Best TV of 2023 So Far? | G3 S95C C3 QN90C 3 Hour TV Showcase Comparison

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hey what's going on everybody let me know how the audio is first of all I just want to make sure we get everything right um sorry about the late start I was just setting everything up making sure we have no hiccups in the chain um if this is fuzzy let me know I'll switch to the um other microphone for the uh MacBook all right it's up so I'm gonna play this just while we get set up and I want to say what's up to everybody in the chat thank you for your patience uh type in the chat if you can hear me clear loud clear if it's not loud and clear let me know what I'm doing wrong uh audio is good okay good um let's see how's this how's the cameras looking are the cameras looking good camera look good you're all right what's up everybody uh we finally got it uh figured out all right uh audio strong good good not too loud hopefully not too quiet hopefully we'll see when we get like guests joining in oh no we don't want to sign in I don't know why it's doing that it's usually never doing that uh I sent out the invite to the group chat did you get it hopefully check the group chat okay it's there all right good uh first of all I just want to say uh thanks for start uh coming out this is a really cool uh thing I wanted to do figure uh why not since I have these TVs right now I'm reviewing them all um I thought this would be a fun thing to do so uh we're gonna try different tests it's not just going to be these LG demos it's just going to start off like this but um once uh we get more people in and I get a guest Max will be joining in about 15-20 minutes or so um so it'll be easier to run the chat and stuff we will be able to answer questions so make sure you ask your questions and anything you have questions about uh let me know uh if you want go ahead and guess which is which um I think that would be pretty fun so um which TV is which what do you guys think uh hold up let me make this full screen so we do got Max what's up next what's going on yeah uh let me know how um how Max sounds with my audio if not we'll turn them down I don't want any audio problems so if you guys have any problems with the audio um let's fix it right away yeah let's do testing testing hopefully that sounds good yeah hopefully hopefully um so we're letting people guess which is which before I put them up on the screen I thought that would be fun to do and we got classy in here as well it's so classy I'm uh still working so I'm gonna be in and out but uh What uh are these like a filmmaker or do you have your own settings like what did you do uh the one that's looking the brightest right now is the one that probably should have did this is the G3 no the C3 is looking the brightest from what I'm saying okay um yeah so is that the one at the top left they are on a filmmaker mode um but let me double check settings and stuff so uh that's enough like DTM was on or off or whatever possible uh I did just check up the source so uh let's check that really quickly um here we'll go to this mode um let me add you guys in real quick and the camera there we go let's just do it like that all right [Music] but not everybody saw it right so oh I thought the top left was uh the brightest I mean let me uh correct I didn't know that was like a G3 or s95c or see that I had to um I had to like label all my remotes so I didn't get mixed up well I labeled two of them just to make sure okay so the s95c is good um uh let's see this check the G3 now I'm just checking settings and everything here and then um ah yes the G3 had a dynamic tone mapping on because uh they were using the default settings probably I hate that they do that like it'd be easier if they just turned it off for filmmaker mode make it my job a lot easier yeah that's just it's one of those things that now it's like technically Samsung's filmmaker you don't touch any of these put it in filmmaker and it's going to be technically more accurate than the LG's putting it in filmmaker if you don't know to turn that off it's cool it's getting a bit ridiculous wasn't it last year was the other way around so that's kind of interesting or was it always like because LG LG always has DTM on and there all their HDR modes and they shouldn't like it's fine if they do it on every other one just on filmmaker it should be off get this game mode should be on hgig by default but it's not um I'm about to switch headphones my headphones but the I forgot to charge it filmmaker mode is on all of them now I'm gonna switch it up so don't forget if you switch to SDR you'll have to turn off the Eco for filmmaker yep and it's off I mean on the Samsung yeah it's off on all of them we'll double check that though if we ever see the SDR looking weird oh all right here we are so let me dial that in let's see what settings we're in here now you know what I was in s-log my bad here let's uh let's try this you could actually use uh s-log on here uh with the conversion thing because it's feeding it through the camera might not be a bad idea that'll give me the most dynamic range right like if I use a log yep yeah I saw the uh at a mouse ninja it was 100 bucks off and then b h had one uh open box for 329 I went to order it and then it was gone as I went to order it oh wow nice because then you can keep it in log with that as the monitor which has HDMI out and then you can load the Luts onto the atomos and then it'll send the what image for the streams yeah that's cool that'd be cool that wouldn't be a bad idea honestly ah I I eventually want to set it up so like I got um OBS working and stuff because you know 1080p can only go so far and then compression and all that oh yeah OBS is uh will be the better choice yeah so this was kind of fun to set up um kind of took a while but all right so guess yes which is which um I I wanted to see let's see what people got I'm gonna scroll up and look at people's comments uh yeah a couple people know already uh but a lot of people are guessing right but I wonder if those are the cheaters you guys cheat all right does the C3 still look brighter because it was actually not with Dynamic tone mapping on I'd say they're looking pretty similar all around at this point except the qn90c I can tell isn't quite as bright yeah you know that's kind of the disappoint like you would expect the Q and 90c to be like brighter but uh like when you're looking at it because now it's actually accurate so it's how it should be now if you put it into a different mode and it's not trying to suppress itself to control blooming then it would be brighter but if you're about accuracy then there's you know an LCD is not going to be brighter mm-hmm very very few scenes anyway yeah I did notice that if if you don't have uh the qn90c a little more controlled you uh you get more blooming like once you start to let it run wild it's hard to see a ton of blooming yeah that's what you can see in my review earlier with the qn 90b there was no way to make it completely accurate so it was pushing a lot of areas and then blowing out highlights clipping and then being that doing that uh just exacerbated the blooming on it with the c it doesn't really do any of that as long as you keep it in its accurate mode and then the blooming is very faint you know all right so top left G3 top right s95c all right that's correct all right since uh people are getting it right maybe they cheated uh let me put it on the screen there you go uh is there a way to make that not as obtrusive there that's better all right let's adjust the camera a little bit higher lower how about that that's good right all right it was good so let's go to some other demos um and then I'll I'll be taking requests and stuff we'll see what we can pull up if I need to pull up anything like a movie or something it would do Stills I can always put up that uh waiting screen while I set it up start from the beginning where we're used to these demos here see they added new demos this one is SDR though yeah the white room in The Matrix is probably like one of the few scenes where you would see the 90c getting brighter so we'll try different modes out right now we're just gonna try filmmaker mode and let me fix my camera guys hold up so I'll pause it on certain scenes too so we can kind of like observe the differences also I'll tell you right now like we go to like the topic of diminishing the returns and I thought about that while I was setting these up last night and looking at them you really start to run into these like diminishing returns with TVs at a certain point at a certain price point you know like you're it's like when you buy a higher end audio gear or when you buy higher end pretty much anything right you're only paying for like a five percent increase a ten percent increase you're never getting like what seems to be your money's worth out of it you know what I'm saying the C3 is a little bit closer to the camera right so the C3 and the qn 90c are a little bit closer because uh they're on the other TVs are on a table and I tried to scoot them to the edge as much as I could um yeah just letting the chat know because yeah they're all the sharpness difference it's just that well is that the size it's going to appear a little bit more in Focus because there's a little bit of a depth difference for the camera oh yeah so depending on where your exposure is it's going to change that depth of field so you're focus is going to change a little bit between them when there's a difference in how far they are from the camera yeah that's true um I can tell you right now from what I'm seeing the brightest one in this scene is the G3 and the second brightest is probably the s95c and then the third brightest is C3 and then the Q and 90c is last but when it comes to Colors um the C3 is definitely the last one like color brightness and stuff you can see but uh it does feel like the C3 has gotten some improvements over this E2 because when I had the C2 next to the s95b last year even like in after the updates and stuff it wasn't it wasn't close like this so I don't think there was like anything done with the actual brightness but the processing seems like it's better and uh they were talking about that you would still see a perceived brightness difference and it's not just because of dynamic tone mapping on it's just they're doing something with their brightness um in the way that they're controlling abl and stuff it's more relaxed apparently so I'd be curious to see classy when you get the C3 if it measures much different than the C2 with the abl in mind well white windows are pretty much the same you know white windows are going to be pretty much the same as the C2 but the question is are they able to push the color brightness a little bit more are they when they talk about their processing differences that usually means with Dynamic tone mapping on so like I'm sure if you were in say Cinema home on a C2 and a C3 and you have Dynamic tone mapping on the C3 is going to be notably brighter because it's gonna do that but in filmmaker they should be basically the same unless they are boosting up specific colors or whatever but all that would have to be measured individually but the windowed you know white windowed measurements that really don't mean anything right they're going to be the same so I'll bring you to this um Sony demo real quick where uh where they're making the sword and that's one of the ones where you can kind of see a good difference so let me actually just pull up my phone for the search bar that's going to be easier well he was playing at demo I was looking at it I mean over the stream it looked like the G3 and s95c are pretty close the brightness what I've been seeing with both of them calibrated and even just both of them in their accurate settings before calibration the s95c it's a hair brighter especially in bright colors in that setting but if you do go to active tone mapping or Cinema home with Dynamic Zone mapping then the G3 is consistently brighter than the s95c in that type of setting but the colors and the detailer and stuff are still there with the s95c when you do that where a lot of it gets clipped or lost on the G3 so it just depends on what your goal is yeah but I gotta head out for a few and I'll be back all right all right cool so I'm looking for the sword maker demo so I can kind of show you um one of the biggest things yeah we're not going to be doing this uh the ads here so I gotta switch when we do the ads otherwise they're going to be annoying about it last time I got docked for just showing an uh like an airpod ad I'm like that's weird so you can't pay for it yeah I know like what it's a free ad why are you guys complaining she'd be happy right whoops so let's see uh no hold on all right are we good we're back we're back right yeah I see yeah okay all right sorry I had to uh rearrange the things so um fire is a really good test of you know color luminance right and I can tell you right now that the C3 is struggling the most here you might be able to see it on camera um but again you know camera is always going to be hard to tell but I can tell you right now that the C3 is falling behind the most here um and the rest of them look pretty good I'm actually really surprised with the way that the G3 looks so we we go to this whole thing about color boosting right um and so like I'll go ahead and show you we're still in this game mode but we're um we're on the optimizer so like we switched to that you are seeing the little drop off in in color there um and it's really going to be noticeable in this scene particularly here when we get to uh this um so that's something that I want to make sure that it's in in frame here back here I believe here we go so um here's a really good example of the difference here and you can see that there's just that that driving of the color a little bit more so there's that let me go ahead and throw off the game Optimizer here whoops that's the person always nice picture um definitely not my personal number you know but so you can kind of see the effect there there's uh some really good examples you know when we get into Forza too and there's just like there's just a loss right and so um the C3 does that as well and like that's what a lot of people are talking about with game mode um can it be fixed it's it's hard to say but when they're on like this you can see that the colors starting to turn white a little bit on the C3 yeah maybe you can on camera I'll just have to explain it to you uh so the C3 is turning a little bit white in the middle and the G3 is a little bit orange in the middle but you can see it's starting to get white just right in the middle but on the S uh 95c you get orange in the middle there and even on the qn90c you get a little bit orange uh so right now the the biggest struggle seems to be for the the C3 and um we'll see what happens when we switch it into game mode here so you can see it loses a lot when we switch it into game mode you see that on camera the luminance just goes downhill so you you still have that with the C3 where in game mode you are going to lose uh color luminance as well so it's not just the G3 that's using the color booster this year it's also going to be the C3 so just wanted to call that out as a thing and then we can see how much the G3 loses here when we go into game optimizer as you can see uh it is you losing that color luminance there so I think that's one of the things that people were really wanting to see on camera more and so I wanted to give them that example uh and if we can go through the rest of this demo here let's replay this one from the start and if you guys have questions you know just leave them in the chat you can also leave a Super Chat that'll be the easiest way to get your question answered but uh we'll try to answer all the questions we can uh feel free to grab any questions you want max if you want to I'm not able to look at chat as much because I'm controlling the camera so I do apologize uh let me grab this one um this is probably going to be a little difficult but maybe you can answer this sure uh Matthew uh message just said yeah I want to know it does G2 basically look the same as a G3 on game mode I would imagine they would look the same because uh I was comparing the C2 to the G uh sorry I was comparing the C3 to the G3 yesterday in game mode and I only noticed like a little bit of a slight difference um the color was slightly better on the G3 but it wasn't anything that I would write home about uh if you're going for gaming and you're going to be using game mode I highly suggest an s95c uh if that's the biggest one you want so yeah that is uh that is something that I'm saying uh you should definitely look into yeah that's um so people