Is Bill Cipher in Owl House?

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this doesn't feel safe are you sure we are allowed to do this it'll be fine birthday magic only comes around once a year ready metaphors dominance metaphors [Music] howdy are you one of those Gravity Falls fans that keeps complimenting the awesome mouse cursor made by sakiki on Tumblr or maybe you're just wondering what happened to Bill after Gravity Falls ended an owl House Began I sure hope so because if you're just here for deltarune um next time okay I promise just this once I'd like to take a moment to celebrate the series finale of owl house by taking a look at one of this Show's most underrated and unresolved Mysteries where is Bill Cipher for those who don't know Bill Cipher is originally from Gravity Falls a show about a pair of twins trying to uncover the mysteries of the strange and surreal world around them much like deltarune and undertale there's a lot of interesting little details hidden away in the background just begging for a conspiracy theory loving nerd to come along and piece them together including multiple ciphers and puzzles that to this day still remain unanswered but that's never really been my forte instead I want to talk about a certain dream invading antagonist who's deranged an off-the-wall Antics once stole the hearts and minds of nerds everywhere name's Bill Cipher and I take it you're some kind of living ventriloquist dummy I'm just kidding I know who you are Gideon unfortunately this analysis is going to require me to discuss the ending in detail so if you haven't finished this series yet this is your last chance to pause the video and go do that ready okay now that I've successfully tanked my channel statistics let's start with the obvious question why are we even looking for Bill didn't he turn to Stone in the finale well yes and no while bill was in the material world he was able to create a physical form for himself but Bill Cipher ultimately is and has always been an ethereal demon of Dreams his physical form is merely another meat puppet for him to inhabit and play about with whenever he leaves it it turns to Stone but I'm not asking what happened to his shell I'm asking what happened to the real Bill Cipher to the spectral entity that invades people's minds but of course to those of you just now finishing the finale the answer to that probably seems pretty clear he got erased in Stan's mind using the memory erasing gun right and yet it certainly looks that way at first but what's that he's saying as he's dying [Music] okay my time that's right he's not just screaming nonsense played in reverse and you'll learn who he's chanting an incantation to revive himself but how does it work and why is he spelling Axolotl to answer that question we've got to open up Dipper and Mabel and the curse of the time pirate's treasure a Choose Your Own Adventure book in which they travel through time with blendin blandin too you guessed it find hidden treasure if we use the time machine to go to the future we can attempt to gain information about the location of said Treasure by winning a space race at which point we will be presented with a choice to either detonate our boosters pushing us ahead to the finish line and winning the race or we can try to exploit a dip in the track which will instead fling us into a Time Vortex an especially risky option because no one really knows what happens in a Time Vortex as it's such a reality warping experience the narration for it is actually written in a Cesar Cipher which unscrambles to reveal a link to a secret Gravity Falls page on the Disney XD website typing that in reveals um ah I have to make an account ugh okay I made an account typing that in again will bring you um wait what darn it Disney you couldn't even preserve a web page for your own merchandise ugh thank goodness for fan wikis through them we can see that back when the book was first released this link would bring you to the following secret page depicting a time and space in between time and space a strange glittering milky void of infinite Comfort ruled by an enormous omniscient salamander known as the Axolotl which offers to use its infinite knowledge of the universe to answer any one question so Dipper asks what do you know about Bill Cipher any dancers 60 degrees that come in threes watches from within birch trees saw his own Dimension burn Mrs Holman can't return says he's happy he's a liar blame the arson for the fire if he wants to shirk the blame he'll have to invoke my name one way to absolve his crime a different form a different time those last three lines stating that he can invoke the axolotl's name to absolve his misdeeds seem to imply that this will allow him to be reborn potentially in another world or another fictional series a different form and a different time and finally after seven years of watching and waiting I think I finally figured out once and for all where Bill Cipher was reborn after his death after Gravity Falls concluded its creator Alex Hirsch went on to work with Siri's storyboard