Intro to Operating Systems

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welcome everybody my name is Caleb curry I'm the owner of Caleb's video maker 2 here on YouTube and Caleb curry comm website and in this video we'll be talking about operating systems it's important to know about operating systems if you are going to be doing anything with technology pretty much anything having to do with technology you need to know about operating systems so we're going to get into the basics of operating systems this is designed for beginners although I mean if you're advanced that's fine don't the run away or anything mainly we're going to be starting with the basics and understand to understand what an operating system is so when you have a computer you have the monitor where is where you view your content then you have the tower which has the hardware in it so that's where you have your processor your power supply your random access memory your hard drives all that stuff is within the tower and then you also have software which is the actual content within the computer so I want to differentiate between the two terms hardware and software hardware is within the tower so within the computer let me draw a little computer here power button CD Drive and everything all of your hardware is within this so things that qualify for hardware would be the processor or CPU the hard drive the rent the memory the power supply the network cards or anything else that is within your Tower CD Drive anything like that so that is hardware you also have software so this stuff when you turn on your computer you can open up software also known as either programs or applications so for example web browsers so Firefox Google Chrome Internet Explorer opera anything like that Safari these are all examples of software as well as email clients video games anything you open up on a computer you open up a program a text file or you always open it within a program so notepad plus plus if you've used that that's a program or an application this is all considered software it's programmed using programming language such as C++ or Java and there's pretty much a million programming language I - you can use to build software but that is all considered software so you have software on your computer right and in order for your software to work it has to use your hardware so for example if you have a video game you're going to have to display graphics on the screen and in a give sound so people can hear the content within the game well that's going to use your video card and I mean it's going to use a lawyer processor and all this stuff but I'm sorry guys my phone's always gone so yeah you can use your video card your sound card but it's not supposed to be one design or anything you can you use your sound card so your software needs to communicate so your software needs to communicate with your hardware so let's say this box over here this is software and this shape here is hardware well when a software needs something it goes to the hardware and and uses the appropriate tool to do that so that's just that's this very basic well that's cool and all but there's a problem you see not all hardware is the same on computer from computer to computer so if you have two different manufacturers let's say you have a laptop from Dell and then you have a laptop from Lenovo Lenovo I mean how to pronounce that we're spell it well those are two different manufacturers the chances are their hardware is not going to be exactly the same so the problem comes up you're going to need an application that can talk to both computers and all the other computer systems because people that are going to use your application use a wide variety of hardware so you have smartphones tablets laptops computers different types of sound cards video cards processors hard drives all these different things and in order for your program to work you're going to have to properly communicate back and forth so let's say you have this computer this is a computer here right and then you also have this computer all right now these these two have different contents within so I guess I guess I could use two different colors to illustrate this this one has content within like hardware that is this one has different content within different hardware so they are not the same computer now when we build an application so we have this general application over here let's say is a a web browser now let's go emit a mailing pro a video game let's go video game right in order for this to communicate with any computer well we would have to have not one of these we would actually have two different versions so a blue one and a red one so this this program in reality is actually two different possibilities that this one the blue one can communicate with this one and the red one can communicate with this one now you can all do this within one program but that becomes a lot of complexity because okay now we have this computer well now there's something new well I got to get this on a different type of display or a smartphone or something well that's where the problem comes in and this is why we need an operating system so an operating system is pretty I'm going to close on one marker Searson home drive oh no an operating system it's pretty much an intermediary between the software and the hardware so if we have this software over here and then we have this operating system and then we have three different types of hardware over here well this software can communicate with the operating system which then can communicate to the different computers so now the person who is developing the app doesn't have to build it so it can do all these things as take taking information from the hardware and using it for its advantage it has to all it has to do is call on the operating system to do that stuff for it then the operating system does the appropriate stuff and gives it back to the application so that is pretty much the process now the way things work together if we have a an application so I'm going to draw the application again you know because I always erase stuff and then redraw it for some reason so here's the application and here is the operating system so basically just zoomed in this this means of communication this is known as an interface so basically this is a system of standards and this allows the app for the software to communicate with the operating system so if these guys are talking basically in the same standardized language or whatever then they can understand each other so there they follow