Introductory webinar: For the Love of Animals

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[Music] welcome everybody to the for the love of animals introductory webinar thank you so much for joining us here today my name is jenny i'm from lionheart workshops and i'll be hosting this webinar i have been working with anna brayton bear and brad laughlin in bringing their wonderful course into creation for the love of animals i have also had the opportunity to learn from anna at her in-person workshops out in the field in both botswana and south africa anna is an internationally acclaimed professional interspecies communicator and the founder of animal spirit an organization and service that is dedicated to bridging the gap between the non-human and human animals and creating harmony in this way anna is also the subject for the documentary the animal communicator brad is a spiritual teacher and has been teaching for more than 20 years now he's also the author of several books his most recent being living with enlightenment a journey of love and his forthcoming book is called waking the yin warrior i love that title which is about the rising power of the feminine energy in this world he is the co-founder of the international organization coalite whose mission is to help awaken the global heart through both humanitarian service work and helping individuals to live increasingly in unconditional love both anna and brad are very passionate about and dedicated to the service of sacred activism that is activism that is rooted in compassion we also have some of our animal companions and friends joining us here today you may hear the sound of sasha my dog barking in the background and you will hear the sound of some lovely birds in the background of brad's apartment you may even get a glimpse of anna's beautiful cat ocean during this webinar we will delve deeply into some of the wisdom and the insights that are shared in for the love of animals as well as the synergies between brad's work as a spiritual teacher and anna's work as an inter-species communicator and how these ultimately really do come back together to the one path and that is the path of heart the path of unconditional love as i listen to both brad and anna speaking i have so many wonderful wow moments as this wisdom just drops in uh truly truly profound and i am sure that you are going to have many of these wow moments as well whilst listening to this webinar you will also learn some of the techniques that anna uses that help her and guide her into these states these profound states of clear intuition and direct knowing and anna's also going to share with us some of her real-time stories and case studies from her experiences and what it really takes to listen and to hear the language of the natural world and how this really is a very natural skill for us humans it is not something we are learning it is something that we are remembering and re-learning please do stay with us until the end of this webinar because i will also be sharing with you some important information and registration details for the upcoming for the love of animals online course which is being taught by both anna and brad so thank you again so much for joining us here today and anna brad hello and welcome it's lovely to see you both again thank you nice to see you nice to see you both so let's begin with how how did you two actually meet let's see shall i start we anna and i met many years ago um my life partner leslie temple thurston uh and i are spiritual teachers and we also have a great passion for animals and we are inter-species communicators as well and some mutual friends introduced us in south africa they said you've just got to meet this lady she's amazing so we we also we share a mutual passion for what you said jenny which is sacred activism we call it and that is serving the earth serving the animals and ecosystems in the natural world supporting in fact the first thing that brought us together was our mutual love of elephants and our our passion for supporting elephants uh in various ways during these the challenges that they face in our world [Music] anna would you like to comment on that i i told a little there's more to the story i i didn't tell the whole story well it was very um unusual and wonderful to be able to spend the first day of meeting people in the flesh for the first time to spend the first day in deeply meditative states for quite a bit of the time simply opening ourselves to the deep state of listening to hear what elephants might need collectively at this time and you know interspecies communication happens uh wherever we direct our attention it could be to an individual animal it's in our presence or not it could be to a group or a herd of animals or a pack of animals and it could be to what's commonly termed the collective consciousness of a certain species and so we sat at brad and leslie's home and and came into a deeply quiet and contemplative state to then silently telepathically ask into that level of collective consciousness of elephants what they might need and you know to be honest we sat with pins and papers at the at the ready to write down the to-do list we imagined we might get things to go and do but uh the uh the response from elephants was much more about energies and states of being that we could hold for them like a prayer really and so out of that was born the the elephant prayer circle something that people in reading or feeling inside their hearts could simply add their human energy to which on a quantum physics level as has been proved by transcendental meditations for decades now um on the quantum physics level does actually assist with the alignment of all the mysterious forces and the energies to increase the likelihood of that healthy outcome being the result so it was a beautiful weekend a long weekend that we spent together in the company of each other and and the animals and i was very impressed by it was clear to me that brad and leslie and those living within had already done a lot of a lot of their own their own work