The Age of Making Money is Over. The middle-class is done.

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all right pencils down stop studying stop working stop trying to make money that's it okay I said pencils down it's time to stop being productive now I know this is kind of a change in the direction of our channel in which we were talking about seven ways to be productive and we want to be self-help Improvement gurus and how to make money learning to make passive income learning how to code but that's over now and in fact it's just simply not cool anymore today to even show yourself working right you go on YouTube do you see anybody out here working nobody's working everybody's out there living their best Lives having fun frolicking around dancing going to events traveling eating food that's what people are doing out there maybe having fun interesting conversations having these podcasts but nobody is actually sitting down working and nobody wants to see you work either and not to mention the opportunity for a lot of this is gone now if you're poor then you might just be poor forever and if you're rich you're going to be rich and stay rich and that's just how things are going to be so if you're out there trying to make money and I totally get why everybody's trying to do this people want to be rich I need to give you a bit of dose of reality which is that but there may simply not be enough opportunities and if you don't have the money now you may I mean you just may never have it okay like you could be poor forever and the reason for this is because the middle class is shrinking actually like the poor are getting poor the rich are getting richer and there's just no middle class anymore there's no opportunities so if you're rich you're making more from your Investments and you have money you're using that money to leverage it to make more money and then if you're in the middle class you may be drifting down into the lower class and so I'm sorry to say but that path that your parents laid out for you which is maybe you go to school you said that you get a normal decent job that's middle class we're going to categorize that as poor being middle class I feel like you're really just in between a rock and a hard place so what's going on is that you can get straight A's in school you can graduate from a great College you can get your internships your research positions whatever you get the job you're poor I mean the reality is you're not even going to get the job I mean just look around you've got all these tech companies laying off thousands of employees and they're not going to go into middle class there's no middle class they're drifting down into poor classes and their qualifications just weren't good enough I mean they studied hard they got through college they got their degree they got good grades it's not enough they're going to become poor now and this trend is accelerated with chat GPT AI taking up even more jobs and then you've got other factors like Technology Outsourcing immigration diversity initiatives or whatnot that may be further removing jobs or reducing pay the next expensive coastal cities like San Francisco or New York needs an income of at least 300 000 a year for reference just 10 percent of all households made two hundred thousand dollars or over in 2020. and when you combine that with a recession we may be entering a new era where it's just not possible to make money anymore unless you're rich like if you're rich you're going to make more and if you're poor I mean that this could be it then it could be over for you like this could just be it like whatever money you have now that's it that's just that's the stash that you've got for the rest of your life because I feel there's a certain disillusionment among people who think that all you need is hustle willpower mindset determination perseverance and there's so much self-help Improvement advice out there where people say to work harder work work on what work harder at what what do you want people to do code something build some build what right it's like when you look at the coding Frontier apps are dead apis are dead no platform is giving access to any data because it's too valuable for chat gbt Apple threatened today to shut down another epidemus because they weren't using their micro payments API Apple wants their 30 App Store cut web3 basically got killed off so that's over you've got red shutting down their data apis and AI is eating up a bunch of other jobs and then very few people are able to take advantage of chat GPD AI because we don't have the data and that API platform is basically closed Source by open AI where that a team from India you know three super smart Engineers could actually build something truly substantial look the way this works is we're going to tell you it's totally hopeless to compete with us on training Foundation models you shouldn't try and it's your job to like try anyway I think it I think it is pretty hopeless but so what's going on there's a few AI startups may get rich but the rest of us are going to get poor and so we're entering an era we're making money I think is just going to get harder and harder it's kind of like imagine living in Afghanistan there's no opportunities there like you tell some kid in Afghanistan work hard have perseverance determination have positive mindset no that kid's probably still going to grow up poor there's just no opportunities out there and America is becoming like that now that's not to mention if the poor are getting poorer well who's getting richer out there well unfortunately we get to see these rich people on social media all the time on Instagram YouTube living out their best lives traveling on private jets living in mansions driving Lamborghinis wearing Rolex watches maybe just talking on YouTube or you know some of these people they're just eating free food at the Google cafeterias showing that off in their day in the live videos and that's kind of what people want nowadays because people are able to see really the best Lifestyles out there and people are Awakening up to that and nobody really wants the wage slave nine to five life anymore and so the funny thing is today nobody celebrates working harder anymore you don't see a YouTube clip of somebody working hard studying coding away so frustrated in the Republic plus cut no people are just out there showing their best Lives having fun and that's what people want to see and that's cool and so in my opinion the era of social media self-help gurus is Shifting away basically it's losing some popularity because nobody wants to hear about seven ways to make money seven ways to improve your productivity seven ways to optimize your mindset you know people can't get that by now it's like there's no secret key to success you just got to work hard and people are more interested in really seeing others spending money right like the most popular Channel Mr Beast is a guy who just spends loads of money that's what people want to see people don't want to see you making money that's not interesting that's not popular it's not cool to make money you want to be unpopular and so it's not going to get you any dates if you're just sitting around slaving away