a set of standards to communicate between between each other so this is known as an interface and it allows these two to communicate there is also an interface between the operating system and the hardware so these are both examples of interfaces basically when they communicate now there's also another application I mean interface so when you're using your laptop you could say you communicating with the application this is also an interface so these these three means of communication are all known as an interface so with this system all the application developer needs to know is what rules the operating system requires to communicate with the hardware so just like this interface here there's specific rules that allow these two to communicate well the operating system has specific rules to transfer that to to the hardware so this can allow the application developer to program a certain way to ask the operating system to do something with the hardware so an operating system we could be using Windows 8 for example oopsies well Windows 8 has a method to communicate with the hardware and the application within the code it needs to tell the operating system to do that in the certain rules and laws that the operating system requires now to illustrate this concept visually rather than developing a professional PowerPoint I just did some arts and crafts so here we have two computers and I've gave them different ledges to represent that they are different so this one has different hardware than this one they are not exactly the same they're from different manufacturers so now I build this super-awesome application right here so you can see the application well if you look this is going to work with this computer here because they connect sorta I mean I am kind of bad arts crafts but yes they do connect now if I want to use this application on this other computer well you can see it doesn't work out so well there's some gaps and things aren't going to communicate properly well these are two different manufacturers now the probe the application developer is given the responsibility to make it work for both computers so they're going to have to allow people to submit their hardware settings and they're going to have to be able to reprogram to where they can communicate with multiple different computers within the system and you're basically going to get a modified version of the application so this is the same application which can now communicate with this computer so as you can see we can communicate with both of the computers so that's good although the problem is the application developer had to develop an application that could speak with computer one which is going to take a lot of work without the operating system and they're also going to have to develop the same application that can work with computer two not to mention many other computer systems so that is the problem with applications without an operating system to allow things to piece together easier so now what I want to show you is we have an operating system that can connect to the computer which gives the application a platform to run on so that not only we basically just took all the extra stuff within the application that allowed us to communicate with the computer and we assign that to the operating system basically another piece in this process so if we did this for this application over here get rid of this extra stuff so now we have an application we also have an operating system so this operating system is designed to communicate with this computer which allows a platform for the application to run on so now I can run our computer systems well why is this a good thing well first off the operating system is designed to communicate with multiple forms of hardware so this can be the same operating system so let's say Linux for example this this Linux operating system is designed to work with computer one or it can work with computer two so that's pretty much the operating systems job it can do things such as request memory or allow multiple applications to run at the same time so when the operating system is connected to the hardware we have what's called a platform for the application to run off so now we can piece together our computers and we have a successful process here so for example this platform is running a Linux operating system well Linux actually can understand another application so these application developers don't even have to worry about communicating with the computer all they have to do is worry about communicating with this nice platform with the operating system and we can also run this on a different computer for example so now all of that work is sent to the operating system which makes the application size Moeller because if you remember for it was like this big now it's only this big so now the application is smaller and we don't have to work extra to communicate with the hardware so from what we know so far we have the user the application or the software then we have the operating system and then we have the hardware and I'm gonna give a better market here so basically the operating system allows the application to communicate with the hardware more easily correct well I wanted to get into something known as abstraction so this is basically making something extremely complex and thinking of it in a simple way so we think of it as operating system we don't necessarily think oh the operating system has tons of services has to worry about inputs and outputs read and write requests so if you save a file it has to do something with it as to communicate with all the different Hardware pieces and blah blah blah and so forth and so forth we just think of it as the operating system and we throw all of that work on the operating system and we don't necessarily have to think of the entire thing every single time we think of it so that's kind of a hard to understand so I got thought of an illustration well here's a phone if you know how to use a phone you can type on it or call somebody for example well inside of the phone there's hardware and there's an operating system so just like this is pretty much a miniature computer and once you figure out how to use a phone you can pick up a different phone and probably do the same thing use it like this so if someone has never used a phone before hand them a phone may take them a while to figure it out so says in operating systems hardware Symbian operating system so forth like that but that's not always necessary to understand because when you look at the phone oh you just