Is God Calling You? - Called

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who's ready to hear from God's Word today if if you wouldn't mind today at at all of our life its physical locations those who are able would you just stand to your feet as we prepare our hearts for God's Word what I'd like to do today is I want to talk to those of you who know that you are created by God to do something significant something meaningful something eternal something that matters many of you you may sense that it's something big something unique something special but you don't know exactly what it is and you're not sure where to start I want to share with you a verse that I pray will land in your spirit and build your faith to know that you are uniquely created by God for his glory called to make a difference in this world Ephesians chapter 4 verse 1 the Apostle Paul wrote this from the Roman prison probably around the year 61 AD or so and he said therefore I a prisoner for serving the Lord beg you to feel the emotion I plead with you to lead a life worthy of your calling for you have been called by God I plead with you to live a life this one life you've been given worthy of the calling that you have from our God if you'd like to elbow bump somebody next to you and just tell them you've been called by God you've been called by God you can type it in the chat i've been called by god i'm called by god if for a moment this resonates with your spirit because you sense that we you were created for a reason a calling a purpose a divine destiny because you know no matter what you achieve in this world no matter what you obtain in this world you long for more than just success there's something in you that craves spiritual and lasting significance the title of today's messages is God calling me and the answer is yes our God is calling you so father we pray that by the power of your word and the presence of your spirit that you would stir up your church to since your divine calling for all of us in your church as your church to make you known in this world we pray this in Jesus name and everybody said amen amen you may be seated where you are in our culture of what you might call instant fluence where you can become tick tock famous I'm working on my moose my daughter joy is my consultant and you might think I need a new consultant what you saw my moves in an age where people seem to be obsessed with things like building their personal brands securing their side hustle making a name becoming an influencer what I'd like to do is I'd like to attempt to reclaim the sacred language of calling what does it mean to be called by God the root Greek word for calling is honestly one of the most significant and important words in all of the New Testament the root Greek word is Calleigh okay aleo and it's the root of sixteen other very important words in the New Testament Kaleo simply means to call I'm going to show you some of the other words just a few of them there's Cleese's which means calling there's Cletus which means called there's Paraclete which means comforter a picture of the Holy Spirit there's pear clay toast which means the advocate or the intercessor this is a picture of the Spirit of God there's ekklesia which is the gathering is the church the assembly of believers it's Ekman's out of Casilla comes from Kaleo it means that we are the called out ones we don't go into a building we're called into the world we're called now when you think about this if you own it and you recognize that you've been genuinely set apart by God chosen by God gifted by God and called by him to make a difference that puts a little weight on your day to day doesn't it because if you're called by God that he might wonder well what if I miss my calling in other words what if I was supposed to major in such-and-such in college but now I'm an online college and what if I choose the wrong career and what if I went to the wrong Church and I didn't hear the right message which spurred me on to the right thing and what if I was supposed to ask out that cute girl at Life Group but I hesitated and now we're not meaning because it Cove it and she got sick and she went to the doctor and the doctor asked her out and now I'm destined to marry somebody unattractive and he miserable the rest of my life why have I missed my calling he just not really laughing maybe you don't have the sick thoughts like I said okay what if I take a wrong turn or the train slows me down and my whole life is messed up if God is calling me he's chosen me for something special what if I miss my calling I'm so confused what is it specifically if I'm called by God what am I called to do it must be something big it must be something important if you're taking notes you may jot this down we have to embrace the truth that calling is about who you are before what you do when God calls you he's calling you to a who before he's calling you to a dude this is crazy important in fact I love the words of the Apostle Paul in 2nd Timothy 1:9 when he said this he said for God saved us and called us and let me tell you what he didn't say he didn't say for God saves you and called you to be a missionary to Africa he might but that's not what what Paul said he didn't say your call to be a second grade teacher or you're called to be a professional game or how cool would it be to get paid to play video games Paul didn't say you're called to a task or a job what he said is this he said for God saved us and called us to live a holy life it's a who before a do God did this not because we deserved it scripture said but because this was his plan from before the beginning of time to show us his grace through Christ Jesus God called you to live a holy life in other words calling is as much about who you're becoming as it is about what you are doing you're called to be holy that Greek word is Hagios it means to be set apart it means to be different in other words as you follow Jesus you don't look like the world you don't act like the world you don't think like the world you don't behave like the world you're not driven by the things that other people are driven by because you've been set apart by God called by Jesus infused with the power of the Spirit of God to live a holy life when you look at scripture it's crazy interesting to me that the Bible never talks about your calling for a career the Bible talks about