Introduction to Roots of Disease Part 1 with Pastor Benny and Pastor Scott

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[Applause] thank you Pastor John and pastor Adrienne and it is such a awesome blessing to be here today to teach but also to hang out and you know Pastor John Adrienne had made a statement that this conference about the introduction to spiritual roots a disease and pastor Ben and I will be giving you just that so many times in our life we get so caught up in you know we make things complicated we really do the scriptures the gospel is a simple tool it's a simple thing that God gave us that it's just the basics you know you can joke around with statements and phrases about the basic instructions before leaving Earth called the Bible but it's true and so today we're going to go back to some of the basic foundations that a lot of times we I don't use the word forget but we kind of just skim over and so today is going to be a good review for those of us that have been involved in being health and hope of the generations for the years to remind us and fill in some little gaps and if you happen to be new watching whether you're here new in the in here in Thomaston or watching online this would be a great start up good foundation to lay for what God will build on it in the future hope of the generations and be and health isn't just about ideas and theories I mean those are great it's what gets you started but we're really about the Foundation's about the benefits of this world this word has to offer each of us you know it's not a religious yes or take way of thinking it's not about just about I need to get my biblical fix in this no it's about how do we apply the truth that God gave us in the word to our life in a day-by-day reality and that's really what we're gonna talk about today when you when pastor beam and I talked the truths that we're going to share with you have helped numerous people they said thousands I don't know if I could count how many we've actually touched and how much the information has really reached people but here's the thing it's also helped us if it wasn't for the truce of being health and what what pastor Henry is brought out of Scripture I'll be honest with you I wouldn't be standing here I wouldn't have made it I'd have been one of those and there's statistics but somewhere along the way we've gotten busy we've skipped some of the original teachings the original basics that God gave us and Jeremiah 6:16 and 17 says thus saith the LORD stand ye in the ways and see and ask for the old paths where is the good way and walk therein and ye shall find rest for your souls but they said we will not we will not walk there and also I set Watchmen over you and saying hearken to the sound of the trumpet but they say we will not hearken and we wonder why the world is sick and diseased we wonder why there's so much mental and biological and spiritual dis eases in our lives because we as a whole not you all but as a whole we've not hearken and listen to the old paths the truths that are here in this word when applied the key is when applied when we've taken this and made it part of who we are have given so much life to so many people and have blessed so many people to where they're they're not just surviving they're not just making it by they're just not getting by one moment out of time but really they've live in this amazing thriving life when they've applied the truth but it really is about whether or not you apply the truths well we all came here the conference is an introduction of spiritual roots of disease and I'm sure everybody both watching online and sitting in here today are like so you're gonna tell me what a spiritual root is aren't you right here right now in the first 15 minutes No if I told you the punchline right here the minute those watching online ago okay I got my notes I'm done y'all here we go I'm good no I'm gonna string you along just a wee bit longer but because there's more to understand than just what is a spiritual route we got to understand what their purpose is the heart of it how to use them properly and just about really how to apply it to our life but before we talk about spirit I got to ask a question let's see if this sounds familiar look look familiar to you we've all bought it we've all looked at it we got excited when we when now well maybe you got excited there's there's three ways this went most of the time I actually I think there's a fourth but we'll say three to begin with you were excited you wanted to know what it was about and you got it and you were like yeah I'm gonna find out you and and very few of us actually started at the front we correct right over to back to the book to where it says in the index of spiritual roots of disease and I got to find my one okay where is it at okay there it up oh man and it went one of a couple ways now we could have went going yeah that's me I know Lord I got it it's I did this this is I see that in my life and I repent and we work through it that's one way not the way most of us did it Mosul's we flip through it we find were diseases open it up we go ah and that is exactly right and we get we condemn ourselves and we put ourselves down and all of a sudden now we're we're trying to dig ourselves out of some pit because we allowed truth to accuse us or we got angry so that's not me I don't have a critical self pity spirit that is not me and you took the book and you slammed it over here for a while and you left it there for about six months then we came back to it then there's the fourth way which is heaven forbidden you got the book you open it up and you looked up every issue that everyone you know has you know what I knew that about them I could have told you this was exactly explains so much about man I'm so glad I have those spirits roots disease because now I understand my neighbor a little bit by understand why they're like that no because then we end up using what God gave us for discernment as a weapon that's not the heart of the roots of disease you know the intention of us understanding this wasn't as a weapon wasn't to condemn but to bring a level of discernment and conviction to change areas of our life so to get into what is a spiritual root of the disease to understand really the journey were on today and in that foundation and every good foundation you got to start with some definitions so we're gonna start with some definitions the first one is grace what is Grace Strong's Concordance comes back and says it's a graciousness as in gratifying as in of a manner or an act when we look at that true meaning behind it it's the divine influence upon our heart with a reflection in our life to change this is God's divine influence is grace God the Father looks down at our life of Gus you know I got you little Scotty Harper's got some stuff in in the days quite right so I'm gonna put a little pressure on his heart just send a little conviction that's grace trying to get something in here to change grace helps us recognize what is of God and what isn't whether or not to find out is bitterness from God or not is fear from God or not is not loving ourselves from God a grace gives us that ability to start to recognize what is and isn't of God grace also helps us take responsible for those things that don't line up according to Scripture now now we come to mercy we've got grace and we've got mercy mercy is the measure of time for us to listen to grace God gives us grace and mercy he gives us this impression our heart that there's something we need to change take responsibility for acknowledge that we've sinned to repent and move on with our life mercy is that measure of time that none of us really understand how long we have for us to get it right we are responsible for our actions now I don't there are some other doctrines out there there's some other teachings out there that says you know what now once you got saved you're good to go no scripture doesn't teach that unmerited favor doesn't show up in Scripture people revelations 2 5 says remember therefore from whence you are fallen and repent and do the first works revelation 3:3 says remember therefore how you have received in heard and hold fast and repent see these are the times that we have fallen flat on our face gotten up brushed ourselves off says father I repent I messed up it's repenting acts 3 verse 19 repent ye therefore and be converted that your sins may be blotted out when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord this is Grace of mercy those that time that God puts a pressure on our heart to find out us is this really of God no okay then if it's not of him then I've been following the wrong thing I'm I messed up father we repent night Nehemiah 9 chapter 1 through 3 talks about God's people looking back at the their forefathers and their sins and seeing it started to infiltrate their day by day lives and going we got to change something Nehemiah chapter 9 1 through 3 now in the 20th and 4th day of this month the children of Israel were assembled with fasting and with sackcloth and Earth upon them verse 2 and the seed of Israel separated themselves from all strangers and stood and confessed their sins and the iniquities of their fathers acknowledging that there are things in our life that do not line up according to Scripture and repenting for those things is very spiritually speaking very godly that's what he wants us to do verse 3 and they stood up in their place and read in the book of the law of the Lord their God one-fourth of the day and another fourth part they confessed and worship the Lord their God see they went back to the word and they they learned about their forefathers they learned about the sins of what their parents and grandparents and great-grandparents had done and so I want that anymore that was the divine influence on their heart they saw that if they did not change they'd repeat what their parents grandparents and great-grandparents went through that's what they did the first part the second part they thanked God for teaching them thank God for the instruction that they needed to know in order to be blessed see what we need to understand is grace does not cover sin Romans 6 verse 132 says what shall we then say shall we continue to send that grace more abound no God forbid grace doesn't mean that we get an opportunity to send more then I'll go send this weekend but Sunday morning church I'll come in there I'll be the first one down the altar and I'll repent not the point of it we're supposed to develop a perfect hatred of sin grace is that measure for when we mess up even if we purposely do it but our heart needs to be against sin looking towards righteousness speaking of righteousness next word to define righteousness is how God thinks do you think it's important to know how God thinks yeah we have to know how he thinks to know how to be an image of him how to how to be like him how to follow in his footsteps how to let people that we bump into know who God really is Galatians 5:23 22 through 23 I've got to slow down my mouth a bit but the fruit of the Spirit is love joy peace long-suffering gentleness goodness faith meekness and temperance against such there is no other law these are the characteristics of God is God love yes is he is he joy yes is he peace this is who we're supposed to be this is what we judge everything else on the actions that we have the interactions that we have are they based on love and joy and peace or are we talking about the opposite Hebrews 5 13 through 14 says for every one that uses milk is unskillful in the word of righteousness are we unskillful in faith or are we unskillful in love are we unskillful of peace and here's the stretching 1 are we unskillful and long-suffering but verse 14 but strong me belongs to them that are a full age even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil by reason of use of means we have to do something we got to be engaged we got to act