iRacing .INI File TIPS, Mirrors, Rotate Head, Ticker, and more

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hello and welcome to another iRacing video and welcome to a video where we're gonna delve into the ini files of iRacing so we have an app ini file and we have a DX monitor file that we are going to look into for those settings that you can't adjust in game so what we're going to look at is adjusting the mirror sizes five different mirrors how we turn the crowd on so it's always there whether we're in test practice Etc we're going to show how we can show all of the user interface controls so that when we make changes to those we can see them all and move them all around we're going to show how we can turn the Ticker on what happens when you turn on rotate the driver's head fast repairs and pit reset then we're going to look at the fast repairer pit reset and the options that are available to you there so let's not hang around here let's get in there and then let's look at these various mirror sizes and mirror options okay so first up we need to find the IDI files they are stored directly in the eye racing folder the exact path of course would differ depending on where you've chosen to install by racing on your machine but once you've found that irasing folder it should look something like this where you've got your AI roster Seasons a cache and the cameras Etc what we're actually interested in is the app file and the renderer dx11 monitor next up before we make any changes to this files we will take a backup so that's a simple a right click choose copy choose a blank space somewhere within the folder and choose paste and then of course you'll get a copy and we will do the same with the app copy paste and then we've got a copy of the app so let's go ahead and start making changes in the safe knowledge that we do have backups so first one we're going to look at for the mirrors is the renderer dx11 monitor if you've never opened these files before you may need to choose an application so I simply use notepad I found that that just that just works it's free it's pre-installed on machines nice and easy so you would right click on the file and choose open with and select Notepad so once it's opened you are faced with what looks to be a horrendous list of options settings etc for eye racing I will increase the size so that's a little bit easier to read on screen and we're going to scroll through quite some way before we find the mirrors so the mirrors are within a section called drive a screen and basically the virtual mirror size is default set to 1 which is a medium mirror amazingly there are all these options which I still don't understand why they can't be an option with inside the settings with inside I I racing but there we go they're not so a lot of people potentially don't know that they can change the size of their mirrors so simply put if you want a large mirror then you will simply remove the one and put a zero and obviously the same applies if you want a small mirror it will obviously change that to equals two and then you'll have a small mirror etc etc so what we're going to do now and we're going to save this file because we've changed it to a 2 for a small mirror we choose file save and then we can close down this file and we can go into irace and then take a look and see what that's done for our virtual mirrors what I've done here to save you all loading up your sim five times to find out which size mirror you might want is we're now going to go and take a look at all five mirrors in the Sim and additionally a screenshot of all five mirrors on the same page just so you can see what they like when we get there as you're going to see personally extra small and extra extra small I don't think are going to be usable but as I touched on I don't have VR and all that kind of stuff maybe they work better for people with VR I don't know I just don't have that so there we go let's now jump in to the Sim and have a look at those at different mirror sizes okay so this is a virtual mirror size zero which is large this is a virtual mirror size one medium this is the default I racing virtual mirror virtual mirror size 2 small virtual mirror size 3 extra small virtual mirror size 4 extra extra small I mean really and there we have all five mirror options previewed and we now have them all on screen so you would need to put zero in your any file if you want large one for medium two for small three for extra small and four for extra extra small that is small okay that's a look at the mirrors now let's go and have a look at some other any file options we are back in the renderer dx11 monitor file so what we're going to look at now is a force a crowd a visible equals a one so the default is actually zero for this but I have chosen to change it to one I'm not going to show this on screen simply put if you change it to a one it doesn't matter if you're on the test session practice session race session any session the crowd will always be there so why have I set it to one so personally I've set it to one so that when I'm testing the crowd and obviously everything else that's on screen is exactly the same as it will be when I enter an official session which of course will have the crowd on so it just means I'm used to that visual look of the game so that's why I've personally chosen to have the crowd always visible on any setting of the game the next thing we're actually going to look at and then we'll actually go into the Sim and have a look to see what impact that has is the force a visible a win move again the default I believe is a zero on when you first install iRacing we are changing this to a one why would we change this to a one well we're going to jump in the Sim and you'll see why basically it makes it much easier to move the user interfaces around so let's jump into the Sim and take a look so by changing the in if any file so that Force visible when move equals one