Introduction to Power Virtual Agent

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[Music] everyone this is Danielle and today we are doing an introduction to power virtual agents so in this video I'm gonna go ahead and kind of walk you through what PVA or power virtual agents is and then we'll end with a little bit of a nice demo as well so I know that most of you people are also very powerful agents the whole concept of power watch agents which is you know it is something to empower your people to drive more business value using a alright but I know there's also some of you who might ask the question is that why are you Daniel why are you interested in power virtual agents and for that answer I want to go back almost two and a half years ago if you remember in my videos and I'll put the link of that in my blog and when we switch it what I might even show that to you I had done a deep dive video on Q&A maker and it's integration with power apps and as you remember how about that video there was a bit of a process to go through right besides the fact that I had to give it a whole bunch of questions and had to give it a whole bunch of answers and do some training there was a little punky all right there was a lot of work involved so keeping that history in mind plus I went ahead and tested Lewis as well Lewis was definitely a step up great tool over there but again the required a lot of work a little bit of training and again little clunky so after having all that experience now that I've been testing power virtual agents or PVA for about over two months this is definitely a breath of fresh air because it is so easy to use and it was so easy to adopt too because literally a power user who doesn't need any coding whatsoever can literally just jump in and start playing with it and if that user is even familiar with power automation or flow just the whole concept of you know actions and conditions and everything even if you're slightly familiar with that you're gonna be able to adopt this so much more faster so having said all of that let's actually kind of walk through a little bit if any of you you know seeing about are hearing what parallel virtual agents for the first time this would be kind of a good introduction so let me just spend a few minutes talking about that so one of the things about PVA is that it is literally a chat part to help and as we know that chat bots sometimes they can be difficult to create all the utonium vodka anemic and lewis they can also be difficult to make you know you need really good sneeze or subject matter experts to build it even after you build it they might be you know difficult use or hard to add up and if it is hard to adopt you got to go back again talk to the IT people or whoever is the developer to make all these things so that's where adoption sometimes with chat pods can be difficult but won't be the case when we talk about in PVA over here the other thing about chat bots is you know like I said it will be easier to adopt but the beauty of our power virtual agents over here that it literally is for everyone like I just said no longer do you have to depend on somebody else to build it you yourself can build it and the building can be done for everyone's experience it can be run for the customers experience this means the subject matter experts and the IT admins and developers so now that you understand the whole reasoning as to why PVA apparel red shield agents came into existence let's actually focus a little bit more attention on that so as you may have already seen in the Ignite videos power virtual agents of PVA is out of the whole power platform family and it is literally in that whole category of a low code no code space and we all know that the power platform family you fell under power bi power absent power automate these were the original three family members but back in ignite of 2019 which was just November it wasn't too far far away back in in nano 2019 that's when they introduced the fourth family member which is PVA our power virtual agents so in a nutshell this is basically it that power washer agents was you know it was introduced in the Nano Kearney 19 and it is part of the power platform over there but power virtual agents is lit even though I say that hey it is a very low code and as a user friendly don't even for a minute you know misunderstand the haze is too simple and I might not have enough to use for it trust me under the hood this thing is a really powerful bar I mean this look at the bot framework over here and like I said under the hood it has access to pretty much everything you can think of because it does work with creation of speech QA language understanding or Louis over their vision it integrates all of this over there so it's not a completely new thing altogether which is just build from you know scratch and saying I'm not too sure about that trust me under the hood it is still the same powerful powerful platform of all the entire cognitive services but what it does is it goes ahead and leverages and makes it all easier over there and just from the cognitive services over there look at the expansion of how much you can do I mean this is a whole big category of API is that PVA is calling over there and just you know I'm just calling out a few things about that you can do the division integration over there you can do the Bing search and this is just you know I'm just barely scratching the surface or the capabilities of power virtual agent over there so let's continue in looking at you know the concept of how power virtual agents is I showed you those two slides over there so basically if you looked at a a kind of a pyramid structure of what is the you know fundamentals of PVA and on what it builds on this is actually a great example so the initial fundamentals of PVA up our virtual agents is it all banks on Azure cognitive services and I showed you that scratch slide before is that as your cognitive Services is calling all those api's over there but then the next thing that comes in mind is the a Shabbat services and the optionbot services are the two examples that I showed Q&A maker and Lewis again that's like the sixths at the second level over there the next level it also falls into the entire category of the power platform which is in the same family over there and as we all know the power platform has this huge big stack of connectors that it's got access to so now that Lewis is part of the family Lewis can do the same thing as well and I mean and run Lewis PVA or power virtual agents and so that's right it's best to kind of see it this way