Iron Man Gets Nuked!: The Ultimates Vol 1 Ultimates Assemble

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what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice okay so we're picking up with Jonathan Hickman's ultimate to the ultimate Avengers from the ultimate universes of course this is before Secret Wars 2015 so normally we wouldn't cover this but we're gonna go back through and we're gonna like well I guess we're gonna continue remastering Jonathan Hickman Avengers the New Avengers now that were getting like closer to the release of Avengers 4 and because of that we kind of have to cover that so the reason why is because what this does is it sets the stage for what goes on with regards to like the Ultimate Universe during the events of the collapse of the multiverse which is to say like once you get into like the immediate lead-up to Secret Wars 2015 now the idea behind this is this kind of an important thing this comes out of the events of ultimatum and ultimate fallout ultimatum of course was a story we covered where like you learn the origin of mutants in the Ultimate Universe and Magneto like floods the world and different things like that but ultimate fallout was kind of the big thing that this came out of an ultimate fallout was kind of Marvel's way of sort of reshuffling the ultimate universe yet again right because like in 2000 the ultimate universe was launched it was really really popular for some number of years and then just by virtue of what was really just kind of poor riding on a lot of the titles outside of spider-man it just kind of began to flounder and so then once you got into like the mid-2000s doing in 2011 Marvel kind of rework the whole thing and so we're Altima tall out basically dealt with the aftermath of the death of ultimate spider-man what Marvel did is they they kind of reworked Fantastic Four they reworked x-man they reworked the ultimate in order to kind of push forward with the stories and so what this does is this initially picks up with a guy that we only know as the maker now for those of you guys who are familiar with him please do not spoil it down below but it is kind of a cool concept here because what he's done here is formed something called the children of tomorrow now we will get an explanation on what that is here in a second but for right now just kind of let that sit in the back of your heads but what's happened is the maker has formed something called the city and it's just like this giant Citadel that it sort of exists out there in northern Germany and so again nobody really considers it to be much of a threat because it's just kind of a thing that's there and no one really knows about it and so what it does is it shifts over to shield proper now when it comes to the ultimate universe in Marvel Comics this is what the Marvel Cinematic Universe is based off of and the reason why I say this was because it will run because it is based off of it and to because of the fact that the Ultimate Universe was designed to be more grounded what would it look like if Marvel Comics characters as we knew them existed in the real world and so what's going on here is there are like a handful of incident which are being monitored by shield in the Ultimate Universe shield had a more hands-on approach than they did in the main Marvel Universe with regards to like how they dealt with conflicts and monitoring everything and all that kind of good stuff and of course they're based off the out of the Triskelion which you guys are recognized from the MCU from Captain America the Winter Soldier but what's happened here is that the EDI the European Defense Initiative is responding to what's basically kind of craziness going on in Asgard there's a couple things that we have to explain here when it comes to Asgard in the Ultimate Universe all we really knew about it was the old Thor comics in in or I guess the old ultimate Thor comics which is to say like Asgard was a mythological place that existed at some point along one and then eventually four was cast out of Asgard and he was sent to earth now at the time Marvel kind of toyed with the idea on whether Thor was actually Thor or if he was just a crazy guy who believed he was four and for a long time we didn't really know eventually mod will clear that up and said he has actually Odin son reborn in human form but at the time Asgard was essentially destroyed now all that really kind of coalescing came together when Asgard was recreated after the return of Odin and then it was sent to earth so it's very similar with regards to like the aftermath of civil war in the main Marvel Universe when Odin returns to life and then resurrects Asgard I guess really returns as guarded like Broxton Oklahoma the difference here is that the Asgardians are very just like wild folk is really what they are they party in and they get into all kinds of crazy things but the European Defense Initiative is basically Europe's version of like The Ultimates but the European Defense Initiative is responding of course to everything going on in Asgard and Thor is sent by Nick Fury to go check everything out as well the problem with this is that at the same time this is all going on there's Ironman responding to a threat so again there's a lot of different things happening in the world as it stands now now a lot of this again coming out of ultimatum the fact that the world was almost destroyed really led to like a heightened sense of security now when the EDI shows up to Asgard in order to kind of be like you guys got to calm down stop being so rowdy stop being so crazy Thor actually offers Jimmy Braddock a drink and when Jimmy Braddock pours it out then his nick fury's watching all this unfold he's like okay so things are about to pop off and they do you end up having like this massive fight that breaks out between the European defense initiative and the Asgardians at the same time that's going on you've got Ironman responding to what's basically a ghost ship on like a collision course and Ironman of course is responding and trying to get it all sorted out trying to figure out what's going on the issue with this is that when he gets on board that ship and as he's going through and investigating it when he tries to take it down he ends up realizing the ship has a nuclear bomb on board thermal nuclear device which detonates and and seemingly seems to kill Iron Man in the process now of course this is a drone that he has out there but remember he's mentally linked to it so it's one of those things were it's like Iron Man Thor I guess Tony Stark through a mental link is kind of blown up by a by a nuclear device now with Jamie Braddock and with Thor and the other members of the EDI basically Captain Britain Captain Italy Captain France with them responding to what this this giant city that's sitting out there they're immediately yanked in you know and then from there it's just kind of like okay what do we do because what's going on here is that all signals have