Is Everyone About To Quit Genshin Impact?

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hey everyone emtashed here and i know that we just got inazuma and we've got another island coming for a lot of players they probably have a ton of content to catch up with and they probably can't relate but there are also a ton of players that have played genji impact from day one that are getting very bored or have already quit and there's even a bunch of content creators that are starting to vent their frustrations me included i've made complaints about the end game for ages since the second month of the game and we're a year in now techtone just recently said that he is taking a break from social media that's some personal stuff techie if you see this i hope you're doing well man i didn't want to reach out because you said don't reach out but if you do see this i hope you're doing okay if you want to see his video he explains what's going on there i don't want to dive into it any further but we've lost zeal's ambition in the past demon kim he left he tried in a zoom and he said yeah i can't come back to this game that's paraphrasing of course but there's some big issues here with the long-term grind of this game and people are running out of content and now that the one-year anniversary is happening people are really mad and i don't blame them because the anniversary so far has been a little bit confusing there's been some really cool community stuff and the community art was amazing but this is a gotcha game and people want their rewards and gentian impact mihoyo has been so silent on it players just want some communication frustration is mounting and i'm wondering is everyone gonna quit gentian impact are content creators gonna start moving on to new games i want to deep dive in a few of these things really quickly i want to have a bit of a discussion but i do want to let you know right off the hop i still want to cover this game ya boy emtash isn't quitting even though i'm about to sound really frustrated now before we get into the drama before we get into that i've got something at least a little heartwarming to put a smile on your face before we get into the deep dive so as you might recall i did a sponsorship with helix mattress and i have that bad boy upstairs but my brother has been complaining about his back for ages the guy won't shut up so i knew what to do i called up helix and i said you gotta send my brother a bed so i can get some shut eye myself he's calling me late at night saying oh my back well we're about to fix that all right we've got it loaded up and i'm surprising him he has no idea i'm on my way they also sent him the helix dream pillow set so he is completely ready to snooze so my brother buzzed me in because we're going for dinner but he has no idea i brought the bed let's get his reaction hey what did you give him a present are you actually filming this yes i am if this is literally an ad for felix they this is like the same bed that they sent me and they get they sent me another one for you so so there's a mattress in here we've got to open it up and we can set it up on your bed like right now awesome okay well let's get rid of that piece of crap that's luxury like truly luxury that's the coffee's i've ever been thank you so much helix mattress this is an amazing amazing surprise i really appreciate it and everybody go out and buy a mattress right now if you want to get the perfect mattress for you go to and do their sleep quiz when you're done helix will link you to the mattress that's your best fit personally i have the moonlight lux and i absolutely love it but i've got some really good news you can test the bed for 100 nights have it shipped right to your door for free and it's got a 10 to 15 year warranty that's incredible go to helixsleep.commtash or click the link in the description or comment section of this video to get up to 200 off and two free pillows thanks again and let's get back into the video now this is the tough thing we just got inazuma we've been waiting like 11 months to get inazuma we've got most of the islands and another island coming if anything we should all be excited and having fun but i also made a video about my big worry for inazuma if it's just chests and quests and they don't add another spiral abyss or other end game content players are going to feel like they beat the game and they beat the islands and there's no reason to be there i can't imagine a lot of you are running around monstat today or leeway you've been doing that for 11 months and now you've been exploring inazuma but if you're like me you probably have a lot of completion here 100 100 100 86 wow 99 that's because i'm not playing as much as i used to because i don't have much to do now the tree is also uh we've been slowed down being able to progress this uh grand nerikuma nurakami whatever shrine we can only get to level 50 but then we can push on to 50 once the new island drops but the thing with that is if you're like me uh you might already have a bunch of level ups ready to go and you might have some electro oculus or whatever ready to go uh as well and so progress on this new island and finishing up the tree and all these things it's gonna be finished very quickly when it drops and uh you know once all the quests are done and once you've found the majority of the chests what is there to do on inazuma other than it being beautiful i love it for sure but then there is no content and that is a big big problem for everything in the game when you do all the quests you do all the chests you have end game to look forward to leveling up your characters and doing things well you can't level up characters because resin is still an issue in fact i don't even stream every day because i don't have any resin i condense resin and i stream every second day so i can have more than five or six minutes of content when i do stream there's no hustle and bustle and grind like when inazuma first launched because there is literally nothing to do and uh that is a problem for obviously content creators and one of the big reasons why they're burning out but for everyday players progressing some characters when you start getting level 70 80 90 it might take three days of resin just to ascend them it might take even more than that depending if you're spending or a welcome moon or free to play or whatever right it takes me days to get an upgrade uh if i can even do it in a couple of days um you know and then it's like okay well in the meantime we need something to use all these upgrades on and right now we've got the spiral abyss which i smash out in 30 minutes and then there's no reason to do that either there's no dungeons