that power virtual agents is actually at the top of the pyramid although it might just be the tip of the iceberg but there's a big section underneath if it's supports the functionality of power virtual agents over there so I personally I'm really excited about testing and playing with power virtual agents because it's not completely new altogether underneath it is all of these really strong platforms that have been fully functional it's been there for a while and p VAR parallel virtual agents this helps you in automating that process over there so it's really a great process and this is really almost get tried and tested way just makes things all come together and work really well but you know don't let that not kind of not get you excited because I'm going to show you some nice demos on that so in a nutshell that was about pvn what we're gonna do is we're gonna actually build our very first PVA together what I'm gonna do is actually break this down into two different sections this one over here I'm focusing only on the concept of asking questions and based on conditions giving messages or answers that's the focus of this video here I'm also going to build a second video and in that second video I'm gonna take it to the next level what I'll do is I'll actually save all our questions and answers' data in c.d.s entity and then using power automate the east on whatever was the questions that was asked by the end user flow or power automate is gonna help us to go and grab that data and then get it back over there in addition I'm also gonna show you how I can do some integration and the one of the great integration is now that you've built a chat board using power virtual agents we're gonna go ahead and take that and put it into teams but I'm gonna save all of that for the next next video so in this video now here's what I'm focusing on but you know in the whole concept like I said it's gonna be about asking questions and conditions over there but I thought I'd take a really good example a real-world example and the next but the people that keep my mind immediately were my friends at power apps nine-one-one now as you all know power-ups 9-1-1 is a great company a consulting company for you know pretty much everything to do with the power platform the three people that we talked about the original three members and one of the things that power or not power-ups 9-1-1 does is they have this type of support model right they go ahead and help with all of these things but and they get a ton of emails day after day week after week asking all these same questions is that hey power-ups I don't want what are the services that you offer because we love power us man nine month nine one one Shane does a fantastic job you know building all these great videos over there and we really need your support what are the services you order I mean you offer and every single time that email comes through they pretty much have to respond back to these things you know even though have it on their website these questions come in again and again so I thought this is a great idea is to use the company like that and actually build a chatbot for them a chat board which basically goes ahead and takes you know works with the end user or where was the customer or potential customers they come ahead and ask the chat bot a little bit of simple questions and then anytime any of these type of questions come up the chat pod immediately responds back to that so that is going to be an example it's a great example because it might be similar to what you are doing you know maybe a first level customer support for something similar or maybe a first level IT or first level HR simple type of questions which are so mundane and repetitive the chat BOTS can handle that all right so now that you understand a little bit of PVA and I also kind of gave you a little bit of a scenario what this example is let's now start with the slides and let's jump in and take a look at the closer closer look at the details of this so let me now switch over and get up from the slides let me switch over to some of the examples like I said before I jump in this was the actual video I talked about you know back on July 14th of 2017 that's that's two and a half years ago I had actually focused on Q&A maker and so that's when you know that our virtual agents came out that was that was a big deal for me all right so anyway I apologize I digressed a little bit so now let's jump in to our virtual agents so I'm gonna walk you through at the first attempt of how I was able to at least get the PVA started right now we can go ahead and do a whole you know free setup and do some testing and that's what I'm gonna walk you through it as if I'm a first-time user some similar to some of you watching this videos and then maybe you can you know just kind of use this video on the side and kind of walk through with me how I went ahead and set this up right and for one some reason if it doesn't work I already have a fully functioning what we can use so what I'm gonna do is I have a test tenant and we're gonna login use the authentication of the test tenant what I mean by that is I already have a fully functional office 365 and power platform and I have it on account all right that's my tenant now I'm using that tenant to go ahead and set up a test one for power virtual agents as well you know I didn't have to create a new account a new tenant all three this is an existing one that I have but now I'm leveraging the power virtual agents as well so for the power virtual agents on the URL if you just start typing in power virtual agents this is what you're gonna get and that's the URL power virtual agent start Microsoft on you can also get this PV power v8 both of them work right I'm gonna click on that and then here it says here I'm gonna get you started with your existing email address you could actually type in your business email address don't use anything test Gmail or are in a hotmail use a business one over there all right so I'm gonna say yep that's good I'll go to get sign up so it's gonna get me sign up so you have an account with us that's great and I'm gonna go ahead and start using the power of virtual agents with that existing password okay so that's good I'm gonna now put it in my password and in me go yep that's good so far so good everything's working so I'm almost there says let's just look at that for a minute for now this is my test account so I'm willing to share so I'm gonna say yep up and I'm gonna go ahead and share my information you don't have to do that it's completely up to you but just as a quick