Is Chad Johnson the Most Lovable Guy? Growth, Keith Lee, Deion, NFL WK 10 & Discipline | The Pivot

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fellas the season bro it's tough man I'm coming from the west coast to the east coast but I love the fact that now on YouTube TV you can get the NFL Sunday Ticket I get the multiv view and now I'm watching four games at one time I got something on my iPad something on my TV and it's all thanks to YouTube TV man I used to be so scared traveling like we do and I can say you know what now I log into YouTube TV I can watch whatever games I need to watch for any job I have at any device I want it is beautiful what they got and 50% off I was about to say the most important thing is it's 50% off it's Sunday out of Market games it's amazing you got to get YouTube TV YouTube TV and NFL Sunday Ticket it is your place to catch all the games even the out of Market ones are there for you watch your favorite teams out of Market Sunday afternoon games now on YouTube and YouTube TV no two-year contract required bundle and save on NFL Sunday Ticket with YouTube TV to get 100 plus live TV channels starting at 17 $4 for the rest of the 23 season on YouTube TV with Bas plan 50% off compared to full season price terms and embargos apply no cancellations that's what ultro and uh to had in Dr for them 17 piece yeah 17 17 women in 12 hours wait what happened some I I was just playing around me when you know how to take my little smoke break before we start Tio was on my live I clicked him in and he started about I told him I'm trying to find Uncle a woman so me and did the show yesterday with the Virgin the 39y old virgin I say um the show okay whatever that is so I told man listen I got one for you you're 55 you know and you ain't you ain't got it right you ain't got it right together you ain't got it together all these years but we got somebody that's pure that's walking in the righteousness of Christ and he talking about no I want me a sinner what about bro hey I was um I went to a girl page that her Twitter the one that hit on up and said she could be un could be on her only fans Miss be nasty Bo oh you went to her page I should have did did on the plane was on the plane I said oh no he I started leing on ay know you lean over your phone I said oh Lord listen but he call he called the girl out again say nah I can't do nothing with her man bring me Miss be nasty I said man yeah ass just came out of hip surgery now you going to [ __ ] around throw that old hip out again hey shanon got to be on that uh what's his leier conac yeah yeah yeah yeah he got to be on them shots before that well he better be on that yak and whatever ma recent take it when your [Music] date wi me up on the mission got me up knowing me I got the key on the vision I can trust trust Li it I here to witness it my feelingit feel me up hey man oo welcome back to the pivot no no no it's welcome to inside the pivot and I am the guest welcome Freddy wel Freddy hey we're glad to have you I appreciate cuz we've all been here all day I know right yeah we had work I love to see it Oto you were our first guest mhm you were our first Friday show y uh we we sat down with you I can't even remember where we we did it in Miami but it was in like a dark back bar it was it was crazy but I think the cool thing is man we've all come a long way since then the show's come a long way um you know and I text you last week after the show man just individually with all the stuff that you're doing you know you've come a long way and growing in this business uh you know we'll probably get to it as well come a long way as a man yeah you know we were having conversations about that this morning but I want to talk about the first time I've seen people in the world mad at Chad Johnson the first time this is the first time I've ever seen people mad at you you are one of the more universally liked people and loved people I've ever met right like it's the reason people like it's the reason everybody wants you involved in their stuff because they know they're effed up but the way people love you it's going to mess like it's going to erase a little bit of that like oh but Chad rock with him like everybody feels that way so we had the joint post with NFL films right and you talk about hitting Ray Lewis and people will come in to the to that post just to be mad at you about Keith Lee yeah oh yeah just to be mad at you about about your opinion on what he was doing I saw you came around you did your research you show love to the brother who is doing a lot of great things was that a point though where you realize hold on people are paying attention to what I'm saying a little bit differently than I ever thought well no I understood that people pay attention to what I say but I don't think they understood where I was going with it the vision for us for any of us to own anything understand how difficult that is we're already behind the eightball in everything that we doing everything that we do in general especially ownership when it comes to ownership when it comes to the restur around business you understand how difficult that is and I'm coming from on the other side of ownership so I understand I know how it works you know how hard it is for you to create something you to create something and you to create something and have people continue to support you and if you do have a business they expect you everything has to be Immaculate perfect A1 Everything has to be five star this five star that customer service this and that and but if it was if it was Gucci if it was goddamn Louis Vuitton and whatever the service might not be up the par you're still going to support every time every time the festar restaurants oh we love that because it's a symbol of status regardless to how the customer service is sometimes sometime people have bad days you go to Poppy steak you go to Chris Ruth or Ruth Chris whatever whatever the hell that [ __ ] call and all these other fancy places are they as a service perfect all the time no but you want to be in that spot so you accept it because it's a symbol of status oh look I got money but then when it comes to the black restaurants when it comes to our [ __ ] they want everything to be perfect it ain't going to be perfect all the time the customer service not going to always be A1 and all I was saying I love what Keith was doing I love what he's doing obviously even if it's intent is not to insult those restaurants black owned restaurants obviously when he was in in ATL just the simple fact if anything with that type of popularity and influence any any inclination of anything negative you know how we operate oh would he say that oh we ain't [ __ ] with that restaurant no more and I was just thinking at it from a broader perspective but damn with his influence and that kind of power that can actually take away from that business you know you know in in in a sense I was looking at I was looking at it from that sense but again he's done so much good the little bit of bad I was thinking about but damn even though people might not see it as bad because oh he critiquing it has to be honest with his critiques but also that could hurt on the back end that's that's all I was saying because I like what he does and at at what point in doing your research cuz you later came back and you know you are love in doing that research at what point did you say Okay um I got to show this brother love when you found out that he was a boxing he can put the hands on you yeah yeah I like that I like that part so actually when when I did my research and I found that he did MMA that would it would have been nice we we can we can rock man you know I like that we we can if if if he want to come out of retirement I know he don't do that no more we can we can get in there and go i' doing a little bit more research on what he's been doing and how much he's he's helped a lot of people in such a short amount of time was really good but I also understood and has a responsibility to and it just it's just it's it's really difficult on his end too because you got to be honest and you know how we are we fickle man yeah we fickle man as a community it's hard to get us to support each other consistently and if we do everything you do has to be goddamn perfect does that get to you you say everybody love you tell everybody love you leave th $2,000 damn tips which I think is crazy but when you do get criticized in them small windows get to you nah n not at all because they're not seeing it from my viewpoint I see it on both sides for one I love what he doing I love what doing but then I'm also like well sometime your honesty can actually hurt the establishments cuz we are fickle man we follow any little Trend any little Trend are is where if they said it ain't good guess what we doing oh we ain't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] I asked a question and maybe you know one of you guys could answer it is that when you start when you build the following that he has is it's very similar to the following you gain being good at your job you gain from the way that you play ball now doing this the same with both of you it's like our voices can Elevate the culture and the people in it or it could tear them down even when it's not necessarily what we're intending to do and what I mean by that is it's you giving your honest opinion about Russell Wilson and saying what you said was honest and in some cases true and people who agree with it and people who don't agree with it but those who don't agree with it immediately go to attacking you because you're not supposed to speak on the black man like that you're supposed to approach it in a different way and it made me think about if Keith Lee now and I'm not saying that he needs to change anything that he's doing this is just a conversation if Keith Lee now