who do have g2s the question is is that do you think it's a a nosable upgrade to go to a G3 right yeah I don't think so I don't think so so we're gonna play these LG demos for now um because they're they don't have ads on them and that's why we use them uh more so than anything else yeah I'm using Samsung one right now yeah the Samsung ones are good too I believe they are an SDR though uh uh I got the AK one I think they're all an SDR but oh my Apple TV will convert it to HDR anyways oh yeah you right now you're right you're right yeah okay this is SDR so uh actually I'm not sure if they have the the match content working yet I know before it wasn't for YouTube I don't think it does I have uh last year's version is it last year's version it has it the match content for YouTube yeah yeah I think that was uh in the middle of last year when they did a firmware update because it was they did that big announcement on the on the news yeah that they're finally doing it yeah so looking at this I I say the G3 on this one that specific uh Steel uh yeah so like uh I'm gonna pause it here and just look at some uh some examples because I think like comparing the still images are probably the best way to do it on stream since it's not moving it's not gonna be super compressed it's hard to see it as well uh but I'll be able to break things down a little bit better um as far as what you guys are seeing I think pretty much the camera is getting it close to what you guys are seeing I would say um the white balance isn't 100 right on what you guys are seeing but that's just again how the camera picks up the different types of TVs but I try to get it as close as possible and I think I I think I got it close to what I'm seeing so um if you guys make sure that you're in 1080p on the stream and then enlarge the screen as much as possible so we can uh dig into some details you know in terms of like how bright do things look to your eyes when you have them in these modes when you use filmmaker mode if you're somebody that uses filmmaker mode going after the best TV possible isn't always going to give you like super gains you know um so that's just something that's interesting to know the C3 is is pretty impressive so far uh but you will notice that it does suffer sometimes when we get to those higher color brightnesses things like that but it's a lot it's a lot more uh surprising than I thought it's closer to the G3 than I thought it would be so there is that you know I'm just looking at the colors on the s95c just it looks better from from my standpoint it's a good example there like when you see uh some nice gradients in the sky especially with the the orange sky Fading Into the yellow here that's a good way to look at um these two examples here and I think the thing that I noticed the most is you can see uh sorry camera let me adjust it you can see that the S uh the s95cs pulling in the color a little bit better and then the Q and 90c is doing a really good job in this scene too uh the Q and 90c is the brightest no surprise here uh it's the one that can get the brightest in this scene you can probably see the qn90c in this for example right yeah yeah it definitely shows on the bottom left so oh uh let me go ahead and that's a good one too I like that one oh you got a super chat too all right let me grab that one oops uh thanks for the Super Chat uh Matthew said thanks probably gonna uh go s95c we'll wait for Black Friday keeping a close eye on the firmware updates Samsung could be number one if they play smart yeah I I um I think the s95c is really solid I if you're looking at filmmaker mode in particular like the colors are really good um I I think the s95b is probably just as good in filmmaker mode um aside from like color accuracy and stuff like the colors just seem to be more on point for the s95c and they measure better as well but the uh s95b is not too bad honestly so if you're keeping it in filmmaker mode and you're not gonna notice the slightest differences with the color and I would honestly get the s95b it's cheaper and unless you need 77 inch I probably wouldn't get the s95c to be honest with you I know that's like not what people are expecting me to say but I'm also trying to save you guys some money at this point and I I honestly think there is like diminishing returns with these Technologies right now um you're getting small amounts of uh increases maybe 10 20 if if you're like if you want to be generous over the s95b so uh here's this scene I want to point out uh and thank you for the Super Chat Matthew I appreciate you um here's uh the scene in particular when you're looking at this you can see that every single TV except for the C3 is really Orange right like with the sun and I'll drop my exposure so you can see that a little bit better yeah you see that yeah so the C3 is losing the color there yeah it looked yellow exactly uh it's it's actually looking a little bit wider um so look at the rings around it you see how the there's orange around all the Suns except for the the C3 is is more white around it that's the that's the color loss that you see so but then I'm looking at the s95c I don't know it's just I'm looking at the sun and the cloud it just looked more realistic than looking at the G3 I mean GG G3 is doing a good job the s95c is definitely the brightest here uh the ga is doing a great job uh that's also turning a little bit White um but yeah other than that it's pretty good like if you were telling me the G3 was an s95c at this point I I'd probably believe you you know if it was only TV but if you told me the C3 was an s95c I would definitely know you're not telling the truth because like you can see it right you can see the color loss and I think like on stream just pay attention to the way that it's orange around it you see that oh yeah you see the orange glow compared to the White yeah so that that's a good indicator there uh and then I'll pull up a really cool demo as well I might have to take it off the screen though for a second the more I'm thinking about this it seemed like uh the s90c may be a sleeper TV for this year oh for sure like um like I said it's it's you know kind of like a better s95b in in a way because it's probably got the same color um Behavior as a s95 see now I'm just talking about going against the C3 uh that that too yeah like if you want to talk about prices right now yeah that's that's I'm just throwing it out there because after looking at that sun scene yeah I'm thinking about because I have the I had the 55 inch as well too you really can't see it in the back but I didn't unbox it yet but I I'm thinking about picking up the um s90c as well too and um that's something that I'm kind of thinking about doing as a uh comparison yeah so is that let's go to the next demo and why it keeps wanting you to sign in we'll get to the gaming comparison a little bit later I have to do it in order because otherwise I just have to keep switching back and forth and right now we have the Apple TV hooked up so that's what you're getting um but uh yeah let's uh let's see if we got any questions here asking questions um just keep coming up too let me see if you can answer this one uh this one's from Danny is again settings make the s95c have the same depth or 3D pop as a 3D as a G3 Beyond color luminance uh so the G3 can do something that the s95c can't do if you're a fan of that like colourpop kind of picture profile you can't get that same like effect on this s95c so uh there's something with expression enhancer and setting it to brightness you can't replicate it with the the contrast enhancer at all because you're going to lose way too much color it's gonna get washed out um as far as I know like I tried everything to get it to look like the expression enhancer so I couldn't couldn't quite match it there so no as far as the 3D you know pop uh I think that the processor in the s95c is great it's it was great with the s95b as well um and with the active on you kind of feel like you got that same type of effect but it is definitely something the LG worked on with the the dynamic tone mapping this year you still have the downside though of dynamic tone mapping lifting the Shadows up yeah I do have a little bit of a workaround for that in game mode but it's not it's not gonna be the most ideal and you're going to have to switch it for certain games but um I did find a little bit of a work around if you play something that has like shadows and like maybe like Resident Evil something where you don't want to see all the Shadows you know so you can have a workaround for that otherwise Dynamic tone mapping will be way way too much in terms of lifting up the entire picture level uh the whole scenes because I I do feel like Dynamic tone mapping just kind of kills the immersion when you're in those um darker games and that's been my my biggest problem there all right you got a Super Chat let me go and pull this one up uh so from tasty uh thanks for Super Chat it's uh C3 game mode color looks worse same or better than C2 uh so I think the game mode probably performs about the same uh I haven't really seen it next to a C2 I have it where I can see it next to a C1 and I'm not seeing like a ton of difference there so I think you're still getting about the same it's outside of game mode where it has improved with color so uh for game mode I wouldn't necessarily upgrade I think we looked at that demo uh the macro color one's pretty good let's do that let me see if any any other questions all right uh let me go ahead and pick this one up us a lot of dread so you suggested the s95 over to G3 for game mode I mean for someone who wants specifically LG is there a chance that LG will improve game mode next year or will it be the same uh I'll say this a lot if if you're not using hgig uh you can use Alm and get a really same experience as what you'd get outside of game mode um and your input lag will be pretty low it should be almost feeling about the same as regular game mode so you just give up certain things like hgig for example so if you're not really caring about accuracy in gaming um you can definitely get a G3 and be fine so I do want to make sure everybody knows that when we're speaking about game mode specifically we're talking about the actual game mode that you can be in but there are workarounds and if you're dead set on LG that's just the one you want you're more comfortable with LG absolutely you can get a G3 and it'll be fine that's a good question um let me see here okay so any other questions and I wanted to um make sure I say thank you to uh tasty delicious for that Super Chat oh uh this is a good question um are you on the latest firmware update on the s95c the latest firmware update for all of the TVs okay so SD asked this question unless there was something brand new that just came out that's only available on the website um oh you probably won't be able to answer this the more I'm thinking about it um any uh changes to 1123 firmware firm 113. not that I know of as far as I know nothing really changed from 111 11 13 to 11 23 I think it was just bug fixes and improvements yeah people were there was a recent update with the s95b where it changed the way that the TV would behave and uh automatically pixel uh pixel cleaning the screen um for burning and stuff so maybe they had that same type of update with s95c now going back to the TVs I don't know why I keep on gravitating toward top right but I'm just probably because of the colors yeah it's really popping out I got it in yellow yeah I like um I like this particular demo here I think that the uh the deepest color here which again we're talking about color which out of the box could be all over the place for all these TVs you never know but it is in filmmaker mode so we're trying to get uh the closest comparison possible but I'll say like um the G3 definitely does these Reds really well I think LG does a really good job with their Reds in general um there's a lot more gradient though with like the s95c and I'm not sure if like that gradient is meant to be there or if that's like just a downside to something but there is this kind of gradient um it's not it's not a solid red on the Samsungs but it's like that kind of on the G3 as well so but uh the qn 90b for example you don't see that as much so it's kind of weird in that sense that it does that okay here's a um an interesting example like this the the yellow on the C3 here um it looks it looks green oh I was just about to say that yeah it's green yeah um and uh on the Q and 90c uh it looks it looks like it's turning white a little bit and the s95c is the only one that's giving me like the best look right here yeah the G3 is is not bad though you have another Super Chat let me pull this up all right from um [Music] I'm saying that right thank you uh for the super chat um he says s95c has only 19 milliseconds input lag with 4K 60 with interpolation does the s90c match that or is it closer to the s95 B's 28 milliseconds um I'm not really sure I know that game Motion Plus is something that kind of fluctuates with the input lag it's not something that you can time once and then it's the same because I see measurements from the same TV be totally different I think it depends on how you set up this setting like what sliders you use um that has something to do with it I know some people just use one of the sliders and then it's not as much of an impact but when you use both of the sliders then you get like closer to that 28 milliseconds so I would guess it's somewhere between that 25 and 28 milliseconds that it usually measures that typically all the Samsung TVs measure around the same milliseconds wise for like input lag thanks for thanks for that Super Chat and thank you for that Super Chat by the way if there's any other questions and I just want to shout out to 151 people watching right now you guys are awesome for uh tuning in thank you and let me know what you guys want to see um I'll try to pull up different examples and get to uh some better Stills and stuff I think people probably want to see the game mode because we've been talking about it yeah we'll definitely do game mode yeah we'll definitely do game mode in a little bit somebody was asking can you do a LG black demo uh sure um this one in particular Let's uh make sure we get the camera right and while you put that up is another Super Chat all right let's get it uh thank you for the Super Chat uh Diego uh he says is it worth buying LGC 255 inch now for 9.99 or wait for the C3 I honestly would just buy that C2 if that's what your what your options are between the C2 and the C3 I don't think there's a huge jump and that's a good price so I would definitely say buy the c255 inch wouldn't you agree Max yeah I mean because the 55 inch C3 what would I pay eight 19 1900. yeah yeah because uh because I just bought it I just came today I'm just like yeah that's that's uh that's a good price yeah like it's like almost half yeah yeah um so this is the time where you start to see those deals um and I did post that um that deal yesterday with the 65 inch for uh 12.99 I mean honestly I would just go for the 12.99 65 inch oh yeah classy back uh but it's good classy I'm back for a few minutes but I was gonna say I am personally going to be picking up to you a 42 inch before they're gone yeah specifically because I'm starting to do HDR grading for my videos and I don't want it to have any dimming and so I need to go in and disable it with the service menu because otherwise I'll be sitting there and Final Cut and it's going to be dimming and driving me nuts when trying to create HDR so for that use case specifically I'll be getting a C2 over a C3 yeah and the the 48 inch is like 8 26 right now I like the 42 inch size better for monitor oh okay yeah you can probably find that too um check sometimes Best Buy open box has it for like 6.50 at one point it had dropped to 7.99 and then it's been back at 8.99 and their open boxes at least the ones that are excellent or better are like 8 30 but I I wouldn't get it from there anyway so but yeah I just I want to get one of those before they're gone is this HDR this doesn't feel HD bar it is HDR okay um yeah it's just a really good deal right now hmm let me see if there's any other questions LG OLED have more depth than cutie OLED um no I wouldn't say that I would say that like when you use the dynamic tone mapping mode uh you can get that feel of like a little bit more almost 3D like depth but depth comes with a lot of things like it depends on the scene if you're watching like a darker scene you kind of lose a lot of depth when you use Dynamic tone mapping so it's more so for the brightness like the brighter scenes you can see more depth that way but um yeah it's tough to say they both look really good honestly when