lead to say Microsoft will send you promotions and offers and blah blah blah so I'll say yep that's good I'll go ahead and create that again this is something I'm doing if you don't want to do it it's completely fine so we are going ahead and getting everything done and it says one last thing please wait it's kind of getting you login and does all its fancy things in behind the scenes and it gets me straight over here one more time I gotta go and sign it and then maybe it even ask you for a identification may not ask you for authentication in this case it's asking me that one more time which is fine okay so you already have a license for it good so basically it didn't go through a refresh something it just did a quick license check which in this case is just a trial so you don't have to have a license all right okay got it and it's letting me in and it looks like I'm already here now this is a very important piece over here so you need to focus on that there's two things we are doing not only I mean creating a bar because that's itself is huge you get to play with your own power watch legends woohoo that's great but I want you to kind of pay a little bit attention on there's more options over here more options actually tells you which environment you want your bar to be created I have wish that it was off this was kind of more obvious that you know you didn't have to go selecting more options but you know what if somebody else in the product team is watching this video they would know that hey this is a good feedback maybe they might make that as a mandatory thing something which is more visible but if not you are all smart people who are there okay you know understand that hey just in case for whatever reason I need to just go take a look at this more options there might be something I need to take a look at so I know there's a whole bunch of you who are smart people and you wouldn't just want to look at the name and go away you will go ahead and click on more options so I have faith in you okay so in my tenant over here I have two I've got the default one and I've also got another one this is another environment over there for the sake of this example I'm just gonna go ahead and default but for you all I want to point this out that you need to be very cautious of which environment you're putting this in because remember this is all part of the power platform and in the power platform all of you have been using it environments is a big thing right it helps to break it down into different sections permissions apps and all of those things over there and the same process works on PVA power word agents as well because it's part of the same family so huge huge first step to take over there so I am going to call this bar as chewie chewie is like the big mascot for power-ups 9 1 1 I'm a big fan of chewy in fact I even have a picture of chewy I mean a little mascot of chewy over here so here is chewy and therefore I'm gonna go ahead and put in my bots name as chewy so everything's good like I said created in the default you guys go ahead and stick it to whatever you want and I'm gonna go ahead and create the bar now in the sports section over here it can take a while it can take anywhere from 5 to 10 to 15 minutes again really depends on what it is this is all and you know still in the testing mode so if it takes a little bit long don't you know yet don't freak out yet it's just going on it's actually going building the bark and if you stick some Wells's let it do what it has to do and it'll come back in fact here's the message which says that we are still building a bot and it could take up to 15 minutes so you know while we are still doing that feel free to you know chat with the test bar trust testing conversations and so on and so forth so what I'm gonna do it is I'm just gonna let it do over here and it says on the top it says creating about step 1 it when done finishing it step 2 of there's a four step process it's on step to assembling the necessary files and then it will go ahead and come to step 3 and step 4 so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna kind of speed up a little bit in this video I'm gonna let this thing finish what it is doing and then I'll come back to it nice as you can see the bot has been fully created if you also notice if you're watching it closely step number one goes really fast and it's step number two then it stays at step number two for a while it can actually stay there for a solid 15 minutes and then you know three and four goes by really fast to know that's what it happened in my tenant it could be different in yours all around it can take up to 15 minutes and that's normal and that's just not for you so don't kind of you know get agitated or freaked out this is just the way it is but now that if you go in over here you see that the bot has been created and you can now use power virtual agents with full functionality also you notice that these buttons well this button was grayed out but now it's fully available okay so one of the good things I like is that make the bot you know this popup message that comes up over here says they make the bot you own you know click topics and when you get started and everything so what kind of go through at least all of this right now okay so I'm just gonna go in I'm gonna go ahead and close this out and let's spend a few minutes just looking at what you have set up over here so first things first is over here is always your test bought section so anytime you build something this is where you go ahead and test it all right it's all there the testing is there you don't have to go somewhere else it's all built into the PVA section away and in this kind of an environmental test which is great but the next thing that I want you to do is I want you to go to hapax so we here in the topics or you can go it through here go topics the topics and either way you want to do it it takes you to something which is very important it takes you to a place where it's already been created these topics have already been created so let's kind of focus on these two things you know you want deep dive too much into it but I want you to kind of just narrow it down into these two things there is the user topics and then there is the system topics so the system topics aren't those really key important things which is the initial greeting and then the end or in middle if you want to go ahead and escalate you know those key key things which kind of the system handles that's what it's doing over here and it's great that this is already built out of the box so you don't have