iOS 17 Released - What's New? (400+ New Features)

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iOS 17 is a massive update and I'm going to be showing you more than 400 new features and changes to prove it to you and this is a full-length film so if you want to grab some snacks and grab some drinks that is highly recommended and if you want access to any of the wallpapers that you see throughout this video they will all be linked down below the Subscribe button alright so throughout this video I'm gonna have IOS 16 on the left iOS 17 on the right let's start with the software update screen so there's a new UI here so first off you'll see that the update now has a blue button behind it and update tonight is right beneath that whereas before it was just download and install now also if you schedule and update we have a new UI for that as well and we have update now or cancel updates below that and when your iOS software is up to date you will see that the iOS version is now bolted and a little bit larger you can also Now swipe down to refresh and check for an update whereas before on iOS 16 you just have to go out and back into it you cannot refresh like you can here in iOS 17. if we go into the automatic updates page we now have automatically installed the little title right there and then automatically download so it's categorized and grouped together better it's better and easier to understand than it was in iOS 16. also the verbiage underneath is much shorter and easier to understand okay so now let's move on to something more fun let's talk about the lock screen so first off we can now customize the font weight so you'll notice that the time up there is a little bit thinner than it was in iOS 16. so if we go to customize and then go to lock screen and then tap on the time we have a new slider here where we can change the font weight so we can make it really thin or you can make it really thick and you can do that for each of the different styles if we tap on the globe icon in the top right we have two additional options at the bottom the filters that we have underneath where it says natural black and white and so on no longer have a background behind them and also the page dots now are a little bit larger and they have a background behind them if we go over to the duotone filter for example we now have a Color Picker at the bottom where we can go ahead and style our color whereas before we'd have to tap on the three dots and then go to style color so one last step and same with color wash we can now color wash with that little picker instead of having to go in here and you'll also notice that the color Auto adjusts we also have a shortcuts widget here on the lock screen that allows us to perform a shortcut action from the lock screen so for example I've had this set to open up an application so if I want to open up the calendar app for example straight from my lock screen I can now do that so if I go into here and tap on that widget it opens up my calendar just like so whereas before it would open up the shortcuts application and then run the shortcuts we also have some new wallpapers in iOS 17 so we have the iOS 17 wallpaper right here and you can change that to a light this is light mode and then here is what dark mode looks like so you can change that between the two it's pretty cool that we have a dark mode version of that and if we tap this that just allows us to turn the depth effect on or off for for this specific wallpaper we also have some Kaleidoscope wallpaper so if we go up a little bit to Kaleidoscope we have all these different ones here with tons of different styles and different patterns so this is really cool if you're into this type of look and then under whether in astronomy you can see we have some additional wallpapers here as well so we have different planets so if we go into the solar system right here for example you can see that before we just had the moon the earth and the whole solar system but now in iOS 17 we have individual planets so if we go over you can see Neptune we have Uranus we have Saturn we have Jupiter we have Mars and then you have the moon and past the Earth we have Venus and Mercury over on this side so additional planets have been added and you'll also notice that the detail is much better in iOS 17 you can see more details on the planets especially on Earth and Moon live photos are back in iOS 17 so you can see this is a live photo on the lock screen and it plays automatic radically you can disable that you'll notice a little play button down here in the bottom left you can disable that and change the style if you want to or you can keep it as a live photo so let's have done and here's what it looks like when you lock your device and unlock it you can see it plays and comes to a smooth halt right there if you add a portrait photo not only does the time automatically adjust the color but we also have some additional backgrounds so you can see that before Studio was the very first one we could choose from and it would go from there but now in iOS 17 we have this one right here a gradient backdrop we have a seamless backdrop seamless background mono over print and then also it goes to Studio where we can actually change something that we couldn't before so you'd have to tap on this and then you had low key or high key whereas now we just press this button and it changes between those two and the same goes for black and white we could just tap this button instead of having to go into the three dots and for color backdrop we have the Color Picker instead of having to go into the three dots everything is just much simpler here in iOS 17 when it comes to customizing your lock screen we also have a new State of Mind widget for the lock screen so if you go to add widgets and then go to health you can now add your State of Mind along with the medications that we had before if you still have the tips application installed there's now a tips widget that you can add to the lock screen now one of my favorite features in iOS 17 is standby mode and what this does is it essentially turns your iPhone into a home hub so all you need to do is have your phone on a magsafe charger or a magsafe compatible charger lock your phone and then put it in landscape mode and it will switch to this mode automatically as long as you have it turned on which it's on by default and from here you get different screens that are fully customizable so this is the first screen right here and you have two different sections of widgets and if you tap and hold right here you can adjust these once you put in your passcode you can adjust these just like you do on the home screen or lock screen if you tap on the Plus in the top left you can add any of these different widgets right here you also get get some recommendations you have Smart rotate and widget suggestions again just like you see on the home screen and you can do the same for this right side here as well and then if you go over to the photos you can change this if you tap and hold you can choose if you want it to show you know cities people favorites you can choose which ones it shows or you can add a different album to show on this section you can have a custom album right there and if we go over again this is just a clock view where you have different types of clocks that you could again customize if you tap and hold and then tap on at the little bubble in the bottom right you can change various different colors and different elements of each clock I like float the best especially when you can have these duotone colors it looks really good and really fun and if you go into your settings and go to standby you have different options in here as well so you have a kill switch up top you have the always on display if you have an OLED device with always on you can have that enabled or disabled right there we have night mode where it presents a red tent with a low ambient lighting so when it's dark in your room this will change the clock to like a red a really dark red color so it's easier on your eyes and then you do have motion to wake right there as well where it turns on the display when motion is detected at night and then we have show notifications and Show preview on tap only so what that bottom one does there is it does not show the context of a notification until you tap on it but if you wanted to show the full context of that notification and not just the title of the app that it came from you could turn that off and it will show the full notification and what's cool too is that it will show the time of your alarm so like if it's getting close to your bedtime if you're in your sleep mode it will show your alarm time down there underneath the clock this is what phone calls look like when they're coming through so you have your FaceTime mu and end buttons you can change the audio Source in the top right and you can also go back to the clock view by tapping those three dots and a really cool hidden feature about standby mode is that your widgets will change based on the magsafe charger locations like if you have a magsafe charger in your bedroom and one in your office and you have widgets set up on each one of those charging stands it will change back to that layout when you go into that room and put it on that charger also in standby we have a really cool feature called nudge to wake and this allows you to wake up your device while on standby by nudging the table that your phone is on if we head into the control center we have some changes up here as well so if you take a look at the top right hand corner at the now playing platter first off the text has been moved down a bit and that's because the airplay icon is much bigger now and much easier to press in iOS 17 and when you do press on it there's a slightly different animation it's not as clunky as it was in iOS 16. if you have an Apple Watch there's a new ping my watch control center toggle and if you go into the control center that is what the toggle looks like and you simply tap on it and it will ping your Apple watch with a noise also in the control center down at the bottom where we have our Apple TV remote you can see that the glyph icon has changed to reflect the new generation Apple TV remote and if we go into the Apple TV remote you can see some changes here as well so up top and now shows an Apple TV glyph icon to the left of the Apple TV name and then on each side of that we have glyph icons that are now thinner and also we no longer have these three dots right there down at the bottom that says been cleaned up quite a bit so it looks a lot cleaner and a lot better now in iOS 17. and when you're air playing to an external Source you can see that the glyph icon in the now playing platter is much larger than it was before and it's also blue whereas here's what it looks like on iOS 16. if you tap on the Shazam icon you will notice that the animation is different up top and if you have to press on that you can see a different animation there as well and here's a new animation when it detects the song that you are playing there's some fun little animations for the control center toggles for brightness and for the audio volume you can see there's a little bounce effect when you go all the way up or when you go all the way down iOS 17 also introduces interactive widgets and this allows you to for instance play or pause your music straight from the widgets same with podcasts we can play or pause any of these podcasts and this large view straight from the widgets and then even for home we can turn on or off lights we can open or close our Shades we can change our temperature all without needing to go into the home application but perhaps my favorite one is the contacts widget because if you add a contact here you will notice that if you tap on it you get the option to show buttons that's not on by default but turn that on because from here you get the option to choose which phone number messages them and calls them quickly so the reason you set that up there is because when it refreshes and goes back you will notice that we now have a call button and a text button that way you can call or message them straight from the widgets without needing to go into the messages or the phone application we have new music Widgets so first off you'll notice that the verbiage up top has changed it used to say listening activity and now it says recently played also below that the description is a little bit different and before we only had three sizes of the same thing it was only listening activity that was the only widget you could add but now we have the recently played which is the same but we also have recommendations and we have top charts three different forms three different sizes for top charts that you could add to your home screen we have Safari widgets and iOS 17 and this is just to see your reading list so you can see three different sizes for your reading list and here's what it looks like on the home screen in that small version the clock widget has some updates as well so before we just had city world clock and clock but now you can see clock has been renamed to clock one then we have Clock Two clock three and then we have cities so you can do different cities and also the world clock whereas before you just had these different ones right here so just some added options for the clock widget and speaking of widgets one of my favorite hidden features in iOS 17 is if you accidentally move a widget over even if we move it into something else to create like a little stack there you can undo that with a shake so I move that now if I shake my device take a look at this I can now undo that move if I tap on undo it puts that widget back to where it was and this also goes for applications so if you move an app you know let's just say I move YouTube into home on accident and I want to undo that now all I have to do is tap on done and then shake and I can undo that move and it puts it back to where it was Siri has gotten better in iOS 17 so before we talk about how it's gotten better you can see that we can now trigger Siri without saying the hey phrase beforehand so if you go into your settings and go to Siri and search before we just had a toggle for turning on or off hey s but now we have a section and this is where you can change it from just saying Siri or saying hey s and then you have hey s below that or you can just turn it completely off now I have to say that you might assume there's going to be a lot of false triggers by not having to say the hey phrase beforehand but that's not really the case Siri is smart enough now to listen and know as you can see it didn't pop up when I said the word it knows if you're asking a query if you're really talking to Siri or if you're just saying it in a conversation again I just said it again but nothing popped up now also Siri has gotten smarter like I mentioned you can now do back-to-back requests and have a more conversational approach to Siri whereas you could not do that before also if we send a message with Siri take a look at what you can do send a message hi to Brandon so you can see iOS 17 on the right not only is there a different UI so it shows Siri up top whereas it didn't show that before but also you could see that bubble next to my name is actually toggleable so you can switch this between messages Gmail if you have WhatsApp if you have another messaging app installed you can change you know where that message is sent from or you know who you send it to on what platform also in the Syrian search settings you can now reset the hidden suggestions so if you hid something in the spotlight search you can now reset those hidden suggestions you can now adjust the speaking rate of Series so if you go into your accessibility settings and then down to the bottom to Siri we have a new section here for speaking rate where you can change how fast or how slow Siri talks all the way up to 200 percent or all the way as slow as 80 percent there's also two new British voices so if you go into the UK as your language and then go into Siri voice you will notice that we have a couple of new ones here so we have four voices now at the bottom whereas before we only had voice one and two there's also improvements to Siri in India so you can now have bilingual Siri queries that mix English with these languages right here there's also a new Punjabi dictionary for definitions of words and phrases okay so let's take a look at the music application because music gets a lot of changes in iOS 17. so first off the mini player down at the bottom you can see has gotten more compact it's a little bit smaller so you can see more of the screen you are currently on now if we go into that you will notice a massive difference here so let me go to the same song Take a look at the difference here in iOS 16 on the left and iOS 17 on the right we now have animated cover art on the now playing screen so before it was only on the album page or the single page now it's on the now playing view also if you tap on the three dots we now have an option for view credits so now in iOS 17 we can see the credits of a specific song so you can see the Performing acts you can see the producers the writers the engineering you can see all of those people listed here in the credits if you tap on the airplay icon you'll notice a very slight difference in the animation on iOS 17 compared to iOS 16. now if we tap on the lyrics for a song that does not have the synced music lyrics like where you can sing along with it the lyrics now fill up more of the screen whereas before it was kind of cut off and it didn't show as much content but my favorite feature in music in iOS 17 is inside of the settings because in here we now have Crossfade so we have a toggle to turn Crossfade on and and then we have a section here where we can choose how much we want the Crossfade to be anywhere from one second all the way up to 12 seconds and Crossfade what it does is essentially just Fades one song into the other so the next song in your playlist is going to play before the previous song ends that way they kind of mesh together and there's not really any silence between the songs switching so I like mine at seven seconds but you could set that anywhere right there and this does