just wink at me i oh it's okay yeah i'm all right careful yeah sergei is a lucky guy do you well maybe you have a friend i don't know anybody i'm just a single guy ready for serious relationships well if you're so serious then you're in luck because there is my friend galena helena i already like her introduce me what is it what is it is it okay let me see i think i sprained my finger so how are you are you all right the hero who once dreamed of conquering the great el bruce but fell victim to a sprained finger thank you thank you nurse no problem back on track let's catch up with paulina let's go where did you learn to do that i learned first aid at the orphanage this one time i had to get a fishing hook out of a third grader's left shoulder sergei come on brother [Laughter] here we go i got another one i got another one okay so two hikers are making their way through the woods and they uh come face to face with a grizzly bear one of the hikers takes off and the bear starts to charge the other hiker says hey what are you doing you can't outrun a bear and the first hiker says i don't have to outrun the bear i just have to outrun you [Laughter] uh tell us the train one okay okay tell us please use letter carrier in a sentence so the student says well after seeing the luggage my sister's bringing i'm gonna let her carry her own luggage here we go i got another one i got another one [Laughter] oh yeah yeah um okay so anything i should know about the cave yeah well i'll explain when a speleologist descends or climbs a rope he must shout to the next one clear you can't go without this command ah it must be dangerous right no more dangerous than life after all we all die in the end oh no we have an entire infinity ahead of us hey let's sit down right here [Music] take a look the stars they're connected by an invisible thread in order to form a constellation just like you and me invisibly connected until the end of time that's what i'm telling you infinity [Music] foreign [Music] yes [Music] [Music] sorry gay i don't want you to have any problems with your mom because of me what kind of problems could there be if my mother disagrees with something we'll just rent an apartment together well see that's what i'm afraid of she'll hate me forever then i am certain that i won't have to make a choice between you and my mother hey in any case i'm not leaving you sergey arena how was your trip fantastic irina liked my friends and they liked her well of course everyone liked the lovely arena i'm sure they loved her well did you miss a home-cooked meal bet you're tired of snacks by now let's have dinner come on i'm setting the table wash your hands [Music] so tell me how it went come on sergey was fine what do you want i'm asking you as a friend so just don't laugh okay i think i'm in love no listen i know nobody will compare to your arena but gaelia she has this she's just basically perfection you know i don't know melodia let's go out the four of us that sounds great guys have you seen this offer for thrill seekers oh yeah they're recruiting for an expedition to cine sunyaskaya any volunteers uh when and how much they seem to be paying pretty well i'm not sure about the exact number but i'm gonna pass why is that well it's kind of far and city of sky has a bad reputation i'm kind of worried we make our own luck yeah but we do like well-paid extreme adventures and plus sergey is planning a wedding soon hey let's go i say there's a table in the cafeteria come on who do we talk to the deputy director [Music] what do you say i'm with you [Music] six birth marks six [Music] man well where have you been well uh we were we just got stuck in a little heavy traffic you know in the elevator in the elevator yeah have you ordered yet we were waiting for you actually oh well we're sorry hey do you know the main rule of exploring caves is protection protection and protection the main rule of hungry girls no tell me they're ready to eat whatever's on the menu because they won't get full on jokes alone oh okay okay i'm sorry so what do you want to eat i whatever she's gonna have sergey so are we going to donate blood tomorrow meaning oh we donate blood from time to time we donate extra blood yeah i want to do it too well to donate blood you need to make sure you eat well why do you need to do this oh well what do you mean i don't see why two young and healthy guys shouldn't share their young and healthy blood with those who really need it but you don't even know who you're donating it to you'll never see them and they'll never thank you but we believe that it can save a life i'm not kidding guys i'm coming too seriously oh i'll have the carbonara where would you go without me so speleology's third rule of behavior in a hospital in short when they donate blood they oh hold on it's galia sergey i'm sorry i gotta go otherwise galia and i will be late to the movies all right do give my respect to arena i will i will vote you got this what's taking salon arena are you okay it just hurts come on sit down what hurts i'm i'm fine i'm just feeling a little nauseous you're feeling nauseous hey don't worry she's just a little sick it happens the first time let her sit a little and then go for a walk get some fresh air drink