Solo Travel - The Incredible Highs (and Mighty Lows) of Solo Female Travel

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hi everyone this is Leila from women on the road the website for women who travel smart safe and solo and with a little bit of style today we're going to talk about solo travel it's my favorite kind of travel I travel solo maybe 3/4 of the time not always but I really do enjoy it when I do solo travel can be brilliant it usually is except when it's really awful and that does happen too but on the brilliant side there's a lot of good about solo travel it's a question I get asked often is why would you even do that one of the main reasons I like to travel solo is because of the freedom it gives me I can do whatever I want I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn because somebody wants to do something else I don't have to go out at night because someone wants to go out clubbing I can I can just decide on a whim I can change my destination I was once headed to Mexico City and for a whole bunch of reasons that I won't get into now I ended up in Amsterdam but it's something I could do because I was traveling by myself so it's just that freedom of movement and the ability to come and go as you please without anybody really imposing their ideas on you it's more spontaneous for me and it's also to me I feel that solo travel makes me more approachable if I'm with someone or with a group I can't really see that that people are going to get close to me and want to talk to me I think that if I'm by myself they're curious half the time they're wondering why I'm by myself so that's all that's already an icebreaker people will ask the question but also I think I'm I'm easier to talk to one person is easier to talk to so I think that helps to know another reason I like solo travel is because it challenges me there are plenty of things that push my boundaries that that force me to do things that I wouldn't otherwise do that I wouldn't do if I was with anybody else because now somebody would say oh no no you can't do that because it's it's too risky or it's a bad idea and this way there's nobody to tell me that so if I think it's an idea worth pursuing I'll just do it and we'll see what happens so yeah by and large a solo travel is absolutely chock-full of benefits there are some downsides too one of the downsides is the safety factor women are not equal in all countries which means that you know sometimes safety is not your safety is not guaranteed it doesn't mean that traveling solo is any less safe than travelling with a group but you just you just have to be more on your toes and more aware because there isn't anybody else looking out for you you're on your own there's also the inconvenience factor you know you have to lug your luggage with you everywhere well when you have to go to the bathroom up those steep stairs and then you have to stuff your luggage into the stall and trundle it all back down because there's nobody to watch it for you and there's strength in numbers if you decide to buy that heavy bronze tray and Morocco well guess who's gonna have to carry it around that's you there's nobody else so there's there's all those sort of inconvenience factors there's the loneliness I mean sometimes it's not very often but once in a while you turn around and you want to really talk to people and share either something good or something bad and there's just nobody at hand to reach out to solo travel can actually cost more that's a little counterintuitive I think it's not it's not something you'd expect but because there's a single supplement on a lot of rooms then sometimes traveling by yourself means you actually have to pay more and this one this is what I hate the most is when you're sick and you're by yourself that that is absolutely no fun there's nobody to get you chicken soup there's nobody to run out for cold medicine or just just to feel sorry for you you're just on your own and you have to wait it out but those are their minor their minor things they all pass and at the end of the day what I love about solo travel is that there is the freedom but there is the sense of accomplishment if I actually manage to get myself out of a scrape or to do something that I never thought I could do it makes me stronger it makes me a better person so when I travel on my own I get the feeling that I come back from the trip a stronger better person than when I laughed and that's certainly something important to me so let's hear it for solo travel yay and thanks for watching
Channel: womenontheroad
Views: 2,336
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: solo travel, female travel
Id: tuSy_e7wUtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 42sec (282 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2018
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