also work on carplay and right below that we have optimized storage and in here you have additional options for the minimum storage also in iOS 17 we have share play for not just carplay but anytime you're in a car you can see I'm in my Tesla right there and if I tap on this icon we have a new option for share play and you can scan this QR code to join in and you don't need Apple music as long as the main person the main person that's driving has an apple music subscription nobody else needs to be subscribed to Apple music to be able to add music to the playlist and you know my modify the queue also fun fact this works for passengers who are on an Android device as well so if they scan that it will take them to the Apple music web page like on their web browser and they'll be able to collaborate with via share play in the car even though they have an Android device also when you're playing music on the lock screen the airplay icon now shows the device that you're using like a car in this example while we're on the topic of Music let's talk about the airpods because the airpods also get some nice updates in iOS 17 so it starts when you open the airpods and you get a dark mode pop-up if you're in dark mode so for example on iOS 17 I am in dark mode and you'll notice that the pop-up here is also in dark mode now if we head into our settings for the airpods you can see quite a few differences right off the bat so first off underneath of noise control you will see that we no longer have that white background the noise control text itself has a little bit more padding to the left the off used to be in the middle now off is all the way over to the left and and obviously we have an additional mode here called adaptive and adaptive is a new mode for the airpods pro second generation so this adaptive audio mode basically just combines active noise cancellation and transparency mode into one mode so it can adjust the volume of whatever's playing based on what's around you like in your surroundings and your interactions throughout the day so it's nice to have but it can be kind of annoying sometimes if you want to keep noise cancellation on regardless or transparency mode on regardless but you can change that right there and then going down we do also have this section that says audio where we also have a couple of new features so personalized volume this adjusts the volume of your music or your media in response to your environment for instance your music might turn up louder if it gets louder outside while you're walking or it might turn down if you're in a more quiet environment so it will adjust your audio and then we also have a conversation awareness now this is also also part of adaptive audio but this is able to detect when somebody is speaking or when you're speaking to another person and it will then lower the volume of your music and also reduce the amount of background noise I found this to be quite useful when I'm in the grocery store because it will automatically detect when I'm talking to like a cashier for instance and it doesn't have false triggers when I'm singing which is one thing I thought would be you know a con of this feature but it's not failed me yet so I'm a fan of that for the airpods Pro 2 and then right below that we have loud Sound Reduction whereas before that was just considered adaptive transparency and then right up here you also see under call controls that we can now mute and unmute a phone call by simply pressing on the stem of our air pods you can either set it to be press once or press twice and that is extremely convenient I find this to be one of the most convenient features of the airpods in iOS 17. so that's something I would definitely recommend having enabled and then one other big Improvement for the airpods not just the airpods Pro 2 but all airpods is that automatic device switching is much better in iOS 17. so obviously the airpods Pro 2 are going to see the biggest benefits but I noticed a big Improvement on all airpods including the airpods three and the airpods max especially when switching over from a iPhone to a Mac or vice versa we also have some big changes in the podcasts application so first off up top under listen now we no longer have the underline under listen now it looks a little bit cleaner and then also up next and for you might like all these sections we no longer have a see all button to the right of that we now just have an arrow next to the text and then these banners up top you can see these little posters here for up next look better than they did in iOS 16 and as we continue going down again you can see popular shows we have the arrow next to it and then before the we're loving section we now have a section for specific categories that may interest you if you go into the library tab you will notice first off that the glyph icon for library has been updated and if we go into one of these shows for example next to this top one right here you can see that before we had a button and then 56 minutes to the right of that well now in iOS 17 it's all one button and it doesn't say Min anymore it just says M so 56 M it's just cleaner and it's all one button and if we tap to play that podcast right here you can see that the now playing screen also looks much better kind of reminiscent of the music application so it's a full screen effect with the colors that match the dominant colors of the artwork right there and then also take a look at where it shows the date so it no longer says the year before it said 2023 now it just says September 5th for example so it looks a little bit cleaner and also the font and the sizing of the font right here has been changed also you'll notice that over here where we change the speed it used to be in the bottom left same with the sleep timer those used to be all the way down on the bottom now they're up a little bit higher next to the rewind 15 seconds and the fast forward 30 seconds and then before if you swipe down all you saw was the episode notes but now in iOS 17 if you tap on this right here it will show your queue where you can add different episodes to the queue and it plays back to back just like it does in music so for example if we want to add a podcast episode to the queue we now have add to Q whereas before we kind of just had play next or play last and if we add those we do the same thing you can see it says add to cube versus play next and if we go into that you can see how it's different here as well so let's go ahead and hide the episode notes and it said playing next whereas now it just shows q and it's full screen instead of just being the small little section we also have a clear button in iOS 17 whereas before we did not have that and if you swipe over the remove button is square whereas in iOS 17 you can see it's a little bit more rounded off the chapters view has also been changed it looks a lot better here in iOS 17 and you can also see that the whole interface here is dark even though I'm not in dark mode whereas before it was all just a light color because it did not change change based on the dynamic color of the artwork for that podcast so you can see the chapters they're now numbered and also when you are over here it shows how many minutes that chapter takes and also just the scrubbers in general have changed so they used to look like this very old school but now for the seeking and also for the volume it's more Apple music-like instead of having the little ball on the slider and if you go to the search tab inside of that it used to say all podcasts but now it says shows episodes and more and also it used to say browse categories and have that line above it but now there's nothing there it's more of a clean look in iOS 17. oh and also when you tap into there and you go to search for something you can now filter by all podcasts or your Library without having to type anything first before in iOS 16 you had to start typing and then it would give you the option to filter and then also if I search for business for example we now have search filters so we have top results shows episodes and channels and we can filter our results based on those different filters all right so now let's talk about one of the features that everybody's going to be talking about once they install iOS 17 and this is all related to airdrop so first off if you go into your settings go to General and then into airdrop you'll notice that there's a new toggle for start sharing by bringing devices together and that's because yes you can now airdrop without having to go into the share sheet and pressing airdrop you can now do it by just having two phones close to each other so let me show you what I mean okay so say somebody asked me for this wallpaper and I go to pull it up in my photos application and I'm getting ready to send it to them before in iOS 16 you'd have to go to share and then you'd have to go to airdrop and select that device but now you don't even need to press on share because all you need to do is bring another device close together and you can see this little animation up top and it will send that file or that photo or that video Whatever It Is to the other person just like so and it says the other person is waiting to receive so I can press on share and then it will go ahead and share that photo with the other device and as you can see it's kind of finicky it goes off lot but there we go it's on the other device just like that I didn't even have to press on the share button and you can see that animation again right there super clean and it also has haptic feedback attached as well it's very satisfying now there's also a new feature called name drop and this is going to be one that's going to be all over social media once iOS 17 releases because this allows you to transfer contact information by putting two iPhones close together if you touch the top of two iPhones together you will get this really cool animation right here now keep in mind you do still have to confirm that you want to transfer information after doing this so it's not like somebody can just go up to you while you're sitting at a bar and just hold their phone up to yours and get your number that's not going to happen you still have to hit confirm that you actually want to transfer contact information after putting your phones close together and you also have the ability to only receive the other person's contact information and not swap contact info so if you're only trying to get somebody's number and not give them theirs you have the ability to do that as well with this button at the bottom but going back to this toggle right here I would recommend turning off start sharing by bringing devices together if you have multiple devices in your household like me when I have this enabled it's a nightmare because I have so many different iPhones and it just goes off every second so that's a toggle that you need to keep in mind now to add on to the airdrop improvements later this year Apple says that you're going to be able to initiate an airdrop transfer and then finish it over iCloud so basically in iOS 17 you're going to be able to start an airdrop transfer like if you're at a restaurant and then if you need to leave while the other person needs to stay the transfer will still continue and not fail because you're not close together it's going to continue using the internet whether that's Wi-Fi cell connectivity it's going to finish that transfer via iCloud so that is awesome I cannot wait for that to come out but it's not available as soon as iOS 17 launches and then another cool little thing you can do with this feature is that you can hold two iPhones together to begin a share play for music games movies or whatever else you want to share play AirPlay has gotten smarter in iOS 17 and it now gives recommendations based on your location so it knows I'm in the office when I'm pulling up the Apple music application so it gives me a little notification here a little recommendation to play that music on the office homepod and I just have to tap and it will begin at that AirPlay session and the same goes when I'm near my garage it will recommend me to play music on the garage without me having to initiate any type of AirPlay myself and you can even connect your device intelligently to your Apple TV if you're nearby and if you've connected before and speaking of AirPlay the next time you go vacationing probably not the next time but maybe in 2024 you're gonna see AirPlay in hotel rooms and that's because AirPlay is now going to be available in supporting hotel rooms via a QR code so it's going to be on the TV when you walk in there and the cool thing about this is that once you scan that QR code it will auto connect you to the hotel Wi-Fi so you won't need to call the front desk and ask for a Wi-Fi code it's now going to auto connect thanks to this feature the camera application gets some nice improvements in iOS 17. so first off we now have a built-in level so if you go into your settings and then go down to camera right under composition we now have a new toggle for level so now when you go to take a picture or a video you will have a level to make sure that your picture is straight and that you don't have to edit it in post if we head into the camera settings first off you'll notice that The Preserve settings option has been moved up a little bit and if you go into preserve settings we now have the option to preserve our depth control and if we go back and go to record video which you can see is actually up top now whereas formats has been moved down formats used to be up at the top but if we go into record video and then go down near the bottom we now have a new option to lock the white balance and if you have a prores compatible device if you go into the video section you'll notice that it says prores and it shows HDR underneath but the biggest addition in the settings has to do with the pro raw formats so before on iOS 16 if you had a pro raw compatible device all all you had was a toggle to turn pro Raw on or off but now in iOS 17 we can have a pro default you can see right underneath of there if we go in we have heif Max Pro raw and pro raw Max and this is a big deal because this is going to allow you to shoot at the full 48 megapixels without having to be in the full Pro raw format which takes up 75 megabytes now we can shoot at 48 megapixels but since it's in the heif format it's only going to be 5 megabytes that is a massive Savings in terms of file size and if we go into the camera you will see that this reflects up top as well if we go into the camera section you can see up here we have heif Max and if you tap on that you can either enable or disable and if you tap and hold on that you get the option now to choose on the Fly what you want to shoot in and there's even changes to portrait mode in iOS 17 so first off when we take a portrait photo up in the top left you can see there's a new glyph icon next to portraits the text is different it's a little bit smaller looks like a different font and darker and we also have a drop down next to portrait mode and when we go into that that allows us to turn portrait mode on or off on the fly without having to go into edits but when we do go into edit you can see a few changes here as well so first off before if you wanted to change the depth we'd have to tap on the F 2.8 in this example up in the top left now it's just there by default and there's a new portrait option down at the bottom also we have the little yellow Square on the subject now so it shows us what the subject is and we can change that if we want so let's say I wanted to make my Mac right here the subject I can move that and you can see the portrait mode adjusts and makes that the subject if I wanted to make my phone the subject I can do that so portrait mode sees some nice enhancements here in iOS 17. oh and one last thing I noticed if you go all the way over to the right F16 was the last option but now after F 16 in you could just turn depth off completely and it makes the portrait up top just turn gray whereas before you'd have to tap on it up top to turn off the portrait and that was the only way you can also now access the video mode while on a FaceTime call whereas before in iOS 16 you just simply did not have the video tab in the camera app also third-party developers can now Implement cinematic mode into their applications in the photos application if you start zooming in on a photo you will see we get a crop button up in the top right hand corner automatically you no longer need to press edit to crop it it just pops up there automatically and you can tap on it or you can tap and hold to change the dimensions of it so if you want to be square wide screen original or full screen you could do that right there so if I go to widescreen for example and then tap on crop it will remember that and automatically start cropping it that way if we go to edit a photo you will see quite a few changes right away so first off you have cancel and done up in the top left and top right the back and forward buttons look a little bit different they're not as opaque right here next to the markup button we have the three dots and that is not filled in like it was on iOS 16. down at the bottom we now have names for the tools so adjust filters and crop now have names if we go to the crop button right here if we tap on crop we now have new options up here which first off you'll notice that the icons up at the top are no longer filled in on iOS 16 these were all filled and now on iOS 17 none of them are filled in the markup section we now have a dark mode for the top and bottom panel so you'll see right here on iOS 16 it was a light mode on top and bottom if we tap on the plus icon we have quite a few changes here so first off we can add a sticker so if you've created stickers you can add them very easily there also we have description underneath of that and then add text so this has been reorganized add signature instead of signature and add shape instead of just showing the Four shapes we had to choose from before now speaking of shapes if we go to add a shape let's just show an example with a square here you can see on iOS 16 I just have a square like that however on iOS 17 if I add a square first off it's already filled