essentially been lost where you have like all these different events that are going on that are being monitored by shield at the same time they all go down and so shield is essentially flying blind they have no idea what's going on in all these various missions that they have taking place all across the world and so what we end up doing is kind of shifting back for a second and focusing on the nature of this city now this city houses a group called the children of tomorrow and the idea is that inside the city once the walls went up that basically time started passing at an accelerated rate well we're not really given like a timeframe here what we're told is that 900 years have basically passed inside this city and so initially it started out as people who were just trying to look to make the world a better place or at least that was the auspices they are operating under as time began to progress and as they began to evolve they began to shift away from traditional means of procreation and started like evolving people sort of creating human beings as that began to progress suddenly name started to go away it's not being like Emma the fourth it's not being John the third it started turning into things like like the sword the knife names began to go away and they started achieving this kind of hyper accelerated rate of evolution becoming a much better version of themselves now while all that was going on they started achieving higher levels of Technology a better understanding of like the human genome basically kind of becoming like perfect beings but again like like while that's going on because I took such a short amount of time to happen when Jimmy Braddock and company are pulled inside the city they're met with these hyper evolved beings and as they go through and start analyzing Jimmy Braddock and all them they start determining their weaknesses things that are wrong with them so on and so forth and trying to find a way to kind of perfect them quote-unquote and so with that what that happening again it's really kind of like pandemonium and it's panic and is trying to figure out what's going on so of course for basically kind of breaks into the whole place or at least seems to break in they start analyzing him and then really come to the conclusion that he's basically like a god of swords now of course I a man also recovers from this thermal nuclear device albeit his mind is totally addled and in return actually Don the Ironman suit and then goes to work Nick where Nick Fury tells him to which is exactly where the city is and so it's kind of all the Ultimates descending on this one particular area now what we actually end up doing here is kind of picking up with the maker and picking up with city proper and what I mean by that is that where this was just a giant dome that was allowed to kind of evolve on its own what I did is it evolved in basically an artificial intelligence now the artificial intelligence does function according to the whims and wants of the maker but it is capable of functioning independently the difference here is that the maker is kind of like the god of the city itself and so where Thor is being analyzed by by one of the researchers one of the scientists and they don't really know what Thor is the maker looks on it and says I know exactly who that is that's Thor he's a legitimate God he's an Asgardian we have to find a way to basically you know access him or capture him or figure out what we can do here and so when is up happening is the researcher within the city begins to look at Odin's son and realize that he's not just powerful in and of himself that he's actually channeling energy energy coming from Odin and energy coming from the tree of a Drusilla and so the response is we can drain those sources of energy and we can enhance ourselves and so they immediately take to Asgard proper with the intention of attacking the place while the Asgardians aren't you know do have heightened abilities and so on and so forth they're also destroyed by the various you know various children who were here they of course access Odin they begin draining Odin of his own energy as life force essentially the odinforce at the same time like they drain the tree of Idris loved all its energy and what this does is it leaves Thor powerless he's got no abilities whatsoever now this is where things really kind of kind of require a bit of an explanation here because of the fact that Odin's son when he originally appeared in the alternate universe because Odin was basically dead because Asgard was destroyed he had no real source of energy instead what he got was this kind of bioenhanced suit that was given to him by the EDI which in turn he would use to function as for and that's why you saw him with like the the six lights on his chest Anna and a hammer that basically looked like looked like Stormbreaker to a degree that beta ray bill uses once Asgard came back and once Odin came back then we got the ultimate universe version of Thor as we knew him not with Thor basically being powerless what Iron Man had done was bring back the old force suit from the beginning of the Ultimate Universe and then modify it with a new set of abilities one of which will actually see later on here in in this story but with that happening Thor does kind of read ons the outfit and then in turn goes forward the issue with this is that this city as it exists has actually been expanding by one kilometer per hour and is basically kind of spread all throughout a lot of the northern northern German area city after City after city and territory after territory is basically being conquered by the city and being being taken over in its entirety in response to this you have shield that basically launches an attack against the city and nothing works not only does nothing worked the city launches his own defenses and actually starts crushing shield it's essentially the end times but then you have Nick Fury who calls for the use of nuclear weapons now this is kind of designed to show us how desperate things are the use of nukes in really even within the confines of the Ultimate Universe as grounded as it is is one of those things where the end times were upon us because you're talking about obliterating the entirety of a city and then an uninhabitable area that surrounds it they carrying a radiation and the idea that for some period of time no one could live there until the radiation basically disperses how long that would be we don't fully know the issue at this is that when the nukes are launched they're immediately contained by the by the children of tomorrow they're literally prepared for it as it was kind of a crazy scenario because what Nick Fury is required to do is basically sound the general retreat the problem with this is they cannot get out in time the forces of the children of tomorrow are about to usurp them and so that's when one of the powers of Thor's new suit manifests when he basically teleports them all away the problem with this is that for