Introduction to Digital Surveillance Systems

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hello again as you know I'm Eli the computer guy over here for you lytic computer guy calm and everyman IT comm today's class is introduction to digital surveillance systems so uh so this is going to be kind of cool this is a kind of high-tech kind of like Mission Impossible type stuff we are going to be talking about all those little video cameras you see all over the place we're going to be talking about how they work what they are how to install them etcetera this is the first course in the digital surveillance systems track so uh sir this is going to be an introduction today we're going to go over the different types of systems different types of cameras the basic glossary terms that you have to understand and then we will have more classes that will dive deeper into the different facets of this technology will we'll have a class on how to how to spec out a surveillance system and make sure you're buying all the right parts we'll have a class on how to install an analog a surveillance system and we'll have at least one class on how to install network surveillance systems so this class today is a basic introduction to the concepts that you're going to have to understand one of the things that you're going to have to get you through your head and you're going to have to make sure that you understand is when we are talking about digital surveillance systems we're going to be talking about two basically two different types of digital surveillance systems there is the old analog digital surveillance system and there is a new IP based digital surveillance system a lot of the concepts of these two systems are the same or at least very very similar some of the concepts are very very different so I want you to think about this as we're talking about these different types of surveillance systems cameras and how it all works so when you're listening to me I will try to make sure that I separate separate the two types of systems but just realize there are two types of systems there's the old analog system that was being used widely all the way up until about five years ago and there are the new IP based systems which people are going to now again a lot of similar concepts a lot of completely different concepts - so as we're talking about this I just want you to keep that in your head I've installed the double surveillance systems so you know this is one of those those money tracks this is one of those tracks where if you sit down you learn what I'm talking about you get some parts on your own you figure out how to install surveillance systems you can make a lot of money very very quickly digital surveillance systems you're looking at being able to install for anywhere between 500 to $1,000 per camera which literally means 500 to 750 dollars profit per camera which means I used to be able to install 4 camera system have the check in my hand in about three hours you do the math on that so so this is one of those this is one of those tracks um you know it doesn't have to be about theory you can watch this for fun you can watch this you know just for entertainment and academia but if you want to use what I'm telling you and go out and make some money just understand doing digital surveillance systems can be very very very relatively easy of doing money the big thing that I'm going to tell you though with digital surveillance systems is when you're in the technology field and you're installing or you're implementing different facets of technology you're going to be using different resources so when you're doing web design or if you're doing web programming you use a lot of your time for that so if something blows up if something doesn't work out right you may not be able to build for time but you're not necessarily losing very much money the warning that I will give you and unloading surveillance systems and I've seen them blow up is surveillance system installation is a very hardware intensive type of technology so if you make a mistake you can eat a big loss I've seen two and three thousand dollar losses not just that you lost the sale but you lost the sale and now have three thousand dollars were the paperweights sitting in your your stockroom so you know we're going to go over this more as we go through the track and I'm going to be to be talking about the things you have to think about when you're installing these systems but please keep in your mind this is one of those facets of technology if you're going to do that you have to plan extraordinarily well you have to purchase your equipment from good vendors um and basically when you walk in the door you have to know exactly what you're doing if you do this is easy money this this digital surveillance systems this is the crap you can make a thousand dollars an hour at and I'm not joking not being melodramatic this is the stuff you can make real money yet this is also the stuff if you go out and buy cheap crap on the internet if you don't sit down and make sure you know what you're doing like I say you can eat thousands and thousands and thousands of dollars in losses in the blink of an eye so that's the main like warning that's the big warning I will give you with this tract huge upside as long as you take your time as long as you make sure you know what you're doing as long as basically you make sure that you're a professional about what you're doing huge downside if you go in and you hack like it's amateur hour so so just keep that in mind so again this is introduction to digital surveillance systems again this is the first class and a tract for digital system of installation and maintenance etc we're going to go over today we're going to go over the different types of digital surveillance systems the different types of technology we're going to go over the types of cameras that you're going to worry about we're going to talk about things that you you should consider when you're purchasing equipment we're going to talk about some of the legal issues that you should think about and basically then we'll just wrap all this up so if you give me a second we'll dive into this class introduction to digital surveillance systems so there's two basic types of digital surveillance systems that you are going to be dealing with when you get into digital surveillance systems you're going to be dealing with the old analog version of digital surveillance systems and you're going to also be dealing with IP based surveillance systems so in order to understand what I'm talking about let's first talk about what analog surveillance systems are so with analog systems basically what you have is you have a camera like this you have a cable that goes from this camera you know so this camera may be on the side of the building it may be 500 feet that way you know this may be a long long way away but you have a cable that goes directly from here all the way back to a port on a computer that looks like this so you have a cable that runs all the way from this camera wherever this camera is to a port on a computer that looks like this this is called a BNC connector and it is what is normally used in digital surveillance system for for for analog systems so you have what is called a home run there's no breaks in the connection it doesn't go through switches it doesn't go through networking equipment you have a cable that goes from here all the way to here is it something called a Siamese cable it's basically a coax cable with power wire connected to it so you've a cable it goes from here to here then what happens is once the video feed goes into a card like this then the computer turns that into the surveillance system so you can have four cameras eight cameras 12 cameras 16 cameras or 32 cameras connected to the analog digital surveillance system all those cameras come in to these individual ports so one camera per port then this is kind of like a video card or an input card for the computer it then reads all those inputs puts it through software and then that software dus does all the recording it does monitoring it does all the fancy stuff you think of a digital surveillance system so this is the first type so it's in analog a surveillance system so you have a camera the cable goes from the camera directly to the card so this is what is is a card for what is called a PC based DVR why is because this is an actual PCI card these can be made for for any type of card for a normal PC a normal devil a normal HP a normal a machine you slot this in you install the software onto the PC and that makes it a DVR so the cable runs from the camera this is installed into any kind of computer and then that that becomes your DVR so this is the first type of analog system now the second type of analog system you may deal with this one of these guys so this is called a DVR appliance basically all this is is a computer in like a VCR close so this is a computer that is specifically built to be a DVR so you had these BNC connectors in the back again video comes from the camera goes in here and then this DVR appliance deals with the video so it records a video it shows a video it streams a video over the Internet etc the good parts about these DVR appliances is that they are a lot less expensive than PCI based DVRs the reason is is if you buy a PCI based DVR they're all Windows computers that you have to buy so you have to buy let's say a four or $500 computer then you spend anywhere between 200 to 1200 dollars for that PCI card and then you have a DVR so your cost not your clients cost your cost for a PCI of 4 PC based DVR is gonna be anywhere between let's say $600 for a 4 camera system o2 about $1600 for a 16 camera system so that's pretty expensive well with these appliance BAE DVRs these are really dirty they're based off of Linux they use very inexpensive parts inside so a four camera DVR like this may only cost you 200 bucks a 16 camera DVR may only cost you 500 dollars so that can be a huge price difference the issue is this is where you have to be careful is when you have a pc-based DVR if any parts break-in that PC based DVR you can replace them fairly easily it's just normal PC if the the motherboard dies you can swap out the motherboard if the if the processor dies you can swap out the processor etc etc etc it's simply a PC you would review would repair it like any other PC the only difference is it has a special DVR software installed and it has a special card installed that's it well the thing is with one of these appliances if there are any is there is any problem with that appliance you cannot purchase parts for it so basically if anything in this little DVR appliance dies you have to buy a new one so this is something to think about you know for your client and what