Intro To ZBrush 2019: 01 - Interface & Basics

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hey there welcome to this series of lectures where I'm gonna introduce you into ZBrush now my name is Ryan Kings I'm you probably know that from the intro video hopefully but in case you skipped right into the content here let me just tell you a little bit about myself I used to work at pixologic and was part of the team that took it from ZBrush - does he brush three and a little bit beyond that and I've got a couple of things here inside of ZBrush the rake brush is something I put in there you'll also find my Anatomy tool which is gonna be useful in this conversation you go into the lightbox tool and you'll see right over here I've altered it and but you'll see in the in the lightbox Center you'll see my little guy right there alright and then if you go into some of the other areas you'll see like let's say if we go into projects and you go into mannequin you'll find my eight head mannequin figures over here that can be very useful very powerful to get you up to speed on on posing figures but all of that done and said I spent the last several years training game artists film artists digital sculptors really in careers because careers are a really big part of my life I started as an artist win wasn't wasn't a lot of hope for artists financial and digital art really changed my mind on a lot of that stuff and I want to be able to share that with you one of the key tools and the key things to understand when we're in ZBrush is that this has really become kind of the common language for a lot of us character environments even in effects and things like that sculpting and working within ZBrush is really just it's just a bit of joy in your life and that's the goal that's that's exactly what we strived for in my time at pixologic and it's exactly what they have continued doing since then it's just bringing that joy right so let's get in and experience some of that ourselves this is I'm gonna assume you're relatively noon you know you may be you've checked out a few things but I'm gonna go through it as basic as I can but keep focused on something that's going to give you or empower you alright first thing we do is we light boxes open if it's not open click the light box up in the upper left corner to open it make sure you are in the project tab and if you see something different than this make sure you click this little icon in the upper left of this light box interface and that'll take you up to the higher level I'm gonna use dynamesh sphere 1 2 8 there's gonna be a lot of moments when I do things in you're like well what is that what's 1 2 8 what's the 6 4 what's the wax what's the this you are going to only help yourself if you limit your focus to achieving specific specifically in this so don't get sidetracked with what's 1 2 8 what's all of this stuff I want you to step by step achieve something today we just want to get in and achieve a little bit of success and have a little bit of joy sculpting now when you click that or double click it you get this little interface and you know you got a bunch of cool stuff going on you got a what appears to be a ball and a grid moving in the background the navigation is something that you can yeah you can love it you can hate it but you got to deal with it alright when I click outside and I'm working on a Microsoft Surface right now and so when I click outside and I click outside with my finger and I click outside with the pen I'm just rotating this around it's a little hard for you to see what's exactly happening so I'm just gonna sculpt on that and then this will make it a little bit more obvious okay so all I'm doing is clicking outside left and right up and down now pretty soon you can tell this gets a little bit uneven right I'm a little off axes in there and so there's some tools and some ways that I'm gonna show you to kind of get that centered and the first thing to really show you is just if you press shift click the button notice how it locks into a view it's important that you do this have specific way though you got to press shift click lift the pin let go of shift lift the pin let go of shift if you do it differently and let's say if I let go of shift and I still got my pin down it just snaps back so you got to press shift lift the pin let go of shift go ahead and practice that here so I'm just gonna rotate this press shift and say hey I want it to be at this view now I'm gonna lift the pin let go of shift don't know rotate this around towards the front view press shift lift the pin let go of shift there you go alright now you might already caught one of the other mechanisms here which is if you are clicking outside the model it rotates if you click on the model you're sculpting it's really cool it's one of the things that's really important about ZBrush is the experience is key right there's a lot of people that will talk about different software there's Mudbox there's blender and all of these are absolutely competition for for ZBrush there's 3d coat there's sculptures which is actually part of pixologic and and they're all competition but one of the things that ZBrush has done very well from the beginning is focus on just for those who are really into this making the experience seamless and so this is this the the way in which you navigate around isn't as crazy as an engineering program which is something blender has to deal with but you know you have to make some trade-offs and and one of those is some aspects of the UI that blender has that ZBrush doesn't all right now all of that nonsense aside the other thing that you see me doing here is moving this around when we get into the moving this around and all of that you get into a little bit more you know detail with this and it's important that you be mind that you be aware really that a lot of the navigation is right here move zoom and rotate so if you ever get lost you can actually rotate it around just click you can move it around and then even here you can zoom back and forth it's pretty cool okay