we got to be involved it says that since is exercise what does that mean it means I got apply this practically to my life every day I got to put it in use what good does it do to know all the words of this fords backwards upside down and inside out if you don't use it in your life you got to practice loving people you got to practice having joy you got to practice walking and forgiveness and I know this is the one that's gonna stretch everybody you got to practice having long-suffering I'm telling you and I say this is a joke and I love children I love all of my children my two grandchildren yes I have two grandbabies very happy for proud poppy moment but somewhere along the way if you ever asked for patience or long-suffering you don't have to practice in that I joked I said somewhere I asked for patience and long-suffering I became a father of teenagers and then I became a principal of 40-something students somewhere I asked for long-suffering but that's the way it works I mean it's but strong me belongs to them that are full age even those by reason of use have their senses exercised you got to put it into practice you got to work on it's got to grow practice doesn't make perfect perfect practice makes perfect practicing the wrong way of doing it does not make it turn out good you got to practice the correct way love joy peace longsuffering gentleness goodness meekness skipped one faith meekness and temperance we practice those to discern both good and evil so we can understand Satan's devices so we can then learn to recover ourselves when we find ourselves maybe not on one of our better days second Timothy 2:24 through 26s and the servant Lord must not strive but be gentle unto the few people you like to unto all men app to teach which means you're ready any given moment to teach what you've learned patient in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves if God peradventure will give them repentance the acknowledging of the truth which means our responsibility is to be available whenever God calls upon us what that person does with it is between them and God my responsibility with you today as both a pastor and a teacher is to lay out the foundations of what scripture says what you do with it whether or not you apply it for those sitting in here are those watching online whether or not you do something with it that's between you and God my job is just as apply it to lay it out to submit it to you for your review and I hope and pray you choose to follow what's in here so you can be blessed by the benefits that are included in these pages but see we we learn we grow and that recovering ourselves is learning to understand what we've done that did not line up according to Scripture the recovery is changing our ways and not falling back into the same pass that we did before him 2nd Corinthians 2:11 says let Satan should take advantage of us that we are not ignorant of his devices that discerning both good and evil 1 we discern what is of God what are all these things over your love joy peace longsuffering all that kind of stuff and over here we have to understand that the opposite of that of Satan's devices of envy and jealousy hate bitterness unforgiveness self hatred all the things that come there but to understand which is which so we find ourselves on our not-so-good days I won't call it sin yet because you guys haven't gotten comfortable with me yet we'll call it that in a minute but right now it's not on your good days to know the difference but we came here to understand what is a spiritual root right most of us have a pretty good idea but I want to give you a good baseline to understand them so Hebrews 6 chapter 6 verse 1 and to give you a chance to write it down or get there therefore leaving the principles of the doctrines of Christ let us go on to unto perfection not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works and a faith towards God or that of the doctors of baptisms and of the laying out of hands and have resurrected Dead and of eternal life what was the number one doctrine of Christ repentance from dead works now if we read him from the other direction its eternal judgment resurrection from the dead laying on of hands dr. Baptists of faith towards God but the number one doctrine is repentance from dead works dead works or anything that's working your life that does not produce life you want to know what a spiritual root to disease is this is what you came here for it's what you're listening for the basic line if you want to have a one-sentence foundation once in its definition a spiritual root is anything in our life that is a dead work whether you're sick or not it is still a dead work and is still a root to what could possibly be a disease a dead work produces everything you are struggling with in your life it produces death not life disease not wholeness depression not joy anger and guilt and not peace if you're struggling with something fear guilt shame lying on loving self-pity whatever that is a dead work in your life those are the things we need to recognize so we can remove them and that is the process of sanctification and that truly is our battle ground dead works are anything that's unrighteous dead works will not allow the blessings of the benefits of God to have come into your life they will hold back the floodgates of what God has for you and if we're struggling with hatred unforgiveness being critical self-pity not showing grace and mercy then we're operating in dead works I'm a very straightforward blunt individual I get in trouble sometimes because I don't know how to sugarcoat ask my wife I don't do that very well but anything that does not line up with the characteristics of God is a dead work flat out but we're called to sanctification we're called to this process of purging unrighteousness being transformed in the image of Christ 1st Thessalonians 5:23 and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly and I pray your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless under the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ faithful is he that called you who also will do it see goes back to this first part and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly that's not H Oly it's wh o LLY it's completely body soul and spirit go back a couple verses discerning between good and evil so that way we can start to walk in sanctification to remove those things to see righteousness was on this side remove those things that did not line up according to God walk in love and not hatred walk in forgiveness and not unforgiveness and bitterness those are the things of righteousness we'll be walking in 2nd Corinthians chapter 7 skip second Corinthians chapter 7 verse 1 having very therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God ok wait a second now Pastor Scott are you telling me that I'm supposed to be doing this on my I've got to work this out myself no I I'm just supposed to sit back and let God handle all my problems no therefore having therefore these promises dearly but let us cleanse ourselves that's the process of sanctification it's not about just sitting back waiting for God to do it for you sitting back an easy-chair feet propped up sipping your sweet tea watching the grass grow ok maybe not right now it's cold windy and alright so we're watching the rain drip off top of the roof no we've got to be engaged see this wasn't even written to non-believers hello this is written to believers believing Saints people who are like us we are supposed to be engaged we're supposed to be active cleansing ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh that's us that's our involvement see unrighteousness and I know I said I was gonna say it was not having a good day earlier wait you know me but now I'm just gonna hear it is unrighteousness is sin I'll give you a chance for that to settle in both in here and online just so you don't turn off the TV or the computer yet unrighteousness is sin anything that does not line up to the characteristics of God is sin Isaiah 59 verse 2 says but your iniquities have separated you between you and your God and your sins have hid his face for you that he will not hear you see Grace is teaching us what we need to know so we can recognize the dead works so we can take responsibility that we actively participated with it so we can bring ourselves to an area of repentance to get ourselves back on track today the information you get from myself and pastor Benny is to help you understand whether or not we're following the law of God or the law of sin have we made a covenant of life with God and following righteousness or we have made or have we made a covenant of sin a covenant of death and following sin and unrighteousness in our life spirituals are those dead works of Hebrews 6 you have to choose what you're gonna do with them we already know what we got running our life we already get it but we also have to understand there is a connection between sin and disease see like I said you came here to get an introduction of spiritual roots disease and we're gonna give you this foundational information that if you take it and apply it we'll carry you the rest of your journey simple foundations God the Father said that you should forgive your brother right everybody remember that Scripture was it a commandment or suggestion commandment so let me ask you a question all parents involved if you give commandment or to your parent or teacher you give a commandment are there consequences if that child or that person doesn't follow in that commandment yes the same thing works for us there consequences for not being a doer of the word there's a consequence if we're not following righteousness and following unrighteousness and that's the connection between sin and disease we're told to be content in what st. scenes we have but proverbs 14 30 says envy and jealousy is the rottenness of the bones when we're not when we're we're not content when we're comparing ourselves to others when we're just going you know I wish I had their life I wish I had this and we're not content and having this you know we're good says envy and jealousy is the rottenness of bones does allow some loss of calcium its osteoporosis it's a connection between sin and disease proverbs 17:22 a broken spirit driveth of the bones the marrow what produces our white and red blood cells all of a sudden dries up and we have a compromised immune system direct connection to the consequences of not being a doer of the word you turn over to Deuteronomy 28 none of us like reading that chapter well let me get that let me change that we don't mind reading verses 1 through 14 those are all the benefits and blessings but we stop we don't move on to 15 because 15 through what 60 something is all the things that if we don't follow God's Word we've got infertility to miscarriages psoriasis to uncontrollable itching losing your home to foreclosure losing your wife to another man panic attacks phobias famines all sorts of stuff that we could sit here all day and name off if we are not a doer of the word but here's the catch you just turn over a few more verses to 61 also every sickness and every plague which is not written in this book of this law then where the Lord bring into the until thou will be destroyed there are consequences for not being a doer of the word there are consequences of sin the roots of disease are those consequences Isaiah chapter 1 here o heavens and give ear o earth for the Lord hath spoken I have nurtured nursed and brought up children and they have rebelled against me the ox knoweth his owner the asses masters crib but Israel does not know my people does not consider verse 4 o sinful nation a people laden with iniquity a seed of evildoers children that are corrupters they have forsaken the Lord they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger and they are all gone away backward why should you be stricken anymore he will revolt more and more