their needs are if they're looking for the least expensive thing out there and DVR appliances probably what's best for them if they're if they're putting the DVR into some place where there might be a lot of breakage um then they probably want a PCI based DVR I had this issue with one of my clients was in a horse farm they didn't they put it into an office they swore it was going to be clean in the office it wasn't clean one of the problems was we put in when these appliance based DVRs it got bumped up with crap within about six or seven months blew out the DVR blew out some of the parts in the DVR I couldn't repair it so basically we then bought them a PC based DVR again after eight months a couple of parts blew out the difference was that time 400 bucks I could swap out their power supply and it was back up and running again so that's something to think about these appliance base DVRs are a lot less expensive than PC based DVRs but you can't repair them the PC based DVR again you can do normal maintenance on it just like just like any computer so that is the first type of DVR this is the analog DVR so you have a camera this has a coax cable so like the key the cable um that goes in the back of your TV it has a coax cable like that but it uses a BNC what's called a British naval connector so connects here then however far away this is that wire runs all the way back to the port on the DVR there's no networking with this there's no there's no routing protocols there's no tcp/ip there's no ARP there's none of that stuff this is as complicated as basically running cable for your cable TV it runs off the same basic technology so you have a cable runs from here directly back to the DVR the DVR deals with stuff again no switches no that's just it simple well then we have what are called IP based systems so this is an IP camera this is actually a megapixel camera made by a company called IQ and vision very good company I don't make any money saying that but it is a very good company so this isn't IP camera the difference with IP cameras is that the IP cameras have brains themselves so you have an analog camera like this this is dumb this is below dumb this is below this has had like a frontal lobotomy this has no intelligence nothing it's it's just a rock it just does what it does and that's it IP cameras have a lot of intelligence these are actually computers unto themselves as we talked about in the introduction to convergence class as we've talked about in the introduction to voice over IP class this is an IP device which means it is actually its own computer it has a lot of intelligence in here it has its own little webserver um it can actually store data directly on to itself it does a lot of cool things so this is a very complicated device the thing with this is that instead of using a British naval connector it uses a tcp/ip just a normal ever at port so you can plug this into your tcp/ip network which means this can go through your switches it can go through your routers and it can do all the fancy stuff on your network you can plug this into the same network that you plug your PC into or you plug your voice over IP phone into um this transmits data over the tcp/ip protocol over Ethernet so that's the big difference between the old analog cameras and the new IP cameras this transmits over old coax cable you have a homerun so it goes directly from this camera all the way back directly to the DVR has to be that way no networking equipment in between this uses tcp/ip so if you understand tcp/ip you understand subnet masking and all that you can put this anywhere on the network and it will be able to communicate back with your your your server so with this there are some interesting things that you have to keep in mind now since this has intelligence it can do a lot of stuff on its own that that analog camera cannot so this camera right here can actually be its own complete surveillance system so when I had this installed in my store you can actually put a memory card in here you can put a compact flash card in here so it will record video directly to that compact flash card then not only that since it uses tcp/ip you can actually go into a web browser if you plug in this IP address for this camera it will then pop up and you will be able to view live feed what's going on now and if you've set it up to record you can also view what's been recorded onto the memory that's in the camera itself so the big thing between you know analog cameras and IP cameras is this is smart that is dumb when we're talking about surveillance systems you will hear two terms so there's one digital video recorder then there was another one so that's DVR then there is in VR so you have DVR is those DVR is digital video recorder and then VR the nose work is called Network video report so when you're using IP cameras you're going to be using in the ARS when you're using analog cameras you will use DVR so digital video recorder network video recorder so those are the two overall types of surveillance systems you have the old analog old old technology and that you have the new IP based cameras you will also hear of something called hybrid systems so if you use a surveillance equipment from a company such as geo vision or Kotick um they have DVRs that can accept input both from the old analog cameras and from the new network cameras so you can have analog cameras going back to BNC connectors on the computer and we'll also bring in information from these IP cameras those are called hybrid systems so that's those are the basic systems you know when you're going out when you're researching different systems that's what we're talking about DVR dumb cameras using B and C basically coax cable in the VR network video recorders are doing using IP cameras basically what they do is through the tcp/ip they pull in the video stream that is coming from the IP camera and then they store it onto that server now one of the things that you're going to have to keep in mind is that cameras are not are not as good quality as they make them out you know in the movies in TV if you watch movies if you watch TV you will see where they have these really grainy horrible video shots of some criminal doing something and then they can recompile that video into a crystal-clear image like the image that you're seeing me talking to you and then they'll be able to identify the criminal and and and everything will be good well one of the issues that you're going to deal with is why people have moved away from the old analog systems is analog cameras are pretty crappy so the best analog camera the best analog system only records at about the quality of a DVD so you know though those little discs you put in and you walk you know Pirates of the Caribbean or whatever that DVD that's the highest quality you're going to get out of these old analog cameras that seems really good but let me tell you it's really really crap if you if you actually had to blow up the picture and identify anybody in court based off a picture off these old analog systems it is very very very difficult basically for one little room for one little 1000 square foot room you would need four of these cameras to be able to surveil that room and have a quality of picture that's good enough that you could take to court and prove that that guy is the one that actually do it these have very low quality again you know if you're from my generation I'm 35 you know DVD I remember when DVDs were supposed to be the most amazing great format out there well the reality is is DVD quality video really isn't that good and that is the best that you're going to get out of one of these now why you go to IP based systems is such as this this is a megapixel camera this is actually a 5 megapixel camera what that means is this records in about the same quality as the video that you're me on right now so this records an actual high-definition quality so when I have my store I could use one of these cameras for a thousand-foot room and surveil the entire room to a quality that if anybody walked in you can identify them in court very good with these the sky is also the limit on resolution so they have 11 megapixel cameras or 15 megapixel cameras you're going to spend about $15,000 for one of those but they have them you can have very very very good cameras megapixel cameras they have cameras so good you can surveil an entire mall parking lot with one camera and you can zoom in and look at any individual walking through the parking lot so that's the big quality difference between analog systems and IP systems analog the best are going to get is DVD quality IP system sky's the limit someday they may have 50 megapixel cameras probably not cost $50,000 a piece but they will have it so that's that's a one of the big differences with the IEP and the analog systems so when we're talking about different systems when we're talking about DVRs and we're talking about things like recording the video one of the things that you're going to hear is called FPS or frames per second this is how many frames the camera captures per second of video so basically when the camera is taking video it's more like a flipbook it's more like it takes a lot of individual pictures and then plays them back to you so fast that you see the action happen so 30 frames per second is actual real time so if you hear that a camera or a system does 30 frames per second per camera that means it is either viewable or recordable in real time and actually you know when you watch the video it's as fast as I'm moving now it is real time 15 frames per second is perceived real time so you as a human being if you see thing if you see a video at 15 frames per second you are going to perceive it as real-time video it might be slightly off like that a bit off but as far as you're concerned it will seem like it's real-time it there won't be any jitters or anything like that now if you go down to let's say seven-and-a-half frames per second then that's where you start to see the jitters so you know if this video was at seven-and-a-half frames per second you would see me doing things like this basically you can still see me moving and doing stuff but there would be very choppy it's like I'm doing the moonwalk or something then once you below get below that the video becomes more and more copy so a lot of times like if you're watching it on the news and they show video footage they'll show that the the surveillance system had like one frame per second and that's where you know you see see the guy's face here in the next camp that the next shot is you see the guy's face here in the next shot is you see the guy's face here so that's like one frame per second so 30 frames per second is actual real time 15 frames per second is perceived real-time seven-and-a-half