to spend too much time doing on that and then the next one is the user topics now user topics is where we'll be spending most of our time on and that's the time now you'll be spending as well because a lot of it is already done and built there is where you'll go ahead and actually start building your own so in this example we'll actually do a topic called s service center or service request something like that because they service request is coming in you know for that powerups 9 1 1 and that's what will create load over here that's one thing the second thing I want you to focus on should have been the first one actually is on the top right over here is the bot panel it's on it's called the bots panel this is what shows you two key things which environment you are on and the bots that you're working on because this might be the first time and you only see one bot away here but as you get comfortable with this you're gonna have a lot more environments and you're gonna have a lot more BOTS and it's very key that when you're working on something you know you start adding editing you know deleting topics and whatnot you need to know right up the aura up front which one you're working on so kind of keep an eye on that on the top right away here it's almost like a mini bar icon you go ahead and click on that but it's the bots panel and then you make sure that you're selecting the correct one in which our case it's correct it's chewy so that's when we're selecting over here okay so entities is another one this don't kind of mistake this too much with the entities which you would see on your CD s entities although the or all concept is the exact same thing but these are again the out-of-the-box pre-built methods that are already available over here there is the age boolean you know cities colors so for an example the one that I you know we'll be talking a little bit more on is called as the event so when I go on the event a great example over here is these are the pre-built entities that are already there so if the users input which is last year's World Cup Series then that is already in the World Cup entity and it's in the saved value over there so if for something like that in the event I want to go ahead and actually make some changes this is very can-do you can do a little bit more training so kind of keep that in mind and I can it go ahead and add a little bit more into this but we'll save all that for another day all right at the end when you're done finishing a Bart building about always remember to go ahead and hit publish because publish is basically what's saving the bar over there very similar to the power apps canvas over there you know you do the save and in this case the savings are happening over there but you also want to do the publish so in this case it'll actually be more helpful in the second video especially when we start making connectors to other environments it's in our case will be teams you have to do the publish at least once all right so this is just overall you know kind of key things that you need to know but now let's go ahead and build a topic so in the topic area over here I'm going to go ahead on my topic side is click on the topic so I'm going to create a new topic and I'm going to call this topic as services Carlo a here services and in the services I'm gonna say you know not common service related questions and what you are here it says that how might your customers ask you know how much your customers ask about this topic try to start with at least ten five or ten diverse phrase phrases over there so that's exactly what I'm gonna do is that when service this type of questions come up what are the type of phrases that are used over there so I'm gonna start putting them in and some of them not even full phrases they could just be one letter sent one letters over there so what I'm gonna say is mentoring is a common one that's asked so I'm gonna put that in there is also things such as training do that service it's another one and you can each stop hitting the ad or whether you can just hit enter on your keyboard that also helps oh then next I'm gonna start adding some sentences over there right that you'll freeze it so I'm gonna say services you offer and if you notice I don't put the uppercase s cuz it's smart enough to figure that out support you auto offer then I also say sometimes people come and says hey I got a question regarding your support also put in support then you can go ahead and put in other things such as something projects prepaid just anything I can think of right now that's all I'm putting it over there support support with training training we offer services we offer I think I already put in those a little bit too much me double check I can also put in what we offer and if you notice it is actually going ahead and keeping me track of the total number of count so I've already gone over the ten on the Mac side requirements I'm gonna stop over here because this is pretty good next thing is I'm gonna go ahead and click on save topic because you're gonna do that you want to save your topic so you don't lose any of your work topic successfully saved let it do its thing over here and now I'm gonna go to the altar in canvas all right it's also giving me an error see what this error is maybe it is okay so in the in the error is actually it already went ahead and put in the first section of the bot so we'll just come back to that in a minute but I wanna kinda at least walk you through the same process okay so we were here we were in the services now when we finished up adding all the services I'm gonna go to go to authoring canvas I'm gonna click on that now in the authoring canvas this is what it is and by default the first section is already added over here unclick that what it is Karl is a node that's the key term a node a node which in this case is the message that first node is by default out of the box already added I didn't add this but he just saw me do it on the fly so this nodes already added over here which means that if you ask if you saw that error before it's really nothing that you did it on the trigger side this is just something that you know happen over there so again that's pretty fine all right so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna kind of build it very simple I'm not going to call any data sources or anything it's just in this case we're gonna build our own thing so the first thing I'm gonna do is besides all the triggers I mean the the trigger phrases over there I'm gonna start with saying hi there okay and that's good the next one I'm gonna do is