at your wage slave nine-to-five job trying to make a few bucks trying to make money people aren't impressed by that at all people want to see the Lambos The Mansions travel lifestyle or maybe they want to go watch a music gaming art or maybe just argue over politics and try to tear each other down that's what people are interested in not in trying to make money anymore I mean it's like there are phases in society where everybody goes to the self-help section and the bookstore and that used to be popular like you want to see Rich Dad Poor Dad content but then after a while people are fed up with that seven ways to influence your friends and make money no people are done with that like it doesn't work people get it and then people just want to read Harry Potter and I think we're entering the square root of people want to read Harry Potter face and quite frankly even people who seem to have money are just sitting around acting depressed because the next step is they have to go out there and actually match those influencer Lifestyles that everybody's watching on YouTube people who are actually spending boatloads of cash that's a lifestyle everybody's aspiring to now so it's not enough to simply just make money you gotta first get to that get some money and then you have to actually spend that money and then you have to have the time to spend that money so it's like three levels up that you got to get to and you're like you don't even have the money to be able to spend it and have the time to do that for so in addition to you simply not having opportunities anymore because we're just pulling up the ladder there's no middle class anymore you're either poor or you're rich nothing in between you've also got the most successful people blasting out how amazing their lives are on social media 24 7 as if it's normal and everybody's aspiring for that and nobody wants to see you working struggling like is are you poor like no but they want to associate with the poor class people want to Aspire to that rich class that's who you're going to be compared with it's like why can't you be like Mr Beast handing out millions of dollars every single day to just random people like why can't you do that and so you've just got all these people so far behind falling further behind by the day where they they first have to make the money and they came to make the money but once they do assuming they can't they have to figure out how to spend that money that's going to take some time and effort to figure out which watch they want which Lambo which Mansion they want and then they have to get the time maybe figure out a way to quit their jobs which right now they don't even have and then they have to sell the passive income streams that's going to take time to set up so that they can do some travel and it's like you just can't catch up anymore after a while it's over it's over you see you thought that you had all the time in the world that you could just do your studies do your nine to five job and later on if you just work hard that success comes to those who work hard well no it doesn't doesn't have to there's no guarantee that if you work hard that there's going to be some opportunity for you right like you could get into a company and they'll lay you off or they simply they just don't have jobs for you that's it so you worked hard and there's just nothing waiting for you so here's how to think about your life the best analogy is the Titanic which we may be right America could be on the decline but if you're on the sinking ship are you going to study like this is quite desperation and there where nobody has time to see you studying it's like people are just wondering what are you doing you would just go to the buffet and just eat as much food as you can just try to enjoy life and I think that's what people are doing and that's what's cool that's what's trendy these days personally I don't consume self-help self-improvement advisor I don't think about ways to make money I don't have time for that and so the critical flaw I see so many people doing now tears they're still trying they're still trying to save the system and when it's over you know you see all these political debates online people so enthusiastic and getting so heated about the country and what's best for the future of America it's over it's over the whole thing's going to be over it's it's gone you see if you actually know about history around the end of World War II is when the US began rewriting history in its own favor history is written by the Victor so if your goal is truth and honor which so many people online Professor to be and you're so heated about what's right and what's wrong I mean look you're living in an entire your whole life isn't lie right so maybe you should just accept that and you're either going to make it or you're not going to make it and there's no in between there's no try it's like what Yoda says do or do not but there's no middle ground here so here's my advice the window of opportunity is closing right the pores get imported we're just getting richer there's no middle class if you happen to spot an opportunity and you want to change classes from poor to rich then you may want to go after it quickly because it's not going to last forever otherwise I would just make a conscious choice now if you're going to be poor or Rich and look there's nothing wrong with having the self-awareness and humility to say to yourself you don't have an you to be rich like you're just going to be a poor person that's totally cool and then you would just want to befriend like other rich people like say your friends or your family instead of say pretending that you're going to be this fiercely independent person who's disowned their parents disowned their friends and then you're stuck in this world with no opportunity just working on this hustle wasting your own time now on the other hand if you want to belong to the rich class or just recognize that this mediocre 9-5 life of mediocrity may not cut it because that's middle class it no longer really exists anymore I would then otherwise find small pockets of communities that you can live in and just ignore all the crazy politics going on because it's a sinking ship there's a lot of people who are going to waste their time some people are going to try to save the Titanic by scooping buckets of water out making a lot of fuss and noise about it but you know maybe just look for some exit plans something where you can spend a little bit more time outside of the US take some vacation set up remote income streams passive income stuff like that and so there you have it as a society I believe that we're basically done making money we're shifting away from the making of money people aren't really interested in that and now we're just spending money or watching other people spend money and living vicariously through them it's over if you like the video give a like And subscribe see in the next one thanks bye
Channel: TechLead
Views: 715,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: rJJBnmDkEwI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 59sec (719 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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