said okay if I go to a restaurant and I don't have a positive review of it if not I speak to the restaurant owners and talk to them about what my experience was how that experience could be better and I keep from sharing that with the people and what I do now is when I do have positive positive experiences I shine light on those that if I do have a negative experience it's not something that I share right I deal with that personally with the people like he said it I try to send my family in because I get treated differently because now I got a certain level of followers I don't want that experience I want to pay for my food all of those things but that's real life you got money you get treated differently cuz you have a platform because you have a brand same with you same with you same with me that's just the way it works and so do you think once we reach a certain level of status a certain level uh as a voice we do have to change the way we approach speaking about things in order to not tear down I believe so and I believe so like for the culture part of it and I get I get criticized a lot for it because it's like you know he's supposed to be moving forward and I'm goofy as hell all I do is joke around right so it's you usually a lot of older black men older black women will come up to especially after the rush thing like how can you beat down another black man and I was like I was just messing around talking trash we're talking trash on the show and and I think sometimes people get look at me in like this goofball way and they think that hurts the the pushing forward of black men and I'm like even talking to Desi and talking to some other guy spice Adams and I even bring this up with him like you know do you have a feel as if you need to be this strong deep you know um activist almost at all times which I can't be I support all the black businesses I'm going to support everything we do I got on my Howard stuff now you know my wife be pushing that that that Howard on me hu the real hu and the other part is too why do people from Howard act like they're not a HBCU like the rest of the people because they're the first one and they uh they're the topnotch I don't [ __ ] know man I'm about to answer that [ __ ] question like I really know I just know that the Howard swag is through the goddamn Mo I have found out that my voice has gotten bigger over the years and I do try to be more responsible when I talk about serious topics I can play around joke around but when you talk about serious topics you need to get you need to have a more I guess conscious thought of how many people you're reaching especially young people how many young people you're reaching and how many people respect you know respect you and as a you know a Comm personality I'm still looked at on a higher pedestal with the fame with the football with the TV shows and all that stuff and I have become more conscious of that through the last year so yeah I agree with you you have to be open-minded and uh thought thought-provoking and uh within that responsibility that you have you still also have to be true you know I think so you know when it comes to our community there's already a heightened level of sensitivity right so you you it's it's like d that fight do or damn if I don't cuz they're going to comb through whatever you say if you if you give a thousand great compliments right some people just pull out that one and that's what they want to pound on so it really comes down to uh with I guess with Keith he he has the critique he has to be himself he has to understand the power of His platform but he also have to understand that you know people are just going to be people you know so you you make your comments and keep it moving make sure that it's true yeah um without his comments he don't he'll lose followers if he's bullshitting you know what I'm saying he has a responsibility to uh just keep it a thousand otherwise people won't follow him and then now that affects his back in his money his platform uh but he does have a responsibility to the people more so than anything I think that's that's what I what I saw most and why I did come back and say what I did say I hadn't done my research Shannon asked me a question what do you think about this individual saying this and then I'm seeing the Atlanta restaurants being upset and then it's just straight to why are you critiquing what qualifies you to do that I hadn't done my research I I didn't know I didn't know about the followers I didn't know who he was I didn't understand his background but he he answered that forget the answer he gave to me personally I did my own homework I said oh boy that boy doing something nice right he doing something nice and in a sense we just a goddamn like it as far as on on the giving back and in the blessing part but I don't do it that way cuz I'm not a foodie N I eat at the same goddamn six restaurants the past you know goddamn 30 years you know but still the intent is the same the same as his his just you know it's a different Avenue and after seeing that and understand it [ __ ] I I told I told Shannon [ __ ] I'm oo Lee I'm team Lee my daughter my daughter hit me like uh listen daddy you my Daddy and all but we team Keith Lee over here my daughter is in culinary school yeah oh right and she loves Keith mhm so I'm in the kitchen uh Thursday she said Dad I need you to tell Chad Johnson we got beef he said he said tell him do not come for Keith Lee yeah I said man I said I don't think my boy was going I was like I don't think he understood it like that's I think he was speaking from the perspective of how just that one particular voice in that moment affects black businesses I said it wasn't necessarily him looking at the whole of who Keith Lee is and having a negative perspective or a negative opinion on him it was saying when you say something like this when you have that sort of platform that's how it can affect that one place no I just wanted to uh add real quick because I know we kind of talked about it in our hot takes uh show I believe last Friday but two weeks ago uh oo you know there have been uh guys you know on television uh and they talk they have to uh analyze the game or what's going on some people pull out you know their comments and say well why you attack back and a former player you know or the black man or this or that why are we like that I don't know I don't know and I'm one of the few I'm one of the few who CR who's very critical and able to analyze without actually doing it Ryan you're good at doing it you don't give a [ __ ] who you [ __ ] talk about Shannon sharp oh he's good at doing it I am not comfortable and that's something i' got to learn I got to I got to learn what you have there's a certain savviness there's a certain Aur in delivery in approach to you where you can do it well it's not very malicious Shannon sharp oh he don't care Bo this [ __ ] here oh he don't care he going to tell you this is what it is you suck so what run it down why you suck ABC and D I can't do that Ryan it just feels uncomfortable that used to be me I used to drop balls I used to have bad game there used to be situations where it was third down and that we needed that catch and I didn't make that catch the world the way that the world is on my shoulders we lost that game because of oo I know what that feels like so now on the back end I'm done playing I'm in a position where I have to be critical and analytical of players I know what that feels like now I got to be critical of it I just can't bring myself to do it yet I'm trying to navigate and find a way to do it in a way where it's not malicious because the players in today's era are extremely extremely s sensitive and take everything is seen as hating but that's the gift and the curse and it goes back to your authenticity and that's why they love this dude that's why they love un you know what I'm saying if people give you a pass oh [ __ ] you the most like person in in the world in 2011 yeah got the most likable sports influencer in the world yeah award 2011 he's cuz he's a likable Mickey you'll get a pass people know like you're fun you're you're real you tell the truth so I think in your um observations or your analytical uh observations like you'll be pretty great at what you do I mean even finding yourself here right now does it surprise you a little bit because I think to be in this position or well here is not as bad I don't think I could do what Ryan does I couldn't I can't I can't do I can't do first a I can't do ESPN I can't because there you got to go you got to go it ain't no all that all that pretty [ __ ] and all that trying to beat around the bush I can't do that I can't do what he does I can't do what Dan Dan does or swag I no man I I can't I can't because I it just it makes me uncom to talk about the next man that's doing something when that's messing up or not playing well I know what that feel like I know what that feel like I don't think I think you are in some way misunderstanding it or in some way you don't understand you actually wouldn't have to do that the it's just about truly who you are like you're just not a negative dude like you just aren't and when you are critiquing or when you are analyzing film and you see something that you feel is true it's okay to say it but you actually don't have to if your way of watching and analyzing ball is going to be I'm going to talk about what is good yeah you know if I'm watching Tua Tong of valo and the Miami Dolphins and I don't think Tua played well well I'll find something they did do well and I'll still say that the other team did this well which affect you know and so you can still do it but I think the the coolest part about that is is that that's who you are right you know what I mean the fact that does make you feel a certain way is a good thing cuz that's who God made you as a