Build Seamless Junk Fence Walls With No Gaps 🗜️ Fallout 4 No Mods Shop Class

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[Music] what's up class and welcome to another lesson in the know mod shop class here on the skooled zone I want to thank you guys for all the compliments on my covenant build you guys are really encouraging it just makes me want to hurry up to youtube full time so thanks for that because the school zone has become such a great community I like to take a request sometimes from the audience and when I start seeing the same requests again and again over the course of many videos I kind of feel obliged and that is where today's video topic comes into play the one I said we do right before we roll into the double black diamond lessons you'd be surprised at how many requests I've gotten for doing a junk fence alignment video in the comments of past videos and by private email the only reason I didn't do it sooner is because a lot of youtubers have made videos in the subject I just figured everybody had already seen those videos plus I don't like copying anyone else if you see anything in my videos that look similar to something another builder has done it was definitely not intentional I know because it would frustrate me if I were that person I like to live by the golden rule I also didn't want to do anything that's already been done unless I can do it in a different or simpler way you know kind of like an improvement an old technique people didn't seem to care though and just kept suggesting I do the video because apparently I have a knack for explaining things well so what the hell I'll give it a shot and I do in fact have a different and simpler way to do it than I've seen in other videos so if you're a novice builder I hope this video will help and if you're a veteran builder maybe this method will make your life a tad bit easier and since the junk fences have that Raider look and I already built that Raider style gun tower over Overland station we might as well continue to build over there oh and as a bonus tip I'll show you how to make the junk fences snap so stick around to the end of the video for that little bonus tip but before we get to all that it's time for a peek at this month's wall of fame as you may have seen in past videos that feature the names of my supporters on patreon once a month on this here wall of fame and here are my fantastic patreon this month thank you all so much for helping me get a little close to doing YouTube full time we reached the first patreon goal last month and I purchased a subscription to a new music service to start adding some musical variety to the videos and we're halfway to my next patreon goal which would allow me to buy a much better microphone and drastically up the audio quality my commentary all the while you guys get some really cool perks in the process so jump over to my patreon page if you want to step on that gas pedal in the school bus and speaking of the school bus hop on board and I'll meet you over at Overland station okay guys here we are at my Overland station build and I'm gonna slowly turn this into a Raider style settlement and now that I've build that Raider style gun tower to protect me while I'm building surrounding the perimeter with junk fences is the perfect next step so what I'm gonna do is show you the three hurdles you'll run into when placing the junk fences and how to overcome them one by one now unlike the other wall styles the junk fences don't normally snap which makes them really difficult to place side by side without the annoying gaps in between I mean you've probably experienced it sometimes as gaps are enough to shoot a gun through and we want nice tight-fitting fences that almost look like one continuous wall it's built all the way around not an impossible feat in real life so why should it be so hard in settlement building well for one thing each wall has a slightly different size composition and bounding volume that means some walls you'll be able to get really close without any trickery while others will have wide-open holes that any you know emaciated ghoul can slip through now it's easy to solve that once you know how to do it but it will be a bit time-consuming so you got to be prepared for that but hopefully when you're done it'll be worth the effort actually before we get to the build I thought I'd show you guys some cool things that did real quick to Overland Station you know just getting started here but added some pretty cool things we'll start around this side so first of all we have the water pump here and I glitched in a scavenging station to make it look like the settler is working on the water pump you know well didn't it fixing it up you know just to give it a little immersion there now the water pump requires power but where is the generator it's not up here up here I just have you know some temporary sleeping bags so where is it well it is and we also have this switch and this firework mortar that I glitched into the workshop oryx perfectly it out gotta makes it a two and one device but anyway the power is actually coming from underneath this crate alright so let me just move this crate out of the way and you see that very tall conduit there that is the fusion generator I was able to pillar glitch into the ground and you know start my little spiderweb underground wiring process there and I just