in clearing the channels that they are that made what they were receiving and perceiving very crisp and clear without any drama or projection and that was a beautiful the beautiful commonality to find with other two leggeds with other humans there was something that really stood out for me when watching uh part of a part of the course and that was when you shared about some people that came to learn from you and they wish and you recognized that they had this incredible crystal clarity and that when you spoke to them about that they then mentioned brad and leslie and how the help that they had received from brad and leslie's teachings and it really showed me really i really got it when you shared that story about how the synergy of the work that you both do how beautifully it comes together yeah for most of us humans we we make a bigger deal of it than it is to to connect energetically we imagine ourselves to be separate and though that brad's insights and and research and offerings have a lot to do with actually dissolving the idea of the separate system understanding what the system separation looks like and then getting us beyond that in our minds and so for most people connecting and falling into a state of oneness with an animal they want to communicate with for most people it seems like there's a great divide to have to cross and a complicated telepathic bridge to build and you know all sorts of mystery techniques or fancy skills or new age tools and all these sorts of things and it's it's it just isn't like that and yet the mind sometimes needs those fixings and those accessories to just kind of come to the party you know and so it was noticeable when leslie and brad's students at the time were on my workshop because it was the first time they had overtly deliberately trying to connect with an animal um but first the husband and wife although they weren't married yet at that time they just sat down looked at the photograph of the animal and i'd given to all workshop participants closed their eyes and and were connected and the information that they got was uh proved to be true it was confirmed and validated by you know secret answers written in an envelope and so on and even then when when they discovered that their answers were accurate from the animal they didn't have this huge you know emotional outburst or amazed surprise because they were in tune with the the quality of feeling when one is present with truth or even just present there's a quality of feeling that that is very still and doesn't have any uh illusions of us being accepted or having to have a wow moment but it can be it can be pretty cool and wow when our minds uh catch up with us with the possibility of what's real i just want to acknowledge that we've got uh doggies and kitties and birds and there are all kinds of animals joining us during our call today you can hear my dog in the background oh yeah yeah no it's great it's great um so and i hope you can hear the birds on my side too surrounded by birds here so i was going to say yeah you know anna it's um it's it's such a human experience something we all experience right uh the feeling of separation we feel we are separate individuals separate from nature separate from each other separate from the earth and you know i think the beauty of inter-species communication in general but especially the work that you do anna you know it shows when when uh when somebody experiences your work and when somebody tries inter-species communication we bridge that gap we we realize that our thoughts and feelings are shared not just with each other but with the natural world as well and and that starts us on a that starts us on a whole new path if we haven't experienced that before when you realize that you realize that we are all part of the web of life you know the spirit that moves in all things is is inside each of us just as it is in the animals and ecosystems and the rest of the natural world and you think it's maybe easier for us to be sort of beckoned into those states of being by animals by non-human animals because we you know our own love for them usually is um is a lot gentler and not filled with the same stories as we tend to fill our relationships with other humans and uh yeah i found that the people's genuine care for for their pets for example for an aspect of nature is a beautiful sort of doorway through which we humans are invited back into uh directly knowing ourselves to be part of that way of life and part of that community yes absolutely and um i think one of the the greatest gifts that we receive from our pets and other animals is unconditional love so brad that just brings me i really would like to ask why the name for the love of animals so yeah i think we were really just starting to talk about that we anna and i have been such close friends uh for so long and you know we've realized that um this is a path to the heart the subtitle of the course is a call to the heart and so um we we were talking about what kind of a difference can we make in the world today at a time when there's so much angst about the state of the world and people are being encouraged to separate and to live in fear and we thought well you know what can we do and so we thought well gosh animals uh are such a great opening into the heart that wouldn't it be wonderful to offer a course called for the love of animals to encourage instead of fear and separation to encourage love and connection so that's why the course name that's why we're offering the course essentially there's a lot more to say but that's it in a nutshell i think and and before the love of animals is that sort of invitation or that that cause that motivation that can help us move forward into more loving states of being and to act out of compassion but it can also be interpreted as the effect or one of the one of the results of us humans coming you know out of states of separation into more oneness one of the results is that is that we get to bestow more love upon the animals and so you know the love of animals in whatever way that may