GloRilla: Dropping mixtape of the year, heartbreak into lyrics, inspirations & Steelers | The Pivot

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he you was the one beating on the table in high school he used to beat on the table for the rap battles you got a ball I see it's like four things in life I'm good at that ain't one on rapping ain't one of a good drunk freestyle I can give you 30 minutes oh yeah then all this sound better then but you also just say whatever I I got sents right now I sense at that point I shoot people and I don't even have no gun yeah you you saying what you heard on yeah I'm a Gangster now yeah slide through the hood ain't no good yeah you know what I'm saying say whatever you live in the gate community shut the d That's they have to di your house in order to see sitting on the curve about this word your long ass word you ly ass mother y'all know I S weight wait benches come on man yeah my people always call me friendly Freddy but I'm just I'm more nice yeah you nice friendly I never seen I you lost some weight you look good never seen before yeah that's weird I know yeah I'm more just like hey how you doing such a pleasure God bless that's my I don't really bring the god into it yeah I always hold my hands like this hands oh thank you so much it's so kind that's actually a dominant position oh I don't know what it is I just people that hold their hands people that hold their hands like together in front of them stuff like that it's a it's a uh it's an alha position to be I know I'm a hand talker though so I try not to like be so active with people you know that like this this is supposed to be like a dominant hand gesture somebody told me on the show years ago somebody told me that [ __ ] they were like yeah you sit like this it's supposed to be that you're dominant is a dominant position so now I just be wiggle arms I'm not dominant KK wiggle wiggle arms hey hey hey what's up how you doing I'm great pleasure pleas to see how you do good good to see you we need do we need to pour that for you you got it you straight we gentlemen you know what I mean just wanted to make sure do we got the H okay got got orange ju no orange you okay okay okay okay okay okay when you were coming over they wanted to make sure you had everything you needed you know when the queen step in you got to make sure she straight where you get that ax from though what you know about that you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying swagging on them people you know what I'm saying old school [ __ ] definitely that's all it I here to witness it get my people feeling militant way I'm feeling get me up on the mission get me up knowing me I got the key only Vision I can trust trust Limitless to me P it I here to witness it my people feeling feel me up me up got welcome to the pivot that's Channing this is Freddy T I'm RC nice to meet y'all nice to meet you as well I'm very excited about this I don't even know if you even remember you were feeling good I ran into you superow and your father no you you want to know what's so crazy you know in part of me because I'm a female but I be knowing players by y'all names and not by y' faces I swear to God like that's how was like when you told me I like oh [ __ ] I do know he was but it was just like I don't be KN about no it was cool cool to meet your pops too yeah cool to meet oh he loved it yeah he was awesome he was showing everybody um the picture he like yeah I met uh Ryan claw yeah so we appreciate it so I do want to have a question though right how does Gloria hunia Woods grow up in a Christian household with Kurt Franklin and Donnie mcer playing become uh Grammy nominated bet hip-hop award winning iHeart awardwinning rapper glorilla how does she get from there to this God for sure did um and diligence manifestation and the hard work I love it and the middle name Hallelujah and then your answer was God I would say some of your lyrics aren't biblical growing up in that household and now your your art of what you do was it ever a conversation with your people with your pastor with your family like hey y'all y'all might not want to hear these lyrics to this next song so when I was in church I didn't start rapping until I got out of church and so like right when I graduated high school I want to say I stopped going to church like right when I started high school and so um I didn't let my momma I didn't tell my momma I was rapping when I first started because I thought she was going to be judgmental about it but she actually was supportive about it but it was crazy because I didn't tell her my sister sneak she was like you know um Gloria be rapping blah blah and so out of nowhere my mama called me like so you be rapping I was like oh my God oh my God don't tell me you didn't already heard it and listen to it I was so embarrassed I promise but she was supportive of it so were you really inspired by Chief Keith I think I read that somewhere yeah he was one of my Inspirations like he one of my favorite rappers because when he came out he just had his own sound he started a whole sound he was just young and turn who are the other Inspirations musically I would say like it's so cliche with Beyonce yeah for sure I didn't get my style from her but her work her diligence her work ethic and everything and her performance I love that about her and um L MH so you said that your parents or your mom found out cuz your sister snitch what was the conversation like when your pops first heard nut quick I know you know what's so crazy what's so crazy is when I first dropped the video to it because my daddy he don't got social media nothing like he he old you saw my dad he old but anytime I guess he got his alerts he subscribed to me on YouTube so anytime the new song come out he get it so he called me one day he just said nut quit he said what you know about that girl oh my God like I said what you doing listen to that song daddy said you know I like your songs I was like okay all right whatever but I wish I could call him right now I swear to God that's one of his favorite songs I don't know why that's one of his favorite songs but he called me screaming at in the phone I was like what's wrong with you well every man has had his uh his runin with a quick one when was that hey yeah we've all had a run in with one that didn't it didn't quite go as long as we planned walking into the room you know what I'm saying so like Blake man yeah when you uh when you got an opportunity to play tomorrow to forgotti yeah what was his reaction cuz I know what my reaction was the first time I heard it but when you're sharing a song like that with a Memphis Legend who is giving back and putting other people on that's from Memphis and you know you got one yeah and you played for him what was that like for you okay so I made tomorrow before I BW up and got big so so I made tomorrow okay my first song If and if I shot that video and right after that video shoot I went to the studio and recorded tomorrow and it was just me before cardi and so when I was going to the label means I was letting everybody hear the song cuz you know they be like let me hear your other music nobody was just really catching on to it like nobody really liked it and so when got had called me and I had went to meet with him on the yacht and I played tomorrow he was like o this J hard like and that was my next