HOW IT WORKS: The Hoover Dam

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[Music] this is the story of hoover dam one of america's seven modern civil engineering wonders [Music] build a dam in the wilderness the world will beat a path to it for many centuries this was a lonely Canyon unseen and untouched by man scorched by a Desert Sun scolded by an angry river slashing its way to the mother seat now it lies peaceful and silent except for the gentle hum of a hydroelectric power plant the bubbling up of water as it leaves mighty turbines the cheerful sounds of America and the world on the move to see this pioneer multi-purpose reclamation project man built in black Ken [Music] millions come to this once desolate spot to see this engineering wonder to hear the story of Hoover Dam ladies and gentlemen we're now standing on the powerhouse ramp 560 feet below the top of the dam this is Black Canyon where Nevada and Arizona meeting where the Colorado River once flowed uncontrol air is where man conquers this mighty river placing a concrete yoke about its neck to harness tremendous water and power regardless the water that flows through the ages the river has gathered to its bed the snow fed regulates of the Rockies flowing south westward in its wild 1,400 mile descent to the Pacific Ocean gouging great canyons piling up great deltas of self in the valleys early settlers were at the mercy of this untamed giant melted snow from the mountains each spring swelled the Colorado River into a raging torrent flooding fertile valleys along its banks destroying farmlands homes and cities in nineteen five the Colorado cut through its banks below the Mexican border and for two years poured unchecked into the Salton sink forming an inland sea after each Springs flood when the river had spent its fury it dried to a trickle crops withered and died man and his livestock thirsteth all living things suffered settlers along the river were discouraged and aroused some gave up and went elsewhere others stayed to fight the river had to be regulated controlled in a year-round flow if they were to succeed no more floods no more droughts Arthur Powell Davis first reclamation director and chief engineer understood their problem for years he had traveled up and down the river survey studying build a high dam in a deep canyon upstream to control the river he reasoned in 1918 Davis reported his findings and proposals to Congress Congress responded in 1948 passed the Boulder Canyon project act authorizing construction of Hoover Dam to control and regulate the Colorado River and the all-american canal system to deliver water to farmlands on the lower river in 1930 President Herbert Hoover for whom the dam is named signed the appropriation bill to begin construction under a contract awarded in March 1931 to six companies incorporated a combine of six major construction firms men and machines went to work to build this dam of unprecedented size this modern civil engineering wonder reclamation engineers rushed to completion specifications and design drawings crews at the dam site completed their surveys and investigations the thunder of man's determination to conquer the Colorado reverberating the sheer cliffs of Black Canyon as construction got underway the first major task was to divert the river around the dam site to do this four tunnels two on each side were drilled through the canyon walls each 56 feet in diameter they averaged 4000 feet in length drill holes were packed with dynamite and blasted after each explosion shovels and trucks entered the tunnels mucked out the shattered rock and dumped it in nearby gulches workmen excavated over one and a half million cubic yards of blasted rock material from the four tunnels in 13 months [Music] the tunnels then were lined with concrete three feet thick [Music] explosions rocked the canyon almost daily for two years before actual placing of concrete in the dam began acrobatic workmen called high scalars prepared the canyon walls for each blast suspended on ropes they drilled holes in the rock and loaded them with dynamite [Music] after each explosion these Daredevils swarmed over the cliffs prying loose rock and clearing the walls of debris [Music] in November 1932 the Colorado River was diverted under control for the first time in its history the river flowed around and passed the site men and trucks dumped an earthen Rock embankment across the canyon below the tunnel openings forcing the river from its age-old bed through the huge diversion Jews a second earthen Rock dam was thrown across the river above the tunnel outlets downstream keeping water from backing into the foundation area isolated and protected from the river by the two coffer dams the site was pumped dry men and machines dug 135 feet below the old river level to reach bedrock for the dams foundation excavating over 2 million cubic yards of rock earth and sand as cleanup of the dam site exposed the ancient bed of the Colorado River geologists read the history of what happens ages ago workmen cleaned and prepared bedrock surfaces to receive the first concrete assuring utmost stability for Hoover dams foundation 12 miles upstream draglines excavated sand and gravel for the dams country from an old stream bed deposit on the Arizona side the train hauled this raw material to an aggregate plant across the river a few miles above the dam site here the sand and gravel passed through various processes of screening grading and washing until it emerged as unexcelled aggregate then it was stockpiled according to sizes to await its trip to the dam site this processed aggregate moved as called for in a steady flow over the railroad through two mixing plants one in the canyon bottom and the other on the nevada rim their sand and gravel were blended with cement into a uniform mix meeting rigid specifications for the 4 and 1/2 million cubic yards of concrete to be placed to the dam structures from the mixing plants concrete was dispatched to all points of construction nine anchored aerial cable ways spanning the canyon from rim to rim lowered the concrete into the fourth handled other supplies and equipment as well as the first bucket of concrete settled into its foundation on June 6 1933 Hoover Dam began its rise from the depths of black candidate as cableways dumped load after load of concrete into the forms dam soon reached its full six hundred sixty foot thickness at its base poured in five-foot