frames per second is gittery but you get the point less than that that that's that's when it seems like people are like transporting you know across the room so that's frame per second now when you're looking at frames per second FPS you have to be careful when you are looking at these systems because FPS will be used for a number of different specifications so if you're using network video recorders IP cameras it's all usually pretty pretty much the same with DVRs with the old analog cameras it can be very very different so when they talk about frames per second the first thing you have to look at is what is the live view fps so the live view FPS or frames per second is when you are looking at the monitor and you're watching all the cameras in actual real time how fast is everything moving and it will say 30 frames per second or 15 extra second or so and 1/2 frames per second so if you're in the guard shack and you're surveilling the parking lot right now that's how it's moving if it's 30 frames per second you're seeing it in real time if it's 7.5 frames per second you're seeing things getter then it will have the record rate so there's the live view but then there's a record rate so you may see a live view at 30 frames per second but then it may only record at seven-and-a-half frames per second so this is something that you have to keep in mind what the live view is and what the record frames per second is can be two different things then the final thing is you have to look at the frame rate per second the FPS per channel and per card so what does that mean so it will say let's say 30 30 fps a capable personal that means you can have real time for the camera when this camera gets plugged into the card you can have 30 frames per second but the board itself may be not capable of giving you 30 frames per second for every single camera so a lot of less expensive systems lot of expensive PC PC based cards what they'll do is per channel you can do 30 frames per second real-time and recording but per card it will only do 60 frames per second so with this what that means is basically everything has to add up so one camera could be at 30 frames per second then you could have let's say two cameras at 15 or let's say then you could have two cameras at 10 frames per second so that gets you up to 50 well I guess you'd have three cameras but basically they all have to add up so so if you look at it and the channel says 30 frames per second make sure the board can then do all those different channels so a 4 a 4 channel board with 4 cameras in order to be able to record real-time the board would have to be able to do 120 frames per second so if you see that the board only does 60 frames per second that means one camera can be real-time and then you have to divide up the frame rate between everything else so that is FPS for frame rate per second this is very important to understand again whereas talking about you know you have to spec out systems properly this is one of the things that can really screw you up so FPS frames per second basically pictures taken per second 30 FPS real-time 15 fps perceive real-time seven-and-a-half fps jerky less than that it gets even more jerky there's live you recorded and then per the entire car keep that in mind then we'll be talking about resolution so another one of the glossary things that you have to realize with these cameras is resolution when you're dealing with the old analog cameras when you're talking about resolution you're talking about TV out or TV lines TVL is the normal horizontal lines basically in a camera or in a TV you have one lines ago go across the the TV screen those are the TV lines so cameras now the highest quality like I say is about DVD quality go up to 600 TV L or TV lines that is high quality camera you can also go all the way down to 320 TV L these are very low quality cameras so that's when you're buying your camera that is what you have to think about you have to look at 320 TV l is about the lowest quality camera analog camera that you can buy to lowest quality resolution essentially you see that a room exists and you see a blob move across the room you might be able to see the blob had an orange coat on you might think the coat is brown I mean but that's that's the issue so TV L is resolution we're dealing it's analog cameras I say 320 is about the lowest you can go you can see blobs move across the room 600 now is the highest you can go and again that is about DVD quality again I will remind you DVD quality isn't actually that good at least in the surveillance environment when dealing with IP cameras well the resolution is just insane basically the sky is the limit whatever your pocketbook can afford you can get that resolution wherever analog cameras they cap out at DVD quality this caps out at your budget if you've got 50 grand it's been a 1 single camera you can buy a really really really good camera um normally with the resolutions uh they they'll basically say that's like 1 megapixel 5 megapixel a 10 megapixel a 20 megapixel but they'll give you the actual resolution in pixels when you're looking the specification so say like 648 by 720 1,800 by 11 80 or whatever it is etc it'll actually give you with IP cameras it will give you the resolution it just like if you were looking at a monitor resolution so it's a lot easier to understand that so analog cameras are tvl IP cameras are just at resolution how many pixels it records the big thing to remember with these IP cameras is everybody thinks all IP cameras are megapixel cameras again this camera right here is really good this is a two thousand dollar camera Hey Pettit treated mass uh this is a very good 5 megapixel camera so this one camera can surveil like I say an entire thousand foot room really really well you can zoom in I have one of these an external one you can zoom in at a license plate from like 500 feet read the license plates very good also it's $2,000 you can get much better the thing to remember when you buy these these lower quality ones let's say from Linksys or d-link that are like $200 or $300 their IP cameras not necessarily negative pixel cameras so although they use IP the quality is the quality of one of these little pieces of crap so remember not all IR megapixel cameras some of the less expensive IP cameras have the same quality as this stuff the final thing we're dealing with definitions and understanding this system is that you record video based on motion or based on events that happen within the video so when you're recording you know all the video that's going on that takes up a lot of space you know even now with one terabyte hard drives 2 terabyte hard drives 3 terabyte hard drives you know if you've got 16 cameras recording 24 hours a day it eats up the space every once in a while so what you can do is you can actually record based upon when there is motion going on in the scene so like at night when I had my shop as soon as we closed up the shop it generally did not record anything during the night unless something happened to the shop you know if one of my guys came in at midnight it would it would take a picture of them coming in at midnight but for the rest of the time it was not recording anything so that's one of the things that you have to think about with these systems just a curious thing to keep in mind so this is a basic overview of the types of systems that you're going to be dealing with with digital surveillance and the some of the glossary terms you have to understand remember the analog systems is your old systems basically you're using coax cable to connect cameras back to DVRs DVRs can either be PC based where you have a car install it into the computer or it can be an appliance remember this is more expensive but it's going to be a better quality and if anything goes wrong with that DVR you can fix it generally if anything goes wrong with this appliance it's cheaper but you got to replace the entire darn thing something to think about we talked about the IP systems to the IP with these cameras this camera is an actual computer device just like a voice over IP telephone it's no longer a dumb device this has brain power this particular one has its own web server if I plug this into the network I can go to the IP address I can view what it's viewing it can retort internally you can do a lot of cool stuff this is an IP camera this can send video over the IP network back to an end VR a network video recorder the nice part with this is you can use your internal network infrastructure so you can use your switches and you can use your routers etc etc etc if you want to put this on the other side of your warehouse building you don't have to run a cable from one side of the warehouse all the way the other you just run a cable from wherever the network closest network jack is to this so you know you may only have to run a cable 10 feet versus with this if you have to install this on the other side of the warehouse you have to run a cable all the way from this all the way you know a thousand feet back to where the DVR is we also talked about remember there are a hybrid system so you'll see more and more of these out there especially if you look at geo vision systems or Kodokan systems what these are are there the old DVRs but they also pull in data from IP video camera so they pull in video from analog cameras and from IP cameras we talked about FPS frame rate per second remember this is you know when though the video is recording it's basically taking a lot of pictures and then just stringing them together like a picture book 30 frames per second real time 15 frames per second perceive real time 7.5 frames per second Guidry and then as you go down it gets worse remember when you're looking at DVRs and such it will save frames per second for a number of different specifications one is per channel so that's per camera the other is per car so you can you can do 30 FPS per channel but then on a four channel system it may only have 60 FPS total you also have live view so this is the frame rate per second you're going to be seen live you know what's happening now when you watch it that's how fast it goes and then record it and again those don't have to be the same thing a lot of times you'll have a 30 frame rate per second for live view and seven-and-a-half frame rate per second for recording again not necessarily a bad thing but remember if you're selling this to a client you know the client wants what they think they bought and if they think you know if they're getting something that they that is less of a quality than they think they bought you know it almost back then there was resolution remember with analog cameras we're dealing with TV l TV lines these are the horizontal lines on a normal old TV our cathode ray tube it probably