single I put out after that he got announced that I signed to him and he the one that made the play with putting cardi on got you like they surprised me with that I didn't even know cardi was going to be on it and so God put that play together you said cage on the song they say that's your cousin and L Uzi vert I heard are y'all black people cousins or real cousins cuz I got cousins but we our parents aren't related they just my cousins but what cousins they cousin cousins or they cousin my folks you didn't even know she was going to be on the song no I didn't know and how I found out was I was in the studio and I was actually working on another song and I was like H C might sound good on this so I DM her I was like I got this song that sure sound good on she was like I just got done doing your other song I'm like what other song you talking about so she sent me the clips of it in my DM of for birs I was like no way so got and Rex was in know my man R they was in the studio so I'm texting them I'm like I caught them I said so y'all when y'all was going to tell me that Carter was on this song they were like oh [ __ ] how you found out about it I don't know what way they were going to try to surprise me in but I found out ear because I tried to get her on another song people don't always see the grind and you started rapping you know pretty pretty young uh but once they once they got a chance to to see you it seemed like things just kind of shot here and then you have some of the biggest stars in the world dancing to your music yeah speaking specifically of King James LeBron probably one of the most visible people on how does it make you feel when you see LeBron rapping your music dancing to your music just giving it back to the world that was another different feeling because it's one thing to have people dancing to your music then it's another thing to have men dancing to your music as a female rapper then it's a third thing to have LeBron James dancing to it you feel me cuz LeBron James don't be dancing he don't be doing it the everybody music you feel me so when he did it to yeah glow I was just like oh yeah that's out of here like it made me feel good I ain't going to lie like I still take everything every time something new happen I still get excited like my excitement from the rapping not gone yet are you used to being a celebrity cuz you can't go nowhere I'm pretty sure like how does that part make you feel I mean I kind of got used to being a celebrity on that end like I can't go in stores no more by myself none of that but I still be acting shocked to see other celebrities yeah like I still act like oh my God who was your favorite person to meet like the person you really fan girl out be I just met her again yesterday I met her at the Grammys last year and then at the awards I had just got done presenting the award to TLC I walking past Beyonce room I was like oh [ __ ] I kind of scared they were like uh they had asked can I talk to Beyonce and she left me in her room I was like and she always be so nice to me and she just I feel like she love me as much as I love her like for real like and I get super geeked every time I meet her so yeah Beyonce I love Beyonce I see you can see now uh when you were on your 90day celibacy I see you can see now when you were on your uh 90day celibacy run you said you your vision was blured uh what made you decide to do that what was the thought process he said I see you you got Vision now cuz you said you couldn't see you had well I restored my vision you restored your vision well see I had went on it because before I blew up I had went on a 60-day cleanse and it was like right at the end of the 60-day cleanse I blew up so I was like okay fasting really help and so the end of last year like last year it was kind of it wasn't rough for me but I overthought a lot last year and so I was like okay I need to reset so I'm going to do another cleanse and so that's how that started but it was a hell of a ride I didn't finish it but you know I did 30 I did about 50 days you say a sex cleanse dead um yep that was it cuz the first one was liquor and it and [ __ ] period but but how's that goingon to help anything because it help you focus no it doesn't it frustrate you get you built up inside no cuz it make you take it see y'all men so it's different cuz like y'all got to do this [ __ ] like I know men that be like oh no I cannot do that whatsoever I cannot go 24 hours without I you know women different and I feel like sometimes I don't feel like women are a distraction to y'all as much as men are a distraction to us and it you really you feel more focused yeah with no action no action I was I ain't going to try that I going to try you went blind yeah who wants to go blind you know I got actually um I'm kind of back in that M and that's why I got these sunglasses on because my eye kind of I ain't got no I ain't got no makeup on my eyes because my vision you know what I'm saying you know what that's God telling you something see like I ain't got no makeup on my eyes because like my eye been kind of jumping again it been twitching yeah yeah yeah he's doing it again so was it was it during the moment of uh cleansing when you created uh the anthem [ __ ] [ __ ] free uhhuh for real yep so the clean started this was 2022 it started March the 1st and then it was supposed to end it may the 1st and so I made [ __ ] [ __ ] free April the 21st and I dropped it April 29th and then by may I was blown up so I was like okay something worked cuz the 60 days over and I'm went from this to this we talked to a number of artists and I asked them the same thing though like when you got one you talking about [ __ ] [ __ ] free talking about tomorrow like do you know you got one do you got to talk to Rex you got you know talk to your people or like when you going to like after you dro the verse you like we got it I ain't going to lie it's it's a few songs that I thought was the one that won the one so like it's a few songs that I didn't play that I let my team here and they was like yeah this one hard and it w that so you just never know I feel like it be with the wave sometime like right sometimes you can drop [ __ ] ahead of his time you mentioned being able to have men rock with your song like ylow for sure is that you know I know dudes they put their name in it if it rhyme with glow you know they got cats in the car they probably riding with it loud in the car then they pick their homeboy up try to turn something else on then they homeboy hop in the car he won't listen to it anyway I know you said like there's more Bas in in your rap voice voice than in your normal voice but you kind of like bad chick real Negro all in one right like all wrapped into one what was growing up like for you that you could connect to like being a independent strong woman but also like dudes in the streets can Vibe with what you say my mom got 10 kids six boys four girls I was the girl that always hung with the boys like I was always the one playing that's why I like football so much like I grew up playing man NCAA and that type [ __ ] I always was tumble out of all my mom kids but my mama was a strong woman of course she got 10 kids so you know I just got you know the feminine side from my mama or whatever but I always just hung around dudes more like my whole life like even now my team full of men other than my