layers of concrete the structures keyed nor interlocking columns climbed skyward as crews set new records daily bucket full after bucket full ran the continuous cycle mixing plant to canyon rim out into midair over the board and down into the forms dumping its load of sixteen times [Music] Kruse vibrated and compacted the fresh pores while buckets returned again and again to the mixing plants to be filled with more concrete or other waiting forms crews worked under all conditions all seasons of the year without cessation rain or shine day and night by June 1934 one year after the first pour two-thirds of the dams concrete had been placed in the course Hoover Dam had risen to an impressive height already taking its place as one of the world's wonders as Hoover Dam climbed between its abutments related structures also took form at the toe of the dam the u-shaped power plant to house generating equipment control and maintenance facilities was built in twin wings one along each side of the canyon walls intake towers two on each side for the power plants penstock system climbed as a maze of reinforcing steel and concrete perched on shelves hewn in the canyon walls these graceful columns rose 403 feet well above the dams crest and the canyon rim two giant spillways were set against the canyon walls on each side of the reservoir just above the dam these high-level controls each capable of bypassing 200,000 cubic feet of water per second assure that no water will ever overtop the dam water flowing into the basins plunges downward through the spillway tunnels to enter the river below the dam 100 footlong drum gates on the spillways crests rise during flood stage to give the reservoir an additional 16 feet of storage Hoover dams penstock system called for pipes of unprecedented size ranging from 8 and 1/2 to 30 feet in diameter and 5/8 to 2 and 3/4 inches in thickness as it was not possible to ship units of this size across country steel plate was brought from eastern rolling mills a steel fabrication plant erected especially for this job near the dam site rolled and assembled the nearly three miles of pipe installed in the canyon wall tunnels as in all unprecedented phases of Hoover dams construction fabrication of the pipe sections required special machinery and equipment edges of the dimension plates were shaped on a planing machine to assure precision and accuracy of later steps in their manufacture then they were bent on a giant press and rolled into circular form one such plate equalled 1/3 the complete circumference of a finished pipe three of the largest curved plates welded together formed a ring 30 feet in diameter and 11 feet long two of these rings joined made up a section weighing 150 to 180 for toilets [Music] a vertical lathe machined the edges so the sections would fit precisely when joined into continuous penstocks inside the canyon walls train passing through one of the 30 foot sections reveals their comparative size when the intake towers and they're connected tunnels were ready to receive the penstocks a specially designed trailer called the sections one at a time down the highway from the plant to the dam site at the canyon rim a 150 ton cable way relieved the trailer of its tremendous burdens swung the pipe sections out over the gorge and lowered them under absolute control [Music] trailers waiting at portals of the access tunnels carried them to their permanent connections inside the main tunnels the pipe sections were hoisted into location with cables and joined end to end pressure pins to form continuous conduits between the intake towers turbines and outlet valves while this and other work on the pertinent features was going on a continuous stream of concrete had been pouring into the dam forms the structure neared its full height of 726 feet far above the crest of any other dam yep built by man on May 29th 1935 two years after they had begun pouring crews placed the last concrete in Hoover Dam a total of three and one-quarter million cubic yards this modern civil engineering wonders stood completed two and one-half years ahead of schedule on September 30th 1935 President Franklin Delano Roosevelt dedicated Hoover Dam to the nation's progress he praised its designers and donors the dam stood like a sentinel white and beautiful in the desert sunlight guarding the river and its downstream well flood waters lapped helplessly against its arched back as the reservoir filled this man-made Inland Sea spread into the valleys and canyons among the colorful hills and mountains Hoover Dam had conquered the Colorado turbine pits to hold hoover dam 17 big hydroelectric units were built into the powerhouse generator installations began in 1935 the first generator unit m2 began commercial operation October 26 1936 conserved the city of Los Angeles ones and twos the generators filled the pits as demand for electrical energy in California Nevada and Arizona called them into service finally in 1959 manufacture and installation of the last generator n.8 began for 25 years the m8 pit had lain dormant and silent except for the hum of other Hoover generators now as more generating capacity was needed contracts were awarded for the generators manufacture and installation plants throughout the nation fabricated n H many parts the design of n 8 followed that of other Hoover generating units it is a ninety five thousand kilowatt 60 cycle sixteen thousand five hundred volt generator driven by a 115 thousand horsepower turbine hauling water from the reservoir which spins and powers the turbine wheel is controlled by a huge butterfly valve which permits the water to flow to the turbine from the feeder penstock weighing two thousand toddlers n eight parts were shipped to Hoover Dam on 60 rail cars arriving at the canyon rim overlooking the dam the parts were lifted by cable way out over the canyon and down to the powerhouse parts ascending into the gorge on strands of cable were familiar and almost daily sights reminiscent of previous installations and the main cable way operator was the same one who had helped install and operate the cable way during the dams construction in the early 1930s others likewise had worked in the project throughout its construction inside the Nevada wing of the powerhouse technicians assembled and installed the mass of electrical cart crews prepared the na v to receive the new generating unit they remove temporary slabs over the turbine and relief valve