human I'd be lying to you if I didn't tell you that sometimes when I say something that I don't necessarily feel as negative that I think I've watched on film and that I believe and that I can prove and I say it but it's saying that a player didn't do well or a team isn't good enough and the response I'd be lying if I say it doesn't bother me sometimes right because my thought is I went through all the preparation I needed for this to be a wellth thought out opinion right I watched the games multiple times I watched a certain play over and over I looked at the all 22 I called people in the organizations I had conversations with dudes on the team about that you know what I mean and even in doing all that when I said it this is how the world received it you know en chanting may be one of the few uh Shannon may be there as well it's difficult to not care what people think about your true authentic self cuz I don't play a character on TV like if I played a character like I wouldn't care like if my like you know like Stephen A loves to troll Cowboy fans and because he's intentionally trolling them their opinion of him does not matter right right but when Stephen A is giving us his true self and his true thought and he feels like that's being misunderstood he'll re-explain himself like we were talking about Dak and he was saying something about it's right here it's in the heart you know what I mean and I was just like man I'm not going to say that Dak Prescott doesn't have the heart because of what he's going through as a man and I feel like as you are built up as a man you can also be built up as a player he told the producer and the director bring it back so I can clarify because his thought was I was saying that because of what he said it wasn't that I was just playing off of it but he wanted the world to know I'm not questioning his heart I'm not questioning the man I'm talking about the play so I think we all have that and that's just difficult as your voice amplifies but isn't that why people get paid so much money to play sports is because of the fact that it is it is mesmerizing people want to watch that's why they get these billion dollar deals so if you evaluate your teacher if your kids teachers suck you're not going to let your kid go to that teacher anymore your dentist [ __ ] your mouth you're not going to go to the dentist more like everybody gets evaluated and being an athlete you're on the platform for analysts to analyze you and I think honestly I don't think it's it's good analysis if everything's positive I agree cuz you see you can see the negative if this if this receiver balls out that corner didn't do his job I'm not allowed to speak about the corner but I can just talk about the receiver I think it's both sides it's why the ex andos are there but it's the people that are playing that game so I will and the one thing I always got to say and I hate I have to do it radio all the time I got to do it on this show sometimes I'm about to say something to criticize this man's job but I got to say I don't have no problem with him he's a good person he does Char I don't think you have to though like I don't like I'm going to be honest like I don't do it and after a while people just get used to the fact that you ain't going to do it and it is what it is you got to be so consistent in it consistent at doing it that they just accept you right like the first time people go push back on it right you know what I get like I used to get all the time you ain't no Troy mother fer duh I knew it then yeah why you think I accepted my job cuz I knew I wasn't right and then when he wasn't playing and they let me do it I was damn good yeah and then when he came back guess what happened okay Troy you know what I'm saying like that was but that was the life and I understood it you know like when Miami tried to get me to come down there they was like you gonna get to do all the stuff Troy does like we know you can do it me too but man it's really comfortable doing it with him and them so I'm going to go back but could you have made more plays could you have win more Pro bowls when the year he was out for the longest time was the best year of my career not that like I I may have been better at doing the other job at times but far as like impact on the game opportunity to make plays absolutely and I had fun and I enjoyed it and short story and a long story he came back and uh I went back back to playing just playing free safety and it was like two and A2 quarters I didn't do anything like I didn't touch a person I like I didn't get around any plays and I remember it was like two plays in a row I think I like missed a tackle and a guy caught a ball and I was like a grown man bro and I was just on the side and I just started crying not that I was purposely trying to cry like it just happened and he walks up to me and he goes he was like you go down right cuz he understood for like the last eight weeks I had been doing everything and because he was back I was now back in a position where like I was just I didn't get a I wouldn't get chance to make plays and so when you get one play in three quarters it's like Chad said and you miss it it stays on you you know but like that was part of it but I was started at to say though like if I critique who people think if I critique Derwin James and I said well Derwin got to do this you can't that well you you was just the other safety like you acting you talking like you Ed Reed and like you you get that and eventually I had to be like man F all y'all y'all talking like y'all was me you know what I mean but it takes you to get to that point though even these two dudes two dudes that believe they want to they should be Hall of fam I agree both of them right it's all about numbers like I know you had success with the Steelers but if you would have gone to another team your numbers would have been better yes people would look at you differently was that a good business decision for the for Clark for Ryan Clark not the Steelers not your I know you got a Super Bowl but you could have been somewhere else and been more respected as a player yes and no and I'm going to say this there isn't a person who played offense or defense who got to see me play a lot or who got to see me play in person and didn't respect me had I gone somewhere else my public perception to the fans may have been different right but I think we've done this show long enough together and we've done it with enough coaches who know me enough players who know me we've yet to have somebody who had a personal experience with me not respect who I was as a player and maybe it was the way I came up in the game and the fact that nobody drafted me the fact that I was cut the fact that you rather sign archel letter than sign me that made me this way but your opinions were what started to matter to me because it was the only positive ones I'd get you know what I'm saying so since I had all the negative everywhere else it was just y'all you know like when Chad would come up to me all right RC we ain't doing all that hitting today I love you bro you know what I mean like I knew what it meant yeah like he wasn't saying like RC I'm I come across the middle chill out but he was saying it yeah you know so I think that was how I just learned to find my worth but that that's truly what really matters right when a player talk that player talk you know not The Outsiders not the guys who are out there watching it from afar you know that second lens but the guys who are actually on the grid iron you know and uh prior to this I ain't even realize you and uh Steve Smith went to Santa Monica yeah yeah was that Santa Monica together he was always like that always even back then he back there little Bulldog love the fight attitude with everybody so so okay so you guys were in the same division for a while Stillers in the in the Bengals yeah yeah what what were those matchups actually really really like I call those RC out there yeah two tin strap games you going into the game you need two tin traps that's what yeah no no [ __ ] and that is that is what we lab that week when we played the Steelers because you needed two two chin WS obviously I kind of try to set the tone for us offensively with my mouth with my mouth if everyone see what [ __ ] what Chad is up he ready to go everybody all feeds off that I might say some know little buet bo material throughout the week just to get everybody else going for some reason coaches everybody gotdamn ass tight it's still a week what we doing so you know how I am the same I'm I was I was I was a character but I was one that wanted to keep everybody Loose as possible coach you ain't got nothing to worry about man you ain't got nothing to wor we we good and just it's something about that Ravens we can steal we everybody [ __ ] like this and I don't I don't know what it was it was it was something about that from that moment I think it was your rookie year and uh you know me from being down south you ran up on me what's up I'm from the I'm From The Crib from the crib so from that moment till just a month ago or so when you were inducted into the bangal Ring of Honor did you ever like foresee like envision something like as great as that or as good as that happen in your career uhuh I was just out there having fun if you look if you look at the totality of my career it was based on one thing and the one thing that's overlooked obviously you're supposed to work hard you supposed to do all this stuff but if you the Antics overshadowed everything and that's exactly how I wanted it everybody Lov to say oh he worked hard he did this he did well that's a part of the game to even reach that level and have the consistency I had all that is that comes with it you know I got to do that I live eat sleep [ __ ] football godamn me and ab trained what 10 11 12 something years