your calling to become like Jesus it's a who before it is a do so when you recognize you are called by God a better question than starting with is what am I called to do a better question is Who am I called to become who is it that God wants me to become because if calling is only about a do it's going to get really really really confusing and I'll try to unpack this for you just a bit I'm gonna ask you a question and I'd love for you to participate at all of our churches how many of you might suggest that God has called me to preach the gospel raise your hands hey some of you are like not raising your hand right now so that hurts my feelings and this isn't a trick question what I'm trying to do is say you might say you're called by God to preach the gospel there's a problem I'm also called probably to be a husband to a me how many would you agree now that takes a distinctly different skillset an expression to fulfill that calling for example if Amy and I have let's say a constructive discussion that's preacher talk for an argument so let's say we have a constructive discussion and at the end of it I say this for those of you who need to repent of your sins and call on Jesus raise your hand right now to count of three if I say that to her at the count of three I'm gonna be repenting of my sins and calling on Jesus because that approach isn't going to be incredibly effective it's a different setting and it's a different calling so am I called to be a preacher am I called to be a husband and in fact we've been married now 29 years almost got going on 30th and even if we have a constructive discussion we tend to work through the constructive discussion on a good day we kiss a lot if we have a difficult day we make up and we might kiss a lot that they do and along the way because there was a lot of kissing there were a lot of kids six of them as a matter of fact and these children call me daddy or dad and I'm called to be a pastor I'm called to be a husband to my wife I'm called to be a dad to my children and I'm still the same person and yet I've got different expressions of the calling what I hope you'll recognize in your own life is that who you are is way way way more important to God than starting with what you do in other words if I'm called to be yes a preacher and yet living a righteous life I'm not living a holy life I am not fulfilling my calling if I am not loving Amy and yet I'm really successful in some other Avenue I'm not fulfilling my calling because I might be lacking integrity in some area of my life I could be a good preacher and work really really hard and preach a message that you might like and might influence your life but if I'm neglecting my family if I'm abusing my family I am not fulfilling my calling you can see someone who's a charismatic leader but doesn't keep their warden doesn't have integrity that person is not fulfilling their calling because calling isn't about something important you do in the future calling is about your faithfulness to Jesus today it's about who you are today not just about what you do in the future the Apostle Paul says something that really really ministers to me in every moment of the day if I'll let this verse sink in he said this he said and whatever you do whether it's in word or deed if you're doing something you enjoy some of this difficult something that is right in your sweet spot or something that's really really frustrating whatever you do do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus giving thanks to God the Father through him whatever you do you do it as unto the Lord whatever you do calling isn't just about the specific unique do for you it starts with the who and when you're a holy and set apart for God then whatever you do you do it for God I want to show you an example in Scripture and this to me is not only powerful but it's potentially really really funny I want to show you a couple of stories one is in mark chapter 10 and the other one is immediately following in mark chapter 11 in mark chapter 10 there's two brothers James and John and they're gonna ask Jesus for a little favor Jesus give us some favor and essentially what they say is one day Jesus when you're sitting on your throne when you're in heaven reigning and ruling can one of us sit on your right and the other one on your left we want to be important Jesus when people think of you we want them thinking of us Hey look there's there's James there's John on the other side we want to be important Jesus looks on and he kind of gives them a little message he says hey if you want to be a leader first you need to be a servant he says if you want to be really important if you want to be first the first thing you need to do is you actually need to be last yeah it's not about just the visibility you need to have a heart of a servant it's who you are not just where you're positioned that's mark chapter 10 - brothers James and John in the next chapter mark 11 Jesus and His disciples they were approaching Jerusalem for the famous Nut moment that we call the triumphal entry this is when Jesus comes riding in and the palm branches and is and he's preparing to give us life and the disciples are very very likely beside themselves I'd only if you've ever been with someone that you deem important and you're walking in with them and you're just kind of guy going like I got it going on not because I'm robbed but because of who I'm with and this is what they're very likely thinking we are coming into town with Jesus the Son of God at the moment of the triumphal entry we've left so much to be here this is the big moment as we go in verse 1 of Mark 11 says this as Jesus and His disciples approached Jerusalem they came from towns of Bethel it's and Bethany at the Mount of Olives and Jesus did what Jesus sent two of them on ahead what's interesting is mark doesn't tell us which two but if I were Jesus I can guarantee you the two that had just asked me to be important would have very likely been my object lesson in this illustration that I was just about to do all my heart I think it's James and John the Jesus sit on this assignment here's here's what he's gonna do he's gonna send them on ahead and you know what they're thinking these two they're thinking we're do something really important we're gonna cast out demons we're gonna call down fire from heaven and burn up the whole evil Roman Empire