INVERSION | So - Neither - Nor

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all right hello everyone welcome again to my channel thanks for clicking on this video i hope you are doing well so as you can see we are going to talk about inversion so in version actually as you can see it is a grammar lesson but what i'd like you to keep in mind is that this is an advanced grammar lesson so it is the devoted for we can say advanced learner or advanced students before we start talking about cases of inversion let's try to see what do we mean by inversion so when we talk about inversion it comes from the verb to inverse okay to inverse and generally speaking we always inverse the subject and the verb so this is something that have already talked about so we have in normal sentence in english we have subjects and verb end object this is the order of a normal sentence in english subject verb object in inversion we inverse the subject and the verb the subject and the verb so the verb comes here subject here and the object so this is generally speaking what we mean by inversion but if we want to be more technical or more specific when we talk about inversion is not inversing the subject and the verb but inversing the subject and the auxiliary the subject and the auxiliary of the verb okay so this is what we mean by inversion so technically what matters a lot in inversion is the auxiliary okay is the auxiliary this is what i'd like you to keep in mind and not the verb not the verb or i mean the main verb in the sentence okay so generally speaking again when we talk about inversion inversion is highly required in what we call the questions in questions okay so this is number one in questions so a question is not a question unless if it is if there is inversion when there is inversion so we cannot write a question like for example uh for instance we can say what you like for example what you like okay what you like this is not a correct question this is this can be this can be correct if it is spoken for example what you like so this is something that is very simple but this question if it is to be considered a question this should be an inversion inversion here between the subject and the verb not this verb but the auxiliary in the sentence so this one is in simple present so the auxiliary verb is going to be the verb do so we can say what what here what do you like what do you like all right so here inversion of the auxiliary and the subjects there is inversion here okay there is inversion the subject and the auxiliary as i said now this one is a correct answer sorry a correct question because here we have inversion so a question if it is to be considered as a question they should be here what we call inversion okay so inversion is highly required in question or in questions in general now questions are not the only cases of inversion okay but we have several cases in which inversion is highly required today in this episode maybe we are going to cover one case and in the upcoming episodes we are going to cover other essential cases so the first one and the most very essential one that i'd like you to keep in mind is with some phrases or some words i should say like for example neither nor and so [Music] just remember these words so we are going to see cases or examples in which we have to do inversion we have to inverse the subject and verb when it comes to such words now the first one i'd like to keep in mind is that when we talk about so so is always with positive and nor neither both of them has something to do with negative negative all right however all of them neither nor and so both of them or all of them i should say we use them when it comes to inversion to talk about what we call agreement or i can say same agreement or the sameness right just keep in mind this words and we are going to explain that in deeper in examples agreement or sameness when we talk about neither nor and so just keep in mind a very special one so with positive sense and neither nor negari we start with the positive okay let's start with positive all right positive all right now for instance we can take conversations in short answers in conversations for example we can take a very simple conversation between a and b so for instance a may say for example i like philosophy this is an example i like philosophy now here b b can either agree and when i say agree or be the same which means b may like philosophy two just remember two okay he may like philosophy two or he may not like philosophy too now imagine or let's suppose that b likes philosophy too and here again here there is what there is the same the sameness and agreement between a and b and therefore a can answer with so for example and say so do so do i so do i and if he says so do i it's as if he says i like it i like it too i like it too which means the same there is agreement okay there is agreement so do i so as you can see here we have inversion inversion of do and i do i why do we have do here very simply because the sentence is in present simple and the auxiliary verb of the present simple is do okay is do and so do i or so do i which means i like it too so this is case number one in which we have the agreement and sameness when it comes to short answer in conversations in conversations this is number one however we can also use so with inversion when it comes to statement with two clauses and it was always after positive remember positive clause let's take an example we can say um he likes philosophy this is clause number one this is clause number one and as you can see this clause this clause is what is positive or we can also say affirmative positive okay so he likes philosophy and and so here we can use so so [Music] and so do his friends and so do his friends okay his friends and so do his friends here and we have another clause number two the second clause with so and here we have inversion inversion of do and there is the auxiliary of the verb because the sentence is in present simple if the sentence is in the past simple the auxiliary will be did and the subject so there is inversion of the auxiliary and the subject now here what does it mean what does it mean he likes philosophy and so do his friends so to his friends means that his friends like philosophy [Music] to his friends like his sorry like philosophy too okay so this is case number two so either in conversations short answers like this one to show the same when a and b share the same thing or like or love the same thing for example this is only an example on number two in the second clause after positive clause when there is again agreement or the sameness okay so here for example the friends his friends like philosophy too not only he but also his threat okay all right so this is very essential thing to remember this is for a