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hey noise nuts it's jojo who are we you are the norris that's really well today you're gonna find out because each snowstorm is gonna create perform script write their own music video that represents them and there's a mystery celebrity judge who'll be judging your video clips no that's a good twist and you're gonna love who it is is it gamer dad no not david dad like a proper musician james charles jason i know james is already judged but i think it's james charles come on you made things dude probably somebody has like music videos on youtube maybe like before getting the dad dressed up is justin bieber remember how we do that scissor for the big american show so my dad is gonna have a phone call with them i'm gonna try to spawn him but i'm not supposed to be allowed to tell you guys but i'm gonna tell you are you gonna tell her what you're gonna tell them what what but you know what oh my god come on biggie stop pretending you don't know the things that i've done you've got 30 minutes to write your lyrics in 30 minutes what are you gonna tell them about oh get deep and juicy grab your vlogging cameras i actually can't find any paper so i'm gonna steal it from the printer screaming coin it is say ba i don't go to pew pewdie e but soon i wear lb i am going through puberty though as you ladies could probably tell with me six months before i don't look anything like what i do now zaki we're not making diss tracks we're making songs i like the song we'll go for 100 years i wrote down i'm nazi i don't know what to do next got my pen and i've got my microphone now should my rhythm of it be what about like did you also say something about how you're scared to go overseas yeah but how am i gonna start i'm socky i'm scared to go overseas i actually remember reading this comment on tick tock and said sake you're not scared of the airplane you're scared what could happen and i'm like you know what that could be true i could have cheese every morning for breaky that sounds bad this is the definition of sake norris these can be a mystery celebrity judge and i don't actually think it's gonna be gamers that just like the chess and bieber this time i think actually might be someone really really good norris nuts remember you have to make this song super juicy carrot juice reviews all the details about who you really are what about like i added the gaming space because i'm her gaming employee you're writing a song based award you write about i actually never ate the shrimp i've ate the prawn and i've actually never eaten a raw porn either i've ate in a porn linguini employee am yeah pee no i spelled shrimp rum i didn't mean to i'm not actually that dumb the key remember close to a year ago we did diss tracks on ourselves i am a walking meme my song i think is gonna be even better this time you know what my next line should be i think it should be something about how you want to go to the uk and catch a squirrel that's a good idea my favorite hobbies from makeup designs have noticed my dreams this actually is i've always wanted to sign my own palette what should i say i can't cook a storm yeah that's just like a saying about surfing never had a shrimp she was singing like that she was thinking like [Applause] is there anything else about me but you always wear pink naggy so i should say i wear pink and that's why yes that's a banger down but i'm not going to show you what it is so you're going to have to keep watching i have set growth hormones every single night which is a needle that you give yourself in the tummy saver put ryan's head on bunny and nuzz and we'll be able to look at this [Applause] i was the shyest kid in town biggie's so nice facts all around this is a picture of papa norris nuts pens down time for the next clue about the mystery celebrity yes the celebrity judge is a female it could be cubey beyonce beyonce okay norris nuts you've got 20 minutes to spend your 50 years ready go so for my music video i need sparkly dress dog teddy bananas that's your other squirrel string jewelry and makeup did sofie just say makeup to the store that has makeup that i need to go to is closed it's always close now i'm looking for a squirrel on screen go to the bag so i can make my day why did i find myself in the girls section and the joke's not gonna work now i need the brightest yellow ones i can find oh i've got my teddy dog there is a squirrel would be good if i can actually catch a squirrel in real life i've just seen a vlogger out in public i don't know what type of makeup to get since there's like billions of makeup so i'm just gonna say that these are the scrubs are the norris nuts don't notice that we've got a rush back soon to have an important meeting with do you know who and i never wear makeup legends so i need to help it says twin baby dolls when i can't see the other twins does this suit me i've got this i've got that so we need another bunny and look where i am i just need pasta sauce and plain pasta what's biggie's wrap about i look like pasta sauce which one do you consider this one or these ones why am i in the men's undies section i've got my jewelry and now it's time to find a sparkly dress and i honestly can't wait to hear all the other neurosnap songs please make the makeup shoppy it's closed but what did saba do when she waits tick-tock i need a pink outfit for bunny and one of my queens actually