the whole head is sick the whole heart is faint from the sole of the foot even into the head there is no soundness in it but wounds and bruises in purifying sores they have not been closed neither bound up neither mollified with ointment everything we deal with today in our societies in this world is found here in Isaiah from psychological to physical issues drugs being the ointments all these things have happened and yet it's not done a bit of good not until we change something in here verse 16 out of Isaiah 1 watch you make you clean put away the evil of your doings from before in mine eyes cease to do evil learn to do well seek judgment relieve the oppressed judge the fathers plead for the widow come now and let us reason together saith the Lord though your sins be as scarlet they shall be as white as snow though they be red like crimson they shall be as wool you have to be engaged you change you make clean you put away the evil doings we have to be involved at every aspect of that sanctification it's not just about not liking it it's not good enough though yeah it's kind of bothering me yet I'm a little uncomfortable because of it no Psalms 139 says I hate them with perfect hatred I count them as my enemies we have to have a perfect hatred for what's unrighteous we're gonna talk about separation here in a little bit separating ourselves from who we really are separating ourselves from sin not condemning ourselves because we fall but also not condemning somebody else because of their sin but understanding really who our enemy truly is because that's the battleground Ezekiel 18 gives us a nice little foundation of recognizing what's going on repenting renouncing and then removing it therefore I will judge you a house of Israel everyone according to his ways saith the Lord God repent and turn yourselves from your transgressions so iniquity shall not be your ruin cast away from you all transgressions whereby you have transgressed and make you a new heart and a new spirit for why should you die but that's us isn't it who did it say make a new heart a new spirit us that's our involvement we can give you all the teaching all day long can lay out the information to you line upon line precept upon precept here they're little but you have to choose to do your part you have to apply it to your life put it into some kind of motion just say you know what father you're right I'm deciding today to begin to forgive I'm deciding today to have a rule over my own spirit and not be like a city with its walls broken down that I want to know what's going on I'm not gonna allow the law of sin to run rampant anymore and you know what when I blow it not if when ibaka to says stand upon my watch processing my thoughts I'm looking around of what I'm gonna say when I'm reproved we are going to fall flat on our face at some point it's what you do with it at that moment do we get hurt do we brush yourselves up get back on you know I messed up Father forgive me it's my fault I chose that path please forgive me forgive myself I'm moving on with the world and I'm not doing that guy now want to know what I'm looking for I'm not gonna trip on that again that's where we're at when we decide do I hear me when we decide to draw nigh unto God He will draw nigh on us he's he's right there and he's just sitting back waiting for us to call upon the Lord and he's what to save us but it requires our action our involvement he's giving us a ton of knowledge a ton of information but it's what you do with it is the key Isaiah 5 third thing 5:13 therefore my people have gone into captivity because they have no knowledge they didn't know Hosea 4:6 says my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because they have rejected knowledge the rest of this is a little mmm kind of gets you my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge as Hosea 4:6 because thou has rejected knowledge I will also reject thee thou has been no priest to me seen that that was forgotten the law of thy God and I will also forget thy children consequences for not being a doer of the word see too many times we have fallen into these categories in these in these ways of belief that we fall on our second Timothy 3:7 ever learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth it's not just good to hear it we have to learn to apply it because we're following one of two kingdoms constantly we either following the kena of God ants and righteousness or following the kingdom of Satan and unrighteousness we're a priest to one of the two of them it's your choice you decide who you're gonna follow you decide blessings or curses life or death that's your choice my choice on what I do with it speaking of blessings and curses Deuteronomy 28 one through two and it shall come to pass if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe this and do all his commandments which I command thee all this day that the Lord thy God will set the on high above all the nations of the earth and all these blessings shall come wear upon me that is an amazing benefits but the key was what if we keep the commandments this small little what seems to be insignificant word if brings every bit of this conditional brings it down to this little two letter word that most most people just skip right on over but understanding the true meaning behind that little bitty word if brings it conditional if we hearken unto the voice of the Lord if we observe and do His commandments then the blessings are there James 1:22 being a doer of the word and not just to hear only see the blessings listed in Deuteronomy 28 1 through 14 those are conditional on if if we are a doer of the word if we apply the principles if we look at this and go okay this is how I want to live my life if we're a doer of the second half of check of Deuteronomy 28 but it shall come to pass in verse 15 if thou will not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God to observe to do all his Commandments and his statutes which I commanded thee this day that all these curses shall come upon me and overtake thee we're talking about introduction s routes of disease aren't we a route to disease is those things that were not being a doer of the word I don't know about y'all maybe I'm the odd man out I don't think so but we'll throw that out there anyways I really don't want to find myself in the second 3/4 of chapter 28 I like the first 14 verses yet why is it so difficult for us when we find ourselves in the second well the back 3/4 of Deuteronomy 28 to admit were wrong that we have an issue that it's a spiritual issue in my life that I need to fix so it's not my fault it was happenstance I just was standing at the wrong tree at the wrong time proverbs 26 says as the bird by wondering as a swallow by flowing so the curse causes shall not come if we are having non blessings in our life there's a reason behind it you probably already know the reasons if you looked deep enough into your heart in your life see blessings those are the benefits of God those are the things that he's just sitting there waiting going you know what my sons and my daughters they're there down there and I really want to bless them I want to just overtake them with amazing blessings and I just want to dump this whole bucket of greatness on top of them but they're not living their life right I can't it's when we fall back into line I mean let's think about you guys here you guys on line if you were honest with yourself don't raise your hand if you looked back in the areas of your life when you were not being blessed just play it back in your head it wasn't long till you figured out that you weren't living your life the way that you should not being blessed financially because we're in fear of them having other issues in our life because we're not being having our health issues because all of a sudden we're we're have a compromised immune system because we're living in fear stress and anxiety 24/7 there are curses that come because of disobedience now when you look at the definition of curses in the Strong's it talks about the vilification pastor Henry says this works so much better than I do vilification just seems to stumble out kind of funkier in my mind but it's a great word because it means that something is lessening the benefit in your life because we're not being a doer of the word now if we look in Scripture do we all understand who the villain is that's Satan's Kingdom but somewhere along the way we've allowed that access because of sin John 10:10 says the thief cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy I am come that you may have life that they might have it more abundantly those are our two choices isn't it choosie this day blessings or curses death or life see we're caught between two kingdoms we're stuck right in the middle of a war Keenen produces blessings another Kingdom produces curses now if we repent and become a doer of the word then all the blessings that we want all the blessings will come and overtake us we'll have joy peace healing not getting sick to begin with sanity but if we don't repent for participating with sin and we're not being a doer of the word then all these curses shall surely come to overtake you they're not nearly as instant as the blessings the blessings are are instantaneous but the curse if we don't become a dude or don't repent don't change four ways it will eventually come upon us forgiveness is important what we learned from Nehemiah nine of them repenting for their their sins of their fathers and forefathers is important and the reason it Psalms 103 3 says who forgiveth all thine iniquities and who healeth all thy diseases do you think it's put in that order by happenstance I'm not seeing much in here ever zero that was thrown in here in any particular order that was happenstance who forgiveth all thine iniquities has to come before healing all thy diseases problem is is the modern day Church is trying to get healed but doesn't want to take responsibility for the sin they want all the benefits but don't want to change their ways we've changed not we not we the world has changed even this through translations to make it more appealing having a readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled second corinthians 10:6 we have to come to a place of understanding there are consequences for sin we have to get to a place in here that forgiveness has to come before healing if we're holding on to bitterness that's not being a doer of the word if we're holding on to the wrongs that everyone has done it's our entire life and we're not letting those go we are not being a doer of the word and the curse Clause cause us shall not come because if we're not being a doer of the word if we're holding on and we're refusing I'll use the word refusing to walk in this Deuteronomy 20 it's gonna get really familiar to us there has to be a time in our life it's not about being right or wrong it's not about justifying it it's not about well they did this to me they need to say need to be punished it's not about that it's about whether or not we're willing to walk in our own obedience to the word we want healing we want to we want to understand spiritual roots of disease and see a change in our life and no longer be sick and tired of being sick and tired and we have to start at the beginning repentance from dead works now scripture clearly says that healing is for today every day it is here for us first Corinthians 12:7 says it's given to every man to profit withal it is still the children's bread there are people that say it's passed away 2000 years ago I think it's a little funny since Paul was the one that was talking about he wasn't one of the first disciples but it means we have to apply some things to our life we have to be engaged we have to be active in it but we also have to understand where it truly where our following where we're supposed to really be going is what I'm trying to say scripture tells us who we're supposed to go to