Animal Communicator Sharon Loy Mini Documentary

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when I was a little girl I had a really close connection with my dog and with the trees in my backyard I remember when I was five and my parents were going through divorce and it's getting ready to go to school and I realized that I was gonna have to separate from some of that deep connection with nature and animals and it made me really sad as a little girl I have a very strong memory of like oh this is gonna hurt growing up and I feel like all my life I've had this kind of secret agenda of getting people to connect with their deepest selves of wanting them to feel what's real and be here now in the moment and animals have always done that for me I think my business took off because I'm a problem-solver I kind of have the mind of a detective and I also have the countenance of a therapist so with the two of those things combined you know animals feel a warmth to open up to the deepest levels and I have a way and know-how of getting information at the deepest level I had searched for my cat for five days and I had searched under every little rock on our 10 acre property and I had called her name endlessly and I was really feeling like I'd never see her again so in my desperation I decided to take a leap and try an animal communicator she was convinced that little bear was dead and she said she really just wanted confirmation if this feels wrong I'm gonna ignore it because I don't I don't want to have false hope because this cat means the world to me please ground yourself as much as you can you know don't worry I know this is hard but if you feel grounded and present then little little bear will feel you so as soon as Sharon got in contact with little bear I could feel that it was really my little bear the things she said know no one else could know those things about that cat she said she was kind of got wrapped up and chasing after a bird or something and then by the time she looked up she's like oh my gosh I don't know where I am and then she just kept going and going and then got really scared I can kind of tell if your house is at the center which quadrant she's in and it feels Northwest no doubt I keep getting a number three I'm gonna and that feels like a distance like it's free money yeah something like that she may be a little ways from you guys Sharon told me that little bear had passed a Mexican food restaurant that she could smell that I'm getting like a some kind of little Mexican restaurant somewhere along the way that she passed I could smell you know when you drive near a Mexican restaurant there's a certain kind of smell flavored spices etc we only have one restaurant in town and there's no way Sharon could have known that but the only restaurant we have in town is a Mexican food place she said I feel like little bears about half a mile from that Mexican food place and that she had also passed a big tall palm tree another thing I'm seeing is like a tall tree honestly it looks like a palm tree like a really tall palm tree Sharon told me that she could see a fence a very specific fence bars that were arched at the top with this decorative metalwork on the top it's like bars with elaborate and it looks like curve at the top of the gate like a gator fencing that had this elaborate kind of Spanish looking wrought iron work with an arch she told me that little bear was in a drainage ditch she shows me like God if there's a driveway that goes over a ditch when they build the driveway they put a pipe under the driveway she keeps showing me being down in a space like that when once I got there I just saw Sharon was describing this spot it felt too good to be true and I didn't find her I had to go back because she'd been chased out of the drainage ditch where she'd been hiding and I finally heard an answer to my call and then little bear came running out of the dark into my arms and she was exactly half a mile from the Mexican food place three miles from our house just exactly where Sharon had said you know I got an ecstatic email about eight hours later that she had actually found a little bear exactly where I said she was it's beautiful I really did pinch myself and I I was really afraid I was just gonna wake up and and feel the terror and desperation again but I didn't wake up and Whittle bears home for me it feels like such a gift such a bonus such a such an exhilarating feeling to know that I helped this person and my communication made the difference in this cat's life or death and this woman's heartbreak it absolutely changed my life and my husband's life I mean it showed us that the world is full of this magic that we had thought couldn't possibly be real is beautiful and it's comforting to see other people awaken and reawaken in the same way I have you know I lost connection with nature and animals this magical space that I knew when I was five and then I found it again and it seemed so unreal and so amazing I was incredulous I mean my whole family we're a bunch of intellectuals PhDs all that and so for me to embark on a career as a telepathic animal communicator is quite radical I am a career Navy man and I am very skeptical about all of this I consider kind of voodoo and so it kind of freaks me out quite frankly nobody anticipates Sharon's arrival more than the animal they start working their way towards the driveway or towards the door it's always exciting when she pulls in she says she's really really grateful to be here first of all she's really really grateful to be here on this property with April and Michael she's really happy and grateful for her life she says she's been given a good job she says we've had harmony here up until those other goats arrived Lilly and Joey in particular tell me more Paquita she says that she's not really sure that the world wants to hear that that camera wants to hear you know her story and she's showing me flashes of things she's showing me animals being in a Corral and tightly squeeze I'd see actually in a tight container it feels like a metal box maybe the back of a truck or something they think they're gonna die she says that you know like coming here it's really beautiful like in the in the darkness that she felt in that in that environment and just like certain death and maybe even torture before death just not knowing you know where she was going or what she was going to do what would what her foot pay was gonna befall her and then you know ending up here is like amazing it's like it's such a gift and she wants to give back she wants she like the gratitude that she has is so this is so much that she wants to give back by teaching the others that come here about love about the goats while they're being who they are the fact that they're not rescues they don't they don't understand this love they don't understand what this home is really