in second off it's much easier to move around because I can take these little three dots and move it around very easily whereas before and iOS 16 it was very hard to grab and a lot of times I would just write all over the screen instead of being able to actually move that object so that's much easier to move in iOS 17 also if you make a square and double tap you will be able to insert text into that square very easily and then of course one of the big changes is the Color Picker down at the bottom so before on iOS 16 it was just this long Color Picker and that was it but here on iOS 17 we have two different color Pickers so we have a stroke and a fill so if we tap on the stroke right here if we change this to like a red for example you could see it right there we could also change how big that stroke is so you know Five Points right now we can make it thicker if we want to right there and also we have the color right next to that where we can change the color and we have all these different things to choose from you have the grid the Spectrum the sliders all of that so we'll just do green for example this is not going to look good but you can tap on the 100 right here and change the opacity of that very easily as well and if you wanted to do this same thing in iOS 16 it's just a much more tedious process I mean just look at the Color Picker on iOS 16 compared to iOS 17. big difference oh and also we have an x button in iOS 17 in the top right whereas before in iOS 16 you just had to swipe down or tap on done or tap outside of it it was very clunky so this has gotten so much better in iOS 17. you might have also noticed at the bottom that we have additional brushes to use so you can see we have like this pin we have the crayon right here we have these different brushes so before an iOS 16 you were just limited to the ones you could see but now in iOS 17 you have access to all these different ones like the watercolor this cool one right here the crayon all of those whereas you didn't have any of those in iOS 16 you just had the ones you got to see right here there's also now smart copy and paste edits so if I go up here and I want to copy the edits from this and then paste it to another image that's now going to be smarter so Apple says this is going to match the exposure and the white balance between the images like if one had an exposure that was way off it will automatically adjust that intelligently to match it to the image now if I select this subject right here in this photo and I let go we now have the option to add a sticker so you can add a sticker very easily from a photo and you can see it right there and once we have that in there we can rearrange it in our stickers tab or I can add an effect or delete it if I tap on ADD effect you can add an outline you can make it a comic you can make it puffy you can make it shiny stickers are just so fun in iOS 17. I like the outline one a lot and if you have multiple objects in one photo you can now select all of them so on this image if I tap and hold we now have an option to select all and now it will select all of these wings I have on the grill and I can add a sticker straight from there and I'll add all the the wings it detected right there instead of having to do it individually now if you add effects to a photo and you want to export the original photo you can now do that easily by tapping on the share icon and then down here you'll notice we have a new option in iOS 17 for export unmodified original also when you go to share a photo you will see up top that it says location is included and in iOS 16 that location symbol was not filled in in iOS 17 it is also options underneath it looks like the font is a little bit different a little bit darker and if you tap on options we have a new section here for format where you can send it as automatic current or most compatible now visual lookup has also improved quite a bit here in iOS 17 so I have some laundry right here and you can see the little symbols on the tag right here for my shorts and I've never known what these meant I usually rip my tags off and I don't even care but now with iOS 17 I can actually learn what those symbols mean so if you tap on the I you'll see that it now says laundry care this is a new lookup that's been added with iOS 17 and it will show you very simply what those symbols mean and you can also tap on this to open it up in Safari for more information and the same goes for food if you have some food as a photo and you tap on the eye you'll see look up for food and what this does is it finds recipes that might be similar to the food that you see and you get all these recipes it's pretty accurate too for how to make a pepperoni pizza in this instance this also works for check engine lights and other lights that you might see on your dash which hopefully you never see this many but you can see we now have a look up for auto symbol and what this does is it will try to show you what those lights mean that you see lit up on your dash we also have visual lookup for videos so I just searched for food and you can see that when I start playing this video we have this little blue line down here because it's taking me to the spot in this video where it detects food and sure enough if I keep going you can see the food in frame right there in that video there's been some improvements to live text as well so now when you have live text and a photo we have vertical text recognition so live text will now recognize vertically oriented text like with Chinese Japanese and Korean and live text can also recognize handwritten text even better than an iOS 16. if you go into the memories in your photos application you can now drag and reorder that memory so if you go right here you can simply drag over and it will move it around if you go down in the album section you can see it now says people pets and places whereas before it just said people and places and below that it says people and pets and the People album in general is better than ever at recognizing your favorite people and it also includes the cats and dogs like I mentioned that are part of your family too also in this people and pets section you can now add unnamed people so even if you have somebody that's not named they can still be in this album if we go into our recently deleted section and go to select you'll notice at the bottom we no longer have a delete all or recover all like we had on iOS 16. that's because now in iOS 17 it's in these three little dots to the right and it says recover all and delete all right there along with glyph icons to go with both of those and then also if you tap on the top right hand corner when you're on the albums page and before it said shared Library badge now it just says shared Library indicator so a minor change to the verbiage we also have improvements to iCloud photo syncing so now the iCloud photo syncing is not going to pause as often as it did in iOS 16 and when the syncing is paused we now have a sync Now button under our photo section in iCloud by the way if you're enjoying the video so far consider subscribing to the channel so that you will know about every new iOS feature before your friends also we're trying to become the biggest and the best apple Community here on YouTube we're going for 2 million subscribers so every subscriber counts the messages application gets quite a few new changes in iOS 17 so first off to the left of the text box you can see where before we had a camera and an App Store icon we now just have a plus and when we tap on that plus we get these menu items that used to be down here it's kind of clunky now they are in this new menu and you can swipe down to see even more of your third-party applications you may have installed and other things like images and music and things like that you could also move these around so if you want something to go from the second page to the first page like images for example I could just swipe up you know hold down and swipe and move that up to the top right here and it can reorganize these however you would like and one of the big features that was really advertised by Apple and I really didn't understand it at first is stickers and it took me literally months before I started having fun with stickers and understanding the appeal but stickers are so fun because as I showed you earlier you can create those from the photos application or really anywhere on your iPhone and you can drag these in to places is you can react to messages with them you know you can put these into the message itself you know and things like that so it's just really fun to play around with you can add them into things like notes you can add them into free form you could use stickers all throughout iOS and if you tap on the plus right here it allows you to choose a photo that you want to make a sticker from and when you react to a message with a sticker you can tap and hold on that and you get a new Option down here for sticker details and you can see details about that sticker you could also remove it from here as well by pressing on the trash icon and then to the right of the text field we have a send audio button so you can do an audio message by tapping and holding on that and you don't have to continue holding on it like you did in iOS 16. so to do the same thing in iOS 16 we had to press on this right here first of all and you had to tap and hold to record and when you let go it just sent it right away and I I send a lot of accidental messages that way but in iOS 17 not only do you not have to continue holding on that but you also have a much better little player here and you can stop it you can even listen to it back before you send it and you have the duration right there and even after you stop recording you can add on More by tapping on the plus icon next to the duration so if you tap on that it will continue right where you left off and you can also play it back so I tap on the play button you can start hearing the message that you just recorded and if I go ahead and send that take a look at the difference on iOS 16 versus iOS 17. so first off the message itself is much larger and on iOS 16 the player was just you know it was kind of vague looking and also in iOS 17 you can see it transcribes the audio so now underneath of the audio message it says you know in text what that audio message says so that is pretty cool now you can also adjust the speed of the audio so if you receive a voice message and if you tap and hold on the play icon right here you can play it at a quicker speed all the way up to 2X and if you play the audio message and lock your device you will know notice that the audio message continues to play and you can see it down there playing you can pause or you can rewind or fast forward five seconds from this player even on the lock screen and when you go to unlock it continues playing so major major improvements to audio messages in iOS 17 and I love it it's also much easier to reply to messages now so before in iOS 16 you just have to tap and hold and then press on reply but now in iOS 17 you can swipe over to reply so I swipe like that it will automatically put me into reply to that message with a simple swipe over to the right if somebody is sharing their location with you via find my it will now show their location underneath of their name and photo up top if you're in a group chat and you've missed out on the last like 10 or so conversations you now get a catch-up arrow that takes you to the first message that you have not seen one of my most requested features has finally made it to iOS 17 and that is search filters so you can now filter your search so if I want to find for instance every every instance where my dad said nice I can do that so if I start typing out dad you'll see under here we have messages with Dad if I select that now it filters every message that my dad sent and if I want to condense that even more filter it down even more I just type in nice and now it shows every instance where my dad said nice you can easily get to your photo Picker by tapping and holding on the plus and then letting go and you'll see it pulls up the photo picker right here it's a little shortcut and also in this menu we have location and that gives you inline location sharing and it's cool because it takes up the whole bottom of the screen and we have new UI buttons there for request and share and if you want to pin a location you have a pin icon in the top left hand corner and now you can pin whatever location you want there's a nice new magnifying glass UI so if you go to edit some text right here if you tap and hold and move through that text take a look at how good that bubble looks compared to iOS 16. so not only is it much larger than it was in iOS 16 but also we have that nice blue outline around it we have three new Emoji stickers so we have a Halo we have a smirk and we have peekaboo all three of those are new in iOS 17 and if you have a dual SIM setup if you have two Sims on your device you can now sort your messages by a specific SIM card and then one of the biggest new features in iOS 17 in the messages application is called check-in so if you swipe down you will see that you have check-in right here and what this does is it allows you to essentially check in with another person to make sure they made it to their destination safely so instead of asking somebody to text me when you get home or call me when you get home you can now check in and when somebody initiates the check-in here's what it looks like so it says I'll receive a notification when Tim arrives home around 8 30 PM that was their ETA to get home if they are delayed or if they're iPhone places an emergency SOS call you'll receive a notification with their location and once you tap on OK it shows you'll be notified when Tim arrives and it shows shows the ETA right here and you could take this a step further as well if you go into the messages and then go down to check in under data you can choose if you want this to be limited or full so this is more so for when you send a check in to another person do you want them to have limited access or do you want them to have full access and it describes down here what each one does basically limited just shows your most recent location and details about your battery and Network signal whereas full shows your full route traveled and your location of your last iPhone unlock also in settings we have iMessage apps and from here you can hide certain applications from showing up in the plus menu so if you go into here and then tap on the plus if you don't want them showing up right here you can hide them so for instance if I want to hide ESPN I'll just go ahead and deselect ESPN and then go down you will see that it is gone and then easily one of the best features in iOS 17 is the ability to automatically delete Verification codes after they are you used so once you get the prompt to automatically enter in a verification code the very first time you do it you will see this message right here which you can later set this up in settings but I would recommend pressing delete after use that way it auto deletes that verification code now if you want to access that in settings just go into your settings and then go to passwords and then to password options and then right here under Verification codes we have clean up automatically and of course if you need to access that verification code after it gets Auto deleted you can always go into your recently deleted folder and recover it but this is just a good way to avoid clogging up your messages application from a bunch of two-factor authentication codes also the autocorrect and the predictive text are far better and iOS 17 so you'll notice that for autocorrect we have a blue underline underneath of these words now and when we tap on that we get the option to undo what we just did very easily before we only had these red underlines and when you tapped on it that's what it looked like if you wanted to replace the word now you get the little back arrow plus you get other additional know you know suggestions for what you may have meant to type instead and also the more you type in iOS 17 the better that the on-device machine learning is going to be the more it's going to intelligently correct your mistakes that you make it's going to be more accurate and also with predictive text the recommendations you get down here are going to be much better the more you type on iOS 17. there's also now explicit language handling so if you type in this word right here it won't correct it to ducking anymore because your device is going to learn your explicit language and how you handle that and how you use that throughout iOS and it will adjust and allow you to type in that word without thinking you were going to type something else now something else that relates to the messages application is inside of privacy and security and then all the way down to sensitive content warning so this is a new feature in iOS 17 that will detect nude photos and videos before they are viewed on your iPhone so you can see you can have this on a big kill switch up top you could also in enable this not just for messages and video messages but also for airdrop and contacts and when you get sent an explicit photo here's what it will look like in the messages application you have the ability to show it if you want but it shows by default as saying this may be sensitive with a warning up in the top right where you can learn more but one of the most underrated features in the messages application in iOS 17 is the fact that we now have iMessage features when you're in an MMS group so if you have one person like I do who ruins a group chat by having an Android you can still tap back and react to reactions or react to messages without getting like the you know the text you used to get before where it said so and so loved an image it would just say that as a text now it actually shows as a tapback and this also applies for other iMessage features like effects edits if you want to edit a message and also for replies all of those work now even in an MMS group chat if you enable messages and iCloud it will now sync messages such as text message forwarding send and receive accounts and SMS filters across all