IRON MAN 3 Breakdown! Marvel Phase 4 Clues & Easter Eggs! | Infinity Saga Rewatch

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welcome back to new rockstars I'm Eric Voss and Iron Man 3 kicked off a new phase of Marvel with the craziest application of Tony Stark's tech and a conclusion so final that it was completely ignored by the five Iron Man movies that followed but there was actually way more to appreciate in Iron Man 3 hidden easter eggs subtle clues or future MCU films that I only realised after more obsessive re-examination in this infinity saga rewatched so let's get started with the opening lines the famous man once said we create our own demons who said that what does that even mean doesn't matter I don't I'm gonna start again the movies post-credits scene reveals that Tony's audience is Bruce Banner this whole movie is Tony and Bruce trying to process what happened in the Avengers Bruce's responses to sleep he'll get a long nap after age of Ultron Tony meanwhile rambles through this weird story of trauma and guilt the famous Manny's paraphrase in here is Oscar Wilde who said we are each our own devil and we make this world our hell as the creator of his own hell Tony now wonders what responsibilities should we bear for the destruction our creations wreak on the world this movie actually poses two answers retirement but we know that's [ __ ] really the answer is mentorship I actually think there's a secret meaning to this post-credits scene that we will discuss that the climax of a well structured video essay but we open on Bern 1999 with the return of yinsen because this is the tech conference he referenced in the first Ironman we met once you know I had a technical conference and I don't remember Oh were you wouldn't if I had been that drunk I wouldn't have been able to stand much less give a lecture and there's lots of 90s nostalgia Eiffel 65 s blue and happy oguns look is modeled on John Travolta from pulp fiction Tony's with Maya Hansen in the comics she co creates the extremis virus alongside Aldrich Killian who also shows up here retconned in the MCU to be the founder of aim which in the comics is a separate offshoot of Hydra Tony makes my antique aliens card because he doesn't like being handed things as we saw in the Avengers I don't like being handed things because I love to be handed in an Iron Man - yikes he doesn't like to be handed think I have a plan Tony's name tag reads you know who I am previously he wore a black sabbath's shirt whose song I am Iron Man was also a callback to his big reveal notice Tony's sunglasses in this foam he uses them to shield unwanted interactions and then dramatically takes them off to show aggression as he does in finiti war but he also takes them off to share them with minds he respects Maya here and in spider-man far from home Peter Parker the future protege I believe this whole movie is secretly Tony's training wheels protocol for Tony fails to nurture the nerd Killian who like Maya's plants transforms into a bomb and Killian is framed with fireworks here foreshadowing the explosive fireworks finale Tony now tests his new mark 42 armor controlled via microchips in his blood the first step in the armors evolution toward the bleeding edge armor from the comics which pulls out from its flesh the mark 85 nanotech never actually resides in his bloodstream though it's Christmas time director Shane Black often sets his movies at Christmas time and Tony's opening words back in the Avengers setting us up Christmas but me and when the facemask locks in notice the impact causes a bit of blood to trickle from his limp as Vanko told him in Iron Man 2 if you can lead people will cease to believe in him and in this movie Tony ceases to believe in himself the mandarins TV broadcast opens with the logo of the ten rings which we saw in Roz's banner in the first movie Mandarin in this movie is a false flag an actor Trevor Slattery appropriating the Mandarin legend the real Mandarin will be played by Tony Leung in Shanxi in the legend of the ten rings and the Marvel one-shot all hail the king cleared up Slattery's fakery there's somebody who wants to meet you know you took his name and now he wants it back that is why the imagery here is such a chaotic mismatch of cultural influences they draw on the jihad' messaging of Osama bin Laden but he also cites the real-life history of the Sand Creek Massacre in 1864 in the trailer you can see all says a neck tattoo showing cap shield emblazoned with an anarchy a so a little lesson for you anything that's a lot of something it's probably nothing of anything the president in the MCU is Matthew