Is Claude 3 Opus Better Than ChatGPT Plus? Has Anthropic Set New Industry Benchmarks?

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earlier this month claw 3 Opus was released and supposedly it's better than Chad gbt 4 from this chart we got from anthropic we see in every single category Claude 3 Opus outperforms gbt 4 therefore let's put it to the test we're going to see this is a skewed study by anthropic or does Claude 3 actually perform better than Chad gbt 4 welcome back y'all in today's video I want to put this to test as we know a lot of these AI companies or AI providers or whatever you want to call them sometimes put out these crazy studies I remember when Gemini and Google first came out holy smokes it's the gbt killer it's the gbt killer was it the gbt killer no this is all competition therefore we need to actually put it to the test and see if these are any good so what I'm going to do here is I'm going to buy claw Pro I already have Chad gbt plus we're going to try the exact same prompts see what the outputs are and see which one he likes better see which one we like better if I can speak today want to point out real quick as well it does seem like Claude provides in their free version the ability to attach files and understand images now that's pretty powerful you're not able to do that on 3.5 but in today's video we are going to be comparing the pro version so let's go to subscribe to Pro here's what we get when we subscribe to Pro we level up the amount of usage we get that's nice we don't get kicked out halfway through a conversation we get Priority Access during high levels of traffic makes sense we get access to Cloud 3 Opus which is what we're going to put into the test today that's what you saw on the chart earlier in this video and we get early access to new features let's go and subscribe now now of most stuff we can expect it to be around 20 USD a month I did a whole video comparing all the chat Bots and why you would choose each one you can check it out right there let me go ahead and subscribe here we go we got claw 3 Opus selected we got Chad gbt 4 selected zoom out a little bit here let's check this out first off let's just see what the UI is let's see if it's changed a little bit since the last time I've used Cloud say hello CU they have like a weird little loading Emoji okay so this is our choice here it looks like we can switch between models within the actual chat or no just starting a new chat just like chat gbt we got the ability to attach images now that's nice let's go ahead and just start with the different value points we get within each model so right off the bat we're going to start off with the different features each platform provides can Cloud do image generation I think the answer is no but let's just make it obvious so we're going to do generate an image of a dog here we're going to do generate an image of a dog here and we're just going to knock it down I'm going to do coding into this video travel everything we're going to see which one you would want to choose in the context of what you want quad cannot do image generation Chad DBT can do image generation first check down new chat another major feature people like to use Within These chat Bots is the ability to access the internet so let's go and gut check both and see if Claude can access the internet so I went ahead and just set up a fake prompt here let's just say I'm going to Spain I say I want to go to Spain this summer please provide me with a hotel flight for the dates of July 2024 8th to 17th can you provide me links hit enter here we're going to try this with Claud as well hit enter here okay so with Chad gbt we know it has the ability to browse the internet so I can go ahead and just click one of these and it does take me to an external flight here it actually does fill in the dates does provide the times and it gets my location right that is creepy don't know it knows I live in SF chill out that's good andth thropic we get an outline here but there is no ability for external links yet CLA doesn't have access to the internet links provided may not be as accurate up to date keep that in mind so right off the bat we have those situations out in the open if you wanted image generation and you wanted to access the internet clot is not your case here let's go and try other use cases that may make CLA shine more than Chad gbt one other thing that may or may not be relevant depending on your use case a lot of people don't really care if they have access to gbts that's up to you but it does seem like right now CLA does not have some type of democratized store where there's lasered inversions of Claude keep that in mind as well I want to point out as well I'm not here just to bash Claude I'm just being very real very unbiased in my way of presenting information so yes later in this video we're going to go over maybe use cases CLA outshines it let's just knock down the pillars of what's not provided on this platform for 20 USD on top of that we don't get access to custom instructions with CLA if you don't know what custom instructions is check out that video right there I go over why it's valuable I even give a gbt to create your custom instructions to get better outputs when using Chad gbt as a language model but this goes over a lot of the base level of what's not provided on CLA so knowing all of this let's see if this can perform better in very specific use cases I think at this point I'm probably going to make a video comparing Chad gbt and Claude three when it comes to coding so keep in mind of that you can go and subscribe and check that out later so let's go and try a little bit more complex prompt here I'm going to take a screenshot of a website I'm going to see what the code looks like compared to the two different models and proceed from there we are at let's screenshot this and see what kind of wireframe we get from these coding models attach image So in theory I could have custom instructions here where I'd basically just ask give me the code for the front end it would know I wanted react j6 and everything above the board but I want to turned it off for this use case I'm going to go ahead and just ask for it very specific Al within my prompt command C command a command C hit enter here I may need to REO a little bit further let's go and attach the image here okay I'm going to go ahead and paste it here and let's hit enter here we go so we have a lot to go over here first let's look at the chat gbt response here now one thing I like about the chat gbt response is it provides like relevant information like this but to be honest with y'all this is like decent structuring I would say but notice and like you know add your own Styles right so I could have to Rector keep repr proctoring Chad gbt to give me the CSS styles to give me the relevant information here but it does seem like Claude in this context went the extra mile here and provided like a lot of the relevant information found within that screenshot it didn't require me to keep repr proctoring it with the CSS you see right here as well and what I'll note here is that it does put in like dummy variables so like this for example but it doesn't show you like actually importing it so let me see if I can like ractice a little bit further here and get that kind of answer