positive now let me move to negative let move to negative and when we talk about negative here we are talking about either neither or nor neither or nor so both of them sorry both of them have a negative sense negative sense okay again the same thing as the same as so we can use it we can use it in short dialogues or in short conversations with short answer okay sure answer again to show agreement and sameness okay now here again we can take one short dialogue between a and b for example a may say i have i have never look this is negative i have never been to london to london for instance i have never been to london and as you can see as i have just said never it is something which is negative okay negative adverb it is a negative adverb i have never been to london now here if b 2 has never ever been to london which means there is sameness there is agreement he can answer in a very simple way in a short way like for example he may say neither have i neither have i now here for stop now here there is inversion that is inversion between sorry that is inversion of i and subject and have the auxiliary so in this one we have subject auxiliary and here we have auxiliary subject there is what we called the inversion that is inversion why because here neither came at the beginning at the beginning neither have i now this means what when i say neither have i which means which means in another in other words which means that i be can also say i have i have never being to london here we can say i have never been to london either either all right this is it so please remember either and here we have two now look either is always with the negative sense we can use it with negative sense as you can see i have never been to london either or we can say two i have never been to london two but why did i use either here because sometimes you might be given such sentence in the exam and they ask you to rewrite it with neither with neither here okay look so this is very essential to remember we have to rewrite this sentence with neither this is a sentence with either and we have to rewrite it with neither but as you can see in this sentence we don't have inversion we don't have inversion but when we use neither in the beginning we always inverse the subject and the auxiliary now here what can we say very simply as i said before we inverse we inverse the subjects and the auxiliary we can say neither neither have i neither have i neither have i here look we are not going to use never never is a negative one with either so either is always used in negative sense in negative meaning but when we use neither we change the sentence from affirmative from negative sorry to affirmative if we have a negative adverb we can substitute it with a positive adverb now what is this positive adverb it's very simply ever so we can use ever here we can say neither have i ever neither have i ever been been to london okay to london full stop so here as you can see we have inversion inversion of have and i and we used we used the positive positive adverb why because we have the neither we start with neither but as you can see either is always with negative sense negative sense this is very essential to remember so i have given you this example because you might encounter in the exam such structure which means they ask you to rewrite the sentence with neither okay with neither this is only one example also as long as here we have it for example here with so we talked about it after positive clause again here we can have it we can have it after positive no negative because here we are talking about negative negative clause so we can take an example for instance like this we can say he didn't he didn't call me he didn't call me come on he didn't call me this is clause number one and as you can see this clause is what is negative it is negative didn't so he didn't call me then just he didn't call me if we want to add something else we can say he didn't call me nor nor or neither both of them nor or neither now here as you can see he didn't call me here we are talking about the past so the auxiliary verb is going to be in the past neither did neither did he neither did he for example message message me [Music] okay message me neither did he again there is what there is in version there is inversion here why because we have neither and nor this is after what after a negative clause and as you can see we have something to do with sameness here he didn't call me not only this he didn't message me too he didn't message me too so we have two the same negative negative okay we can also say he did not message me either we can write it here this one we can rewrite it differently and we say he didn't message me and as you can see this is negative in negative we always use either okay better so he didn't message me either okay full stop now if i ask you to rewrite the sentence with neither so we can say neither did he neither did he and as you can see here we have negative and becomes affirmative but still negative sense why because we have neither and neither nor both of them for negative meaning okay so neither did he [Music] message message me so this is in case i am doing this with you very simply because you might be asked to rewrite sentence or to choose the correct answer to the correct sentence with neither in the beginning so inversion is always we we inverse the subject and the auxiliary when we have neither in the beginning but with negarib sense so this these are only cases very simple examples to understand in version when it comes to these words neither nor negative meaning so positive these are the cases the cases of so and the cases of neither and nor one thing that essential one that i'd like you to keep in mind is that either we use it in at the end with a negative form and which means to which means the same when we rewrite it with neither in the beginning as you can see neither affirmative form a affirmative form of the sentence but negative meaning negative meaning neither have i ever been to london which means i have never been to london either okay the same thing here he didn't message me either neither did he message me neither did he message me this is affirmative but still keeps the negative sense okay so i hope you find this easy to understand if you have any question related to this you're welcome don't hesitate to ask um in the upcoming episodes we are going to talk about other cases in which inversion is highly required see you then have a good time thanks for watching and goodbye
Channel: RachidS English Lessons
Views: 628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inversion, Advanced Grammar, Grammar, English Grammar, CRMEF, CRMEF Exam
Id: zkHsB6QJDFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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