rug Lich tin a crate to cover it up so not only do you not see the wires at this build so far but you don't even see the generator at this build I love it so cool and I can just flip the switch on the back of this workshop and fire up a clear weather shell if it starts to get a little foggy okay then the second thing this water pump cracks me up actually this is interesting check this out okay so it says here that I have four settlers at this build oh and by the way you can see the power up there is it 100 it says there are four people at this bill but there's only three settlers here okay one two and three alright obviously you know we didn't see a settler up here so where is that fourth settler I think what's going on is that a settler will walk over to this water pump at some point earlier in your game and start pumping it and then just vanish and just continue pumping it I mean I can't explain the you know I can't explain it so you know four people three visible settlers and a ghost water pumps so maybe they're counting the ghosts as the fourth person there anyway moving on I just thought I'd point that out so at Overland station you have this really ugly boarded up door that you can't do anything with and there's this lower-level to this little tower here okay as if you couldn't just kick the door down and build something in there it's kind of ridiculous so what I did was actually do the I did to make a plane and I added a crafting station to the front of that door not only to cover up the ugly boards but it's kind of cool you know it's got the large I don't know what they are propane tanks or something oxygen tanks and they look like they're for storage or maybe the wires you know are going into the ground and over to this water pump or whatever but it looks not only does it look cool but check this out there we go we're inside so I'm going to exit out of the workbench and now we're inside this tiny little room all right now obviously some people don't like this cuz it uh it glitches and I get frustrated with that but I think it's pretty cool I personally I like it and it's just this tiny little space that you can do something with and I think I might turn this into my secret little stash room here at Overland station just maybe build a few safes and I don't know just I'm gonna do something cool with it yeah now just in case anybody's wondering you can't put turrets in here because the walls will actually block see the bullets are hitting the wall right there so I couldn't put any turrets in here at least not for any effective use but I will definitely put some little lounge chairs a TV for myself make this my little personal space here at Overland station so anyway I just thought I'd point that out well then I could just exit right out of here okay so let's get onto the build so what I'm thinking about doing obviously I mentioned I'm gonna turn this into a Raider settlement these settlers are dressed more like Gunners for the moment but that's just because that's what they had on before as soon as I decked the place out I'll make them look all like scavenging Raiders there but yeah I'd like to continue along that style and the junk fences are gonna be perfect for that so something fun I thought I'd do is work with the buses I haven't done anything with the buses yet from the miscellaneous section yeah over here so we got this cool school bus here so I thought I'd maybe put the school bus like right on the tracks you know to make it look like it's sort of an improv metro rail device that he created to wrong a lot run along the tracks and there's the section of track that dips underground so I'd be like the perfect place to put it so what I think I'll do is with the junk fences is start off with this gay right here all right right along the tracks now in order to line the fences up properly it's much easier to line them up from the front is you'll get a much better perspective that way you know because all the junk fences are different sizes and all that stuff so I think I'm gonna start building this that's not the settlor by the way that's the provisioner so what I'm gonna do to make this more effective in the building process actually scoot this way back from the edge of the settlement boundaries normally I like to build sometimes right up to the edge you know not a places like spectacle island obviously but the smaller settlements I like to maximize the space but in this case I think I mean actually gonna scoot it back to around here and it'll give us more than enough room to go around the perimeter and then I'm gonna pillar glitch this into the ground just a smidgen okay okay so hurdle number one getting rid of the gaps my solution which is hopefully a smidgen different from other youtubers is to use non Snapple stairs this is gonna be instead of using rugs because this way you can not only override the collision but you can also adjust the height to avoid any bottom gaps as well now I mentioned using stairs as an alternate to posts in my deep dive into the pillar glitch video but if you can find stairs that don't snap it'll be even easier now you can accomplish the same thing with a post and conduit combo that you've seen me use in past videos but I usually use that for more like precise adjustments when you have a little more room to build and easy terrain to work with stairs are a little easier and there's some