every offseason all we knew was work work work work work I added another Dynamic I want to add the entertainment value to the game and the way I felt it should be played as a little short he has a little jit in Miami I was about talking [ __ ] and celebrate I just happened to make it to the NFL defeat the odds and the obstacles even get to that point and you think y'all going to tell me how the game should be played because of these set of rules you got in place let going show you and I refuse to change refuse to change and and you know you know what's the one way to keep us in line they take what they think we value most they would takeing my money how we gonna keep this I almost said it my bad how we GNA keep this young fell in line right well take his money because that's what they value most you know they play the game for the money man go ahead and take that I'mma make it back up even with the Antics oh show man like I was telling you outside bro you had a great [ __ ] career mhm four time All Pro All Pro six Pro Bowls the most receiving yards in Bengals history the Antics definitely overshadow like your numbers cuz you're all-time great you know and I don't know you know if people will actually give you credit for it but there was a moment when you was the baddest one of the baddest out there you know um and I think for me bro just just in having this moment here and doing the research I was like [ __ ] Chad was really like that you know what I'm saying and with that he mentioned the Hall of Fame talk I put my own jacket on cuz I understand understand I understand how they play I understand how they play I listen if I wanted to play politics if I would have been a politician understanding how they work understand how the voters work if the people vote me in are the ones I ain't play with are the ones that actually played the game or had to play against me I my Looney ass ain't getting in there and they say oh well your numbers ain't man child please the gold post continuously move depending on who the individual is you're talking about Calvin Johnson made it our numbers are equivalent Michael Irving made it our numbers are equivalent but when you bring up those names what they'll do is well they'll say they nickp pick and they pick little things about those individuals on why they're in cool that's the point of me putting my jacket on cuz at that moment when I crossed that 10,000 yard mark on that catch I felt I was Hall of Fame worthy and I was you know I am I play the game a certain way so the way I play the game you know I'm not looking for validation from nobody cool I'm great I'm great I inducted myself I have a I think that brings up a a bigger question to you though I agree with you sometimes the Antics did overshadow the play cuz I prepared for you twice a year we ain't pay attention to none of that jacket putting on no putt putt yeah no dang fake proposals we was like hey we going we're going cover 6 Cloud 85 and we playing man under somebody else going to have to catch it so we understood that but are you as popular as loved as famous without the Antics because there's a lot of very good football players that aren't thought of like Chad Johnson no I wouldn't be I wouldn't be doing half the stuff I'm doing now not even close probably none of it was that was that a part of your mindset then Chad or if I was setting myself up for life after football while I was playing I mean the NFL wasn't going to Market me you know I had to create my own I got about a year five and I was thinking about long term how can I set myself up long term so when I'm done playing I can still keep that train rolling and I figured out I figured out how to do it by adding the entertainment value to it the personality and and since that was just me that was me obviously back then the media they they vilified me it was it it was frowned upon but it made the game fun it made me lovable in your Stadium yeah it made me lovable at the Raven Stadium every away away game why a away fan cheering for a bangal player that's unheard of unheard of and still to this day that respect is still shown because I was never malicious yeah I always show love back and if you paid $80 for a ticket you going to get $80 worth of entertainment every time and I stood on that yeah how does it feel now though man like I love to see you at stadium and watch these young players who are getting younger and younger bro like eventually it's going to be people in this league who never saw you play yeah who never truly who who didn't see Champ Bailey that night right who who who didn't understand that the number one receiver and the safety was going to be following 85 but how does it feel man cuz you get opportunities as you know Madden Madden ratings and all these things to be in these stadiums and still get to touch and be around some of these young dudes all the love you get how does that feel for you it's a great feeling it's a great feeling and it's a it's a testament for me and the feeling that that I get from that and the fact that I didn't change while I was playing because that love wouldn't be the same if I had conformed to how the higher ups felt I should have played the game and how I should have changed why don't you act like you've been here before every time you score why don't you act like you've been here I haven't I haven't I haven't been here before I got here once I'm going get there again and every time I stepped in there I wanted to be that feeling as if damn you know what it took to even get to this level you know what it took for me to sit in front of my grandma house and see my name go across that goddamn tickle [ __ ] you think I'm supposed to change now it's a celebration every [ __ ] year because of what it took to get there and and bro you I told you before you're a genius marketer what you do is just genius CU it's it's you and yourself and your your your authenticity like we saying people love it is there anything you could have Chang change in your career that could have even blown it up more or like I'm just say even leaving Cincinnati on your second deal no I I like I like the way the story played out I like the way it played out I'm not sure if things would have been the same if I left that left that place obviously on the back end when you hit year 10 you know everybody get traded you know how that go unless you you know you you're special but I like I like the way it played out I think I wish I could have honed in a little bit more and hadn't got to New England late they they traded me on on the back end when it was really late I didn't have a training camp I didn't I didn't have offseason program so I hit hit the ground running and obviously I wasn't able to build a trust with Tom in such a short amount of time to be the player we were used to seeing other than that [ __ ] I can vouch that system great run it was a great run it's crazy cuz you kept playing ball you went what was it I went to Canada I went to Canada but that was not an NFL team that was going to let you run down and do something third receiver fourth receiver it ain't boy they ain't happening boy you know yeah there's certain things you do you ain't walking back through them NFL doors now that ain't no sir ain't happen but I went down to Canada I said I want to finish the game the way i' like to and I went down there I'm thinking I'm going to run through them boys Oh Canada oh man let me lace these man I'm going to gety boys at work [ __ ] [ __ ] man that first day PR I say oh [ __ ] boy the [ __ ] could play because there's nothing but a bunch of people here from the States you about nine nine Canadians on the team it's all a bunch of people here that didn't get the opportunity in the NFL number crunching politics didn't get the opportunity to come into college but just as good with the same talent to be able to play at the highest level they were just in Canada that's all and that was such a surprise to me week in and week out every team he played whether it was Ottawa Toronto damn what the hell you doing here was it humbling yes humbling and I got humbl on day to early this is my team and then seeing everybody else throughout the rest of the season I like oh man the boys can play some ball they just wouldn't afforded the same opportunities or didn't get that that chance or or got cut or whatever it might have been the person maybe in the NFL might have been better than at at the time but man the talent down there was up there it's unbelievable you can only imagine how hungry they must have been though yeah and you're you're on the back end what year 11 at the time I think yeah maybe year or 12 one of them right I enjoyed it one of my old teammates uh Chad Owens he's a mon hey the hawaian Hawaiian little Chad yeah yeah he play for Toronto he was so freaking good but again it's opportunity number crunch he said I'm going to go over here and be a star and he became a star I believe they retired of Jersey or something like there but real quick he was talking about Madden you the ratings adjuster yeah who we got to talk to about my speed on my your speed is a 94 is it now it should be when they sent it was like 89 or something you see how I just said it off the top of my head so don't say nothing light skin so as you go it was just Madden speed they gave me a 90 I wasn't that good I appreciate you bro I think I saw my little card I was like a 90 that must have been that's overall that's overall I was a 90 no you're a 90 overall your speed no you definitely a 78 hey stop my speed be like 78 though don't do that like when I was Fred T when I was actually playing my speed you run but your your little B legs and your big booty you don't look like you could run cuz your body type look like an ant his turnover look like you was actually fast you you gota be crying and hey also too man we're halfway through the