I'm going to again click over there and I'm gonna ask a question and the question I'm gonna say here are the top services we offer does any one of these capture your interest but a question mark now let's take a look at the identify you've got a few options over here you can identify with multiple choices users response boolean city color a whole bunch of them right and in the next set of videos and everything will kind of deep dive into a little bit more but since this is an intro / beginner level one just getting you familiar with it you're gonna stick with a simple one which is the multiple choices you can also use the users entire response and will actually use that for the next media so now hold on to that part but let's start with a very simple one which is multiple choices now in the multiple choices section over here I am going to add a few multiple choices and these are the multiple choices which are the services basic the services that power ups nine one one has to offer now if you remember in the slide I kind of showed you those four services that's the exact one that I'm gonna pick over here and the service will basically in this format they were the ad-hoc support and I'm gonna click on new action and see automatically does that this is beautiful it's just like a nice painting which is drawn over here because it automatically does that and it's so pleasing you into the eye because you know when you've been a u.s. somebody is building it you can't even see what's going on right and you see that hey I added ad hoc which means not only is the system smart enough to put in a condition for a dog it knows that hey there's a second one coming over there so you went in and added that as well really smart system over here I love it sorry tonight next one I'm gonna do is free paid consulting to eyes or they're consulting next I'm gonna do projects and then finally training all right and okay this looks good so now you notice what happened over here is went ahead and added this little node section over here what happened is since it was a question the PV a smart enough to go in and say here I'm gonna take that question and I'm gonna save it to this variable then I'm gonna sign that variable all over here to each of them really really smart way of doing that what I want to do is I want to take this one step further because I'm taking all my power automating flow experiences and I'm gonna apply them over here as well one of the things we know of any applied it in the variables in power automate is over here I actually gave that variable a name so I'm gonna do the same thing over here and I'm gonna keep it really simple I'm gonna click on that this variable I'll just rename that to service options and I'll leave the variable now watch this when I click on done all four of these automatically update I mean it is so simple they've really done a great job making our options as end-users non-developers use this because we don't have to go ahead and find where everythings are connected it automatically takes care of that for you really great job okay so now I'm gonna do a lot of a lot of copying and pasting because in the the way the the company in this case power-ups 9-1-1 this is the service they support so far i had hogs support they actually have a service plan so now here is all I'm gonna shades I'm gonna show a message yep all right here we go so for the first one for services option the services and that is the ad-hoc support it's right here talks supporting a little copy and pasting in fact let me just do that I'd support the RDoc support is bold nice next one over here prepaid consulting for the prepaid consulting I do that with prepaid consulting I'm not arresting a lot of copying and pasting and even that works really well so free a whole thing and I'm actually glad I did it this way because now you can even see how I'm using that that's great let's go to projects and the projects I'm just going to show a message the projects old this is what they have for projects and the final one for training and in the training I got again show a message training bold and over here I'm even intentionally putting in a URL and even the URL goes really well so I'm glad actually I did this because the copying and pasting was one thing but I'm showing you how this all works so now I'm gonna go ahead and do one save all right rock really well so in this case I'm gonna kind of spend a little bit more time on this nice toolbar you see over here and this testy about so when the time comes to test it you actually click on this and we'll do that in a minute but there's some neat things over here this gives you the option to not zoom in gives you the option to zoom out gives you the option to recenter the whole thing against if I have moved around and I've done you know zooming in and whatnot it gives me the option to recenter it all back again and then there is these other things over here which is you know kind of shows you a mini map that right now I'm on this zone over here which is it kind of shows me that I can take it drag it around really neatly because remember this is just a beginner level type of things when you get comfortable with it and you start adding more of your flow I mean you know the work flow process and it grows this is gonna really help for you to scan things up and down really is gonna be useful and then over here it just tells you I want to watch the variables and right now we only have one variable which is the service option so that's all it helps over here alright so now I'm gonna show you this one little tricky part when there's really not much documentation or you know and see any other video show this but what's happening is that now you see this section over there it is giving me the functionality to connect to other places I really wish that section was available over here because watch what I'm gonna do is I'd like to now put in then once all of this is done I just want a message show up is that if everything is done I'm gonna actually start and say you know what that was a great question but here's what's happening I would just love to see this icon be available over here and just do a drag and drop you know just not dragging about but just to click on it and you know stretch it and just connect it straight to that that functionality is not available right now but there's a workaround for that okay all is not lost so what I do is I actually go ahead and just create another message create another message and then create another message and you know I would not be surprised that there is an easier way to do this