you have them in comparable modes I wouldn't say one has more depth than the other Samsung definitely has a little bit more like sharpness to it because they have this uh Dynamic sharpening that they do like in every mode you can't turn it off uh Sony does the same thing so uh can you rewind that scene I was looking at the yeah which one I think it was like right where right before the cats yeah right well the cats and then before uh uh no it wasn't that one right before it right before that this one um yeah that's a good scene and then I think the cast was a good one too okay yeah I don't know I'm just looking at the C3 look I don't know what's a better term um I'm not saying it's washed out but I'm just saying the colors on that C3 is not it's not the scale to the other TVs um yeah it might be a camera I I think they look fairly similar here 's a good example though where you are seeing a little bit more sharpness on um like the s95c here there's like it could have been the cats a little bit more defined in the background if you're looking at skin tones or anything dark or gray where you're seeing the extra green on the G3 are you seeing that on the C3 as well uh I can check that yeah it is perfect the girl um so we'll go here so this screen in particular you mean yeah just that gray you should be able to see if the the G3 will stand out as green compared to the s95c but the s95c at least mine was too magenta oh yeah I was wondering if the C3 is looking like the G3 on that on that yeah C3 to me I think I think all of them look comparable I think it's more magenta on the s95c um it definitely seems like you're getting more green on the G3 like on the top left I was about to say C3 bottom right but uh Just Between the G3 and the C3 C3 matches last year's because the G3 is a little bit different yeah yeah I mean they they act really similar from what I've been seeing the G3 just seems more capable which is clear like that I was about to say the G3 looks a little bit looks better than all of them in my opinion so I'm gonna grab uh some I'm gonna pull up a movie still I'm gonna look for something real quick so let's talk it out let's see if we got any questions it'd be a good time to pull some questions while I look for something yeah let me see um so far no questions that I could see yeah it's like the G3 is getting a lot of praise for its accuracy out of the box because it's really close to d65 like it's pretty much spot on d65 out of the box which is great and so a lot of the color errors and stuff for low errors but it doesn't that doesn't mean that there's not problems because of the crushing near black and because of that dropping blue at the bottom that makes everything look green like skin tones and whatnot so there are definitely some issues still that I mean they can be addressed with calibration but just out of the box it's like I think it's getting too much praise for the accuracy when the RGB balance across the whole grayscale isn't flat like it is on Sony's or even the s95c is actually pretty consistent like it's not consistent and it's white point from panel to panel so they aren't really using d65 but as far as like looking at a grayscale you'll see the the white point it's the same pretty much like through the whole grayscale but on the G3 it there's this dip of blue in the at the bottom middle range that just it's very noticeable to someone like me um let me see if I can find out uh any examples here Shadow detail um oh did we say uh fomo's in in the chat definitely hard to sell on this scene what's up fomo how's it going I see him in the chat yeah what's good fomo how you doing man so uh anything we can see on camera it's kind of far away I don't know look like the um right the G3 will look a little bit green uh in the darker areas sometimes in the shadows that's the bummer part uh I will say surprisingly enough like in this particular scene um you are seeing a little bit more Shadow detail in the s95c uh the qn90c actually doing a really good job with avoiding blooming on the black bars here like I'll even try to raise the iso so you guys can see um there's not a ton of Separation there ignore the cables you're supposed in the whole room [Laughter] surprise look at my wires oh mine's gonna look like that too so yeah so that's uh that's interesting let's see if we can find a better scene here whoops I hate that come on Apple why do you do that okay the C3 has the worst Shadow detail of them all but I mean that doesn't surprise me I just cracked it out of the box so um has not been broken in at all uh someone mentioned that they can't see the Black Box because of the question hold on for a minute let's see we could take that question off oh yeah my bad I didn't even see we had that up yeah okay there we go good job uh thanks uh hi Jeff for mentioning that yeah okay so like uh here's the thing they do a really good job with the black bars every year uh qn90b took a step back with one of the updates I don't know why but yeah there's that it's not that bad yeah it's pretty cute the q90c looks looks actually decent yeah it does look really decent here yeah um so I'm gonna pull up something else here wait if I'm looking at a G3 and the s95c both of them look very close when it comes to the blacks and Shadow detail but yeah I I think that so far the Q a 90c shadow detail it's good it's always been good though like yeah uh ever since the Q and 90b they they did a lot with Shadow detail sorry the Q a 98 they started to clean up the shadow detail a lot I believe uh yeah the Q and 90b was where really really started to see some improvements yeah that's that's where that's where one thing I noticed on my x95k is like the shadow detail I try to explain it to people but you know he said no OLED is better I was like this this is debatable well okay right I think I think they have Superior Shadow detail but okay yeah I'm just trying to find some uh but they came in 9C I'm I'm I'm happy I happy I'm happy that you got the 55-inch version because like what you had the 40 oh the the 40 well it's the 48 version 45 uh which one the 43 inch 43 inch okay yeah yeah um yeah so I'm glad you got the 50 55 inch and stuff so do you notice like a a difference in performance between both sizes um yeah I would say the the 43 inch was a little bit cleaner in terms of like handling blooming but other than that there's not much difference here I'm gonna pull up that screen now for you guys and uh let me adjust this back down yeah with the uh black bars the 90b was actually really good with black bars as long as they were typical 2.4 to 1 aspect ratio but it was the thinner black bars that it could not do well but the 90c did very good with that was a problem that I had last year with the 900 900b yeah but they did say it was a firmware update that said it helped fixed it but when I had the 65 inch version that black bars the narrow black bars was it was awful it wasn't good at all yeah so I don't know if you guys can see here I'm trying to look at the detail on the coat here um for Jesse Eisenberg in the middle there I can't really see too many good details on the C3 that seems to be crushed out a little bit more uh the G3 actually has a pretty good Shadow detail in this scene yeah that's a G3 and uh s95c yeah and in the qn qn 90c it looked a little washed out in in that area yeah so I put I put it in a s-log three so we can see more detail um let me put an S lock oh you should get a little bit more color so that's why it looks a little bit washed out oh okay okay that makes a difference because I was like oh I said I don't know we're just looking to see Shadow detail and particularly right now yeah let me grab another scene here no LCD is going to compete with oleds and darker Z that's not gonna happen that's why it's like you look at every result from every shootout LCDs just cannot compete in Darker scenes yeah no I I know the oleds are able to get APL brightness up so high that even in brighter scenes there's not much Advantage there like the the advantage that LCDs currently have is that you can get an 85 inch and usually spend less money and you pretty much don't worry about burning but then you do have to worry about DSE um here's one we can kind of grab oh come on Apple TV remote why are you so bad so uh you can grab any questions you see by the way uh if you see no I don't see any questions anybody just talking about huh yeah no questions so far I think it was just they both just everyone's just going back and forth with TV look better oh okay all right here we go so here's another scene um try to look at the fan in the background oh yeah yeah if we focus on the fan like where do you see the the best example of that I would say the qn90c definitely isn't doing as well as I would hoped here no it's worse uh yeah it seems to be the worst out of the three uh C3 is the second worst I said s35c is number one because I could see behind that fan whatever it is is that a window or whatever it is or a door yeah I don't even see that on the keyword 96 yeah I looked at when I'm looking at the Q and 90c I I don't see anything I see I don't even know what that is yeah let's let's try to raise it up a little more so you can kind of see yeah well I guess yeah there's like a door behind there but the s95c can't see it on the keyword no matter what oh yeah that looks that's awful you see that not really oh no I'm saying like you can't see the door really no oh yeah it doesn't matter how much you brighten it yeah hmm yeah that's crazy so it's definitely uh a pretty good example of Shadow detail here I'm not the biggest fan of this q and 90c right now it's it's definitely good in brighter scenes uh and it's not a bad TV by any means but the price tag that it's at right now same thing with the C3 it's like I can't justify that when the s95b exists that's what I try to do the reviews thinking what's gonna what is it gonna be six months from now what last year models are here and the prices come down and then also like something like a qn90c you yeah compare it to oleds but also you should have another high-end LCD to compare it to to see where that technology is changing not because again dark scenes none of them are going to be able to compete with Ola it's just not going to happen right let's see what happens if I switch the local dimming a little bit oh and also keep in mind the s95c um very slight over brightening of Shadows kind of similar to what Sony does um so actually if you set the shadow detail to negative one it'll be a lot closer to accurate okay did you feel like you needed to bump up the shadow detail on the Q and 90c at all I'd have to look at my notes to see what I did um or I think he has asked like one right uh in gaming I had to do that but in filmmaker I I may have had Shadow detail plus one but I can't remember off top of my head yeah you might need to do it plus one if you want to be able to see things like that door in the background yeah because I remember when I first got it and I was comparing it to the B the shadow details were less than on the beat but then after calibrating it it was better so it might have been plus one Shadow detail on it I just thought the s95c needs to be minus one yeah I'm gonna grab a brighter seeing people are asking for brighter scenes people are talking about uh q and 90 uh qn95c uh I know fomo is going to be doing the stream tomorrow yep so uh people are just wondering like how that's going to handle with that same scene this is going to be interesting there's a very similar like scene to like the white room in this movie I'ma find it okay I don't know what this movie is graded at though if anybody wants to look we'll stop uh we'll get to gaming in just a second I don't know how long I'm gonna go um what time is it okay seven I might go to like 8 30. so we'll try to get gaming in if I need to do a second day I'll probably do it Sunday [Music] because uh fomo's doing his thing tomorrow yeah so that's going to be interesting that qn95c I I'm really interested to see how that do how how's how that TV performs so yeah yeah I'm trying to look for my phone but it was kind of bummer that it doesn't have the one connect box so right it is um but yeah I don't know and the one connect box can also be a hassle if you don't have anywhere to put it but it's like oh you got to do that too yes it could be a double s or I I don't know I think it's more convenient for especially with I don't know HDMI course I think it's a little bit cleaner in my opinion yeah especially if you have like a TV stand or something like that you just using using that on your furniture you could just put the one connect box inside of it and have all your cores running through it a farmer if you're still listening can you take a picture of the label on the back of the qn95c and send it to me and then that way I can tell you who makes the panel because if it's csot making that's a VA panel then we're gonna see that blue glow where it does have blooming but if it's uh auo V8 panel then it should be cleaner better looking yeah inside not the next theme so hold on yeah it would be great if the x95l came over here at the 65 and 75 inch that would be great but no we only get an 85 inch come on Sony yeah I I I wish they didn't do that you know I don't know why they're doing that either so it's kind of that's good that was kind of odd tonight you only could get the 85 inch yeah so I'm gonna get out of the s-log so you can see the colors better seconds it's a little bit better so you can see here um I think like what the the oleds do here in a scene like this can't be understated uh because here's where you would kind of want an OLED because you are kind of losing when there's lights together like this you're losing a lot especially since it's darker around the lights it's a little more cloudy than the OLED so that's going to be another downside when you're picking a LCD TV so I thought that would be a good example to pull out for uh the LCD differences and you can't really see it on camera but the s95c definitely looks the best right here yeah I was just about to say I'm I'm just looking at the shadow detail I just think it looks it looks a lot better from the s95b because you remember I said it was Black Crush yeah and uh yeah it's like Samsung definitely cleaned that up with the s95c yeah they did that with the update too um the filmmaker mode in general it doesn't have too much black rush it seems pretty good on the s95b okay okay yeah it was just like at launch though yeah there was definitely a lot of fun yeah because I was looking at I was like looking at that and I said I know I'm not the only one that's seeing this and stuff so uh but looking at the s95c at launch I'm like oh they cleaned this up a lot yeah I'm gonna go to Netflix because it's a little bit easier to control uh so some people are asking some questions about if you could put in active oh sure yeah yeah we can do that in a second I I wanted to do it like this because once you go into uh the the more like non-accurate modes oh the Power Ranger movies out I gotta watch that yeah I saw that they like they brought everybody back right like yeah my wife was asking me he said you want to watch that say you know I am all right oh anyway um that distracted me so let me go to movies um actually TV show is probably better on Netflix right uh yeah or um let's do stranger things I think people like to see that yeah stranger things is a good one I was about to say underground six it's a good one um what's that other one now I'm gonna have to go through my Netflix stuff uh what's up if anybody knows like any super high graded stuff on Netflix let me know I'm not setting Outer Banks is it's like crazy oh yeah that thing will sear your eyes yeah that it's hydrated um yeah I was like known to x95k I I my eyes was like that was the first time I started to hurt yeah yeah so I gotta turn this down yeah now um there's a couple of scenes with the the skies and stuff where you're definitely seeing some really good details and yeah there's also a demo um I'm gonna pull up too with the by I don't know if you've ever seen the Miami demo by like Eugene belsky I'm I can't play the whole video because it's copyrighted but um man there is definitely some really cool examples in that um so here is a really cool scene um this one's uh particularly interesting to me that's 95 seeds it does the best job here yep and you can see um as I go through and we make it as dark as possible here yeah still that's 95c yeah you see that's it see it's kind of it's hard I'm not unless you you had these TVs side by side I don't think you would notice too much of a difference but when you have them next to each other I don't know it's just that cutie Cutie OLED technology it's just it's just the colors right