nice tall non snapping stairs in the scaffolding section okay so here are those non snap Abul stairs and that's only about as far as you have to take it and you can actually place it that far away and have it still work so we're gonna select the stairs and then group so I gotta move it a little closer a little closer there we go and now I can sink the stairs into the ground and let me just make sure I'm lined up with the tracks there we go alright and this way I can sink it into the ground let me do that again okay so now we're lined up with the stairs I'm gonna reselect it and then I'm gonna sink it to about right there that way there's no gaps at the bottom okay in fact I might even go to there perfect someone set the stairs there and we're gonna start building let me see if I have it lined up evenly it's a little bit angled off there sorry I just like to get these things perfect I'll fast forward do this pretty close pretty close okay that helps my sensibilities a bit alright let's break out the next wall and let's maybe use something like this let's see if we have something that's gonna line up with the edge there a little better kind of like that one actually so let's use that one okay so I'm gonna set it right here grab the scaffolding stairs moving back just a bit all right that should be good perfect might be a little challenging to build on the on the tracks here now that I think about it but we'll make do okay so I want to do it from the front that's that's what I just mentioned a second ago and then proceeded not to do that okay there we go now we can do it from the front [Applause] okay no gaps you see that at rocks I probably could have sunk it down to the ground it's just a bit more actually to line that up but you get the idea so there we go it looks great okay we'll do one more and then we'll move on to hurdle number two yeah let's bury it up a little bit so let's do this one now you always want to make sure you select the stairs real quick and deselect it before you group select just to bring the focus back to the front think I got that lined up Wow looks great from this side no gaps from this side perfect so we're off to a good start okay now hurdle number two this method that I'm showing you what these stairs is gonna work about probably I'd say 75% of the time but sometimes they're gonna give you a little bit of trouble and I'll give you an example so like let's say you want to use this junk fence is that the same one as this one has the barbed wire okay so let's bury it up a little bit so you notice how this side has some tires very close to the edge and this junk fence has some tires very close to the edge for some reason the tires are gonna give you a little more trouble when you're using this particular method okay I'm gonna give it a try but I have a feeling it's not gonna work what I want to do here is actually up in this case we actually want to do it from the other way simply because of the settlement boundary edge there and also because we're gonna be doing it sideways this time okay so what I want to try to do is to get the right post to glitch into the wall and merge with this post right here but because of the tires on both sides it's not easy now I could go out to here but then we've still got the gap I could even kind of get it pretty close over there but it's not going to be there's going to be a tiny gap in there so some of the fences insert circumstances aren't going to work with this method alone but here's the solution to it okay so I'm gonna move this out of the way and we're gonna add some rugs so this is where rugs are handy so I'm gonna put the junk fence on a rug chain and then use the stairs in combination with them now you might lose some rugs underground but cloth is cheap and most importantly it's gonna ease with these collision problems on a few of the fences that give you that 25% hassle there with the stair technique alone okay so see how it's on a bit of an incline there so I can just grab this chunk fence and move it until it pops right up onto that rug chain and then I can grab the stairs and I only need to move the stairs far enough that they dangle just over the edge of the carpets actually I need to angle it this way if I want to get the things going sideways let's see did that do it it did okay so it's give it a try and I'll show you how much easier this is okay now look at that now we can completely merge this fence into this fence how cool is that and I can sink it down to the ground to whatever height I want see so it doesn't have that gap at the bottom over there alright so I'm gonna take that and let's see how this is gonna be challenging as far as perspective goes by the way I wanted to mention been getting some really great responses for the upcoming fallout 5 building system request video you know that open letter to Bethesda so I'm gonna be using almost all of your suggestions in that video there's still time to get in your suggestions so head over either to the subreddit or the school's own community tab links for both of those are down in the description so just look for the thread about the new follow up building system add your own suggestions and we'll we'll compile them you know maybe next month for that video one of the suggestions I'm going to be adding is to allow the character to have a rotating perspective while maintaining the position of a building