season we want to shout out uh YouTube TV NFL Sunday Ticket you can get right now 50% off you can watch all out ofm Market games is there anything you can watch four games at one time like it's the best way to catch football on Sundays I want to ask y'all a football question I got people here uh who did it at the highest level and our respect we saw something transpire with Antonio Pierce and the Las Vegas Raiders that I think I think brings on a broader question Josh McDaniels is thought of to be a great football mind MH this is the second time we've seen him fail as a head coach this time it went down in flames the Devonte Adams of the world talking about the disconnect between coach and Player Locker Room some of the stories are a come to Jesus meeting that happens where players are going at Josh McDaniels Josh McDaniels is going at them he says hell with y'all I ain't gonna do nothing andtony o Pier speaks about 2007 New York Giants and you know there's a a feeling of some way that that Giants team beat the Patriots that year so all these things are going on and then you watch the Las Vegas Raiders come out and play inspired football for Antonio Piers you see the locker room after the game like I didn't know that level of fun was and I played for a great head coach I didn't know that level of partying was even allowed in a locker room after a win Chan you famously told Mike T hell I'm jealous RC got to play you and I play for damn Cam Cameron cam camon when you see something like that bro what did what are your thoughts on the difference of leadership styles and how we're seeing now in this new age of football coaching has many different looks that could be successful you said it it's I remember my last year when I found out somebody was born in the 90s on the team Bonte Davis I was like when were you born 1990 and they just getting younger and younger and younger when the the kids kids the players the young men are changing and I think now that old school bill bich is the way it is this is the way it is go bro I think it's dying you looking at the successful coaches now they're relatable even the older coaches uh Pete Carroll he's down to earth John Harbaugh doesn't even call defense off he's a special teams coach but he knows how to relate with people and knows how to how to communicate with these young guys so I think that celebration in the Raiders locker room they weren't celebrating that win they were celebrating no boy being gone they were celebrating Josh McDaniels not being my head coach anymore they probably would have smoked cigars and dance if they lost that game just because we don't have to deal with this sorry bastard no more like and that's the thing but I'm looking at like Mike McDaniels down there in um in Miami uh sha McVey a lot of guys we've had on the show like you meet him and it's almost mindblowing to me I'm like oh you you just you want us like you cool you down you you down there so I think I think that old school what the the bill parcel's tree and all that stuff you talk about but I think that is a dinosaur in this league as we're seeing bich struggle right now too I think that old school my way of the highway I think these kids ain't dealing with that they'll them kid I coach High School them kids tell you kiss their ass now I was scared of all my coaches I don't know why like you can't whoop me but I just had this kind of like authority figure yeah this authority figure this like um coach say I say Nick sa Nick Sav did not last in the league he's a genius mind he could not get through his mind that we are co-workers you're not you're not the superior and I'm this little this little worker for you and when Jason Taylor and Junior and Keith tra and all them boys I play with all them vet that man what the [ __ ] are y'all doing who the [ __ ] you talking to and like it it used to blow my mind when they be like I know that [ __ ] ain't talking to me I'll be like damn truck take it easy a lot of those guys can't get it through their mind when they don't have that dictatorship over top of people and I think but I swear I in my heart I think that's dying in all of coaching and it's going to start trickling down to colleges as well listen coaches like Mike McDaniels Shani yeah Zack Pete Carol even though he's much older he's still he's still very relatable I I call him um player friendly coaches I couldn't get out Mike Tomlin is like that and Mike Tomlin got a bit a bit of both he got a bit of both one of the few coaches that have a bit of both and can relate to the players extremely well and that dictatorship or Stern coaching is not going to work with them young boys not with them young Bulls it's it's not going to work and what you saw I'm not sure how Mike Mike McDaniels I'm not sure how Josh McDaniels coaches over there when he was with the Raiders but for you to lose the locker room that fast and that soon something wasn't there there there was a disconnect somewhere yeah and I think players only relate to that if they're winning then they're able to accept it if you're coaching real hard and Stern the the bellich way or that former Patriot Way you know I was in that locker room you was there Chad so you kind of know how it goes the focus attention to detail the sense of urgency that's all needed but if the results you're not getting those on the back end then everybody's going to think you know you you full of [ __ ] is is [ __ ] so I I think with ap coach Pierce now um The Players relate to him they respect him it's hard to get somebody to do something if they don't respect you but it's a mutual respect you know so they went out there and they did their thing for him and as Channing said they probably would have smoked cigars had they lost uh but the one thing I do know is in when you have a player friendly coach or a coach who's a former player as well we had Jack Del Rio you know when he he came to Jacksonville that first year things were more laxed coach Coughlin had just departed you know and things were more laxed and chill so guys like yeah we good so we went all out for him then eventually when the transparency starts to slip when the gray area start to come in we were so used to white and black you knew what you were getting I think AP understands that as a player as a guy who played for Coach Coughlin you know he's a guy who understands I can be respectful I can have a relationship with my guys but I can also coach them hard and let them know this is the Fine Line This is where we meet I'll get you to respond a bit better that way so I think uh as a former player he has that and guys respect that as a former player who played for hard coach and Coach Coughlin who had to kind of step off the gas a little bit in order to be a better Coach and be Hall of Fame coach as a matter of fact with the two Super Bowls uh for the Giants I think uh AP he was able to absorb that and now he's going to give it back to his team and I hope those guys really turn their you know turn the organization around because if they don't all of that [ __ ] is just smoking mirrors and you know another guy who's just letting it all hang out and having fun right now but I wish him success I have a question for both of you guys cuz y'all got an opportunity to be in New England and I'll bring it to you first Freddy T how much of the Patriot Way benefited from having Tom Brady you have to have a certain certain type of structure and and then I'm in year 12 when I first got to New England so I was looking for um what made them tick why are they so successful and it was easier for me to buy in because of what they had already done right uh some guys uh kind of fought that you know but I come from a tough coach and then I had a coach in the M middle that player coach that we had some success but it sort of kind of you know outplayed itself eventually and then to land back you know in New England with coach pelich and the Patriot Way I for me I respected it and and and he was hard on everybody even Tom and it was fair and he taught you how to be a pro so I think the Patriot Way is why uh the reason their Dynasty um also tell them too but it it all goes hand hand in hand you know I don't think you can have one without the other I don't know how great T would have been but that's the thing somewhere else frdy T other people are trying to have one without the other Matt Patricia man Matt Patricia tried to have one without the other Romeo canel has tried that Bill O'Brien has tried that Josh McDaniels has tried that you know we've seen Mike denominator go back to Tom yeah you know but Tom also had to learn the Patriot Way and I think that may a better Pro and a better player a person look how he does his interviews do you think Tom will do interviews like that he was he was a bit more loose and older when he got to Tampa and more mature and a lot more smart like would Tom had been interviewing that way knowing how to dodge the the questions belich taught guys that way when you walk in the door it says you know do your job and the sign leaving the door says you know basically [ __ ] the outside you know what I'm saying be mindful of what you say on the outside and Tom Brady wouldn't have been Tom Brady if you didn't know how to dodge media questions no I did not say that I'm just say like like theat way I'm saying like teaching him how to manipulate Tom is the best become a better Pro these by by being closed mouth when the media comes in the locker room like that don't help nobody they did teach that though what do you mean keep keeping stuff in house things that are going bull minimize all that Bullit let come even with your family like tell your family look we're in football mode for for six to eight months look y'all can't tell me [ __ ] about my job I know you want to criticize this you don't know what the [ __ ] you don't know what's going on in this