means that as as it says all the user interface options apart from what you're currently seeing on screen are movable and remember there's two there's the cockpit UI and then there's this UI so as an example if I do alt K which is the default setting I have actually moved all of my results and things like that and the camera settings sort of basically off the central screen so I will just bring the back here they are here's like results and things like hovering around I have them dotted over here on my left screen so that the center screen is completely clear so you can anything with the blue box around essentially basically you can move um Etc I think the only one you can't miss this one down here all of these are all slightly yeah movable including that as I say the only things you can't move are the replay controls this basically the header and the and the footer of uh the iRacing UI and then of course we will just alt K and that will actually then save those in those positions we will then go in car so when we go in car it's going to it's going to confuse the AI because I'm not going to move alt K similar thing you've got all of the different various Huds you can do and this is the really cool bit you can actually have a different HUD for different cars now that could be quite useful if you're oval Racing for example you might just want to have this on a slightly different place so it's not blocking your pit entry view that kind of thing so again anything with the blue you can move around for example because I use race labs my flags are actually hidden away at the top of the top of the left screen behind where my fuel meter is um my Black Box is here just again just off screen on my my right hand Monitor and again it's okay and we come out of there I'm now going to quit out of here and I will show you what we mean by the ticker okay so we just need to go in to the app any file to enable the ticker so let's just increase the size of that and then I scroll down until we find and we're looking for overlay there it is so overlay enable ticker simply change that to a one like that and then obviously we will save the file save it and now we will join the Sim again and I will very quickly show you what that does enable ticker this one's a quick one to show simply I'm going to turn the UI off and you'll see that we have a ticker scrolling across the top of the screen showing us the latest positions very useful if you are spectating a race or perhaps watching a replay we are back in the app ini file we are going to scroll to the bottom this time we're looking for the view area and we're looking for driver rotate head so this allows us to set the percentage to rotate driver's head with slip angle you can set this between a zero so zero head won't move at all it remains completely static two one which is one hundred percent to allow the head to move obviously as it says there based on the slip angle so I'm going to show you both a zero setting and and obviously the extreme of a 100 percent settings so let's just jump in the Sim and see what the difference is between those two settings okay let's get this car up to the hairpin and let's get this car to rotate so the IDI setting is zero as you can see through rotation nothing is happening with the header is remaining completely static now let's move on to changing the setting to one which is 100 percent okay so we now have the driver Roto headset to one let's spin it [Music] that gave quite a good view of what you can expect and then again so you can see the head is rotating as we start to spin up the car for repairs we'll be called in by this oh sorry Jim the last settings we're going to take a look at are in the app any file and they're under the pit service heading Auto reset fast repair and auto reset pitbox both by default will be set to one so what this means if they're both on one on the right hand side you can see that we have fast repair is ticked and for our tires all four tires are also ticked which doesn't sound too bad until you went to the pits for that fast repair only for your guys to then jack up the car and replace all your tires so what I personally do is I leave the fast repair pre-ticked but I un tick the tires so I will change that to a zero and leave the fast repair on a one so in that scenario what happens is if you look at here you'll see I've obviously still got my tick in the fast repair and I have no ticks in the tires the reason I have chosen that option is on most cases in the races that I take part in are tcrs 15 minutes GT to Fours 15 minutes they have a fast repair I will not enter that pit Lane for any other reason than to false repair so what I don't want to happen is obviously to enter the pits get a fast repair and then they jack up the car and replace the tires I guess if you are doing a longer race where a fast repair is allowed then you may want to go into obviously your black box and remove the tick because what you don't want to do is waste that fast repair on maybe some optional repairs as you enter the pits you know if you've got 10 seconds of optional repairs you're going to waste it you're going to waste it with the fast repair so if you do have a race and that has a fast repair but you are likely to make a pit stop mid-race I'd suggest removing it until you actually actually need it so that brings us to the end of the any file settings I hope that's proved useful I'm hoping there's something there that people who are probably new to eye racing don't know and have can get some use from so there we go it brings us to the end if you stayed here as always or right to the end thank you very much for watching and I will hopefully see you very soon bye
Channel: Ian Witham Sim Racing
Views: 15,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iRacing, Sim Racing
Id: JVbakwl-psA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 10 2023
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