I'm learning as I'm going along as I'm sharing this but right now from all the testing I've done also those four lessons that I saw what that this is kind of the best way to go through so what I did is initially I just added this one but let's say if I want to do it here so I'll take that I'm clicking on it I'm gonna drag it with my you know and I'm clicking on it hold that button down on the mouse and stretch it now you watch how the color changed over there and now you see that I'm folding my button down I'm gonna go in click on it and connect it and it's connected let's keep doing that this is also connected if you notice these things flap or there and we'll deal with that in a second but you had to add that message first for this option to appear and then once that option appeared you click on it and now you go ahead and drop that here it's really a beautiful way for it to work just a little tedious that didn't you know this option for those dots to show up didn't come up front but that's okay we have a way to work around that but now I got these for at least originally three created which I don't need so I'm just gonna go ahead and delete that and you can see that there is actually the topic checker which is basically checking to see if got any errors even that has come up we'll go ahead and get rid of that but so far it all looks pretty nice and this is what I just showed to you is actually huge I didn't see this document in any way I didn't even see anyone build a blog on that this is the first time some if we're coming in and seeing this for the first time I'm glad you're here because you're also getting to learn this okay so let's continue with the with a little bit more in the logic cycle it's not just stop over here let's make this a little bit more fun and exciting so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna ask another question I'm gonna say it is there anything else you need and I'm gonna leave it at multiple choice I'm gonna leave the default as yes this says no and then I'm gonna change the variable name I'm gonna change that to leave the Bacchus bar or variable and change that to anything else yep that's good so now these two came up over there and this is great so there's another big thing I'm going to show you is if it is yes then if it is yes don't bring another question I'm gonna not an action and ask another question so that's an important thing right if somebody who is using it has another question I'm just gonna say hey is this regarding the services he offer and here's why I'm doing that because if you know the person who came in they only went ahead and checked about the training and everything is good but they want to go and check about other services they offer that's the question I'm gonna ask first is that hey is this a new question altogether or is this about the services but if it is about the services there's something else I'm gonna show which is another really important and tricky piece over here so here again I'm just saying is this regarding the services we offer them yes and in this yes I'm gonna actually add another services question variable click on it shows up over here love that piece I really do okay so if it is somebody saying is that you know somebody says hey I actually do have another service question which means that's a yes if that's a yes then I really should not be going ahead and doing all of this you know adding the whole thing again basically this entire section that I did I should not be doing this whole thing all over again what I really want to do is I just want to go ahead and tie this directly right up over here I would just go ahead and make it such that the question if it if the person has another service question take that loop and loop it back start the loop oh there and loop it back straight to this section over here that's what I want to do but the same issue happens from the site as well because now I don't have this type of appearance I wish I had that what I want is I'll temporarily go ahead and say yeah that's just going to show another message and when I do that I see this option over here so now I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click on it okay watch what happens I'm gonna click on it and it stays that way next thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and click on the one up here I guess something interesting happen let's go back and see what happened the discard changes that stayed over there so that was all good I was all good is there another question and I'm gonna actually click on this is an interesting thing because when I meant done added another question I'm not even adding anything I'm just leaving it at that and say if this is a great question I had a condition and it actually moved not we didn't move right here's another question let me go ahead and add that back away here because we lost a little section asked a question is there any thing else you need say yes no I lost that entire thing that's fine we'll rebuild it that's what that's the beauty of a live demo anything else variable done I'm gonna go ahead say that as well that way I don't lose it and on the yes side I'm gonna ask another question I'm gonna say is this regarding the services we offer and I would say yes say no and over here remember in the variable' I'm gonna change that to another services question done I'm gonna go ahead and save it now this one over here I don't really want to connect this one to the one on the top right over here this is where I want to connect it to so what I can do is here I'm gonna tie that I'm gonna click on that and then next is right over here I'm gonna click on that and then automatically from here see this comes over here but from there it goes straight up it's constantly still going it's still going and for some reason it's connecting on that side let's try that again I'm gonna have a question delete that it's a little tricky but I'm gonna intentionally do that I'm gonna do it from here selected that and then I'm gonna take this all the way up to right here there you go that's what happened it went down and took care of it now all right so let's go back and take a look because I know I was a little slow over there but now if it is another question that's been asked and then I ask hey is this regarding the services we offer when I click over there it takes me straight up and it connects me to all of this over here over here this section was the same thing that happened because when I went and said in ask another question this piece over here was already something that was way below here and that just