nobody has anymore 600 TV L is approximately don't beat me up if you're an actual surveillance guy but approximately DVD quality and again again as good as you think it is uh and then goes all the way down to about 320 TV l which is a low quality basically you see the blob moving across the room resolution with IP based cameras you're dealing with the same resolution you would with monitors it'll say you know I say 648 by 710 or you know all the all the different definitions 5 megapixels are very good quality you know goes all the way up to 15 megapixel et cetera but just remember yes because it's an IP camera does not mean it's a megapixel camera a lot of people get that one confused so they go out they buy this this Linksys piece of crap for 200 bucks and then they wonder why this sucks because it's it's a $200 blinks a camera then the final thing we talked about was emotion recording just something to keep in mind with these systems is you'll be watching everything you know live you but then when you go to record or when the system records video you want to set it or it should be set so it only records when motion is actually happening because remember if you have 16 cameras all pumping data back to that DVR 24 hours a day 7 days a week you're going to fill up the hard drive you know by only recording when there's motion you you know just makes life easier so that's some of the basic stuff you have to understand with these systems when you're dealing with digital surveillance systems so we just talked about the systems so now let's talk about the cameras themselves so there's a number of different cameras out there that you're going to be dealing with and there's just some basic concepts again that you're going to have to understand so you will hear the type of camera so what type of camera are you going to be using this is generally what form does the camera take so the form that many people use is what is called a bollock camera so infolet camera is basically a self-enclosed camera like this where the mount the camera everything is all sealed into one unit so this is an inside-outside it's an actual infrared bullet camera but the idea is this is the mounts you actually screw this directly to the wall everything's connected all you have to do is you screw this into the wall you run a cable connect this to your DVR and it's done and you aim it that's it you don't have to focus it there's no focusing with one of these you don't have to attach anything you don't have to add anything you buy this and you bought everything you need you screw this thing to the wall you connect it to you the recorder you aim it and you're done that's a bullet camera this is a heavy-duty external to go outside bullet camera you can also have the little teeny-weeny peeny bullet cameras that go inside so this is something like if you're at a convenience store you could install this just on the wall it has a little mouth you just screw it in the wall again you aim it you connect it to the DVR and you're done but this is a bollock camera when they're talking about bullet cameras you're talking about a camera basically it looks like a little little cigar or such connected to the mouth and the mount screws through all that is a bullet camera then you have what are called dome cameras so a dome camera is basically like this this is probably the camera that you kind of think about when you think about surveillance systems so the camera is in here screw this you can see there's a camera so that's basically all it is is covered by a dome and it's screwed to the wall so there's a little mount here you screw it to the wall again you connect it to the DVR so you screw this to the wall you aim it blah blah blah the nice part why people like dome cameras is because once they're set up properly you can't mess with it so with a with a bullet camera the nice part is you can screw it to the wall you aim it by moving it and then you walk away the problem is is an employee or a criminal can also move it just by hitting it with something and then it's no longer you know seeing what it's supposed to see with a dome camera the reason people use dome canvas is protected by the dome so you can't just whack it you can't just hit it you know once you've you've moved it to where it should be it will always stay there so that's a dome camera the next kind of camera is basically the camera that I've been showing you so far this is called a box camera so the reason it's called a box camera is when you buy it you just get and this is the important thing when you buy a box camera all you get is this you get a box that's a camera ha the issue with this the good part or the bad part is you have to buy all the ancillary stuff so you may buy the box camera for 250 dollars but then you also have to buy the lens and you also have to buy the mount COC there's no mouse you can't screw this thing to a wall you have to buy a mount for it why people like box cameras easy gives you a lot more flexibility if you're running a little digital surveillance business and you never really know when you're going to need the cool part with box cameras is you can just buy a hundred of these and then just add whatever lens you want and whatever mount you want as you go so sometimes use a box camera with this lens sometimes you use a box camera that limits whatever the issue what you're going to have to remember though and again this is where I can bite you in the butt if your bindings for clients is if you're buying box clients for clients box cameras for clients remember it's not generally not going to come with the lens and it's not going to come with them out this lens can cost an additional hundred dollars very easily and the mount you're only cost an additional five to ten dollars so if you're doing a 16 camera system that means you just lost eighteen hundred dollars with the project if you screwed it up the other issue that you deal with with these box cameras is with the other cameras you get what you get and they give you a nice general-purpose lens so the lens that they give you you don't have to focus at all you just put it up there and it sees what it sees with these box cameras you can buy different lenses and so they can have you know some can be telephoto some can be wide-angle you can buy different lenses based on whatever your requirements are for the project the problem with that is if you don't really know what your requirements are going to be you could buy the wrong lenses so the nice thing with the dome camera is and the button and the bullet cameras is there the lens they give you is always pretty good it's always the one that you're probably going to need whereas with this you know if you're just being stupid and you buy 16 of the wrong lens well then you know again you can be out sixteen hundred dollars so that's a box camera the final type of camera that you will see one of these monsters this is called a vandal proof dome look at this thing this is built to get hit with a sledge hammer so it's a dome camera like I showed you before the difference is is it's aluminum encased not plastic it has ways reinforced you know whatever composite domes and basically you can hit one of these things with a sledgehammer and the camera itself will be perfectly fine um that's why these things are so expensive you can put them in really nasty horrible environments they can get hit with all kinds of crap and they'll stay good I've used these like satyam really nasty outdoor environments and I've also used these I had a swim Club that I had to deal with that was one of these old 1950s places where a lot of the public areas the hallway like the roof the ceiling was like only like a little bit over even my head so I mean these ceilings were only like six and a half feet tall so I use these vandal-proof domes because they weren't very high up if somebody wanted to hit a camera I mean like literally a lot of cameras were mounted this high up in a hallway so we use these vandal-proof domes to make sure nobody did anything stupid to one of the warnings that I'll give you with a vandal-proof dome is you can hit this vandal-proof dome with a sledge hammer you're not going to hurt the camera but it's only going to stay in the wall as well as you have mounted it so I've seen people in the real world they buy these very expensive vandal proof dome cameras and then they mount it very poorly well it's kind of like a pinata or not really a pinata like you can hit it the camera itself isn't gonna be damaged but if it goes flying into the next parking lot after you hit it well it's not very useful so that's just one of the things to keep in mind with these vandal proof dumps they're very very hard very very stable but if you don't mount them very well they're still just basically easy to knock out and take out a commission so those are the basic forms that you're going to be dealing with with cameras you have bullet cameras you don't cameras you have box and you have vandal proof you will also see when you go to buy your cameras they will say whether they were built for indoor or outdoor use it's very important you can use outdoor cameras inside it doesn't matter you cannot use app indoor cameras outside um it's like any piece of electronics if you take your DVD player and you put it outside and turn it on and it rains it's going to be bad so just you know when you're looking to buy these cameras make sure that they're built either for indoors or outdoors indoor cameras are going to be less expensive outdoor cameras or with colors can be a little more expensive um just make sure you buy this I've seen this again you know people trying to be cheap they bagged in indoor cameras they put them outside you know they fail after six months of course the next thing that you're going to have to think about with cameras is whether or not you're going to get a low like camera so a low light or no light camera is basically the camera like this but is able to see in very very low Lux we'll talk about Lux in a different class but Lux is a is a measurement of light so direct sunlight as a certain Lux starlight as a certain locks except so one of these cameras is a low-light camera this can see in point zero to Lux what that means is this camera if this entire room is dark and I light a match this will be able to see everything in the room that is point zero to Lux this is able to see very very well in low light conditions so that's a low light camera you may also be interested in dealing with no light cameras no light cameras are what are called infrared cameras so if you're looking at this camera this bullet camera you can see all these little LED lights in here these LED lights are infrared LED lights what happens is this camera can see in the infrared spectrum basically