yeah he's pissed chosen us because of our capacity because of our experience because of our leadership skills and here's what Jesus says to them he chooses to going to that village over there he told them as soon as you enter it you'll see a donkey tied there that no-one's ever ridden untie that donkey and bring it here if anyone asks what are you doing just say the Lord needs it and will return it soon we left everything to follow you where's my important assignment our big calling we get visible recognition where we get some clout we a little attention where we get some followers where we get some some some fame come on Jesus where are you you're calling us to donkey Duty and I know some of your fight fourth grade boys and you're laughing because I said Doody okay I know what you're thinking okay because I was a fourth grade boy and sometimes that fourth grade boy still comes up and yeah you got donkey booty and the disciples were about to learn that the size of your assignment never determines the significance of your impact it's the size of your assignment the very thing in that moment that God might be calling you to do enabling you to do inviting you to do may not feel important in the moment but could be more significant than you could ever imagine just like a little shepherd boy who determined in the Old Testament that a very small stone can take out a really really big giant just like a little boy in the New Testament who took his little lunchable and gave it to Jesus and Jesus took something that seems small and insignificant and multiplied it to feed 5,000 men and and a bunch of women and children as well you are set apart by God you're chosen by God you're called by God and whatever you do even if it's donkey dirty you do it with faithfulness you do it with passion you do it with integrity because of who you are you do it for the one who gave it all for you it's so much more about the who than it is about to do these two disciples these two guys may have had no idea that they delivered the donkey that carried Jesus to his calling what did we recognize you want to find your calling what am I created to do start with the who be faithful to Jesus today and then when you're faithful when you serve with integrity when you love and when you live generously and when you die to yourself and leverage your life to make Jesus known when there's less of you and there's more of him when it's not about your name or your status or your visible importance but it becomes all about the one who gave his life for you who suffered shed his blood gave his life and rose again so you could be forgiven your sins washed away filled with the very same spirit that raised Christ from the death empowered created uniquely shaped set-apart to live a holy life then when everything you do you do for the glory of God you don't have to find your calling your calling will find you it overtakes you something as meaningless as donkey Duty become something meaningful when it's for the one who gave his life for you what he called to your called to a who before I do your called to become like Jesus you're called to be set apart to live a holy life we don't live according to the same values that this world lives toward and so one day you wake up and you recognize there's someone who's in need and you're called to help meet that need there's someone who's hurting and you're called because you're becoming like Christ to stop and to listen to them maybe even to pray for them you might be called right now to love a spouse that's really difficult to love you might be called to pray for a child it continues to run from God you might be called by God to confess some sin in your life this held you back and grieved your soul and believed that the power of the Holy Spirit can change you you might have a lot of education and you know you could do so much more professionally but right now you're called to love those babies you're called to love them with the love of Jesus you might be called to fight for your marriage when the spouse you're with doesn't seem to have any fight floors you might be called to build a business and you say but that's not spiritual that's incredibly spiritual don't let anyone tell you that's not spiritual Jesus got pretty excited about someone who had five talents I multiplied it to ten you build that business with integrity with faithfulness with passion and you're honoring God when whatever you do you do it as unto the glory of God it starts with the who so what am I called to do it starts with a who I'm a child of God who's been redeemed and forgiven by Jesus or more than you can ever imagine I'm called to Shepherd this church under the Good Shepherd Jesus I'm called to lay down my life to serve my bride and I'm called to disciple my children toward the goodness of Jesus I'm called to collect pens I was like way up the top of my list it really is writing pens like pens don't buy me a pen I don't want your PIN I actually don't even like pens I never understood why someone would pay like $100 for a pen I never understood it until I got a nice pen years and years ago from a very important person that I did not know well at the time it was probably I don't know 1718 years ago I got a pen that had dated 2000 and whatever it was on it and a handwritten note with that pen they said pastor Craig I'm celebrating your faithfulness to Jesus this year you've served your church well you've loved your wife you've been faithful to God and your children and this pin represents a year of faithfulness I have with me the 2015 pen that I got from this spiritual leader just has my name 2015 and I got Ken year after year it didn't mean a whole lot until about the fourth or fifth year I started looking forward to the pen because one pen represented day-in day-out of faithfulness to the callin to serve Jesus I met the person probably in 2012 that was sending these pins and I asked him about that who do you send these pins to and this is so amazing and he said kind of sad leaves that with unfortunately the list of people that receive them as is smaller than it used to be and at that moment we kind of shared a knowing look like we could almost think about the the tragic stories of spiritual leaders who burned out or made sinful decisions or found themselves in a bad place and would not have according to those standards qualified for the pen and that's