for healing now I'm all for doctors where being health has always been supporting of that because we don't know everything we can't see inside our bodies doctors have their place but it's not what James originally said to do James 5:14 through 16th says if any sick among you let him call for the elders of the church and let them pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall rise him up and if he have committed any sin they shall be forgiven him confess your faults one to another and pray one for another that ye may be healed the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth what much this goes back to saying that we're supposed to be going to where church the leaders if any of you sick among you go to the elders of the church we've got an article just written 1990 survey was conducted to determine who women go to when they're sick none whence their pastor don't get me wrong we've got to have doctors we've got to understand what's truly going on in here because we can't see inside of here technology is great it tells us what we need to work for because if we don't have a diagnosis we don't know what to pray for so you gotta have that but James said if we go if any a sick of money let him call for the elders of the church and let him pray over him anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord shall raise him up and if he committed sins they shall be forgiven him confess your faults one to another and pray one for another you may be healed the effective fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much the priests and the elders were supposed to be able to help people discern the difference between good and evil we're back to discerning good and evil exercising our senses why to really understand what's going on to really have an understanding of even spiritual roots of disease understand the difference of what God says versus what the other Kingdom says discerning a spirits is nothing more than understanding what God says and being able to teach somebody that but part of discerning is also learning how to cast him out there's no point no one you got fear if you don't get rid of it or having bitterness and not getting rid of it mark 16:15 through 20 and he should and he said unto them go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature well how many every creature he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved but he that believeth not shall be damned and these signs shall follow them that believe in my name they shall cast out Devils they shall speak with new tongues they shall take up serpents and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover so then after the Lord had spoken unto them he was received up into heaven and now sat on the right hand of God and they went forth and preached everywhere the Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following this is our mandate as believers doesn't say just go to the ones that look like you smell like you sound like you let's go out into all the world preaching what the gospel this but you can't preach this if you haven't read it but that's a completely different soapbox sing we're the ones that get in the way with health and healing we're the ones that get in the way with how we speak how we feel how well we think on on how it contributes disease in our life if we're dwelling on the opposite of Galatians 5 love joy peace longsuffering goodness gentleness faith meekness temperance if we're dwelling on all of the opposites of those we're interfering with what God originally planned for our life if we're spending our time dwelling on hate then love our bodies will reciprocate that's what it will know if we're spending our time in depression other than joy if we're spending our time and fear stress and anxiety other than peace this is what we have Isaiah 58 for behold he fast for strife and debate and to smite with the fist of wickedness he should not fast as that as you do this day to make your voice to be heard on high Isaiah was saying that the people were sick and diseased why because they were filled with strife and debate and conflict that alone is a block to healing we'll talk about those this afternoon it's where you spend your time thinking on you know we talked about how did we spend our time well let me ask you this where do you spend your time thinking what do you dwell on do you dwell on the benefits that are available to you or do we dwell on strife and debate and rage and anger in hatred we have found that 80% of disease that's considered incurable is written as spiritual root something spiritual that we've learned we can prove that through medical science these are the dead works that we've connected with that we learn in Hebrews six with a corresponding psychological and biological manifestation that's a big huge cenis to say there's something going on in here and in here because we're not being a doer of the word you've got other things called often firma T's that are common unto man colds stuff like that unless it's chronic the more were a doer of the word the less we will see of disease in our life quote by dr. McLaughlin of the Women's Medical College in Philadelphia from the unshakable Kingdom and the unchangeable person dr. McLaughlin one of the women's medical colleges in Philadelphia says that from 65% to 85% of all diseases are rooted in the mental and spiritual 95% of headaches 75% of stomach disorders 75% of asthma and 75% of skin disorders are all rooted in the spiritual in the mental from the medical community this was written about 30 years ago and it's been our experience that 80% of all incurable disease has a spiritual root this is the same book in this same book in the same article there was a surgeon that said to the author you could have had it often stopped with the kind of religion that you're saying 85% of the cases that came to me for surgery 85% of surgical procedures this doctor said could have been altered and changed if they would have went back to where here they begin with functional disturbances through wrong mental and spiritual attitudes and actions then functional pass to the structure and then surgeons get them that's the medical dissing community now there is a difference between healing and miracles healing is when you remove the kingdom of darkness and replace it with a key know of God and the body is healed you're dealing with something in your life and you go you know what I've got maybe you got acid indigestion you've got this this reoccurrence stuff that just kind of a thing you deal with the fear stress anxiety that's causing it guess what changes this is no longer is there when I was a cop I used to chew antacids like candy used to keep those things in my car like skittles every time turn around popping another one I really don't know when it changed it was after I'd started coming here it was after starting apply the principles of being health and hope of the generations and I realized I didn't have this but let me tell you a true story you ready for some real life interaction other day wasn't having one of my better days fair enough to say it that way had a little discomfort going on here wasn't thinking anything about it you know has some belches not to sound gross or anything but this is real life this is the practical application of Scripture isn't it in real life we all do it we just don't talk about it but I'm gonna do it in front of you all in on camera hmm what's sitting there had this going on upset stomach the whole works pastor Don I walked up to me she's your eyes I just been having some bad belches and just not doing robust okay just where's it hurting right here hmm pastor Henry and her I've got this amazing Columbo thing let's go really is it possible you kind of sit there and go mm-hmm Thanks so she just got a little stress in your life yeah a little bit she was you know that's just feared stress it's got your belly upset it's causing acid reflux reflux I'm gonna reflux since I was a cop well maybe you need to go check your heart so guess what was I in stress in the anxiety fear stress anxiety oh yeah did I take anything for it no went repented did take a couple days for the physical to settle down yes it did but there was a piece that I had now it took me a little bit to get there I'll admit it but isn't that really all of our journey sometimes you can get it's right there other times we got to get this renewed in our journey healing is those things that just happen we remove that other Kingdom in our body adjusts on its own but miracles miracles you can pray and minister healing to the person for the body parts that don't heal it's needed to restore body parts it's needed when things don't fix themselves for organ transplant nerve issues brain cell regeneration damaged or diseased organs that's what you should be creative miracle for we're almost 417 citizen calling those things as if they were that's miracles now what does this have to do with spiritual roots of disease because sometimes we've been listening that other kingdom so long our body needs a little help from there okay a lot of help so some things we repent for in the body just heals we do better skins issues kind of because we're not in fight or flight tour we're not having fear of man issues and our skin stuff kind of goes away didn't need a miracle body just adjusted but maybe we've been listening to it for so long there's damage needs a creative miracle so who performs the miracle the Holy Spirit works through you when you're a believer to come into alignment with the word and the father says amen the Holy Spirit performs the healing according to the father's will and these signs shall follow those that what believe somewhere along the way leaders have removed the gift of healing and miracles we've got a bunch of teachers a bunch of helps and a bunch of governments the rest we've missed out on they shouldn't removed him see God uses humans like you like me to work in people's lives whether to bring you knowledge and information like today or when we pray this afternoon to administer healing and miracles but third John 1:2 well before I say that Scripture let me ask you question was it God's perfect will for you to get healed or not to get sick to begin with see if we would have followed all of these things from the beginning we wouldn't have half the issues we're in we're dealing with 3rd John 1 - dearly beloved I wish above some things all things that thou may as prosper and be in health even as I soul prospers see God the Father's will wasn't that we get healed not as the primary yes he provides healing yes he provides miracle VA's perfect will is that we didn't get sick to begin with which is the more excellent way to not get sick or to get healed the better way is not to get sick that's the key in the news we Gardo that I mentioned earlier tato greater expectations it says that the future of medicine lies not in treating illness but preventing it it's not healing and disease management but disease prevention throughout the 20th century medicine has advanced primarily by improving curative care but curative care has its limits accompanying the use of more refined technology to prevent and treat illness psyche omen ology the science that deals with the minds role in helping the immune system fight disease will become a vital important clinical field perhaps the most important field in the 21st century healthy thinking may eventually become an integral aspect of treatment for everything from allergies to liver transplants and this was in 1990 quote from the article called the power to heal the fate of the spirit is relegated to religious science specialists who have little to say about their followers physical well-being for most societies around the world today priests and physician are still one the state of the body is inseparable from the condition of the spirit sickness is disruption imbalance in manifestation of Mel event forces in the flesh Western medicine