your devices we also have new quick path languages new predictive text languages and new keyboard layouts for all of these moving on to the mail application we have a few improvements here one of my favorite ones is the ability to easily add hyperlinks inside of a message so for example in iOS 16 to insert a link like if I want a website to be clickable I would have to go and select it and then find where it says add link eventually and I can't even find it right now but in iOS 17 that is much easier because now once you have a website copied like I just went into Safari and copied this link now if I go into mail and select the text and then hit paste look at that it makes that a clickable hyperlink just from pasting over top of the text that I had selected much easier if you want to move a message in iOS 17 you can now search for the folder that you might want to move of that message to we also have a new attachment UI so when you get an attachment in an email it now looks like this and you have a quick download button right there and when you save a file from the mail application you'll now see a little mail icon next to that file in the files application and if you tap and hold on that and go to get info it shows who sent that attachment or that file right underneath like it was a message in the messages application if you tap on that it actually takes you to that exact email which is really cool and to take this even a step further you can tap and hold on that attachment in the files application and from down here underneath share you have a new option to reply to that person who sent that email with that attachment that you downloaded you can reply straight from here and it opens up a reply in the mail app we can also now autofill Verification codes that are received in mail so just like we've been able to do with two-factor authentication codes for the messages app you can now do that for mail as well and these also Auto delete after you press on them and use them also iOS 17 adds the ability to have Focus filters for third-party email apps so if you go into the focus modes right here and then go into one of your focus modes and then down to filters you will notice that we have a new one here for spark so this is a third party mail client and if you tap on that you have the ability to change you know which emails are shown in that specific Focus mode speaking of focus modes if we go into one of our Focus modes we'll go into the recording of video one and then go to options we have a brand new toggle here for silence notifications and this is extremely useful because you can choose if you want to silence notifications always including when you're actively on your phone or only while your phone is locked and this is super useful because for instance if you're on your phone actively and somebody's trying to call you or somebody's trying to get a hold of you you will still see that notification if you have this set to while locked because as you can see it's only going to silence notifications when your phone is locked not why you're actively using it if you unlock your Apple watch with your iPhone you now get a new style of alert so before it was a standard notification but now you can see it comes out of the dynamic Island it's circular and we also have a new glyph icon there we have a new animation in landscape mode when we mute or unmute our device the glyph icon and animation is a little bit different in the phone application we now have extended call logs so now your recent section can show up to 2 000 recent calls so this of course includes cellular calls FaceTime calls WhatsApp calls any other app calls you can now have 2 000 of them in this section when you're in a phone call the red in button is now in the middle whereas before it was over here on the right hand side so now it should in theory be less easy to accidentally press and the same position applies when you go into the keypad so if you have a keypad opened the in-call button remains right there in the middle you can also now report phone numbers as junk straight from the recents tab so I've this potential spam number right here if I swipe over you can see we have a new option there that's orange where we can report that color as junk so if I press on that you can see it says report this call as junk by sending it to Verizon from your phone number if you have haptic feedback enabled on your device and you switch to mute you will notice that there's a different haptic feedback pattern than we had on iOS 16. slightly different it's like three consecutive fast Taps there's also better dual SIM support in iOS 17 so you can now sort messages based on the SIM card you can have separate ringtones for each Sim I know that was a long requested feature and you also get the ability to choose which SIM card to use when calling back an unknown number there's also now separate ringtones for dual SIM so you can set different ringtones for each SIM card if you have a dual SIM setup another big feature in iOS 17 is called Contact posters and this allows you to create a custom call screen when somebody is calling you or when somebody is receiving a call from you because yes you can set up your own contact poster for how you want to be represented on another person's phone now in this instance I set this up for my dad so you can create your own and it will override whatever they set as their defaults but it's a much better you know view a much better look for the call screen it brings it life instead of looking so drab like before so to change your own contact poster just go into your phone application and go to the edit button up in the top left hand corner and you will see your name where it says name and photo just press on that and it takes you to this page right here where you can customize your contact poster and your you know regular contact photo that you see right there if you tap on edit you now get a very similar page to what you see on the lock screen when you customize that so you can choose and kind of alternate between different contact posters and different photos as well so we're going to create a new one right here and you can choose what you want your poster to look like so you can choose you know you can take a camera straight from here you can use an existing photo you you can use Amy Moji or you can do a monogram which is just letters so most people are going to do photos we're going to go into photos we're going to go to suggested and this actually does a good job of picking out pictures of yourself and I'll just choose I'll just choose this one right here if I want this to be my photo and we can zoom in and out again just like we can on the lock screen and even have the depth effect where it goes over your name and again keep in mind this is what it's going to look like on another person's phone you know when you call them if they're on iOS 17. so we're going to crop it we'll just do it right there and you have different backgrounds as well so take a look at how good it eliminates that background and has this effect behind it it looks so cool I love that so this one's called seamless background mono and we can change that color as well so if you want that to be a different color we can so maybe I want it to be I like this one we'll just stick to that one maybe a little bit darker we'll make it like that and you can change the fonts and color of your name up top so if I wanted to be something like this I like that one we'll make it kind of like that and we can change the color as well so maybe I want it to be something that kind of Blends in yeah something like that I think looks cool all right now could tap on done up in the top right hand corner and now we have a preview of what our poster will look like when we are calling somebody and tap on continue and then from here we can choose to use that same photo as our contact photo or we can use a different photo or we can just skip it and keep our current photo that we have as our contact photo so I'll just skip for now and now we have this new contact poster that's going to show up when I call other people and if you want to change a contact poster for a contact or just create a contact poster for somebody who hasn't created their own you can do that as well so just go into the contact Section and then go to their name and then right here you'll see contact photo and poster go ahead and select that and then go to custom photo and then go to edit up in the top right hand corner and then go to add a photo and this is where you get that same section where you can do exactly what I just showed you how to do so for this example we'll just use Amy Moji we'll just use a giraffe for example and now that's what it's going to look like when test is calling me another big change in iOS 17 is live voicemails so as you can see right here this is what it looks like when somebody calls you but you don't pick up they can start leaving a voicemail and you will be able to see a in real time transcription of what the person on the other line is saying and you can choose to pick up the call even though it already rang and you start leaving a voicemail so this is a really awesome feature especially because you know you may not want to pick up a call from somebody but if they say it's an emergency please pick up then all of a sudden you might be inclined to press the pickup button and you know pick up their call even though it technically you know ran out of time but thanks to live voicemail it goes on and they can stay on the line as long as they want and you can pick up but if you don't like that feature you can turn that off so if you go into your settings and then go to phone right here you will see a toggle for live voicemail and you can turn that on or off and this also does affect the silence unknown callers feature as well because if this is turned on unknown numbers will go directly to live voicemail while calls that are identified as spam will be automatically declined so the spam calls will not even go to to live voicemail but if you have this turned on unknown callers will just be sent right to live voicemail and when somebody's calling you you now get the option to send them straight to voicemail by pressing on the voicemail button above accept now there's also Siri in calls so you can now interact with Siri while you're on a phone or a FaceTime call and the person on the other line will hear you of course saying the commands the Siri but they will not hear series replies now you can turn this off in settings in these sounds and haptic settings we have a lot of changes here so number one up top you can see we now have a standalone section for the haptics before at the bottom in iOS 16 is where we had these little options for you know play haptics and ring mode or silent mode but now they have their own section up top and when you go into here you have four different options but that's not the big feature here the big feature is the fact that we have several new ringtones text tones and sounds inside of iOS 17. this is the first time in many years that we've actually received new sounds so here's what they sound like [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] but it doesn't end there because we also have new text tones so here's what those sound like foreign this rebound tone that will be the new defaults for third-party applications and there's even a difference in the default reflection ringtone foreign let me know in a comment down below if you're a fan of these new ringtones and text tones the FaceTime application also gets a major feature with iOS 17 and that is the ability to record a video or audio message when somebody misses your FaceTime call so you can see here I tried calling Brandon but he didn't pick up so now I can either call again I can close and take that l or I can record a video message to send to that person and here's what that interface will look like when you go to record a message for that person and then once you take the video or you know if you just want it to be black and do audio you can do that as well and then you have this little green button where you can send it or you have the option to retake that message I can already see it now a lot of dudes are going to get exposed on Instagram from girls getting video messages from guys after they get declined on their FaceTime call we can also add AR reactions with our hands so for example if I put a thumbs up in the frame you can see the person on the other line will get that thumbs up so let me see if I can do this right there we go you can see that's what the person on the other line will see a little AR you know augmented version of that thumbs up you can do this with a heart you can do it with fireworks you have all types of different animations that you can do by just reacting with your hands and in addition to the gestures that you can do in a FaceTime or while on conference calls you also have something a little bit more useful so if you swipe down to go to the control center up top we have the video effects now if you go into that you can see that we have a portrait studio light and reactions and from here you can either turn these off or on by tapping on them but also if you tap on the three dots this allows you to change the intensity so especially for Studio light it makes a pretty big difference you can see the background getting darker the more intense that goes so you can change that and again you can change the portrait mode the depth of that right there and you do have the option to turn reactions off if you don't want those on you can now silence unknown callers and FaceTime just like you can on regular phone calls so this will automatically decline any incoming calls from that person if they are not in your contacts and speaking of FaceTime we also have FaceTime on the Apple TV so you can now use your phone and continuity camera to start a call directly from the FaceTime app on the Apple TV or you can hand off the call from your iPhone and send it to your TV so it's an awesome feature and I showed this in my tvos 17 video and by the way if you want to know the very first settings that you absolutely need to change in iOS 17 I did just make a video on that and that is linked in the description below and also up in the cards in the top right hand corner and I promise you it's not as long as this video so it's easier to digest oh and I did also make a video on the best battery saving tips for iOS 17 as well so you can go ahead and add that to your queue and if those videos sound interesting to you and you're not subscribed to the channel somehow you should change that by hitting subscribe down below we have some really nice updates in the Safari application so if you go to the window view right here you will notice at the bottom we have some pretty big changes in iOS 17. so first off our tab groups now show up in the bottom of safari sorry and we can swipe through them just like so whereas before we had to tap on the 13 tabs button and then go to one of our tab groups down here and the same goes with a private tab before we had to do three Taps one two and then three to go to a new window well now in iOS 17 it's just one swipe over or one press and you can see there we're in our private tab or a private window so that is really nice and you'll also notice how the private browser is locked until I you know unlock it with my face ID or passcode that's another new feature in iOS 17 and we have a setting to turn that off and settings if you want to as well and you could also change the default search engine when you're private browsing so if you want that to be DuckDuckGo for example you can choose to have that just in private browsing but the biggest new change in Safari is going to be profiles and that's what you see right in the center here at the bottom so if you tap on that you will see that we now have something that says personal up top and then right down here we have a new option for profile and and I can choose between Leisure work business or personal those are all profiles and when you have a profile set all of your browsing history your cookies everything is separated your bookmarks bar your favorites all of that is separated on a per profile basis so to set this up we're going to go back into our settings and go into the Safari section and then down here you will see a section called profiles personal is the default and this is something you cannot delete but you can add new profiles so we're going to add a new profile and you can name it whatever you would like so I like having one for work for example so I'll just call this work two since I already have a work one and you can choose an icon that you want right there or tap the three dots for more options you could change the color right here which applies to the start screen and other areas you have the favorites so you could choose if you want the favorites to be something that existed before or if you want to create a new folder or if you want it to be you know just based on this profile so if you want the favorites to start fresh with work 2 whenever you name this you could choose to have a new favorites bar show up here and then open new tabs you could have that just set to the start page so we're going to tap on done now go back into here because there are additional settings to set up so you can see you can also choose to enable or disable certain extensions so if you don't want ad block and something like if you have one maybe set for school and web pages don't load properly with Adblock you could turn it off on a per profile basis so now if we go into Safari and go to profiles right here you'll see that we have our work 2 profile and you'll notice that we have that color that we chose right there as the background and we have our icon that we chose down here in the center and of course your tab groups are separate as well so if you wanted to create a new tab group that's just specific for that one profile you can do that here as well so this tab group now is only going to show up when I'm in the work to profile if I go to any other profile you can see it does not show up so again it's just a good way profiles are just a good way to separate your browsing history your favorites basically