LITTLE BROTHER HATED BY BIG BROTHER (emotional) - React to Dhar Mann Moral Stories w/The Norris Nuts

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[Music] [Music] big brother hates his little bro what happens next is shocking oh my gosh when i tell you about coming into my room sorry what you doing what does it look like i'm doing i'm trying to get ready again addy's coming over he's addie i do he's friends i've never been with oh she's your girlfriend now well not yet trying to get her to be as he seems like you got nice keep that's what i'm focusing on and i think the big brother is just like it's the first time she's coming over so please don't be a pain what do you mean i'm never a pain yeah from what i'm seeing right now your little bro does not look like a pain in fact it looks like a friend yeah put it down what are you doing putting smoke for you you're not supposed to spray it on directly supposed to spray it into the air and then walk through it you're gonna walk through the perfume like yeah i am the one that's smart though now i'm gonna smell too strong i'm sorry oh and addie's here great i don't have time to change or shower thanks a lot jackson i never been with addie hi hey what's up what's that smell oh my gosh he smells it already sorry about that it's uh cologne clutzo over here and spilt it all over me like bro i don't expect anything it's a clock i like glossier you probably hate it no i actually really love it ah it smells good thanks i'm addie by the way miles talks about you all the time he says he wants to make you his girlfriend jackson you shouldn't do that though someone tells you a secret and then you go yeah i think he's right i wouldn't do that he says he wants to make you his girlfriend jackson sorry there's no reason to be sorry i actually think it's pretty cute yeah okay addy and i are hanging out alone so please stay out of her way it's okay i really don't mind if he wants to hang out with us what if addy ends up marrying um he's been annoying me all day i can't take any more torture hey go to your room but i i just go now fine see ya it was nice meeting you jackson are you sure he's done with jackson's name no that's like his nickname do you want to see my room sure that was amazing whoa wow i know kind of a big deal right i'm so modest i didn't know that she played my little brother and i grew up playing tennis it's my favorite sport oh really well maybe someday i could show you a thing or two um did you hear what you just said she said i grew up playing this sport i don't need to be shown a thing or do yeah maybe i just need should have seen the matchup played to win that one they went three sets and i barely won eight six and a close tie breaker i'll never forget that day i wanted to try if you haven't this traffic from this on this traffic from this yeah look at it look at can you see the trophy can you see it big it's like a bit i mean like it's not me i don't know this is so cute seems like your little brother really looks up to you yeah yeah he looks after me but i look down to him like that is true though i just wish he wasn't so annoying how is he annoying you gotta be kidding me [Music] hey jackson turn the music down jackson what's going on [Music] see he turned it off sorry about that sorry about that i don't know brother john's music got way too loud and he gets all the girls in here [Laughter] so what are we talking about again look at how great you were uh i think tennis oh yeah so what's your game like you more of a serve and volleyer where do you hang out on the baseline you should see my serve i doubt you'd be able to return it all right let me see your form it sounds like she's really good okay it's pretty good if you move your hips like this he is sucks freeze what are you doing get out of here don't move or i'll shoot don't even think about shooting that thing or i swear hey my trophy oh for my nephilim like why is that drinking right now that's fine miles i'm sure we can fix it no he's taking things too far honestly it's okay please don't be mad at him he's your little brother these things happen yeah well it's a little brother that i wish i never had be heard so much older and then you say i wish i never had you just like means a lot why would you say that he doesn't mean it he's just upset yes i do you're going to get any out of that but when you're drawing companies knowing that you think it doesn't mean anyway yes i do holy does this annoy me you know you know how much easier my life would be if you weren't around i wish you would just disappear like dad did when you are an elder brother and you have a responsibility and now you mentioned that dad's gone you're the only um older boy in your family there and then you're being really bad it's like you're just it's just not saying a good example i can't believe you now you're not gonna get the caddy justin wait i'm sorry for what miles said he didn't mean it yes he did he tells me that kind of stuff all the time sometimes people say things when they're mad i just wouldn't be doing this because if i was like in a house with a fighter i'd probably say join me to leave yeah brother is really really really bad that doesn't make them true i just don't know what i'm supposed to do my mom's always at work my brother doesn't want me around and my dad left i was like i'm all alone if you don't mind me asking what happened to your dad he left right after i was born oh my gosh i'm so sorry so that's what miles meant when he said i i really don't like talking about this i'm just gonna go into my room [Music] i can't believe you treated him like that he snuck into my room he completely killed the moment we had together ahead of me can't kill him but then he's like you my chance oh getting i do i'm so sorry i just think my joke's so funny and then he broke my trophy i'm sure if your brother did something like that too you'd do the same thing you're right i used to treat my brother the same way until last summer everything changed you see just like you i'd get so annoyed with my little brother he'd always come into my room and would never leave me alone the things he'd do would annoy me so much why they put their finger on the nerve again so i'd always be yelling at him and sometimes i would say really mean things when i found out he was going away to tennis camp for a few weeks i couldn't have been happier he was annoying me so much and i didn't even care to say goodbye when he left little did i know what would happen next my mom got a phone call it was the hospital they said my dad and brother had gotten into a really bad accident both of us couldn't believe it we rushed to the hospital as quickly as we could when we got to the room my little brother was in really bad condition and my dad well my dad never made it he passed away on impact so you see it took almost losing my little brother to learn to appreciate him oh it's pretty bad because we actually get sometimes when we fight we get taller than um the only way you're gonna appreciate each other i'm saying that happens like when when he dies and i'm so sorry that all happened to you addie about your dad i had no idea now you know why it's so hard for me to see you treat him like that i know sometimes it might feel like you wish he was gone but if that actually happened that's the last thing you'd ever want you're right i should probably go talk to him [Music] i'm really sorry for breaking your trophy the truth is i should be the one who's sorry i should have never said any of those things to you i didn't mean them i promise going forward i'm going to be a lot nicer to you really yeah and actually do you know what your little brother's doing right now probably nothing he usually stays at home on saturdays what do you think we'll pick him up we could play some doubles together jackson and i versus youtube that sounds like fun [Music] you in heck yeah let's go and now he's been with the addie stay shoopy [Music]
Channel: Norris Nuts Do Stuff
Views: 687,217
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sabre norris, norris nuts, sockie, biggy, naz, sockie norris, naz norris, biggy norris, justin norris, brooke norris, dhar mann, dar man, darman, moral stories, moral lessons, video lessons, moral videos, norris nuts dhar mann, dhar man react, dhar mann react, norris nuts reacting
Id: 6xNa_Of7r10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 31 2021
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