got violated by community guidelines of me just flexing maybe i could take one of these dolls pink outfits off and then put it on bunny maybe like i knock this better [Music] the food shop legends now it's gonna pass that in the pasta sauce okay here i'll do behind the camera so you know what you're doing pretty as a day wanna find your mr shake it off on the street straight like that not like that i'm right now going to get a big block of cheese we will get this before the store opens where would the pasta sauce be legends i reckon it'll be in the pasta sauce the store finally opened time to get my makeup i never thought i'd see the day i wish sable was here it's so hard to tell looking for the cold bag no it's only bananas no wonder why she left it this is what i want where's a good place on the lookout for a very sparkly dress i went to buy the palette but for some reason they're not accepting any cash at the moment and all i have is cash i need this lucky that looks like a bucket cheese no i wouldn't have some bad news i don't think i can find any sparkly dresses now that i actually need saber i can't find her why'd i say this is my song why can't i say oh we're the most plain dress at the store that you've ever seen because now i could have bought it bunny's very excited for a two new outfit if saber's not here then she might be in the change room but i don't knock in someone's door and someone else is in there naked i found the sparkly dress but i think it's super funny okay feeding room's locked can i please have a small takeaway of the honey chicken thank you questions i just found a sparkly dress papa i need your phone to film something no not another guinea pig it's easy come on you bother me i can't wait to get home and start recording the songs like every time your sandwiches i think she's gonna say eat honey chicken just a wild guess [Music] foreign phone call mom say simon yeah and i've been telling everyone the whole time i know what you should do mom you should get some rockets onto papa's car make sure we get it makes me get a pop i don't think i can do my spirit gone wrong it didn't work but just please keep your fingers crossed for us sorry everyone knows the key to a successful music video is yes and today it's super super important because is actually known to be a bit of a style icon she's really really known for statement pieces so you have 10 minutes to get your outfit that's why because it's super important it's a celebrity lady gaga i thought it was actually gonna be the hashtag i wonder what i should wear i need like a bag you're laughing like hmm this is pretty cool maybe i should wear some jackets for statement nation i do not know what to do you said what is something that say minty girl thing would like this would look cute on me like i got tired around my waist like some swagger wagga you're taking stuff out my wardrobe you better be put in the back i'm okay next we're back don't sing the banana where are you i should wear these hot pants can you let this guess on which holiday did i wear this dress only super leggings would know this one pass me the tongs i'm cooking up a storm with my dressing gown and jumpsuit on i need a bar what do you get your yellow leather jacket okay so we're all just having a run at the park while the norris hunts get ready i can't wait for him to see the celebrity judges so we're waiting for this really really special delivery hopefully this is it hello oh hey hey john thank you sam i'm going to give you a really hard time editing okay i want you to replace every single swan on your bed with peppa pig maybe you do it no that's not it honestly if i was a celebrity judge i would pick me because this is called fashion it's not always about the clothing it's about the song and that means i'm just going to win what means you're going down in jail this should be my fancy dress you're going down you're dressing down and you're going down with your gucci and the thing with statement the outfits they don't exactly have to match all the times this big body that matches perfectly exposing narrative orange socks wait they're my socks get them back i got it i'm talking if i didn't scream him you can get me time is up i pick some random [Music] oh i like it trendy yeah sucky i have seen that before sock but biggie is different they're cooking you look cool and the next clue the celebrity judges they would probably like naza's outfit the most well she's the best rainbow well kind of like out there funky bright outfits i still think it's kind of big okay 10 minutes to pick your music and you beat some sounds [Applause] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] nazi where are you finding all these good babes i looked at based on the cookies where's the birds every morning for breakfast yeah that was really bad your voice is very [Music] beautiful the first letter of the celebrity's name is an o the first letter of the last name starts with the letter s this is actually the letter of the first name starts with did that make sense their names second saves sorry second name starts with the letter see ya oh what we'll see here five seconds of summer stop keep thinking about it but two hours from now wherever you need to go to get the footage for your music video okay that's where you need to go two hours starts to do all that nazi and me are about to go get some outdoor shops actually at home i'm gonna get my