press button so you don't have to worry about the hardware within it and then once you figure that out you can pick up different kinds of phones so you can just pick up any kind of phone talk on it hey hey what's up and they all kind of work the same well this is an idea of abstraction we're taking an abstract concept such as the entire phone sending the data to the other person's phone magically well that that's complex stuff so we use an abstraction so where we don't have to think about that all so earlier I showed you like the setup we had the hardware down here and then we had the operating system and then we had the application layer or the D software and then we had the user and then between each one of these we had interfaces which is basically how they communicate interface all right so this this is known as layering so they ring and basically this allows us to think of this in an organized fashion alright so let's say I wanted to develop an application for a computer I wanted it to be antivirus protection for example that's just an example I could all right well let's figure out how I can do this I can develop new hardware and then once I got that I can develop an operating system and then I can develop that application and by the way I'm going to develop my own programming languages that I want to use anybody else's I can do all that by myself or I could use what's known as layering which allows us to look at each one of these layers and I think okay well hardware's taken care of operating systems taken care of there's some programming language of that guy I could use I could use C for example and then all I have to do is worry about the application and how the application communicates with the user and how it communicates with the operating system so that's an example of wedding where we've looked at everything in a system of layers so that way we don't have to look at it in a confusing manner to where you're not sure what's what rather than just saying like computer you can break a computer up into hardware software operating system and the person using it so that is the idea of layering now to illustrate this very easily we could I'm going to use all right so let's say this is D Hardware all right I'm going to try to fill us in real quick and then this up here this is the operating system right all right so now the the interface between these two this allows them to communicate so we can say we have an interface right here which overlaps a little bit which allows it to take information from the hardware and use and give it to the operating system or vice versa so this is the interface now you could say these are independent this is because they are different boxes they are black to represent that this box doesn't know what's going on in this box this box doesn't know what's going on in this box the only way they communicate is through the interface tunnel here so that is to say they are independent so when we are working with applications so let's way to say we have another box here and then we have an interface between these two well now we can basically change stuff within the application and it's not going to affect these other two layers we could change something within the operating system and it's not necessarily going to ruin these two layers you can say they're independent because you can alter them so for example I can update my Windows 7 computer and give it new features or whatever Microsoft downloads for me at that specific time and then all my application should still work and all my Hardware still works the only thing that may change is the interface so if something doesn't work this interface may might have been destroyed or not working properly to allow them to communicate but by changing this layer since it's independent I could change it and now I have a red box for example well guess what all these box boxes are still black and the interface is still exist the only thing different now is my operating system so that is to say these boxes within the layer are independent this system of layering is also useful for computer repair and system design because it allows us to figure out what's wrong with the system it can either be part of the hardware is something wrong with the hardware do I need to replace a processor which I mean pulling up do I need to replace a hard drive do I need to replace a video card or as a part of the operating system is something wrong with the system files do I need to reinstall the operating system or is something wrong with the application I'm using is there a bug do I need to download a software patch this can help for that as well as system design because we can break up these specific groups which allows us to weaken if we need to work on the operating system we can ignore the hardware for a minute we can ignore the application layer and we can just explode or enlarge the the operating system so easy and we can see all the different things that the operating system has to do for the specific application so the operating system does quite a lot so within the application the operation within the operating system we have the user interface so that is how we interact with the computer whether if it's a graphical user interface or you may see GUI or if it's a text so it can be a command-line interface but basically this is how we communicate with the operating system it so our visual are as a user we can use an application which then communicates to the operating system through the user interface which can then ask a man can affect the file system which is the files on our computer this this system allows us to open up edit or save or delete any files within our system so we can also have device management so this is going to communicate our peripherals which peripheral is I'll get to that in a second peripheral is something you connect to a computer such as a printer a monitor a mouse a keyboard and so forth these are all known as peripherals I don't have to spell it but I'll give a shot pri pH something like that don't take that for it I'm just just in case you couldn't understand what I was saying peripheral and then there's also like we could have the process management so this is going to allow us to run multiple processes which otherwise would be impossible without the operating system so this I mean unless what programming process manage moments so this is going to process the the processes and process the processes and it's going to allow us to run programs on our computer to have a memory management which this is going to allow certain