express uh is also one of the uh happy and productive results of us being reconnected yeah they do don't they animals have a way of changing our state i've seen i know it happens with me and i've seen it happen with others it's just they really reflect back to us this beautiful innocence and and that still mind that you often speak about anna that presence the present they're just so present and there's so much talk already about love and the whole course really is centered about love and and the path to the heart and the call to love and the title of your first module what's love got to do with it can can you share a little bit about that and and i really want to get into the you know the there's love and then there's unconditional love share share with me please the difference well i'm happy to to start with that one um what i would say is yeah you're absolutely right jenny there's there's conditional love and unconditional love and and really uh conditional love i would say is a bit of an oxymoron uh right because if if it's conditional then it's not love it's not really love it's something else entirely and and i would also add unconditional love is a little bit redundant because love is unconditional so um unfortunately in our world we're we're taught from a very early age that love is all kinds of things and you know we later learn that it's really not about those things it's not about worry for example we're you know we're taught that to worry is to love and we're taught all kinds of things and we'll talk a lot about that in the course we'll talk more about that but um really what what we could say about unconditional love is that it's a place where the heart is always open with conditional love the heart opens and closes like a valve depending on the stimuli we get from the world and so there is this ability to keep the heart open all the time and we call that unconditional love and it's something rarely i think that that humans rarely experience it's something we all long to receive uh but it's something that's very hard for people to give and we get we get the unconditional love from our our pets especially and so i feel like um you know one of the most important things that we're going to be talking about in the course about love is how how do we get into that place of unconditional love how how is it that we get there because that's the place where we get very clear communication and i know any you know anybody who knows about anna's work experiences that she gets very clear information and um and i know anna would you like to talk a little bit about uh that state of consciousness of love that you go into when you connect with animals at that level although a lot of the ideas about telepathic communication tend to involve the mind and well you know mental telepathy and all of this it really is a matter of the heart and i don't just mean that you know that organ plumping more or less in the center of our chest it really is us coming into that more spacious and holistic way of being inside ourselves where we know connection and only when i'm in that state can i be clear what is truly coming from the animal or what their truth is compared to what might be my stuff or my ideas so you're right brad you know we do experience unconditional love from from our animals and it's amazing how unconditionally they do love us even in the face of us bestowing and showering and even stifling them was our kind of love our human kind of love and you know we might think we're we're loving them by you know cuddling them too much or doing dressing them up or you know you're just doing all sorts of human kinds of things to them giving them treats that are really really unhealthy for them full of sugar and your additives and so on uh so we might think that's love and what it looks like to us and um there's just this is a whole lot of projection going on you know loving another isn't about doing for them what we would like to receive that's just projecting unconditionally loving another is is hearing and accepting what they would like and what their needs are even if they're very different to your own or go against what you would prefer or what is convenient for you and so that's where the clarity comes in in the in the interspecies communication space so i just want to also kind of reality check everyone it's not as if just because i've been doing this for 20 years that when i enter a telepathic communication all is blissfully quiet on my inner mental landscape and i only perceive the animal's truth not at all i'm also aware of the answers i might be hoping for and i'm aware of what i might know about the species or that individual animal and my ideas of them or and or what i think is better for them so for any given question all of these things are in on my mental landscape and that can make it tough to hear what their answer is against the backdrop of all that noise but the clearer i am as a channel and the more i'm in my heart i can sort of sense the quality the quality that is behind the content of whatever i'm receiving and and that quality that is more spacious and where i don't have an internal reaction that's that quality that's indescribable um shows me that that is just pure truth and that not the more sort of heavy thinking that i might be doing and sometimes it is it's difficult it takes quite a bit of discipline an example can be when i had to move back to the city a couple of years back and i had three lovely cat companions who were living with me on a on a farm stage with you know free reign during the day and lots of fantastic explorations on the forest edge and so i asked i explained to each of the three cats what the new living circumstance was going to be like as a long travel to get to the city and living in the suburb and the relatively more confined quarters and i gave each of them the choice now for me of course i want all of my cat friends to come with me and and for me to still enjoy having them around for us you know to be living together but to be fair i gave them all the choice and two out of the