Glam team everybody else on my team is a man like I Just Vibe more with men so I feel like that's another reason why men can relate to me more and the [ __ ] talking yeah that what I'm saying I always been around men growing up you know what I'm saying I prefer being around men more like you know they don't be fake you know I'm saying girls be fake it need too much chitchat and all that [ __ ] I don't be with it you know what I'm saying but but glow you you about 92 lbs talking about you going you can't tell me I ain't the bigest see what they want to do they can't tell me I ain't the biggest though you feel me and then you know where I where I come from too the part of memph I come from from Super ghetto you know what I'm saying so you know I'm just a product of my environment Frasier is is that where it's from I mean you did say that whoever Dame Lillard was with she couldn't whip you you did say that I mean he was asked afterwards had he reached out and he said he had no comment so I mean do you have no comment too hey at the end of the day the day going to end the day got end the day got in I love that boy that was one boy you dropped it really um you say you hang out with the boy but speak on that that that experience man I think that was amazing to see you there at the uh the White House you know you I always talk about exposure right exposure leading expansion the more you see the more you'll be able to learn and kind of grow from there right what was and you move around too like the first lady we seen your team over there what what was that experience like and what was your favorite part about it all it was just cool all around because I'm pretty sure mostly everybody well most everybody wants to be able to go to the White House and so like just walking up to it like I'm like oh my God I'm really F to walk in here oh my God and it just was crazy I was just saying all the history that I've been learning about all in school just right there in my face in real life and then meeting the president and the vice president made it even more cool I'm like everybody don't get to do this mhm I was so geeked like I was high without even being high did you know going into it you was going to hit him with yeah Joe no it was just like I just said okay I'mma do it I'm do it say it [ __ ] it it was dope you are and I've only been around you for a little bit you are impossible to dislike like for real like your spirit is is just different like you come in the room you light up the room and immediately in meeting you it was like oh she just one of our folks you know so I think I think that's why people gravitate to you in the way that they do but I'm not from Memphis so I'm going try to say this right everything everything right coming soon but recently we saw the social media post with you and Megan we had a Soulja Boy beat in the back you in a very short time have been able to collab with all of these artists that you're on the same tier with already the Megan nost stallions to have cardi B jump on a song What's it been like for you to just be truly hitting your stride and be able to collab with women like that I love it because I'm a fan of C I'm a fan of Megan for sure and so like doing the song with both of them I'm like is this real you know what I'm saying and then both of them just got good spirits they energy be genuine yeah I just feel blessed I feel good about it I'm excited for me and Meg and record it's so good so you're gonna be going on tour with Megan is there any intimidation anxiousness nervousness about being a part of something so big no I'm excited about it actually well yeah I'm anxious for sure but um yeah I'm just excited because me and her it's just like we got them two personalities them two sou where you from I'm from New Orleans exactly you said you like our food I do I love it I guess the best food in America stamped Real Talk hold on meh Memphis ain't got the best food I thought meh Memphis food good but New Orleans Food the best oh you know I'm going tell the truth at the end of the day tell him that I'm going tell the truth and she walk around with hot sauce you got to be H real talk I do you got to be Hest she even need that in New Orleans I don't like it's no question then when I go to New Orleans I'mma eat something that I like so New Orleans take it they got it he he he love it look at he just like the bread I agree with you though for real I AG New Orleans Food off the change spicy and everything so what you think what's that New Orleans my and I know and I hate to tell him that but New Orleans my favorite food too what you think same okay so we can all agree to New Orleans got the best food you know but I mean I got sidetracked getting excited but really like just back to having an opportunity to to be on tour you know you talked about being able to collab with Megan collab with cardi you've collabed with Lotto just just where you are now and then now getting that big stage so people all around the country can know Glo you said you were excited about it what are you most excited about just to do it just like like I said our chemistry is so good and we still putting it together you know what I'm saying but we didn't basically sold out almost the whole to sold out and know Memphis is actually a hard City to sell out and we sold Memphis out so I'm excited about that turn up in the hometown both of the Houston they sold out I think M and so yeah I'm ready I never saw Megan live perform so I'm ready to see that am mirica I just take the catalog that's that Memphis it's a man that [ __ ] you said curving or curving hey I in my jewelry drawer I was like I don't have none of those I say damn it hey call him out you hey man y'all got curvage y'all sell C do y'all sell cbons like no I looked at your whole website got n c got n cing on your entire website to be though like Honestly though to be in this in this position you know right now and have an opportunity to keep ascending like you wrote a song and you said you wrote it at Taco Bell KFC yeah where do you get inspiration from for your music for what your topics are going to be for the the way you put lines together what inspires you or is it for you whever it hits you you just do it it's like super random like Ty for instance we say something right now like I it's going to stick to my head I'm be like I can make a bar out of that when I get up from this interview I'mma type it in my notes and it's just going to be a bar in my notes and so if I'm at the studio listening to beats I'll be like let me listen to beats and see which beat I can put this line on and make a song out of it or you know sometimes what I'm going through I just make a song about it I just get the writing about however I feel about to do a tour with Megan get a chance to walk in Beyonce's dressing room just when you want to like what have you made it in your mind and why why have you made it why are you in the position you're in right now with all the success you having God it can't I love God too it can't just be him like is it that like you're saying is it is it your work ethic of saying that you write down every every note is it is it just something different upstairs like there's a lot of female country rappers that would love to be yeah glor um you know you just got to be different you got to stand out like you know ain't nobody didn't never just sounded like