iRacing vs. Assetto Corsa

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there are a whole lot of choices out there in the world of sim racing especially nowadays when nobody is allowed to go outside or as track junkies need to get our fixed somehow I'm not gonna talk about all the choices today I just want to focus I'm on the two that seem to be getting the most attention right now I said of course I and I racing it's interesting to note that both of these games have been on the market for a really long time AC since 2013 and i--i racing since 2008 so while there of course been other Sims released since then none of the others have really captured some races attention quite like these two strongholds and that's for good reason there are a ton of factors that these games get right yes I called them games fight me IRL so today I'd like to discuss why I said of course it is in my personal opinion and also the opinion of everybody else who is correctly superior driving simulator I'm not talking fast you're talking fast is it hot in here [Music] right so let start off by covering what iRacing gets right first of all in VR it looks great it's definitely not lost on me that the five year older game looking better is a bit odd it's not that AC looks bad and maybe it's just all the half-cocked mod to drag his overall appearance down but when you strap on our VR headset a load into an IRAC then the level immersion is just way more immersive you feel much more like you're actually there in whatever environment you've loaded into again not that AC is bad but the way iRacing handles brakes squeal dirty tires gear shifts all the little things that aren't as obvious as the engine now it really puts it ahead in terms of environmental realism online racing so this is basically our Racing's whole thing if you're after an online racing experience to combine it's easy event scheduling comprehensive driver ratings and licensing systems and real consequences for being a complete knob behind the wheel and this is probably your game plus there's no other sim that has ever existed that offers quite so much opportunity to take sim racing seriously this is the same that many real-life series go to when including an online segment to their racing lineup it's also very popular for professional drivers and many different disciplines to use AI racing to practice when the world want to lock down for the kovat breakout what a NASCAR do they hosted I always think about this instead and televised them just like their normal races do NASCAR drivers have even lost their real-life sponsors due to their conduct during a sim race one of them's been suspended from NASCAR indefinitely so really for a totally immersive and realistic online motorsports experience it may even give you the opportunity to further yourself as a driver I racing is pretty much as good as it gets etc on the other end is buggy bouncing off the walls awkward you use and they handling physically novice detail wait AC is a better sim yes and here's why the purpose of a simulator is to simulate reality well guess what in reality cars can drift I've driven a lot of different cars fast ones slow ones front engine rear engine street tires race tires squeeze suspension and stiff suspension Road races and oval racers on and off road there's one thing they all have in common if the rear end steps out you turn into the slide manage your throttle inputs and recover back into the corner once the rear in momentum has subsided it's really not that big of a deal is it harder in some cars and others of course a car that's stiff with race tires Longaberger with short wheelbase and a high percentage of rear weight has all the disadvantages for being able to catch a slide so in theory a Porsche 911 absolutely will kill you but well okay well that's Porsche they have precision driven engineering on their side they've tuned around the problem okay okay okay but but the second gem the second gen with the turbo that's the one where it's totally impossible to QC so put the hype aside it's really not that hard if you already know how to save a slide it only takes a little bit of adjustment to do it in a difficult car but in iRacing world there was no such thing as drifting and how dare you even suggest it it's possible to catch a slide in a racecar you sweaty little nerd sitting there and your boxers think you can race the car this is how physics work and you think otherwise you're literally words that have enter a subtle course show the Italian Racing's him from kunos simulazioni designed with an emphasis on realistic racing experience with support for extensive customization and MOT ability let me start telling you about AC by showing you a clip of me driving a spec 46 when I slightly overcooked my entry speed IRL let me continue telling you about AC by showing a clip of me driving a specky 46 when I slightly overcooked my head to speed in AC oh that's interesting you can catch a slide in AC the same way you would in real life you know like it has simulated reality successfully seriously though that's cool and all if you're into drifting but I'm here to race not to skids like an adult well that's why it's so important actually you see anybody who is really serious about racing in the real world knows the importance of oversteer control if you're pushing your car as hard as possible how do you really know where the limits are you know because the tires begin to slip hopefully just a little bit if it's a front tires that's called understeer which every time I've ever used knows how to do some more than others if it's the rear tires that's oversteer and if you truly are at the limits of adhesion you're going to experience both so if you haven't yet learned how to control oversteer you must under drive the car to make sure you never get into a situation where you need that particular skill set if you've ever been to a track and wondered about that one person who could squeeze that extra bit of speed out of a car that just doesn't seem possible it's not that they're using gypsy magic or cheat codes it's that they're carrying slightly more speed to the point where the tires actually are slipping and they're just dealing with it watch the hands of any driver who really really knows what they're doing they're never still for long this was like Senna's entire deal I created a performance driving school entirely based around this concept it works really well so where does that leave us in terms of the sim in order to get the most possible speed out of a car you need to drive it up to and slightly