iOS 17 - 24 Settings You NEED to Change Immediately!

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iOS 17 has more than 400 new features but it also includes several new settings that you probably did not even know existed so in this video I'm going to show you 24 settings that you need to change immediately after installing iOS 17 on your iPhone the first setting you want to change in iOS 17 is something to bring back the feel of 3D touch so to do that we're going to go into our settings go to accessibility and then to touch and then to haptic touch and you will notice that there is a default option now in iOS 16 it was just fast or slow well in iOS 17 default was iOS 16s fast so now that we have this fast option we have more of a 3D touch like feel so when we haptic press on something it's much quicker than it was in iOS 16. so if you're a fan of picking and popping and you know haptic pressing on things to see previews now this setting makes it much faster and much more enjoyable and useful the next setting you need to change tonight AOS 17 is related to the camera and pro Raw photos so if you go into your settings and go to camera and then to formats right here under photo capture we have a brand new option in iOS 17 for the pro raw default and if you go into that here's where you can select which format you would like to choose now keep in mind this is only available for the iPhone 14 pro and pro Max and the iPhone 15 series but in here we have something that's really a massive deal for the iPhone in general because before if you wanted to shoot in 48 megapixels we had to shoot in Pro raw in raw formats and that would take up 75 megabytes per photo but now with iOS 17 we get the ability to shoot at the full 48 megapixels and it only takes up five megabytes and that's because we are shooting it in the heif format instead of the pro raw formats so I would highly recommend changing this and you can also go into the camera application nation and now appear in the top right hand corner you will see that we have an option for heif Max you could turn that on or off and then if you tap and hold on that you have the option to choose your setting on the fly so if you want to switch it over to regular Pro raw you can do that or if you just want to switch it over to Raw 12 megapixels you could do that from there as well the next setting you want to change is auto deleting Verification codes after using autofill so in iOS 17 you not only get autofill for messages but also when you get a verification code sent to your email you can now autofill that directly on websites however you can never Auto delete those messages before they would always clog up your messages but now you can change that to do this go to your settings and then go to passwords from here you will see password options go to password options and then down here we have a new toggle that says clean up automatically turn that on and it will automatically delete your Verification codes and messages after using autofill so this also applies to mail it will auto delete those messages as long as you tap on this and enter that in to the field when you're in Safari now of course if you still need to access those messages for whatever reason after they're deleted you can go into the recently deleted folder in messages or in mail and you can recover them from there the next setting you need to absolutely change if you have apple music is Crossfade so Crossfade is where one Tong kind of Fades into the other the other one starts before the previous one ends it sounds really good and this is something you absolutely need to have if you have apple music on your device if you go into settings and then to music down here you will see a Crossfade toggle make sure to turn that on and then adjust your Crossfade settings so I prefer mine at seven seconds but you can do it anywhere from one second all the way up to 12 seconds and I'd recommend just playing around with this and seeing which one you like the best but definitely add that if you use apple music now we did not get a redesigned control center despite some of the early rumors but we do have a new toggle in the control Center so if you go to your settings and then go to control center if you have an Apple Watch you will have a new toggle for ping my watch so you can now ping your watch straight from the control center next up you need to change your ringtones in iOS 17 because if you haven't heard yet we have a lot of new ones so if you go into settings and then to sounds and haptics first off we have a new section here for haptics where you can change when you want your haptics to play whether you're in silent mode or not you can change that right there but the important part here is under ringtones and text tones we have all new sounds so if you want to hear all the new ringtones you can go ahead to my iOS 17 what's new video where I played every single one of these for you but just check these out there are new ringtones and even the reflection default ringtone that you knew before has changed in iOS 17 so go ahead you might want to actually not be on silent for once because these ringtones are actually pretty good so check them out we do also have new text tones as well if you go into the text tone section pretty much all of these are brand new in iOS 17 now if you have the airpods pro one or two the airpods 3 or the airpods max you will have a new setting in iOS 17 under call control so if you go to your airpod settings and then go right here under call controls we have a new mute and unmute section if you go into there you can see that we can now mute and unmute a phone call or FaceTime call by simply pressing on the stem of an airpod Now by default this is set to press once but I found that gave me a lot of trouble and I accidentally muted a lot of people a lot so I would recommend maybe considering changing this to press twice of course you might have to experiment with this but just know that this setting is here in iOS 17 