there's no end game content there's no repeatable bosses that you can farm there's nothing that you can do when you're out of energy and i've talked about this since the first day when i've threatened to quit the first time um and and i was worried that if they don't add some of this stuff people are gonna play through inazuma and they're gonna they're gonna be bored and it's it's happening it's happening a lot i'm seeing it in the comment section i'm seeing it in my chat and i'm even seeing it from content creator now i don't i don't want to get into all this you know really really deep ex-slice he's saying when you can love a game and give all your passion to it but also feel burnt out that feeling is the worst because it leaves you empty me with gentian still streaming it basically every day because the community is a comfy zone and you know my boy x slice love his content you can see some frustration there asian guy stream atsu he says kind of crazy so many gunship content creators and players are burning out literally two days before the anniversary i would say the main cause of this feeling is feeling stagnant and making no progress so if you're still working towards the abyss or maximo characters you probably don't feel this and that's what i kind of said is if you're still newer to the game if you're playing you got so much to explore you're not even worrying about it but if you don't care about any of that other stuff you know you're you're bored and i can imagine a lot of players are already at that place some of you are at ar 5758 you're where i am and i've been playing for a year i've been grinding some of you might even be beyond where i'm at right and you know and then tech tone i'm going on a break from all social media see y'all when i see you again now this isn't necessarily to do with genshin but i at least wanted to bring it up because i can imagine if you're having a ton of fun in genchin every single day communities poppin it it might be easier to um you know just just keep chugging along but the thing is is almost every content creator who's playing is bored and they're putting on a brave face because there are a ton of people that love this game and obviously it's our job to make content and be entertaining and try to keep the vibes going but i am bored every single day like 30 minutes in i'm like ha ha i guess we'll go kill some hilly charles and it's it's very tough to stream this game it's the toughest game to stream in my life when the game first came out i think it was the most fun i've ever had streaming we were exploring we were wishing we're getting new characters we're getting upgrades if we got a weapon prototype from boss it was like oh my god this is a game changing a story a life-changing game honestly for when it came out for a lot of us and i'm gonna make a whole video on how it changed my life and so you know obviously i want to play it and i want to have things to do in it and i want to enjoy it because i want to enjoy it with you but we also can't fake it much longer i mean how many times can you can you can you run out of content in five days or five seconds and try to spend the whole day streaming like there's only so many con conversations you can have well while fighting hilly trails and um you know i know that a lot of players you don't have to deal with that you don't when you're done your resin you don't have to stay on the game you just get off and that's fine so maybe some of you don't feel that impact whatsoever but i'm wondering how many of you do your daily resin you grind it out and then you're like huh i got all these you know cracked artifacts here where am i supposed to use this you know where am i supposed to use this i've been hunting artifacts i've been trying to get weapons my entire my entire career here where am i supposed to use this now because one banging enemy is uh it gets pretty boring pretty quick and so that obviously is is a frustration too is is where do we go from here is where do we use this stuff is there going to be a raid is there going to be dungeons and if there isn't how long will people last and honestly if i'm being 100 with you i'm shocked people are playing this much i'm shocked let me just show you something really quickly let's open up google trends i want to just show you this this is insanity so if we put in genshin impact right and we go worldwide and we look at the graph here all right there's the launch it was huge it was insanely big people don't realize how big it is but if you look it stayed doing pretty well the whole time but compared to fortnite that's really good boys this is this is actually pretty good if we go to the five years it's not as impressive but like the fact that it's approaching fortnite is pretty good but if you do it to uh some lesser games like my old game destiny 2. engine impact is insanely popular and there are millions of people that play destiny millions of people play destiny and look how popular it was and look how popular it stays ancient impact is a massive massive game if you put war zone right look how big gentian impact is and so obviously you know there's a lot of people that love this game a ton of people that love this game but i can imagine if people love this game this much they're also grinding a ton just like i am and you're you know i'm guessing that there's a lot of people that are feeling this way because it's not this popular if people just play it and then quit a lot of you probably have been playing for a long long time and i guess that's where some of my worry is coming from is you know when are we gonna all tap out are we gonna do it as a team we're gonna look at are we quitting guys are we you're quitting all right i'm quitting too he he's quitting all right i'm in and um you know if we beat the game if we feel like we beat the game it's time to move on it's time to move on it's a video game it's not our jobs or it's not your jobs it's my job we could find other games we can play other games but here's the big issue i still love it i want to use this somewhere i don't want to feel this way i want to use this somewhere i grinded for this character i grinded for these weapons and artifacts and then oh my god i want to use this somewhere i want to be challenged because i love the game i don't want to quit i don't want you guys to quit i don't want anyone to quit i want to have content for us to enjoy and love but as we approach the one year anniversary there are still so many issues with the game with the amount of resin we get daily with the recharge rate of the resin we've got characters back here that have been neglected unbuffed unloved for so so long i know my shingling is not level