building minimizing those distractions you get home oh baby yeah they should have done this you don't even know what you talking about it for it like you don't so he put they taught you how to talk to your kids your old lady I didn't they tell you I'll use the Ste minimize these distractions I'll use the Steelers they they've had what three coaches in 962 years or something Tom Brady is a starting quarterback for the Steelers at his prime Tom Brady still winning six Super Bowls right you youe that I can player and then now you get rid of Tom Brady you still don't draft well you still have struggled with your roster as they sit here today and they're still teaching them how to talk to their kids and be quiet with the media like I'm just like I understand what you're saying where that stuff means something and all you know focus in I don't think that creat success I think great players create success I'm gonna say this lawyer Malloy Rodney Harrison Ty Law T Tedd Teddy brusi Vince Vince wil for like those people are the Patriot Way and they're doing that and they're what they are and honestly Bill bellich and this is my opin opinion I believe he was always a Stern coach M because he started to have success he became at least to the outside world he became colder because he understood through that success I could be more of this and they can't question it because I'm winning a lot yeah and I think that as that grew now you have a Matt Patricia or you have uh Bill O'Brien or you have a Josh McDaniels who probably actually at the time isn't built that way but it's what they've learned like if any of us like if I'm around something that's extremely successful it's like you said Freddy T you start to look at it and try to figure out okay why is it successful what about that can I emulate what about that can I take into my life and try to be that helped me be successful as well the problem is if it takes you away from your authentic self it actually makes you worse right it it actually makes you worse if it's now making me be something that I have that I don't have the capability of being you know goad you know what's funny but Tom mastered that because if you look at Tom Brady entirety of his career in New England and he gets to Tampa he's completely different person because he didn't have the masket no more yeah the personality what the [ __ ] funny as hell he he never had a Twitter all he get Twitter he funny as hell cracking jokes I'm like where the [ __ ] this [ __ ] been on at the parade up listen and that that's not something he just started but the Patriot weight forced him to be someone because he had to represent that organization and that slogan I really think it just boils down to because even Bill had some behind those cameras bill would you know Bill would say some funny [ __ ] in those meting bro like Bill he's he's not as you said he became colder but that he didn't want to deal with the [ __ ] right and that's what he tried to say it's like let's minimize the BS and keep the outsiders outside and pretty much the Patriot Way pretty much like y'all had a Steelers way it's it's just really saying buying in right this is how the consistency of of our successes this is how we get to stay there like if we all just buy in and just do it this way this is our foundation this is what we're built on don't let anybody interfere with it they ain't teach nobody what to say to their kids but they did say minimize the distractions so you can we want to give you an opportunity to be more successful I can tell you this and I guarantee you this if your ass was in New England obviously Miami New England you know how if you were in eng drafted to Eng you would be a better player a better player than you were in in Miami 100% even sh you played next to Teddy brusi I played next to Zack Zach's better than Teddy had JT they had defensive ends and all that stuff they had DBS and all Fred I was still going to party I was still going to hang out I was still going to run the streets I would just mask it more because I knew they don't agree with that and with all of that you were going to be a better player as you just said Zach was better than Teddy I certainly agree with you that with you on that but I think if Teddy was other places I don't know if he would be as great as he was as a patriot you feel what I'm saying yeah and you my friend would be much better than you were with the dolphins simply because you would have bought in and you would have knew how to handle yourself a bit better yeah guys still party guys go to Boston Providence uh down to Foxwoods guys hang out I think the a certain play a certain type player that they know will buy in that's that's the job that's they that's why they that's why you see Tom Brady throwing to all these little um these little Hobbits running around for years he always had a 4 foot seven little white board to throw to if you give Tom Brady oo CCO at his prime you gave him that one year with Randy M they went nuts he had 50 touchdowns but they wanted that certain type player and I think they drafted that certain type player the other thing too like I and this is sort of off the subject a pivot per se and also remember now NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube TV right now it's half off half off watch your Sunday afternoon out of Market games 50% off like you know Channon always looking for something cheap I'm going give me that hey but on some real stuff though and this ain't even part of the ad this ain't nothing nothing check it out I did it this past Sunday watching the game cuz Jacksonville was off so I had a luxury to be able to watch all the game so they have this little box at the bottom and it gives you different games where you can select the different four so they already kind of preset the four for you yeah AFC NFC like and you can just kind of use your remote to change the sound wherever you want it it so dope bro it is I had a ball Sunday watching the game and I'll be texting them they be like Freddy we watching watching the game Fred I hit it one time I said he's like he's like yep Jacksonville just got a first down Trevor Lawrence rent it I know I was I was working that day though okay got hey I want to we haven't talked and the early season it was the the huge topic of conversation what Deion Sanders was doing in Colorado oh boy and it was it was fun at that point cuz they was busting everybody's head and now they're still a team that's extremely competitive but they have a losing record you know and Dion's coming under Fire Rich Eisen ask him about all the players that left and Dion said honestly we had a honest conversation with like 20 of them the other players just quit you know and it's like while you're winning you don't really have to explain that you know but now you've gotten to this point and it's like okay I got to let people know that no I wasn't being what they thought or perceived as an a-hole in those things the offense coordinator who everybody loved who left the job as a head coach to be the OC has now been removed from play calling when you think about oo it was the the destination for everybody the way things have shifted on Colorado and Prime when you look at that situation now what are your thoughts I mean it's still still the same I I I expected him to turn that program around very fast and he did that he did that and before the season started he said he's six to eight dogs away from getting where he needs to be to be competitive throughout the entirety of a season the interior is where they're lacking offensively defens that's it that's it and he's I mean obviously those those issues are going to get fixed you know once the portal and one of the the 90% of anything when it comes to college footballers recruiting you think Prime going to have a problem fixing that interior offense your defense it's it's it's going to change it's going to change fast too so I'm not really worried about a losing record because he's already surpass everybody's expectations anyway they won one game the year before y one they view different because of him but yeah you're right view the view much different so my my thoughts on a hadn't change people want to be all up in armed like all the way his coaching style now he's losing what do you expect him to do he definitely wasn't going undefeated no you know and that wasn't going to happen but for what he's done in such a short amount of time with that program is commendable this what here's what I'm going to say when last year no one cared about Colorado yep no one focused on them no one paid attention to them people didn't go to the games they weren't putting them on TV every week people in Colorado ain't care about Colorado right Ralphie was out there running for herself she she wasn't running for fans she was out there getting exercise and allowing 20 people that chase him or chase her cuz actually a female that chase her around the field to have a scholarship for chasing a a bang Buffalo every Saturday you gotta watch him warm up too it's hilarious I I I will say this and it it speaks to what he's done they're the most average team in football that everybody plays like it's their Super Bowl oh yeah when they come to town or when you go to Colorado even if you believe Oregon knew they were the better team they knew it but that coach spoke differently he was on them differently the level of intensity of that locker room was different because of who Dion is because who Colorado had become and I think there's a a sense of of difficulty Chan that being Prime adds to winning football at that level like it's great cuz you get all the other stuff that you wouldn't get other places there's a lot of teams better than them that everybody don't go to see how do you get over that how do you fix or adjust to the fact that you are getting everybody's Best Shot even