Ellis a nod to Warren Ellis who wrote the extremist storyline in the Iron Man comics and Rhodey is now iron patriot who in the comics is the patriotic armor worn by Norman Osborn in the briefing near hits at the redesign was done by aim Killians company Tony tells Rhodey about his sleepless tinkering I got bomb disposal caches explosions midair Casey mr. Tony made tech to catch a missile in midair and disposed it so that he will never again have to fly a nuke through a terrifying Hellmouth Tony gets a panic attack because the little Nerds drawing is so shitty and loved you in A Christmas Story by the way Tony's referencing Peter Billingsley who grew up into a film producer and Favreau collaborator and plays X dark engineer William get to Reba and the MCU who has a big role in spider-man's future of returning in far from home happy Nags pepper the human element of human resources is our biggest point of vulnerability we should start phasing it out immediately what an overreaction but another example of the recurring human versus technology conflict that runs throughout these films Killian flakiest Savin based on Eric Savin from the comics the villain cold-blood a cyborg assassin later Tony will nickname him West world back home tony has hunga stalking for Jarvis which is red green and yellow maybe a nod to the comics color scheme of his future format a vision Kevin Feige described this movie as a love triangle between pepper Tony and Tony's obsession with his armor and that is on full display here is Tony tricks pepper with the empty mark 42 which also sets up the reveal of Tony remotely saving the following people with this armor later Tony jokes I got a team of guys coming tomorrow they're gonna blow up that wall actually the next day Tony does dare a team of guy to blow out that wall I love how in all three Iron Man movies Tony's Malibu mansion gets increasingly smashed up until in this third movie it's fully demolished reflecting how Tony's vanity is being stripped away Tony's new sculpture is made up of pieces of the wrecked Formula one cars from Monaco another running joke that's easily missed here in Iron Man 1 Tony demanded pepper by overpriced art and then in Iron Man 2 he sold the collection as a tax write-off now in Iron Man 3 he refills his collection with the broken pieces of the chaos in his wake Tony's nightmare triggers his suit and peppers pajama shirt is the same I lost an electron are you positive joke shirt that Peter Parker later wears while visiting Tony and spider-man homecoming you know there's probably like an Oedipus complex episode of total conspiracy here but I don't have time for it anthe Hollywood Chinese Theater 7 meets with extremis patient Taggert named after Jack Taggert in the comics who becomes fire power nearby in this four quarter actually the hem prints of Robert Downey jr. as he walks away noticed the music this is the famous deus array funeral theme that composers used for a ton of films to evoke doom use memorably in the opening theme of The Shining wounded by the explosion happy points to Taggarts dog tags a clue that Tony channels is alternate universe Sherlock Holmes to decode there's actually a fun callback with this point later when happy points to the TV playing Downton Abbey after threatening the Mandarin Maya appears at Tony's home you're not the Mandarin are you are you interesting now Maya never answers that question a hint that she is still working for aim and Killian who are funding the Mandarin campaign Tony summons the mark 42 armor to protect pepper giving us our first hint of pepper in the rescue armor and Avengers endgame and when Tony lands in Tennessee he rubs snow on his left arm Tony's left arm it's kind of a recurring injury he broke it in the past and now his recent implants have ruptured Tony breaks into the garage of Harley keiner a whiz kid who actually returns for Tony's funeral and Avengers in game alakina it's been brought up as a potential iron lad figure in future films the newspaper uses a photo of Tony from his Senate Harry in Iron Man 2 and the Leipsic photo of the suit repurposed for the newspaper photo in the first movie Pepper finds Tony's recorded message for her inside one of his old helmets setting up the way Tony will leave post mortem messages for pepper and in-game and even though the Mandarin in this movie ain't the real Mandarin Slattery's costume does include the ten rings the one on his right pinky is the same one Raza wore in Iron Man Shane she will likely reveal the actual ten rings and how they're McLuhan tech with mystic powers Harley triggers Tony's panic attack by comparing the blast crater