tends to dismiss the ideas that lie at the heart of traditional healing ideas concerning the spiritual realm mind-body interactions the interplay among humanity the environment and the cosmos for they don't fit readily into a scientific model yet there is a growing recognition that the mysteries of Health and healing cannot be separated from the totality of human experience this first section has been called what our spiritual roots are disease and how do we get sick or why do we get sick but the same tools that will bring healing to your lives of when we change our the somewhat same ways that keep us from getting sick to begin with and preventing it in the future we still have to get the dead works out of our life Deuteronomy 7:15 says an Lord will take away all sickness from you but as conditional on whether or not we hearken to the judgments and keep and do his will Deuteronomy chapter 7 verse 12 through 15 where forests have come to pass if you hearken to these judgments and keep them and do them the LORD thy God will keep unto thee the Covenant and the mercy which he swore unto your father's and he will love thee and bless thee and multiply thee he will also bless the fruit of thy womb and the fruit of thy land thy corn and thy wine and thine oil the increase of thy kind the flocks of thy sheep in the land which he swore unto the father's to give thee thou shalt be blessed among above all people there shall not be male or female barren among you or among your cattle and the Lord will take away from the all the sickness and will put none of the evil disease of Egypt which thou knowest upon me but will lay upon all them that hate thee the blessings that come are amazing but are we willing to deal with the fruit behind it though is the question a lot of us understand the root issues behind what we deal with we may not have it a particular name but we know we don't love ourselves we know we're critical may we live in self-pity we whine and complain we murmur and complain we look for all these other ways sometimes outside of looking to hear we can prevent disease and open a door for God's blessing if we hearken unto the Word of God David in Psalms 119 kept going back and forth your statues I will keep until the end someone's 119 is amazing read of keeping your head on the right path for God all of these judgments if we follow the rules if we follow the commandments if we if we pay attention to God multiply from your land your kind your your generations your flute your your finances that all the things that you that we struggle with in our fears Deuteronomy 7 if we follow and hearken we'll be blessed exhibit number 5 in a article that Yale University Yale Journal for Humanities in medicine wrote talked about chronic disease properties or processes excessive and non product this moves mainly on fear stress and anxiety excessive and non-productive stress is one of the most important public health issues on our planet costing more than twenty billion dollars annually in the US alone more than 50% of the medical visits about 80% of all workplace accidents and millions of lost workdays that have been attributed to excessive stress nearly 100 million people in the u.s. taking medication for stress and loss opportunities attributed to excessive stress or socially and ethically relevant to the highest degree one of the further down in the Yale article they were talking about over a hundred disease as a result of fear stress settings in stress fear stress and anxiety high blood pressure hypertension was one of the ones they were discussing Matthew 6 verse 34 therefore take no thought for tomorrow for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself sufficient under the day is the evil thereof what kind of fear are we talking about worrying and dread about what's next how are we gonna do this what's gonna happen how is that gonna process that's not having peace Isaiah chapter 26 is perfect peace whose mind is stayed on who him John 14:27 peace I give you but not the gives you let not your heart be troubled and neither be afraid but hypertension brings us fearful thought about what's gonna go wrong next this dread this anticipation of failure our blood pressure goes up we're freaked out about what could go wrong that's not faith 2nd Timothy 1:7 says God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and a what sound mind see fear gives us everything opposite of that verse fear makes you feel weak out of control makes you feel that you're not loved and makes you go completely crazy in the head that's not a medical terminology it's just how we feel some days Matthew again taking no thought tomorrow there's your route in conclusion of how to walk out of hypertension in this Yale article they they asked men and the men who answered positively the question does your wife show you her love experience less chest pain than men who answered no power love and a sound mind researchers at Yale University looked at both men and women undergoing angiography discovered that those who felt the most loved and supported and sustainably less blockage in the arteries of their hearts so those that felt love had less complications and you're starting to see a connection when we don't feel love that the tightening of arteries the the the all of a sudden the constriction of those causes more problems than just accepting God's love or other people's or learning to love someone else dr. Dean Ornish who's a medical doctor two really good quotes and I wrote both of those quotes down because frankly I just like the two quotes because it talks about the power of love in our lives and when you start talking about the roots of disease one of the first fruit of the Spirit is what love so it's a great foundation starting point there dr. Ornish says love and intimacy are at the root or excuse me are at our let's try this again love and intimacy are at the roots of what make us sick and what make us well what causes sadness and what brings happiness what makes us suffer and what leads to healing I am not aware of any other factor in medicine nor diet not smoking not exercise not stress not genetics not drugs not surgery that has a greater impact on our quality of life incident of illness and premature death from all causes than the power of love if we dwell on things that are not of God this is the struggle we have he writes another little quote people who are lonely and depressed are 3 to 10 times more likely to get sick and die prematurely than those who have a strong sense of love and community I don't know if any other single factor that affects our health for better or worse - such a straight degree than love and community what is a spirits root of disease it's anything in our life that does not line up to scripture those areas of our life that do not line up to the word where we're not being a doer of the word but it comes down to understanding one key factor we have to choose what we do with it the ability to have life and death is an hour to is our choice in our decisions you choose to love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy mind it is our choice what we do with the knowledge in here do we find ourselves like the people in Hosea that are found ourselves destroyed because we have rejected knowledge we've heard it we've understood it but just because it says I'm supposed to cleanse myself from all unrighteousness gonna live my life the way that I was because this is what I'm used to am I just gonna stay in hypertension because this is what I'm used to I've already got my plan laid out or do we make a change in our life Deuteronomy 30 verse 19 says I call heaven and earth to record this day against you that I have set before you life and death blessing and cursing therefore choose life that both thou and thy seed may live sometimes I don't rely well I'll be nice about that one I won't dear nearly say that as blunt as it came to me I know that might sound odd but I'm just I think sometimes we think the world has got this entire perspective that it's just about me and that I don't affect anybody else scripture alone tells us on how we live our life affects the generations beyond us being health and hope the generations of about establishing generations of overcomers but it starts here first you won't change in your grandkids the future of our great grandkids it starts here it ain't about looking for a revival in your churches you be looking to have a revival in your homes first and foremost it is our responsibility is equal 18 I repeat it again you cast away your transgressions you make yourself a new heart God the Father is gonna be right there to help you along the way but it has to change here first God will take has no pleasure in the death of any of his children he's laid out all the information blessings in Deuteronomy curses in Deuteronomy blessings in Chapter 7 and Deuteronomy he's given you the understanding and Thessalonians and the understanding in Corinthians of what you need to do of removing these things that are not of him to eliminate the roots of disease to eliminate the dead works in our life but it's your choice in what you do with it you there has to be an action a movement and engagement you can't sit back in passivity and wait for God to do it for you you've got to be engaged actively reading this gonna came father I I'm struggling this what do I got to work on this okay that's what I got to do praying to him talking to him but it means you're activated not just sitting back but really truly heart looking going okay I got this in my life I may not like what I find but it what's going on really truly okay I got a little envy and jealousy all right got some fear going on now what did they say the other day of being health I needed to do that's right I got a I got a recognize it all right I got some fear I'm worrying about our finances for next year I'm worried about my kids I'm worried about I got some fear in my life well that explain why my blood pressure's up but I would explain why I got acne I got that explain all these are the things in my world okay so what was the other thing I got to do kind of recognize okay I got that I repent for it that's right I did it father I made the mistake can't blame it on my my kids I can't blame it on society I made the mistake I chose to think this way father I repent I don't want this in my life anymore now I'm gonna find some trustee people trustworthy people to confess my faults one to another so that what I may be healed that is our spirit is anything that does not line up to the word well good afternoon I'm happy to be with you I'm pastor Benny parish and I want to talk to you today about your enemy because it's important to know your enemy and how he would attack you you guys feel like you're in a war everybody said yes I'm assume some of you out there and online world said yes to well I'll tell you the reason you feel like you're in a war is because you are and you know what it feels like so when you're in a war the first thing you want to do is study your enemy because you want to go behind the enemy lines and see his strength and what his devices are and you want to learn about him so you can defeat him and that's what we're here to do today is to learn about the enemy but more importantly to defeat the enemy you know there in first Corinthians 12 there are nine gifts of the Holy Spirit and one of those gifts is the discerning of spirits the discerning of spirits why do we want to discern spirits well so we can do something about them so if we can discern them then we can do something about it because maybe we believe that casting out of spirits passed away with the disciples 2000 years ago well Jesus cast out evil spirits so did the disciples and Paul there is no scripture to suggest that it is no longer necessary this is the way the early church was established for the first 300 years this did not pass away with the disciples like many have taught discernment was giving