IRAN from Solo Female Traveler's Perspective - Vlog

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So that is a fail. We came to the Grand Bazaar in Tehran and it's closed. It's finally sunny here in Tehran and it's my friend Miscou who found an interesting bottle of water. It's really water actually so we're gonna enjoy our flask of water. My mouth has been coated with silicon. Exactly. I'm at Azadi Tower and there is a statue of a man taking a selfie. Best sculpture ever in Iran so far! We're eating some traditional Iranian soup called 'ash' with a funky looking bread. It's good. We are shopping for traditional scarves and there's so many that I am so confused and I have no clue what to choose. But i think I'm gonna go for that one. We just got on a bus in Iran and we have some magic boxes. What do we have in the box? We have a pretty fancy cup. It's better than Starbucks. Oh, there's more! Water. Cookies. More cookies. Cake and cookies. It seems like Iranian love a lot of sweets. We just got to Kurdistan to the town of It's pretty different than Tehran. There are a lot of markets, streets vendors and it's pretty cool. And I got my new head scarf, so 60s style. Everyone loves selfies in Iran! You're filming? I am filming! We've made some friends on the square and everyone wanted to take a picture us. And we even made it on Kurdish TV. I feel like we're the biggest attraction here. I guess I'm buying a carpet now... at a real carpet store and they're all huge. Can't bring it with me. I just want a small one. Finally eating at the traditional Iranian place. Some delicious bread in here. This is one of the best nature places in Iran that I really wanted to visit. It's a salt lake called up north, really close to Turkey and it's so pretty it looks like there's no water here. Just flat. We just arrived to Basically, like a mini Cappadocia in Turkey but in Iran and it's pretty cool, less crowded and less commercialized. I just got myself another scarf for three dollars since I don't have any clothes here with me, because I didn't expect it to be so cold. I keep buying scarves, so I can add some color to my outfit. So I just arrived to And plus side of taking a really long night bus from Tabriz is that right now I'm at the square and there's no one here because everyone is still asleep at 8 in the morning on Friday which in Iran means that it's technically Sunday because it's the weekend! Here at Esfahan you can clearly see that there're way more tourists. And every place of interest is busy, so it's not like in any other place that I visited in Iran so far that you can just go and enjoy it your own. Iit's really busy I even keep bumping into people so I don't think I like this place so much. I'm trying some saffron ice cream. Apparently typical to Iran. I gotta say it looks pretty good. It tastes funny but I would still order it again. I think. Guys, so so speaking of bad luck on my last day in Iran, I mean technically tomorrow is my last day, but last stationary day we finally found a dish that we actually like. Rice, aubergine dip and chicken and pomegranate sauce. The best food I had so far here in Iran. I just got to And I'm alone as my friend left for Shiraz and I gotta say that as much as I feel that Iran is safe it's really uncomfortable, like I just had a guy stopping me and grabbing my ass and yesterday we were followed by a man in a car and we had to catch some backpacker to basically like protect us. I don't really know of how I feel about solo female traveling in Iran so far. I mean it's okay but you got to be prepared that it's not going to be very comfortable. This is probably the coolest part of these baths that you can go up to the rooftop and see everything from the top and the roof step itself is really beautiful. I'm wearing a traditional dress. It's pretty hot in this, but it's also fun. I meant another traditional historic house called Abbassian and it's really really pretty. It's way different from the last one Isaw So I'm really glad that within my last hour I got here and then I gotta run for the bus to Tehran and then take a taxi to the airport. Overall, it's been an amazing trip and I'm really glad I came to Iran and I would recommend anyone Iran even if you're just a solo female traveler While it might be uncomfortable sometimes, it is also uncomfortable in London, New York City, or any other city and Iran is no different. You should really come here because as you can see from my video it's a really really beautiful place!
Channel: Anna Everywhere
Views: 78,313
Rating: 4.7358713 out of 5
Keywords: Iran, Tehran, Kurdistan, Sanandaj, Isfahan, Esfahan, Travel, Kashan, Tabriz, Kandovan
Id: I2W8s-Ebg3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 30sec (510 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 17 2017
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