Is Her Boyfriend Using Her For Her Money? (UDY Top 10 Gold Digger/ Loyalty Test)

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[Music] today we're gonna be helping Monique finds out if her boyfriend's is using her for her money her boyfriend's name is Austin and to find out if he is or isn't using Monique we're gonna have my friends Madeline test his loyalty or in other words Madeline is going to be hitting on Austin and asking him on a date now this is all going down in the comfort of my own home which is an upstairs apartment and a downstairs office Madeline and Austin are currently downstairs and Austin is unaware that an upstairs area even exists now to make sure things stayed that way we shut the door that leads upstairs because it can only be opened from the inside thus this ensured the obscurity of the upstairs area which tonight is serving as our command center this is where Monique will be able to watch and listen in to Madeline hitting on Austin from three live feeds two of those live feeds are coming from our home security cameras and the third live feed is coming from a camera that we set up and hid earlier that day now those are not the only cameras rolling though because earlier that day we actually set up and hid multiple cameras to cover every inch of the downstairs area these cameras aren't giving us live feeds but they are gonna be recording Madeline hitting on Austin which is about to happen any moment now soon enough Monique we'll find out if Austin ends up staying loyal or if Austin ends up trading her for another girl all right now full disclosure here today is December 28th and we actually shot this video back in October which is why it's Halloween themed eight well since we weren't able to finish editing the video by Halloween and it's no longer Halloween season and we weren't gonna drop the video at all however since the video that we shot afterwards didn't go so well okay and since the following video that we shot at this dope mansion in Hollywood Hills went even worse it is getting late it's getting cold it's getting misty and no word from her we decided to just edit out this Halloween video and drop it I regret not editing it sooner because I personally think that it's really really good but thank you guys for your patience I hope you guys enjoy it and I hope it ends up being worth the wait okay so Madeline should start making remove anytime soon so you just want to listen in it seems like just yesterday we're just talking about this what are you getting it now it would never go through your dress I love 57 by the way yeah okay so I bet you are lost and don't know what the hell is going on well that's okay you should be to fully understand everything that is happening let's go back two weeks prior to the first time that I ever met Monique are you are you sure you want to do this yeah someone he came over on this day to tell us exactly why she feels that Austin could just be using her I do kind of feel like I'm being used in a way I don't know so what do you do for this guy how does it how does he easiest so far like I've provided him with money for like food clothes Uber's he doesn't have a car so like he'll borrow my car sometimes so it has Austin never directly ask you for money so that's how you give him money because you feel bad for him it's because I can do it for him like I wouldn't just do it but obviously I care okay that's why I feel the need to do this now there were two things that Monique's added that really stood out to me the first was that Austin had a no car he doesn't have a car so like he'll borrow my car sometimes and the second thing was the job that Monique recently helped him get so does the other job he does now I helped him get a job see I didn't know it then but two weeks later those two things would create the perfect opportunity for Madeline to hit on Austin so that Monique could find out if he is or isn't using her yo-yo so we are getting everything set up right now how are you where are you okay just keep you updated okay okay okay I'll see you soon as you all know this was the night that Madeline would be asking Austin on a date in order for her to do so on this night we made Austin believe that Monique Madeline Lawrence Evelyn and eoqs were all throwing a Halloween party damn but that's not all because since Austin is a bartender we also made him believe that he would be making the drinks for the party of course we made Austin believe those things thanks to Monique now the primary drink that we wanted Austin to make was jungle juice and that was for a very important reason so as I'm sure many of you guys know the general consensus for making jungle juice is pouring a bunch of liquor a bunch of juice and a bunch of chopped up fruit into a jug well to chop up all the fruit we got that night was gonna take Austin a while but that's the point to supposedly help him move faster we were gonna have Madeline help him chop the fruit but in reality she would only be doing so because this was when she would be asking him on a date all right guys you guys know exactly what you guys are doing correct you guys know your limes you guys got everything down Madeline you know what you're doing gotcha the time has now come guys for me to hide myself up here come from my friends to prepare themselves downstairs because Monique will be arriving with Austin anytime soon so with our cameras all set up and our game plan ready to go all that was left to do was wait for Monique to arrive because since Austin has no car she was also responsible for bringing him over well sure enough our cameras eventually captured the moment that Monique arrived with Austin okay so I've actually turned those security cameras downstairs on to live mode that way I could see everything that's happening downstairs in real-time and so far everything seems to be going as planned Monique has just flopped into our apartment with Austin exactly how we wanted her to now if you look closely you'll notice that Monique walked in with Halloween decorations what we actually asked her to do so for a very important reason see in order for Madeline to make her move we needed her at that table with Austin and we needed everyone else to make up an excuse to leave