first shot over here i have a problem my baby is eating my earring just trying to sell the tripod okay i'm gonna try and get creative with shots so that means i need to be in the kitchen game and dad can you help me film it so first of all i'm going to be doing the fancy dress then i'm going to like spin into my sparkly dress with the camera zooming out maz is sitting up over there and biggie's there struggling with his wi-fi because he can bring him wi-fi with him if there's a way i can get up there that would look really really sick what do you think of my sparkly dress how do you want me to film it well i just like the point of view oh my gosh i'm going to go look up the charm now legends listen to this no no not the hair okay luckily the camera is still working i need to fit in this ghost car but i don't talk like a disguster i hate sour cream on my angela so when he goes to where i say i want to go to uk school so i'm going to pretend that i'm catching nothing um flashback to what i said it's not a squirrel i have no internet connection so i'm just going to have to mine the lyrics and hopefully it syncs up with the song do you can challenge me look similar no don't go down with that just never ate what happened never [Music] no i ruined the transition it could have like cost me the win i need a typing shot because like i'm editing the gaming videos makeup makeup time for the moment you've all been waiting for biggie to eat cheese i'm piggy though but just instead of saying james charles it's going to say save norris is it hard or is it soft because i hate soft cheese it's like it's like a normal cheese say but he's working hard out there sorry i'm getting sidetracked so i need to just get all these crap out of the way which dress should i wear i think that'll be good what i was planning to do my music video is give myself a needle without actually giving myself the growth i might need i like them i'm gonna put the needle tip on my graph on my needle you can't do that it's like a big juicy box it's not die-offs don't worry she's giving yourself a needle for fun no not for fun for the win so as you just heard then i need to be a boss so let's go get a suit on my about surfing no you need to get on the slide like because it's going to go in that i have this hey hey i was just listening you sound good oh thank you carry on thank you so much i don't think the narratives have any idea who the celebrity judge is but they're gonna see there's this really nice lady he was like hanging around and watching me sing it was embarrassing oh nice this is a very very bad shot charm why did you have the wiggle i can't actually cut the yarn no i'm bleeding really i cannot believe i'm wearing dosai and can bother and look how stylish funny you may look i'll be here green screen what is [Music] celebrity yeah does that just look so fake i feel like it's a bit dark charm and i have brought you over to the rat house to tell you some really exciting news quick month tell me what it is we about to start a massive renovation on the house it's gonna be a new kitchen in here um new bathroom because as you can see the bathroom's like a dump but the kids are gonna be so excited because we're gonna knock this wall out that's just there in the middle and then they're gonna have like a big kitchen in here for their cooking channel so do not tell them am i getting someone dancing shots mom has actually left her toasty alone so i'm just going to quickly are you one of those wi-fi oh kids gosh i'm good i'm good [Music] yeah i think that's the one do you know any celebrity judges yet oh my god she didn't even realize mommy's wearing her if the neighbors see her what are they going to think i've made a home legend and i need to get some home shots in my song i actually say something about macca so we're driving macca's right now i say this just like bags of like just the bag ready to stop being a newscast oh wait no a weather cast wait yeah a newscaster we've got everything i'm just going to get the shot of me walking out when i use this magical hairbrush this is how i sound easy on me oh we got sucky there too is everyone [Music] this is a bit bigger this is a bit oh that was it sorry yeah and you keep rejecting it he's trying to get the cup that showed me driving say bye hurry up because i need to go to the beach i'm actually gonna do this in a couple months time yeah that's really good that was it we're finally here at the beach do you like that one that one was cool so that was great keep walking backwards while i walk forward i see the last shot of me and that is like the strawberry sundae like falling and then smashing onto the grain this can only have one tape it's very creative sir set go oh no okay let's try again i'm gonna get me dancing right there set go that was pretty good castle saver has been waiting on forever just showed up all right pretty good sock you ready yeah i would not want to eat this sundae the parcel just turned up and i don't know if i should show you too much were you reckon biggie it's what's saber designed you don't know no do you know who the celebrity judge is that's what i want to know no i still have no idea i don't know if i meant to okay now it's going to go home and edit it hopefully my own turns out okay i was meant to give you a clue about the celebrity judge their name starts with a j and you guys haven't actually met this person before oh [Music] she's