because discernment is needed to defeat the enemy so we're going to discuss first of all three heavens three heavens and what I want you to note in these three heavens is there are different types of creatures into three different heavens in second Corinthians 12:2 I want to read that Paul said I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago whether in the body I cannot tell or whether out of the body I cannot tell God knoweth such a one was caught up into the third heaven so the third heaven is where God resides Jesus is there there are Sarah Pan's chera Pan's and different types of creatures in the third heaven that we haven't seen yet and then in Revelations 21 1 I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more sea now it's talking about here the first heaven is where we live and we are three-part beings we're spiritual beings with a body and a soul and we live and can see each other in the in the first heaven so since there is a third heaven and at first heaven mathematically there must be a second heaven this describes it as a drop place and when we test out an evil spirit where does it go into the second heaven or a dry place disembody beings need a physical body to manifest their evil nature back into the physical world so you have these invisible beings and they have all these desires to express himself into a physical world but they don't have a body to do it so they tempt us with thought and they and when we fall for that temptation it could become our sin and they can manifest their evil nature back into a physical world and they're at peace when they do that and then you're in torment but you get decide what you're going to manifest Satan is the leader of this disembodied evil world and evil spirits we learn about iniquity first found in Satan in Ezekiel 28 and I want to just read you verse 15 this is talking about Satan thou has perfect in thy ways from the day that now has created till iniquity was found in thee so God created Satan perfectly but he had a thought he wanted to overthrow God and take his place he said I want to be like the Most High I want to I want to be like God and that was an evil thought of pride that brought his destruction the two kingdoms are represented by the nature of their leaders one is the body of Christ whose leader is Christ first Corinthians 12 27 now you are the body of Christ and in particular so we are members of this body of Christ the nature of God is manifest through the body of Christ it should be manifest through us as God speaks to us the second is the body of sin whose leader is Satan Romans 6:6 that the body of sin might be destroyed that henceforth we should not serve sin does it say that the body of sin is destroyed it said no it should be how might it should be well we might take every thought captive we might cast down those wild imaginations we might lift up the Word of God so who are we well we're a three-part being we have a spirit we have a soul and we have a mobile home or a body that we operate in the first heaven inside we are eternal beings our spirit is is eternal we are children of God by faith and we shall live forever our spirit is not our soul and our soul is not our spirit Hebrews 4:12 talks about separating soul and spirit proving that these are separate I'll read that Hebrews 4:12 for the word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword piercing even to the dividing asunder of the soul and the spirit so the Word of God shows us the difference between the soul and the spirit and the joints in the marrow which represent your physical body that's what joints and marrow are and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart did you know the God the law of God requires thought behind the law of God is God how he thinks what he said and that's the law of God there is another Kingdom talking to you and it's also giving you false behind this kingdom is Satan and his law is the law of sin Satan's Kingdom uses the same pathways the Holy Spirit does Satan uses the pathway to bring you thoughts and feelings and impressions that represent the law of sin God is a spirit and Satan is a spirit they both communicate to your spirit we are caught between these two kingdoms caught between the law of God and the law of sin Paul talks about that in Romans chapter 7 I want to start there in verse 21 I find then a law that when I do good evil is present with me for I delight in the law of God after the inward man but I see another law in my members now members are the totality of who you are their spirit soul and body so Paul saying hey I see something another law working in my spirit my soul and my body and it's warring against the law of my mind and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members this is why we are told in 2nd Corinthians 10:5 to take every thought captive I want to read that to you this is a very important verse this verse will enable you to defeat your enemy when he gives you those thoughts that are against the Word of God they say the opposite of what God would say what God says forgive these thoughts they don't forgive he wronged you you don't have you don't need to forgive him he did something wrong God said no forgive so second Corinthians 10:5 casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ that's how you're going to win this war you're going to recognize that Satan is a liar and you're gonna lift up word of God you're gonna lift up the law of forgiveness and you're gonna say no this law of unforgiveness is a lower law and I'm not going to follow it and you're gonna find out a little later when I teach about allergen cancer why God says fear not so many times in the Bible you know your soul is part of your biology it's where your long-term memory is and it's the seat of your emotions it's all the things that you are as a physical human being your soul is the bridge between the spirit world and the physical world there are only two ways that you can perceive you can perceive from within you know Paul just got through saying there's a law in inside of me that's working against the warring against the law of mine so you perceive from within and you perceive from without just like I'm looking at you now so I'm perceiving without and then there's that I have thoughts from with the end our mind needs to be renewed if we've been taught the law of sin the law of God says forgive the law of sin says don't forgive unforgiveness is stinking thinking God's law is superior to the law of sin your mind is renewed by the washing of the water of the word and your choices do make a tremendous difference Ephesians 5:26 that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing up the water of the word so that word needs to be washed over us when that thought comes in we compare it against the word and we say no if the enemy is lying to us we say no the Word of God says you remember when Jesus was led led out to be tempted and Satan would just kind of twist the word and Jesus say no that's not what God said this is what he said and the enemy left him for a season because he wasn't working can be the same way with you and I so in Ephesians 5:26 that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of the water of the word and in James 1:8 it reads a double minded man is unstable or unstable in all his ways what that's talking about is when you compare this law of forgiveness to unforgiveness when you waiver back and forth you become unstable in your ways you have to make up your mind this law of forgiveness is the greater law and don't waver back and forth I want you to put up the spirit soul body chart now but you know in truth we're a mixture we have both laws in our spirit soul and body the more we exercise and meditate on the Word of God the more it becomes ingrained in us and becomes who we are we're not only need to have our minds renewed but also need to destroy that other kingdom Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil now I see that our our chart is up and I want to talk to you a little bit this morning about your physical makeup or spiritual makeup so that you can you can see how you were created and how the enemy speaks to you and how God is able to speak to you I want to share some information with you about brainwaves to show you how our brain works you perceive me right now through beta brainwave activity if your beta brainwaves weren't functioning your five physical senses would be wouldn't be working you wouldn't have touch smell hearing and all the things that you perceive from without you wouldn't have the ability to perceive you wouldn't have the ability to hear or taste you would be here but you would not you would have no comprehension so you you have you see from without using your five physical senses and God has created us with a beta brainwave that works with our soul or a mine will an emotion enables us to interpret physically from the outside using our five physical senses now you see theta brainwave up on the chart theta is the brain way that connects the physical of your soul with the spirit man theta brainwaves allow the Holy Spirit or Satan's Kingdom to speak to us how they speak to our spirit and then we were created with the state of brainwave and it brings it over into our brain or a soul and we have a thought if you ever just been kind of out and about and just all of a sudden an evil thought comes and you don't even thinking about the subject okay I'm the only one say you you need to say where did that dog come from see I know because I compared that thought to the word of God and I know us coming from that other Kingdom so I just told to shut up here's what God said about that subject that's how you defeat your enemy spirits have unforgiveness spirits of fear and all the rest of them the enemy can put disease on your body through the same process that the Sharman conjures spirits to speak through a person this is the channeling of the law of sin how do you think we are tempted well that evil Kingdom speaks to our spirit that theta brainwave brings it over into our brain and we have a fault that's how we are tempted so through the fall by the way of theta brainwave activity you have a thought and impression and feeling and you follow it as though it was you because you don't even realize what's going on because he it will speak to you in the first person as though it was your own thought because it wants to deceive you it came to kill steal and destroy and that's how our enemy is doing it but we serve a God that's greater than that and he speaks to our spirit and he confirms the Word of God to us and we lift it up just like we're told to lift up and put down those wild imaginations so let's clarify the meaning of Holy in 1st Corinthians 5 23 this is the 1st Corinthians 5 23 and the very God of peace sanctify you wholly now that's whu-oh LLY that's not dub excuse me that's not h ly so he's talking about your the wholeness of who you are spirit soul and body is saying the very God of peace sanctify every part of you spirit soul and body and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless until the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ so this is an equation a lack of holiness or a lack of sanctification produces a lack of wholeness and your spirit soul and body the more holiness h.o line2 more holiness or sanctification will result in the and more wholeness of your spirit soul and body Paul is telling us to be made holy in order to be made whole that's what he's saying there are three dimensions to the spirit soul and body in all three parts need sanctification some say they don't need the spirit sanctify because they're Christians well that's not what Paul taught this is not true according to Paul's writings in 2nd Corinthians 7:1 or to read that to you 2nd Corinthians 7:1 having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse ourselves now this is really important so who's going to cleanse you you are only thing I can do