Invisible Wiring Across Your Entire Settlement ⚡ Fallout 4 No Mods Shop Class

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[Music] what's up guys and welcome back to another lesson in the no mod shop class here on the skooled zone I don't really have any announcements so we're gonna jump right into today's lesson but do stick around until the end of the video because I have some bonus tips for you and a really cool experiment I'm going to do so this video is actually a follow-up on my deep dive into the wiring glitch video I made a follow up to each of my deep dive videos because people brought up interesting things in the comments after the fact this time a few people asked me about how I go about wiring up my settlements from scratch and if I use the pipe conduits to be honest the only time I use the pipe conduits is when there's an elevated build and I don't want the wires dangling below that you could see from ground level that's why you might have seen some pipe conduits in my vault 42 built I tried to hide them really well but they were there but if I'm building on ground level there's almost no need for pylons or pipe conduits if you know about the true wire glitch now you may have seen my recent video about solving the Companions don't talk glitch in that video I had to release the Minutemen from the Museum of freedom that had sort of quasi kept them captive there and now they're over at sanctuary now I hadn't really done anything with sanctuary yet because I was still trying to decide what I wanted to do with it but I think I finally decided to make it into a massive hydroponic farm and if it'll let me turn it into a vassal settlement for the Raiders Nuka world and that will coincide nicely with finishing that dlc of my next trivia walkthrough since i'm basically starting from scratch in sanctuary i thought it'd be the perfect opportunity to show you how i perfectly wire up my settlement from the get-go so hop on the school bus and let's head over there brew field trip alright guys we are over here at sanctuary wares Macready there he is right there a viewer named cyclone dragon sic suggested i put on the field scribe helmet so i put it on myself didn't look so good so i put it on MacCready and yeah maybe makes him look like a welder okay so what we're gonna talk about here is how I wire my settlements from scratch and how to create invisible firing across your entire settlement okay here's what I did I started off with a generator and I'm only gonna use one generator for the entire settlement even though it's gonna turn into a massive hydroponic farm okay now you can use any kind of generator that you want the generator I chose to use was the massive vault-tec generator Shea the one I'm talking about here this wood all the way at the end the vaulteq super reactor okay and the reason I did that was speaker as well for two reasons one because if I start doing a lot of manufacturing at this place after I do the farms then it'll be the perfect set to come and show you about manufacturing when we get to the double black diamond lessons so might as well plan ahead you know what I mean the other reason I did it was just to be quirky because I put it inside this geodesic dome here well it is a geodesic dome and then there's this little playground item here that looks like the same shape so I just pillar glitch this whole thing into the ground which I was gonna do anyway but might as well make it into like a fun art project I mean it looks pretty cool and if I ever need to pull it out of the ground then I can just think and iron post on the ground like that select all and pull it up out of the ground okay now before i stunk it it in the ground with the pillar glitch i actually set up a secondary conduit which was gonna be the primary focal point for all of the wiring in my settlement so this super reactor is actually only going to be wired to one single conduit and then that single conduits can be wired to probably a hundred different things by the time I get finished with this settlement okay now you can put this reactor or any generator that you want anywhere within your settlement but before you sink into the ground you're gonna want to set up that primary conduit okay and I decided to put mine way out of the way over here just in a place that nobody would ever really see it and I set it up down here now this conduit here I'm an eventually going to store this conduit but the reason I have this conduit here is to make it easy to do the wiring glitch all right and eventually there's going to be like a little spider web of all these little wires that are sinking into the ground now the reason this is so awesome is because if you know about the true wire glitch then there's no reason to have any wires really seen anywhere within your settlement you know oh and by the way I haven't walked up to Preston yet so therefore he hasn't started in on me with all his quests and everything I may have a second chance not to have him bother me after releasing him from the Museum of freedom just don't walk up and talk to him and then he'll just sort of be an inconsequential NPC for the rest of your playthrough so that would point that out okay so a couple of these wires that are going through here you can see they're sinking to the ground are heading over to these missile turrets so here's the first practical example of invisible wiring alright I sunk these missile turrets into these stone columns here at the at the gates of sanctuary so to speak that's pretty cool I mean they're these little stone columns are really squishy so it's very easy to pillar glitch submissive turrets in there and then if you do the little invisible wiring trick then you can just snake the wires completely under this river and up to these things