black and white in infrared spectrum once the light level goes down below a certain amount this camera turns on the infrared lights and then it can wash everything so you can put this in a basement where there is absolutely no normal light whatsoever the infrared lights will turn on automatically and then it will be able to see the room just like if somebody hadn't had a flashlight on so that is a no light camera the final types of cameras that you'll hear about one is the camera may have what is called auto iris when auto iris means is that inside either the camera or the camera lens if the light gets too bright the camera will automatically close the iris what allows light to come into the camera to try to darken the image basically think about it kind of like some automatic sunglasses if the light gets too bright it will try to darken the image so that it can still see the image okay this is used a in buildings where let's say let's say it's inside a building and the Sun comes up in the morning and for like an hour to one room gets really really bright so it's very hard for the camera to see the auto iris will try to dim the room so it can see and then once the Sun goes out of the Ray then it will it'll open the iris II and that's called auto iris the final thing is something called a wide dynamic range you will see this on cameras now wide dynamic range again it's basically that the camera can see in a mole in more types of lighting conditions they can see the quality of light better so these are the things that you have to think about when you're dealing with cameras you've got bullet cameras you've got dome cameras you've got box cameras we are dealing with box cameras remember you're gonna have to also buy the lens and you got to buy the mount that can add a lot of money to the bill keep that in mind you then have vandal-proof domes again they're great you can hit them with a sledgehammer the camera is gonna be fine but again if it's not mounted to the wall very well it's got to go fly it will be fine in somebody else's yard um inside outside cameras like we talked about some cameras are built to be inside some cameras are built to be outside you take an inside camera and you put it outside you know what's gonna happen one thing I would say with this is when in doubt buy outside cameras so when you're dealing with industrial settings let's say you're dealing with warehouses you're dealing with um with uh let's say stables you know farm areas barns that type of thing although it's technically inside that's still going to be a pretty harsh environment so you might as well buy outside cameras just to make sure they're okay inside cameras I mean these things should be used inside convenience stores inside office spaces inside retail stores they really shouldn't be used inside you know real warehouses stables barns industrial type areas they may work for a long time but they're probably got to die we then talked about low-light cameras you'll hear Lux like point zero to Lux means an incredibly low amount of light basically means starlight the camera can see everything okay we taught about know like these are cameras that that can view in the infrared spectrum so once the light level goes below a certain point they turn on basically their infrared flashlight and then they can see everything in that infrared spectrum then we talk about auto iris this allows the camera to automatically open or close the iris within the camera to allow more or less light then we talk about wide dynamic range basically all why don't die Namek ranges is that the camera can see in more lighting conditions better it's a special type of technology if you see that the camera has wide dynamic range but it's a good thing but those are the types of cameras and things that you have to be thinking about with the cameras again with what I just talked about this is basically true whether you're dealing with analog cameras or whether you're dealing with IP cameras everything I just talked about this basically stays to say now you might be thinking Eli wait wait you did not talk about the coolest type of camera why did you not talk about the PTZ camera and I will say because I hate them with a passion but no it's a class so I've got a to you about all the different types of cameras PTZ cameras are what are called pan tilt zoom cameras basically these are the robotic cameras that you see in the movies you know when when Tom Cruise is running through the airport and the camera is spin to follow him those cameras that move are called PTZ cameras pan tilt zoom cameras they can either be very big and look very menacing or they can look very small just like with all electronics you know things get smaller so this thing right here is it as a pan tilt zoom camera it can it can go one way go the other it can go up it can go down and it can zoom in so these things don't have to be that big again I'll just say again at least for analog systems I hate these with a passion for IP systems they're not too bad one of the things that you're going to have to think about if you decide that you need PTZ pan tilt zoom cameras in your environment is the first thing is that not all PTZ cameras are actually PTZ cameras well what I mean by that well when I say a PTZ camera I'm talking about the robotic functions the movement functions of this camera so when I talk about P I'm talking about pan I'm talking about it can it can turn left and right if I'm talking about T I'm talking about tilt it can go up and down when I'm talking about a Z I'm talking about zoom I can zoom in or zoom out when you buy these PTZ cameras sometimes the cameras RP cameras so you can buy cameras that pivot sometimes there's Z cameras they can zoom I still don't know why anybody buys these but you can if you go to if you go out there you buy camera is that simple you zoom in on stuff they can't go left they can't go right they can't go up they can't go down they can just zoom in and then they can zoom out I don't know why they do it but that is something to keep in mind if you're looking to buy a PTZ camera pan tilt zoom if you need it to actually pan tilt zoom um make sure it actually pen tilt and zoom some of them will pan and tilt some of them will only Zhu some of them will only pan I don't think there's any that only tilt but that's one of the first things that you have to realize with these things the next thing that you have to realize is when you want to make these pan tilt zoom when you want to make them move all surveillance systems will allow you to do this manually whether you use the up and down arrows on a keyboard or whether it has a cool little joystick you can sit in your little guard shack a mile away and move one of these things automatically well you can also do it so it's automatic so if you're seeing the guard shack you can do it manually you can have this so it'll do things like follow motion so if this is surveilling let's say a parking lot it's default view can be the entrance of the parking lot well if a car comes in this thing can start automatically tracking it as it goes through its field of vision so it's looking the camera here and then at look car here and then as the car goes by it moves with the car and watches it one of the things with that is you have to look at if you're interested in doing that where the intelligence for that movement is going to lie some of these pan tilt zoom zoom cameras you can actually program that into the camera itself so the camera itself will control its own motion so basically put in there like motion tracking you know whatever the setting for that is and if it sees any motion it will follow that motion or you can have that robotic function done by the DVR or in VR the network video recorder basically you can program them into the computer system what you want this thing to follow and it will follow that with so with the automatic function of a PT's it can either be built into the camera if it is you actually have to go into the camera itself and configure it or you can have it set up through the DVR through the computer system and that is what will control it so that's that's one of things to think about with these now why I hate these for analog systems as they're just horrible really really I hate them I hate them with a passion I won't install them anymore I refuse the problem is with these guys is it is the ultimate in Chinese manufacturing problems where in order for the network video or the DVR the digital video recorder to communicate with this it needs to use a protocol so just like in the computer world where's tcp/ip well the DVR needs to use a protocol to communicate with this thing so you run a wire from a controller so you install a controller onto the DVR you run a wire from the DVR to this thing that controls it so on here I think these are the controller wires right here so these are the controller wires this runs all the way back to the DVR and then it uses a language to talk to the PTZ well the issue is is that there are a lot of different protocols and not all cameras and on all DVRs work well with each other so there is the pel Kodi protocol there's a pel kopi protocol there's like 15 different protocols that these cameras respond to better or worse and if you buy a camera that communicates in five different protocols but it's not the protocol that your DVR communicates in well again you have a paperweight so that is something to deal with with PT Z's I hate PT Z's with passion I really really do if you're in the IP world it's no more complicated than configuring a normal network device you just go in you type out some stuff again you plug it into the network and it does whatever it's supposed to do with these you have to install a controller or have a controller installed onto your DVR or DVR appliance it has to have the right protocol all installed so it can communicate with your camera your camera has that the right protocol so if you Munich ate with that and there's a whole bunch of other different little stupid settings that are just horrible the other thing with these PD Z's is a lot of times if you want to install multiple PT Z's you have to install them in a ring of typology so if you remember from the computer world what a ring typology means is that all the devices in the network are connected in a ring so yeah you have the wire that runs to this node and then to this node and this node and then back to your main server if there's any break in that wire all your PTZ cameras go down so if you're installing 10 PTZ cameras basically what will happen is you will have your server here right and then you'll have these PTZ cameras out here the wire has to go up to this one and then it goes to this one and then it goes to this one and then it goes back it goes in this circle