me been now like I come with this voice that you never heard before you know what I'm saying like this crazy accent to come with it you know what I'm saying and and like I said I'm constantly working and I'm constantly manifesting I'm believing in myself so all that together and all the positivity like and like Ry like like RC said like you walk in the room and you just like oh yeah that's that's cous right there and you just you so viant your your your light is so bright as as as I say sometimes but with the fame the success the celebrity what biggy said More Money More Problems Drake said bring on the problems but just a celebrity like is there what what's the pullback to not being Gloria anymore not being glorilla um you know everybody look at you like a ticket you know what I'm saying everybody got their hand out of course yeah just people look at you different you know they treat you different you know not the people your core people but you know certain people who you want around like that like now they put you on such this High pedestal I'm really the same person I just made it yeah you feel me so that that be the only thing how do you decide what who you give money to see I'm not the person that give out money like that I ain't doing it like people know not to come asking me for [ __ ] you got to really need it cuz cuz when I if I was to go bad which one of y'all going to give back to me you feel me right so like that's what I'm thinking about like all right I I ain't just got this [ __ ] to be giving it out I got it but once if I just keep doing this then it's all gone which one yall gonna put it back in my hand so I don't just be easy to give out money like that to people my mom and my daddy they know they straight you know what I'm saying my my my folks my core people but everybody else you want some money from me come work for it yeah you can get on the payroll I ain't just going to get it out though so boss man Gotti he he's done great I think in building a CMG roster right what sort of influence has he been in your life you know aside from the business just as a mentor or whatever in the game and how like what messages has he shared with you in that same regards of taking care of your bread know KN how to you know uh spot the the leeches around you or people that don't mean you no good like what has he taught you got to always say save your money don't go uh spending money on a lot of [ __ ] you know sometimes he ain't even been to said this stuff to me I've been seen him say it on the interview and I take it in yeah then got like a super business businessman and so I be trying to pick up some of that from him like how he reserve his [ __ ] you know you talked about not giving money out but you did give back 20,000 to your middle school yeah and you made that decision at a young age to think so philanthropically how important was it to not only be present and able to do that but to show people from right where you're from you mentioned what it's like where you from in Frasier how important was it to show people that you can make it and when you do make it it is possible to come back and give to those who are walking the same hallway as you are you know I always wished when I was younger it was somebody to come back and do that for for me and for you know what I'm saying the closest thing that I saw it wasn't even my school though Barack Obama he came to Memphis to uh BTW high school and he had did a speech but I feel like he came to he came to Memphis you know people don't come to Memphis to do that type [ __ ] so you know I feel like it was important to to give the youth right now what I didn't have you know what I'm saying because um when I just did my middle school last year I had donated the money for them to go on field trips and everything you know back then if we didn't have the money we W going you know what I'm saying we just had to sit it out and so I feel good to be able to get the kids money to go on their field trips go you are very like normal like very regular you know what I mean like you have a you have a superstar glow for sure like when you no pun intended I guess like when you walk in it's like yeah that's what superstars look like yeah but talking to you like you still Gloria Hallelujah from Memphis like you could tell like you still feel that what's dating like now like you mentioned you can't go shopping right and you you know you even tweeted you only been cheated on one time you know what I'm saying what was he stupid what was that like I got I've been really I only been in one relation I'm G say two relationships my whole life and my first relationship [ __ ] me up so cuz that was the first time I ever got cheated on because I used to always feel like I was always the friend who didn't I have niggga problems and all my friends like they got pregnant they really and they always used to get cheated on I used to be like and they'll be crying I used to be like damn I don't think it's that crucial like what you crying for and so when it finally happened to me and I actually felt where they was coming from you know I lost my appetite real bad like my first heartbreak it was with the same [ __ ] like I never caught him cheating like I never physically caught him cheating but it was just like clues that i' be like I know you cheat and every time I just like it's a different feeling like my heart dropped to my ass I can't eat for so many days I'm like I remember one time I was on the way to my MMA house and I was in the car crying to God I was like God please if you let me get over this [ __ ] I won't ever do this again like please restore my appetite take this heartache away I said I'll never do this again again if you let me get over it and so I don't be trying to just really get into that no more because that's not a good feeling getting your heartbroke at all and I thought it was for fake at first and when I really filth it that's why I be so hard now like is that why you said told him earlier that women don't affect men the way that men affect women yeah M because y'all do y'all lose y appetite y'all head heartbreak he couldn't have been black cuz black men don't cheat all right charl l duall okay don't start don't start don't start what was his race cuz if we don't do things that Latin he was not Latino Asian man or something I don't know who African Aman man and he cheated and I said I'm never going through this again God if you give me out this situation but there was the reason when I finally got over him that's when I made the [ __ ] [ __ ] free song because I finally got over him and I feel like I was [ __ ] [ __ ] free and so yeah and and I knew I knew we were going to have a chance to sit down with you so I had I called my nieces and got some information and my nie says you got to ask her about pouring jungle juice and barbecue sauce on some girl's car so I need to Story the reasoning behind why you would pour barbecue sauce and jungle juice on somebody's items because I was hurt I was I was I got you on because okay so bam I had broke up with the [ __ ] because I mad because he with his friends all day and so you know I had his location on my phone and I think he forgot I had his location cuz he was kind of slow he was he was kind of slow and so um I'm like no you can't come back and so I'm watching his location he was at his friend house I'm thinking okay he