some pomegranate juice eat maybe a steak oh anything but steak well if you don't want a steak then here you can have this thank you thank you you're a good couple that's very rare with a rare blood type type o negative it's not like type a b it's very specific and in case of a transfusion you can only use type o negative do you see we even share the same blood type arena we're linked i love you so much [Music] hey brother hey dania what's up what's up your order is ready thank you you are an expert come on the main thing is they bring you happiness thank you brother you're welcome good luck i'll see you so the first goal is to map out the significa cave second assess the underground voids for the possible presence of minerals [Music] sounds good when do we start you start the day after tomorrow [Music] you can count us in sergey what are you doing here everything all right everything's fine i just wanted to take the time to formally propose to you how beautiful do you see your sis sergey and mine marina so will you marry me [Music] of course [Music] look it's like our infinity [Music] do you think you can take a day off from class to see me off well of course i can i just really wish you weren't going anywhere it'll only be for two weeks you'll be thinking of me and i'll be thinking of you and time will fly by it's okay maybe i should go back and stay in the dorm for a little bit no i don't want to bother your mom what are you talking about we're going to be a family children's time for dinner what are you two doing in here mom we wanted to tell you something yes tomorrow we're going to file an application to be married congratulations well i guess it's better than just a civil union i'll make some tea and also mom the day after tomorrow i'm leaving for an expedition for a couple of weeks they're paying well that's so well sergey yes i want a beautiful wedding well in any case we should still talk over tea hmm [Music] [Music] i like it here violetta it's so nice in the country yeah you know i'm looking at you and you're luminous from love tell me how are things with his mother lately have you been getting along uh she's nice as she should be being the mother of such a wonderful son see i'm finally living in a family sometimes i look at ludmila and try to imagine what my mom oh wasn't i like a mother to you of course i didn't have any of my own kids but i have many years of teaching experience seriously you are the real mother of all of us the best mom of all moms you're like my mom you're my sweetheart tell me please arena do you want to be a mother yourself one of these days do you uh don't be shy it's normal i would say even natural what day is it today uh today's the 29th why do you ask well if you think about it then of course everything has its time doesn't it uh violetta you know what i should probably go i still have other things to do today oh let's go i'll see you off i'm so glad you came by come again okay bye-bye see you later okay there was a magazine in here somewhere i arena zolatova i'm writing to apply for assistance in the search for my mother ulyana nicole [Music] [Music] here you go good we're still missing the ham but i'll start with this here's the cottage cheese thank you oh it's sergey it's her gay it's sergey hello uh hello yeah sergey it's you hey how are you yeah i miss you so much i miss you so much marina honey everything's fine i miss you terribly too how are you feeling arena are you still there is everything okay it's okay everything's fine um honey i'm pregnant arena what are you saying we're having a baby oh my god i want to hug you so much right now i really really want to hug you irina i'm so glad take care of yourself let me talk to him yes of course yeah sergey sergey can you hear me i can't hear you sergey the connection is so bad they're gay how's mom give her the phone we're sitting at the table together right now hold on give her the phone okay one second one second here here here hello sergey my hello hello sergey my son are you eating well what do you eat there i'm fine mom i'm not starving but i miss your cooking just three more days oh honey but are you staying warm over there i said what's the weather like mom i'm in the south here it's much warmer than back home ah uh-huh uh-huh hello you're gonna be a grandmother well that's all so you're pregnant congratulations now you have to eat for two come on eat up you have to eat you know when i was pregnant a long time ago with sergey i was eating for three well do you see what a son i got [Laughter] tell me something when sergey was little what was he like he was perfect sergey was a surprisingly smart boy very smart and never afraid of anything ever since he was a little boy i hope that our kids will inherit those qualities i hope so too did you find out today it's positive yeah i even did too to be sure congratulations it's all happening so fast yeah that's true and how are things at the dorm huh they want to give me a roommate but i'm pushing back as hard as i can and how's the snake you know it seems she accepted me and today she seemed really happy when i told her about the pregnancy really well but you know what i think it's all because of sergey oh who cares why my dream is moving out