press f to frame it click that to zoom out and then on top of that if you come over here and hover over that little item and you press the control button on your keyboard you see it says for 3d objects in it at mode click inside the scale edit object button and drag to resize the object now I wrote quite a few of these way way way back in the day it's a really cool system that ZBrush has and a lot of these buttons inside here if you hover over them if you want to come over here to like this BPR and hover over it it says hey the BPR button will render any model in edit mode with real 3d shadows cool the cool thing about navigation is that it'll also tell you the hotkey so see the third paragraph it says you can also move the object by holding the alt option button clicking and dragging outside the object surface so I'm gonna hold alt click and I move it around if I let go of alt I'm rotating it now I press alt nothing's happening I'm pressing alt what's going on you got to lift the pin press alt and then press the pin again it's only really going to instigate this mode when alt is pressed first and then you click there you go now what happens if I press alt and I'm sculpting on the surface not Alt alt not Alt alt it's pretty cool how everything gets really tied into those buttons down at the bottom of the screen but what's really happening there is not as you know it's just it's real basic basically you've got a ziad which is a plus mode and you've got a Z sub which is a minus mode and even though the interface doesn't necessarily update when you press alt I'm in Z sub mode and I let go of alt and I'm in Z add mode okay now you undo is the same as most programs control Z there you go and by default this comes in with symmetry but you could accidentally press X on the keyboard and lose symmetry if you do undo back to the state that you were at and press X or come to transform and hit activate symmetry all right now that's a little bit of fun I want you to have just messing around with this to kind of see what you can come up and you can do these kind of weird little R or Baba blobs for whatever the pronunciation of that is um we could come in I'm gonna undo and I'm just gonna use this simple brush right now I'm not gonna do anything kind of special or crazy I'm gonna introduce this to you in another video but let's say if you just want to come in and do something like this and get a sense of the pressure sensitivity and also get a sense of sculpting right and one of the tips I'm gonna give you is sculpting's not about the lips if you're in one of my classes I'd say that's not what we do we don't sculpt lips which you got to learn and you got to develop a capacity in is sculpting the underlining form and making sure that you're aware of structure as I'm sculpting in here though one of the things that starts to happen is it starts to get messy very messy and you can see me pressing s and changing my draw size you can also change your draw size up here at the top press S on your keyboard and you get your draw size there mess mess mess right watch what happens here when I do one thing I'm gonna press the shift button while my object is while my cursor is over the object notice how it changes color and it goes blue and then I'm just gonna click on the surface and I'm gonna smooth it all out there you go smooth at all that so press s to adjust the draw size I'm gonna press alt to carve in then I'll do a little bit more and a little bit more then I'll press shift and I'll smooth this thing and see if I can't do something kind of fun now that I've got a shape here I might come in and say put a little line in there for the lips and as I put a line in there I might put the marionette line in there don't worry if this is all kind of new to you this is just the stuff I've been doing this for a really long time this is just I'm just having fun sculpting some anatomy and getting some shapes in there okay and then once we have this kind of locked in a little bit more then it will come in and say okay let's get that corner of the mouth and the idea with this kind of sculpting is you come in and you kind of build forms slowly and you have it kind of melt into into the shape that you want and it can be a hypno on that it can be a lot of fun to just slowly develop shapes that that'll ultimately be you figure your character and we're just doing these inside of a ball notice how as I change the draw size I get harder and sharper edges in some places that can be quite useful and there you go all right just have a little bit of fun see if you can do something and see if you can push yourself to think outside of mouth eyes and start to see the form underneath start to look at this like not a not a person who's looking at these data points but you start to see the structure underneath all of this to start to develop and design your own entity you see all this work I'm putting in doing this underlining structure and I've got these lines I put in right there there we go you know these lines that I'm putting in or the key to developing a mastery with with with Anatomy you know can Anatomy you gotta remember is just form and you know it's something you have to ultimately learn because we're not we don't see artistic Anatomy in general we see data points and that's the way our eyes operate but you now you're on this journey to being an artist sculptor you got to start to think about in C form differently see beyond the way other people see it start to see it at a higher level come and increase this and if you increase the draw size you get more a larger result out of these there you go oops I don't want that so I undo there you go all right a couple more tools I can introduce you to but go in and have some fun with the standard brush and with this little bit of clay and push yourself as a sculptor
Channel: Vertex School
Views: 85,372
Rating: 4.8429751 out of 5
Id: y9HPEPJ7v2M
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Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2019
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