if you end up having trouble and the wires show then if you want to you can add an extra conduit like I did here so I added this extra one just because I'm a little bit OCD and there was a tiny bit of a wire that was showing through here down to the road so just to make it completely seamless and completely invisible I added a little conduit here and then using the true wire glitch I hooked it up to the missile turret there but it's going for the missile turret to this conduit and then over to that primary conduit and then over to the super reactor same with that one right there okay so that's the first practical example what is that oh it's a sunken mailbox Oh scrap that okay so the second practical example I'd show if you see up at the top there the 500 power is coming from that super reactor but do you see the 150 water where is that coming from obviously down in this river you didn't see any water purifiers I didn't have to clutter up my pretty river here so where are they where is all that water coming from well here's what I did I created oh and I dragged this from some Shack over there over to here her to let people know not to go back here but anyway I placed these water pumps that can be sunk in the dirt instead of water and then I Hillier glitched them a little farther into the ground so they're very unnoticeable from the street so I have sort of a water farm going on back here and as you can see the wires are going from these water pumps into the ground and all the way over to that primary conduit okay and the reason I put them here is because the settlement boundary sort of end right around here and there's not really much anybody would really do with this space back here beyond these hedges so what is that picket fence post all these little pieces I didn't find before oh and I set up this little guard post here that's Jun long I think is his name oh and by the way if you guys ever have this problem with the spotlights turn off an easy way to solve that problem is just to add a switch right in between your conduit okay so here's another practical example this conduit is wired through the ground all the way over to that primary conduit from the super reactor and then up to a switch and then up to the spotlight so if it ever goes out like it does seem to do so frequently and by the way I used to think it would go out because your settlement size was too large but it doesn't I mean I've barely even begun to build here so there's no rhyme or reason to it it just turns off it's a glitch but instead of you know go into Workshop mode clicking on it and selecting it which will work you know I don't want to do it cuz I'm gonna show you the other trick but just out of switching between and then you can just click it off and click it on and it'll start right back up again so that's what I do with all my settlements sort of a little hack a little workaround that glitch okay so the other thing I was gonna show yet was where the other ones are set up I basically followed this border line along here in any place that there was a space that was unusable like right here I set three more up here Hillier glitched them into the ground and then wire glitch them and there's a few more over here it's another picket fence post so weird how you can scrap some of them but you can't scrap other ones and I think there's some more back here now here they are yeah I set them up over here so I'll probably oh and then there's I think one or two more over here yeah you a few of them over there so that's where I'm hiding all the water pumps and they'll eventually generate enough water for all the Raider settlements and if there's any left over I can sell it you know so okay so let me show you how this works in practicality we are gonna go back over to that one picket fence that you probably saw floating in the air another one I don't understand look at this one I couldn't scrap it that's just crazy I mean it's almost like Bethesda sort of forces people into using mods you know like this is something I'd want to use a mod for just to get rid of it you know but I'm I'm trying to be that purist eight out of eight so anyway but it's all good it's all good because we're gonna make use of it and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to place a light here and then a conduit right there okay the lights just to show you that there's power coming to that area and then what I'm gonna do is head over here initiate the wire glitch by staring at the wire you know as long as you have the conduit behind the wire doesn't exactly matter where you click you know like right here it would work here that little spark all right so we're gonna run over here and attach to this conduit about a Bing and there we go we have light so it is now going underground all the way over to that primary conduit alright isn't that just the coolest thing okay I just think it's cool I mean be a lot of people know about this so it's not like I'm spreading some brand new wisdom but it's just the coolest thing I always get so impressed with that so that is basically the essentials of how I wire up this settlement alright now we're gonna do a really cool experiment in just a second you're gonna want to stick around for that but I did want to show you a bonus tip another practical way that I use the wiring alright I set up a little soda fountain here cuz mama Murphy looked bored that's so oh and I hated him sitting on the ground all the time so I just set up some couches this is all just temporary until I build the place out yeah but anyway I said episode of fountain and I assigned my feet maybe it'll keep her off the cams but see how it's flawlessly wired you mean you don't see any wires here where are the wires there's no wires well the wires are going underground