artist Dana Terrace to become a voice actor and creative consultant for the owl house her new series set in a world full of magic and mystery that deconstructs the ways our societies tend to treat citizens who don't fit in through the lens of a young human trying to learn how to use magic in the mystical realm of demons and witches I adore the way this series takes complicated difficult to approach issues and uses the metaphor of its fantasy world to break them apart and allow the viewer to analyze and discuss them without talking down to its younger audience or coming off as needlessly hostile to its older audience but I'd say overall this show is very worth the wait so if you made it this far and haven't seen it yet go do that because I'm about to spoil the heck out of this thing okay so I'll house why do I think Bill Cipher would go here is there any evidence that this series is even connected to Gravity Falls I mean just because an artist works on both projects that doesn't mean they always share a universe right like I'm not trying to suggest that undertale shares a universe with Pokemon but for Owl House in particular there is a lot of evidence that loose Dipper and Mabel all exist in the same human realm around the same time What incredible obscure background detail proves this unexpected connection Grunkle Stan's ex-wife yes I'm serious there's actually a lot of little visual hints depicting Eda in Gravity Falls including this wanted poster on page 23 of Gravity Falls lost Legends and Albert staff on page 26 but little visual details like that are found all the time between fictional series and what we have is actually much much more concrete than that throughout the series Grunkle Stan makes lots of little jokes and references to his ex-wife a character who was originally going to be in the episode dreamscapers before it had to be cut for time however in journal number three we can actually find an entry about this episode written by Dipper in which he informs us that between scenes he saw a memory of Stan apparently wedding eight-way Tris named Marilyn Rosenstein in Las Vegas for 48 hours but it turned out she was just trying to steal his car a true scam artist maybe she was the right one for him Marilyn is mentioned again in the series proper in the form of the romance focused episode Roadside Attraction which includes a cryptogram that reads Carla McCorkle returned all his flowers Marilyn divorced him after only six hours Beatrice slapped him for being a cad old Goldies the best girlfriend Stan ever had the other characters in this cryptogram including Carla McCorkle are real characters that show up in other episodes of the series and although the cryptograms do sometimes contain jokes they do also often contain hints and pieces of World building such as the cryptograph from Sock Opera which foreshadows weirdmageddon and the cryptograms in the Society of the Blind Eye which elaborate on some of the erased memories of Gravity Falls as Citizens later we actually get the full story of Grunkle Stan's marriage by listening to the DVD exclusive commentary of Land Before Swine in which he says my ex-wife right you know I was actually married for less than a day Vegas situation we reach for the same slot machine handle and it was love at first sight Marilyn had air like an airline stewardess and a neon pink shirt that said over 30 and very flirty man I was I was putty in her hands you sure should have seen the way she threw dice one time right at my head turns out she only married me to distract me while she stole my car and all my winnings and I guess her name was fake and her hair was fake but you know the love was real she really was the one that got away like literally it was a proper getaway she was chased by cop cars for about a mile out of Vegas before ducking out a door and into a canyon and make it off with all my loot sometimes I still think of her that pale bingo hall skin that wasn't weirdly sharp tooth all right but how do we know this Marilyn is really Eda I mean we know Eda sometimes visits the human realm to steal garbage but it's not like we have any direct link between Eda and the fake name Marilyn right enter Owl House season 2 episode 10 in which a barista when asked about the picture of Eda in her shop says oh Marilyn yeah she tried to pay for a latte with a live raccoon a couple months ago the photograph of Eda is even signed as Marilyn so at this point we can definitely establish a connection between these two worlds Okay so we've proven the two worlds are connected but where is Bill well let's see we're looking for a demon with a God complex whose desires involve spreading chaos and ruling over the land with an iron fist whom is being punished by the Axolotl by taking another presumably weaker form tortoned for his misdeeds I the king of demons who's a little guy who's a little guy is you he's you no I don't know who your little guy is Eda who is this monster well that's on the nose meet the self-declare king of demons known more casually as king a little baby demon living in the titular owl house