moved up so I'm gonna go ahead and now delete this and one of the good things I'm a process is I recommend it delete it start from the bottom delete it and then work your way to the top delete it and if everything looks good go ahead and save it this is a key step alright and as you can see it's a little you know getting used to nothing wrong about it what it does is really great just getting used to so kind of do what I did bend ahead and first of all plan your logic that's what I did it what it's planning the logic and then once the new step comes up if you click on the add node that's when the circle comes up and you click on it first the beginning of where the logic is gonna be then I went ahead and scroll all the way up and I wanted it to the end or where the loop should be and so I went that and clicked it over here started over there clicked it up over there and that's how this thing was able to go up or straight up over there this was a little difficult for me to initially figure out what I did learn from is I went through the lessons that were there there's lesson 1 2 3 4 the fourth lesson actually showed me this option so I think ah there is a way to go ahead and move this up so there's there's a way I can figure it out and was just by playing close attention to these things that okay if I select this then it gets highlighted which means now all I got to do is select somewhere else and that's how there's an entire loop process works all right got it okay cool so let's now go ahead and now say I'm gonna finish up that if there is is there anything else over here if there's nothing else then I'm just gonna end this conversation so I can click on here and I'm going to add the question and I can actually end it either way I can end it with end with the survey or I can go with another topic I can go and basically say I'm gonna end with the survey ok and for this one so that that was for you know this section over here there's nothing else is needed in this section there was if it was to do with another question we went ahead and wind up over there but if there really wasn't to do with any other question then what I'll do is okay I'll make a message and then I'll say ok let me get let me get someone to help and then someone to help I'm going to go ahead and add this option over here and that option is call an action and then calling an action there is an option to escalate and the escalate is actually the starting point of taking it from the bar to a user I bought to a person and I bought to a person can be different ways you can go ahead and send an email or there's other options right click you know do a voice over IP things different options available over there but that's basically how you know you can go ahead and do that so I'm just going to go ahead and end it right now because I don't have too many of these options but for now I'll just end it with you know escalate this is where you escalate all right that's what I'm leaving it for night right now let me just check to see Yeah right now that shows up pretty nice all in action let me try that again there was no option over there that's fine I'll just leave it at this for now because we know that in the future and you want to go ahead and you know leverage other things this is ready can do that what I could actually do is okay great send alright so I could just do it up over here let me and end it over here okay the next step is then you can do is send an email with a detailed description in support power Apps nine man man calm all right really great way to do that and then over here I'm gonna do the exact same thing is come over here and the conversation and I can end it either a transfer to an agent send you straight to the agent or I can go ahead and do you know the same thing I did before which was just end with survey so now we've got a fully functioning chat pod over here and the chart bot name is chewy so let's do some testing right and yes we can also take a quick look at this is all the work that we did it's a pretty great amount of work right it has the trigger we went out and got the trigger over there you and it was out of the question so the question was hey you know everything is good in the question side everything is good we went ahead and did a message in the message we just said hi added a question in the question those are basically about the four services that I talked about nice way that the services show up over there looks beautiful went ahead and added some information about the services for the sake of this one it's just text information then I went and add another question remember how I showed you how you can trick the system that you you have to go ahead and click on it first put that message in and then drag it over there show you that little trick then we went ahead and put and put that in ask another question there was another question I'm just checking to see hey is this regarding more services because if it was regarding more services if it was a yes then I went ahead and looked it up over there that was a little tricky part that I showed you but it worked successfully and then also and then if it is not I just provided the email address all right so let's now do some testing so do some testing the bots sampled bought testing one is right over here it says test your BOTS they click on it and I'm gonna say start with hi there now this hi there comes from all the setup already predetermined things so the predetermined kind of you know sections which are there which takes care of the initially introduction so in the internet in initial introduction says hey I'm a virtual agent I can help you with you know account questions or store information blah blah blah you once you into it comfortable with this and you started testing the bots and everything you can go into that area and even tweak it because what I would do for this one is I would just say hey I'm a virtual agent my name is chewy how can I help you with so that's what I say so I'm gonna now say I'm just going to say services because remember service is one of the triggers that I added over there so the services I said did you mean services it's like yeah I did again the bot wasn't too sure so he just asked you and that's a great thing about the bot doesn't make sure do level trust but verify as against it saying ah it's a wrong question I don't even know what to do I'm gonna excel at this one it doesn't do that it is still smart enough to just check with you and I don't have to train that in fact if you know you work you're watching it doing the whole thing I don't have to train