Is a sling as powerful as a gun?

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hi it's Todd of Todd's workshop here and today we're gonna have a look at how much power has a sling got I had a quick look in a previous video I didn't get any decent conclusive readings really out of it so I've set up a chronograph here so I have a chronograph which is in feet per second so I'll convert that to meters per second for me but we'll come to that then I have 25 mil an inch the plywood here with a little cutout in it it's kind of a tricky one this cuz I'm not really good at slinging so what you will get is an indicative power from somebody like me we'll have a look at the speeds but there are people who can throw it sort of sixty meters a second I'm not one of them but we will get some sort of feel for what's going on saying that this whole big as it might be it's gonna be quite challenge for me I don't sling generally haven't done for years so we'll have a go and see what happens - what readings we get and I'll have a look at both the energy and the momentum this time of the projectile and we'll see what we get uh-huh well I got a reading and broke my chrono so it's 95 foot per second like I said I'm not the world's best singer but we'll go for another go see if we can get it 128 right so 90 528 let's call it 115 give or take hundred fifteen feet per second let's go do the maths I've just thrown this sling using lead glands at a chronograph now I've done this test before and didn't really get any definitive numbers by trying to time it so the chronograph has now given us some definites it was rather challenging for me I'm not a great singer I haven't done much for a long time and had a small window to get through but I got two readings out of that 95 feet per second and I think it 120 528 feet per second so we'll call that an average of 115 feet per second now I'm I working metric so I'll convert that and into meters per second that's 35 meters a second now there are guys out there I've heard who can do sort of 60 odd meters a second which is you know pretty extraordinary but nonetheless I can throw 35 meters per second so what can this do in my hands well one of the things I love about my channel is people bring up interesting points conversation they tell me things they educate we all educators great love it keep it up and somebody pointed out that actually impact energy which is what I usually do these things for with is not a good indicator of the penetration of a projectile because I was whinging on last time I did this test that it goes through 12 millimeter plywood or low gray plywood and yet I was getting I think it was 18 foot-pounds outlet and I was thinking you know this is this is a rubbish number what's going on I figured my maths might be wrong so I look at it now using momentum which is better a better indicator for penetration and again somebody else highlighted the fact or of the momentum of a 9-millimeter bullet so just had a look at that now if you take a nine millimeter parabola obviously there were varieties but let's just say we take sort of fairly average thing it gives you let's say 1,200 feet per second which is around 380 meters per second it has a weight of seven and a half grams again I do it metric that gives me momentum of two point eight five now I just threw 115 feet per second so we average that we met rotate that 35 meters a second my shot that I was shooting the leg glands were around 80 grams so if we put that through the maths we get a momentum of two point eight so two point eight five four nine mil bullet two point eight for the lead shot that I threw just now so that really is frankly I'm I'm surprised really surprised actually I've heard that these things were very powerful it's just difficult to contemplate that this bit of string and this bit of leather that I can roll up and pop in my pocket as effectively the penetrating power of a 9 mil bullet discus I know the month nine mil is smaller blah blah blah I'm missing out an awful lot of stuff but the point being this thing this little thing it's just awesomely powerful tool anyway there's another video I've done on how to make them so go out play mess about in your backyard you can do it with soft projectiles not just with hard so you can do it with a rolled-up ball of paper covered in bit of gaffer tape or something like that to practice saves the windows and the neighbors cats go and have a plate slings are awesome
Channel: Tod's Workshop
Views: 420,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sling, slingshot, goliath, todsworkshop, todeschini, roman, slinger, power, deadly, gun, historical
Id: BehBbNQRjXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 27 2019
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