that's where that's what really gets me yeah this is probably the best one in the show of the uh the colors on do you have a phone was asking uh what about Batman versus Superman and active you want me to I could throw this in active uh since this is a bright bright show so let's throw it all into active so we got our movie mode which is always active by default yeah you guys doing the Q at 90c and then I think you're probably gonna have to do Dynamic with tone man I believe all I have to do is go to cinema okay class is still here no Cinema should be like the same as filmmaker mode right let me know if it's not it's a cinema home uh Cinema home will have expression enhancer on oh I was about to say throw all that stuff on there see what happened oh yeah we will we will um all right which one looks best to you guys right now actually this probably could get controlled better yeah it's classy right there I will go with the colors with s95c but as in detail why as I go with the G3 I'm just looking at some of the detail on that um the sun yeah it looks it looks it looks better on the G3 but I'm looking at the colors on the s95c it looks better yeah let me let me find a better scene wrong remote it could I mean that's just me observing from 1080p over your camera to you know compression stream right looking for some bright scenes there's a couple of really crazy crazy bright scenes that I remember seeing I was like come on I read my eyeballs tomorrow G3 man oh here's a question um freaking G3 here I'll show you guys all right I'm gonna I'm gonna highlight this one um he's a ratings rate the s95c has the best sports if they have any uh football fans out there he said go Chiefs uh I think if you're going Sports you go for the G3 oh you go for a G3 yeah I I think it's going to do better in a little bit right streaming too and that's going to be uh a big thing if you're using YouTube TV for NFL Sunday Ticket um yeah I want you to see the processing between the qn90c and the s95c because like you said if you saw my review earlier do you see how much better the qn90c was with gradations and a little bit rate and everything compared to the 90b yep but I have not seen that big Improvement on the Sid 5C and I don't get why right um so classy here here's a here's another example like where the G3 is like slapping the s95c um but again mapping yeah we do that I mean Dynamic tone mapping on here yeah I can tell you the spot right now like if you go to Outer Banks season two episode one right when it starts there's the sun peeking through the trees like there's no contest like that is a good spot to uh see where I get like an accurate filmmaker setting you're gonna see better color brightness on the s95c but then once you switch it over to cinema home with Dynamic tone mapping and everything it's completely reversed yeah so I'm just going to switch the top real quick um I'm gonna switch this to filmmaker and then I'm gonna switch this one back to uh so it's a cinema and filmmaker the same for uh yeah if you're gonna use the Dynamics on mapping LG's use Cinema home okay so my home will push it harder than any of the others but just make sure you also set the color to 50 and then set the um white balance to warm 50. yeah now they look the same so yeah you're right it's just a it's just a G3 uh working overtime with this Dynamic Zone mapping yeah just it gives you more tools to push order which is the that's the thing that like they flipped because normally it's always Samsung that will let you lift eotf more and push the brightness more and Sony and LG wouldn't let you get that bright but now LG is just basically giving you that extra control to take it even further I just want to see if I can match it no you you still can't really match it as much yeah there's nothing you can do about it yeah yeah I was I was working for like almost an hour trying to match it the other day I was like I can't match it it's not possible so like that that's why I'm telling people if you're just watching movies and TV shows and you're going for picture pop it's the G3 for me man like if I didn't game and probably get the G3 I like both I think both are really great um but I would say the reverse is true if you want accuracy the s95c out of the box is going to be able to do the filmmaker mode better and be more accurate and even after the calibration there's times where I have them and again like the s95c can where it's you know the content calls for it get brighter than the G3 when they're in their accurate moves yeah I'm gonna turn off expression enhancer for right now um but I switched to G3 right I switched to see through right uh to be honest with you I don't I don't know yeah and the secretary just can't yeah I'm looking at it now I'm like the C3 just can't do this uh 90c is like they look similar to each other the C3 and the qn 90c yeah but like so I'm gonna darken it so you can kind of see where the brightness is really at it's the G3 you see like the G3 is definitely pushing it the most um s95c second and then uh q and 90c third actually I would say q and 90c is second and that's 95c is third here this is like my favorite show on Netflix by the way I just love this show yeah it's a good show um stranger things are still number one but yeah uh and here's an example where you can't beat you you can't you can't beat the qn90 see oh yeah right there see um you just can't beat it so you want a bright room TV it's still going to be like I don't know it's the G3 you can do it you can get away with it for sure um but if you want the absolute brightest overcome all the obstacles your best BET's still probably that's only in those super high yeah it won't push as hard right yeah that that is true I guess that's like the biggest hurdle we gotta jump over as we're figuring out what TV to get um because that's not how people think you know so it's like we have to think about it on average is the G3 brighter than the qn90c and I think I think it is so I would say that you're probably right in that sense for me it's like the best LCDs just need to be in their own category where it's like someone decides they want an LCD okay then these are solid TVs but no matter what at this point I would recommend Olex first whether it be the G3 or the s95c like they've reached that point that unless you have to have 85 inch or you get a really good deal or something like that or you're really afraid of burning like those are the only real reasons to not go with one of the olives yeah dude this is crazy um so the G3 here is just doing weird stuff with the colors I don't know uh it's almost making it look a bit Neon but maybe that's what it's supposed to look like I don't know um without having a monitor nearby who can say but who cares right because we're in the cinema Hall uh I'll say this I'm gonna throw on the uh expression enhancer people don't like when I use expression enhancer because I've heard a lot of people complaining like it's unfair and you'd have to use contrast enhancer to combat that and I was like okay so you can see that brightness doesn't even do anything here for this scene so that's all Loki was saying about the qn90c looks you like the dimmest LCDs that we're seeing it's that's not what it is it's just yeah the 90c is brighter than the 90b once you you know turn that stuff up or whatever you let it do that like the it was brighter like go look at the horses in the snow on the Spears and muzzle at the end of the video like it's clearly brighter how much do you want it to clip how much do you want it to blow up the highlights like that kind of stuff like this is just trade-offs you have to make so I'll do the maximum treatment on both TVs here um so I I did contrast an answer you see there's like really big downsides with contrast enhancer yeah that's the problem is yeah but I'm gonna do it so it's fair uh to a degree yeah that's what Samsung that's their they use it as a crutch contrast enhancer is going to remove a lot of detail it's not going to look natural at all but that's what they rely on to really get the brightness pushed harder especially on their LCD models and it's like if you're willing to use that then you're going to get more brightness but I personally would not turn it on regardless right so I want to show you like the biggest downside uh to contrast enhancer for when you're really just trying to drive it at maximum like look at skin tones you know you're starting to get washed out skin tones and stuff like that uh in details get clipped uh I'm curious to see if this is actually just like getting washed out or is this a skin tone difference because at times I feel like the s95c looks a bit like a little tiny bit like under shooting or under saturating the skin tones like it's a I don't know I can't quite figure out the skin tones on this 95c oh yeah so you can see it is definitely skin tones are gonna have a huge impact based on the white point out of the box and Samsung really is not very consistent with their white point target like I said mine was very magenta which like I said that really affects your skin tones so right and it's just contrast enhancer in this case the downside to it you see like it's just a huge drop off that's why you can't compare it uh with it on you're always just gonna see big differences uh because somebody's gonna just grab a screenshot from this look at how bad that's uh with no context at all so uh yeah which is fine like if they want to do that fine all right I'm gonna grab another I was looking at the chat I didn't wasn't seeing what you were showing I thought you were talking about this get the colors of the skin tones yeah yeah uh it was like making her skin white I was like washing her skin out oh yeah that was just like being like any like yeah um I think q109c is pretty good though in these high brightness scenes I'm gonna turn off contrast enhancer after this next scene so we'll get to gaming too don't worry uh I can pull up any examples you guys want to and if you have any questions you leave them in chat Max will pull up the questions when he sees them and then uh any any uh like questions you need answered right away if you want to make sure it's seen the best way to do it is to send a super chat this also supports the channel and I thank you guys if you end up doing that good example yeah the only question I see is someone asked me about the x95k but I really can't compare it because I only have the Q in 90c um I'll just pull this up real quick yeah uh I really can't answer that question uh I I haven't seen the qn 90c in person to really to really say and stuff so I don't want to just say one is better than the other while having them side by side so I may I may pick it up uh later this year and see and go from there yeah you know I said it I said it last year but the s95b was like the first introduction of us crashing like crashing the uh the barrier where you don't you don't even need to think about LCD unless you're in a super duper bright room but even then you don't even really need to think about LCD TV um I think we're just there now because you can see like the C3 is just not it just can't but um everything else competing with the high brightness like qn90c is brighter here yes but again still makes like a good dark room if you have it in an accurate mode but when you are trying to push the brightness then that's where the C Series is just it's not there anymore yeah I agree with that and I like I said if you're going to like keep it in filmmaker mode you know watching that term in a dark room you'll be fine you probably won't be missing too much um but if you just if you're trying to use it in different ways game mode Etc I think then uh the bigger ones are definitely worth stepping up to if you can if you can if you can't I mean honestly the s95b exists and that's not that much more than the C2 or C3 actually it's cheaper than the C3 and then you have the s90c out there that's the same price as the C3 so I again classy do you think like the s90c is probably going to be performing very similar in terms of the way that it's set up out of the box to the 95c so I think the C3 is going to have to undercut the s90c in order to keep their volume and sales um also the Sony aadl is coming and I am I do not have high hopes for that as far as brightness but it'll still have all of Sony's other advantages but if you want brightness it's going to be the lowest of those three mid-tier options yeah that's a good point well ejg asked about best receiver on if you have a Costco membership I know they usually have the uh I forget the exact model but it's a Denon and then sometimes I think they have an Onkyo and they're like four 450 for seven channels um that's kind of like the go-to best bang for the buck in that range otherwise I would look at the uh Onkyo NR um I think it's the 6100 or 5100 that's seven channels um because I have the NR 7100 which is nine channels and that was like a thousand or Eleven Hundred but you know for the money Costco is like the best deal yeah if you if you really want to drive these TVs um I don't think you can beat the G3 if you just want to drive the TV to the maximum like drive it to its knees and push out as much brightness as possible there's not you can't beat the G3 especially you have to consider what movies you watch um you're you're just going to get a brighter presentation most of the time anyway so because I noticed most movies that I put on the G3 tends to look a little bit brighter even in filmmaker mode it's just slightly brighter depends on how the movie's graded though yeah you just talk about movie content so yeah movies movies particularly movies and TV shows I mean that's what people watch the most right like Netflix shows and movies I mean and it depends on how they watch if you're watching filmmaker mode then I would go with the s95c for sure but if you want to like really push it like I'm doing right now and you can't really beat the G3 yeah you're just talking about just brightness or you're talking about like brightness and just pushing it to the maximum and like even the color is fine like you don't see the color get washed out like you do with um like if you throw the s95c in in a contrast enhancer right contrast enhancer is going to wash out colors even if you use expression enhancer it doesn't wash out the colors as much as you would think so you still retain a lot of good colors with expression and answer and um yeah it's just it's definitely that picture pop TV you mean specifically the brightness yeah that's what I'm talking about like if you're really driving the TV and you're somebody who watches picture pop it's unbeatable so it's basically turning on Dynamic tone mapping is going to do one of two things if the content is not using the full ability of the panel then it will push the panel as hard you know much harder than it otherwise would but if the content goes beyond what the panel is capable of then it will more aggressively tone map and then actually dim down those highlights to show more details those are the two things that I mix on that before then with the expression brightness setting it's purely just an eotf bomb at the upper mid range of the grayscale so anything that's not a highlight but not Shadows not the lower mid-range it's only the upper mid range so as you start to get into brighter objects that aren't highlights that's what it's really going to push brighter yep and here's an example where the G3 can't match the Q and 90c again when you have these bigger white like big blue sky blue just bright scene super bright High IPL scenes you're still gonna get the advantage of going to the uh qn90c so do guys super chat if you watch a lot of stuff that's like this and you know you still have the option for the qn90c and it's not terrible um but on the flip side when you watch darker stuff like John Wick for example uh you'll definitely notice the blooming on those candles uh thank you for the Super Chat uh let's see Ford appreciate you thank you for the Super Chat he says do you know of any entry-level sound bars relatively cheap for the apartment uh yeah there's a couple of entry level sound bars I think it depends on the TV you have because some of the TVs are actually better than the entry-level sound bars so it's you got to be kind of careful with that uh that someone else beam is a pretty good entry level like if you just want a good like Center Channel you can fill up the the room with some pretty good bass it depends on how big your room is too and I think the best value for those entry sound bars is to look for the like one or two-year-old LG three channel one so you get the dedicated Center plus the left and right and it has a sub yeah you get those on Amazon for like 140 bucks yeah those aren't bad um a