three said yeah yes absolutely and the third one the big boy cat named amazon he said i want to stay here i love my lifestyle i want to walk around the other tenants and check on the dog and go sit under that tree and i want to do that every day so i explained that um well you know it's a choice between that or living with me and his feeling in his response well he says i want both and i explained why i had to move to the city and and he's like [Music] and so it came down to on the morning of departure with a friend of mine helping we loaded up the car and the two girl cats climbed in ready to go and he sat outside and was like yeah it was really real he saw we were really leaving and he turned around and walked away and sat under a further away tree to watch us leave and and and that was something that in my unconditional life for him i was honor bound to to accept and and to live and uh so where he stayed living with a neighbor and a friend is a lot more wild and two months later he was taken by a caracal by a lynx three in the afternoon he was taken by desperately hungry links after some wildfires that had happened in the previous year and it was painful but quick and i didn't then have any regret despite my sadness and my sense of loss and and so on i recognize those as personal and attachment based and if i really still just tuned into what he had wanted and honoring his wishes and loved him unconditionally enough to let him go while he was still alive he got to have the quality of life that he wanted he got to live his choice and that's how i could best have been in service to him so the point is process wise for even me still to get over my ideas about something or my own personal wishes and to discern on the inner landscape what is truly coming from the animal versus what might be something that i have emotions attached with all you know a movement within me if i start swinging and have a sense of you know being for something and against something else then i know that that's me wow so amazon stayed and that that that must be hard to really and it's harder when you're working with your own animals isn't it to overcome those personal agendas and personal desires that would come with with that and what you were saying but to actually even identify them in the first place and that's where some of the tools that brad brings to the to the course that we are offering are so useful because we don't even know not to you know attach to these things or get over them until we've identified them as being not real and to you know to work with those projections to to come into a state of witness that's so so important so important and brad that's where there's this dissolution of ego would you call it where we drop the ego and perhaps you could you could share a little about the what kind of relationship where does the ego come in um maybe where it shouldn't come in or where does it interfere perhaps with the telepathic communication how does that sort of work or not work together so yes i'm happy to talk about the role of the ego and i think first the most important thing is to actually define what the ego is because we often hear different things about it and you know loosely translated it's our personality it's it's the thoughts and the feelings and habits um it's it's the physical body it's our memories all the things that make up what we call the personality and essentially the ego is the lens through which we interpret our world and and through which we interact with the world and so it's also a mirror of the world to us and and what happens is that the lens of the ego gets clouded by our patterning our childhood patterning wounding that happens especially during childhood and so the clearer the ego the clearer is our lens through which we see the world and and the clearer and shinier the mirror through which the world is reflected back to us so the clearer the ego the better our ability to communicate whether that's with animals or or telepathic communication or verbal communication or whatever it's it's because that in that place of clarity we can see and feel the truth of any situation it's not clouded up by uh our distorted lens so to speak does that match with your experience anna the clearer you feel the more you can experience truth yes yes absolutely it's a it's a again it's like a filtering process on the inside and it's pretty busy in my head a lot of the time anyway and and so there's always a lot of data floating around in there and the yes the clearer the the ego is the more background it can be at least so i'm not as i said earlier i think it's not all blissfully peaceful on the in inside and there's just this one beautiful drop in the pond of truth but at least the other little ripples in that happening i know to be just just stuff and it allows the clarity to stand to stand out more and again this is where our our good intentions and our compassion for the animals motivate us to become clearer motivate us to be you know as as on peace as possible motivate us to as accurately as possible uh reflect them if we are wanting to understand what they're saying or have to translate that or pass it on but it's also just so great for any relationship you know with another human with the animals with our environment it puts us as the human in the resonant state with those others because the whole rest of the natural world and all the animals are existing in that egoless state that's their baseline and so the more we can help that become our human baseline the more we just re-enter experientially re-enter that that community of all beings and it becomes a very natural flow we're not going to go around with a notebook and pen initiating conversations with every beetle or spider or you know fern that's unfolding in the garden we don't even have a cognitive way of approaching connection when we are in a more egoless state we are just immersed in that web of life and if something important is happening to or for any other being on that web of life that little strand of that web vibrates as if it's been plucked