just have like completely separate browsing history and just a different browsing experience on a per profile basis it's really good if you share your device with another person again this is on Mac OS and iPad OS as well so if you share a device with family members or other people it's a great way to separate you know your browsing experience there's also a few UI changes when you go to Google something so for instance up at the top it used to say search in the middle now it's just blank it's more clean looking and then to the right of that it used to say cancel now we just have an X now underneath where it says Google Search it used to say Google Search now it says Google suggestions and take a look at to the right of those Google suggestions they used to point up to the top left now it points to the bottom left and searching in safari in general is just more responsive it's quicker and it also shows easier to read and more relevant suggestions and this is something you'll notice as you use iOS 17 more if you go into your history you'll notice some changes here here as well so first off it now shows personal history up top because that is going to change based on your profile that you're in now also it says this evening the text is bigger than it was before we also have this little arrow here which will take us down to you know earlier in the day or previous days quicker whereas before you just have to keep scrolling down to get to like this afternoon or this morning so you'll also notice that to the left of all of these items we have the favicon so it's a more visual experience whereas before it was just all text and very boring and you can see all of these different days and even shows like Sunday morning Sunday afternoon Sunday evening it shows all of that it's just much a much better experience for really narrowing down what you're trying to find in your history now also the clear button on the right on iOS 16 used to be blue now it's red we also have an edit button now in iOS 17 to the left of that and that of course just allows us to delete multiple items from our history if we wanted to without having to go like this and just delete them and individually and speaking of History if you go into the Safari settings and go to clear history and website data when you press on that you'll notice a big change right here so before we just have this little pop-up where you can clear history and data and that was it you either did it or you didn't now in iOS 17 you get multiple new options so first off you can clear a specific time frame so just the last hour just today just today and yesterday or all history and you can clear on a per profile basis so if you wanted to clear for a specific profile you could do that straight from here as well and then also we have an additional option to close all tabs at the same time if we go into the advanced section you'll notice that we have a new Option here under privacy first off this whole privacy section is new before it just showed this but now you can see that everything is broken down under this privacy section and right here we have a new option for advanced tracking and fingerprinting protection and you could have this set to off completely private browsing or all browsing and what this does is it will strip URLs of tracking information to prevent further tracking and fingerprinting as you navigate you know Safari another really awesome feature in Safari is the fact that we can now listen to a web page so if you'd rather hear an article or hear you know a piece of news you can now do that instead of having to read it straight from Safari so if you go into the two A's right here in the address bar you'll notice that we have a new option for listen to page if we tap on that take a listen iPhone 15 Pro likely to feature up to 8 gigabytes Ram one terabyte storage and you'll notice that we had our listening controls right there so if you go back into this first off when it's active you will see that it has a black background and it shows up in the address bar at the bottom and when you tap on that and go into listening controls you have options in here as well so you can end the listening you can go back a sentence forward a sentence play pause you can change the speaking rate as slow as 0.75 X or as fast as 2X and this just uses the default Siri voice that you have set in settings and then from here if you want to see your other controls you can just go back to more controls and it shows right there this will also show up in your control center so you can access it from there as well and you can see the plus and the minus for going forward a sentence or backwards a sentence from there as well and what's cool about this is that you could actually resume the listening after ending it and it will remember where you left off so I'm going to go to in listening and if I were to just go back to another site and just eventually come back here another day or just another time it will remember that I was on that web page and I can resume listening and if you don't want to tap on the listen to page setting right there you can just say Siri read this and Siri will start reading that web page for you now let's say we want to take a screenshot of this page to reference later so I took a screenshot and I went over to the full page tab that is nothing new but when you tap on done before you were only able to save this web page as a PDF and save it in the files application but now in iOS 17 you can save a full page screenshot as a photo and it saves to your photo libraries will go to save to photos and there we go it's now in my photo library not in files oh and something else I notice is that when you press on the trash can to go to delete it before it said delete pdf and up top it even referenced the PDF as well but here in iOS 17 it refers to it as a page it says delete this page and then right below that in red it says delete page instead of delete pdf we now have a new option to share passwords and pass keys with family and you can create groups for passwords so we're going to tap on get started right here and I'll show you how this works so if we want to create a new group let's just say a new group for our family so it's going to be named family passwords and here's where you have your group members so if you want to add your mom your dad your son your daughter whatever it may be you could tap on ADD people and then you will just type in their name email or phone number to add them so just type in myself and it will prompt you to update your devices to access these shared passwords as well if you're not updated already we're just going to tap on continue and here's where you choose the passwords that you want to share with your family in this group so we're just going to share we'll just share a couple of these we'll just share this this and this one right here so these three will tap on move and now it shows our family passwords group it shows that we have one member and it shows that our saved passwords are right here these three websites and it shows the username right below that and if we go into one of them it will show this right here where it shows our password it shows who contributed to that password and also which group it's in and you can move it to a different group you can move this specific you know login to a group from this section right here where you see the passwords it could add notes you can set up your Verification codes right here you have all of that in here it's it's a really nice addition to be able to share passwords with other people you can also change the title of the keychain password so this one right here I tapped on edit and you can see I cannot change it from saying test but if I wanted to change it right here I can so I can do tests with a few T's and now that is saved right there tap on done and it changes the title for that specific password and you'll also notice down here where we have setup verification code before it set account options above it and you'll also notice that the monogram the T next to the title of this is bigger and Bolder it looks like a completely different font than it was in iOS 16. and then of course if we go into our password options we have a big new feature in iOS 17 where we can clean up our Verification codes automatically so what this does is it automatically deletes your two-factor authentication codes and messages in mail after using autofill and this is the pop-up that you'll see the very first time you input a password via autofill and you could you know enable the settings straight from here but if not you can set it up in that section and settings and then also when you have 500 tabs open in Safari you now get an alert to close all tabs or to close the oldest 100 tabs to continue browsing we have a couple of changes inside of the settings application so first off the display and brightness glyph icon has changed it's now this little Sun where before it was just these two A's home screen is now home screen and app library and also if you have the developer panel on your device the glyph icon has changed for the developer menu as well if we go into the cellular section in our settings you can now sort your cellular data by name or by usage so if you want to see which one's taking up the most usage you can do that right there and you have the toggles to turn them on or off and then if you go all the way down to the bottom we have enable cellular usage statistics and you can also reset them right there and it shows the last time they were reset and while we're in the settings I may as well show a few other changes in here as well so if we go into the general section and then into iPhone storage you'll notice up top that this UI has changed so now we have the amount of available storage right there in the middle of that block whereas before it just didn't show anything there used to be a magnifying glass up in the top right hand corner but now if we swipe down we have a search where we can search for anything in the iPhone storage section also next to the amount of space used the U used to be Capital now it's lowercase it also shows more categories underneath of the storage remaining as well and then we also have this size button right here which we can change and we can now sort everything on our device by size by name or by last used date and it shows the amount of space of course that it takes up as well so that's a nice Improvement and if you scroll down you'll notice that you're not going to be scrolling forever like you did on iOS 16 because now it ends and there's just a show all button so you don't have to scroll forever if you want to though you can press that and show everything else and then down at the bottom we have our iOS 17 and system data whereas before it just showed iOS now it shows iOS and the version number oh and also down at the bottom it now shows on my iPhone and synced content those didn't show up before if we head into our iCloud settings you can see first off up top we now have quite a few changes so we have glyph icons to the left of our information up top and it's also been reworded so now it says personal information instead of name phone numbers emails it's now sign in and security and set up password and security and also we no longer have the edit button under our profile picture up top and if we go into the sign in and security page or the password and security page as it was in iOS 16. you will notice again that it's much better organized in iOS 17 so we have a header up top that says email and phone numbers with a edit button up at the top before the that just said trusted phone number and then everything is just sectioned out in a much easier to digest way and speaking of iCloud and your Apple ID you can now sign into your iPhone using a nearby device or an email address or phone number that's associated with your Apple ID screen time has received a really nice Improvement in iOS 17 so if you go into screen time itself you will notice that we have a few changes right off the bat so first off everything is organized better before everything was just in one little batch right here you didn't really have at separate sections but now we have it separated by limit usage communication restrictions and family you'll notice that before it used to say use screen time passcode now it just says lock screen time settings and then down at the bottom it used to say turn off screen time now it's turn off app and website activity and it says turning off app and website activity disables real-time reporting downtime app limits and always allowed however you can still keep screen time on even if you turn off app and website activity before you just had to turn off screen time altogether right under the graph before it said see all activity now it says see all app and website activity and if you go into there before it said updated today at 8 14 PM now it just says updated today with a comma and the time also new here is screen distance so this allows you to basically reduce eye strain so this will give you an alert that looks like this so it says iPhone may be too close keeping your iPhone at arm's length can protect your eyesight and once you move your phone far enough back you will then get this alert that says your iPhone is now at a recommended screen distance and you can continue with whatever you were doing so you can turn that on to reduce eye strain and also reduce the risk of myopia in children but I will give you a warning it is kind of annoying but I guess it's good for you know reducing eye strain especially in children so they can learn not to have a phone so close to their face we also have communication safety and what this does is it detects nude photos and videos before they are sent or viewed on your child's device and that's not new in itself but it's now rolled out globally with iOS 17 so it's now available everywhere and is not limited to certain countries now when it comes to privacy and security iOS 17 once again is a big update for that as well so when you first install iOS 17 you're going to start seeing pop-ups just like this that says in this example Twitter has been able to access your entire photo library for six months do you want to continue to allow full access and from there it shows how many photos and videos they have access to and from there you can limit the access or continue allowing full access so this pop-up as a whole is new but also that limit access is a new feature as well because now you can select specific photos to share with an application while keeping the rest of your photo library private and if you want to change this later on you can just go into the privacy and security section and then into photos in this case and then you will see your full library and you have all the applications you've granted a full access or limited access to if you go to change your passcode in iOS 17 you now have the next 72 hours to use your previous passcode to reset your passcode if you forget it so for example I'm going to enter in a new passcode we're just going to do all ones since mine is currently all zeros and I'll show you what this looks like so now we have temporary passcode reset you can expire the previous passcode now or it will auto expire in 72 hours and if you press to expire that previous passcode it tells you you can no longer use that previous passcode to access your device and reset your password so expire now and there we go now a nice little hidden privacy and security feature in iOS 17 is the applications can now add events to your calendar application without being able to view your personal information the lockdown mode feature has now been expanded for all devices including the Apple watch so now you can have lockdown mode on your Apple watch your Mac your iPad and your iPhone you'll also notice that the verbiage has changed here to describe what lockdown mode does and if you press on turn on you will see some minor changes in verbiage here as well we also now have a proximity sign in so Apple says this makes setting up a device easier than ever so all you have to do is bring your iPhone that's already signed in into proximity with another device that you're trying to set up you pair the devices by scanning the particle cloud and you've signed in automatically in the find my application we can now share air tags or find my accessories with up to five people so if I go into one of mine right here so we'll just go to Lulu bag for example and you can see right underneath uh play sound it says share this air tag and from there you can press add person and this will allow you to share this air tag with others we have some nice changes in the home application so if we go to one of my Nano Leafs right here so we'll go ahead and turn this one on you might see a little reflection of it right here but if we go into this you will notice that we have some changes to the Color Picker so when we go into here first off we no longer have that really ugly white background it's now a more translucent background and the Color Picker I mean look how much better it looks it's all one line instead of stacked you know just six colors right there and we also have this Color Picker where we can choose a specific color that we want before you had to click on one of these circles and then press on edit to even get into this section but once you get into this section you'll notice that first off it's called light color now instead of just saying color and also we have Swatch whereas before we only had color and temperature and you can also control the brightness from this section as well and also you'll notice that the name of the accessory is now in the middle whereas before it was up in the top left and it used to say 100 brightness now just says 100 and if I go into my AC unit so we have office right here you'll notice that this looks way better as well so again office and the temperature used to be up in the top left now it's in the center we have that translucent background it also now says current 76 instead of cool to 76 and it shows the humidity right there and all these buttons down here look way better as well before we have this really ugly blue outline but now again everything's more translucent and looks a