of this stupid hell hole oh i almost forgot i brought you the notes you asked for on dyslexia stop what dyslexia take a look huh what do you think what's that a new dress yeah it's very nice yeah i want to welcome velojanet when he sees me looking this hot he'll immediately propose i have the best idea let's have a wedding on the same day definitely let's oh we can't you'll be getting married earlier since you're pregnant oh yeah oh well never mind listen let's go for a walk downtown i heard there's a concert in the square no sorry i can i gotta go home well i'll go alone okay i gotta go bye [Music] let's keep on moving forward the other guys will catch up with us uh-huh listen it's beautiful out here but the fourth mark of a speleologist there are always records of incoming and outgoing in front of his apartment so the earlier you enter the earlier you'll leave i didn't think time would go so slowly well let's go just a moment melodia hey can you take my picture uh i knew it listen i'll go on well pose somehow to look a little more interesting [Music] there yeah [Music] today we'll pass a couple of karsts and then we'll put them on the map what is that right there is that a trap rock oh it's possible we'll check well in the footsteps of our cave ancestors and back into civilization the main thing is not to damage the cave the main thing is that we don't get hurt [Music] this is the spot look at this delactates take a photo here hold this [Music] it's a pity that arena can't see this pity that galia won't see it [Music] will you take a picture look of course we'll need a couple more photos for the magazine the purpose of their activities is the upbringing and transformation of the individual the teacher must ensure the development of the child so write down intellectual physical come on a smile for galia what was that i don't know the seismograph is silent i told you we need a new one i might fall through brother let's go follow ya go go now watch your head nobody no no no and emotional uh am i disturbing you i'm sorry can i go out please if you must [Laughter] i'm sorry i'll continue if you don't mind the number you have dialed is temporarily unavailable please try again [Music] miss do you happen to know where room 8 is what room has sergey called no he usually calls you i can't reach him the call isn't going through uh it's not surprising he's in a cave not on vacation oh leave it on the news today as a result of avalanches in the significant cave where a speleological group was doing research there's no information on human casualties yet but according to a lead which we still have to confirm it is believed that two scientists were conducting research in the cave at the time of the fall nothing is known about them yet the entrance to the cave is obstructed and it will take some time to clear them okay sergey my god he's there there are you okay what's wrong what's the matter are you okay it's all your fault if it weren't for you he wouldn't even be there he would never have decided to go you hear me it's all your fault oh my fair again go get out of here and don't come back i won't let you in [Music] oh reena how could this be happening this can't be true calm down everything will be fine they'll come back how can you be so sure sergey promised me [Music] brother hold on what the hell happened there was an earthquake there's a cave and the entrance is blocked oh [Music] you're fine it's just a couple of ribs it's a good thing i have something to say i'll give you some painkillers yeah well i live you will you will there's no choice come on why are you so confident unlike some i didn't miss any lectures on medicine oh here we go okay drink up come on you'll feel better soon [Music] now stay still and be quiet i'm afraid that'll be quite difficult have they found them not yet but we have confirmation that they were in the cave when will they find them well the rescue operation is in progress but i'm afraid it's going to take a long time okay then if that's the case then we want to go there now that is entirely unnecessary there are plenty of better ways that you can help no one will even let you get close but they're alive if that's the case then they'll be rescued there are emergency responders over there right now doing everything in their power it's true at this point we can only really wait and hope and go on with our lives there's nothing else we can do we have two cans of spam two cans of tuna two packets of barley a couple pieces of cheese [Music] and some candles that's it now what man what are you talking about they're looking for us and they'll find us soon but it's dangerous to stay here there may be aftershocks so i'll go and try and find a way out you stay here and relax okay i've rested enough i [Music] i'll be right back hello my little sweetheart i brought you some liquor some fruits vegetables and some homemade cakes we've missed homemade food thank you violetta my dear darling do me a favor and go wash these oh thank you phew there's the liquor you cannot drink my dear but gaelia and i can have a shot well come on get up let's make a salad i don't want to eat sergey is starving and i will too what do you mean you don't want to irena stop it you need to eat well