to the hellmouth wormhole 6:10 only five shadows yeah people said these shadows are like the marks of souls going to heaven set the bomb guy what the hell kind of he didn't get a shadow hey six victims only five going to heaven this is the math of Tony's greatest fear that his self destruction will cause the deaths of the six Avengers but he will be trapped in the hell of his own making yeah Tony that ac/dc gain is fun when it's on Mythbusters awesome mix yeah so when Tony tells Chad Davis's mom that her son wasn't a murderer he's as much reassuring the family of an innocent victim as he is himself they're attacked by another extremist soldier Ellen Brant in the comics the ex-wife and villain to man-thing Brandt's facial scarring here could be a reference to the acid scarring from man-thing in the comics Savan takes hardly he was trying to say I want my goddamn file that's your fault kid assuming Tony's relationship with Harley is training wheels protocol for his mentorship of Peter Parker these words are deeply ironic you start flattery execute son like TV an accountant for the Roxxon corporation the recurring energy conglomerate of the Marvel world later the oil tanker is a Roxxon one Stanley judges the pageant and Tony hacks a news truck with the help of comedian Adam Paley as Gary another nerdy wannabe that Tony must learn how to mentor meanwhile Maya brings have Wernher von Braun before he built rockets for the Nazis hey idealistic Wernher von Braun dreamed of space travel star gazed von Braun was one of the idealists who inspired Howard and Tony who similarly built weapons and later aimed Aztecas the stars fun fact von Braun was one of the German scientists recruited by the u.s. after the war in Operation Paperclip the same program that allowed Arnim Zola to corrupt shield after his third panic attack Harley tells Tony to just build something inspiring Tony to cure himself the same way he has in the past engineer a solution from boxing class after learning the truth in Killians compound they reference Thor it was just that big dude with a hammer fell out of the sky subtlety's kind of had his day Tony references Thor 2 with the mark 42 pieces delayed just like how many linear was for Thor when he's fighting Hulk this ponytail Express guard is the same actor from bacos prison cell in Iron Man 2 and the other guard has the movie's best line honestly I hate working here they are so weird this guy is Eric Orem Robert Downey jr. is fight choreographer for the Marvel and Sherlock Holmes films fully suited up Tony hilariously walks downstairs and he awesomely uses the mark 42 to barrel of monkeys the people and they blow off a fisherman's hat one of my favorite tropes that we also saw in the first Ironman now this shipyard rescue is accompanied by the house party protocol dozens of Iron Man suits and we got to break down which of them we can see down baby alright first up is a March 17 heartbreaker named for its enlarged chest repulsor Tony uses it to break Rody's heart later arriving alright breakers left looks like the mark 39 star boost suborbital suit capable of spaceflight star boots definitely shows up later and to the left of that one is the mark 33 silver Centurion the first suit Tony suits up and in this battle known for its polygonal shape and its hidden blades that Tony used to cut off Killians arm and the left it's silver Centurion is a moriki suit the last suit Tony wears in the battle jumping in after blowing up Killian at that point that's missing a leg would happen to it when they were no sliding over to the right of heartbreaker is the mark 13 armor ain't much to say about that one and to the right of that one the mark 35 red snapper suit which gets decapitated it has these long pincer-like claws into the right of red snapper is the mark 27 disco it's got a bold red on blue color scheme speaking of blue the next shot shows three more flowing ones the mark 30 blue steel and two speed based suits the mark 21 - and the mark 19 tiger like that one I think that God's care of and Baskins husband on its breath and then there's a sighting for the mark 37 hammerhead suit with its teal color pressurized bulk for use underwater then Tony orders the house party to take him to church the first to dive in is the mark 31 piston suits piston also gets torn apart later in battle one of the coolest suits is a mark 41 bones suits black and gold design and the 41 be the prototype of the mark 42 it disassembles and reassembles its parts now the big boy is mark 38 Igor suit used for delivering heavy loads its design is believed to be a precursor of the Hulkbuster armor revealed needs