when you aren't the best team and that's when you talk trash you gonna get everybody's best shot that's why I said there's never be another coach Prime again anybody with as much lower as him almost like a oo anybody with as much attention on him they don't want to do that job that job is hard like Co just said you got it now you got coach Prime who has plenty money plenty of respect he's he's sitting in 17 year old kids uh living rooms tell them how great they going to be and how I'm going watch out for I'm going to take you under my wing like I'm your father like it is a difficult job to do and when you put a Target on your back that's why they call it that cuz now [ __ ] trying to shoot you and everybody want to take their best shot so Prime is going to really have to grind and recruit and do all the things it takes to be a Nick Sabin to be a who is it a Kirby Smart up there Jord to do that that's a difficult job and these kids were ill prepared to have that on them to have that attention some word shadu can play like there's some there's some there's some good players on that LE they got some receivers Travis is Travis is one of the best college players I've ever ever seen in my life to be honest you need 80 in college and you got to have guys coming up behind that guy to prepare for the next year when he goes to the league Prime just got there on 11 one in 11 team we talked about before he was going to fail and people were waiting for it's like Floyd Mayweather when he was boxing people were watching him to get knocked out including me and I love Floyd I'm like somebody sooner or later is gonna have to hit this little Joker and catch who was that Pacquiao called him one time and the whole party I was in jumped up he got tapped and then he went commenced to whooping that boy's ass no that was uh that was Su uh Su sh Shane Shane caught him twice in one round and folks went crazy he didn't he didn't went around after oh I'm talking about whipped him like he stole something Alicia cried probably in that fourth round you know she couldn't take it she probably was in the back shaking and shivering you know and Floyd would commencing to whoop his ass Dion doesn't have the the the the the dogs right now no and ult hit on the head if I am a DB I go play for Prime if I'm a receiver I go play for Prime what does prime know about left guard what does prime know about Michigan three technique mhm how is prime going to get those big cornfed sons of [ __ ] in middle of Wisconsin to come to Colorado cuz that's what you need to be a good football team it's Prime I think it makes it that much easier it makes it that much easier wanting to play from for someone of that stature because if I was a lineman that's that's where I want to go because you going to have the same amenities but for the same things you can get at your michigans and your other power five schools I think it also comes down to uh consistency you you better believe Prime was ready to to deal with this sort of adversity I'm not sure if the players were but I'm pretty sure he's done his best to try to get them in the mindset that it ain't going to always be flowers you know what I'm saying so they've lost three in a row but they're better than they were know that message is still there I think we still see the consistency in Dion with how he post and his interviews and his faith and and how his optimism all those different things I think are encouraging and he's able to still go into these homes you know people know he got a mouthpiece so the family's want to say I can send my kid here to get a life to to learn about life learn how to be a man you know what I'm saying learn about what what's going to happen if I don't make it to the next level and I think all of those things are assets for Dion and um you know people one minute they're going to be able to talk about him but the next minute you know they'll they they'll be able to praise him again he's goingon to stay steady if you know he's gonna stay steady he's gonna give you his remember what he said y'all take your shots at me now yeah he said this y'all better get me now yeah you better get me now and I knew exactly what he meant yeah I think though I love to watch lessons unfold publicly because Prime's consistency is a lesson for everyone because what it says is I wasn't behaving this way because I was up I was behaving this way I had this level of faith I had this level of belief because I'm me CU my entire life this is the way I've been when I walked into your son's house when I walked into your house and I said this is what I'm going to provide for them whenn lose or draw I'm going to continue to do that that level of consistency is not only honorable to me it's admirable because it's hard right it's hard when you're losing and the shots cuz he was taking the shots while he was winning like let's not act like everybody in the world was happy they were up mhm because they weren't and they were taking the shots and they were waiting for him to fall and now that he's falling the shots keep coming but he does not change right right he does not change his messaging he does not change his treatment of people he does not change his love for the people he coaches no you're going to try to make adjustments and make things right because life when it comes to football is about wins and losses and I think the other thing and I think Channing said it too that's important is no matter what happens at Colorado it can never make Deion Sanders a failure that's a different level of comfort to have right that if this team never becomes a national champion it doesn't take away from how it was raised how being raised that way led me to be where I was how I was having conversations and thoughts of ending it all when everybody thought I should be on top and how God brought me out of that and now what I'm giving to these young men that the fact that I have a gold jacket is something nobody ever talks about the fact that I'm the best that's ever done to at my position I don't have to live on that because of who I am now that's a different level of confidence to be able to pour into those young men and it made me think about oo earlier we were having a conversation and I won't necessarily bring up the exact conversation it was uh the three of us we were in Chan's dressing room I think Chan was in his drawers at the time fortunately these still had the booty in them like he you had not you had not rubbed the booty out of these yet yeah oh so how how often you throw your draws away um I'm not sure I'm not sure you can wear draws for years right yeah you I just wash him over and over and over yeah see he don't wash them um Chad you were talking you know you talked earlier about your experience going to Canada and you mentioned there are things that you do you cannot come back from and you were giving us an example of something you know that's going on in life since and you said you know because of that experience I learned how to handle this I spoke earlier about how much you've grown and getting to watch you like I said you know I sent you a text I was like bro that was excellent man I love it talk a little bit about how your experience through life has changed you as a man and where you are now maturity wise as compared to where you have been as an actual adult right I think before I was I lived life a little Wreckless Liv life a little reckless took everything for granted especially what I was playing being honest almost invisible in a sense and I wasn't doing anything wrong you know uh went in the Streets Run the street know even back then I didn't party I didn't Club just I was I was on a personal level and as an individual and as a man that had responsibilities at the time I was moving Reckless and the man upstairs had to sit me down and take some things away you know to get me to see that and understand you ain't moving right even though I wasn't doing anything wrong that could that can you know die death jail nothing nothing that magnitude so with that losing everything and then coming back and being able to get it all again I got Clarity can see the light of into the tunnel okay this is why oh now I get it because if I was still moving like that it's impossible none of these opportunities but I there's no way I would have got this well you know what the way I was moving back then there's no way I could attain this as well so me understanding why he made me sit my ass down and take some stuff away from me to bring me to the point I'm at now and it's made me a better man a better individual a better person not much of me has changed but I move differently than I did before move differently and I'm I'm saying this I'm trying to navigate through it without you know without giving a table legs if you get how much of losing hurricane P plays a role in that godamn hurricane a little bit a little bit I miss my baby to that's that's a good jog I appreciate you jogging that memory but um a little bit a little bit I I think about it a lot visit the visit the grve site sometimes right and the first thing I ask I says to myself well y'all always talk about y'all love me when y'all was here y'all [ __ ] I'm talking now talking to my mom and my grandma y'all [ __ ] buried next to each other and ain't nobody gave me a sign yet y'all always talk about y'all how you tell me something right now that I'm talking talking to the grave and still to this day man I have yet to get that sign and just or or acknowledgement of just some sort and people say the signs are right in front of you you probably missed them no I didn't because I've been waiting on them i' I've been waiting on something and everything I do now is to make sure I make them proud and they always say oh they watching they praying for you because I always say well RC and you know you you mentioned too I'm trying to get