G to spend night over there but you know how we say stuff and don't mean it like come home why is you not coming home and so I'm watching I'm looking at the location I see him driving I'm like where the hell he going it's like 1 2:00 in the morning and so he always used to tell me he used to be like yeah his baby mama stayed in Raleigh but I never gave too much folks about it so when I saw his location in Riley oh I hopped in that car so fast I said he told me his baby mama live in Raley so I'm F to what me and my two friends we H in the car I don't play them type of games who you playing with what what your friends was going to do they they just roll with me okay they was support they was just the support and you grab the barbecue sauce with no I didn't even grab it cuz my intentions weren't even on doing nothing to her I was strictly on him and so I pulled up to the apartments and so when I pull it up to the apartments I go on the baby mama Facebook page I look at her pictures and I see the background I'm like oh yeah this the same Apartments the location brought me to and so I'm looking around I'm looking at her picture she took and I figured out what car was her cuz she took pictures in front of her cars in front of the apartment so I went exactly to that spot and so I'm knocking on the door I was even going to do nothing to her I'm trying to make him come they in there quiet not trying to act like nobody in there and [ __ ] and so I said all right she get to text of me or some [ __ ] on Facebook cursing me out slick so I'm like all right [ __ ] I a even to play with you I'm like just come outside I'm like I don't even want you I want him he was still acting like he want there he was answering the phone and [ __ ] but she was acting like he want there I said I know he in her [ __ ] I don't even want nothing with you but she start talking Rowdy and talking [ __ ] so I pulled around to to the store and I had just was looking for [ __ ] the [ __ ] her car with I really was looking for some paint but it was no paint up in the uh gas station and so I just got like the two messiest things I could see so I saw the barbecue sauce and a red jungle juice I pulled back around there and so uh I really went in my trunk first I had a big ass Bush knife in my trunk and I didn't I never stabbed no ties out before so I thought they was going to stab it out but the knife kept bended it was it was stabbing the ti out I'm like [ __ ] so that's when I just said [ __ ] it I just she had a white C and I just put the barbecue sauce and the junk juice all over it and yeah hey glow we we pass that though now yeah I don't do that no more oh okay we no experienceing growth right right growth you know you got to go through it and get through it you feel me and learn so we we learn don't mess with glow don't mess with me but was glow and love I said I was and that's why I said I don't want to do it no more so you was Heavy in love I was in love real bad I'm telling you I was crying to God if you if you crying to God ask about so me serious I said I never want nobody with that much power over me to where I can't eat like the food look good and I can't eat it because damn I lost my appetite because of a person I never want nobody to have that much control over me and I never knew that somebody could do that and so once I got out of it that's how I am how I am now I don't be trying to get back into it like how old were you at the time I was 20 but but go eventually eventually eventually not 20 though so we're all here for at some point you need companionship right Bible says man's not meant to live alone so when you are doing these things now and you are accomplishing things who do you share it with who do you celebrate with my friends my family so there's never like a longing to have a person there yeah then I ain't gonna lie like I see how other people I see how [ __ ] that still be cheating and not even my [ __ ] but [ __ ] who I I be seeing this [ __ ] I be like damn I would hated if you was my [ __ ] like then it's even worse now because whoever I date got to be on my type of level cuz even the [ __ ] I was in love with he was a little regular broke ass M dier and he had me [ __ ] up like that so I know it's going to get even worse so now with who I date now cuz you know not y'all y'all might be not [ __ ] either what what I'm going get y'all the benefit of the doubt black men no cheek but [ __ ] Ain't [ __ ] I don't think that's a I I don't believe that's necessarily a broad statement that you can make I Believe In some cases women are not as well and they're actually I feel like women get made like that like the way I am now like I'm probably not worth a damn right now and it it was because I was made like that you know everybody get I think men are naturally not [ __ ] and I learned to not blame y'all for that I feel like not y'all me I feel like y'all naturally do what y'all do and I don't I don't feel like there's nothing that [ __ ] can hold against them well one you can definitely hold it against us if we do stupid things uh especially if we lie right I think I think if a man is honest with you and where he is in life and and who he is and how he feels about you and the way that he's going to move and you're hurt by him making the movements he told you he was going to make anyway that's on you you know like George Bush said you know fool me twice Can't Get Fooled Again right right but if he lies to you and he puts you in a position where he sold you a bill of goods that he doesn't deliver on like you can hold it against him it should have been held against yeah you can but it's like it's going to keep happening with every [ __ ] you run into hopefully not hopefully not hopefully not what I'm saying I'm I'm I the one person messed me up in the head real bad so like I got this bad perception there there was a civil lineing in that particular situation cuz you hear a lot of times that artists talk about experiences in life that lead to certain song in in their Artistry right your your biggest song I believe fnf right which actually LED you to CMG and signing uh major deal without that experience with old boy you might not have that that song you right everything for sure happen for a reason but they don't take away from the pack the [ __ ] Ain't [ __ ] well I mean well so going back to boss man Dow the Finesse remix now your lyrics in there sound like like like big glow got a certain type of energy you talking about the dudes say't [ __ ] you say I I made I'll make your favorite [ __ ] yeah that crazy your favorite X or something like whatever something like that but that's that same energy right so big glow if you sit back and listen to the word big glow ain't [ __ ] in that song I'm not I'm not no more and I can accept that you know it's all about being self- aware I'm very self aware that I'm not [ __ ] no more but I I was made like this when I turn 30 I hopefully to CH I'm I hope I change my perception just are you an honest person though I'm super honest I'm super self aware I'm super honest it's really probably nothing nobody can tell me by myself that I don't already know M well it's some [ __ ] for sure but I can accept it like if you tell me I ain't going to lie um you talk too much I be like damn I'm think about it okay I might do talk talk too much but I'm self aware and being self-aware then and you can say that