gonna be judging your music videos can you believe that's cool wow that is a good celebrity and if you are watching this joe drive we have heaps of your belt remember we made the video about it wow you look great yes let's hope you can see that video maybe jj might wear this i think jojo will wear a dress and get a jumpsuit for jojo they see me rolling they're hating ah i just realized in my song i said i wear this just as you've ever seen jojo she wears my sparkly guests and feels like he's probably seen a lot more sparkly guess than i've seen if you everyone knows to be quiet it's like mega man i was thinking about it time is up it is now time to send your finished creations to the one and only jojo will be continued on this drive is jojo siwa reacting to this oh my god it's funny just to think that jojo knows we are on this planet yeah and now she's actually like reacting to everyone i know it's jojo i'm so excited i am about to judge your guys's competition to see who made the best songs i want to say that i love you guys so much i watch your youtube all the time and watch all your vlogs is your face say what a legend um let's hope not i watch all your videos and i seriously think you guys are awesome [Music] i am ready to listen to you guys songs i'm so excited to see what y'all came up with please don't be disappointed he's going to go first there's another question i'm going to start with sake memphis you know what's about to come this is the definition of [Music] going down the beach with [Music] that was incredible oh my gosh that was so funny i can't wait this is so fun okay on a scale of one to ten sake i'm gonna give you a 9.3 it was so fun your beat was good did you make it all yourself you're talented on thank you all right let's watch this one next here we go oh my brother's calling me hey i'm filming a video for the norris nuts i'll be out a little bit funny all right let's watch this one next here we go it's saber and let me introduce myself i like to be fancy but i'm a team i wear this juice you've ever seen my favorite hobby is to put on makeup design slaving earth palette is my dream surfing big and skating fast is my passion i'm very indecisive when it comes to fashion which dress should i wear time seven [Music] and i'll be myself until i'm buried at the cemetery that's right oh she said we're all so stuck we found out you're gonna see our music videos but be sure you picked me amber you're awesome oh my gosh that one was so good i'm gonna give you also a 9.3 she actually says nice rewind that is so nice let's see nas what did an ass create [Applause] [Music] see you [Music] don't worry because you're so pretty thank you so much for judging i have so many posts and i love your passion you sound like a very kind person to you from nest you guys are so sweet i'm lost guys your song was amazing too oh my gosh you guys are so good shocker i'm gonna give you a 9.32 i'm just obsessed with all of them i can't help it i'm excited biggie come on oh yeah i'm biggie i'm always talking about surfing never ate a ship i have eaten a porn i've been energetic on the crack of dawn i don't like pasta sauce i like playing pasta but i don't talk like a nice pasta i hate sour cream on my answer me too [Music] squashing people with traffic thank you so much for joining this video means so much to us when i heard that you're going to judge i couldn't believe it stop it these are the most precious things ever don't be surprised everybody no alarms here but uh i think i'm gonna give you a 9.32 but that means that we have a tie right now okay let's see we have saki we have saber am i saying your name right saber say it savers yes yes yeah i don't know but i remember that i met you i mean you had the kid's choice award [Music] oh wow because i've actually said before we start filming do you reckon jojo remembers um at the kids choice awards she met me and that was like that was i used to get when i was there for ellen that's crazy yeah that don't even matter and then we have naz and then we have biggie oh my gosh they're all so good okay i have to pick a winner and yay let me say this you all were truly amazing you all are so special you all are so fun your videos are so much fun to watch your songs are so amazing the fact that you guys can do all that and like you guys know how to come up with the words that rhyme and you can do the music and you can put the words to the music you all are so gifted oh that's so nice now the winner who's in me i think i'm gonna yeah okay the winner whose song i liked dancing to the most because i was just i liked them all but this one i felt like i could dance too [Music] oh oh how lovely was jojo to take her time to do that for us thank you so much thank you so much [Music] last
Channel: The Norris Nuts
Views: 11,097,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: norris nuts, family friendly, family vlog, naz real guinea pig, sabre, sockie, biggy, naz, disco, Sabre Norris, SOckie Norris, Biggy Norris, Naz Norris, Disco Norris, norris nuts real names, norris nuts songs, jojo siwa, jojo siwa songs, jojo singing, jojo siwa norris nuts, norris nuts best songs, norris nuts sing, norris nuts singing, biggy singing, jojo, which norris nut
Id: Zdg8KAiSad4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 52sec (2032 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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