lot more modern and professional and if we go into these settings which the glyph has changed there as well if we go into here next to office in this example the temperature does not have the green background and before the settings page was just kind of an extension of this main page whereas now that is not the case it's a whole separate page because if we go out of the settings on iOS 16 it takes us back to the main page whereas if we go out of the settings here it takes us back to the page for you know this specific accessory and even for the shades watch this when I press on the shades take a look at how much better that looks here in iOS 17. so the glyph icon and side has changed it's more translucent and just the animation is better I can tap outside and go back to this main page whereas before I cannot do that I had to press on the X or swipe down from the very top we also have this grid forecast up in the top right of the home app now where it shows you when you're going to have a clean electricity so it shows a little graph right here and you can tap on that to get more information about when you're going to have you know off peak hours for your electricity and a clean grid and you can tap on the little notification Bell right here as well to get a notification when electricity becomes cleaner again and here's what that notification will look like and then also in home we have enhancements for matter locks so Apple says that you can now control matter enabled Lux by using iPhone to tap to unlock the door with a home key or set up a pin code in the home app there's also Now activity history if you have a home kit enabled camera or a lock so you'll see when people lock and unlock the door when they open the garage things like that in the maps application when you go to navigate to a destination you will notice that we now have all Transportation options up at the top whereas before in iOS 16 you'd have to tap right here and then you had the option for walk Transit cycle and ride share and if we start that navigation we have some changes on this page as well so first off you'll see it now says route options whereas before it just showed our ETA right there and then right under that we have a really a nice new addition where we can call the destination straight from the maps application so right here you can press call and it will start calling them immediately and then right under that it shows your ETA and then we also have the voice volume option and if you press on that we have the option to choose between softer normal or louder but easily the biggest addition to maps in iOS 17 is offline maps so now we can download maps for use offline so I just typed in Dallas and it brings me to Dallas Texas here and you'll notice that we now have a new button that says download and if you press on download you get to choose the exact parameters for where you want to download that map of at the bottom it will show the size of that selected map and of course it will get bigger depending on how big of a radius you put and smaller if you only want to do a few cities or a few little towns in that City so we'll just say that we want to do this little area in North Dallas and we'll just press on download and it will take you to this section right here you could also get to the section by tapping on the X and we're just going to go back to our main page if you just tap on your profile picture right here and then go to offline maps it will take you to that same section that's a way to get there manually and this is where you will see all of your downloaded offline maps and you'll notice that all of the other maps that I have downloaded here are also downloading something and what they're downloading are updates so you'll notice down here that we have under settings automatic updates and you can have that set to be on Wi-Fi only or Wi-Fi Plus Cellular I would recommend having that set to Wi-Fi only we also have a setting down there for optimized storage where it automatically removes downloaded maps that you have not used in a while and then you also have an option to only use offline maps so even if you have an internet connection you can choose to only use offline maps which could be good for saving battery life and of course data if you are not on an unlimited plan and by the way these do all transfer over to carplay as well you don't have to re-download anything for car play this all works perfectly fine when you have it up on your head unit using carplay now if we go into one of the maps that we have downloaded right here you'll see we can resize it it shows the size right here and it also shows the day last updated and you also have the option to delete now if we tap on resize right here it's pretty cool because we can change the size of this map on the fly it remembers all of that we can just change in our little area if we want to and re-download it and we also now have EV routing if you have an electric vehicle with carplay in the clock application we finally get a feature that we should have had a long time ago and that is the ability to set multiple timers at once so you'll notice that first off we have a lot of UI changes inside of the timers tab here inside of the clock application first off at the bottom it's now timers instead of timer it's now plural and then up in the top left you can see we have a new title that says timers up there along with an edit button the cancel and start buttons no longer have that little outline around them they're just flats and then under that we have our recents tab where we have recent timers and you can see we are able to set multiple timers at one time whereas before in iOS 16 you only had one timer that was the only timer that you could set and all you had was a cancel and a resume button but now all of these are right here and you can see they're updating live and then also when I go out of here you can see the up in the dynamic Island up top and also as a live activity on our lock screen we now have those timers and we can expand them as well right here unfortunately in the dynamic Island you can always see the one that's most recent or the one that's ending the soonest but from here you can pause or cancel it and in this section you can swipe over to delete the timers very easily or you can tap on edit and remove them that way although that is a bit slower however if you go into that edit menu and then tap on the timer from here you can add a label so if you didn't add a label beforehand you can go ahead and add and label right there and then when you go back you can see we have the label underneath whereas by default it just shows shows that the starting timer the health application gets multiple new updates in iOS 17 and one of the main ones is going to be the ability to track your mental well-being so if you go into the browse tab you will notice that we have a new Option called mental well-being and what this does is it actually allows you to track multiple things like you can track your time in daylight you can track your state of mind you have the amount of mindful minutes over the past 12 months right here and then we have a little questionnaire here a mental health questionnaire to see if you potentially have anxiety or depression and when you go into the mental health questionnaire it tells you that this assessment uses standardized questions to give you a sense of your risk of anxiety and depression and then once you complete this it will give you a PDF to share with your doctor and compare your results over time and there's also other resources here for mental health and your mental well-being and you can go into these and kind of read more more about you know kind of you know connecting with others spending time outside staying active basically just things to reduce your risk of anxiety and depression over time and it's cool because now you can kind of log you know your progress over months or years and time and daylight is something that's going to go pretty underrated here in iOS 17 and I think this is especially useful for kids and it says for children spending 80 to 120 minutes outside each day can help lower the risk of myopia or nearsightedness for adults spending around 20 minutes Outdoors every day has numerous physical and mental health benefits and if you're wondering where this data is collected or how it's collected it says when unobstructed Apple watch can automatically record an estimated amount of time and daylight and health and I've tracked this over the past few months and this is very accurate if you have an Apple Watch on your wrist and if we go back to the browse Tab and go into medications we can now set follow-up reminders to take your medications so if you don't track this in the health app already you should it's very useful and now it's getting even more useful in iOS 17. and if you go to the bottom of the medications section you'll notice that we have a new section for options and if you go into here you will see that first off we have our dose reminders and then new and iOS 17 we have follow-up reminders that will send you a follow-up reminder if you've not logged a medication 30 minutes after the initial notification now the biggest new feature in the health application this year is actually under the mental well-being section as well and that is state of mind and what this does is it allows you to track your mood on a daily basis and it basically puts it all in a chart and in a calendar for you to kind of reflect on and this is going to give the health application a better understanding as well as to how you're feeling like if you say you're feeling bad for two weeks in a row you might be depressed and your you know Health application can tell you that so let me show you how this works so if you go to state of mind you go to log right here and it says log and emotion or mood so you can do either you know just right now or you can do how you felt overall today so since I didn't log anything today at all I'm just going to do how I felt overall today so we'll go to next and now you get the option to choose how I felt today and you can see you can go from very unpleasant to very pleasant and you have the background changing colors along with these little shapes here that look really smooth really cool animations so we'll say today I felt I felt rather Pleasant maybe not the most pleasant but I felt Pleasant so let's go ahead to next right here and then it asks you you know what best describes this feeling so we'll just say that today I'm feeling grateful and confident we'll just say those two right there but you have all these different ones to choose from along with more in here as well I did not mean to select those but grateful and confident let's go to next and from here it says what's having the biggest impact on you so why are you feeling grateful and confident so we'll just say health and work and if you want to add additional context you can do that right here as well so I'll just write in preparing all iOS 17 video videos and then tap on done and that has been logged and you can see it now shows that right here as our daily mood now if you go up to the calendar up in the top right hand side you will see that we have a calendar layout that's going to show every single day that we've tracked in a calendar so you can see I've not been tracking my mood lately which I should have been but you could see how this can kind of start to really tell you a lot over time once you start you know logging your mood on a daily basis we can go back you can see I logged right there I don't log every day I you know I just forget to do it but this is really great if you want to log your mood over time you can also tap on the I right here and it shows a little pop out that says get an overall view of what you've logged and when you tap on one of the previous days let's go to this day right here it shows you you know this day Tuesday August 15th was a neutral day and at 4 36 I was feeling anxious because of work and with a later version of iOS 17 we will also have a journal application to complement this feature but state of mind is a really awesome feature and if you go down to the bottom here and then go to options I would highly recommend turning on the ability to get push notifications to remind you to log your mood for the day otherwise you will forget so you can either do during the day or end of the day or both or you can set custom times to get a reminder to log your move the favorites section inside of the summary tab now looks a lot better in iOS 17 so not only is it more colorful so we have the nice little colorful gradient up top but we also get more information here and we also have Rich charts so we have Rich data in these charts whereas before we did not get as much data as we do now in iOS 17. in the fitness application if you go into the awards section you'll notice that this whole page has been reworked it looks much better in iOS 17 and if you go into one of the awards that you're currently working on you can see that we now have progress bars underneath of it to show us our progress in a more visual way also the sharing tab in the bottom right hand corner has a new glyph icon and also this page looks a bit different we also have the sharing title up in the top left of the screen along with the settings up in the top right and also you can now view highlights of your friends workout activities there's also now live activities for cycling workouts so I use this all the time and it's really awesome to see kind of more data more information about your cycling workout from the lock screen of your phone and if you have an apple Fitness Plus subscription you now get a feature called audio focus which allows you to prioritize the volume of the music over the trainer or vice versa so if you like to hear music instead of the trainer you can now set that you also get Stacks which allows you to select multiple workouts and meditations that you want to do in a row and put them in a queue so you can seamlessly move on to your next activity and then you have custom plans which allows you to set the days the workout duration and the types and then Fitness Plus will provide you with the plan and you also get trainer tips at the top of the summary tab oh and there's also a fitness section inside of the settings but really the only thing you'll see in here is for Syrian search notifications and live activities mainly for that cycling workout on at the lock screen if you want to have that set up the reminders application has a few nice updates in iOS 17 so if we go to add a new list you will notice there's a new type of list so before we just had one list that was it and then we can make it into a smart list but there was no other type of list now in iOS 17 we have list type either standard groceries or smart lists and groceries allows you to automatically group related items into sections so let me show you how this works we're going to make this yellow and then we're going to tap on done and you will notice that when we go into here first off it goes automatically into that list whereas before it just took you back to this page and then you had to go into it but from here you will see that we now have a carrot in the middle alright so we just added some of our items here and you'll notice that under produce it was correct for two out of the three so Celsius is an energy drink so I noticed that sometimes when you type in actual brand names it's not as accurate so just keep that in mind but for everything else it actually noticed the Fruity Pebbles as being a cereal so maybe it's just for lesser known you know brand name items but you can see it breaks it down Breads and cereals Dairy eggs and cheese snacks and candy meat all of that was correct and what's cool about this is that the grocery list will remember your preferences so if I add something like let's just say test for example and let's see what that adds that under it's going to add it under personal care and health but if we don't want that if we want to move it somewhere else we can tap on the I right here and then go down to section and we can change this to a new section so if I want test to always show up under meat I can just select meet now and go to done and then the next time I type in test it will put it under me so let's try it out let's type in test and you can see it remembered that and put it under meat and when you're in a list and the reminders application you can now tap on the three dots up in the top right hand corner and now we have view as columns so you get a brand new type of view in here and this is kind of the kanban view where you can kind of just scroll over from side to side instead of up and down so this can work well especially on the iPad or if you just want to put your phone in landscape mode and then also in those settings we have manage columns where we can add a new column or just edit our columns you can kind of move these around so if you want them to be in a different order you can do that as well you also have a toggle to hide empty columns or to show them now if you go to add a new reminder you will notice after you start using iOS 17 for a bit that you will get suggested reminders so this allows you to quickly recreate reminders that you've already completed before in as little as just one tap and then we can also add early reminders so if I go into one of my YouTube ones right here we'll just say respond to sponsor emails let's go to the I right here you'll notice that we have a new option for early reminder so now you can get a reminder before that certain task is due so if you wanted to be one day up to six months before you can set that or you can go into custom and set it to as much as you know where can we go we can go all the way down to 200 months before you know that reminder is due that task is due and then of course we do also have the interactive widget on our home screen where we can Mark a reminder as done straight from the home screen without ever needing to go into the application and you can see it changes dynamically we also have some changes in the Notes application so first off you can see that the little taskbar at the bottom has been reorganized or reordered rather so now the Double A's are