outlets to the tail racer river liners assembled in these openings were set in concrete the turbine scroll case sections were lowered into the pin sections were leveled bolted together and align the completed scroll case was then anchored in concrete later the turbines water feel attached to the bottom end of the shaft was installed inside the case the butterfly valve was assembled on the generator floor and later connected between the feeder penstock and the turbine scroll case meanwhile the generators two main parts the rotor and stator took warm steel lamination plates were stacked around the rotor and stator frames coils were locked into place and electrical connections were made the power houses overhead cranes lifted the completed 254 tonne stator from its erection Bay and carried it gently to its foundation over the turbine pit where it was lowered and bolted into place [Music] 466 ton rotor was moved from its erection Bay and lowered inside the stator the rotor was then joined to the turbine water wheel by a 38 inch diameter shaft 63 feet long guide and thrust bearings and other parts were added to complete the assembly after test runs n 8 went on the line December 1st 1961 to serve the state of Nevada and to complete the Hoover power plant raising its capacity to 1 and 1/3 million kilowatts keeping it as one of the world's largest hydroelectric installations as the last sounds of construction faded into history Hoover Dam had cost 175 million dollars less the deferred payment of twenty five million dollars allocated to flood control Hoover dams cost is being returned to the federal treasury at three percent interest of the sale of hydroelectric power Hoover Dam has fulfilled the hopes and expectations of those who envisioned this great reclamation project colorado river waters that once destroyed man and his property now serve [Music] the Colorado pours its waters into Lake Mead named for dr. L would Mead Reclamation Commissioner during construction buying calmly behind the dam these waters await need by downstream users water is released through the Hoover power plant turbines in a year-round flow to irrigate over one and one-quarter million acres of desert land serve municipal and industrial needs of the Pacific Southwest generate hydroelectric energy and provide various other multi-purpose benefits the clear waters of Lake Mead have opened up a vast new recreational fish and wildlife vacation land for America millions beet paths to this one-time wilderness along the Colorado River to picnic go boating swim [Music] fish and enjoy these important outdoor reclamation products [Music] Hoover Dam at its power plant work around the clock to serve water and power needs of the Pacific Southwest water from Lake Mead passing into the intake towers falls over 500 feet through the penstocks who spin the giant turbine wheels and then discharged the river this action is repeated at downstream reclamation dams transformers step off Hoover Dam voltage as it comes from the generators vines carry this power up over the powerhouse room to the switchyard from there it is transmitted over lines across the desert the river flows southward and along the way man diverts from the controlled stream who sustained his prosperous Way of life 67 miles downstream Davis dab reregulate s-- the Colorado's flow releasing water through its power plant turbines to irrigate errs in this country in Mexico Davis dam generators interconnect with those at Hoover Dam upstream and those at Parker dam downstream this energy goes out over transmission lines of the Parker Davis project who farms homes and factories much of this Colorado River energy pumps the farmers irrigation and drainage water [Music] Parker dam 155 miles downstream from Hoover dam was built with funds advanced by the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California Parker dam provides a four bay for the districts Colorado River aqueduct another one of America's seven modern civil engineering wonders electrical energy from Parker and Hoover power plants pumps water along the aqueduct this waterway delivers municipal and industrial supplies to the Los Angeles and San Diego coastal areas Parker dam also controls floods below Parker dam head Gate Rock dam diverts water to Colorado River Indian Reservation lands in Arizona and farther downstream the palo verde diversion dam sends water to the palo verde irrigation district oldest irrigation development on the colorado river at Imperial dam and desilting Works 300 miles downstream from Hoover Dam Colorado River water enters river sized canals to irrigate farmlands in California and Arizona the all-american canal system carries part of the Colorado's flow westward to the Yuma Imperial and Coachella Valley's when water reaches its farthest point on this canal system it has traveled nearly 500 miles after leaving Hoover Dam and has required 10 days to make the trip the healer graffity main canal takes water from Imperial dam south and east to Valley and Mesa lands of the Gila and Booma auxiliary projects Mexico share of Colorado River water to irrigate lands below the border passes Imperial dam and most of it is diverted at Morelos Dam into the Alamo canal the non surplus food fiber and forage crops grown on lands nourished by water from Hoover Dam find ready markets throughout the nation while snow-covered lands lie idle winter fruits and vegetables grown in the warm Southwest with Colorado River water are shipped to dinner tables across the nation [Music] in return these irrigated areas buy farm machinery and other products from the manufacturing centers this exchange of goods between west and east north and south has helped develop America's free enterprise prosperity [Music] Hoover Dam has pointed the way to the fullest utilization of the Colorado river's resources man is adding other mighty reclamation projects to the stairway of dams on the Colorado River in northern Arizona Glen Canyon Dam has joined Hoover Dam in conquering and regulating the Colorado potential sites and other canyons on the Colorado River await the day when they too will cradle mighty multi-purpose dams these developments will write new chapters in the story of Hoover Dam truly a modern civil engineering wonder you
Views: 898,913
Rating: 4.5928359 out of 5
Keywords: electricity, engineering
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 18 2014
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