lot of times though the sub is just it doesn't it doesn't do too much and yeah but I mean that's when you're talking entry that's better than the two-channel you know ones that are like 80 bucks you'll spend 140 150 I get three channels plus a basics of it's something that's true yeah I I have no comment on the sound bar so yeah I don't like them but for my bedroom which gets the TV too turned on maybe once a month like that's what I did just because the TCL speakers are terrible on the 5 Series um but yeah normally I don't do Summers yeah yeah I think they're good options especially for smaller spaces and stuff so um but yeah that that seemed like a good suggestion as well the LG and I think Samsung does a good job too um yeah it's like I said LG or Samsung they both have comparable three Channel with a sub you know 3.1s and it's just the main thing is look at the one or two year old versions that are on Amazon from third-party sellers that even if they're refurbished like it doesn't really matter their work or they don't if they don't you return it and if they work you'll be fine yeah yeah so yeah you could find some options and probably see if you could probably demo them at some stores depending oh yeah this one yeah can't can't deny the G3 on this one again yeah you're right about that yeah so he followed up and said would it be better than a G2 sound no G2 sound if you put it on AI sound is gonna sound better than pretty much all sound bars under 300 or more yeah the G2 is not bad um you should be fine with the G2 sound I would say if you're trying to get your get better sound out of that um definitely look looking to uh mid-range or uh yeah you'd probably be spending five or six hundred bucks on a sound bar to get a notable upgrade yeah I agree I'd agree I mean the beam the beam probably be better than it I don't know how much the beam is but I mean you're gonna get a little better with something like that but I'm saying like for an actual notable upgrade yeah uh yeah no I I think you're right um what do you guys think on this scene what what scene looks uh pretty good here I'm gonna switch it back now to uh filmmaker mode because I'm just curious to see how they handle the skin tones in this scene since we have two different types of skin tones if you talk about purely purely brightness uh yeah G3 G3 is just uh probably one of the brightest TVs that I've seen which is crazy because it's an old head yeah yeah uh consistently bright too I'm not just talking about like high Apo it's just I don't know easy will you just switch on the um s95c you just put it back to static or oh yeah they're all they're all in filmmaker except for the G3 hold on okay I was about to say awesome no I said I'm looking at the lady skin and I was like nah that's that's that's not right what are we looking at on the s95c oh okay okay so now it looks let me raise up the level a little bit for you um it's kind of hard to really say I I'm when it comes to darker skin complexion I don't know I'm kind of gravitating towards the s95cm but when I'm looking at the G3 I don't know it's like the like the face is a lot brighter yeah so here's my biggest problem with the skin tones on the G3 it tends to make skin tones like a little more yellow yeah it's like it's off I I just couldn't I mean I can't really tell because what does green and red make yellow right skin tones are in that dip where the blue drops off so it's gonna push green push yellow yeah nah yeah yeah he looks a little bit sick like he didn't eat something very good let me change the uh picture mode here so I can kind of see that a little bit better yeah because I'm just looking at this it's like I'm gravitating towards the s95c on this one like even a C3 even though it's not as bright as the G3 yeah yeah it looked better on the C3 s95c is just really good with skin tones and I don't know dead last I think it's a Q and 9C because I'm looking at the the guy skin tone is his he just looked pale yeah compared to the three it just it just doesn't it's just I'm looking at the shadow too and it just look he looked a lot darker compared to the other three see and this is where if you look at her hair how it you can see there's definitely like there's not as much detail to it it's a little less contrasty it doesn't matter what panel type how many zones you have in a situation like this every zone is going to have to be lit up for an LCD to try and show the detail in the hair and then you're going to get that fogginess to it that you don't have with an OLED yeah that's true um so I think I have it set to High local damage oh yeah that's where it should be if you go to standard um it's just gonna over brighten everything even more to go yeah so if it's standard um you say it brightens everything more a little bit yeah and you'll have more blooming yeah you definitely get a little bit more blooming with standard we'll keep it on standard though so we can see a little bit better um I just want to say like uh again with the skin tones on the G3 her face a bit too much red foreign just feel all over the place for the G3 yeah it's just that's the only thing that's really sticking out to me on the G3 I think the worst of it is the Q at 90c it just is really dark I will say the s95c is one and I would say just C I will even say C3 is number two and then G3 is third and then qn 90c is uh last yeah so just to remind everybody we are in filmmaker mode again so we can get like a good representation of what the skin tones look like so all right I'm gonna pull up another scene with some skin tones in it I just like that scene because you have two different types of skin tones you know yeah and uh being a filmmaker mode I think is standard on all of them yeah when it comes to HDR tone mapping excuse me specifically uh if you want to see him with a lot of different skin tones you just go on YouTube and search for the portrait family so it's like portrait displays coming or it shows like six different people and that's specifically what it's for is like post calibration looking at skin tones yeah that's a good idea I should do that uh I think I will do that so I don't know if a specific video is going to show up but it's a pattern that's been used for many many years so it should be out there yeah again here like if you look at Rafe on the on the left he's got like yellow skin tones yeah I'm looking at the G3 oh nice and this is kind of shocking too because this is like the s95 so you usually push well excuse me s95b used to push you know a reddish tone it seemed like the s95c just did a lot better job this year in that yeah in that area what's up yeah all right go to the season two episode one very beginning of Outer Banks okay at the tree and then just pause as the camera angle changes like see them and then the sun's coming through because it's one of is where it's like there's a pretty strong difference in the color of the sun and Sky that's made up okay I'll check that out is that when I'm in filmmaker mode is that fine oh I would say leave a pause and then switch back and forth and see how it changes okay yeah I just wanted to look at skin tone really quickly on this and I'll switch it back um because somebody was asking about BT 2020 earlier and uh how is it can you get away with it I think it's not that bad it's pushing a little bit more red in the skin but could you get away with it sure as long as you don't care too much about it uh being a little too red but like if you use BT 2020 you just pull down the color a little bit and um that's probably ideal then you get it it's a little bit decent see when you do that so you could even go to 18 color and probably be fine but uh yeah BT 2020 is fine to use so back to that all right so you said season two the first episode yep right at the very beginning all right it's like 10 seconds in okay and again if you guys have any requests I am taking requests uh I could pull up anything from Netflix um Disney plus all those things I have all all of them all right so season one the intro wow season two episode one yeah um not just just saying wow because like even in filmmaker mode the G3 is bright yeah it's like they are carving the tree and then a few seconds later the camera changes and see it from the side yeah I gotta make sure uh oh yeah and do stranger things too yeah you got you gotta throw that in there for sure yeah we can do that I thought that's season four or uh he has season four I'm trying to look for that shot got JJ with the light peeking in right now is it before or after this you can play for 15 seconds like he's burning the tree don't do it yeah disclaimer angle changes so that the trees on the left and the sun's coming through the middle you'll see it I was like don't do it okay right after they show the tree when he's holding up the drink like this this one no because you can still see the tree the tree would be on the left side oh okay gotcha tree would be on the left side I wish you had a time stamp for me classy I just knew it was the first scene like very early on it's before it changes to a different scene okay well that helps before they go into the night time shot yeah so it's like they're burning the tree at some point the camera just switches to a different camera and then it's looking up like or across where the tree is now on the left and then the sun is coming through above them in the middle okay okay so it's right after they engraved the tree yep okay I think I found it this scene yep now what you'll see is as you're changing like the dynamic tone mapping and stuff uh like just it really changes a lot but dang it I know exactly where it's at now okay go away uh Netflix there you go all right so this scene right yep okay cool all right so you said change the dynamic tone mapping on it oh look at it like that just like this and then when you do switch it you know because this is a spot where with the dynamic tone mapping it's going to push that sun a lot harder and then you'll see a big change in color yeah everything looks orange except for the C3 which is like white poor C3 right now all right um so I'm gonna switch it and we have to adjust it now there you go so the s95c was just switched to uh movie mode this will get switched to cinema oh no we'll just send them my home right and then we'll turn off the expression enhancer you said put expression enhancer to brightness sure why not I'll just let it get brighter yeah all right and obviously going through camera on YouTube or whatever like you can't really see how bright this scene actually is but if you go to that part of the episode I'm sure you can see yeah yeah I can tell you that's why I tell people like when they're watching these examples on YouTube listen to what like is being described that's the best bet because uh the camera is not gonna be able to capture the full dynamic range of most scenes anyway and color too like you I haven't found a camera that just like captures color perfectly if it's out there I mean probably the film cameras are pretty good but I'm not uh spending eight thousand nine thousand dollars on a camera to film TVs eventually the problem is you would need like 20 stops of range which no camera is going to have so yeah do you use the ND filter when you film no no would that help no I think so we're switching this to movie mode we'll use standard so it's the brightest it can get um yeah Q90 is really really shining right here yes um lower the exposure just try to expose more for the that highlight like this yeah it's like it's looking like the C3 is really white and the q190z actually has a lot of bright color and the f95c is right there with it and then the G3 looks a little bit like it's great but yellowish white yeah yeah that's what I'm seeing too I'm seeing uh both Samsung TVs are showing the orange yellow more uh the C3 is completely white like there's like a little hint of orange on the outside but that's it um the g3s is doing a little bit better job there but you are getting some of the white there so just a really good example of the capabilities of cutie OLED how it's very similar to like what an LCD looks like in this scene which is impressive yeah yeah it's crazy good so let me turn off expression enhancer see if that helps get some of the color back yeah so detail doesn't really do not what does detail do again classy uh it just lowers the eotf in the mid-range so it causes more separation between dark and bright scenes and this just really that's that's going to be a preference thing but I don't see a purpose for it yeah you're causing a smile shape right you're trying to create more depth but you know some people might like it I have seen some scenes where it looks okay um so yeah that doesn't change much so I don't think you're losing anything by using the expression and answer um by the way like my splitter let me switch the TVs into uh my Apple TV into Dolby vision and both TVs were like showing green lines and stuff I was like oh let me not do that again both of the Samsungs were like cannot compute I've never been able to do that before but like I actually got it to show up yeah I think it's with a splitter whatever is plugged into Port one is what it's either it's gonna read so if you have an LG import one then it'll say that it can yeah yeah the splitter gave me some trouble man like I was trying to figure out so much on it for a while but it's really if you're ever having trouble with the splitter guys like the best way to do it is just unplug literally everything from the splitter plug in the source first and then plug in one TV second DB third DB or TV otherwise you're going to get a lot of holes out of uh 1080p only signals which is annoying yeah I think this scene's really cool I'm glad you brought it up let's do the the skin tones next uh you said if you bounce around through here like you can find skin tones from them standing around yeah oh that's true we could do that too hey I'm about to go ahead and drop off uh right okay yeah yeah no I appreciate it thanks for joining all right no problem hope everyone have a good one later man all right take care see you next time later I gotta go too I gotta clock out and stuff okay cool all right later man thanks for joining uh yeah that's uh Max in classy uh I'll definitely make sure they're uh channels are linked in the description after this is done and if you guys don't know about them go check them out their channels are awesome but I'm pulling up the next scene right now um we're gonna find more skin tones and uh let me look through chat so I'm going to pull up uh a few demos just let that run so I can catch up with chat so I make sure we don't fall behind on chat you want to go to gaming we can go to gaming um here we go um we'll do this last one with some skin tones yeah when you try to put the uh TVs into like their brighter modes you can see like the C3 just it's not there it's just not it's not gonna be there so like I'm exposing for uh for the scene here but you can see the c3s is falling behind um for a scene like this and we're trying to push brightness still we are in the cinema home and movie modes here um so let me let me grab some questions I want to thank everybody for coming out you guys are awesome uh we still got 135 people watching really cool uh if you have any questions at all uh please make sure to ask them and if I miss them ask them again because the chat does go pretty fast and I was trying to focus on the TVs if you have any uh questions that you need answered right away the best way to do it is a Super Chat and that also supports the channel so thank you all right so here's a question in terms of that's probably more of a question for uh classy but in terms of picture accuracy and brightness which TV is better uh for brightness out of the box the TVs are very similar especially if you're talking about the accuracy modes um classy thinks that the s95c is the more accurate TV out of the box so if you're not getting your TV calibrated and you just want the most accurate thing uh filmmaker mode out of the box is going to be the one to go with um here I just want to say like for an example of brightness and skin tones there's just more depth on the s95c in this scene particularly which is pretty interesting because a lot of times the dynamic tone mapping brings out the depth a little bit more on the G3 but this scene definitely sticks out to me more on the s95c as everything just seems more evenly lit and you just have the brightness in areas where you would expect it to be bright like uh even like the sun shining off of his face through the trees things like that the sun shining on his shirt um let me try to lower the exposure so you can see what I'm talking about with the the brightness on his shirt you can see on the s95c and um on the qn90c