that it the whole thing that's pretty neat so in this case I'm gonna say yeah I know what I just want to know how to ad hoc support model so it goes to the ad hoc support model it goes in today great question here's the ad I mean a dog support information remember all the testing that we did also if you'll notice thing it's showing you what everything is going on away it's actually showing you the flow see all the checks that are coming in healing really love the way this thing is also easily built and kind of shows you each step how this is working but let's test this a little bit more so this was a great question is there anything else you need I want to say actually yes which means it's gonna come back and say is this regarding the services we offer remember how we built it that just in case if it is another servicing offer it asks you that question and I'm gonna say yes yes means now that loop comes in handy so what she actually jumped up over there really cool way and what's yeah actually I want to know what the preconceived consulting so same thing it goes in over here and provides me the PP prepaid consulting information so you could keep doing that again and again and the loop will just work because it's a really smart system and now I'm gonna say is there anything else you need Lucy no I'm good this is nope and then it goes to the second round of singing so hey did that answer your questions this is yes it answered the questions and then it will come back and say hey great please rate your experience that reading the experience piece comes over here in the end of the conversation once the excellent and then in the excellent Thank You fair feedback and I hope you win anything else no thanks and then it'll come back and say thanks for chatting with you bye now this last bit of piece of things about thanks for your feedback is there anything else those are using all those pre built-in topics that I showed initially it automatically kicks off to all of those so there's pre-built topics I really need because we don't have to do anything about that and since those are the most commonly one initial and the end topics it already is pre built into them so one other thing that I want to show you is that after we built this I want to go ahead and click on publish because you've got to publish it at least one is publish it over here click on publish and it's gonna publish your content this piece doesn't take as long as building your bought it just literally finish the bottle of was talking but the next thing I wanted to show you is that when you go to manage there is this channels over here this is the power of virtual agents channels okay click on channels and they're just really neat thing over there which is the demo website so you build on the demo website it clicks on it I mean I click on it then you can actually tweak it just a little bit to say hey talk to Chewie and the common starting is hyda chewy how can I help I know all right if I save it you now have copied it copied the links on my clipboard and I can just come over here and this is what you can give to your other peers and they can go ahead and do the testing when I do that testing see it comes up over your hey talk to chewy and then the Chuy's you know it gives you but this is basically it remember the bots name shows up over here chewy that's the bots that we built and this is all the testing again will hi there so I'm just gonna show a few things over there so you know that this is what I've come with they have a license question so sorry market I was we didn't have a license question let's say support I'm gonna put in support of a simple thing over there hi there here at the top services we offer so you kind of get it that this is the exact same board that we build and if I pick on something which is projects it just goes to the same flow process we build so I really like this demo up section over here as well because you can just provide this link to your peers over there and it goes ahead and does the same information about testing the bots and all of that so I know I spent a good solid 52 minutes you know working on this section over here but I did it step-by-step this was an introduction so I talked about the bot system he went to the slide deck over here told you about you know some of the things that the bots can do I even walked you through how to login for the very first time to the power of virtual agents the initial things that have to happen over here you know the the testing phase how you go ahead and create your first part remember I told you that click on the more options because you want to pick and choose your environment don't forget to do that and then once it goes through it creates the bot the bot took a little bit time I had a pause come back because it took a solid 15 minutes for me it can take the exact same time to you then I vent doesn't show you the different topics then over there how we create our own topics and then we build the entire chat bot a couple of key things that I showed you was how you can tie things over there automatically so there were off the four different topics when the next message was there how I was able to tie them in and then how I was able to loop it back also those are the two big things over there and you know that's how I walk you through and we did the testing and in the end I showed you the demo channel over here so hopefully this was helpful definitely get in start playing with it because you don't have to be an expert there was no coding whatsoever so just simple clicking and if any of you are already familiar with power automate you're gonna jump in and this is gonna make so much sense so much faster but if you're not with power automate again just jump in and play because everything I've shown you is enough information to start playing it so as always keep having fun
Channel: Daniel Christian
Views: 13,263
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: power virtual agent, power virtual agents introduction, power virtual agent demo, Step-by-step Power Virtual Agent, introduction to power virtual agent, power virtual agents, microsoft power virtual agent, power virtual agent microsoft, What is Power Virtual Agents, What is Microsoft Power Virtual Agents, How does Power Virtual Agent work, Beginner level Power Virtual Agent, How to build my first Power Virtual Agent, power virtual agents microsoft
Id: w8cfCu8i_Qk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 18sec (3138 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 18 2020
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