first of all it's necessary for the baby i'm just trying to imagine how they are trapped in there you better think how you are in here you're right violetta they're fighting for their lives out there and i'm just lying in here like a fool here i've washed the vegetables here give me the veggies i'll cut them now that's better come on come on come on oh my sweetheart oh my sweetheart it's okay it's okay oh my little girls everything will be fine they're alive they're alive [Music] valodia followed you wake up i found a way out valodia wake up what it's dangerous to stay here we have to go uh did the painkillers work can you stand up [Music] no maybe not well don't worry about it brother that's why i'm here come on okay if it hurts fight it on my command ready and let's go fight it fight it try philojah good job good job falloja well done come on [Music] hey are you asleep do you think they're really alive i know it how do you know i feel it but what if trust me i woke up and heard you crying you heard it wrong go to bed [Music] [Music] [Music] uh rest stop this is a dead end too well that's not a bad grave don't say that come on wish i had your optimism there's a cavity here i'll try to clear it hey man i'm sorry i'm not helping you i'm just that's funny next time you'll help is there even gonna be a next time of course we will get out i already promised arena [Music] do you remember our professor korenkov right well he taught us there's always a way out the main thing is to find it latest news from sydney viscaya cave today the rescue team clearing the obstruction has announced that they are halting the rescue work the main reason is repeated mass rockfalls putting the rescue team in danger [Music] oh [Music] [Music] let's rest for a bit rest here here i'll give you another painkiller [Music] no there are more [Music] i think it's done well that's okay it's damp here it means there's water nearby i'll go find it you wait don't move a muscle where could i go what time is it now the watch stopped a long time ago this is a joke there was a watch invented first biliogist glows in the dark makes the conversation going and gives a friendly pat on the back [Music] that's really funny follow jeff i'll be back hmm where am i oh it's you did i sleep long just the right amount i got some water careful go slowly slowly yeah well done no listen i think that's it don't worry i'll get more there's a whole lake back there [Music] i'm talking about myself don't say that where your regalia will scratch my eyes out brother can you turn off the light [Music] i'll sleep more [Music] i dreamed of the sun mother mother [Music] [Music] so [Music] get some rest brother [Music] [Music] hey i heard you're taking a leave of absence there's no time to do everything yeah to read magazines look here's an article on how people survive in extreme circumstances stop reading about this stuff why don't you pick up your phone if koster calls he can't reach you well because i'm waiting for a call from sergey if the phone's busy he won't be able to get through stop torturing yourself you need to interact with people i don't want to look everyone thinks he's dead what if they're right well they're wrong gail are you coming we'll be late lesha what did i tell you i asked you to wait for me outside go i'm coming and why are you looking at me like that can't i go to the movies and is the movie called betrayal call it whatever you want well where are you going [Music] hold on i followed you [Music] you couldn't wait brother [Music] i'm sorry [Music] so excuse me violetta yes can i can i stay here with you for a while please why ask my god of course okay okay okay oh well it's good you came everything will be all right just relax there there now there [Music] [Music] uh [Music] sorry gay how can i eat drink sleep while you were there alone oh reena quickly open the windows before oh the neighbors run over here and try to save us from the fire oh i'm not lusting thought i'm so sorry i've noticed well you've become so absent-minded lately the eggs are burnt of course you've been interacting with me for three weeks and with everything that's been going on i i know it's not easy what it's been three weeks oh poor girl you got all dirty oh oh i'll go take a shower go of course [Music] [Music] arena come here please i want to talk to you for a bit yes biola arena if sergey could come back he would have already accept the reality please leave the past in the past live in the present but i thought you were on my side violetta yes i'm on your side it's true i wish you happiness what happened where's my ring i took it give me back my ring arena it's better this way it's driving you crazy give me back my ring and i mean now [Music] how how could you i thought i could trust you i'm gonna go pack my things and go no wait forgive me i wanted what's best for you i didn't think you'd take it this hard the following train moscow kostroma is now boarding hey lady would you like a cookie stop bugging strangers i'm really sorry about that miss he's just very sociable it's okay thank you my name's arena what's yours my name is sergey [Music] that's a really good name yes just like my dad his name is sergey too sergey i'm sorry he's so talkative