Voltron and then there's a mark 25 straight with yellow and black jackhammer arms then after leaving the silver Centurion Tony tries to jump in the mark 22 hot rod named after those flame boots like Tony's Ford Roadster it was designed to be a new war machine prototype but yeah the hot ride it's immediately destroyed then Tony suits up in the mark 16 nightclub but then the jacks right before killing punches through it and then chops on the mark 40 shotgun powerful repulsors backhanded Killian achillion slice up its leg hits him with it and then he is slice it in half then the mark 42 returns and for the third time in the movie had hilariously shatters but like Tony its brokenness ends up being its secret weapon because Tony uses it to assemble around Killian a bull Mont doing this Tony gives the enemy what he always wanted and dooms him with the burden of that power like Jafar in Aladdin in the final suit is the mark 8 which pepper takes down now this would have been the first new model of armor Tony built after the mark 7 and Avengers meaning that pepper here uproots the beginning of tony's obsessive taking face she's a corner the triangle that wins I mentioned earlier how Tony sliced off Killians arm Feige actually worked an amputation into each phase to film as a nod to the amputation trope in the Star Wars movies and of course Killian has these dragon tattoos appropriate in the Mandarin title for himself dumb of said that the dragon imagery is a nod to the Ironman villian Fin Fang Foom but you know the dragon is also just a recurring Chinese symbol with multiple associations maybe do some homework dragons can mean multiple things and with the clean slate protocol Tony transforms his broken suit recurring nightmare into victorious fireworks the cardiologist dr. Wu that he brushed off the prologue returns surgically removing the shrapnel from Tony's chest showing how Tony evolved from ignoring conference guests like insin and Killian to Letty and others help him Antoni uses these shrapnel pieces to make a necklace for pepper reflecting away Tony repurposes scraps whether it's cave junk or scrap arts for his heart paperweight santé Tony also hooks up Harley with a new workshop including a potato gun mark - and a replacement limited edition door they explore a watch for his sister our final image shows Tony littering his removed arc reactor detaching himself from the armor and choosing pepper over Iron Man well until he decides to be Iron Man again in a couple years let's take another look at that post-credit scene it's like a snake swallowing its own tail everything comes full circle where did I lose you elevator in Switzerland so you heard none of it you know now that I think about it Oh God my original wound 1983 all right 14 years old I still have a nanny that was weird remember in the beginning Tony told banner I'm gonna start again yeah Tony's not the most reliable narrator is he he's questioning himself revising his story yeah there's enough grounds here to interpret the Iron Man three final scene as Tony's fantasy his dream scenario for how he wishes he could walk away from all this because if he was truly at peace why the need for endless therapy now to be clear Iron Man 3 happened in the MCU Tony built dozens of suits Tony fought kilee and all that happened but this narratives fictitious nature makes Tony's conclusion definitely up for interpretation the lesson is not retirement but mentorship Tony ignored gifted fanboys until they grew into syndrome styled demons but by sharing his wisdom with the Nerds Tony learns exactly what to do when he finds the MCS biggest nerd give him pepper shirt do you believe the Iron Man 3 ending was real comment down below and join our watch Long's on this score by becoming a patron at slash new rockstars follow me on Instagram and Twitter a da vas follow new rockstars and subscribe to have all your nerdy questions answered questions like can I have my shoe back [Music]
Channel: New Rockstars
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Keywords: new rockstars, new rockstars youtube, youtube new rockstars, iron man, iron man 3, iron man 3 ending, iron man 3 post credit, iron man 3 scene, iron man 3 breakdown, iron man 3 analysis, iron man 3 easter egg, mandarin, marvel, mcu, avengers, spider-man, spiderman, iron man spiderman, tony stark, mandarin scene, iron man 3 trailer, iron man 3 full movie, iron man 3 armor, iron man mark 42, avengers endgame, avengers infinity war, tony stark death, iron man death, shang chi
Id: OM2tqRrbXjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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