with a thirst for violence conquest and an army of worshiping fans just like the ones he had in his former life before he lost his powers and was reduced to this weaker more huggable form he even has the same voice actor as Bill doing basically the same sort of voice and his original color design was going to be a nice bright gold just like Bill Cipher although post-production palette swaps do appear to be another fate the two have in common like the Mystery Shack the owl house is filled to the brim with a yellow narrowly slitted Bill cipher-like eyes very similar to the one king bears on his wanted poster the stained glass one also feels very much like a call back to the stained glass eye in the Mystery Shack and to be honest I do think this is a connection Alex wanted us to make mainly so he could troll us because as the series progresses and we get to learn more about who King actually is we learn that he's not really interested in power he just wants friends a motive bill could never understand and if this form is supposed to be a punishment to absolve him of his misdeeds well why would the Axolotl choose a Titan one of the most powerful beings on the boiling Isles for Bill Cipher's new form this is like the opposite of a punishment right by making Bill a Titan you're giving him everything he ever wanted power worshipers so if King isn't bill then who is The Collector he does have this sorta shadowy Puppet Master Motif after all the same speaking in Rhymes the same playful childlike attitude but once again this is a Godlike being whose primary Desires in life involve making friends not ruling over followers with an iron fist but where else can we even search for that you must beseech our Elder the wisest Hunter of them all wait I know I know what you're thinking a human Bill burn the heretic but hear me out for just a second okay first Alex Hirsch never said that bill couldn't become a human in 2016 he said there has never been one past tense and second this bill isn't a human he's a witch in the demon realm a witch it should be noted who shouts constantly has no interest in friendship and who desire to reign cloaked in glory above all others just like Bill Cipher he Delights in causing suffering and specializes in lay in clever traps to lure in his prey he and the other Titan Trappers pretend to be friends with King in much the same way Bill pretends to be friends with Ford notice as well the blue flame upon his head in Gravity Falls this blue flame was the signature of Bill Cipher and would engulf a person the moment they shook his hand and thus sealed the deal allowing him a direct connection to their mind in Owl House Bill the Huntsman uses a blue flame as part of a ritual allowing him to form a direct connection between the minds of king and the collector who he worships this connection mainly activates when King is dreaming in much the same way Bill Cipher could only communicate with his human Targets in their dreams and it seems to run on Bill's magic and not the collectors as The Collector isn't even aware that a connection has been made and seems surprised and confused when he hears King nearby he's not a child because he wasn't sent forward linearly when he was reborn and that makes sense actually because the Axolotl did say a different form a different time although given that both the owl house and Gravity Falls include time travel mechanics I wouldn't worry about the timeline of this a lot and honestly as far as taking another form is a way to absolve his misdeeds I think this fits Bill a lot better than another demon or Godlike being think about it when he was a triangle he used to boast that he was a being of infinite power with no weakness but here he is weak he is Mortal his flesh is torn up and broken his hearing ruined by the Titans while the original Bill Cipher always seemed excited to have two working eyes an upgrade he thought was Deluxe this bill appears to be blind in his left eye leaving him with only his right eye the eye that Ford claimed burned and bled whenever he felt Bill possessing him there's a certain irony to this Godlike Immortal being tricking Mortals into worshiping and becoming puppets for him to amuse himself with being reincarnated into a weak powerless mortal worshiping a Godlike being that turns him into a puppet and plays childlike games with him that or I'm reading too much into this and Eda just turned him into a goat Heck if I know there are a lot of codes we still haven't cracked and although I do own the limited edition black light exclusive copy I've never been great at breaking letters verse and you know I'm not a Gravity Falls channel so for now my time has come to burn I invoke this ancient power that I may return
Channel: HalfBreadChaos
Views: 141,989
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halfbreadchaos, halfbredchaos, halfbreedchaos, gravity falls, owl house, bill cipher
Id: 9y1S0K48EVc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 54sec (954 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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