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no such fashion we design this with passion nora snaps fast detective bro spies on sister yeah i want you to look at this down man i want you to realize that this is in the right way maybe you should read it no i shouldn't anyways it's facing brent too so this is super sick we should go to disneyland tomorrow guys i already told you i don't want to do anything for my birthday this year but thank you that's exactly what mom means every single year and when we don't do something for birthdays she's like that's so true come on you always go all out for us yeah remember the surprise party awesome through for jesse when he gave her like 20 gifts it wasn't exactly a surprise party because i saw you in the parking lot i feel like surprise parties never become successful that's always that one kid he spoils it um sorry bro i'm not good with surprises really [Music] sorry bro hey hey it was still fun though right everybody felt great but he looked great jesse looked super cute that night i don't feel like if someone like smash and you know they're the right person like if there's my friend i guess it's okay but if someone it's more about ned's acting like he's 21 like with the acrylic nails 11 year olds wouldn't get this you think my sister is cute uh um i met her uh outfit looked super cute you know because um she was wearing that uh velvety black dress and that she had the purple coat right yeah um oh oh don't even get me started on those boots i mean where do you even find those kids like see stop stop hair time that was four months ago how do you remember what she was wearing um it's late oh yeah um i think yeah i gotta go do the things look at his hands so i'm gonna go um wait uh did you park in the lot no um i had to park a couple blocks away because there weren't any spots left it's dark you shouldn't go alone i'll walk you you know this is really stuff i feel like nasty advice are you doing this i'll be boys and brain i'll be like hold up no i probably wouldn't look at brown's like watching the situation like what's going on [Applause] yeah okay sure you are gonna walk him guys are supposed to protect the girls it's not the other way around please i am a lot tougher than ken a bad guy would be more scared of me than him oh ken is just like yeah fine just be quick i'll be waiting relax austin she's awesome and then i say you don't always have to be so overprotective i'm your older brother of course i do that's just like exactly what i said i'm one year older than you of course i have i'm not in two years no you know yeah practically what i need i know what's best for you okay let's go ken yep later drew later cam yep yep prince like you if you do anything i'm literally gonna bust down this window and come with you with my support i think my sister and ken have something going on yeah thing really hey bro no that's it's not possible bro it looks pretty obvious to me i guess there's only one way to find out and that is you are going to spy on her what no no way look i'm not spying on jessie cause jesse is 20 years old i mean she should be allowed to date and it's kind of wrong to assume she's incapable of of making you know the bet i'll give you a hundred bucks okay if that happened to biggie robots it's like we can be like switch yeah i'll get started tomorrow bro [Music] so we're going to dinner tonight and i know it's going to be special want to get him a nice gift give me a nice gift jessie brother in high school she's probably getting woody a nice gift his name's not his name is have i told austin yeah right you know how my brother is that's what happens when someone's broke was gonna be annoying the girls don't tell him anything big my ass would be doing that nice like someone she wouldn't keep it a secret you'd like to tell me about if he had a boyfriend he'd kill me if he found out he found out [Music] okay all right following you just stop texting and just follow the car okay [Music] how was the sickest transition shot bro what happened what happened [Music] i thought he was gonna put a regular mask on you're like are you trying to rob this door yeah i was like you may be kicked out of the store sometimes that happens when you two covered up because it makes you look like an insulin sauce can i help you find anything yeah i'm trying to buy something for a guy oh nice someone special i take it i guess you could say that well i have something that may work right over here [Music] do you mind if i show one of these jackets great well you can't talk because give me talks and the guys you recognize yeah voiceover oh do you have a medium oh let me check you weren't gonna buy this were you okay thanks here it is i'll take it perfect he's trying to smile his life [Music] dang drew what are you doing here oh um well i it's open it's regular no no no it's iphone sorry my phone died so what happened um she bought a men's jacket of course she did i think the acting is so good like it's just like more like a i don't know what to do it's very good anything else [Music] well [Music] what was that i sounded like a phone is jesse here no but it sound like it came from her room [Music] no no shh what are you doing you can't go in well would you look at that ken just texted her i want to read it but she probably has a pin she must have disabled it you should probably stop i just she wouldn't be happy about this why do you keep taking your side um no i'm not taking sides i'm just saying look how would you feel if she went through your messages i'm the older brother it's different and i'm the autistist so i can protect this young g oh no is that dear is that different you keep taking your side um no i'm not taking sides i'm just saying look how would you feel if she went through your messages i'm the older brother it's different all right let's see what her and ken have been talking about so excited for tonight it's gonna be epic see you at giuliani's at six winky face wow they're totally going on a date tonight he even put a winky face in everything no no winky face me it means something sketchy long story short but i know lots about the winky face like a day either way we're gonna find out because guess who's gonna be there to confront them no no he's like no he's like yeah all right let's see what else they've been talking about jesse's home okay hide hide hide [Music] wow so i was thinking [Music] well they're right there why in the world i can't believe this i'm gonna say something wait wait you don't even know if anything's going on yet [Music] [Music] he's happy birthday to you happy birthday happy birthday to you i am so confused so you two aren't on a date no no not not at all wait but you walked him to his car yeah to finalize your birthday plans nothing else but you you even bought him a gift oh you mean the one i got you yeah we went to the store together to get your present happy birthday oh [Music] the jacket thank you okay but wait how did you guys know i was gonna be here you think i don't know you well enough by now i left out the bait and you fell for it why else would i disable my pin yeah we knew you'd probably get suspicious and then go through everything and follow us make drew follow us around you told them no he didn't but we caught him spying on us at the store yeah it was pretty obvious but we made him promise not to tell you anything and to just keep playing along i mean i would have told drew sooner but he doesn't know how to keep secret do you drew no yeah you're right but um hey this cake is looking pretty good so let's dig in right before you do that do you have anything you want to say uh yes i am glad that you two aren't dating you said they aren't dating what about going through my tablet or you know paying drew to spy on us okay maybe i was being a little too overprotective i'm sorry thank you so you're gonna be okay with me dating austin it's not gonna be easy but i promise i will try my best that's great i'm just gonna post on youtube let's see because even though i'm not dating ken thanks i am dating through [Laughter] before you do or say anything remember what you just promised i'm gonna austin what you promised he promised fine thank you now we can eat some cake before we do that you want to be the guy why would you help me spy on ken if you were dating her the whole time well that's just because i needed some money get you a birthday present so here you go huh that's really cool money yeah it's your hundred dollars well almost [Laughter] happy birthday man thanks thanks babe babe not in front of me don't do that take your arm off well um what about this no i ain't don't drew i told you what are you you're oh [Music] okay [Music] i need to keep protecting theirs because because because she's 11 and she's not 20 20 like the other girl so that's what happened catch me knuckles [Music]
Channel: Norris Nuts Do Stuff
Views: 1,183,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sabre norris, norris nuts, sockie, biggy, naz, sockie norris, naz norris, biggy norris, justin norris, norris nuts real names, norris nuts ages, brooke norris
Id: zfsY132AQac
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 23sec (983 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 10 2021
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