item before you pop it into place so in this case what I'd love to do is have this set you know down right where I want it hold that position and then rotate the camera around the item to make sure I've got it lined up from all directions all right that would solve so many headaches I have to go through because I've pretty much mastered the building system here and fallout 4 but one thing that still gives me trouble every time is getting that 3d perspective so let's pop this into place real quick and I'm gonna go hit that firework mortar all right I think that's it and you raise it up just a bit awesome let's see how we did oh that's so cool oh that's perfect now I can just continue this junk fence chain all the way down this side until it reaches the settlement boundary over there okay so let's hit that 500 real quick sweet okay anyway that's hurdle number two now just as an experiment I actually I didn't test this out so actually here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna quick save and I'm gonna test something out real quick I'm gonna grab this whole assembly here lift it up out of the ground until I can see the rugs you know I didn't get them all there we go I'm gonna pull this rug out pull this rug out and by the way these junk fences are really good at not dropping down too far when you rug glitch them okay and then I'm gonna grab this whole assembly again sink it back down into the ground okay so if it truly truly bothers you that you're losing some rugs then you could probably do that and recover some of your rugs in the process okay so bonus pro tip there okay hurdle number three all right what to deal with slanting terrain let's say for example we want this fence to go down this hill just a little bit so what I'm gonna do here is I'm not going to do this as a continuation of that fence I'm just gonna show you this technique for the purposes of this video so let's head over and grab another fence okay we'll use this one okay and now you see how it's sloping down so if I wanted to put in another junk fence here and line it up as you can see there'd be a big gap at the bottom there so what I'd really want to do is sink it down to about there so what do we do about that extra gap there well there's a couple things we can do and these are just suggestions you guys might email to come up with other ones as well but what I found kind of cool is to use either these half shack walls and see how the top has kind of a slant to it so if I sent this down into the ground it's gonna look like it's kind of slanting down and then I can continue the fence on the other side of that so I'm gonna set this right here and then the other option that's kind of cool looking is to head over to the warehouse section and grab a one of these half walls let me see if I've got another junkie or one that's the only I don't want to bury windows in the ground so we'll use this one right here and then we'll add this kind of top to it right here and this is for more of a a deeper incline as a matter of fact we might need to use this one instead of this one but I'll show you what they both look like okay then I store my stairs or that's yeah here we go okay I've got this half fence here and I can probably put that right about let's see here where would it look good yeah about right there maybe yeah yeah actually well I'm supposed to do it from the front so it lined up properly but you guys get the idea right okay so I'm gonna go ahead and store this move this over to here and then we're gonna grab this little assembly here and move it a little closer I knew that was gonna happen okay we're in business now we can line this one up right here actually that's gonna look a lot better as a matter of fact so look at dad I can even merge this one this one's being really forgiving look at that that rocks oh yeah probably could have sunk a little farther in the ground let's see if I can grab the whole assembly and just sink it down perfect okay see what I did there all right now I can add another jump fence to right here let's do that real quick and then I'll conclude the video oh and then I'll show you the bonus snapping technique as well so stick around for that so hard to tell if you've got lined up right you know what I mean okay that looks it looks good right about there all right and then I'm gonna go ahead and very cool very cool okay so you see the idea here right you've got a continuation of the junk fences up until the point it starts sloping down and then you've got two choices you know at least that I came up with the slanted half wooden wall and this combination of warehouse tiles for the longer slopes okay and then you just continue on here and if it continues sloping down I can do another one like right here I might just add the half wooden shack and then continue it on but what I think I'm gonna do is actually maybe save these pieces and use them up over there where the guard tower is for that slope down near the gun tower okay so I'm gonna hop on the bed and then I'll show you the the snapping technique when we have daylight be back in that two shakes of a rad stags tail okay we are back to a sunny day I'm just gonna quick save real quick even though it auto saved when I slap you now just always good to have backups when your built in never know what this game is gonna do okay so this jump and snapping technique is actually