just don't worry about it we'll fix it don't worry about it well we've got characters that are underperforming for days and days and weeks and weeks and it's been a year now and there hasn't even been a balance patch for a lot of these characters and there's been no road map for the future of this game and so for all i know the only content we're gonna get is stuff like this let me just teleport over there long term i i don't agree that this is content this is free primo gems that they give you and there's a little mission to go do essentially a daily commission but this is not content and i don't understand why we have all these strong things if there's nowhere to use it but there's no road map for the future to say yeah this you know this is all filler we're gonna have more they haven't said anything about dungeons or raids or anything and so how long can we do stuff like this without being bored and the more events that happen the more primo gems they give us eventually you start getting the characters you want some of you might be tapping on being like yeah you know i've got one of everything like even me for the most part the only thing i could ever really hope for is a dendro character at this point and it's like who knows when that's gonna be and if they add a new region again that's exciting for a couple of days or weeks but then you run out of quests you run out of chest and we're in the exact same spot and i wonder if one year is the point where we tap out speaking of one year the rage about rewards is insane we've seen some amazing art there's some cool community events and cosplays going on but at the end of the day this is a gotcha game and people want characters they want a new kazuha they want to get a kokomi right they don't want to get a kokami they want to get some cracked weapon and when you got no primo gems you ain't got no content baby because the tent pull is more content than you get in a daily uh grind of gangshin not actually but players want new characters to use and level and enjoy and feel like they've been rewarded for all this time they put in the game there's people that have put in you know welcome moon and battle pass and that adds up over the course of a year you know 100 bucks 200 bucks right and they're not gonna give you anything maybe they will but they haven't announced it and so the community is raging they're angry and they're like what the hell is this company doing why are you being so greedy and so even that fact i think that it is turning people off from the game and they want to quit they want to move on and they want to they want to you know get the hell out of here but at the same time i can also imagine there's a lot of people that spent a lot of money on this game and they're like god damn it i don't want to feel like i wasted all that we want content we need content and i think that we're on the brink a lot of people are on the brink and you know to my content creator buddies i know you're stressed out if you want to talk about it i'm there with you man it's happened to me multiple times i've burnt out uh a lot i mean i threatened to quit this game in the beginning uh like a month in and you know i've been chugging along because i do love this game and i like making videos for you guys and when there is a new region and i can make guides on how to get that weapon and is the weapon good i'm in my happy place but in the downtime in the filler content you know i struggle too i'm a really lucky guy i've been given an amazing job and i i still have some fight in me i don't want to quit either one day i might have to though if we're all quitting and we're all out of content and there's nothing to say and nothing to do how can you make content when there's no content to play you can get really creative but do i have it in me i don't know at the same time i see your guys reaction to my clips channel my clips channel is going to get more views than my main channel it's got 30 000 subs already on this clips channel and it's like wow you guys are you guys love watching the tash man having some fun having some laughs i post a guide i post my thoughts on something you guys are 200 300 000 views sometimes it's like my god there's so many of you that i want to share this experience with and and have fun with and make videos for and i i feel like if i quit i'm betraying you guys and you know i don't want to do that i feel like we're a little you know a little family over here but it's uh it's definitely getting tough it's getting tougher and uh i'm gonna try my best i wanna see this new island i love the last few islands i can imagine i'm gonna like the new one and maybe we're gonna get a road map and some good news soon but um i understand where some other content creators are coming from wanting to quit or the frustrations i've talked to them i've said it myself i've complained multiple times i know i'm a big complainer because it's like i'm bored um but you know i'm sure many of you are too so you can at least understand my frustration thank you guys for everything i'm going to do a little recap of the last year and how things have changed you guys literally changed my life and uh i think the least i can do is keep chugging along a little bit longer and uh hope for the best down the road maybe there's some other cool games like blue protocol there's like tower of fantasy there's a bunch if you quit the game and you don't want to watch genji anymore that's okay you know i'm not gonna follow you because maybe i'll see you down the road in another game i used to cover destiny people came back and watching me on this game they're like oh my god i used to watch your destiny stuff i played monster hunter world and then i played division people were like oh my god i used to watch monster underworld i'm not going anywhere i'm 29 years old maybe i'm older than you thought maybe i'm younger than you thought i'm not quitting anytime soon i love making videos and who knows maybe i'll be making runescape 5 videos down the road i don't know what i'm going to be doing but i just i guess i don't know i'm just kind of rambling at this point but i do love you guys and uh i hope that we can share more time together whether it's this game or another one i'm gonna shut up now i'm gonna move on check out helix mattress okay buy yourself a new bed with the link down below and i'll see you soon bye
Channel: Mtashed
Views: 523,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: genshin, genshin impact, genshin impact anniversary
Id: KiChCma1EfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 25sec (1225 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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