with their thought with their feeling with their need and to the extent that we are knowingly connected instead of just very much in the background of our own is automatically connected to the extent that we are knowingly connected we will be able to perceive that vibration coming through the field of shared thoughts and feelings really is about clear perceptions and the more i hear the two of you speak and share the more i also hear that it really is about coming back to our true nature and letting go of everything else that is misidentifying with other aspects of what we think we are or have been taught that we are so really coming into to this clarity and anna i i'd really like to know how did you learn these techniques how did you learn this practice on this this i i know it's not a gift because it's natural i don't want to call it a gift but it is it does really come across that way it's something very special how did you learn perhaps that's it is about relearning it or remembering i like to use the word remembering so again it isn't some mystery you know technique reserved only for the few because it is naturally how the blueprints of our brains as humans are designed it is the templates of how we are structured we're not as different from other beings as we like to think and we're certainly not as superior as we might imagine with our cognitive skills and so on and our technologies intelligence in life expresses in many different ways and the key there is different just different ways but it doesn't make different expressions or forms of intelligence uh more or less valuable than any other and so it is natural for all of us and yes perhaps i've become particularly refined in it for i don't know a couple of reasons i can think of one is that it's a match for my passions again for my love for the love of animals i've been motivated to to make this what i spend time and energy on and i don't mean the tip of the iceberg that people might see this is not a glamorous lifestyle of dashing around to exotic locations having you know rainbow and unicorn conversations with animals who then transform because they've been touched by the you know the mind of a telepathic communicator and all that egotistical hogwash it's not at all it's uh what what the majority of my time and energy has been spent on is the work on self self with the lower case s and and and that's how i have uh remembered my own true nature as you alluded to and that's i even i like the word remember too because it's like we are again becoming a member of the community of life we are being we are being remembered into community and into and into connection so uh sure i studied interspecies telepathic communication through the acc international animal institute in california starting in the year 2000 and did my case studies that were you know double blind and set up in such a way to offer a technical and empirical validation or the opposite right for us to be coached around how close or not we were to being accurate on what we were receiving and so all of that was a cognitively driven exercise or you know a couple of years of working on that but what really quantum leaped my my progress into clarity was engaging with things like meditation just as a stillness practice i took up transcendental meditation for a little while to come into that state of experience of dropping into the unified field of consciousness i became interested in the more yogic psychologies and philosophies like advaita vedanta which means you know the non-duality the not two the path of oneness and and then the real quantum leap came when i discovered brad and leslie's work too very artfully and in and in beautifully holistic ways finding ways to work with the ego again not wanting to make the ego bad but to integrate and and just become clear about these different aspects of self that are playing out and so the rest of the iceberg that i spend time and energy on to refine my focus and clarity and usefulness as a telepathic communicator is the work with self and and that is spending time perhaps reflecting on thoughts and feelings that i have and emotions responses to situations unpacking what's really going on getting into the strong observations of being in witness and when difficult stuff comes up for me as it does emotionally because of the nature of the wildlife work i do and the distress and mayhem and murder and destruction that they're experiencing which is difficult for them when i experience their emotions and and have my own feelings about it i offline from the communication work with some of these techniques to to clear and to find clarity again and to identify and invoke healthier centered and more balanced states of being that allow me to remain connected and not separate to even out of difficulty or out of fear so that's the behind the scenes of a of a an interspecies communicator is the continual i'm sure it's going to be lifelong working with myself and sometimes it's in the form of play it's about embodiment as well and and moving and being in nature and absorbing the medicine from the wild ones themselves as well yeah it's a very deep state of empathy yes um brad i'm sure you work with that do you yes yes absolutely and i think that the point that anna just made is so important to to talk about the joy of it you know the fun of it the play of it because we we hear this concept of the ego and there's there's so uh you know there's so much fear around that of oh we have to get rid of it we have to stop it and you know that's that's not it at all uh it can be a lot of fun and [Music] it can be a joyful experience and in fact you know the truth is it's all about love this is what we keep coming back to the more that we can live in love the easier all of this becomes it's it's a a lot about self-acceptance and self-love as well as the love of humans and the natural world and and all of it and you know what all of the non-humans too completely love or get excited about us returning to these natural states of being they'll literally show up more they'll cross your