a little bit of a hack but it's really really clever and will make your life so much easier now you can use this in a combination of two ways I'm gonna do it along this area because it's somewhat flat along this area okay so let's get started here's what we're gonna do we're gonna get out a couple of junk fences let's see here okay there's one and excuse me use this one for the second one you can use any of the junk fences including the gates actually for this particular technique and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna break out a foundation now I like to use the concrete foundation in case I want to leave it I'll show you in a minute how you can actually get rid of them but I'm gonna set this one right here okay and I'm gonna pull this chunk fence onto this concrete foundation make sure it's lined up and everything looks good and I can probably slide it back just a smidgen now see how deep down there you want to make sure it pops back up again no not the red rocket okay okay and then we're gonna pull this one onto this concrete foundation it's gonna be a little it's gonna be a little far back from the center that's another reason why I like using these concrete foundations because there's a line down the middle and you can kind of tell when it's halfway so we're gonna pull it back to about right there alright and then check this out okay I'm gonna grab this foundation I'm just gonna snap it into place alright now here's the thing if you didn't get it lined up right you can just move it back and make an adjustment so for this fence looks like I have to scoot it over a little more see if that works almost perfect a not so perfect almost got it lined up I just well do it right you know what I mean that is awesome and I can even go a little further to do it reverse no it won't go in reverse okay okay got those two posts in the middle merge now alright isn't that awesome now I'm gonna quick save here and then here's what happens if you remove the concrete foundations okay alright now you can remove the concrete foundations they'll be up in the air and you can pillar glitch these into the ground just like that or I can actually move them might as well make use of them you know what I mean okay actually let's do it from the it's gonna be a tight fit here but let's see if I can do it fantastic all right tiniest little gap there but I don't want to bother using the rugs for this that was good enough but that's how you can snap them you might try to straighten that out in between episodes but you get the idea there now if you wanted to leave the concrete foundations there you could also sink those into the ground as well you know maybe get it so there's some sand covering the metal or something like that you know there's just a few caveats you got to look out for when using this technique first of all if you make a line of them using this technique and you start pulling out the foundations or the floor pieces then some of them might dip down the way the rug glitch sink drop works and you're not gonna want to have some areas where there's concrete foundation or a floor piece underneath in some areas where there's not so when using this technique my suggestion would be to either have a full line of flooring under it or just remove them and then peel or glitch it down or go ahead and keep the flooring and then pillar glitch the whole thing down into the ground that way it'll kind of be even but that's a super-fast way to get the junk fences done when there's not like a slope in the process you know or you want to add some kind of extra element in between and it's great because all we're really doing is using these floor pieces and you can really use any floor pieces I was think about using the wire mesh once two of those are kind of cool because then some of the ground would still show through you know to me but yeah we're essentially using these four pieces as rugs with the added benefit that they snap so it's like you get double duty with this technique so I hope you enjoyed that bonus tip for all the people that left the video early they're missing out all right guys well I hope this video helped especially all the people that quest this video so there you go I am too please starting with the next lesson in no mod chop class we'll be delving into a longer way to double black diamond lessons now this is gonna be some of the really advanced stuff so I hope you guys are ready for it make sure you subscribed and have that notification bell turned on and alike and to share is always appreciated be back soon with another fun video in the meantime happy building and class dismissed [Music] you
Channel: Skooled Zone
Views: 452,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skooled Zone, SkooledZone, Fallout 4, Fall Out 4, fo4, Fallout 4 settlements, settlement building, Settlement Guide, settlement tips, settlement secrets, settlement help, No Mods, no mod settlement, base building tutorial, base building tips, let's build, building guide, junk fence fix, no gaps, gap fix, junk fence gap, junk wall, junk fences, bottom gaps, snappable junk fences, joining junk fences, snapping junk fence, junk fence alignment, gaps in fence
Id: Emv1ZfOOFdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 40sec (1840 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 05 2018
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