and you might want to change that now one of the biggest new features in iOS 17 is this right here where you can name drop and airdrop by simply putting two phones close together however you might not always want that going off now it's pretty cool especially at first but it might get annoying after a while because anytime you put your phones that close together it just starts initiating a trans transfer and for me with a lot of devices it's gotten kind of annoying and if you're around a lot of friends this could also be kind of annoying sometimes if you want to turn this off you can do that in settings if you go to settings and then to General and then to airdrop right here we have a toggle for start sharing by bringing devices together if you don't want that to be a feature on your phone if you don't want that to trigger every time somebody puts their phone next to yours you can turn that off right here the next setting you need to change is related to a big feature inside of the messages application so if you go into your messages and tap on the plus to the left of the text field and then swipe down to go to check-in which is a brand new feature that allows you to let your friends and loved ones know when you've arrived to a certain destination so this is the first pop-up you'll see after getting this and you'll need to configure this to your liking so tap on continue and now you get the choice to choose between limited or full in terms of the data that you're going to share with the other person and the settings here are pretty straightforward but you want to make sure to select whichever one fits the person that you are you know doing your check-in with if it's somebody that you're really close with of course it doesn't matter if they know you know the last time that your phone was unlocked or your Apple watch was removed but if it's somebody you're not super close with you may only want them to have a limited view of your data like they can only see your current location and then details about your battery and Network signal so whichever one you choose go ahead and select it and then you can tap on continue and you can kind of see a little rundown of how this works but after this you can go ahead into the settings and change this later on as well as to what your default will be so go into your settings and go to messages and then down in messages we have a new section called check-in and you can see the data is set to limited now if you tap on that here's where you can change it to full so if you want to change it back and forth between the two here's where you can do so you also get a little map a little graphic here showing you sample data as to what limited and full look like also in the messages application if you tap on that plus to the left right there you will notice that you kind of have a lot of fluff here there's a lot of applications that you may not use you may not even want these being in here like for instance I don't want Tick Tock in here I don't want Alpine glow in here I don't want City mapper I can turn those off so if we go into our settings and then go to messages and then to iMessage apps from here we can toggle off certain applications that we do not want showing up in the app drawer so if I turn off citymapper for example if I turn off Tick Tock for example now when I go back to messages and I refresh this you will see that those are no longer there and it looks much cleaner and it's applications I actually want to use and if you want to move one of these applications to the top screen like this section right here you can do that like check-in is a great feature if you want to move that you can just tap and hold right here and then kind of just drag it up and you can put it wherever you want so you can move these around very easily and very freely by just tapping and holding and then moving them one of the headlining features in iOS 17 is contact posters and you should go ahead and change the this right once you install iOS 17 so others can see your contact poster when you call or when you call them so if you go to the edit up in the top right of the phone application you will see it says name and photo right here tap on that and that will take you to the page where you can customize your contacts poster so from here just tap on edit and you'll want to go ahead and customize your contact poster here with one of the pre-selected ones or you can create a new one where you can use a memoji a monogram or one of your photos so I can select my photo here and I can move it to wherever I would like I could tap on the text and change the color and the font for that and remember this is what other people are going to see when you call so you can go ahead and change the background as well you can make the background really cool like that and I can tap on these three dots to add the depth effect you have all these settings you can change right here and once you have the contact poster you can preview it and then you will select your profile picture as well or your contact photo which is a little circle that people see so you can choose a different photo or you can continue with the one that you just set and by the way you could also set up somebody else's contact poster like if you want Theirs to show up a certain way by going to their contact and then going to edit and then going to edit right under their name and then you have the option to add a contact poster for them now one of the biggest changes in iOS 17 in terms of typing is predictive text that is now in line when you're typing you can see the gray right there and if you double press on the spacebar that puts it in and I have to say that this is better than it ever has been on iOS I actually enjoy predictive text in iOS 17 however if you're a fast and a very efficient typer you might want to consider turning this off as it will probably not really help you out any and it could just mess you up when you're typing so to change that just go into your settings go