Is He Wasting Your Time? (The Top 2 Red Flags to Watch For) (Matthew Hussey)

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i think that every video i've ever done could be looked at not simply through the lens of dating and relationships but through the lens of time the idea of not suffering for longer than we need to not spending longer with the wrong person than we need to not repeating the same mistakes that are costly in terms of time in fact one of the main questions i get from people is how do i read someone's intentions how do i know if they're just stringing me along how do i know if this person is wasting my time i've recently posted something across all of my social media saying if you want to know someone's intentions watch their actions not their words because actions have a far harder time lying now someone replied challenging this principle and their reply is worth noting okay flip that what if he's telling you that he doesn't want a relationship with you but won't stop calling texting wanting to spend time with you sleeping with you making future plans with you sharing hopes dreams fears troubles which do you believe i thought this was a great point because it suggests that the literal inverse of what i said is true in that case that if you were to watch that person's actions you would continue to invest more and more and more because their actions would be saying the right thing even though their words are saying the wrong thing so based on this comment i want to add an addendum to this principle of paying more attention to someone's actions than their words if you want to know someone's intentions watch their actions not their words unless what they're telling you is difficult for them to say when we're trying to make any kind of a sale in life we want to say all of the things that are going to help us make that sale if in the course of that sales presentation someone tells you something undesirable unwelcome something that could cost them the sale what they're saying in that moment should be given particular attention in that case we shouldn't be blindly looking at their actions and what they invest in us we should be paying attention to the small print i think of it like a pharmaceutical ad when someone is trying to sell you on a pill that's going to take away some pain or ailment that you have and it shows you this bright meadow and happy people and after all of that powerful emotional good feeling it reads you as quickly as possible the small print of how this drug is going to make you want to kill yourself ask your doctor today about kevorka side effects may include making you want to kill yourself i think of what someone's selling you when they tell you they don't want a relationship as being like that it's like a commercial for a relationship where someone is walking you through the scenes here's us going to a movie here's us in a park having a picnic here's a moment where i confide in you with something vulnerable and aren't we connected in this moment then after all of these relationship-esque scenes that make you feel so invested comes a small print where someone says warning this romance comes without a title we'll never call you girlfriend just not ready for a relationship and not looking for anything serious right now that's the small print because when somebody is telling you i don't want anything serious amidst doing all of the right things or they're telling you i don't want a relationship even though they're behaving as if you're already in a relationship what they're saying requires effort to say it may sabotage the very attention they are trying to get that means it was inconvenient for them to say and if it was inconvenient for them to say if it was something that could cost them the sale then it's something that should be given extra attention over and above their actions before you go i have a program called how to talk to men which is one of my most popular programs because it literally breaks down word-for-word communication whether it's creating attraction more respect conveying your standards i've actually taken an entire chapter of that program that is on flirting and i'm giving it away for free today so you can go and download that at warning downloading this free chapter may result in flirtatious banter uncontrollable attraction quite possibly a loving relationship
Channel: Matthew Hussey
Views: 808,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Matthew Hussey, Matt Hussey, Get The Guy, How to Get the Guy, Dating Advice for Women, attract men, keep your man, dating coach, relationship coach, relationship tips, what men want, make him like you, make him love you, how to talk to men, how to attract men, meet men, get the guy, tips for women, flirting tips, texting, calling, love advice, relationships, matt hussey, matthew hussy, mathew hussey, how to flirt, relationship red flags, is he stringing you along
Id: k2h0uXdDIPQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 40sec (280 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 08 2020
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