about well she wants to talk about help from you with with Lily Joey's getting better she says he's growing up she says that Lily's not changing Paquita is telling me that there are coyotes around there are snakes around and she tells them where they are she knows she can sense where the Coyotes and the snakes are and Lily the goat she doesn't listen to me she doesn't obey me she just goes and she sniffs the wind and she's got him in her own world Lily the goat she says that if we don't act smart the Coyotes might think that one of us is easy pickings she says I'm wise I know my way around out there you're a very good protector she is the other night since we were living here this is the first time this has happened it was like 9 o'clock and I in our bathrooms right there and you know the only time she ever braised is when something's wrong and I hear her lay out a braid and I mean I came flying out the door and she has everybody pushed this way she's running at the fence line there's an entire pack of coyotes just running back and forth and she's she's pushing everybody you know how she does she pushes everybody this way yeah but she kept running back and forth and you know and she's braying and I'm just like I mean you know the only time she ever braises if something's off yeah she did a good job she always does a good job so Joe here he's showing me that um he wants to be something of a mediator he loves his sister and he's learning to respect Paquita he understands Paquita he says she's not very very smart my sister she's not very wise she doesn't know when to listen she doesn't know what daint what's really dangerous it's a good thing she's protected or safe here I want to try to help bring the two of them together Paquita wants a reassurance that you're not going to forget what she said got it Lily says that she's willing to learn she's willing to try she says that she's touched by her brother Joey she's touched by Joey's Joey's love for her and Joey's willingness to teach her kind of bring her along I can feel they're starting to be a sense of peace between Paquita and Lily that's pretty cool oh it's always neat to hear you know what they have to say and understanding it from their viewpoint and it's intriguing that she's that upset about Lily the goat but I can see her point I mean they are they're not rescues they're they're the funny ones they do get in the way everything Sharon was saying was totally true Sharon had to make me a believer just by being around her and seeing the results of what she can do and you know now I have a deep respect for her and what she does where before I I thought it was just all hoping I have a different relationship with my animals today because of her you know I actually think of them as you know thinking feeling carrying beans rather than just an animal it's so healing for people to have that experience to know what their animals feeling to know that they can feel what their animals feeling with clarity and and and to reconnect to this part of themselves I don't know how I came across Sharon I I think it's a it's a divine stroke of luck I was surfing the internet and I swear I saw pop up talking about Sharon and animal communicator gipsy my dog was living her last few years we started talking to Sharon when she was around 13 Sharon said gypsy I don't know Diana this might sound really really funny to you or it might just sound completely off but I keep seeing a red dog bed and I just had bought gypsy her first red dog bed two days back which she loved and Sharon said she says she loves it and I was what did she really see that you know oh how did she know that but I think that was that was the that was the minute that I I had full faith in in animal communication in telepathy every every little doubt they all vanished her body is in some type of slowly transition of preparing to go gypsy told Sharon that there's a lot I want to tell Dana before I go so Sharon said Dana she's got a lot to tell you are you ready to listen I said yeah I am go for it and she started telling me about how I work with a personal or in an industry or where things are demanded regularly and people are whimsical it's going to get to me and at that point I was fine with the job I was doing I I love the job I was doing animals are these silent witnesses to our lives day in and day out and we think oh well they're just simple beings they're not really paying attention or understanding what I'm going through but they do know she shows me that you have some kind of work in the world that's different from you're doing now like it's there's a transition from it and I actually feel like you know maybe yeah it's down the road a bit maybe a year or so off or maybe a year 18 months something like that when I look back at that conversation I can't tell you how true it is it it was exactly what happened exactly to the team I worked with a person who I loved working with but the job was demanding and it was stressful and it was tiring and I did stop working with that person at a certain point and it was exactly for the reasons gipsy mentioned to Sharon it was time there's something about a divine timing to her passing and it has to do with you and your your growth gypsy mentioned you may go through the dark night of the soul and I'm not going to be there when you go through that and now she's gone she's not there and I experienced that this entire last year and I listened to that conversation on record and I'm just like how did she know that you know how did she know that and how did Sharon pick it up so beautifully from her just the beauty of telepathy intrigued my mom and me and we our Sharon if she would ever consider coming to India to teach and she replied yeah people often think oh you're just tuning in and you're getting things like no I am having a feeling telepathic conversation with that being and they feel it and then they respond back to me this is a two-way conversation we were all surprised that instead of doing one batch as planned we ended up actually doing three batches of weekend courses are spirits blue urban animals they connect us to the best parts of ourselves everybody didn't believe that they could do it they believe Sharon did it they believed it existed but they didn't believe they could do it and everybody towards the end of the day had multiple successes in their own ability of actually executing telepathy Sharon's India triptan changed me Sharon changed me hahahaha knowing Sharon and understanding so much more changed me if people could start understanding what animals mean or say or feel it would change consciousness you
Channel: Sharon Loy
Views: 309,229
Rating: 4.8531175 out of 5
Keywords: Animal Communication, Telepathy, Telepathic Communitation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 08 2016
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