okay can we put this code in a file called homepage. JS and homepage I did see on Twitter what people were saying was like they were using Claude 3 Opus to like basically give them like really big outputs of code files but then have Chad gbt 4 help with the logic side of it which could have validity here but let's let's go ahead and see what we get for this outle here oo okay okay okay okay I like it I like it wow okay okay that's good that's really good because this this is what this tells me basically that my original prompt was very simple right but if I make a prompt that was specific enough it would be able to really handle and I'll notice it lags a little bit here it would be able to really handle a nice looking file here y'all I like this H wow okay I'm impressed I'm impressed let me go ahead and ask the same question to well I can't even ask the same question Chad gbt because what they do what Chad gbt does is it's very much more like here is a wireframe and then you would have to basically Proctor further for each section so for example tap navigate Tap navigation bar I would say okay or let me just do something more simpler would say for the CSS classes give me example okay give me an example of what we put in the CSS classes one thing I also want to point out is if you want to see like how to really code using Chad gbt and those strategies I use personally check out that video right there I just made it like two days ago I even give you an custom instructions I personally use that would be very powerful for whatever use case you may code in but this is what I'm talking about when it comes to Chad gbt where you kind of have to like lead it oh you kind of have to lead a little bit in order to get further information CLA 3 definitely seems to take that extra step here where it will fill in that information for you whether that's a good thing or a bad thing from this though I'm actually pretty impressed by the output by claw 3 this kind of seems like a tossup so as I described before I'm going to do a whole video comparing the two so make sure to subscribe and I'm going to put this to the test I'm going put these two through the ringer and see which one performs best in the context of coding it does seem that if you know how to prompt it you may not even need custom instruction in the context of coding for cloud 3 as you just need to provide a little bit more information than what I provided which was like a one- sentence thing so that just about does coding let's see what else we can do here we're just going to throw out some very simple prompts at it and I'm very curious on how it interacts with it right so for example write me an email to my boss saying I'm sick and can't be in work Friday command a command C control a control C or control a yeah control a control C let's try that cloud so this is CH gbt's way of handling this information and this is claw's way okay very similar inputs and outputs let's actually gut check this a little bit further here we're going to make each one four sentences read them together and just basically decide which one sounds better make the email four sentences come over to Claud while this generates I want to point out as well that to get access to their API just probably I could probably leave a link in the description I just type in anthropic API at the time of me getting access there was a weight list I'm not sure if that still exists what I do know is that to get access to CLA 3 Opus in the EXT of software development or API end points it actually is more expensive than Chad gbt 4 in the same context so keep that in mind if you want to develop software and supposedly get access to a higher level model than gbt 4 it will be a little bit more expensive let's go and read this email I regret to inform you that due to illness I unable to work on Friday and have consulted a healthc care professional who advised rest I've arranged for colleague's name to cover any urgent task and will monitor my email for any critical issues I apologize for the inconvenience and to return Monday thank you for understanding sounds like a Chad GPT response I'm running to inform you that I'm feeling unwell and will not be able to come into the office on Friday April 12 2024 I've been experiencing oh wow that actually got the date I've been experiencing severe flu like symptoms since last night I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and I will ensure any injured tasks are communicated to the relevant team members I expect to return to the office on Monday April 15th 2024 that's better that is a better response it is specific on the dates it's also very like like this one's no dates uh it's more General this one does feel a little bit more specific and actually answers pre relevant questions in the context of like not being able to make the office all right Claude not bad let's try another use case here make me a social media schedule for my dog company yes it's back chewy bones make me a social media schedule for the month of May for my company chewy bones you come up with everything relevant I would need input output input output okay chbt is not too bad here got weekly themes daily schedule and here is clads content themes posting frequency content calendar okay both are not bad but yeah know I'm leaning towards Claude on this as well it seems like Claude is like this is very general so I think the the name of the game or the theme of this video is that in the specific context of inquiring for prompts it seems like Claude understands it more and gives you like more the information that you would actually care about so like week one May 1 to 7 I would actually care about that if I was making a social media schedule compared to this which is like week one product highlights and it's like a pseudo schedule that could possibly work and and then just like gives you random days that are relevant but I asked for a social media schedule what is a social media schedule that's week one week two week three week four with the dates identified and some relevant hashtags so it seems like there will be a couple more videos on this topic let's keep comparing Cloud 3 Opus and Chad gbt make sure to subscribe as we'll be going over which one is better on your use case as with any of these AI models and spec specifically if you watch that very beginning video I referenced it really just depends on what you care about and what you're trying to achieve person a and person B are going to have way different reasons why they would use a model like this me personally I use these models for the context of software development so when choosing my model I typically like to choose a one that performs best in that room so keep that in mind I'll see you in the next video this playlist right here goes everything we need to know about anthropic got a couple videos in there that's a random video that's my face I'll see you in the next video
Channel: Corbin Brown
Views: 5,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, zapier, openai, ai automation, gpt tutorials, chatgpt education, ai for business, ai service, zapier tutorials, software business, entrepreneur, start a business, passive income, digital nomad
Id: zb4R82ghgb8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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