is give you the Word of God and then you decide am I gonna repent am I gonna lift the Word of God up you are the only one that can cleanse you guys is not gonna make you I'm not gonna make you you have the ability to do it yourself so having therefore these promises dearly beloved let us cleanse our selves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in the fear of God the scripture is addressed to Christians it's not addressed to the unsaved let us cleanse ourselves of all filthiness of the flesh and the spirit is addressed to believers spiritual uncleanliness is addressed in the word I would encourage you to read about it for yourself one of the best places to go is Galatians chapter 5 verses 19 through 21 mark 7 verses 18 through 23 and Romans chapter 1 verses 24 through 32 these are good scriptures to start with and you will learn about bitterness fear and strife envy jealousy adultery and the list goes on these are all spirits that come to tempt you they speak to your spirit that theta brainwave brings it over and you have a choice what are you going to lift up are you going to be a vehicle for the enemy's expression or are you going to be a vehicle for God's expression back into the physical world this is a good time to define the word flesh as seen in 2nd Corinthians 7:1 what does the what does flesh mean well it can have several different meanings flesh can be your physical body the chicken you ate for dinner last night or it can mean the body of sin found in Ephesians chapter 6 we take into position that what is called the carnal nature the old man the flesh is that kingdom found in Ephesians six so when you read your Bible and you see carnal man you see the flesh you see that is not you that is Satan's Kingdom is talking about so don't let that confuse you human nature is not evil you are not evil your body is not evil you know I see people say you know I went into adultery and it was it was my body that made me do it no it wasn't your body doesn't make you do anything you decide up here in your your soul what you're gonna do your body is not evil and a lot of people teach that your body is evil it's not you have thought coming in that's evil but you get to decide where you're gonna follow it or not see something has joined mankind that is evil and it is Satan's Kingdom even when you are sanctified you still may have things that are not of God Adam was sinless until something joined him you know what we're trying to show you is that your battle is not with God is not with yourself and it's not with other people you're having thoughts like they were your own thoughts many of you have thoughts of shame and guilt because you have become your own enemy by not casting down those thoughts you can become your own enemy you have these thoughts of shame and guilt and self-hatred because they say well I don't love myself nobody loves me you know that self rejection that the enemy has taught us to think that way well how do you to become free you be obedient to joy James 4:7 you submit yourself to God you resist the devil and then he will flee just like he did from Jesus for a season but he's going to come back to tempt you to see what your house is filled with so the devil is ahead of a kingdom so you are resisting his kingdom we know that because of a season 6:12 I want to read that Ephesians 6:12 for we wrestle not against flesh and blood flesh and blood is like your mother-in-law's flesh and blood so you're not really wrestling against her we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and I want you to see here Satan has a organized kingdom with four layers so he has an organized attack on mankind the first but you were deterring you're wrestling against principalities and then it says against powers that's number two and against the rulers of darkness of this world as three against spiritual wickedness in high places that is the four-layered kingdom that is just beyond your physical sight and that is where your war is and he's just tempting you to see who are you going to obey are you going to obey God unto life are you gonna obey me unto death and you're caught in the middle but you get to decide he wants to come and train us in the law of sin some call that negative emotions well negative motions are thoughts that give you feelings and impressions rooted in evil some emotions that we consider positive are really rooted in evil let me give you an example driven as' driven as' perfectionism see the enemy wants to teach you that you need to be perfect well guess what if I can teach you that you can't accomplish it so I can frustrate you I can make you angry I can do all kinds of things if I can make you reach for something that's unattainable perfectionism is not attainable competition pride arrogance religion my religion is the only one has got it right that's pride and religion working together in it denominationalism these are accepted as positive but do not come from the mind of God Paul says that it is the evil within not negative emotions sin is not a state of being but a being in state of existence is fallen nature it is a being which is invisible and is disembodied it had a body at one time but it lost this body but it's spirit is indestructible sin always involves thought sin always involves a way of thinking speaking and acting in a way that is contrary to how God would think speak or act when that being is manifest through you then it is reckoned as your sin there are three different sources of thought and to show you that in the scripture so I'm going to go to Matthew chapter 16 and start there at verse 13 when Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do men say that I the Son of Man am and they said well some say to our John the Baptist and some say Elijah others say Jeremiah or one of the prophets so see men are they think they had their own thoughts you are a thinking being so that is one place thoughts come from and also you can be influenced by other thinking beings they can teach you the law of sin or they can teach you the law of God but that's still your choice so men have their own thoughts we are thinking beings then I want to go down to verse 15 matthew 16 15 he saith unto them but whom say ye that I am and Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God and jesus answered and said on him blessed art thou simon bartholomew for flesh and blood have not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven so here we see a thought from God's Spirit came into his spirit that theta brain we brought it over into his soul and then he came into agreement with God's thought and he's Jesus said you're blessed you're blessed because you came came into agreement with the correct thought now we can reverse this pretty quick if we go on down to verse 21 we read while while he had done good just a couple of verses up now he's being unstable in all his ways he's going back and forth between what God has said and what the enemy has said verse 21 from that time forth began Jesus to show unto his disciples how that he must go into Jerusalem and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes and be killed and be raised again on the third day now you know you could find they could have found that back in the prophets they could have found all that information now when he began to teach them that it was already written that that was going to happen so what they should have done and said okay that's exactly what I learned back over here that's the Word of God that's got to be correct but that's not what happened then Peter took him and he began to rebuke him he thought my Jesus saying be it far from the Lord this shall not be unto thee and then Jesus in verse 23 said but he turned and he said to Peter get thee behind me Satan now art an offence unto me for thou savourest not the things that be of God but those that be of men see so Satan wasn't right there but Jesus recognized that Satan had given him that thought and he said talking to Peter but he's telling the thing in Peter to get behind me you don't match up to what what's been written in the word I don't believe you you're a liar so when Jesus said get behind me Satan he wasn't talking to Peter he was talking to Satan Jesus knew those thoughts were coming out of that second heaven or the dry place these thoughts were generated in the second heaven I'll give you another example I want you to think of sin at least in two ways sin is something that we do when we participate with the enemy but sin is a being in existence just beyond your physical sight you can't see it but it can tempt you can talk to you spirit to spirit and that theta brainwave will bring it over and then you're caught between these two quick kingdoms and you've got to make a choice on who you're going to obey Judas Iscariot was given the thought of betraying the Lord by Satan's Kingdom this is John 13 - and the supper being ended the devil having now put into the heart of Judas Iscariot Simon's son to betray him see that that thought that Judas had was not his own thought it was put there by the devil according to the scripture now he's caught between these two kingdoms he has to decide which one he's going to obey it's the same today for you and I we're caught between these two kingdoms the story of Cain and Abel is another good example of that Kingdom speaking to us beyond what we can see with our physical eyes but it does speak to us it shows you how thought it can come out of this invisible second heaven or the dry place and I want to read you from Genesis chapter 4 starting at verse 6 and the Lord said unto Cain why art thou wroth and why is thy countenance fallen if I'll do us well shalt thou not be accepted in a thou doest not well sin lieth at the door sin is when we participate with that Kingdom but it is also that being just beyond our physical sight now what was just beyond his physical sight a spirit of murder trying to convince him to murder his brother and not good so again verse seven if they'll do us well shalt thou not be accepted and if thou doest not well sin lieth at the door and unto thee in other words two you shall be his desire what desire to kill his brother this being has no physical way of doing it other than using his his body you know I've been I've been into prisons before and talked to men that were there because they were convicted of murder and they would tell me something came over me and I just could not control myself see we know what comes over men it's not them but it is their sin when they obey it but they can repent and be forgiven so again and unto thee shall be his desire and thou shop shut rule over him nowhere you should compare that thought to what I said and you should rule over that spirit that you can't see that's trying to get you in deep trouble trying to ruin you trying to kill you and destroy you and Cain walked with Abel his brother and it came to pass when they were in the field that Cain rose up against Abel his brother and he slew him so he obeyed that other kingdom beyond his physical sight so let's recap quickly here where thought can come from thoughts can come from God faults can come from Satan's Kingdom this kingdom is invisible just beyond our physical sight this kingdom can teach you how to think if you will obey it you and I are thinking beings and have our own thoughts formed our own mind our thoughts can be influenced by by others teachings but who taught them did the devil teach them what they're teaching you you had to consider all of us you remember we said the war isn't taking thoughts captive who it is simply who are we going to obey God's law unto everlasting life or Satan's law on into everlasting destruction 2nd Corinthians 10:5 want to read it again but this is so important this is where the war is casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ you're caught between these two kingdoms what are you going to do who are you going to obey how does sin end of the world well I