Grease Gun - How To Use A Grease-Gun Properly

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welcome back friends to a very chilly day on the homestead we woke up to 11 degrees this morning I've got to plow some snow we've actually Believe It or Not got another storm coming in today we're gonna cover grease guns I'm gonna tell you everything you ever wanted to know about them the proper use how to pick up the right one and a simple hack that will make it about a thousand times better so working in excavating for 15 years I have pumped a lot of grease and handled a lot of grease guns so the reason why I have a brand new one here is I can't find mine I have no idea if someone borrowed it fell I have I couldn't find it I've looked searched high and low so I went back to the drawing board and thought okay let's see what's what's available out there so your grease guns basically are gonna come down to three different price points your entry level that I was looking at that were around $20 and then if you just step up a little bit more like 40 this was like 40 bucks at Amazon this is a Lincoln you get so much more I mean just perfect example you know like the rubber hose on here you know rather than this is gonna be your fail point that's the first thing that fails on any grease gun I've ever had made in Germany made in Germany not made in China so that extra 20 bucks what does that get you I'll get you a grease gun that's probably gonna last you a lifetime for common users so if you buy a twenty dollar one well plan on buying a second one when the hose fails or a new hose whatever but that's probably gonna cost you about the same so this is the first one I've ever had that was one-handed I've had the old-style you know they did the pumping and all that and I just really appealed to me the kind of the one hand my only concern was I wasn't sure you could get enough pressure on sometimes you get those grease certs that are zerks excuse me I always say it wrong jerks that are clogged up and you need tremendous pressure we'll see but the first and most important thing is to do is to get rid of the factory little nipple thing on here and I'll show you why can't see I'm looking forward to taking my gloves off here so here's the deal so this little guy if you look in there can you see there's some little jaws right some little jaws on there and they're under spring tension this is your zerk this is what you're going to have on your equipment side now it's important on this an equipment like your tractors and stuff to grease those pins every eight hours or so if you're working in really dirty stuff or you're like you're digging in water like underwater you even want to do it i sedae about every four hours it'll make your machine last longer and stay tight so problem with these ones that come on here and this is actually a good one is that they snap on and when they're new they work really great right but if you're not at the perfect angle sometimes when they get a little bit worn and there's no chance of going to get that out of there now you're going to your hands are so cold you're gonna have what's gonna happen is you're gonna get grease all over the machine they're just a pain that sometimes well you know when you're crawling around underneath something you can't get underneath of it let's pause we go get some pliers oh that's a good one couldn't get that off so on the grease zerk side you're gonna have a little ball bearing under Spri under spring tension there and that's going to keep keep dirt and everything from going in so get rid of this thing right here do your safe self a favor and get one of these automatic locking style couplers I don't lock and lube I think that's kind of the one of the big brands the names but what it does is it's got a spring deal here and it's got a really high quality set of jaws I mean look at the difference right there you can see they're they're big and they're robust and you you pull the spring deal and those little alien grabbers come out there and you can lock onto the map I can't quite get it when it's not mounted up here let's see those will come out they're there you can see that will come out there and capture that guy and you will not get that loose and you don't have to pull and put strain on your cord and all of that they are they are wonderful they're really great downside that I found with these guys these lock & lubes it there they're so big and the reason why you have a flexible hose is so you can get to those hard to get areas like a good grease gun will come with both you'll have the rigid one which makes it easier you can oh you can push it right on kind of one-handed but they're really difficult to get into come into tight areas like little tractors especially compact tractors so the downside of this guy is that it basically you're adding a little metal extension on there that doesn't have a lot of flex so that may or may not work for you there are some other ones out here this one here is unit universe universe all see if I can put some links on there but look how much smaller it is and it essentially does the same thing we can thread that on there like this and then just by simply pulling back this knurled had to educate myself there so when you pull this back it locks and then you press it on there and then it will hook on there the same way that will not come off and if you deflect or try to put grease in an angle it's going to go into the into the machine I prefer this one over the cuz it's even smaller I think about the same tiny bit longer than the factory one so that's the one we'll go with either one will serve you good if you have a bigger machine that would be just fine so of course we're always going to put teflon tape on anything with with with threads on it like that and the gray stuff if you can get the this the gray stuff is a little bit thicker than the white and I've had better I like with it I let her I like it I've had better luck with it because it's just it's more substantial and it's easier to apply now remember when you're when you're tightening threads and stuff you can always come back and retighten if they leak but if you over tighten and you stretch it and ruin it there's nothing you can do you have to replace it so right tool for the right job here of course and now we got an awesomely modded grease gun now if you're a young guy is going to be going out into the workforce pay special attention to this because I and several the guys that I you know business owners that I know will take simple things like this at to test to see if a guy is is just talking nonsense or does he really know what he's doing this is one of those fundamental skills that it's everyone thinks they know how to do it but it's just complicated enough where you can tell if someone's never done it before by quickly that that's what the way you know your man so you want to know those things because it could be a test for you someday so the moment just quit real quickly how they work is you you loosen the barrel there's gonna be barrel that the blue barrel there that grease could be stuffed into but usually we're gonna use the cartridges no one manually fills them anymore very rarely outside of industrial applications okay so you're going to pull this t-handle back and it's gonna have a little groove cut in it you see that that's gonna store it right there for you now you also are gonna have a bleeder there's all different types this one right here just happens to have a little like a kind of a modified Schrader valve in there and