if there's any problems in any of these connections any problems with any PTZ cameras you don't just lose the function of one PTZ camera you lose the function of all the PTC cameras and it's miserable and it's god-awful I swear to god you can't pay me enough money to do it I can't like I said like you know I'm talking to you guys in the real world try to talk to you guys like this professionals and I'm telling you I hate these analog PTZ cameras I hate I hate I don't care how much money and I don't I don't care if I'm making a thousand dollars a day have these things I hate them with a patch on install them numerous times in they're always just people so those are PTZ cameras basically these are the robotic cameras you see in the movies you know where Tom Cruise is always trying to avoid pan tilt zoom remember if you buy a PTZ camera make sure you're actually buying a pan PTZ camera some cameras only pan some cameras only zoom some cameras only pan and tilt and zoo so just make sure you know what you're buying remember they taught about the intelligence of these things these can automatically track things that move into their view sometimes the intelligence is built into the PVC camera itself sometimes it's built into the DVR the DVR is what sends the information here when you're looking at cabling you know normal analog cabling you run a coax cable on a power supply to the camera the only addition with a PD Z is that you have to run a wire to the PTZ controller so you have to install that controller onto the computer and that controller is what will communicate with this I talked about those protocols there's protocols on a joke they are nasty uh if you're going to do PTZ cameras I'll talk about purchasing equipment a little bit later but this is one of the things you know by Panasonic by Sony buy good quality stuff these are evil and nasty and tedious if you buy the off-brand Chinese crap then you're get you're gonna be Balder than I am you're going to rip out so much hair I'm really really serious with these things so but that that's PTZ cameras again this is one of the differences if you're in the IP world so I've been talking about how evil analog PTZ cameras are if you're in the IP world well there are no more difficult to configure than any other networking advice you basically just go to the IP address you plug in you tell it what you want it to do and it doesn't and it's beautiful and it's gorgeous and it's everything that a really cool robotic camera should be this is everything that's wrong with electronics so now we've talked about the systems basically we've talked about the cameras and PTZ cameras now let's talk a little bit about networking so overall um you know if you're going to be doing these surveillance systems they're they're pretty easily easy you know you need to know a little bit of networking but you don't have to know a lot I'm gonna give you some of the warnings I'm going to give you some of the things that you should consider when you plug one of these surveillance systems onto the network now the first thing is is that you make sure you have enough up upload speed to be able to support off-site viewing of your DVR or NVR so what this means is you know you set up this video camera system at an auto dealership and the boss wants to sit at home and watch his auto dealership well just about every you know surveillance system that's built nowadays allows you to do this all you do is you do some port forwarding so the guy sitting at home goes to the external IP address of the auto dealership you forward you know port 80 or whatever it is to the DVR that's sitting you know in their in their their in their car place and then he's able to view everything that's going on well what I will tell you is if people are going to be doing off-site viewing you need to make sure you're up load speed for your ISP your internet service is at least 2 megabits per second if the person's going to watching at home you are now broadcasting or streaming video from the auto show place to his house that takes up a lot of bandwidth I've seen mistakes been involved eggs in the past where we did not check how much upload speed the client had and every time they try to connect from home they basically shut down the internet for the entire business the reason was is because they as soon as they connected to the server from home they started streaming all that video and basically the internet just crashed for everybody so with networking make sure that the upload speed is at least 2 megabits per second again the higher the better you know 2 megabits per second is for the old analog systems that stream video but it's not that high-quality if you start getting into megapixel cameras and really a high definition you want to view that from home you may need 10 or 20 megabits per second you know it depends but make sure when you're specking out the system and when you're thinking about it you have enough upload speed the next thing is if you're using IP cameras again be careful you don't congest your internal network so if you're using low-quality IP cameras like I talked about where they have the resolution of one of these old cameras you don't use a lot of bandwidth you use a few megabits per second you know if you've got 100 megabit per second switch or a gigabit per second switch it won't matter you won't notice anything here's the issue these 5 megabit per second cameras push out a lot of data if this is pushing back to an FTP server or back to a network video recorder if you have 10 of these on your internal network you can bring your internal network to a halt if they are all sitting back you know 5 megapixel video I forget the exact you know how many megabits per second I think takes up we'll do a class specifically on megapixel cameras and IP cameras and I'll show you but that thing pumps out a lot of data if you put up 10 megapixel cameras and you connect it to the internal network that everybody else is using again you will bring the internal network to a halt because those cameras will be using up all of the bandwidth when when I talked about this in the introduction to convergence class one of the things I talked about is having parallel networks and this is something that you may consider if you're using megapixel cameras but parallel networks is is you use tcp/ip and use Ethernet and you use all that but you actually use different equipment for the different devices on the network so all of your computers go into one switch all of your IP cameras go into a different switch your your network video recorder is connected into the switch that all of your cameras are connected into that means everything gets segregated out and your network video cameras are not taking bandwidth from your computers and your voice over IP telephones and all that kind of stuff the final thing with networking that I would tell you is that don't use a network video recorder or a DVR for anything else all this video is going to be getting pumped back to that server and if you try to do anything else with that server it's probably not going to work very well I try this personally then I do this many clients but I said hey you know I've got this network video recorder in my store you know it's not really doing a lot let me just throw a file share on to this day yeah it didn't work very well the reason was because I had megapixel cameras all sending data you know in real time back to this video recorder and then I try to share files on it and it was just bad what I will say with DVRs or Envy ours is they should only be used for your surveillance equipment you shouldn't use them for anything else because the main thing is it's not just like good good practice it's just because they're not going to work well for anything else be if you try to use your network video recorder also as a file server it just they take my word for it it doesn't work very well since this is the introduction class and we'll go over um setting client expectations and dealing with clients a little bit the biggest problem with installing these surveillance systems is again um your clients are going to wash way too much TV you know NCIS or mission impossible or any of that garbage and they're not going to listen to you when you tell them that the system that you're installing isn't going to be as good as they see on the movies um and this is just something that you're going to have to pound into their heads everybody you know with NCIS and the CSI and all these crime dramas people just think these systems are better than they are and then they don't want to pay for the quality they want like I say you know a 5 megapixel camera this camera is as good as you see on the movies it's also $2,000 to have one of these things want one of these things installed that's not including the server sends the data back to so if you want to assist them at these you're looking like $15,000 I mean just to start probably $20,000 um so what they want is they want the $4,000 system that with with the 20 $20,000 quality and that doesn't work I've seen this time and time again again Claudius just get this this this is image in your head about what they think they're buying even if you warn them that's not what they're buying so be careful this expectations management is a huge thing if you are a technician and you have a salesperson going out and selling this stuff again I've dealt with this in the real world before you install anything you as a technician need to sit down with a client and make sure they understand what they purchased and what this system will do at the end of the day I had this happen twice where I had a salesperson oh it went bad because after the $15,000 system was installed I was sitting there showing the client how to use it and they started asking well how do I do this forget whatever it was and looked at I said well the system doesn't do that they look to me and they said the only reason I bought this system was because I was told it did that and then it all goes back so we're gonna have a class on specking out the systems and doing site surveys and all that will talk about client expectation more I just want you know in this introduction class to make sure you think about this again you know all these clients are going to think you know they've seen the movies they've seen these crime dramas they think surveillance cameras are amazing and the problem is is is the cameras many times are not as good as they think they're going to be and then it just turns into a horrible evil nightmare so the big thing when you're dealing with clients is make sure you manage your expectations make sure the client knows what they're buying make sure you know that the system is in fact going to do what they want etc etc etc guys again remember this