why that's up at the top of my list because it's not about just what I do how big is your church how successful is your ministry this represents the who've you're called to be like Jesus there's a big part of me that I need to like confess and I'm not proud of it but there's there's a big part of me that wants to be important I want to do something important don't you look and say hey you you've built an important Church and you're an important voice and you you make an important difference but what I recognize is this you know I'm faithful to Jesus when I stand before him one day he's not gonna say well done my good and important servant right what he may say and I dream about its well done my good and faithful servant faithful you've been called by God set apart chosen not to live a life that's all about you and your comfort and your name and your desires but a life that reflects the glory of God Paul said I beg you I urge you to live a life worthy of your calling to glorify the one who gave it all for you you're called by God it's not a game Church isn't like an add-on it's not something you do just like watch a sermon every now and then and try to do good to someone you're called to reflect the glory of Jesus and all you do and every conversation and everywhere you go you have been set apart by God what if when you woke up you just recognized I've been called by God uniquely creative empowered set aside to live a holy life to become like Jesus to make him known and at the end of the day your success will not be based on how important you look to anybody else but your success would be based on the way you faithfully served Jesus today success isn't accomplishing something big and significant out there in the future success is being faithful to Jesus today but read it to you again now once you feel it imprisoned falsely accused the Apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit he says I a prisoner serving the Lord beg you hear this as if it's the Spirit of God speaking to you I beg you to lead a life worthy of your calling for you church you've been called by God so father speak to us today I pray you'd give us the honor god of doing whatever donkey-booty looks like for us that instead of being obsessed with a a what or a do God you'd helped us be conformed to the who of your son Jesus set apart to be like him and all of our churches those of you who say oh I need help from God I want to live a life worthy of that calling would you lift up your hands right now just all of our churches lift them up you can just type that in the chat right now I want to be worthy of my calling I want to be worthy of my calling god I thank you that because of the death of Jesus and because of your resurrection power we're worthy not because of our goodness but because of his gift and God I pray that the power of your spirit would speak directly to individuals today set us apart God give us a passion that whatever we do god we do it for your glory God wherever we are god I pray that all during this week and in the weeks and months to come that your spirit would not just that we're called were equipped we're empowered were chosen to represent the goodness of the love of Jesus in this world god help us by the power of your spirit live a life worthy of the calling upon our lives as you keep praying today at all of a different churches some of you going well that's not me at all I mean I'm so far from living life worthy and like I didn't know how I would do it and you know like to serve God or whatever I'd have to like be so different and I I don't even know if I can undo all the bad stuff that I've ever done and let me just stop for a moment and speak directly to you if you recognize that you're not in a relationship with god I've got incredible news for you you are one moment one prayer away from being transformed not by your efforts but by the Grace and the goodness of a God who brought you here for this moment you may feel unworthy you may feel guilty and let me just be very clear with you every single one of us we've sinned against all holy God that guilt is real but the goodness of God his love overcomes our sin Jesus the Son of God was perfect in every way he never ever sent as the innocent sacrifice He gave His life on a cross and our God raised him from the dead so that anyone and this includes you who would call on his name your sins would be forgiven you would become brand-new today and all of our churches does have you watching the line there those of you recognized I need his grace I need his forgiveness I want to I want to know him the that you turned away from their sins when you call on him he hears your prayers he forgives your sins that he makes you brand new all of our churches you've been searching you've been longing you're looking for something more it's here his name is Jesus he is real and he loves you those who say I need him I want him today I turn from my sin I'd give him my life that's your prayer lift your hands I'm now off of our churches as we've got hands going up at churches all over the place those of you online you can just click I need Jesus Jesus saved me and as we have people in all of our churches and even around the world online calling out on his name would you just pray aloud with those around you just pray Heavenly Father forgive my sins Jesus saved me forgive me make me brand new fill me with your spirit so I could live a life worthy of your calling serving you and all that I do my life is not my own I give it all to you in Jesus name I pray could somebody celebrate big today welcome those born into the family of God [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Life.Church
Views: 69,473
Rating: 4.9490566 out of 5
Keywords: Craig Groeschel, Sermon, Life.Church, Lifechurch, life church, life church sermons, craig rochelle, groeschel craig, church sermons 2020, calling, god’s calling, god's calling on your life, god’s calling you, how to find your calling, is god calling you, the call of god sermon, hear the call of god, called by god, call of god, find my calling, called, god’s calling sermon, you are chosen, listen to god's voice, hearing god’s voice, how to hear god’s voice, voice of god
Id: 2tKAXpqGpvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 36sec (2016 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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