over on the far left hand side whereas before it was one in so if we tap on that we have some changes in here as well so you'll notice that we have a new style for mono style so before it was mono spaced but now it's mono styled and you can see that there is a difference in the two as well so I like mono styled much better than the old mono space that we had beforehand on iOS 16. you'll also notice this little button down here in the bottom right hand corner and that is for Block quotes So if we go down to let's just say we go down to iPhones for example let's go down here and we're going to put our cursor in front of iPhones we're going to go here and we're going to go ahead to that right there so you can see that at the beginning of that sentence or that paragraph we now have a block quote we can now add links to other notes so if you have a related note especially if you're working with another person like a collaboratively in the Notes application you can now link to other notes inside of a note so all you have to do is type in the greater than sign twice and from here you get a pop-up where you can choose to link one of these nodes so from here I could go ahead to this one right here I want to link to that note and you can see that's what it looks like when you link to a note and if you tap on done and then click on that it's going to take you into that note and if I want to link back to the one I was just in I can go to this and then go to right here tap on done and now we can go back and forth between those two notes very easily and if you tap on the share icon we now have a new option for open in pages so you can continue working on a note inside the pages application and then the biggest change in the Notes application is how we can more easily View and mark up PDFs and scans of presentations or assignments within the Notes application itself so before if we try to pull up a PDF let me show you what it looked like so here's what a PDF looked like on iOS 16 and if we tap on it you can see it says it's view only you can't really do anything from here aside from just scroll up and down and view that PDF and if you want to do anything with it you would have to open this inside of the files application to do any type of markup or really anything with the PDF but now in iOS 17 that changes completely because now we can see the whole PDF without having to tap into another window and we can also go side to side to view it we can see the thumbnails of each page if you tap this right there you could easily jump to one of the other pages and you also get options to you know add a blank page rotate left rotate right you can do all these just from these three dot menus right here and then also if you tap on the arrow down next to the name of the PDF you can change the view so if you want the PDF to be viewed differently in this note you can do it as a medium so it's a little bit smaller or you can do it as a small so it's really small just like that and even when it's small you can now go into here and you can see that it's not view only and let me go ahead and make this large to show you what I mean but not view only so if we go back over here let's just say we go back to the very first page where we have some items that need filled in so if we go into here you can see that we can now type in to one of these fields and not only do you get the option to actually input in these text Fields right here it automatically detects where you should be able to type or mark up with an apple pencil if you're on an iPad but also there's autofill built in so you can see it knows it's asking for my name right there and I get the prompt to autofill with my name and it's not even just the name it also does this for the address when I go to the address tab take a look at that it shows is my address right there where I can easily auto fill it into that section and again I'm not even in markup mode this is just inside of the Notes application I'm not doing anything special or even marking up in the files app or anything this is all built into notes so editing PDFs on the iPhone and the iPad are about to get so much better inside of the Notes application really no need for the files app anymore now that we have intelligent form detection and enhanced autofill and then also new in iOS 17 is a write only permission for calendar invites so now when you get a calendar invite you don't have to share any other information with them it's a write only permission where they can only add to your calendar and this is going to prevent all of those hacks and scams that we saw before that spread through calendar invites we have many changes in the weather application in iOS 17. starting off with your my location whether you can see that now it shows my location at the top and then the name of the city underneath of my location the overall visuals are also improved in iOS 17 like when it's raining when it's windy when it's at night you can see the moon it's not showing right now but the Moon shows up much better in iOS 17 as well also if you go into the 10-day forecast and then go over you can see that you can now see yesterday's forecast so in iOS 16 you could only see the current day and then forward to the next 10 days but now in iOS 17 you can see the previous days weather also in this section you can see it's now conditions instead of temperature and over here on the drop down we now have these clouds where it says conditions whereas before it said temperature with a different glyph icon rainfall is now precipitation and if we go into that for example there are some changes here as well it now shows a selection for the unit so you can choose to show in inches or millimeters straight from the precipitation and this can change on a per condition basis so if you want the visibility for example to show up in something different like miles or kilometers you could have that set and it will remember that the next time you go in there the forecasting is also way better in iOS 17. so the 10-day forecast now show the chance of rain each day and also gives you a daily summary so you can see before on this it just showed us the low and the high and the conditions throughout the day but now in iOS 17 it shows us also below that the chance of precipitation and this nice little graph right here which you can scroll to see you know the time where 15 for example is expected at 5 pm and then down below that we have a daily summary and it tells you basically what type of conditions to expect for that day and if we continue to go down to the precipitation map right here you will notice that if we go into the layers section we have a new map option in iOS 17 for wind and if you go into that it will show a wind map where you can see the wind speeds for the next 12 hours so it shows that right there it's also going to show the wind for forecast for all of your saved cities so you'll see all these numbers throughout those your saved cities and you can see it looks especially cool and satisfying when there's a hurricane in the ocean right now and you do also get a legend up here in the top left-hand Corner as well that shows you you know what these different colors signify in terms of wind speeds and then if we continue going down you will notice some differences here as well so we now have a section called averages and this is one of my favorite features in iOS 17 and the weather application so from here we can see basically averages for everything and compare today's temperature for example to the average temperature this month so and it shows a summary down here as well it shows monthly averages so if you want to see like the average temperature for you know every month it shows what those lows and Highs are for those specific months and if we go back to this graph up top it shows that today was seven degrees above average and it shows the average high for the past month has been 84 degrees and you can see this graph right here where you can go across and see when it hit those certain temperatures and it could also go to precipitation and see a different style of graph here and it shows today we got 1.35 inches more of precipitation than the 30-day average of 3.35 and if you go down it shows the monthly averages for precipitation as well and then it shows about average precipitation it tells you a little detail and then also you get the option for the temperature if you want to use the system setting or you can change it to Celsius or Fahrenheit and also how you want precipitation to be measured in inches or millimeters and then also in this section you can see that the wind card has been expanded so before it was just this little square but now it's this big rectangle right here and when you go into here everything is pretty much the same except for the daily comparisons you can see the daily comparisons right there along with the Beaufort scale where you can see you know how the wind was on this scale and if you're into the moon you're going to really love iOS 17 because we have the waning crescent right here where you can see the illumination the next Moonrise and the next full moon along with a little graphic there of the Moon and you can tap into there as well and see a true to life moon it's kind of hard to see right now because it's very dark but you could see all of the statistics right here and you can kind of go to you know all the different phases of the moon you can go down you can see a calendar as well for you know when we're going to see a new moon full moon all of that is right here and if you go back to the main weather section right here and go to the three dots up in the top right you can see that we have a new section for units and if you go into here you can set a default for the units in the weather application if you want to use the system setting Fahrenheit Celsius and you could also change it on a per condition basis like win precipitation pressure or distance and you can also restore the defaults if you want to iOS 17 brings multiple new accessibility features and one of the main ones is going to be personal voice so if you go into your settings and go to accessibility and then if you scroll down you will see under speech we have live speech and personal voice now if you have live speech on you can set up a personal voice that will essentially make an AI generated version of your voice if you say enough phrases where your device can kind of learn how you speak so from here if you go to create a personal voice it will tell you how this is going to work so it says you need to read 150 phrases allowed which may take about 15 minutes however it took me even longer than 15 minutes to do this and then it says your iPhone will create and securely store your personal voice and with this personal voice you can communicate with live speech this allows you to type to speak using personal Voice through your device's speaker or in FaceTime phone and assistive communication applications and this is an excellent feature for those who are at risk of losing their voice and by the way you don't have to set up a personal voice to take advantage of the new live speech feature you could actually just use you know a different voice you have all these different voices in here to choose from you don't have to use your own voice and the live speech feature in general is also very useful because this allows you to type what you want to say and have it spoken out loud in phone calls FaceTime calls or for in-person conversations there's also a new feature in the magnifier application called point and speak and this allows you to read out the text that your camera sees so if you go to the detection mode right here you'll notice that we have a new Option down in the bottom that says point and speak on and now when you point it at something where it detects the text it will say it out loud so you can hear that so I have something pulled up right here Tesla has added blind spot indicators in model 3 refresh what iPhone 15 is everyone pre-ordering phone iPhone 15 Pro Max and if we go down to the bottom under General there is assistive access and if you go into this this allows you to provide what it says is a distinctive iOS Experience for iPhone where the apps have been redesigned to be larger and contain core features that can be easily customized so if you go ahead and set this up this allows you to let's just show you let me just show you what I mean so we're going to do roads instead of a grid and we're going to select the applications that we use on a daily basis like the phone application and we'll receive calls from all contacts you can set it up to only be certain contacts if you want we're going to do the camera application and if you want to set it to only a specific you know camera mode you can do that as well so we don't ever want to take selfies so we're just going to do a photo and video we'll go to messages because we want to text with our family so we're going to go to continue right there and then we'll go into photos will be the last one that we add but you can also add other applications in here as well so once you have your applications selected go to continue and it shows you using assistive access and there are some differences in how iOS features work it just kind of warns you certain things will or will not work you need to set up a passcode for assistive access we're going to set that to all zeros and once you initiate the mode it's going to look like this or you're just going to get a black screen and here's what it will look like once you get back from that minor restart so this is essentially just going to have your core applications you're not going to have your typical home screen that you see on the iPhone this is more so meant for people who you know probably a lot of older people and just people who don't want to you know have to deal with these small icons and reading the small text and things like that so if we go into camera for example you can see it shows everything very nice and large for us if we want to go ahead and take a photo we can tap right there and it allows us to see our viewfinder and we don't have any of the extras that you see up there it's just simply take photo or you know we can go back and take a video and if we want to go into our photos we can go right there and it shows us the photo that we just took and that's about it and of course if you ever want to exit out of this mode you just press three times on at the side button and it shows you that you could access settings emergency or if you want to exit assistive access I'm going to go right there we're going to punch in our passcode and now it will go back to normal iOS in the voiceover section we have some changes here as well so first off under the detection mode pop up it now says use detection mode and magnifier instead of just saying open magnifier and if we go down to verbosity for example and then go down you can see we have a change here we have the addition of predictive text feedback and if we go into the rotor section right here you can see a change in this settings pane as well before it just showed us all of the items right there but now we have a change rotor with item edit apps on the home screen and direct Touch apps and if we go into rotor items that's where we get to this section that we had on iOS 16 which was the default also in this section we have a change to the voice control old glyph icon so it now looks a little bit different on iOS 17 and when you turn voice control on you will see a new glyph icon up in the top left hand side of your screen it's bigger and it's also just a different icon in general also this whole page right here looks different as well so open voice control guide is now all the way up there at the top you can see we now have commands and vocabulary under language whereas before it was customized commands underneath of language and if you go into the voice control guide it shows you how to use this and also we have text editing right here so this allows you to basically correct text on the fly so if you say multiple things so let's just retry this real quick correct elephants and you can see you can choose which one you want to replace that with so this is great for words that sound alike like do d-e-w-n-d-o you can now edit and choose which one you meant with voice control and the Siri voices in general for voice over sound much better in iOS 17. so especially at high rates of speed and if we go down to the series section right here you can see we also can now adjust the speaking rate of Siri so if you want Siri to ever slow down or speed up in her speaking rate or his speaking rate you can now adjust that right here with this slider anywhere from 80 percent all the way up to 200 percent and you can see a nice little animation with the rabbit and the turtle right there on the sides when you go to their side in the motion section we now have a new option for auto playing animated images so this is referring to GIFS or gifs if you do not want those to auto play you can simply turn this off mfi hearing devices now also Auto pair to a Mac so if you have an mfi hearing device set up inside of accessibility that will now automatically pair to your Mac and then we also have a virtual game controllers with switch control so if you go to the switch control section right here we now have game controllers a virtual game controller built in to the accessibility settings and then also inaccessibility is one of my favorite hidden features in iOS 17 and that's under the touch section if you go to haptic touch we now have a faster haptic touch so before on iOS 16 we only had two options fast or slow well now in iOS 17 default is what fast used to be so that means that now we have a faster fast in iOS 17 so when you tap and hold right here you'll see the difference in the animation you have to actually use it to feel the difference but it feels so much more like 3D touch than what we had on iOS 16. the Translate application has a complete redesign here in iOS 17 and you can see all of the differences right away so first off we have a more full screen design before it said English and Spanish up in the top on the left and the right now it's top and bottom and it's just a much cleaner layout before