that's going to help to dispel the air because you get air trapped in there and you can't get the thing going especially in cold weather like this so here's what you do you're gonna have your grease gun cartridge in there you're going to take that out if it won't come out you can usually take your pocket knife and hook on that metal lip there and flip it out I just give it a thrill like that and it will almost always come out now you got a load it the right way you don't want to be some hub cover as my friend Tom used to say don't want to hub cover messing things up and not knowing how to load a grease gun it's got two ends it's got the cardboard in when it's got the top like you'd have on a pop-can or a beer can that always goes up so remember if you're trying to if you can't remember remember you hold it like this it's like you would drink something it's gonna go in like that so the metal part up you're gonna drop it down in there like that you're gonna pop the cap off if you don't have any fingernails because you're a fingernail chew or you can use this right here pop that up and you're gonna pull this off like that there's always going to be grease stuck on it right there so just take it and and just wipe it off I'll be watching you if you were working for me and I'd see if you know how to do that take that can that lid poke it in there and then you don't have to things to get rid of and a bunch of grease all over everything all right so you got that right now here's the important part especially on a brand new one you see how this is all going to be empty and you're gonna have air trapped in there and you're gonna have cold grease and this can be a real bug bear to get it going so what I do is all through it you thread this on here thread it all the way all right okay and then back it off three twists or one turn like that that's gonna let that that air escape out of there now you're going to take this piston and just or the little pull rod you're going to take it off of that channel right there and there's a spring that's gonna be pressing that grease up in there and you can even assist it a little bit you can press that spring and you can hear the air if you can't I can hear the air escaping out of there we'll pump that piston let's pull this off and you can even see inside the first time it's always going to be much worse because you've got to dry a dry head and not you're not gonna have there we go you see there how that Springs pushing that out look at the mess I'm making free for you guys so you can understand ok I'm not happy about that ok let's get the spring tension off put the plug back in but what that you can see what that did that that pressed all of that grease and all of that air out of there and now we have we should have piston should be working open that crack it let a little more air out see we have to fill the head we have to fill the hose there's a lot of stuff going on here I can feel now that the piston there we go the piston is primed and we've got the hole filled and now the grease of course is coming out the end it's it took a long time to prime this one because everything is so cold so let's snap it on there and do a little greasing here these automatic locking heads are just absolutely the way to go you can pump grease in here at an at an angle you don't have to worry about it coming off you I mean you get some of those that are really tough and they don't snap on and you're pushing on it trying to get the angle and you got grease coming out all over your machine these are they're worth every bit the money just so what you'd say from grease alone so how much should you put in so if you're if you're greasing your machine regularly I'll go up here and on the smaller ones I'll give one and on the bigger ones I'll give two to three if you've got grease that's squirting out between the joints it's almost too much and only thing it's gonna happen is it's gonna fall on the ground you're gonna buy more grease and it's gonna make your machine all dirty I mean you'll see guys over grease machines because it at every pivot point they're all black because they just put too much in there and then when you're ready to take it off you can just simply pull on that little neural there and this is a wonderful wonderful tip right there one two this is my first time using the hand the one-handed one it's a little bit hard to pump because the grease is still so thick it would be a little bit better off during maybe warmer climate I'll put three on these big three pumps on these big pivots I'm also noticing with this one hander is it I don't think it moves as much grease as the big hand crank one that I'm typically used to so but I can hear the grease coming through and dispelling some water there so that pretty much covers everything a guy needs to know about a grease gun I know some of this stuff may be basic to you if you had the benefit of growing up with someone who actually showed you how to do it so you know don't be too hard on guys that don't know this there's just so much that a man's got to know and to learn and and you can sometimes you don't even know what you don't know and so I that one I have guys working for me it's challenging sometimes because you tend to expect from others what you expect from yourself and that's not fair if they haven't been taught it's not that they can't do it they may be able to eventually do it better than you can but if no one showed you how to do it you wouldn't know how to do it either so I try to remember that and this is just one of those things that you don't just automatically know there's some complexities and if you don't do it right it can you know be a kind of a pain and if you do it if you do do it right that it's a it just works a whole lot better so I think that the this is the lincoln is the one that i bought it was kind of in the mid price range you can start with these things for 20 bucks but i'd stay away from those pay a little bit more another 20 bucks and get something that's good quality you got good stick cast aluminum housing is gonna hold the piston you've got made in germany connections you've got air hose you've got USA fittings i don't know where this is made it doesn't say on there which usually means not in america but it is good quality or for around the $40 range i saw some that we're going up there you know like 60 or so that included the $20 tip you know maybe that's the best bet have it pre-loaded but you but pay 40 60 bucks if you're gonna pay 60 make sure you get one of those automatic spring release tips because it should come with it for that price and if you don't lose it like I lost mine you should have it forever so that's it click the thumbs up if you enjoy these I'm gonna go back inside before my jaw freezes I can't hell you talk and we'll see you guys on the next video [Music] you
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 573,350
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Keywords: Wranglerstar, grease gun, how to load a grease cartridge, how to load a grease gun, grease gun tips, grease cartridge, cordless grease gun, refilling a grease gun, how to use a grease gun, lincoln grease gun, high pressure, heavy duty, grease fitting, manual grease gun, how to load a grease gun properly, wranglerstar youtube, grease gun youtube, how to load a grease cartridge youtube, great gun tips youtube, refilling a grease gun youtube, corldless grease gun youtube
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2019
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