you ain't nothing when it comes to dating what are your best attributes though as a friend as a woman as a person like why why should glow have close friends to celebrate with why should people want to be on your team because who people are in relationships to be don't necessarily matter I'm super cool I'm super funny I'm not serious like you know sometime people take life too serious I'm not one of them type people I laugh at everything like even when [ __ ] be about me like people talk [ __ ] about me people don't even know I be laughing like somebody say dang gorilla look like this I'm going to be laughing hard as [ __ ] I might not say nothing the internet but I probably thought it was funny like I don't take I'm not too serious about [ __ ] I'm funny I'm caring about people I only get mean when people make me be mean you know what I'm saying I'm just a good person Jan I have a question your teeth are hers is your te I see you got you got the real t no this ain't mine this is hell no these Ain mine my [ __ ] look like a raccoon back in the day mine did too I threw him across the top I know he brought it up I said yeah she got a hell of a doctor cuz I got one too I she got hell of a I threw 20 21 RX into this top this top run and these things special though you got your little something I had to drop a 25 25 uhhuh but I got the bottom in top you got the bottom in top yeah see I I I'm I still got a little little animal in me I need some stuff to scrape off chicken wings and oysters and all that craziness tell me everybody got a floss done it what's that you can't do them with the veneers floss no no no you can't you can't you can't eat the crazy stuff with the yeah you got to eat that I be biting on the side and [ __ ] be shoving that chicken wing back here real talk see with crab legs I don't even CRA crack my own crab legs open no more I have to ask somebody to do it for me crack your crab leg that's that's when you know you made it yeah you got you got a crab leg cracker a personal C like I'm talking about like say for instance my friend right there i' be like can you crack these open for me like they know I can't crack them open myself like they'll do it they will yeah that's you know what that that's I was going to say cuz you were talking just back to the to the relationship thing you got to find a good man but he is not going to be as successful as you and that's fine but you just said I was just with some dude from Memphis back then but like I think to be happy you might have to find just a dude from Memphis because a very successful not no Memphis dude but it a just another dude like look look where you are look look like I don't got no problem with it still talking to regular people though but it's like now I don't know it might be my type like you know what I'm saying it might be my type that's [ __ ] up the type of the type of man I like is probably just not a good man M so like maybe it's somebody that go to goddamn the work is somewhere that I ain't never seen before that's a good man that I ain't never met because that ain't my type you feel me yeah but I really feel like I want to talk to a regular person I don't like the industry [ __ ] but that's the man that's going to crack your CRA crack your crab legs for you exactly because if we do it that little inzer might flip out and we going to be fire hot no I don't feel like everybody I talk to got to be like you know what I'm saying yeah I don't think that at all you um you're at the Super Bowl you bring your pops and growing up in a family that was Christian yeah and like you say you started to rap your dad likes your songs he talks about you know nutquick and all those things um it seemed like it be so hard him let that come out his mouth he be like n quick don't start don't start don't don't start he don't he don't curse yeah that's why he's struggling he don't talk nasty yeah I want to get like that you can't get like your music won't be as good so RC speaking of nut quick what do we have thank you very thank you very much you know for for you though the your your parents being supportive in that and you being able to say you know no I ain't nothing or this is what has changed what is that relationship like for adult Gloria with them are you able to talk to your parents about these same things the way you're talking to us and share with them n my heart was broke that's why I act like this you know cuz I grew up in a house where Donnie mcclerkin and Kurt Franklin was played all the time and there's certain conversations I can't have with my mother that I can have with my dad because they're different I don't have no conversation with neither one of my parents cuz my parents are older my dad is 73 my mama 60 I'm 24 I ain't never been comfortable I think I maybe could if I wanted to but I never been found the comfortability to be able to talk to them like that you know sometimes I let it fly with my mama but I just no you've accomplished so many things you know what's next for you like what what do you want to do how do you want to be seen you know you mentioned seeing certain people and being excited even though that you're a celebrity you mentioned the Beyonce and now you're going on tour with Megan for you where does this career take you does glorita want to do TV does she want to do movies you know what sort of artists do you want to be like when you see yourself 5 years from now because you're just getting in this where is glor one person career who I uh like and that I want to kind of not exactly follow but this the inspiration to me is Rihanna I I love Rihanna rout she took like she did her big on and music for however 10 10 15 however long however many years those was then she went off into being like a MOG like being a billionaire starting her own business that's the route I want to take she not she also had two babies and found herself a men when she was in her 30s when she was in her 30s 28 I'm going start coming down I turned 25 this year 28 I'm going start slowing it down then 30s I'm done with the 20-y old [ __ ] you mentioned uh Beyonce and you mentioned just now Rihanna you've had some big collabs with a whole lot of other artists are there any like dream absolute dream collabs that you would like to do going forward beon say okay that's one give me two more Rihanna yeah if she if she decid to do music we never know when Rihanna going to do some music that's true we've been waiting on Rihanna since her last album but Rihanna be on face there's no guy artist that you think doing a collab with them would be just an amazing experience both both what you do professionally and personally like it's all women like just like on some dream [ __ ] like it's some men that I would wouldn't have no problem doing songs with but just on some dream [ __ ] it's like it's your dream so that's two give me one more one more okay oh Justin timate I like that no he from Memphis he talented yeah he from Memphis too mm he back on tour too now right he is yeah he's been running around I think he got something in Florida um down where we at in November yeah he had put out a new album for you you know you mentioned earlier that Chief Keef was somebody who you know you saw in the business and you like the way he rap you like the way he brought a different song Beyonce being being an inspiration as well when you look at the projects you've done