we had a big microphone down in the bottom middle and the three dots to the right now we have a microphone for both English and for Spanish in this example just to the right of those languages and we can also switch it very easily by pressing this button right here and you can see that as I'm typing it's instant in iOS 17 whereas on iOS 16 you have to type in everything and then press on go and then it would translate so here in iOS 17 also you can copy that translation very easily so you can see the copy button right there it will now copy that sentence that I just typed out that translation in Spanish and if I want to change this on the fly to another language I could just go right here and select a different language like German for example and it changes in real time we could also go up to the three dots right here and we have show grammatical gender and also download languages and also once you tap on done and go out of that translation you can see the previous translations as well so we can see the last two translations I did and I could just keep going and those are all right here I can also play those translations in audio form straight from here as well we could also copy each one very easily without having to go into another window or anything and if I want to expand on that and add on to that you know I can go into this section right here and it shows you know that translation in big letters where we can play ads and you could tap right here to go back and when we go into the camera section you can see that the changes just continue here in terms of the UI so before we had those two ugly blocks up at the top that showed the two languages we want to translate now those are in the bottom center and they're much easier to reach and just a much better look in general in that this interface right here and if you go over to conversation again big difference in the conversation view as well it's much better than it was in iOS 16. and then if we go to the favorites tab those same UI elements continue right here just looks much better now you can also translate system wide in iOS 17. so if you load up a web page or really anything an application that's in another language you can translate that system wide now and if you want to translate in Safari you can now have web page translation for Ukrainian so that was not available in iOS 16 but now it is and then my favorite feature in the translate app is the fact that we can now do live translations so if you go into this camera Tab and you hold your phone up to something that's in another language it will automatically translate that text take a look at that and look how good it is it kind of just overlays on that if I want to take a picture I'll just take a picture right here so we can see what that looks like that is what it looked like in iOS 16 right here on the left here's what it looks like in iOS 17 with the live translation feature pretty awesome the freeform application gets improved drawing so we now have new drawing tools so we have the variable width pin which is this one right here we have a ruler finally on the freeform application we have this right here which is the watercolor brush which is my personal favorite on iOS and iPad OS 17. all of these characters right here I shaded these in with the watercolor brush on the iPad at using the apple pencil but there's also a fountain pen a highlighter and a slicing eraser oh and also we have shape recognition so if you draw a shape out and it's not perfect but if you hold at the end it will make that perfect so I'll do a triangle right here and you can see it makes it a lot more perfect than I would have done otherwise same way a circle right here that was actually too bad so we'll try a circle there we go you can now connect objects with connectors if you go up to this section right here you can show or hide the connectors the collaboration finally works properly in iOS 17 so if you go to share right here you can invite somebody to collaborate and they can follow along as you go around your board and see what you make on your freeform board and speaking of the share sheet you can also add items to freeform now from the share sheet so if you go right here you can see we have freeform and we can easily add this in to one of our boards or create a new board and kind of like with the Notes application you could also Mark up PDFs so if you wanted to draw on PDFs or actually you know fill out a PDF in freeform you can now do that and if you press on the camera icon down here you could add in stickers as well I find stickers to be really fun to add into the freeform app specifically so if you create stickers you could add them in here or of course you could add in your different emojis and if you add 3D objects to your freeform board you can now view them and explore those 3D objects X using quick look and the News app if you go to the following tab over here you'll see that we have a new section for puzzles so now you have crossword puzzles and other types of games that you can play straight from the News application and also the Apple news plus audio stories are available inside of the podcast application the books application gets some updates in iOS 17 so if we tap on the menu while we're in a book down here first off you'll notice there's a new animation in iOS 17 it's more fun it kind of just pops in to place whereas on iOS 16 it just kind of faded in so new animation there and if you go into themes and settings you'll see this has a more flat more modern look to it and you can also now adjust the brightness with this slider very easily you can change the page animation from a curl to a slide or just have no animation when you change the page and then we also have customize now at the bottom whereas before it just said original options if you go into a book that's part of a series you now have an option underneath of the photo to see the series page so now we have a specific page just for a specific series and you can sort this by books and audio books and you can see every single book in that series along with this really good kind of modern look up top where it shows the author the series how many books and what it is also the search has changed in iOS 17 so before on iOS 16 we had these big little filter options right here and we only had all books and audio books now we have all books audiobooks and also genres so we can now search by a genre and it shows all of those genres out there and if we go into that it will show everything in that genre such as the best sellers and what's new in top audio books all of that and the read now section is also more personalized in iOS 17. Spotlight search has improved in iOS 17 so we now have app shortcuts inside of a spotlight search so if I type in notes for example we can can see up top I can start a new note very easily or I can go into existing notes that I had opened recently if I type in camera if I even start typing in camera it shows I can go into photo selfie or video mode straight from Spotlight search I can turn on or off Bluetooth straight from Spotlight if I type in something like airplane mode I can turn that on or off from Spotlight it's just a much easier way to access some of your main system toggles and we also have video search and Spotlight so if I were to search for a cat and there was a video with a cat in there it would show that in my search in Spotlight search and then take me to that video and take me exactly to where that cat is in that video and you'll also notice some UI changes here so under recent searches first off the text is bigger right above that and you'll see also that the background is not as opaque it's a little bit more translucent in iOS 17 also there's a clear button now to the right of that so that is different before you had to individually clear them like that so now we can just tap clear and it will clear all of the those results oh and also a couple of other things series suggestions up in the very top left is now smaller in iOS 17 show more is bigger to the right of that and then right here the magnifying glass is now a glyph icon instead of having a background like an iOS 16. but the best feature for spotlight search in iOS 17 is this watch this if I type in dentist appointment for 7 pm for example we get a prompt up top that will allow us to automatically add that dentist appointment for 7 pm whenever it thinks we should so today is September 14th so I can easily add that to my calendar just by typing it in to the spotlight search that is awesome so even if I typed in somebody's phone number like this you can see that we can actually add that contact straight from the spotlight search or we can call text or FaceTime them straight from here now if I did that on iOS 16 here's what it looked like or if I type in an email I can easily compose a message to that person or tap on these three dots to FaceTime them text them or FaceTime video call them and you'll notice that up top it detects that as well because it says email up in the top left now the shortcuts application has some changes in iOS 17 and there's some pretty big ones in the automations tab so if we go to automations and we go to create a new automation you can see right off the bat we have some changes so before you had to choose between a personal automation or a home automation and a lot of people got stumped here they were like I don't really know I just want to create an automation so now in iOS 17 it's much easier to you know decipher what you actually want to do because you instantly get hit with what do you want the automation to be so all personal automations are up top you can choose them right there and if you go down all the way to the bottom that's where we now have home automation where you can create that now if we go to create home automation on iOS 16 you will notice that we have some changes here so first off we now have a transaction automation so before we did not have anything for transactions and then we go into that it shows when I tap and you can choose your or Apple pay credit cards that you have right here so if I tap on let's just say my Apple card you can choose the category that you want this automation to run for you can filter Merchants so you can even Choose You know the merchants that you filter for that and you have the option to either run immediately or run after confirmation so I'll run immediately let's tap on next and now you choose what you want the automation to actually do once you know your credit card may be registers they purchase at a select Merchant you know you want that to maybe you know add that to a row in Excel or in numbers for example to you know log all of your transactions externally you can do that so you can have it set up to do whatever you would like to and that is a nice new addition here in iOS 17 for automations now also when you go to create a personal automation we have a search bar up top and also we have text and a title here that says personal Automation and automation that runs on your iPhone and we have some changes for some of the existing shortcuts here so like for Wi-Fi for example you can see that the UI here here has changed and we can change this to be either when network is joined or when you leave a network so now you have the option to you know base your shortcut automation around if you join or leave a network and then you can choose the next you know action that you want to follow up with after that happens and same with Bluetooth you can choose if you want that to run when a device is connected or when it's disconnected with airplane mode we have the same settings but you can see they are kind of flip-flop now it's up top whereas before it was down on the bottom and also you can run that immediately now you can run all these automations immediately now whereas you cannot do that on iOS 16 for every single one and I think the fact that we can now run all of these automations immediately is awesome because that makes automations actually automatic now it actually makes them automations because they're not really triggers anymore they require manual confirmation before an iOS 16 if you wanted to run pretty much any of these automations you still had to have a form of manual confirmation but no longer with iOS 7 team because now pretty much every automation can be run immediately and when you go to create an action for a shortcut this whole interface looks so much better before on iOS 16 it was just simply add action and that was it and then you got to go in here like this and it still didn't look good but now in iOS 17 this looks so much better yeah the getting started page you have my shortcuts and it's just more Visual and bigger it's it's just more user friendly there's also new actions like make image from Rich Text for example which will create an image from Rich Text web content or a URL passed as inputs and we have several other actions that you'll find at the route shortcuts as well and of course we have widgets for shortcuts both on the home screen where you can tap and run them right away and also from the lock screen where you can go to the lock screen and tap on one of those and then we'll run the shortcut straight from the lock screen the stocks application gets a new widget so this is the new one right here it's symbol and this shows not only the symbol and the price but it also shows news stories about that symbol so this new widget has the ticker in the top left along with the arrowhead to the left of that we have the graph in the middle that shows if it was an up or down day the price to the right and then of course the new stories the latest news stories below that now also you'll notice on the smaller stocks widget we also have those arrowheads right here so before it would just show you know the stock price to the right and it would be red or green but now you get a more you know visual way to see if that stock was up or down on the day with these arrowheads oh and there's also a smaller version of that new widget as well so there's two sizes for the widget for stocks if you want the new stories below it the wallet application gets some improvements as well so Apple pay order tracking is now much better so if a user is tracking an Apple pay order with a specific time and location the maps app will now offer it as a Siri suggestion there's also now receipts for transactions via PDF or image there's a new track with apple wallet button that Merchants can add to their iPhone apps and websites and also also an option to add an order to the wallet app from an email attachment you can now set recurring Apple cash payments so if you go to this screen right here you'll see at the bottom we now have an option for send recurring payments and if you tap on that it will allow you if you have a debit card added to set weekly bi-weekly or monthly recurring payments so this is great for people who live like maybe in an apartment a house or a condo and you know if you want to contribute to rent and pay on a bi-weekly or a monthly basis you can now do that it's also great if you have a teenager and you want to give them weekly allowance you can now do that easily with recurring Apple cash payments and also for Apple cash we now have Auto reload so this will automatically top up your balance when it runs low so you always have money for purchases with apple cash later this year you're going to be able to use your iPhone and iOS 17 to present your driver's license or your state ID to participating businesses and venues to potentially buy out alcohol and confirm your age and this is going to be huge so users are just going to have to Simply hold their iPhone or Apple watch near a business's iPhone and that will verify your age and your identity for things again like alcohol if you want to rent cars whatever it may be the wallet app also gets Multi-Device provisioning so when you add an eligible payment card to your iPhone you will be able to add those same cards to your other Apple pay capable devices with one easy tap and apple also says you can transfer funds with Apple pay so this allows you to easily and securely move funds from your stored value accounts to an eligible card in Apple pay we have a few changes in the App Store so number one updates in this example used to be all caps now it is no longer all caps and the same goes for every text an iOS 17 so open for example used to be all caps git used to be all caps now it is not but the best change in the App Store in iOS 17 is the fact that you now get an ETA a for when your download is going to be completed so once we start a download here you'll notice that right to the right of the stop button there we now get an ETA for when our download will finish now of course this only applies to applications that don't install right away it needs to be a pretty large size to show that but that is much needed and while I'm downloading this application you'll notice that the app is going to be installed on the very first Blank Space instead of being installed on the last page on my home screen that is a small but a much appreciated feature so there you have it those are all of the new features and changes in iOS 17. there's probably been some that I missed that's how awesome iOS 17 is how big of an update it actually is it's nothing flashy but it has a ton of much requested features and changes included along with a ton of hidden features that Apple just never talked about so if you enjoyed this video and the insane amount of time it took to make it I don't even know how long it took but I would really appreciate if you gave it a thumbs up also consider subscribing if you want to help me and help the channel our community become the biggest and the best apple Community here on YouTube we're on our way to 2 million subscribers so every single subscriber counts thank you in advance for that but anyways guys I need some sleep now so I'll see you soon
Channel: Brandon Butch
Views: 1,464,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon butch, iphone, ios, apple, iOS 17, iPhone 15, iPhone 16, iOS 18
Id: zmgdiyLqfQM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 134min 38sec (8078 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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