how you just have more uh brightness on the the shoulder of his shirt on the right you can see that there's definitely more um light coming in that way so just a evenly distributed amount of brightness in the right areas it's the best way I could explain it I think that for a scene like this I would take the s95c over them all and it's actually brighter too um so it's not always the G3 is not always going to be the brightest it's just like when you are in super bright scenes it's going to be the brightest but uh to answer your question Grim Reaper yes uh s95c would be the way to go all right uh let's see sorry if we missed uh your questions I'm looking through them right now I'm gonna go ahead and throw on um some YouTube demos and look through the chat and then we're gonna switch to gaming okay so we're gonna throw on these uh LG YouTube demos while I look through chat so it's kind of like playing itself I don't have to control it for uh ads and stuff like that so we'll do that and then we're switching to gaming and then if we need to do more gaming later I can do a day three on Sunday if you guys want where's this set I'm gonna skip these um some of these are SDR this one in particular is SDR I haven't set the TVs up for SDR yeah but so far uh it's definitely gonna be the Q in 90c for SDR I don't know that's HDR either all right so as we let that play um we'll keep them in their brightest modes so you can kind of see and let me fix the camera up for you guys so you can see this uh losing some color there there we go all right so let me look through chat here um find out some questions there's a lot of questions I see so I definitely want to make sure we get that right what do you guys think in chat let me know um do we have a winner so far is there one that you like particularly more um and we haven't got the gaming yet but so far who do you think won out of all the scenes we've seen today s95c yeah I would have to say the s95c is giving us the best example of like really great skin tones a good balance of brightness um and then like so if you're keeping it in filmmaker mode I would definitely use the s95c over all of them G3 is going to be really good for those of you that prefer just to have picture pop all the time uh I already got that pulled up here we go um yeah s95c is balance right like I agree as the it's it's a there's a really good balance with this 95c they've improved it over the s95p in terms of just looking great out of the box and it reminds me of Sony in that way like where you can just grab a Sony throw it into custom you can just grab an s95c and throw it in the filmmaker or movie mode and it looks really great like because we didn't even touch on uniformity which um is another Factor where worth looking into when you see these colors here like on the Rings um you'll notice that on the Samsungs you won't see any like color loss where it turns white but on on the LG's you'll see a little bit on the G3 you won't see as much on the C3 you will see a lot and uh those of you who are like I can't see this stream sorry it's uh 1080p I will have a full video uh with a demonstration just like this going through some other types of demos and kind of detailing some specific scenes that I think stick out so I'll work on that I'm gonna have these TVs set up pretty much all week um so I'll do a dedicated video for this type of comparison too I just wanted to do something special uh stream wise and answer some questions yeah I think the s90c is going to be pretty crazy um like in terms of when it goes on sale I think you might be looking at some really good deals later on down the line um I don't like what the q a 90c is doing to the blue there did I accidentally throw it into uh different color temperature nope okay it was just like really weird um let's see s95b feels like it was the beta and s95c feels like it's complete yeah I've heard a lot of people say that I actually heard you know people are like on one side you hope the G3 uh gets fixed with a few updates uh and then on the other side you hope uh the s95c just doesn't doesn't get messed up with updates so in both ways you're kind of relying on the firmware Masters to not mess things up so it's up to the engineering department that does firmware is to not mess these TVs up right make it worse or make it better you're relying on them you're your uh life is in their hands unless you just want to take it offline which I I mean I don't blame you but so far so good on the firmware updates I've been sticking with firmware updates on the s95c and I haven't seen any real drop-offs so that's good uh again these are in their non-accurate modes uh they're in their home movie modes where you have Dynamic tone mapping turned on while we're looking through questions are you getting the qn95c kg I will be getting the qn95c I'm not sure when yet um but it will be a 65 inch so the fact that it's a 65 inch means that I am Limited in the space so I have to get through these TVs first before I get it I'll do comparisons still I'll just have to film in a very uh dark I'll just make my room super dark I mean this room is already a dark room but uh I'll just make sure the room's dark the camera settings are the same and uh I have to note that in the actual video if I do compare it um but I'm taking notes on all of these TVs on certain scenes and I'm going to use the same type of scenes when I compare so we can get close to uh a good representation I'll like I'll have the s95 be still to compare it to um and I I probably have the the C3 as well still I'm not sure um we'll see but yeah I do plan on getting it uh next time please include the s90c uh yeah I see here's the thing about the s90c I'll probably get that eventually a little bit later um it's going to perform very similar to what you're seeing out of the s95c uh it's just a little bit different and I have an s95b which is going to be comparable to the s90c so I'm kind of basing uh my comparisons on that and I feel strongly about recommending the s90c based on what I see out of the s95b and um yeah hard to tell through a monitor yeah it's definitely hard to tell color brightness is going to go to the s95c every time and the Q and 90c too G3 does a really good job though um oh there was a demo I was going to show you guys let me set it up for you before we switch to gaming one last demo and uh again I I was trying to look for questions and I was coming up short looks like you guys are just having a lot of conversation in chat so sorry if I didn't see your question Let's uh go through these playlists [Music] um so I just I'll just look through HDR demo here yeah there's one in particular that I want to grab where there's like a Miami Sunset and you can just really really tell the differences chat has slowed down a little bit so if you guys have those questions um lay them in uh this is a good question which TV has better sound um so the best sound is definitely probably the s95c to me has the best sound out of all of them the worst sound is the C3 uh and the Q and 90c kind of tight on that sense um the G3 is not great either for sound honestly highly disappointed by uh by that I was not a big fan of um what I saw or what I heard from that but the s95c is probably the best sound out of them all uh but I think the s95b has a better sound than all the TVs combined q90c was better than the G3 I might have to set it up a little bit different I only heard it briefly but yeah probably the G3 is not really great with sound foreign sorry guys thank you for bearing with me all right we're gonna throw up a couple of scenes here um so I just want you to focus on the sun there I'm gonna drop the iso or sorry yeah I guess I should drop the iso too I'm gonna drop the exposure so you can kind of see uh the dark area there the Highlight you see how nice and and beautiful Orange it is on the s95c it's just keeping keeping it um and on the G3 it's nice but it is starting to get white around the Sun same thing C3 is just like not not really showing much color at all honestly um and then the Q and I see looks really great too for this scene so Quantum dots guys that is a a big factor here I'm going to the next Scene It won't this won't take long to switch to this uh I really really like this demo for showing off like color brightness um it is a still image so uh let's I mean it's not a still image I paused it but let's see let's back up so again um trying to focus in on the middle of the clouds here you see how the s95c is keeping the color and even with MLA the G3 still loses some color but not as much as the C3 the C3 loses most of its color so yeah like you you uh everything that you throw at the s95c it comes out shining um so that's that's one of the things where if you like color brightness if that's what you're after and I mean what are you buying the more expensive TVs for anyway um it might be for that extra amount of color brightness that you can't get out of other OLED TVs you know oh this is a really good example Okay so here we have a sun sun um sunset or a sunrise it might be a sunset but um you got the uh qn90c probably pulling ahead the most here but not by much the s95c is doing really good and then you have the uh G3 doing really good as well but the C3 is not not doing too great there um here we go here's another one now pay attention to the colors there you go you can see that uh once again you are having a little bit more white on the G3 than the s95c so you're losing colors right above the clouds uh as you can see there's like a good amount of orange above the clouds there but it's starting to fade into white on the G3 and that's 95c it's uh it's really nice pretty gradient q and 90c looks great too more all right this demo is almost over then we'll pull in gaming and wrap it up to another uh example of the sunset there I'm gonna go ahead and throw it in the filmmaker mode and see if there's any difference filmmaker mode just looks so much better on that on this scene in particular there's so much more dynamic range that's why like if I got the s95c I I probably wouldn't even use active tone mapping to be honest with you uh and I've said this before I just think that the static tone mapping is fine uh on the s95c you're getting everything out of the TV that you could possibly hope for most of the time there's no reason to really need to drive it to to its uh to its knees or anything you can if you want to but um there's really no need to I think I've lost the C3 remote nope uh maybe okay so we got this oh it's on the ground it's on the ground there you go um so yeah what do you guys think of this scene it's pretty nice huh how about we uh before we switch into game mode I want you to see this um pillow maker mode oh you know what you're right so this um the C3 hasn't been looking great because I probably haven't nope never mind I did I switched it we're good uh C3 is just not not able to compete with these other TVs with the scenes like this that's all so um you could see and filmmaker mode there's a big difference uh there's just way more depth in filmmaker mode for a scene like this and so that's the that's the trade-off you're getting more brightness out of the picture with Dynamic tone mapping but at what cost um and that cost is gonna have to be up to you because I feel like you do lose a lot of like dynamic range when you start to use a tone mapping the dynamic tone mapping so to speak there's just more this is more natural too so um somebody was asking to switch from filmmaker mode to Game Mode um on this particular one sure so you can see uh um since the it's this is interesting so since the um since the C3 is trying to drive this highlight so much uh to the descents that it turns White you're actually uh getting your color back once you switch to game Optimizer because you're not getting as much color vibrancy so uh that could be one of the reasons why they disabled it for game mode because they know that you're going to be playing much more brighter games so that could be a sense a reason why they do it so I don't know if you guys can see that on the camera there but uh you are definitely losing that so um when you switch back and forth It's just that it can't deliver that same vibrancy you just lose a lot of the vibrancy but you get the color back so like there's a trade-off there right so I'm Gonna Keep It In game Optimizer here let's go to the game Optimizer on the G3 and now we're going to switch to games uh right after this so you can see there's not as much color drop off on the G3 but there is a drop off so when I make it really really dark you can see the the Samsungs are the ones that are making this scene particularly brighter when we are in the darkest uh exposure all right now uh I'm gonna switch to the Xbox uh foreign okay I am back I gotta switch all these uh TVs into game mode [Music] um hold on one second it's really dark um I gotta get my controller for my Xbox one second foreign sorry about that guys I'm back uh so we have this uh Forza screenshot thing people were asking to see earlier uh so I showed this on Twitter but you can see another example of it here um there's that um oh this one's really good to check out so I first I'm going to take out the change the modes here we're in auto power because uh it's the first time I was in game um let's change the color temperature down to 150 it's a match uh energy saving make sure all that's off off cool all right G3 let's put that into game optimizer I believe it's already in game optimizer yes so next s95c Gotta Throw That Into the game mode put that on uh we'll go ahead and use original since we're doing hdig at the moment I believe uh I have to change the Titanic the tone mapping here static okay weird why wouldn't it let me change so it usually lets you change this even in original why doesn't it let me change that are we still do we did we just like hit a bug what's going on here um no weird I've never been locked out of changing um the tone mapping unless I'm mistaken but uh okay so there's that it's on static uh let's throw this one into game mode really quick oh maybe does original just lock you classy I swear I could change it before like maybe not uh if that's the case then that's fine um and then we are there for that I don't know why they looked so much brighter what do we what are we missing here why is there such a big brightness difference maybe it's just that way sorry guys I'm trying to figure out why the G3 looks the way it looks right now let's throw that back up there uh so here's a here's the thing with the butt there's a bug with the G3 where it keeps resetting my pixel light too uh back down to 90. I don't know why it does that but I wish it didn't check my white balance now too because hey what's up yeah what I wasn't paying attention what were you asking me oh does original lock you in the static I believe so I haven't tried to change it the whole point of original is to make it as accurate as possible but you have to use 4000 nit on the console when you use it oh okay so so you it's you're not gonna really get too much of a one-to-one comparison like that um if you were to do that and you set the console to 4000 you'd have to set the LG's into filmmaker with the you know dynamic tone mapping off and then there should be somewhat comparable uh you know I see what's happening here I think I'm I think I hit that issue with my Xbox and the splitter I don't think we're hitting HDR right now oh yeah we are what the heck we hear it but yeah so what is your Xbox set to uh uh 1500 or 1400. yeah I'll change that to four thousand okay but won't that mess up the blow out highlights on the G3 and stuff no because you just put those in filmmaker just so you get the full color oh okay sure let's do that then let's have four thousand foreign so if anybody plays with filmmaker mode on their G3 or C3 they should do 4000 on these uh that's I calibrated mine so I can't test it exactly did it clip did it clip for you right there at 4000 or was it clipping before four thousand uh let me check just put them in filmmaker with the game Optimizer on and then Dynamics on mapping off and then just see where it's it should be for a thousand or around four thousand okay I'll throw it no maker gotta put on all M or else it's gonna yeah be slow um also if you didn't know the AI brightness is on by default in game mode on the LG's oh okay I'll check that I don't I think I turned off AI stuff but there's always like things where things get turned back on too so mine's off weird for me it's always on by default I might have turned it off okay uh so I think I'm good um so where are they clipping at they're clipping at well the Samsungs don't clip they should around like 41 I think somewhere around there uh uh you know but easy to put them to four