what is the project you point to where you felt like you realized okay I can really be something in this business it wasn't really a song that made me feel like that it was the things I was doing after I blew up like getting Awards being nominated at the grammar in my first year like I didn't I never in a million years would have thought if an enough would have been got a gramming on but it did so like that I got the uh hipop award but um breakthrough artist it was that type of stuff that was making me feel like and yeah Glo like you have a lot of former glows in the video which is like I think the the coolest part you know uh you grew up 106 in parttime right you watch 106 part like that was when we had real videos right like watching that video on YouTube I was like oh this is a real video like she put time into this like this mattered to her what would you say though to that young glow that's at the that's at the drive-thru serving you your food as you come through in the big body what would you tell that person when they weren't believing in themselves or they were doing those jobs that obviously weren't this one I would have said everything I said in your glow keep running circles around these snail hoes I was said stop overthinking because I overthink a lot like I'm a overthinker and so me telling myself that in the song like he just gave me a different type of confidence to just remind myself stop overthinking like you got it they can't [ __ ] with you really you know what I'm saying and so yeah I would tell myself to just keep doing you like don't let nothing no it's nothing nobody can say that'll stop you from being who you want to be because actually when I first blew up I went to you know the DJ Coalition stuff they be Happ I did that um around the time fnf was hot and I hadn't put out another song after F and F and so I had went and performed tomorrow for the DJs and so after I got done performing song everybody was quiet like it didn't get no Round of Applause or nothing and so as all the DJs going around with the mic saying what they feel they was like um it's cool but you know you got to come out with another song like eelf and N like everybody kind of they they didn't like [ __ ] on it but they [ __ ] on the song like they made me feel like the song was good after I knew it was good and then it blew up like right after that and so I tell myself you can't listen to haters you know what I'm saying or not haters cuz they haters you know that's probably what they honestly feel but you can't let what nobody else say interfer with how you feel you just got to believe in yourself if you don't believe in yourself nobody else going to believe and and I think that brings me to you know not allowing people to try to trck you off your spot you got to stand on it and we've been here for I don't know 30 40 minutes whatever it is and through the conversation people they see that you smile they see how you carry yourself they see all of the good stuff the awards they they've heard that by now they don't always see the struggle like the grind and the struggle and the stuff that's kind of under the surface was there ever a moment you wanted to to to quit and if there were what motivated you not to okay so it was times before I blew up and after I did blew up blow up that I slick going to quick so before I blew up it'll be like and it ain't even hating it'll just be like you will see certain [ __ ] going up and I'll be like dang why my why my stuff not doing that but I never start hating I be like I try to study like what is it that I'm not doing that cuz I see this person they doing good you know what I'm saying but I feel like my stuff good and it's not doing it and it'll like make me feel depressed sometime like I'll post a song and it won't get the feedback I want when I know it's a good song and so they'll have me want to stop sometime cuz I'll be like okay maybe this just ain't for me like and then after I blew up like last year like I said last year it wasn't a rough year but it was because I didn't drop a lot of music last year because I was overthinking and so I dropped the song and like everybody [ __ ] on the song like nobody liked the song and so I was like you know I'm just starting to think maybe I just can go on Venture into my business [ __ ] right now and I can rest on rapping I don't know why I thought that it was like a quick it maybe was a day I thought it for only one day or some [ __ ] but I thought that I was like I'mma stop and just go on get on my entrepreneur [ __ ] and say [ __ ] this [ __ ] but then I just had you know what I'm saying get back in my mode how hard is it to deal with with I guess what has to feel like rejection you already know that you're talented because you've been able to create hits and you've been able to continue to have a buzz but when like you said when you go to the DJ Coalition and you feel like they aren't feeling the song or you drop a song and you say people didn't necessarily like it you know he's like okay I'm going get on my entrepreneurial stuff how hard is it to ignore those things and just keep working it's not hard to ignore like I say like okay so I really like the song and when they didn't like the song that's what [ __ ] me up because it wasn't just like I know the song ass and everybody else think is ass I really like the song and before I dropped it everybody else liked it too so I'm like it's it's some type of what everybody got against me why where this hate train come from that's what was getting to me cuz it was just out of nowhere hate train I feel like I Hadar got but most of the time like I don't respond to a lot of negative stuff on the internet about me because I know at the end of the day it's the internet and they get to they freely with their free will get to type anything they want to on whatever page and say whatever MH and don't even mean it like it could be somebody to say something on the Internet then when they see me want a picture you know what I'm saying and so it's hard and not hard at the same time right you said uh preacher actually preached about it every day the sun don't shine that's why I love tomorrow yeah is that part of that mindset that you're going to have some days that aren't great exactly but you get to do it again the next day yeah you you live to see another day you know what I'm saying like every day ain't going to be no good day you know what I'm saying life ain't perfect life got it ups and downs but I live to wake up tomorrow and open my eyes and start over with a whole another 24 hours then that's what it is I just want to tell you um and I don't really know how it work in music but even with our show we know we we we got dope cont content and the views don't always match that it doesn't mean your music isn't dope like your music is for you first cuz it comes from you and from your heart and then it it touches everybody else as long as you keep making music for you and you you good with that was it resonate with everybody else or not it's for you it's your baby so keep that that thought in mind but the question is that we always ask our guests is what's your biggest pivot and what I mean by that is that one moment that you can clearly look back on and say without this moment there would be no me who you are right here today sitting here I probably have to say um the year before uh I blew up I went