path more they'll they'll come closer without risk of being showered with uh sloppy human love as i heard you refer to jamie they'll be relaxed and open in in our presence and just happy happy that we've kind of woken up to the here and then now and can just be present with what is without making big stories in our head about them or about how difficult it is to connect so that in itself is so joyful it's like they will have a little party like yay welcome to our tea party welcome to welcome to embodied life and just being fully here i remember in one one of our conversations when you mentioned that one of the greatest compliments we can ever receive is when a wild animal goes about his or her natural ways in your presence now that in itself is a real blessing isn't it now there's a blessing from nature which uh brings me to think of module number six another beautiful title beautiful course throughout by the way everything about it is just so beautiful and in this module you've called it blessings of nature maybe uh maybe you could describe exactly what you mean by that well um there's these two aspects to it and and the one is you know which is how most of us humans like to think in even our appreciation for the natural world we look at how that can bless us how we receive the blessings of nature and we implore or pray to or do ceremony around receiving blessings and as brad's been pointing out that fantastic unconditional loving state of nature will have him so graciously continued to give that we decided on the blessings of nature because it can be a two-way thing we also need to look how we the human might be blessing nature how nature is blessed by us also by us being in a clear and clean state and an open and present oh i love that because quite often i see the opposite where nature is not being blessed by us humans we're leaving our rubbish around and you know these things are happening and when you speak of that it if of how we can bless nature by being in that clear state it really shows that possibility of a beautiful reciprocal and also the importance of learning this of learning how to become clear and still and to be with nature in that way and it is important isn't it i mean maybe you can share some more about that why is it so important that we learn to bless nature in this way well i can add something to what you've both been talking about to me one of the gifts that we both give and receive uh with nature the blessings is it's the gift of stopping and being still and and listening because in our world today the acceleration is such uh and our busyness is such and are we're just addicted to the the busyness and the doing all the time and when we have the the magic moment to be in nature and with nature we can just stop and relax and be still and what a gift that is both to us and to nature and i guess what i would add from my perspective is that that that gift of relaxation that we receive from nature is so important because it is the foundation of the path you could call it the path of awakening the path of discovering who we truly are the path of our connection discovering or rediscovering our connection with the web of life and our ability to communicate with other species intuitively relaxation is the foundation for all of that it's the foundation for inner peace and the the inner peace is what leads us to unconditional love and to joy as well so and i would say that's the highest manifestation of our human experience is joy and love and so what better blessing can we receive from nature if we can learn to to just stop and be still and listen you know if we have the ears to hear that's the gift that we both give and receive and picking up from that um when we are in those when we are in those states another [Music] important benefit we can we can bring to life herself is the ability to then co-create with our non-human brothers and sisters the path forward in our little micro climate micro ecosystem in our little backyard all the way up to the global environmental and sustainability and climate change amelioration you know topics because the path forward is is not going to be science only by any means even the conservation sciences so i feel it's also important for us to be able to join hands again with the non-humans to co-create whatever these versions of futures are going to be by being able to be still enough to deeply hear and know what they are needing and also bringing to the table we can save so much time we can save decades if we're not going to be relying only on empirical silence as a science to to go and measure observe eventually write papers that are then peer reviewed and then published and by then you know 10 years later and things have changed imagine if we could invite the non-humans to all the councils and the boardrooms and the meetings in which decisions are made and co-create co-create life on earth together that to me is a fabulous vision of what's possible just on that what are some of the messages that the non-humans would bring in as an example to the co-creation of this beautiful harmony that you describe this beautiful connection i don't know i haven't asked any i'm serious and i'm not going to wonder what would they bring because that would be my mind again so i can't answer that i'll have to ask a few and get back to you i'll just go interview animals what a number of the large species do say so far well they express their compassion for us and how we humans have lost our way and gosh yeah the elephants could all have trampled any humans that come into contact with all villagers you know trampled to smithereens by now bees we all know how challenged bees are on the planet goodness me they've just been turned into slaves you know working in commercial settings and and yeah a lot of the species of bees are stinging species they could have just decided to have a real revolutionary uprising and sting every human they came into but because they're unconditional loving they they feel they feel well we've lost our way and they're not into retribution so that's a good