thousand okay but is that where the filmmaker is or is filmmaker clipping before that yeah filmmaker is clipping at about four thousand um q and 90c is not clipping until about 99 100 and same with that okay yeah that one's different though no that's 95 C is like that too oh the s95c for me it's about 4 100 when it's an original yeah usually it is like that for me too um let me see if there's something on that's bugging it out do you use HDR 10 plus gaming at all that doesn't do anything on these TVs right another s95b it has like a slight effect but I have that often with you original it's going to turn that off anyway or it should yeah uh so no I'll switch to active Okay so here's the thing so you can switch between active and static um with original that's probably why they weren't disappearing yeah was it on static it should be around is it four thousand forty one hundred something like that yeah this is that that fourth so for a second was like dead set on being an SDR probably just because I switched the the input so fast all right now we should be even across the board sorry about the troubleshooting guys um let me brighten that up I know you don't want to stare at an Xbox screen the whole time but uh let's let's go through this together so four thousand should clip yeah should be really faint at four and then gone at 41 but you just leave it at four yeah uh it's yeah it fades around um wow this one's fading at 1800 dude what is which one the s95c ensure game HDR is off you're an original I thought I just checked that but yeah original yeah see original check the uh you know it's weird it's clipping at 1800. and you're on 11 23 for more yep huh it's pretty odd huh yeah it should be four thousand weird uh the Q at night you see definitely eclipse at four thousand or close to four thousand about forty five hundred uh we'll just clip it to where the G3 is and you're right four thousand is good we'll just do four thousand on both yeah we should um go check contrast and stuff because whatever it is in SDR is what it'll be in hdr on the s75c when you're an original yeah I mean I might have run into a bug or something or everything's the same dude nothing seems off right like to you know that's it should be a four thousand then yeah definitely definitely like disappears um weird hey you never know what TVs right they do weird things sometimes so let me make sure they didn't revert me on their firmware updates that doesn't happen but also for the heck of it check the uh energy saving 11 23. oh energy saving yeah you might be right it could be something with that nope very odd all right let's start back up uh Forza let me reset it so that we get the fresh clean start all right so now we are in even modes for all of them yeah except it's blowing I can tell it's blowing out isn't it on the s95c about to find out it looked like it was on that load screen so that's probably why oh no toggle what now let's say maybe just toggle the um either go from original to standard and then back to original or just go turn game hdr on and off okay uh it looks fine honestly okay uh it's just it's weird because it should have clipped at 4000 in the original uh I can check again now that I switched the toggle I mean either way it should be set right um yeah if it looks about the same as the rest that's fine G3 is brighter than the rest is that normal yeah that's probably going to be a bit brighter but you're gonna not I don't know I mean it's not going to have the super defined highlights that it would have with hgig right and also make sure that it's not in Dynamic tone mapping if you didn't already yeah we're good on that but uh double checking because you know they like to reset literally everything um it says user settings but let's double check yeah we're good let's go for a little bit of a drive um I have a couple of good games um to try out I've got a good game to test Shadow detail now too ghost wire Tokyo pretty cool uh for shadow details it always loads me up at night when I wanted to be in the brightness but night's fine because it shows pretty decently on camera yeah so I went on the qn90c you might need to bump the st2084 plus one okay it's weird that it's under bright it's under tracking or what foreign yeah just a little bit so unlike Samsung in a game like this I I think they all look very similar G3 definitely looks brighter than than all of them though yeah I input lag wise like I can't tell the difference uh so is it it's gonna be fairly similar huh with all yeah it's either the same or it's only a few milliseconds added um so I have a custom made input lag tester coming it's just not here yet but yeah it's as long as Alm is on that's all that's really needed to make it low input lag yeah so I I think you know if you're not using hgig or you're not trying to buy the TV for hgig then the G3 still can be a really great gaming TV and I said that in my review as well it's there's there's workarounds hcig isn't great on either so so just forget about hgig at this point and use them like this and they're pretty similar so what's wrong with the hdig on uh the LG just the color loss yeah well just being in the game mode you don't get the yeah all the colors are basically throttled yeah uh like you you would see it here uh how they look almost all the same here except for uh the C3 is definitely losing some but um and there shouldn't be as much crushing on the G3 in the game mode but um with the filmmaker with Alm or whatever that's still going to have some but there's one thing I noticed was in game mode the Shadows were a little bit brighter you know I I think my shadow detail on my G3 is actually pretty decent it's comparable to the s95c I know fomo was saying he didn't like uh the G3 Shadow detail but I see they're very simple it's only the very very bottom end that's it is so you can see like the yellow there loses some color all right I see that I see what you mean though by the 4000 knits thing once I switch to Game Mode everything got blown out so I can't can't do the toggle trick for you guys um yeah they look pretty similar across the board here uh let's do a let's do ghost wire so you can really see some Shadow detail and did you download sea of Thieves it wouldn't let me know what's up with that um I was getting some sort of Xbox error I got Gears I don't know finish downloading but um for some really dark shadows I gotta head out oh I can see what you mean here yeah the the vent's a little harder to see all right man yeah I'll talk to you later have a good one everybody yeah thanks for stopping by later um so can you guys see this on camera here uh the vent within the Shadows there definitely crushed on the G3 it's hard to see uh where on the let me try to raise it up so you can kind of see what I'm talking about that vent you see that vent right over there um it's yeah it gets crushed quite a bit so harder to see um and a q a 9C crushes completely um C3 is don't even you know I can't even see it on the C3 so s95c Shadow details really good really really good let me drop that back down um here's a really cool area nice and red grab the details for you guys here all right let me catch up with chat here see what you guys are doing in chat um I did the other Super Chat from ozgamer thank you for the super chats to say classy can we use filmmaker mode for gaming on the s95b PS5 Alm on game mode is under tracking on s95b right now uh yeah it's a good question to ask classy so the way that the Alm works on the G3 seems to be a little bit different than how like Samsung does it um Samsung when it's on auto seems to lock you into game mode but I can see if there's any work around to that let me scroll up see if I missed anything else don't want to leave you guys hanging um all right so there's that all right let me get caught up with this questions now so caught up on Super Chat it's caught up on that so the game mode is it in game mode now uh no it's in filmmaker mode right now uh game Mode's not something I can currently suggest for the G3 so we're not going to use game mode for the G3 at all there's no downsides to using filmmaker mode really unless you need hgig and um there's no reason to use hgig with the color loss to be honest with you so now let's go to a different game pick the round in that hockey's good to see like uh uniformity I agree SB um anybody that that is gonna buy either of these TVs are not going to be disappointed at all but the C3 is not going to be like a huge step up from previous like oleds like C1 C2 no I wouldn't do that but like if you go to the s95c or G3 um yeah I could definitely see the the reasoning behind it uh here is like a no contest in terms of uh uniformity so I can see some DSE on the qn90c already uh see if I can get that on camera somehow can I get it on camera let's go back to after that right here we got them back in the free cam all right so I just want to see if you guys can see the DSC on screen can you see it there's a little bit of DSE on the q and I see and by a little bit I mean there is definitely some some noticeable lines across the screen not the cross hatch pattern that I usually see but um there's definitely I would say like the top part of the screen on the Q and now you see there's some some lines across causing some dirty screen effect is it blurry did I mess it up it's a blurry yeah you're right I uh I might just be the Stream try to get a little bit better for you guys [Music] all right there's that so yeah you can see the DSE on the stream I can tell uh it's not it's not gonna be super noticeable though I'll probably have to just put that in the video but as you zoom out and zoom in uh there's no doubt about it there's more uh uniformity issues on all the TVs except for the s95c which is super clean uh there's some cloudy and tinting on the G3 I can see a little bit of pink and the on the right corner of the screen just a little bit tad bit tinting um and the C3 uh it's just really cloudy in comparison to the G3 so a lot of that could just be abl kicking in as soon as I zoom in on the white um so as soon as we make it a bigger white screen you do get the actual abl kicking in when that happens uh let's go to another game well we'll test out the Alden ring I should have that updated foreign just invented the best DSE testing method I mean yeah you could just use a hockey game and go to instant replay I I should probably just make a video about it people can use it it's not a bad idea thanks for the suggestion uh Ford thank you for the Super Chat he says I have to ask uh what is your TV now I don't understand how many YouTubers can afford these TVs so frequently uh a lot of us aren't keeping the TVs they're either loners or they're just gonna be TVs we sell off but uh yeah I mean I appreciate the question I get the question all the time uh the TV that I'm having in my house right now is the aadj 77 inch is my main TV that I watch the s95b is my bedroom TV but it's currently in here so I'm not really using a bedroom TV at the moment I have a Vizio in there but that's not really being used to be honest with you I'm watching more on my phone than anything else when I'm in my bedroom um and then I have a C1 48 inch as my computer monitor thank you for the question and thank you for the Super Chat forward yeah it's going to be definitely harder to see stuff on stream and you know I get that but that's why I thank you guys for like bearing with that quality of course we're going to make a full video about it but I wanted to have a conversation and and do a little special event for you guys because who else is doing this you know so like I'm trying my best to give you guys the the top-notch results that I can give you when it comes to these kind of things so hopefully you enjoy uh um I kind of want to transport to a different area because we're in a cave right now there's like no Shadow detail at all on the C3 I forgot to get out oh I haven't played this game in so long uh and I've I've just playing the uh well long so my hands are used to low long controls I think there's a teleporter somewhere around here oh no I was going the right way I remember now I'll probably do a second part of this on Sunday just because I know we didn't hit enough gaming today and I I want to do the Nintendo switch as well so a lot of people have been asking about upscaling and Nintendo switch and SDR differences so I want to make sure I touch on that uh you can't really use um the Nintendo switch in filmmaker mode because there is no allm on the Nintendo switch but I can see if I can get it to work I don't think that you'll be able to do that so those of you wanting SDR gaming to be super bright and you're playing switch that's going to be a tough ask so I really don't know where the elevator is trying to get out of here so I can transport to a better area all right um am I blind am I missing the uh elevator here am I just like yeah I haven't played this in so long should just let him kill me I was just gonna quit out of it we're gonna go to a little bit of a brighter game uh so we've been streaming for three hours and uh it's a little bit longer than I wanted to stream for but that's fine let's just keep going um thank you Ford for the Super Chat nice man I was just curious uh you guys prioritize tech for your channel I get it it makes sense cheers from Buffalo man yeah I think it was a great question for it so um I have no problem answering it thank you uh good black levels on the qn90c yeah there's no problem with the black levels on the qn90c the problems are just when there's light involved within those blacks uh then you have you know potential blooming which is what people you know probably overblow a little bit it's there it's just a downside of an LCD TV and you can't really get around it and there's not an LCD TV that's just gonna have no blooming it doesn't exist so that's uh just one of the downsides you have to deal with with the LCD TVs but there's nothing wrong with the blacks like and there's never been anything really wrong with the blacks but it's like did you see you like look at the loading screen there did you see how on the white text just was like super dim that's to avoid blooming um and that's why the q90c's text was so much dimmer on there exactly yeah there's no reason to be in game mode on the G3 um if you have the option to use Alm with the console that you're using or the source that you're using then absolutely like there's no reason to be in game mode I remember your video on the qn 90b versus C2 C2 had the gray sight still pop whereas the 90b was dimmed yeah that's a good example of it where you will see uh elements that you know should be bright but they just get dimmed down because uh it's trying to not bloom that area okay so let's let's not go in there because we'll die so here is a nighttime scene where the Q and 90c particularly usually doesn't do good in these types of scenes but it it's doing a fine job in my opinion right now uh but I can tell you you are starting to lose color and it's dimming down uh brighter objects so they don't Bloom when you are in a darker scene so they got a new dimming algorithm that is smart uh and tries to avoid the blooming as much as possible but they're still blooming it's nothing you can do but it's not going to be egregious and it's not going to mess up your gameplay session foreign you'll have more like a haziness sometimes in night scenes uh but like when it's like this it's not too bad the problem is if it gets darker than this and then you start to run into a little bit more issues with the qn90c yeah blooming is uh just kind of overblown I think it's there though there's definitely blooming there um it's just one of those things you kind of learn to live with like here's a good example like we'll go super dark uh you can see how the light is super dim um in the background that little flame but on the on the LG's it still still shines pretty good foreign sure I can throw a man real quick uh I should have it updated to the latest update um thank you for the Super Chat and switching to Madden for you I'll show you the games I have installed and then uh we can do a part two to this Sunday if you guys want just let me know if I get enough people saying yes um then we'll go for it all right uh that's not how cameras really work so there's a different ways to control the camera and ISO just is going to raise the actual like levels here um if you want to change and be able to see into the darker areas changing the exposure um by changing the aperture that's going to be the best way to see into the details and stuff there's not just like one camera control that raises everything some people think so but that's not the case um not happy I canceled my pre-order of my new TV delivery time up to eight weeks oh man