let's go my social butterfly let's go [Music] so let's clarify it says here that you're looking for a job as a housekeeper or a nanny right [Music] okay then uh higher education is incomplete is there a reason you didn't finish it uh i've taken a leave of absence four reasons pertaining to my family right it says here you're single i have a fiance his name is sergey many ladies are afraid to take young single women like yourself into their home hold on it says here you grew up in an orphanage is that correct yeah so well i'll be honest with you this will complicate the job search for you what's wrong with it nothing if you ask me but many people have prejudice against those who were raised in orphanages do i understand correctly that i'm not going to get the job i'll be extremely honest with you no okay thank you next person please cleaner needed more information at interview [Music] good morning violet please good morning come right in one moment i'll change my clothes come to the living room did something happen violetta what's wrong yes arena is missing what do you mean missing did you try calling her well of course she's not answering i've already searched half the city yeah so could she have done anything to herself of course not she's waiting for sergey she believes he's alive and besides dear she's pregnant ah is that so i'm completely worried well of course listen i wanted to talk to you what do you think i should do should i go to the police or file a missing person's claim let's wait on that for now let me talk to a few people and we'll definitely find her try not to worry in the meantime oh thank you thank you don't mention it don't mention it some tea oh no no no thank you i have so much work to do listen my dear just call me keep me posted i'll talk to you later [Music] miss hey miss miss i'm actually speaking to you should i call the waiter no are you new here or what first time i've seen you yeah and what's your name i came here to work not socialize okay back to work hello kasia what's up well i just saw the girl ears well the one you sent me the picture of yeah she looks like her though she wouldn't give me her name would you look at that arena what a coincidence question yeah i work here now you work here uh-huh well what about your studies well everything has changed let's sit down at least talk normally for a bit closer i can't i'm working well don't worry i'll compensate the boss for your break yeah not every day we see each other let's go come on have a seat well are you hungry no well maybe some tea one moment waiter could we have some tea and the best cake you have thank you tell me how are you by the way i heard what happened i'm so sorry it's great that you're waiting for him cost you thinks a lot well i know where you work now but where are you staying with galia or his mother well right here in the back room they've given me a space here are you serious listen move in with me i'm renting a three-room flat i'll let you have a room for free since we're old friends why would you do that like i said cause we're old friends um because you know it's inappropriate and sergey wouldn't like it and do you think sergey would like how you're living now um well i don't depend on anyone well i'm not suggesting you depend on me just live and do whatever you want there's nothing wrong with saying yes how does that sound okay no i'm sorry forgive me i have to go back to work it was good seeing you wait arena let me at least lend you some money you don't have to pay me back you can rent an apartment no i'm i'm doing fine arena listen to me know that you have a friend and you are not alone i know that i'm not alone i have sergey and and he'll be back soon thank you for the cake [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] uh [Music] mom is here everything's gonna be fine it's okay can i come in huh kostya what are you doing here well i wanted to check out your place it's not necessary um yeah you know what arena you can't live here especially right now it's okay i'm fine i'm okay no it's all fine sure but please explain to me if you don't want to stay with me why can't you stay with violetta or with galia at her dorm maybe costcha they think that i've completely lost my mind well you could go crazy in here i mean look at that faucet yeah it won't stop dripping let me get some tools and fix it for you okay sound good just a minute wait here okay um [Music] ugh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Music] there it is that's it okay huh [Music] costume how long have you been here you just fell asleep and i've repaired everything thank you here by the way i bought you some strawberries to sweeten your routine so to speak go ahead i watch them um you shouldn't have we get lots of leftovers here don't argue eat it's good for you well if there's nothing else around here i can help you with [Music] thank you costa then i'll just go go [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: Movies & Series
Views: 4,124,687
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Id: KaUcFaI3njA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 21sec (5361 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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