into General and then to keyboard and then right here you will see that we have a section for predictive this is enabled by default you might want to disable that depending on the type of typer that you are and on the flip side this is also where you should go if you had this disabled before if you had this disabled in iOS 16 it probably carried over to iOS 17 and it was also disabled so you might want to go ahead and enable this in iOS 17 because again predictive text is actually good now it was not good in iOS 16 but it's actually good in iOS 17. so toggle that on or off depending on what you had it set to previously and by the way if you want to reference this video later down the road and you maybe prefer a written format I will have a pdf version of this video available to Brandon Ultra members you can learn more about joining the membership down in the description below another one of the big changes in iOS 17 is the ability to access Siri without saying hey beforehand but if you don't like that you can change it so if you go into settings and then go down to Siri and search and then go to listen for you might want to select either hey s or just turn this off now I will say that just saying the s word is fine I've not really had too many false triggers so it's not as bad as some people might think but if you want to change that you can do so right here the next setting you might want to change is the sensitive content warning so if you go to your settings and privacy and security and then go down to the bottom you will see a new section called sensitive content warning so with this you can turn this on and this will detect nude photos and videos before they are viewed on your iPhone and here is what that will look like inside of the messages application for example you get a little warning and you can tap on show to show the image but it will say this may be sensitive now you can also change that like on a per app basis so if you only want it to be in messages and video messages for example you can do that but you can also turn it on or off for airdrop and for contacts next up let's talk about how far away you keep your phone from your face when you're using it so if you go to settings and go to screen time and then go down you will notice that we have a section here called screen distance and it says reduce eye strain if you go into that that is off by default but you can go ahead and enable this to reduce eye strain and the risk of myopia in children the next thing you want to do is create Safari profiles so I know this is a boring feature for some people but you want to do this for multiple reasons so for instance let's just go into our settings and then go down to Safari and then down here you will see that we have profiles and from here you'll probably only have one by default but if you tap on new profile you can name it let's just say school for example if you only want to have certain things in Safari when you're at school you could do this we'll select School choose a color you could change the favorites that are in you know the favorites bar that's in that specific profile you could also open new tabs in a specific section you know a certain page or the start page for that specific profile and then when you tap on done and then go into it you have additional options in here where you can enable or disable certain extensions for that specific profile and when you go into Safari and then go to the window W you will access those profiles by tapping that guy in the bottom and down here at the bottom you have profiles and you can switch to one of those profiles very easily and by the way I do have one other setting that you might want to change inside of a safari as well and that has to do with private browsing so if I go to Private Browsing for example take a look at that it is locked I need to put in my passcode or scan my face to get in now some people might like that but you might also find that annoying so you could turn that on or off by going back into your Safari settings right here and then if you go down under privacy and security you will see require face ID to unlock private browsing you can turn that on or off now there's another setting in here as well if you go up we have private search engine right here if you tap on that you can change what the search engine is by default when you're in a private window specifically so if I want this to be DuckDuckGo for example I can set that to be for private searching only whereas in my regular when I'm in a regular window that's not private it's on Google so that's a nice additional setting to have there the next setting you want to change has to do with the camera so have you ever gone to take a picture and you're kind of holding it like this but you're wondering if you're maybe up on one side if it's not leveled out well now in iOS 17 you can actually have a level built in to the camera app so if you go to your settings and then go down to camera down here under composition we have a new toggle for level that is disabled by default but you might want to go ahead and enable that to get a leveler on your viewfinder when you go to take a video or a photo so one of the biggest if not the biggest feature in iOS 17 is a standby mode so you guys already know what standby mode is but there is a little setting in here that you might not have enabled that you might want to consider changing so if you go into your settings and then go to standby there's a toggle down here called Show preview on tap only so what this does is it will hide any preview of a notification that you get unless you tap on it so it will show like where that apple application is or where that notification is from but it won't show the contents of that notification until you tap on it there's also a couple of settings in night mode that you might want to change so night mode in general is nice so you get that red tint you know when you have low ambient lighting when it's dark out or when it's dark in your room