A point about slings

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hello Ron yes today I am armed to the teeth that's right today I'm I'm going to be joining a battle I'm going in sir what'll it be then do you think a Spearman no obviously I've no spit with a knife that no there's not the knife I mean nobody goes into battle you know intonation battle armed with a knife I'm hardly going to you know approach a massive ancient army arrayed for battle with hundreds of skirmishes thousands of archers and massive pipe blocks on with this I might saw Mike shout look out he's got a knife and I think they do it somewhat laced with irony no no no no no I'm a slinger but you can see that can't you because you know I've got slings on me I'm carrying slings no I am budget you thought this was a headband no no no no no no it's a sling the sling you see to sling and oh this this isn't a belt no no no this isn't a Burrell concern it's a sling you see and this is how ancient stingers would generally carry their slings history records this their headbands were slings their belts were slings the straps on their bags were slings anything that could be a sling might as well while they were at it be a sling it's good to have several spare slings I mean it could be embarrassing wouldn't it if you ran out of slings for some reason someone it just sling is thing broke but also there's another reason for carrying more than one sling they would carry short slings and long slings now that they have two different purposes and one of the questions you're likely to be asking I imagine is how long is a long sleep how shoulders are shot sling well appearing on your screen now is a formula that I derived for working out the correct length of a sling where L equals the length of the sling but for those of you who are less mathematically inclined I'll try to explain it in different terms you see the short sling is useful for slinging forwards straight at targets that are fairly near and where you've got a reasonable chance of picking off your man if you want to be powerful over a short distance at a target where you're shooting on a fairly flat trajectory you want to use a short sling and another thing is if the enemy is nearby you want to be able to sling very very quickly so you're going to use one of these you get yeah it's still only a part of your belt pouch Bob stick it into the sling and I want me to do it own dude in here and away you go how short is a shorts link well if I stick the stone in there and I stun like this I'm ready to go I can now sleep and off it goes list but and if I have a long sling I can't do that because with a long sling you see I get the sling ready I put the stone in the sling and I go like this and oh see the end of the slings just touch the ground and the stones rolled out so that's that's not very useful okay so with the long sling I'm not ready to sling straight away like that but the various things I can do and I'll be making another video about technique another time but just for the moment that the principle distance with a long sling is that I have to start with the sling high and usually I will whirl it around a few times and by this method keep it off the deck and then I'll sling and with a long sling I can sling a lot further but of course less accurately but then at very long distances slings went brilliantly accurate anyway you're aiming at formations of troops not men in those formations so there you go you got your long sling you got the short sling and you would carry a number of them about you and where there is day to day apparel bye
Channel: Lindybeige
Views: 280,127
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sling, long, short, ancient, weapon, stone, david, goliath, slinger, battle
Id: covH4voKukw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 45sec (225 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2010
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