got good news for you ladies I know sometimes us guys we we kind of blame y'all because you know she took the first bite you remember that in the scripture well I got good news for your ladies in Romans 5:12 it says therefore as sin by one man one man when she ate sin did not enter the world because he was in charge in that garden and he didn't do his job so you ladies I want to let you all off the hook today it's not your problem sometimes it's your spiritual head that is the problem it isn't leading you back to your father I'll read again I want you ladies to remember this I want you men to remember it you are supposed to be the spiritual head of your home that's who that's what God has done to bring his word into your home first to your wife and to your children and then whatever time is left you have ministry for others we first need to know the meaning of the word world that word doesn't mean this planet it means cosmos is a Greek word and it really means mankind so let me read it again putting the right word there therefore as by one man sin entered into mankind and death by sin that was Romans 5:12 so this is saying that sin entered into humanity through Adam not Eve Satan's Kingdom gained access to Adam and Eve because they disobeyed the father's commandment would you like to live in a world that you only had one one rule that you've got to keep don't you think that'd be simple it'd be good wouldn't it well I've got good news for you because I'm in my next teaching I'm gonna give you the garden verse that if you can follow this one verse you won't eat other tree of the knowledge of good and evil so Genesis 2 verse 16 and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every who did he command the man when he commanded that he wasn't even there yet she hadn't been created of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die he could have lived forever but when he ate of that tree he only lived like 900 and I figured 950 something years he could have lived forever so they they ate of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil the eyes were opened and they saw that they were naked now before that they had been just running around having a good old naked day every day not thinking anything of it but something evil began to speak to them and so your body is evil cover it you've got to love yourself you can do the same thing today you can let Satan convince you that you're evil and it's not you he may be giving you evil faults that you are following and that becomes your sin but he's the problem and God has the solution you can tell him to leave and you can be what God has called you to be instantly they were flooded with thoughts of and feelings at emotions as though they were their own thoughts and feelings they ended up in fear of God they were ashamed of their bodies they felt guilty for breaking what God had told him not to do so Satan's Kingdom had a right to speak spirit to spirit to Adam and Eve after they disobeyed see before they disobeyed that pathway was not allowed God did not allow the enemy to even speak to them spirit to spirit that's why Satan had to use something physical a serpent to speak to them because it wasn't allowed before they disobeyed and then all those evil thoughts and feelings come you know flying in and just like like and just like that thoughts at the spirit level transferred to their soul by the fate of brainwave activity and they became one with the law of sin the thoughts that Adam and Eve had were not their own thoughts but they thought there were their own thoughts in Genesis 3:11 and he said who told you that you're naked who do you think told him they didn't just come up with it one day that spirit world began to speak to them that who was Satan using a serpent after they disobeyed the pathway of spirit the soul was opened up and evil thoughts began to flood in let's look at how Satan deceived them see he just twists the Word of God a little bit Satan wanted to be his own God he wanted to rule over every everyone Genesis 3:5 for God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof then your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods now if you got a King James Version if you'll look at that word gods it's little G little o little D it doesn't mean that you'll be God the Father or Jesus what he was saying was you can look we can give you this knowledge of good and evil and you can decide for yourself what's right and what's wrong see before they didn't have the knowledge of evil but what he's saying is hey you can be like us Devils you can have this knowledge that God's holding back from you we'll give it to you if you'll just disobey God will give you this knowledge of evil and you can be your own God and you can decide who you're gonna follow and here we are today with that same choice so sin must have existed before Adam your enemy can train you in the law of sin that law is a way of thinking that you follow as if it were truth that law doesn't from God it comes from Satan and his kingdom and we've all been listening but what are we going to do with it what can we do about it if you don't like what came into this planet through Adam and Eve then through Christ today and what he did at the cross you have the right to kick that kingdom back into it's dry place or that second heaven where when it goes back there it's in torment and then you can be in peace you get to decide am I gonna be in peace or gonna make this other Kingdom at peace am I gonna let my body manifest this evil nature of this kingdom back into a physical world or am I not going to do that it's your choice it's the power of the cloths for the believers that Jesus gave us authority and power over that evil Kingdom could it be that mankind mankind's genius is not from God well let's look I want to look at the word genius 80% of the definition of the word genius involves a spirit guide scriptures show even in political dynasties men are actually puppets on a string thoughts come to them as if it were their own genius of their own intellect when in fact those thoughts are coming from that invisible second heaven so your thoughts may not be your own you can be trained with the mind set in the genius of another Kingdom and be used in the church the genius can control even God's people is there a genius assigned to the destruction of your family tree yes what is the genius behind mankind's evil in this world it is Satan Satan's Kingdom it's genius what is behind the genius of the Medes and the Persians we know in Daniel that the genius behind the Medes and the Persians was the Prince of Persia French stands for principality remember I showed you the four layer Kingdom principality at a high level the prince of persia is an invisible principality that ruled over the Medes and the Persians that genius to do what he did did not come from him it came out of Satan's Kingdom Alexander the Great also was influenced by that invisible Kingdom the genius behind Alexander the Great was the Prince of Grisha and you can you can look that up in Daniel chapter 10 verse 20 the Prince of Grisha or the Principality of Grisha the genius behind every movement every false religion is Satan's Kingdom it comes through thought from your his spirit to your spirit and over into your soul through that theta brainwave activity first John 4:1 beloved believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God there it is you got to know what spirit is speaking to you Satan can appear as an angel of light which is why we are told to try every spirit war in in the heavens we see that in the scripture Daniel read a prophecy and he pray for the prophecy to be fulfilled the prophecy foretold the people would come out of captivity and go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple Daniels prayer was heard and an immediate response was sent out but was hindered for 21 days by warfare in the second heavens the prophecy was fulfilled and the people were let go and the temple was rebuilt and that upheaval God's people were delivered this is found in Daniel chapter 10 the invisible ruling principality today is Gog this is what is unfolding now in current events and is found in Ezekiel 38 and 39 the nation's gog rules over existed back in iniquity or antiquity and iniquity the nations goggled existed in the time of antiquity this is most of Persia Ethiopia known as Africa today including Egypt southern Russia and the Middle East the seed of ham are all the Islamic nations of today 80% of Islam or not Arabs they include the Canaanites the palace Palestinians and the Philistines there seems to be an indication that the seed of Japheth which we are the seed of Japheth which is America the European Common Market and the white anglo-saxon nations will join together with ham against Shem which is Israel or the Jewish people this seems to be a prophetic indicator that there is going to be a war and many of the Bible translations of the day even removed that war well talk a little bit about Carl Jung he is the founder of modern [Music] psychotherapy I was just talking this morning to one of our employees and she she said is this coming out of my unconscious I said hon I love to tell you this you don't have an unconscious you're a spirit you're a soul and you're a body you don't have an unconscious that things come out of and this is this is where this unconsciousness came from out of Carl Jung's teaching Carl Jung was a son of a German pastor he didn't like what his dad was doing because there was no power in it Carl Jung recognized an invisible disembodied Kingdom this invisible disembodied kingdom represented the evil in the darkness of his family trees he identified them as archetypes and dark dark shadows of our ancestral darkness we understand them as familiar spirits of our generational iniquity they carry four thoughts and patterns from generation to the next generation this is how genetic diseases passed from generation to generation in fact Carl Jung said all that I know about psychotherapy I learned from my spirit guide philemon this indicates that he was in contact with the invisible Stuart world the spirit guide was the genius behind Jung garyun psychotherapy under the spirit guides influenced young renamed the soul and called it the conscious mind or what some say unconscious mind Carl Jung skill of skillfully removed the spirit of a man from his teachings he renamed the spirit of man and called it the collective unconsciousness I got good news you don't have collective unconsciousness you're a spirit soul in a body now you have something evil speaking to you he said the archetypes and dark shadows of our ancestral darkness reside in the collective unconsciousness where by removing the reality of the spirit of a man from his teachings once again we see an invisible kingdom influencing mankind without recognizing where the thoughts come from so I want to wrap up here let's review what we've learned invisible beings communicate with spirit to spirit through theta brainwave activity we need to be aware of these two kingdoms that are communicating with us we need to learn how to discern spirits so that we will know what is of God and what is of Satan's Kingdom discerning of spirits is one of the nine gifts of the holy spirit discernment is the missing link in most lives the Word of God involves thought the Word of God is a being who spoke you've been you may have been bewitched come out of this kingdom of the Wichman understand this isn't about going to heaven it's about bringing what heaven represents here to this earth here and now we are to destroy the works of the devil so that our Father in Heaven will be glorified and we will have a long joyful life thank you so much I'm going to turn it over
Channel: Be in Health
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Length: 144min 11sec (8651 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 17 2018
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