um that's crazy that sucks yeah uh well you know if you're not if you don't need the uh hgig I'm gaming right now in filmmaker mode and it works just fine so yeah if you're willing to give up hgig you set your console to 4 000 nits nothing wrong with it it looks fine I don't see any big issues with it I did not mean to load in the Ultimate Team I did not that's my bad I just wanted to get straight into a game that's hard to see blooming on a stream I can tell you right now I see it on the logos and stuff from loading screens but who cares right like if I pull up the menu on the Q and 90c I I see tons of blooming so I can see it too apparently Madden sucks still yeah like Madden when is Madden not sucked for a while right like I can't remember the last Madden that was good um you can see you can see there's a little bit of blooming on the menu but who cares if it's on the menu I don't personally care uh there's gonna be blooming on every menu screen when you load that up it's all about is it in real content barely is it in like OLED demos things like that yeah you can see it uh nighttime scenes you can definitely see it will it bother you I think it depends on how sensitive you are to it um so I you wanted me to turn on the tone mapping the active sure we can do it so I'm going to use bright I'm going to go ahead and use Dynamic tone mapping on all these now that did nothing um I did like nothing on this E3 for that um let's see what it does on the G3 okay brightens it up a little bit um now we got to do this 95c as I get a lot of penalties sorry um so for this that's 95 C's super bright so that's what I'm saying you can't the s95cs probably have like the game mode is probably one of the brightest modes already um so even even at in original it's going to be it's gonna be fine so I'm gonna take this up the up the gut with Javonte Williams okay I'm gonna get stuffed I haven't played Madden in a while either let's run Jerry Judy on a on a drag right here okay pick up a couple yards kick a field goal no I'm not gonna kill I should kick a field more but it doesn't matter I'm gonna try to zoom in on the players here a little bit actually let's go into instant replay because that's probably a good way to to look at the camera so um yeah I just think as good as the the G3 is there's still not a match for it in game mode there's that they both look good like don't get me wrong but when it comes to like full screen brightness game mode it's the s95c like yeah uh s95c slaps in this game it really does it really really does like wow that's crazy um now I want to double check the the G3 because it seems like the G3 is like like are we what are we doing what are we doing G3 no that's uh so energy saving is not on I expected more out of the g3's brightness to be honest with you here um expression enhancer that helps a little bit but it's still not on the same level you just can't like active brightness game mode I mean I think the results kind of just speak for themselves right um my goodness so if you play a lot of Madden s95c is your TV it's hot dude it's honestly brighter than the Q and 90c which in this game did not expect 296 is the second amount uh second brightest of all these man that's crazy so the qn90c it's still bright the s95t is just super bright too and it can just hold its its own too when you get the self-lit pixels to be as bright as an LCD TV your self-lit TV is going to look brighter than your LCD TV just the way that the lighting works just the way that the back lighting Works you're just going to have brightness everywhere as opposed to brightness in certain areas um and so I'm you know they're not that dim in real life they're more like this I just wanted to show you guys the exposure differences and but yeah you can see even when I raise the exposure I start to like blow out the the s95c camera can't even really show and that's 95 seats further away too so that's a good example of really bright game uh let's go to Ori another one uh this is definitely a hard game to see on camera but uh here we go you can see the they're doing a little bit better job here um probably depends on how the game itself was graded too I would imagine uh let me drop the exposure all the way for you guys so I can show you the detail in the Sun so um it's hard to see on camera it actually looks like the the sun's blending in with this with the um the Rings but that's not the case uh there's a definitely more detail on the G3 but you're losing color around the Sun but not not too bad uh but I've if I switch it to game Optimizer um you would see the difference but then it will blow out the image because we're at four thousand nits so let me do that for you real quick see if we can see the difference so yeah you can kind of see it on camera so there's a game optimizer and then there's filmmaker mode so you can you can see that we're losing brightness on the G3 for that so that's why we're using filmmaker mode all the TVs look really good on this scene um but the colors on the C3 are there's definitely more white in the colors which is a good indicator that you're losing colors C3 is green around the Sun yeah um it wasn't too bad in person but now we're gonna do the uh image retention test real quick because I'm curious uh to see how that works let's go home actually let's go settings so one of the better ways to do the image retention test is to just throw this up here on a white screen like that um let's make sure we get it as white as possible so I'm going to make sure that I just make sure that it's all white on all of them of course you're not going to see image attention on the Q a 90c but let's see I'm gonna let it sit there for a second um uh cameras don't capture blooming as well as eyes do I mean you can if the TV is the only thing being filmed I can definitely show blooming a little bit uh you can see it in a lot of my videos on the qn90c but again it's it's like blooming is so overblown on every TV I'm not just saying that for the Q a I'm saying every LCD TV blooming is a little bit overblown uh there are more TVs that have more blooming than others sure but if blooming is a concern I think you're looking at the wrong teepees yeah the original preset plus the the 4000 nits is is the move it is the move all right so image attention all right you guys can see it oh no hold up you can't see it now you can see it all right perfect square on the C3 uh little fuzzy squares on the s95c and the G3 so you notice how there's not a square on the LCD TV well that's because there's no image attention on the LCD TV uh so yeah look at the square in the middle of the screen so you can see it almost looks like there's like a window reflecting off the TV but no that's the the remaining of that white window that I just showed so you can see um how fast it goes away it's already gone on the s95c I can see a little bit more on the G3 here and I can still see it on the C3 um on the camera we can still see it on the s95c a little bit so yeah you're still seeing a little bit of that image retention now it looks like visibly to my eyes there's not much uh difference camera's still showing it a little bit but when we're at like normal exposure you can see that it's mostly gone C3 I can still visibly see a little bit G3 I can still visibly see it a little bit so I think I would say the s95c clears it up a little bit faster as we go to a higher exposure you can see the s95c has faded it a little bit more which is pretty interesting that the G3 uh doesn't clear it up faster you know because it has a heatsink and all that very interesting uh here's actually a really good example of like the greenish in the the gray and black areas of of the screen sometimes you can see a little bit of green on the G3 and the C3 but not to the same degree I would say all right let's uh load up another super bright game all right uh so gears still downloading it says it's ready to start though um see these actually shows cute now um all right I'll do sea of Thieves on uh Sunday if we stream Sunday if we stream Sunday if I get enough people that say they want the stream on Sunday that's what you get this is more of a darker game but there I can get to some brighter areas do a CNN logo for three months yeah okay I would uh I'm not quite there on that one yet so you can see the white screens are always like super bright on the q90c that's because uh abl kicks in so much here is a great example of qn90c's really really slapping on this on this game on this loading screen here on the start screen I should say can't even speak like we'll reuse this exposure just so you can see it all right so we're gonna go into a brighter area here how many scenes have full on snow though oh I got a I got a level that has crazy snow I just gotta remember which one it is it's actually in this game let me bring it up thanks for reminding me on that one um so uh here's a good example of brightness on the s95c color brightness look at the C3 look at the G3 I mean s95c kind of speaks for itself QR 90c is not too far behind hey you see the difference there like in person it's even like more of a difference I've said this before but it looks like you have like direct like light strips on the TV just driving and it's crazy like you almost have neon in the TV or some of these brighter highlights on the s95c so that that's kind of like the separation of cutiola there um in my opinion when you can separate like that you're doing something right oh yeah so let's uh go to that area with the snow all right um I believe I want to say it's this one it's a main Battlefield snow all right so that's the first level second level third level I think it's this one so the heatsink isn't living up to the hype and it doesn't seem like the heatsink does uh that much to help the G3 or maybe it does um and it's why we can see it driven the way it is so yeah I mean I think without the heatsink the G3 probably couldn't get to the level that it can get to because the the C3 is not not seeing it so we're gonna go to uh some white here I believe this is a snow level foreign a little bit of snow um so yeah like the s95c is kind of blinding me almost uh with the snow you can kind of see the difference there in the brightness of the smell q and 90c is pretty bright as well here's where you can see a uh the camera white balance differences it's always going to be a little bit different there's there's probably a better level to show you that actually get to uh all the bright areas as we run through all the Shadows I don't want to be in the shadows so you can kind of see a little bit more of the snow here it's gonna look dimmer on on stream yard there's like nothing I can do about it uh I don't know you know I don't think the burning tests are going to tell you what your TV are uh long-term goal is going to be like I don't think it's going to show you burning uh what your TV is going to really look like you know in a few months because it's too much of a stress test and who's really gonna watch CNN that much or you know keep it on ESPN I just think that uh it's not it's not feasible and I don't know if they're running it on CNN as like a live feed or is it just like a tape of CNN without commercials because that's something that I was wondering but I think CNN the ticker still stays on through commercials is that true I don't watch CNN I haven't watched CNN in so long yeah I I would say that's safe to say the s95c is they king of games it is the king of games but that's not really a surprise is it I told you guys the s95b was the king of games last year and it's still easy it still can't push the same almost to the same level not not to this degree but it s95b can get close if not brighter than the G3 on this scene for sure I've tested it and I'll definitely do the side by side with that those two as well um but yeah I just a cutie all that just can get to a different level and G3 can get close but with games I don't I don't think it's a contest now real content you saw how much I liked the G3 in real content I really do enjoy the G3 in real content um but there's a better area to show snow off I just gotta die real quick get on me all right um all right where are we at here hey we are in filmmaker mode so we are in filmmaker mode for both the C3 and G3 in order to get the best performance out of the TV and we have the almm so that we have the low input lag I'm doing everything this is not game mode so like the G3 C3 are not in game mode the Q and 90c is in game mode and the s95c is in game mode foreign one more level of this really quickly here we go I believe this is it uh yeah that works with low input lag so um that's the great thing about the all-m feature on the G3 if your console supports Alm you're going to have the low input lag uh can you do Alm and not game mode on Samsung uh let's find out so I'll go ahead and throw it in filmmaker mode actually we'll go to movie mode because we have a tone mapping on and I'll tell you if there's any input lag difference so here's a lots of white um is it doable uh so left right left right left right left down jump jump fairly responsive yeah I'd say you can still do it you could do the same thing but why would you because game mode just looks brighter and better than them so but I guess like it's a workaround for other things like the s95b if particularly you don't want to be in game mode and you want filmmaker mode for example but I guess that would just be the other thing and then you just set it to your console Clips on filmmaker mode and there you have it but on the s95c there's no reason to not use game mode it's just really good game mode um and then right now we're on original but you could even uh we're on original but I did change the tone mapping so but um just for this example but like say you make your own presets or whatever and you don't want accuracy you can just like make your own don't use RPGs essentially the dynamic mode of uh this is essentially the dynamic mode of uh freaking game mode is sports like look how blue it is like I feel like I just messed my TV up like what did I just do to my TV oh no uh so yeah don't use blue uh or Sports I just called it blue but that's what it does uh original is a good example original it has its own set mode stuff so but I mean look at the snow this level is ridiculously white it Clips in game too so it's not like the TV's clipping here um it's just in-game it Clips as well I'm sure if you set the HDR differently but that'll mess up every other level uh but just so you can see yeah a little bit of difference there well yeah it's too blue because I had it in sports mode all right uh it is uh 9 45 so I'm gonna have to end this if you guys want me to do a part two tell me in the comments and also yeah after the stream is over leave a comment saying you want part two on Sunday and I'll do a part two of just gaming and if we have time we'll do other stuff as well that day but yeah if you want part two leave a comment saying you want part two so I know to do a part two otherwise uh this is it so thank you guys so much for tuning in I appreciate you so much let me scroll through chat make sure I didn't miss anything for super chats and a couple of questions that need to be answered uh and I'm sorry if I did miss your question having my eyes on the TV can be kind of a hassle um I did miss a super chat from Ford sorry about that he says I have to ask what is your TV now oh no no I answered that one all right um still have the adj um so to go back to this one uh can you use all in yes you can and I'll probably make a video talking about it and see how the results are if I can get a good example out of the s95b uh we'll talk about it foreign let me see any last second questions guys uh if not I'm gonna wrap it up and I'll show you they're all bright here I think the G3 looks pretty bright too but yeah this is a lot of fun thank you guys for tuning in I went a little bit longer than I thought but uh yeah if you want part two put it in the comments thank you guys for watching and if you buy your next TV uh make sure you do use the affiliate links to help out the channel That helps a lot I also have a membership that will support the channel as well thank you guys as always and I'll see you next time
Channel: Tech With KG
Views: 110,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best oled tv, samsung qd oled, lg g3 vs samsung s95c, Samsung QN90C vs LG C3, LG C3 vs G3 oled, LG G3 OLED vs Samsung QN90C, Samsung QN90C, QN90C vs S95C, Samsung S95C, LG G3 OLED, LG C3 OLED, lg g3 vs samsung s95c reddit, samsung s95c review, Samsung 2023 TV, LG 2023 TV
Id: Ykrv4QkLiwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 14sec (13034 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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