through a lot like uh 2021 and the beginning of 2022 kind blew up in May of 2022 and so like the whole year before that it was like a real rough year that's when I was still going through the bad relationship I had got pregnant that year I had lost my apartment that year I lost my car it's like I lost everything the year before I blew up and I feel like it molded me into the person I am like I needed that one year you know what I'm saying to put me in straight ground mode and put my eyes on the prize I love that now that you have your eyes on the prize and we can see you everywhere one I think it's amazing that you love New Orleans that's yeah where I'm from two you love the Steelers yeah was that genuine excitement when you got to meet meet Mike T you were really that fired up I was that fired up like I swear to God like I told you I played Madden and I used to be in the living room my dad and my brothers on Sundays watching the football games and [ __ ] and you know what I'm saying and so see him like tell I never thought I was going to actually meet him in person like never in my life did I think that and so and then you know I feel good cuz I actually got to watch my team win the Super Bowl when when we beat the Cardinals you feel me and so I was there yeah exactly exactly I got I got to watch that and so like I just always always brag different like you know we always hit the most Super Bowl up until the Patriots got they six one whatever we tied though yeah we tired they still ain't got more than us you feel me you know what I'm saying and so I always like that's just one of my accomplishments even though I don't even play for the Steelers I feel like I do I feel like this my team and anytime we talking about football can't nobody say [ __ ] to me because we got six six rings what y'all get what you got oh well we got zero what y' got all we got I can tell you this what's the language go so we got all right now we got Russ so Sierra going to be there I'm so happy about that I'm we going to go to the Super Bowl next year we going to Super Bowl again hell yeah you heard us I heard we back in it hell yeah and we F to get seven seven and then we going to be by ourselves you know I'm I'm trying to work on the song for the Steelers I want to have to uh do what Whiz Khalifa did with black and yellow so I want to be able to make a song but it got to be the right song it got to be the right and you got to hold it though too till the season get close yeah right hell yeah black and yellow like I'm a real see but that's crazy though cuz I I like we used to play against the Steelers all the time and I know the terrible Towers they are probably the best fan base in the entire league and I can say that and people in Jacksonville don't kill me but they know how it goes traditionally how in the hell you become a Steelers you down south how you become a Steelers fan I'm telling you I just know I've been a Steelers fan since I was three years old I don't know how I became one cuz nobody yeah since I was three years old I don't know how I came one but I just know since I was 3 years old and nobody in my family was a Steelers fan my daddy say my grandma was which is my dad and mom but she died before I was born and I got her name and everything but my daddy used to always say yeah you're a Steelers fan just like my mama was uh all that you know what I'm saying but my dad a Raiders fan okay and everybody was Cowboys Buccaneers Giants fan nobody was a Steelers fan in my family but me and so like I just Ed to [ __ ] on everybody because we we had the most Wings what what what year were you born 99 so when you were three I was 2002 mhm oh yeah I used to get yall the business back then I know you ring how many rings how many ring be hanging out with him many rings I got zero Rings Fred was 43 he's 43 my my my last thing for you though with you know we're dropping new music right now with the the tour uh what can we expect from glorilla in the next week what is what is this what is this going to sound like for us well with everything everything dropping I just feel like it's ganga like I ain't even got no just really Girl music on there it's kind of girly but it's a thug ass type of girl like you know what I'm saying like the vibe Eve Eve give you you know e was like you know I'm saying a rough r you feel she was a girl but a [ __ ] at the same time so I'm just going to put that the mixtape of the year out and then it's preparing for my next project that's coming up in the summer so this is just a a preview of what we going to get yeah yeah this just really a sneak peek this project is a sneak peek of what I'm going to drop in the summer well listen we appreciate you thank you for being so open so honest with us and I I've been excited about this since I messaged you and we knew it could happen and obviously you working with dider who we've worked with who was amazing so we appreciate your time time I appreciate y'all for having me thank yous hard though man I don't even know if we needed y'all for this New Orleans steers like this is all love F good now you know so you a rapper rapper or like you just rap a little bit what you mean like off the cuff right now can we just get a couple of bars like if I just ask you just out the blue right cuz you said you know it's not really no girly music that mean like if you ask you supposed to be able to give us something right now I'm a writer writer I'm not a Frey I'm rer okay all right you ready where Beat It Hold Up [Music] Wait D do it on it all right come on you get back up good okay cool yeah uh yeah uh uh uh uh black and yellow steers fans with a white te yeah and you know I [ __ ] with mik te okay I'm up now I'm up now yeah when I was little I used to build a fort now my girl here with the [Laughter] teleport come on come on J oh let the black side WRA not the white side oh oh about to start real dancing the Patriots cheah out the Super Bowl went out 16 hey but we still got six rings oh yeah not Super Bowl but the championship yeah okay okay I'm back up I'm back up oh come on man you got to go I can't half white you biracial that's don't know rocking with the black and yellow know I'm just trying to you got them B you couldn't even get nothing Sher I was say Mike T Fred T you rocking with the Steelers g ain't another [ __ ] r i see you Freddy T I see you Freddy T I see you Freddy T that's love though I love her she cool she's so fun man yeah she she is so fun it I here to witness it my people feeling militant way I'm feeling get me up on the mission get me up knowing me I got the key only Vision I can trust trust Limitless it I here to witness it my people feel
Channel: The Pivot Podcast
Views: 392,795
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Keywords: pivot, the pivot, the pivot podcast, football podcast, sports podcast, channing crowder, fred taylor, ryan clark, channing crowder podcast, fred taylor podcast, ryan clark podcast, nfl, football, super bowl, super bowl 2024, super bowl podcast, nfl 2024, espn, ryan clark espn, new heights, pardon my take, pat mcafee show, bussin with the boys, lets go tom brady, the herd with colin, around the nfl, nfl draft, nfl news, nfl highlights
Id: r0fP2q6gatM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 24sec (3684 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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