start but yeah i haven't asked any what their co-creative things might be so i don't know what they would say just trying to envisage a board of lions and hyenas and humans or sitting together that's a great image perhaps a dog and cat in there as well some domestic some wild and imagine the intelligence the incredible intelligence on how we can all cohabitate and co-create together do you have any spontaneous communications that you might like to share and anything that just comes to mind that you know just maybe show us how it's happening for us all the time brad i know you speak about this as well it's it's happening it's whether we want to listen or whether we choose to listen it it really is um part of daily life it's every every aspect of the animated world is is radiating its truth the whole time and we really are speaking about interspecies communication so an easy example i can give is is walking past a plant perhaps a potted plant in your apartment and and just get the feel getting the feeling that it's thirsty getting the feeling that it's dry and i do say feeling it's not going to be a thought that will come up in your mind like gee i wonder when i last watered the plant it's not going to be a cognitive thought that you've initiated it's going to be maybe your body even just finding itself going off track from the straight line to the kitchen and moving towards the plant to go and inspect it because you've been called you've been called by that state of thirst which is a need that is being radiated and if you're walking in the straight line to the kitchen distracted or with your phone or thinking about the next work meeting you're not going to hear that subtle truth that is being broadcast into the space and these are beautiful ways to practice with these things in everyday life it also helps us demystify this whole field of telepathic communication and not make it some seemingly unattainable goal or something big and fancy pay attention on the little daily level pay attention feel where the bugs or the birds might be you know in in the garden um if you're driving somewhere or on a train or a bus look out the window and look up to the poles the telephone poles and the electricity poles that you that you're passing in these structures notice where the birds are and send them a little energetic greeting silently just from your heart and right there you've made a new friend so these are the spontaneous ways i like to be connected in my in my daily life hmm one time i was sitting at my desk working and i found myself get up and walk into a completely different part of the house to feed my cat and she was sitting there waiting for me and i thought wow exactly exactly so from what we think is our idea is actually only us finally having got the message that they've been in the very focused way sending to us yes so what a wonderful wonderful course the two of you have brought together for the love of animals i want to say thank you so much is there anything else you'd like to share with us in this webinar brad before we we close let me see well i guess what i'd like to say is that um my heart is filled with gratitude i'm i'm just so grateful that we can share this and that we can have this opportunity to be together to be with anna to be with all of you whoever decides to sign up for the course i i just get this feeling that we're going to be creating a field of love and um and joy and this is an antidote to what's happening in our world today and so i'm i'm just very excited and very happy and really looking forward to working with this and i want to thank you jenny thank you so much for helping to produce this course and to host us we're deeply grateful and for uh the cats and the dogs and the birds that joined us on our call today [Laughter] and thank you so much now it really truly is a beautiful course and when i started to to become involved i just felt it it just goes straight to the heart it really does and all of your intentions all your integrity is so absolutely clear so thank you for everything you've shared there was a lot of value in this webinar tonight and there is an enormous amount of value in the course and so i just want to thank everybody who's here listening to this webinar today for joining us and to let you know that anna and brad have created a brand new online course that we've been you know touching on throughout this webinar called for the love of animals it is a call to the heart and it is a six-week online training series that is designed to guide you toward deepening your states of clear intuition love and telepathic communication with all living beings much of what we've been discussing in this webinar the course includes pre-recorded video trainings with anna and brad and specifically designed practices and guided meditations as well as two live webinars with brad nanna where you can submit any questions you might have about the teachings the course is available now for registered [Music] there's a great conversation happening on the earth all animals in the natural world are talking with us all the time are you listening and what would it take to really hear what is being communicated if you'd like to join us on this journey in finding out what it takes to quiet the mind and coming to direct knowing we'd love to have you along on the journey [Music] you
Channel: AnimalSpirit
Views: 32,522
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animalspirit, anna breytenbach, anna animal communicator, animal communication, corelight, brad laughlin, love animals, pet psychic, online course, animal communicator, telepathic communication, interspecies, learn to talk to animals, for the love of animals, love of animals, interspecies communication, black leopard, video course, pet communication, reverence for life, animalspirit channel, nature communication, living kindly, unconditional love animals, telepathy
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 51sec (3111 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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