but you also have motion to wake right here so you might want to turn this off because there are sometimes some false triggers so this will turn on the display when motion is detected at night so if you have a cat or a dog that gets up and moves right in front of you that may turn on so you might want to turn that off it is cool to have when it works but it is something to know that is there so you can change that if you want to so there is actually one other Safari feature that I did not cover earlier and this is a pretty hidden one but you might want to change it so if you go into your settings and let's go back into the Safari settings real quick and then go all the way down to the bottom and down here we have advanced go into advanced and under privacy we have a new section here that says Advanced tracking and fingerprinting protection if you go into that this is set by default to Private Browsing but you can either turn this off or you can change it to all browsing and what this feature does in general is it will basically protect your digital fingerprint it will make it harder for companies to access your digital fingerprints which is what they use to track you online with great precision and this also deletes tracking IDs from URLs and stops trackers from following your whole browsing Journey now the next setting you might want to change has to do with the mental well-being section inside of the health application so if you go into mental well-being and then go to state of mind this is where you can log your mood on a daily basis I find this to be very useful but the setting here is if you go all the way down to the bottom and go to options from here you have toggles where you can set reminders for when you want to be notified to log your mood for the day so if you want it to be during your day end of day you could turn that on or off and you can also set custom reminders at a certain time throughout the day you could have multiples here as well I find these to be very helpful because I'll just simply forget to log my mood for the day if I don't have these turned on so you should definitely consider turning those on or if you don't like it at all you can turn them off there as well the next setting you want to change is one of my favorite under the radar changes in iOS 17 and this is all related to focus modes which I cannot function on my phone without Focus mode so if you don't have those set up you may as well go ahead and set those up right now so anyway in settings if you go into focus and then go into one of your focus modes and then go to options right here we have a new selection for silence notifications while locked or always so this means that your notifications will not be silenced if you are actively on your phone so since mine is set here to while locked that means that my notifications are only going to be silenced when my phone is locked when I'm on my phone and actively using it I will see notifications as usual as if I were not even in a focus mode the next setting you absolutely need to change in iOS 17 is offline maps you want to go ahead and download off fly maps by going into the maps app and tapping your name up in the top right corner and then go to offline maps from here you want to go ahead and download a new map so once you tap on download new map you will get the option to select where you want to download that map from like which section of that specific City and once you have that section of the city or state saved you can go ahead and tap on download and it will start downloading that specific area of the map for offline usage now also down here you have some toggles that you might want to consider turning on or off as well like only using offline maps you can turn that on to only use offline maps even when you have an internet connection so that could be great for you know if you're traveling without a power source and you want to save as much battery as possible you can do that so you don't have to rely on you know internet connection draining your battery while navigating you also have automatic updates if you want to automatically update the maps in case like a street light gets added or a street name gets changed and you do have optimized storage as well where it automatically removes downloaded maps that you have not used in a while and then the final thing you might want to change in iOS 17 is related to portrait mode photos so if you take a portrait mode shot you will notice an iOS 17 if you go to edit that you can now see this little yellow square and that is highlighting the subject of the photo so if you want your portrait subject to be something different than what you originally shot you can now change that on the Fly after the photo was taken in iOS 17. so if I want my Mac back here to be the subject I could simply tap on that now and now all of a sudden that is the main focus and everything around it is blurred out that is awesome so those are 24 of the first settings that you need to change and the first kind of things that you just need to know about with iOS 17 after installing it on your device I hope you guys enjoy this video if you did I would appreciate if you gave it a thumbs up also make sure to subscribe for a lot more iOS 17 coverage and if you haven't already seen my other iOS 17 videos including my two hour long video showing everything new in iOS 17 you can check those out up in the cards and down in the description below and of course if you made it this far into the video there's no reason not to subscribe so you may as well go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below if you've not done so already but anyways guys thanks again for watching and I'll see you soon
Channel: Brandon Butch
Views: 2,464,554
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Brandon butch, iphone, ios, apple, iOS 17, iPhone 15, iPhone 16, iOS 18
Id: FRBDeZtaSpo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 20 2023
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