is a very equipment heavy a technology business so if you buy a lot of product and then everything goes bad I mean that's a lot of money I've had projects go bad with six thousand dollars already installed like six thousand dollars might not like it was a $12,000 install it was six thousand dollars of my equipment that had already been screwed you know 30 feet in the air and such oh it's it's good it's just bad one thing we need to talk about just very quickly is legal considerations so you know I'm not a lawyer I do not practice law I'm not going to give you you know nothing I take should be considered legal advice you need to make sure that you understand the law in your state your county your city etc um some of the lost spore installing surveillance systems or doing surveillance can be a little wonky such as here in Maryland um these systems can very easily record audio so they can record video and there can record audio it's no big deal it's already built in the system here in Maryland we have a lot of strict audio laws um it's really weird like video you can record almost anything but if you want to record people's voices we have a lot of funny things with our law basically our law states that you have that mutual consent in order to record audio so both parties have to agree to have a conversation recorded for it to be recorded if you're in a state such as Virginia you only need one party to agree so if one person agrees to be recorded you can agree you can record the entire conversation here in Maryland both parties have to agree so when you're doing things like if you want to do audio recording here in Maryland let's say if you have a gas station you need to put a big sign on the door on the window when people walk in that says you will be you know a video and audio recorded on this premises by them walking through the door again this isn't legal advice just what I've been told by them walking through the door it means they agree to that contract therefore if they then pull out a gun and say mofo give you money well then they've agreed to be audio recording if you do audio recording in like back office space you can get end up getting sued so if you're doing audio recording in your back office and you listen in and you find out your accountant is embezzling from you well he can actually go back in civil court and say he had an expectation of privacy in that back room and that therefore you recording him was a violation of his rights oh I'm not saying that's right I'm just saying it is so again I can't tell you the legal considerations in your area just realize when you do surveillance systems there may be some wonky considerations you know if you're in Texas you know it's Texas you may be able to throw up whatever the hell you want is all good here in Maryland we've got some real weird audio laws I do know some states have some weird video reporting laws just go you know talk to police spend a hundred bucks couple hundred bucks on a lawyer make sure you know see what they have to say just keep it in mind with surveillance systems you can have some weird stuff going on make sure you understand the law in your area because there's nothing worse than making ten thousand dollars on a job and then getting sued for 20 so the final thing going to talk about today before you to the final thoughts is buying parts now what you're going to find when you go out to buy surveillance equipment especially if you're buying the old analog stuff is this is the wild west of the Chinese bazaar um for some reason I don't know why um very few well know manufacturers create surveillance equipment like you go out you buy a computer you by Adele if you want to buy a TV you buy an LG etc you don't do that with these surveillance systems if you want to buy a pc-based DVR like this I mean there's all kinds of weird companies out there uh the well known names that you probably don't know our geo vision or Kota calm or avermedia but you've probably never heard of those people there is no Sony surveillance system um so when you go out there make sure you do the research and make sure you're actually buying good quality equipment the big problem I see with a lot of people that install surveillance systems is that they loot use incredibly low quality equipment and then it breaks all the time remember as I talked about in business the number one cost you're always going to have is labor it's not going to be this equipment so the difference between a twenty dollar camera and a hundred and twenty dollar camera can be a lot for you like I've seen I had one partner for a little while he would only buy this 20 dollar surveillance camera stuff and we would have to go back in a 16 camera job we ended up having to go back and replace eight cameras on the job so when you're doing this make sure you go out you research you buy high quality parts if you're doing megapixel cameras uh those those IP based cameras actually do have a very reputable manufacturers plan you can buy Sony by Toshiba IQ and vision is a very good quality is you're all very good quality things the analog cameras they all come out of some backroom in China if you're looking at buying the analog cameras the PC based stuff I would suggest you go and look at a website called super circuits comm they have every camera in the world you know everywhere from 20 bucks to $2,000 they've PT Z's and DVRs network video equipment the whole nine yards anything you want you can probably find as so the big thing that I'll tell you with this again you know don't buy the lowest quality cheap stuff it will bite you in the butt I've seen this lie say you know my first installs I had one partner to do it he would always buy $20 cameras that you can buy off of ebay seems like a great deal adhere that till you're the poor schmuck that's been up on the ladder third time you know literally swapping out the third camera for that position now that's really bad so when you're buying parts make sure you buy good quality parts like I say if it's $50 or $100 difference in price between a good quality camera and a low quality camera buy the more expensive camera it's going to do better for you in the long run remember if you're going to solve 16 cameras if eight cameras fail that's a lot of extra work for you to do so that was a class introduction to digital surveillance systems I think that was a pretty long class so I have to see you when I want to cut all this together but oh it was a lot to say again digital surveillance systems are their own little world if you understand a little bit of networking if you understand a little bit of computers you can go out and you can create your own digital surveillance system business and do very well you don't have to know Active Directory to do this stuff you don't have to know Cisco to do this stuff you know have to know programming basically at the end of this track you know once I put all these five or six classes together you will know everything you need to know to go out and start your own digital surveillance system business it's not complicated but it is specific so you can go in you can make a lot of money very quickly in three hours or you can lose a lot of money if you're not precise in what you purchase if you don't make sure you buy the right stuff you buy a lot of wrong stuff and then you got six thousand dollars worth of stuff sitting in your stockroom um we talked about the different types of systems so analog systems basically you have a coax cable that runs from your camera to your DVR um these are relatively inexpensive this is the old technology though and again the best quality you're going to get out of one of these old systems is DVD quality and again I'm going to tell you DVD isn't what you think it is DVD is actually pretty poor quality when you're dealing with the analog systems you can either have PC based systems PC based systems have a card that you would install into the PC and then that turns it into a DVR digital video recorder the cameras all then connect to these B and C British naval connector connections on the card and it's a system or you can buy a DVR appliance basically this is just a computer in a box the problem is is this is going to be a lot less expensive it's gonna be half the price of PC based system maybe you know maybe three quarters of price or one quarter of the price but if anything fails you got to swap out the entire system you by parts for this thing so that's that's one of the things you have to weigh when you're dealing with IP camera so IP cameras transmit the video over your tcp/ip Ethernet network they communicate back within VRS or network video recorders what you have to realize with the IP cameras is you know they they run over the IP network you can have extremely good quality cameras I say that five megapixel camera that I show you but you can also have low quality camera so you go out and you buy a two hundred dollar IP camera it's gonna suck over IP you're going to watch a blob move across the room a lot of people assume IP cameras are megapixel cameras they're not megapixel cameras are my type of IP cameras IP cameras can be you know any quality that they build we talked about in the hybrid systems so some of the half of those systems that they're building now they can support both the old analog cameras and the IP cameras they all go back to one system we talked about FPS frame rates per second so 30 FPS means real time you can view things you can record things in real time 15 is perceive real time 7 a half is blocky and less than that gets even more jerky as I talked about when you're looking at the system specifications you have to look at multiple specifications for the FPS there's going to be live view or real time view this is how smooth is the video in real time if I'm sitting the guard shack and I'm watching the video for the parking lot beside me in real time right now how smooth is the video gonna be a lot of times almost all time that's number real time it's going three frames per second but then the recording may be a lot less it may be 15 frames per second or seven-and-a-half frames per second or two frames per second I've seen that I've seen where 30 frames per second real-time viewing and three-and-a-half frames per second recording generally this isn't actually a big problem except for if the client expects the reporting to be in real-time and it's actually a three and a half frames per second then again it goes into expectation management everything gets bad when we talk about the analog systems and frame rates per second remember there is per channel and per board for FPS so you can have per channel supports up to 30 frames per second but a four channel board only supports a total of 60 frames per second so that means one camera can be in real