well after setting up those decorations yoke's loris evelyn and Monique will have the perfect excuse to do so now to not draw any suspicion to our plan we had a Laura's be the one to eventually stop Austin from decorating and walk him over to the bar table and we had them also be the one to get Madeline to help Austin cut the fruits for the jungle team and so with that Laura successfully sets the stage for Madeline to make her move all that needs to happen now is everyone else needs to finish setting up those decorations so that they could finally make up their excuse to leave [Applause] so they finished setting up the decorations and they're gathering your rounds and I think this is it I think they're about to make up their excuse so our excuse for everyone to leave was that everyone was gonna go perhaps some more decorations because supposedly Monique did not bring in now so we had to make it seem like they were getting a lot of decorations plus beer in order for it to be believable about all of them are going with Monique to go to the store in the end our excuse gave us exactly what we wanted everyone successfully exited the apartment except Madeline in Austin now Austin was under the impression that everyone went to the store but in reality this was when everyone made their way upstairs my friends Ken was the one responsible for fetching them so Josh so Ken had five minutes to retrieve Monique and everyone else because per instructions that we gave Madeline she would start making her move in five minutes so Madeline knows to give us at least five minutes for everyone to get up here and then she's gonna start so in those five minutes everyone quickly crammed into Monique's car and she moved it from the front of our apartment to our back parking lot honey because your heart beating designer definitely from there everyone then took an elevator upstairs and walked a short distance to our front doors successfully reconvening with us now during the five minutes that it took monique to get to us Madalena was simply making small talk with austin but now that Monique has made it to us and our five minutes I've expired Madeline will begin hitting on Austin any moment now [Music] okay so Madeline should start making remove anytime soon so we just want to listen in and so with that ladies and gentlemen you are officially all caught up and we are back to where this video started Madeline is about to make her move which means that Monique will soon find out if Austin is or is ain't using her for her money because she will soon be finding out if Austin is or isn't loyal it's gonna be for sure okay so here we go this is it Madeline is making her Eliza to sounding like this so all of you have this area [Music] [Music] [Music] so it appears that Madeline was slowly making her move but Austin just caught her off-guard by asking her to kick it what does he mean by that I mean if you wanted to give me that we don't have to that was fast - just like that I think this thing is over like it hasn't even been five minutes Madeline straight up was like you're saying we want to kick it but in reality you're just trying to hook up right and Austin was like pretty much like it's pissing me off I literally brought him to the party in my car like Monique is at a loss for words and if you guys aren't yet you guys will be soon because this thing is far from over yes he really just said that Austin really wants to kick it with Madeline now he's saying that he and Monique and so with that Monique falls back to feeding in less than five minutes Austin treated her with zero hesitation now the crazy part is all the work that we did for Madeline to ask Austin on a dates was pretty much pointless because Madeline didn't even get to ask him on a date Austin failed from his own doing but keep paying attention because if you guys think that it can't get any worse trust me it can and it did okay so our job was pretty much done right like we knew that Austin wasn't loyal to Monique well Madeline knew that too which is why she backed off a while ago but as opposed to changing the subject to give Monique a chance to compose herself and decide if she wants to confront Austin or not Madeline instead decides to tell Austin that she knows that Monique helps him with money I don't know if her plan was to like guilt-trip him or something but listen to Austin's response I'm sorry no go for it girlfriend it's all for you no it's not real I got him that gig he did not have a job before me so Austin drops the bombshell that Monique doesn't even give him money in fact he's saying that he's the one who does stuff for her he's so trying to act like I'm using him that's not true right so it's like physical family were the bobble on this thing so is this enough what is your take on this I use him that is so twisted and backwards like you don't even understand I got $150 tip from a guy to which you know that doesn't have to be a chip that just goes to show what what is he wearing right now it's costume hostel you buy him the costume like I'm so pissed right now I am not gonna lie here I was dying a little inside when she said that because I just find it so funny that Austin would say that Monique is using him when this guy came to the party in the costume that she bought him see she was like well I don't want to come from not gonna have a costume like I can't afford me my last relationship Mia and he's been pushing me to be with him he tells me he loves me already now he's sitting here saying that I use him which he like literally does not have a dime to give me so Austin has utterly failed this test allowing Monique to determine that he more than likely is just using her which means that the time has come for Monique to decide if she wants to confront him absolutely he wants to embarrass me what's embarrassing he's gonna go no see recently he's probably trying to defend himself the best he can but the proof is on my vote like I could literally show you everything this is [ __ ] okay okay so Monique has chosen to confront Austin however keep in mind that Austin right now has a knife in his hand well since we didn't know how he was gonna react we want to be oakes to take the knife away from him before Monique cumference him seconds