Thor the destruction of Asgard came from the children of tomorrow and it's a personal vendetta is really all this is and so in this moment he basically tells Iron Man you're a great warrior you're a great friend that kind of thing and then teleports away and it's kind of a crazy scenario because it's almost kind of fast tracking the relationship between Thor and various other characters and that's one of the things I want you guys to keep in the back of your head is because when it comes to Jonathan Hickman writing styles what he does is he focuses a lot on care to development but he does it in a reasonable way now with this with Ultimates he's kind of kind of building on what's already been there is one of those interesting little scenarios here and so with Thor basically teleporting away arriving in the city proper when he gets there the AI realizes Thor is there but instead of like obliterating him in his entirety they kind of allow him to enter is really kind of seeing like I wonder what's gonna happen here now this is kind of a funny scenario because what this does is it shows how hopelessly outmatched Thor is if the maker and and the AI were legitimately concerned that Thor could actually destroy the entire city itself they wouldn't have let him in but the fact that they let him in shows that Thor is no real credible threat to them they'll keep him on Thor is vastly depowered right now in relation to how he was when he had his hammer he was channeled by the power of Odin and the he'll treat so again he's a much weaker version of himself but when he gets in there he ends up meeting with a researcher of sorts or at least a nurse who's kind of helping these kids you know helping to grow these children here and and so on and so forth again she refers to herself as a force the fourth nurse so she doesn't actually have a name that's really all it is like Thor gets here she's like well the people you're looking for that way so head over that direction and of course she sends him over to Jamie he ends up freeing Jamie and that's when he's met with the maker and it's kind of a big thing here because in this moment what is up happening is the maker basically sits down and starts talking to Thor anything basically says look like you have a mission here like like you're here for a goal that's fine but like you're not gonna win and when the questions asked why the maker says first knife show him out hopelessly outmatched he is and the first knife literally runs circles around Thor I mean overpowers him in every way mother time Thor has thrown like one shot the knife has hit him like three or four times so it's like there's no real competition here for Thor Thor swings once and in the time it takes for him to do a 180 degree rotation of his hammer like he's essentially defeated just kind of falls to the ground and that's the end of that and the maker keeps telling the knife just keep punishing him just keep punishing him until he realizes what's going on and so the maker likes like literally tells Thor like I want you to know who I am he shows Thor his face and then he says your message is to go forward tell shield tell humanity their time is up what I've done is I've built a city that will expand out it stopped expanding for right now I'm giving you guys a general chance to come to terms with what's going to happen to your world but once we begin expanding there's nothing gonna be able to do to stop us and we're essentially going to end all things like we're going to take over the entirety of the world we're going to eliminate humanity in its quote-unquote impure form right now and we're in turn gonna replace it with something better and that's kind of the crazy thing is because with all this going on Thor is forced to accept the fact that he's that outmatched one soldier from the city was enough to totally overpower Thor what happens when like the entire forces of the city are sent forward that's the other thing is because you're talking about the city of self expanding outward when Jamie Braddock was captured what that did is it revealed that not only are they growing children at a hyper accelerated rate what they're also doing is they're taking those individuals who were captured and they're modifying their genetic material they're perfecting them and so what they get what they're basically doing is taking and taking an army or making an army out of those who've been conquered and turning them into soldiers and then they're gonna send them forward so literally it's a it's a weapon manufacturing Citadel this is onda to literally conquer earth and so not only that Thor to grips with like the full totality of what it means with the city's denizens when he sits down any talks and Nick Fury tells Nick Fury everything that happened in Nick ass is there anything else and Thor responds by saying yes there's one more thing the person who's leading this city the maker himself is Reed Richards and that's the crazy thing here is because we basically know finding out this is ultimate Reid now this is what we start getting into an explanation on what's what's been going on here and how Reid got to this point so the way this played out was when the ultimate Fantastic Four first popped up it was just a retelling of the Fantastic Four and that was really it all that came to a head during the events of ultimatum and the events of ultimate fallout and some of the stories that came after and the way this played out was that when Susan storm was potentially going to die that Reed Richards chose to protect the world instead of her and what this did is it created a rift between the two and Susan storm turned her back on Reed and so where the idea behind that was that Reed was going to be written out he was basing gonna be eliminated Jonathan Hickman used that as a means to bring him back and to basically say that Reed is now essentially a villain and he's on like a mission to basically perfect the world by eliminating humanity in its impure form and then in turn trying to create a purified version of itself especially regis kind of become a narcissist and a megalomaniac by believing he's the perfect being and trying to remake everybody in his image it's pretty awesome well that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you are new here to come this explain make sure you guys are the sub button to become part of the robb core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 161,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Avengers, Avengers 4, Avengers End Game, Hickman, Jonathan Hickman, New Avengers, Iron man, Doctor Strange, Spider-Man, Spider-Verse, Miles Morales, Thanos, Captain Marvel, Captain America, X-Men, Fantastic Four, Reed Richards, The Maker, Thor, Odinson, Hulk, Ultimate universe, Ultimate Marvel, Ultimate Spider-Man
Id: NJuGBlzFEmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 13sec (913 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 07 2019
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