time and the other three cameras have to be in something other than real time just just keep that mind talk about resolution again with analog cameras these cameras we're talking about TV L TV lines the horizontal lines on an old-fashioned CRT cathode ray tube TV um 600 TV L is DVD quality again not as good as you think it is 320 TV L is very low quality you can see an orange blob move across the room um when you're dealing with resolution with IP cameras then you're just dealing with normal resolution like you deal with with a monitor it'll tell you life's a 648 by 720 you know 1900 by 2300 whatever whatever the resolution is then we talk about motion recording so so with these systems most of time they'll be set up to only record when there is motion actually happening in the video shop this saves the data that's actually stored so don't have the stores many data we then talk about types of cameras so we've got bullet this is an external bullet cam you've got an internal bullet camera these are very easy to install but if somebody knocks them and moves them to a different direction well then obviously you're not watching what you should be watching this is a dull camera a little more difficult to install but it hasn't dome on it so so people can't mess with it they can't tamper with a camera itself then we have the box cameras again box cameras are fine you know if you want to use them the issue is is when you buy the camera you're only buy the camera itself you have to buy the lens in addition and you have to buy them out this can add a lot of monies you had 150 bucks that box cameras you look at a 150 box dollar box camera and you look at it too dollar bullet camera and you go hey I'm gonna go with this one then you get this one and it doesn't come with a lens and it doesn't come with a mouth and you got spending 150 and this ends up costing $300 with versus this one that's a 200 so keep that in mind umm then you have the vandal proof gnomes as I talk about these you can hit with a sledgehammer and they will be fine but again if they're not mounted into something very well they could be fine sitting in somebody else's yard so somebody hits it with a hammer the camera is not going to be damaged but it could go fly so just make sure if you use those that you mount them properly talk about inside/outside cameras so these cameras are built they need to be inside or to be outside outside cameras going to use inside inside cameras I said you don't take your DVD player out into the ring you just don't do it if you're in industrial settings even if it's inside use outside cameras you know warehouses stables barns anything like that even if there's a roof over it just use the outside cameras the reason is is they're built to get froze and they're built to get rained out the ability of the Steve dirty etc we talked about low-light cameras these are cameras that can see an exceedingly low light so even in starlight conditions they can see as if it's a bright sunny day those are called low Lux cameras we also talked about no light cameras like this bullet camera here they have infrared uh lights on them and they can see in the infrared spectrum so as soon as a light level goes below a certain level the basically that the infrared flashlight turns on and then I can see in the dark then we talk about wide dynamic range and auto iris basically wide dynamic range is basically that I can just view in Multan lots of lighting conditions auto iris means if the the scene gets too bright the iris and the camera will automatically close and try to darken the viewing so you don't the washout effect cut about PTZ cameras pan tilt zoom cameras remember if you go to buy one of these things any of you PTZ camera make sure you in fact are buying PTZ cameras pan tilt zoom you can buy a pan and pan and tilt cameras you can buy just zoom cameras you just buy pan cameras so if you buy a peak amaura you need a PT Z that's how it goes again we talked about you can have intelligence so they can automatically track things that come into their their field of vision that intelligence can either be in the pv z camera itself or it can be in the video recorder this is just how you set it up you know what what kind of equipment you buy etc again as I talked about with analog cameras I hate PTZ um you have to have remember it's a ring formation for the cameras so the wire has to go from the DVR to the first camera to the second camera to the third camera to the fourth camera etc there's any break in those controller wires none of the cameras work it's just evil you have a controller in the DVR that controller has to speak the the protocol that akid the camera is going to understand there's a lot of these protocols out there pel cody is like one of the most most standard ones there's also pel Co P there's probably 20 others the DVR the video recorder and the camera have to speak the same language they have to be set up to talk on the same language so sometimes the camera can talk on 20 different languages but you have to throw these little dips which is to make sure it's talking on the right one they have to communicate it the right bit speed it's just evil unless they're paying you a lot of money let's are paying you a lot of money well I say I don't even mess with them even if I was doing this I wouldn't mess with them anymore if you're dealing with IP PTZ cameras again they're there simple as cake I mean they're you basically just go ahead and you can figure them like you would any other networking device but but but analog PDC gamers are just evil we talk about networking considerations so with these DVRs or these NVRs these video recorders you can sit at home and watch what's going on remotely but remember as soon as you connect to that server that server is going to start streaming video to where you're at if your upload speed is there lo you can crash the internet for the entire office because you start using all of that bandwidth to broadcast to stream the video back to your house and then nobody in the office has any bandwidth a less-hot left I would say at least 2 megabits per second try to go for 5 megabits per second but basically you need at least 2 megabits per second if you're going to be viewing video off-site again internally with IP cameras if you're losing low-quality IP cameras you can probably use the same networking equipment that you that you're using right now if you're using a lot of these megapixel cameras though they take up a lot of bandwidth if you have 10 megapixel cameras all sitting back real-time high-definition video back to a server they can eat up all the bandwidth on the lamb on the local area network so be careful with this this is why sometimes as we talked about in the introduction to convergence class you do parallel networks so you actually install your own switch I have tcp/ip switch for your networking equipment so all megapixel cameras go to that one switch and the recorder is connected to that one switch your PCs and phones are connected to a different switch and then again finally it's going to be real tempting since you have this very expensive server sitting on the floor to use it for multiple things only use it for one thing only use it for the surveillance systems even if it's a network video reporter if don't think about trying to use it for an FTP server file servers is just going to be miserable horrible experience we talked about client expectations again this is gonna be one of the biggest things your clients are gonna watch movies and they're going to watch TV they're going to watch all this stuff and they're going to think your surveillance system is going to do much more than it's going to do you have to manage client expectations there is nothing worse than having $6,000 your cost installed and having the client get pissed um it's it's just bad we talked about the legal considerations you guys to see what legal considerations in your area are if you're Texas there's probably no legal considerations here in Maryland you knew videotaping is very easy audio taping you know like say you've got these weird legal things that you have to worry about buying parts again if you're going with IP cameras mostly IP camera vendors are good you can get Sony Toshiba you can get like we envision they're all high quality stuff the analog camera vendors um even the good ones you're probably got not going to know them like with DVRs you probably don't know geo vision you probably don't know Nouveau Co you probably don't know coda comp don't know avermedia so do your research and make sure you are in fact buying good equipment with the cameras again buy the good stuff you can buy $20 analog cameras it's just going to be a miserable horrible experience I mean it's just going to be evil remember your time is money if half the cameras you install fail which I've seen happen I haven't just seen happen I had to work on the project where it happened that's a lot of your time that just goes down the drain if you're going to be buying especially the analog stuff I would say you go to super circuits comm they're kind of like the new egg for surveillance equipment they've got a lot of stuff up there they've got reviews etc I just go up there find some stuff you like buy it yeah take it from there again this is the introductory class to this track we're going to have a class on IP cameras megapixel cameras we're gonna have a class on installing these analog systems we're gonna have a class on how to spec out systems how to do site surveys etc so if you're still feeling a little shaky that's fine I say there's going to be at least four more classes in this track these are just basic beat with a basic concepts that you have to understand in order to go forward and then as we go forward it will all get a lot simpler again you know this isn't Cisco this isn't Microsoft this isn't Linux this stuff is pretty simple you just got to know what you're talking about you have to make sure you know what you're buying you have to make sure the client knows what they're buying and then it's just easy money like I say it's just like if you want to make a thousand bucks a day or even a thousand bucks an hour this this is a bit to do it so so yeah as you know if you live the computer guy over here for Eli the computer guy calm and everyman IT calm as always I enjoyed teaching his class this was introduction to digital surveillance systems I look forward to see you at the next one
Channel: Eli the Computer Guy
Views: 409,612
Rating: 4.8136935 out of 5
Keywords: Surveillance, Digital, security, System, Technology, Intro
Id: OY_fz16lPvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 58sec (5758 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2012
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