after you going you're going into the closet room so with yokes going down the correct door all that was left to do now was wait for him to accomplish his mission that was too slick yoke successfully takes the knife away from Austin which meant that the coast was clear from own eek to make her way downstairs to confront him and so ladies and gentlemen if you guys have to use the restroom then now would be the time to go if you guys are multitasking now would be the time to stop if you guys haven't given this video a big thumbs up then now would be the time to do so and most importantly if you guys do not have your talkies then now would be the time to grab them because you guys already know this shit's gonna be good I'm using you right is that that's what's going on right here me I'm using you you know what you tell me what was this little conversation you were just having about okay no it's cool you can play dumb it's okay okay so I will clarify this whole party was just part of a test we are actually not coworkers we were just trying to see if you would say well somebody forgot okay you have the opportunity to prove yourself but you just fulfilled and your word doesn't mean [ __ ] to me anymore especially since you want to say I'm using you for money are you really bro really operation on me whatever little fancy you want the point is you're thirsty Esther's trying to hook up with her I saw all of it and on top of that you want to manipulate the situation and say that I use you for money when your broke ass can barely maintain a pink top really I have a job okay this job that I hoped you get we'll see how long that spit last you're always getting fired for calling out all the time okay look this this is done okay you set a sting operation on me mo like what the deal right now you might even lose a lot of time you're wasting my time are you kidding me and you're gonna stay here at I use you for money you may as well leave like there's the door bye-bye bunny okay all right all right go talk to you like that how about this I'm nothing can leaving until you give me my money boom how about that are you serious yeah well are you serious right now you want to know what let's get me nice then you've been with that I gave you money today really you know I did really the five dollars of the gas King serious you want to know what he gave me five bucks for he used my car and gave it back to me on E use a packet it are you serious that money well yeah I buy you food clothes uber all that how does that even mean quit by bucks 5 bucks that'll get me home I'm not gonna let you keep it you want your [ __ ] dollars back yeah 5 bucks you are really gettin grateful I've done a lot for you and I've been there for you why would you even set up oh great okay this house go give me my money and I'll just walk and I'll leave okay that would solve everything how about you go do that you want to be petty okapi yeah okay okay just give me five bucks I do not want to be here anymore it's fine please someone Nica reluctantly agreed to give Austin back his five bucks she makes her way to Ricard to grab the money as the rest of us wait with Austin don't talk to me please stop talking to me I'm not gonna lie those were a very awkward and long 10 minutes said you buy him that costume everything and watch one we can take that dog okay there is something you guys should have know monique is planning something no if it's not already obvious exactly what that is you guys will see soon enough but in hindsight it appears that it was at this moment that the idea entered Monique's head for reference this was the moment after Austin demanded his money and called Monique ungrateful like I said that if it's not already obvious what who need plans on doing you guys will see soon enough so I don't have five but I have twenty okay but um first of all that I bought you right I bought you that so why don't you take it all off since you want to be petty about your little your little gas money you want to be petty about your $5 you're gonna strip then I'm not giving you my spit yours are you serious I just said I bought it with my money are you stupid okay first of all you really looking like I made you so I'm gonna need you to give my back you want to be petty about $5 give me my back okay okay so strip know you want your money don't you no no no God give you a bit later how does that sound okay face later we will never speak again so okay fine then I'll just ship him to you serious you're gonna venmo me to ship my space no strip now follow directions I am NOT going home all those directions that's your issue not mine so come on you want your money right you want your money right so it gets to strip and go okay yeah okay fine you know what okay okay here's your here's your in stupid and I'm good you want them so bad here they are yours you're sure here's your other shirt to Bali what is it you want to be petty I could be petty you should be embarrassed right now you should leave you should leave bye bye bub know what you this is ridiculous [Music] oh damn some mone she gave Austin a taste of his own medicine he got petty and wanted his $5 back so she got petty and wanted at the costume that she bought him back this of course would result in Austin having to undress himself and go home half naked face doesn't need a raucous jaw I think we all learned a valuable lesson here today people don't bite the hand that feeds you because you only stand to make a $15.00 profit [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: UDY
Views: 10,072,332
Rating: 4.9602609 out of 5
Keywords: udy, gold, digger, gold digger, golddigger, expose, exposed, exposing, gold digger test, Sergio, mejia, Sergio Mejia, relationship, bf, gf, boyfriend, girlfriend, money, using, test, investigation, new, 2020, 2019, best, top, epic, intense, funny, lol, confrontation, top 10, cheater, cheating, cheated, comedy, laugh, brutal, top 5, funny videos, hilarious, cheat, exposes, rich, mystery, cheaters, suspense, caught, funniest, joke, mansion, public, hidden camera, cheats, loyalty test, gold diggers, cheating girlfriend, money hungry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 31 2019
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