programs to use memory so if we have multiple programs it can share the memory within the operating system so this one gets a little and then this one gets a little bit also doesn't allow one application to override another applications memory in certain situations so we have memory management we could also have communication management which allows us to communicate with other commute computers so if both operating systems have a means to communicate then that can be done through the operating system so these are just some examples of things that are on the operating system and if we didn't have an operating system we would have to figure out how to do that within the application there's a couple problems with that because obviously we'd have to change which hardware we're talking and also it would get a lot of redundant information because if every single program had to do this it would be a lot of extra content for each program in order for to run so the location of the operating system in the layers so we have the user the application the operating system and the hardware well the application has to go through the operating system in order to get to the hardware through the appropriate interfaces so if we have something such as saving a file or deleting a file we can store that on the operating system and it's in the perfect location because we use the operating system to contact the hardware Riley than having this kind of stuff stored within the application it's great to have it within the hardware so when you have a program and you can go to like file save well that's the user interface so annoying interface and this is going to do all this stuff within the operating system without necessarily telling us every single thing it does and that's another example of abstraction so just by clicking save or something a lot of stuff is going to be done a complex system but all we had to do was click one button by the user interface so those are some more examples so there are many types of operating systems many of you have probably heard of so for example we have the Mac operating system this is an example of a proprietary operating system basically all of the Mac operating systems run on a Apple computer and they are not open-source or anything we also can have like for example Linux which is said to be open-source this is an example of an open-source operating system which displays its code publicly for people to edit and improve then we have like the Windows series so like Windows 95 or 98 or 2000 and Windows 8 and guys I don't understand what why did they go from Windows 2000 all the way down to Windows 7 that's like a downgrade of nineteen thousand nine hundred ninety three so I don't under I never understood that but whatever Microsoft yeah those are just examples Microsoft is sorta in the middle as in you can run Windows computer windows operating systems on multiple manufacturers computers so for example Dell novo or Compaq or any any other computer brands Andy and so forth so but it's not open source so that those are some examples of operating systems that's pretty much all I have to say about operating systems I'm going to do a quick review and so if you guys don't want to watch the review that's cool cool with that so thank you for watching be sure to subscribe and I'll see you soon but if you're going to stay here's the review operating systems are means to allow applications to communicate to the hardware more easily the operating systems has tons of services which are basically miniature programs I guess you can think of them at you guys you can think of them as that but basically services within the applet within the operating system include file systems management and so forth which does certain things so when we think of the operating system we don't have to think of everything within it we can just think of operating system we don't have to think of the file systems and the communication systems and the memory allocation systems we can just use what's called an abstraction to make complex things very simple so the operating system talks to the application so for example an email system and the operating system also talks to the hardware using what's known as an interface so these are here or interfaces I can't write anymore and that's what these are here interfaces and then the application is used by the user and you could say that's an interface as well so the operating system allows us to easily use the hardware and you could say that the operating system and the hardware together is what's known as a platform which allows us or which allows app developers to easily create content for computers rather than having to worry about specific hardware and so much other garbage so what we can do is we can think of a layer within our layering system Lang system just breaks it up into these individual abstractions we can think of these as unique and isolated boxes that this box doesn't know what's going on in this box this box doesn't know what's going on in this box the only way they communicate is through the interface so that's that's pretty much that and then so basically we can think of a specific layer within our layering system and we can enlarge that if we wish and get rid of the abstraction and think of the individual pieces within that layer so let's say it's operating system we can think about the filing system or the memory system and so forth like that but otherwise you don't have to so that's something we can do with that and there's an open source as well as proprietary operating systems what else did I talk about pretty sure that's about it so I probably forgot something but that's okay because you can watch the entire video over again awesome so great thanks for watching if you want to see some more stuff be sure to subscribe to my youtube channel if you have any questions please leave it in the comments below please tell me if any explanations are rough for what I need to improve upon as well as how appropriate I said this was a beginners course if it was too difficult or too easy let me know and I will try to get a better rating system as I go so thank you and subscribe
Channel: Caleb Curry
Views: 92,696
Rating: 4.869813 out of 5
Keywords: introduction to operating systems, operating system, OS X (Operating System), os, windows 7, windows 8, windows vista, linux, unix, windows xp, Android (Software), platform, interface, hardware, software
Id: EShch7iDIWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 05 2013
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