set up this fire barrel here just to cover up the conduit it's running from underground to that conduit and then from that conduit through the wall up to the back of the soda fountain okay see I love that I mean it's just perfectly seamless you just never see a single wire now if you're going for the settlements where there's lots of wires like if you're going for that you know Raider look then have all the wires dangling everywhere you know but if you're going for the realistic look where people would naturally want to bury wires so they don't like electrocute themselves then that is the way to do it oh and the bonus tip sorry about that okay so have you noticed there are some items that you can scrap and sanctuary without mods and some you can't this hanging fluorescent lamp here is one of the items you can't scrap but yet you can't turn it on either it's really frustrating so here's what I did I headed over to structures you can use really any pillar you want I just like using the the posts all right I'm gonna set a post down and then I'm gonna group select alright you see what I did here there is a fluorescent lamp that I set up elsewhere you know just right across the street under that garage dragged it over here with the pillar glitch and then pillar glitched it right into place now I got it perfect so I'm not gonna I'm just gonna cancel here but I managed to line it up perfectly so that you can't even notice it and it actually looks like the lamp itself is lit up and lights up this whole little garage area using an appliance or you know an asset that came with the building itself to organically create the illusion of light so I thought that was pretty cool I wanted to show you guys okay so here's the big question how far exactly can you run a wire under your settlement is there a limit is there something that would prevent you from running it completely across the entirety of your settlement is there a wiring length limit well sanctuary is a pretty big settlement but there is a bigger settlement out there and I believe that goes to spectacle Island so it was a little class experiment we're actually going to go on a field trip over to spectacle Island and take that experiment up over there all right so I'll meet you guys over in spectacle Island okay nice we have night time that'll allow us to show off our lights a little more effectively to prove our experiment so let's head over to one of these boxcars and I'm going to set up a generator let's put a generator in here [Applause] okay all we need really is just a tiny little generator okay and then we're gonna need a conduit in order to initiate the glitch interestingly enough these big ugly power conduits take more resources than the nice little tiny cleaner ones isn't that interesting okay so Oh more reason why I like these better okay so we're gonna hook this up to the generator and then I'm going to fast forward all the way over to the other side of the island we're gonna set up a little klieg light or something [Music] okay here we go I could be wrong but I think this little pier here is gonna be the complete diametric opposite side of spectacle Island basically the farthest two points that you can reach so I'm going to go into workshop mode let's head down to lights and just use these instruction lights which I almost never use but we'll set them up so it's shining out towards the water if it works and just to keep it clean why don't we have a conduit right here look the conduit up to the instruction light and then I'm gonna run back over to the other side [Music] okay we're back to the side if this experiment works then when I connect to the other side of the island we should see that construction light will light up all right so let's give it a go there we go initiating the wire glitch and then the reason I'm not just cutting in this out is because I don't want you guys to think I'm cheating or anything so I'm just showing you the full traversal over to the other side of the island [Music] okay here we go fingers crossed and we have light that is amazing so it is going from here to here completely into the water and under the entire land mass of spectacle island all the way over to the other side of it and making that connection through the true wire glitch that is just stunning so I've heard other youtubers in past video say that there was a limit to how far you could wire something but it looks like that myth has been busted so experiment confirmed there is no limit to how far you can wire using the true wire glitch the only limit is the green settlement boundaries alright so I hope this helped you guys out maybe enlightened you a little bit some of the advanced wiring techniques you can do with settlement building without mods hope you guys had some fun with me make sure you're subscribed for more awesome videos like this and feel free to share the video around anyone else you think this might help we'll see you guys back here soon for another fun video in the meantime happy building and classes missed [Music]
Channel: Skooled Zone
Views: 259,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skooled Zone, SkooledZone, Fallout, Fallout 4, Fall Out 4, fo4, Fallout 4 settlements, settlement building, Settlement Guide, settlement tips, settlement secrets, settlement help, best settlement, No Mods, no mod settlement, base building tutorial, base building tips, let's build, building guide, Settlement exploit, Fallout 4 exploits, pillar glitch, wiring underground, wire glitch, wiring glitch, wiring sanctuary, invisible wires, pipe conduits, vault-tec conduits
Id: 3TIo77uMUxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 44sec (1244 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 02 2017
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