a better understanding how the hell I got to the point I am now right I ain't figured it out yet how how is it possible who praying because the two most important people in my life are gone so the opportunities I've been afforded now still to this day obviously there are people in my corner that have done a phenomenal job that have done a phenomenal job man Doug has has been it's been a wonder he's been a joy for me and and a blessing in in many ways Charelle has been a blessing in many ways to this point and also I definitely got to give credit to those I have kids from those I have have kids from have been a good foundation for me in the fact that I didn't do things the traditional way but the way I did do them I've been afforded the opportunities I have because of those I've had kids from because they kept everything level because that foundation on that end was always strong because if that Foundation over there was strong I wouldn't be able to do what the [ __ ] I'm doing now and so I always give them credit when I have opportunity to tell them how thankful I am because they doing what I'm doing now today with the train rolling again it wouldn't have been would have been possible without you mentioned the train rolling again what was it like in between the times the train was rolling though it was quiet that's what good it was quiet boy and I had a good six seven years of Silence good six or seven that's a long time boy silence a lot of gaming a lot of box boxing a lot of playing soccer a lot of that's it then all of a sudden it took it took one think it might have been ESPN ESPN did something and once ESPN did something then everybody say oh it just it just start coming in like clockwork so like the past four four years now blessing been raining like out of nowhere and I I still can't grasp why but I see it as another test I think you're doing it on purpose let me see if you going to make them same mistakes you made last time when I had to take everything from your ass now that's how I see it now so I'm always on my p's and q's really seeing what's going to happen he going to throw something at me let me see if he going to take the bait wow and that's how I look at it honestly so I'm I'm actually no I I mean no disrespect I'm actually mind [ __ ] myself in not the messing up and it's working for me honestly bro like I love that like that is you know like we have these Natures of of who we are and there's these things that are innate to us that happen very naturally and sometimes what we know is the right thing or what other deem is the right thing aren't the things that are easiest for us to do you know and it's like it's like working out it's like putting in effort to anything sometimes you got to get that goal or have something that says this is why I have to go do it and if that's the if that's the way you have to be in order to have yourself on the path of quote unquote righteousness ain't nothing wrong with that no I just want to say oh it's just it's your responsibility to yourself you know just going back to that and and a lot of times it's it's really as you can sum it up with one word and just call it growth like that's where you are you look at your your your mom you think about your mom you tell tell yourself damn baby girl we've come a long way I I thank you for that you know and then you you're able to lend yourself a favor and and really just grow up man I lost my grandmother and the only reason I I say this is uh because these guys I was told that they're coming to her wake this guy got a million jobs he never take a day off so for him to you know take a day off and and show up um that's love I appreciate you bro for sure man Chan I appreciate you AZ I appreciate you um and that's family so I think about my old girl too you know and that was the reason I asked her about hurricane p uh cuz sometimes you can kind of look over to your left or right and things that you're thinking you can remember those smiles and it'll make you feel better you can remember those moments that'll make you stop thinking something negative or where your mind was it'll help you kind of fly away with them so that's why I ask you if that helped you become a better person from that point that you lost her because I feel myself kind of shifting into a state of forgiveness and learning how to become a better uh uh person and I appreciate these two more than I probably ever appreciated anybody in my life because they've helped me become a better person I still got a lot of work to do you know so I just wanted to share that uh but I I wanted to ask you bro um in all of that you know everything from Chad and the Antics I would love to see what Chad would do in this day and age in football with the lack and the rules and the things you can do still be getting ran over by r no uh and with that the jobs the the appearances the opportunities the just everything that you've done at what moment what has been your biggest pivot in all of that in life my biggest pivot your biggest pivot I'm much more disciplined than I was before to those that mean the most to me and not taking it for granted CU it wasn't before I treated a lot of people you know the closest people that to me like they were disposable next next you know that attitude I can find that again next and then understanding you know what I have now how important it is in the timing of when it came in my life it came for a reason and when they came in there was a certain a certain a certain feeling a feeling that I hadn't had before you know they say normally when a man finds the right person you know they they're willing to change and it's nothing you could do you can't force it just they just do it on their own and I I've done that I've done that there's a certain discipline that I have and the way I move right now I've never done it before I don't know maybe it's growth or whether it's maturity but I don't think it's that I think it's what I have attained to this point those that have come into my life have changed me for the better that discipline the word discipline is was something I never had unless it had to do with football when it came to football anything sports related trying to play discipline 10 I'm checking every box outside life [ __ ] and I'm all over the place I'm all over the place one of the funny things about it is I use all y'all as you know what I like the way RC move if I want to be get where I want to get to in this area of my life I got to be more like that [ __ ] right there just taking little stuff from everybody that's around because you are what you surround yourself with that's true and I I don't have Entourage I don't run with a bunch of people but if I want to get to a certain level and change the way I maneuver maneuver after all these years I got the I got I got a pinch and pull from somewhere so true pinch and pull from those that are closest to me and that that's just and small that's even in the in the media stuff too you be on ESP and I be dting down notes and [ __ ] stealing some of your words so if you hear me on my other show using some of your phrases you know just know just for me they for everybody man I you know I think what's you know we going and we can end it now what's fascinating about you and I don't think you recognize it I think we we deal with it with Fred a lot of times and having to make him realize who he is and who he was to all of us as a player you know in the way that we see him and saw him like you're the homie now you're our actual friend you know what I mean and like when we sit down here and when we sat down I was like man well let's just try to bring oo in or Chad in and we could just have a conversation cuz you too like what we talk talking about and I was like everything and then like you sit down and Fred starts to ask you a couple of questions and I'm like well hell I want to ask him some questions you you forget like all that you've accomplished all that you've done all that you are doing and truly how big of a star you are man and like I am so happy for you now because even though it was quiet for a spell of time it wasn't supposed to be in the sense of what you had accomplished to that point but it was necessary for you to be here and I think that's the beauty of it man and I love you bro and like just keep doing it oh yeah most definitely my dog damn this this turned out to be something different that that was a good [ __ ] ending that's good show boy appreciate you D they keep that [ __ ] away hey stle baby boy y'all funny what's up baby I miss you wait come on don't don't do that baby baby hold on hold on let me take this picture ready stinker baby on three stin a baby man why you embarrassing me like that man you know next week welcome to Inside the NFL presented to you by BMW to my right I got stiner baby I like that we for sure we for sure say that [ __ ] in a normal conversation so the Eagles are struggling stanker baby hey like stinker baby said earlier baby said earlier they got to run that route tighter to the hash come on man hey don't don't do me like that boy stinker baby predict though boy I can't wait do we get the stinker baby predicto feeling feeling me up miss me up knowing me got the key only I can trust Li n it I the here to witness it my people feeling me up me up
Channel: The Pivot Podcast
Views: 451,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the pivot, the pivot podcast, new podcast, football podcast, channing crowder, channing crowder podcast, fred taylor podcast, fred taylor, ryan clark, ryan clark podcast, nfl, nfl 2022, football, super bowl, super bowl podcast, nfl 2023, nfl podcast, superbowl 2023, chad Johnson
Id: SdbMmhJ3L7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 80min 27sec (4827 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 10 2023
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