above the grip limits of the tires slightly above is called rotation where you're just making tiny adjustments on the wheel to account for the rear tire slip okay so I racing more or less guess that's right what it gets wrong is what happens when you accidentally go a little too fast into a corner and the rear end steps out more than a degree or two one of two things will happen here one you accept your fate and let the car spin or two you try and fight it and absolutely eat yourself into the Shadow Realm faster than the subscription service and pay to get anything good play a model Condrey in your bank account tyre grip is often referred to as a curve on a Graff a streetcar will have a gentle curb of the wide peak which means the driver gets plenty of time to correct and be on their merry way I raised her tends to have a sharper peak and a faster drop-off on the other end which means the driver must react quickly to save the slide and iRacing the curve is an isosceles triangle everything feels fine and dandy right up to the point that it doesn't and you're falling off the cliff it will ravine of shame and frustration amplified by the fact that you just spent $15 on this map to race with your friends but despite the fact that you're wired in at a connection is fine the game decides to boot you from the server every few corners making it impossible to participate in literally the only event you purchase that map for oh and there's no refunds it's actually happened to me while recording for this video all right okay yes yes you can teach yourself to drift sort of in some of the cars it's been enough time adapting your inputs and I'm sure you can do some halfway-decent drifting but does that defeat the whole purpose of a driving simulator shouldn't just you know work the way it does in real life I can test it if you have to relearn how to drive to suit the stubbornly incorrect way the game deals with oversteer then it's not a good simulation yes stubborn because we've had literally 12 years of development time to fix the problem but you don't there must be somebody or many somebodies on the dev team who won it this way and are insisting that this is the way cars handle oh and also there's this hmmm that works pretty well doesn't it actually this feels really good like honestly no complaints for me this is what oversteer feels like in real life so not only to the devs know how oversteer do they also coated it into the game but only let you experience it in dirt cars meanwhile in a sea land huh look at that so that just works all the time then yes it does and just like in real life some cars are nice and easy to catch while some take a little quicker input from the driver in my 10 have twitchy air reactions just to drive this point for the poem check out the difference between the way these two cars respond to oversteer on the Left Mazda nd mx-5 Cup car and turn to Laguna Seca and I race on the right Amma's de nd mx-5 Cup car and turn to Laguna Seca in assetto corsa see the difference but can a Mazda nd mx-5 cop car be successfully pulled out of slide and turn to they're going to take a IRL what with it's stiff suspension and unforgiving race tires yes and this is just vanilla AC here there are no mods to the physics to allow you to do this speaking in mods though there are plenty to play around with one a nele jump drift entry to be soon there's a mod for that I want to live out your anime fantasies yep there's a mod for one of those want to dodge traffic on a freeway in a Formula One car at night mod want to race in a fuelled of Lego tea buckets mod one Senate to go for a ride with you mod who in the LA canyons mod do reverse 360 entries at Suzuka NAB us of course there's a mod Jesus Scott you can you can do anything in this game see I said of course I wants you to have fun i racing as a stick so far up its assets that it puts perceived realism above all else but just because it's been coded to be theoretically realistic doesn't actually mean it feels like a real car in practice I don't care if the tire deforms over this bump in exactly the way it would in real life if the car doesn't behave like a car the rest of the time and realism is great I want a sim to be as realistic as possible when we're talking about driving dynamics or the way it handles restarts on dirt ovals this really brought me back actually I enjoy the hell out of it until I got rear-ended before the green flag even flew it seems that I racing can't see the forest for the trees the details are incredibly real even right down to the crushing disappointment you feel when a competitor runs out of talent on lap one and knocks your suspension out of whack thereby ending your race after you just spend 45 minutes in the practice session at 20 more in quality which I mean Bravo I raised him because that is as real as it gets or the fact that when playing offline in a solo practice session you absolutely must follow all race rules or have to listen to your spotter commanding you to time gained it's a practice session just to invalidate the damn lap and let's both move on with our lives wait a minute that's not realistic because if you actually rented a track all to yourself in real life nobody tells you you have to obey some random sanctioning bodies race rules or for that matter what direction you drive around the track I mean Jesus Christ I've rented tracks before and I have literally taken people around the track in a GMC Envoy with a stack of cones on the roof where we set up exercises on the course got out to talk about corners drove off-road driven counter course best believe I've cut some corners you can literally do anything you want if you have the track to yourself where's your realism now in conclusion what makes a good sim any same as how faithfully it represents reality a good metric for that is whether or not you have to adapt your real-world experience what the game wants you to do so for those reasons and also because it's just way more fun assetto corsa is my favorite driving sin alternatively i Racing's good I'm bad at it and I've been salty about it since oh wait [Music]
Channel: Nik Romano
Views: 287,335
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simulation, sim racing, iracing, assetto corsa, comparison, vs, gaming, video games, indycar, nascar, mx5, drifting, porsche, toyota, drift, nurburgring, bmw, racecar, street car, formula1, dirt racing, laguna seca, crash, car crashes, touge, review
Id: M3Wt2fIiURs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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